Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 460i van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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getting started guide hp Sto r age W orks U ltr ium tape dr i v e inte rnal model Ultr ium 2 30i, 4 60i, 9 60i.
open this flap for quick start installation poster.
1 5 4.
3 2 6.
1 Internal dri ves - contents Pre-Instal lation B efore y ou star t pag e 3 Bac kup soft ware and drivers pag e 5 Usin g the CD- ROM page 7 Installing t he tape drive Step 1: Check the SCSI c o nnecti.
2 Cop yrigh t © 2000- 2004 b y He wlett-P ack ard Li mited . Jul y 2004 P a r t N um be r: Q 1538- 90905 H ewlet t -P a ckard C omp any make s no warra nt y o f a n y kin d wi th rega rd to th is ma teri al, incl uding , but not limited to , the implie d w arr anties o f mer chan tab ility and fi tnes s f or a parti cu lar purpo se .
3 Bef or e y ou st ar t HP Sto r age W ork s Ultr ium t ape d ri v es ar e desi gned to ope r ate on a low v oltage di ffer enti al SCSI bu s (L V DS ) .
4 What ar e the mounti ng r equirements for the tape driv e? Mou nt i ng ba y Y ou need one indu str y-s tand ar d, 5¼-inc h , full-he ight ba y in w hic h to install the HP Storage W orks U ltrium tap e driv e. P ow er requi r e ments a r e: M ounting ha rdware F or many se rvers , no mounting tr ay or r ails ar e requir ed.
5 Backup so f twar e an d dr iv ers Back up so ft w are F or optimum perf ormanc e it is impo r tan t to use a bac kup a ppli catio n that is a ppr opri ate for y our sy stem ’s conf i gur ation .
6 install y our pr odu ct buy me dia online troubleshoot with L&TT learn about your pr oduc t regist er your pr odu ct Figure 1: the HP Storage W orks Tape CD-ROM ult960_master_internal.
7 Using th e CD-ROM The HP Stor a ge W orks T ape CD-RO M is a centr al sour ce of inf ormati on abo ut your tape dri ve w ith util ities fo r getting the be st perf orman ce fr om y our tape dr iv e.
8 Figure 2: c hec king t he SCSI c onnec tion SCS I r ibb on cable 68-pin in ternal LV D / S E c o n n e c t o r SCSI H B A SCS I r ibb on cable 50-pin internal SE conne c to r (Do not use) 68-p in inter n al SE co nnect or (Do not use) tape drive The e xample sh ow s an Adapte c 2 9160 HBA ult960_master_internal.
9 Step 1: Ch eck t he SCSI connec tion Use the f ollow ing ques tions to help y ou check y our SC SI connec tion . Most u s ers can use HP Libr ary & T ape To ols to check th e SCS I bus, see page 33. If yo u answ er ‘Y es’ to all thes e questions, y ou a r e ready to instal l y our tape dri ve.
10 9 13 2 2 41 8 NC 2 41 8 NC 2 41 8 NC 2 41 8 NC 2 41 8 NC 35 Figure 3: ch eckin g the SCS I ID (Defau lt) Example SCS I IDs ult960_master_internal. fm Page 10 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM.
11 Step 2: Ch eck th e dri ve’s SCSI I D 1 Determine w hether you need to change the S CSI ID fr o m the def ault of 3 . F or most op er ating systems you can run H P Li brary & T ape T ools from the HP Stor a ge W orks T ap e CD-ROM to check your co mputer’s SCSI configu r a tion.
12 Figure 4b: preparing mount ing bay in a typical HP Proliant ser ver Figure 4a: preparing mounting bay in a typic al HP AlphaSer ver ult960_master_internal.
13 Step 3: Prepare the mounting bay Wa r n in g To avoid personal in jury or da mage to t he server or tape drive , ens ure that the server is disco nnect ed fr om the main s po wer su ppl y while y ou install the dr iv e. Caution Sta tic electr ic ity can damage electr onic compone nts.
14 Figure 5a: at taching mounti ng rails in a typica l HP ProLiant 5 30 or 5 7 0 s erver F igur e 5b: attaching moun ting scre ws in a typ ical H P Pr oLiant 35 0 or 3 7 0 server M3 mo untin g sc rews (ML 350) M3 offset mount ing s c r ew s ( M L 370 ) ult960_master_internal.
15 Step 4 : Attac h mounting hardw are If y our server r equir es spec ial rails or other har dwar e to install the tape dri ve , mount them on the tape dr ive in this step . If y our server does not r equire s pec ial mounting har dwa re , proceed to “Step 5: Install the dr iv e ” on page 17 no w .
16 Fi gur e 6: inst alling the dr iv e ult960_master_internal. fm Page 16 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM.
17 Step 5: Install th e dr iv e 1 Slide the tape drive into the open bay, aligni ng th e tray or rails with the s lots in the b ay, as shown in Fi gure 6. If y our s er ve r d oes not u se mo unting ha rd war e, c heck tha t the holes in the c h as sis ar e aligned w ith the holes in the side of the tape dr iv e.
18 2 SCS I control ler conne c tio n SCSI ribbo n cable SCSI ribbon cabl e (correctly term inate d) 2 1 Figure 7 : attac hing power and SCSI cabl es tape drive power supply power cable power cabl e 1 ult960_master_internal.
19 Step 6: At tac h po wer and S CSI cables 1 Attach a s pare po wer cable from th e se rver's interna l power s upply to the power connector, as show n in Fig ure 7, item 1. 2 Attach a spar e connector on the s er v er or HB A ’ s S CS I ri bbon cable to the SCSI connector of the drive , as sho wn in Figur e 7, item 2 .
20 Figure 8a: sec uring drive to mounting ha r dware (e xamp le show s HP Pr oLiant ML5 30) F igur e 8 b: secur ing dri ve, no m ount ing hard ware (ex a mple shows HP Al phaSer ver ES40) server l atch plas tic rai l use M3 screw s ult960_master_internal.
21 Step 7 : Secure the driv e Note The ser ve r latches and side view s of your server m odel may not be exactly the sam e as show n in t he illustrations.
22 arrow indicate s lead ing direc tion affix label he r e Eject b utton Figure 9a: loadin g a cartridg e Figure 9b: unloading a cartridge ult960_master_internal.
23 Step 8: V erify inst allation Chec k operation 1 Switch on the s erver. The tape drive wi ll run its hardware self-test, which takes about 5 second s.
24 Figure 10b: Ultrium 230 tape drive controls an d indicators Ready Dri ve Err or Emerg ency Reset Eject b utton Status LE Ds Ready Dri ve Err or Status LE Ds Emerg ency Res et Eject b utton Figure 10a: Ultrium 960 and 4 60 tape drive controls and in dicators T ape Error Clea n T ape Error Use Clea nin g Cartr idge ult960_master_internal.
25 Y our HP St orage W orks Ultrium tape dr i v e Y our Ultrium tape dr i ve has four LEDs (li ght emitti ng diodes) on the fr ont panel, whi ch indic ate dri ve status. T hese LEDs pr o v ide u sef ul tr oubleshooting inf ormation , see also “Understanding the LEDs ” on page 4 2.
26 Fig u re 1 1: wri te - pro te ct in g c ar tr id ge s padloc k indicate s cartri dge is protected ult960_master_internal. fm Page 26 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM.
27 Use t he corr e ct m edia Data c artridg es HP Stora ge W o r ks Ultr iu m t ape dri v es use Ultrium ta pe cartrid ges. T hese ar e single-reel cartr idges that matc h your dri ve's f orm at and are opti miz ed fo r hi gh capa ci t y , thr oughput and r eliability .
28 W rite -pr otec ting cartridg es If y ou w ant t o pr otect the data on a cartr idge f r om being alter ed or o verwr itten, y ou can w rit e - pr otect the ca rtri dge . Alw ay s r emove the cartridge f rom the t ape dr iv e befo r e you c h ange th e w rit e pr otection .
29 Register y our tape dri ve Once y ou hav e installed and test ed you r HP Sto r age W orks Ul tr ium tape dr i ve , p leas e tak e a few minutes to r e gister your product.
30 F igur e 12a : using HP O B DR, step 1 Figure 12b: using HP OBDR , step 2 Figu r e 12 c: usin g HP O B DR , step 3 ult960_master_internal. fm Page 30 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM.
31 Using HP OBDR Compatibilit y HP One -Bu tton Disast er R eco very is a sta ndar d featur e on all HP Stor age W or ks Ultr ium tape d rives . H oweve r , it c an o nl y b e use d wi th sp e cifi c .
32 Re fer to the HP OBDR web site at for more informat ion about us ing this featu re and com patib ility . T est ing for compa tib ility W e r e co mmend that yo u perfor m a full disas ter r ecov ery immedia tely aft er ins tallati on—if pos sible , onto a blan k har d disk .
33 Diagnostic tools HP Library & T ape T ool s HP Storage W orks Libr ar y & T ap e T ool s is th e recommend ed diagn ostic and s uppor t tool for y our HP tape st or age pro duct . It is av ailable on the CD shipped w ith yo ur pr oduct or a s a fr ee do wnload fr om the HP w eb site .
34 to b e co nnect ed to th e in ternet for th is. • Run tests: all o ws you to run p r oa cti ve tests on your driv e, such as t he driv e assessment test, w hic h w ill v erify the functi onality of your dr iv e in ar ound 20 minute s. HP r ecommends run ning thi s te st b ef or e calling HP Suppo rt .
35 Optimizing perfor mance V ar io us f actors ca n affect data thr oughpu t , partic ularl y in a networ k env iro nmen t or if the dr ive is not on a dedi cated S CSI bu s .
36 to k eep the tape dr iv e workin g at optimum perfor mance. • T ape media ty pe T he data cartrid ge should matc h the spec ificati on of the tape dr ive . A low er specif ication w ill ha ve a low er tr ansfer spee d (see “Data ca r tr i dges ” on page 2 7).
37 T roubleshooting The f irst step in pr oblem-solv ing is establis hing w hether the pr oblem lies w ith the cartridge , the dri ve , the h ost s erver and its c onnec tions , or w ith the w ay the s ystem is being op er ated. Most mo der n S CSI ho st bus adapte rs locate and dis pla y at t ache d de v ices w hen the s ys tem is bootin g up .
38 Pro b lems encounte red du ring insta llation Unpa cking The scre ws or mounting har dware ar e not suitable f or the server It is unc lear which S CSI I D to use Ho w sh ould the S CSI bus be conf igured? Ho w sh ould the S CSI bus be te rmin ated? Description Further infor mation So me parts appea r to be mis sing or damag ed.
39 Is the cor rect S CSI host bus adapter inst alled? Do dri vers need to be ins t a lled and, if so , which ones Description Further infor mation The ser v er already has a SC SI host bus adap ter but it is difficult t o determi ne wh at ty pe it is.
40 T esting af ter installation Remember t hat th e sy stem reco gniz es devices during bo ot-up. If you swap or conne ct a p ro d u c t wh e n y ou r s ys t e m is ru n n i n g , yo u wi l l n eed to reboot the s yst em. R ebooting the s ystem w ill r ese t dev ices and w ill often res ol v e proble ms.
41 The appl ication does not r ecogn iz e t he tape dr iv e The dri ve does not wor k Ca r tri dg e - re la te d p rob le ms P l ease see “Pr oblems with cartri dges ” on page 4 6. P ossible re ason Recomme nded action T he appl icati on does n ot su pport the tape driv e.
42 Understanding th e LEDs LEDs during self-test Y our Ultri u m tape dr iv e has four LEDs ( ligh t emitting di o des ) on the f r ont panel , whi ch indic a te dri ve status , and t w o LED s on the r ear panel. These LEDs pr ov ide use ful tr oubleshooting info r matio n .
43 Using the LEDs for tr oubleshooting Use the f ollo wing ta ble to int erpre t the fr ont panel LED seq uence s and the appr opri ate ac tion to tak e, if an y . If you can not resolv e a problem, conta ct c ustomer se rvice at . LED Sequenc e Cause Action required All LEDs OFF .
44 Re ad y i s FL A S HI N G f as t. T he dri ve is downloadi ng firmware . None . Do not r eset or pow er cy cle the dr iv e. Re ad y i s OF F , o t he r s a re ON. Fi r mw a re i s b e i n g re pro g ra mm e d. None . Do not r eset or pow er cy cle the dr iv e.
45 Dri ve Err or , T ape Err or and Re ad y F L A SH I NG. T her e is a fir mw are download proble m. Insert a cartridge to clea r the LED sequence . If the conditi on persists , call for se rvi ce . Dri ve Err or an d R eady ON w ith T ape Err or and Clean OFF .
46 Problems with car tridges If y ou expe ri ence an y proble ms usi ng HP bran ded cartr idges , ch eck: • Y ou are using the cor rect cartr idge fo r your tap e dri ve , see “Us e the corr ect media” on page 2 7. • The cartri dge case is int act an d that it cont ains n o splits , cr ack s or damage .
47 r ew ind time). It is impo rtant that y ou allo w suffi c ient time f or the dr iv e to com plete this pr oces s. If y ou interr upt it, yo u ma y damage the media or the tape dri ve . 3 If th e car tri dge i s stil l jammed, press the emergency reset but ton as sh o wn o n page 25.
48 Ot her sources of information Y ou w ill also find tr ouble shootin g info rmation an d cont act de tails on the HP St or age W orks T ape CD -ROM and t he HP w eb sit e . In par ticular: • T he online User’s Guid e on the HP St ora ge W ork s T ape CD-ROM contai ns troubleshooti ng information.
49 Re placing y our tape dri ve If y our ta pe dri ve p ro ves to be fa ulty and cannot be r epair ed and it is s till co ve red b y the original warranty , it w ill be r ep laced. T o di sconne ct your drive 1 Unpack yo ur re placement dr ive, and retain the packag ing.
50 ult960_master_internal. fm Page 50 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM.
Q1538-90905 ht tp://ww w .hp .com/support/ultrium ht tp://ww w .hp .com/go/stor agemedia.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 460i . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.