Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 86140A van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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User’s Guide HP 86140A Series Optical Spectrum Analyzer P age i Monday, J anua ry 31, 2000 10: 34 A M.
ii © Copyr i gh t H ewlett - Pa ckard Comp a ny 20 00 Al l Ri gh t s Res erv e d. Rep r o- du cti on, a d a pta t ion, or tr ans - latio n with out prior wr it te n perm iss ion is p ro hibited , ex cept a s allowed unde r copy - right laws. HP Par t N o.
ii i General Safety Considerations G ene r al Saf et y Con si de rat io ns This pro duct has b een des igne d and tes te d in accor dance w ith IE C Pub lica - tion 10 1 0, S af e t y Requ irem ents fo r E lectro n ic M e a s uring App ara tus, a nd has b een s up plie d in a safe c ondi tion.
iv General Safety Consider ations CAUTI ON Do no t us e to o mu ch l iquid i n c lea ning the o ptic al s pectr um a nalyzer . W ater c an enter the fro nt- p anel k eyboard , damaging sensi ti ve electronic com po nents .
C ont en ts Co nt en t s -1 1 Set ti n g Up the O SA 2 A Q ui ck T our HP 8 614 0/ 2 F ro nt an d R e ar P anel s 2- 4 HP 8 614 3/ 5 F ro nt an d R e ar P anel s 2- 6 Op ti ca l Sp ect r um A nal yz e.
Co n te n ts - 2 Contents MMEMor y Subs ystem Comm ands 4-80 SENSe Subsys tem Com mands 4 - 8 1 SOURc e[n] Su b s yst em Com m an d s 4-90 ST A T us Subs ystem Commands 4-91 SYST em S ub s yst e m Com.
1 Setting Up the OSA P age 1 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
1-2 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Th i s c hapte r s how s you how t o se t up yo ur op tical spectr um a na lyzer, conn ect power a nd a ccess ories , and v er ify genera l o peration.
1-3 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Package contents f or H P 86140 series opt i cal spectrum anal yz er s ❒ Inspe c t the sh ipping c on ta iner f or dama ge. ❒ Inspec t the instrument. ❒ Verif y tha t you rec eiv ed the o ptions a nd acce s s ories you order ed.
1-4 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Y o u c an tilt your ins tr u ment u pward fo r ea sier v ie w ing. On t he HP 8 61 40 A and 86142 A ins truments , li ft up th e fr ont of th e ins trum ent, gr asp o ne of the w ir e b ails unde r th e front corner , a nd pu ll it d ow n and fo rw ard unt il it l atches into pla ce .
1-5 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Altho ugh yo u can o pe rate a ll instrum e nt functio ns u sing only th e front- pa nel keys an d trackb all, t hes e a ccess ories make y o ur opti ca l sp .
1-6 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA Y o u can c onnect a PCL -langua ge pr inter (fo r e xa mple, an HP LaserJet ) to the ins tr um ent ’ s rea r pa nel Parallel connecto r . U s e a pa r a llel Centr onics p ri nter cab le, s uch a s an HP C2 95 0A (2 m) o r HP C29 51A ( 3 m ).
1-7 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA The optica l s p ectrum analyz er au tomatic ally adjusts for line i nput v oltag es in the r an ge of 100 to 240 V AC. T her e is no ma n ual select io n switc h. T he line cor d prov ided is mat che d by HP to the c ountry o f orig i n of the orde r .
1-8 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA • Press the power s wi tch a t the l ow er left-h a nd c o r ner o f the front panel. After a s hort initia liza tion per iod , the displa y w ill lo ok simila r to th e pic tur e on this page. Th e ins trum ent is re a d y to us e.
1-9 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA CAUTI ON Fiber - optic c o nnec to rs are easily d am a ged when c on nected to dirty o r da m aged c a bles and acc es sor ies . T he H P 8614 0 series ’ s f r ont - p an el IN PU T connec tor is no ex c eptio n.
1-10 Setting Up the OSA Setting Up the OSA P age 10 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2 HP 8 614 0/ 2 F ro nt an d R e ar P anel s 2- 4 HP 8 614 3/ 5 F ro nt an d R e ar P anel s 2- 6 Op ti ca l Sp ect r um A nal yz er Di spl ay 2 -8 The Menu Ba r 2 -1 0 T he So ftk ey Panels 2-11 The .
2-2 A Quick Tour A Quick Tour A Quick Tour HP 8 6140A-s eri es optic al spectr um anal yzers dis pla y input light s pec tr a fro m 60 0 nm to 1 70 0 nm.
2-3 A Quick T our A Quick T our All disp layed wa v e len g th values s how v a lues as mea s ured in a v acuum. Thi s defa ult s etting c a n be c ha nged t o show values a s meas ur e d in air. See “ To c hange th e default wavelength s ettings ” o n p a g e 3- 63 f or mo re info r m a tio n.
2-4 A Quick Tour HP 86140/2 Front an d Rear Panels HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels P age 4 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-5 A Quick T our HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels P age 5 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-6 A Quick Tour HP 86143/5 Front an d Rear Panels HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels P age 6 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-7 A Quick T our HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels P age 7 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-8 A Quick Tour Optical Spectrum Analyz er Display Optical Spect r um Analyzer Display P age 8 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-9 A Quick T our Optical Spectrum Analyzer Display P age 9 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-10 A Quick Tour The Menu Bar T he M en u B ar The Menu b ar inc ludes the File, Mea sure, Appli ca tion, and Op tions dr op -down menus . Eac h menu selec tio n inc ludes a descriptiv e la bel . (Ac tion) Indica tes th e selec tio n wi ll perfo rm a n act io n such a s making a m easur ement o r pr i nting the displ ay .
2-11 A Quick T our The Softkey Panels T he So f t key P anels T he softkey p a nels can be a c cessed usin g either the front-panel keys or the menu bar .
2-12 A Quick Tour The Softkey Panels Th e Amp li t u d e menu s T he A mp litu de s of tkeys a re accessed by u s ing th e fro nt- panel Ampli t ude k ey or the M easure men u Amp litude s e lec tion on the menu b a r .
2-13 A Quick T our The Softkey Panels Th e Ap plications menus The Ap plicatio ns (App l ’ s) s o ftkeys a re a ccessed by u si ng the fro nt-pa nel A ppl ’ s key o r th e Appl icatio ns m enu L aunch a n I nstalle d Applic ation. ... s e lect ion on the menu bar .
2-14 A Quick Tour The Softkey Panels Th e Ban dwidth/Sweep menus T he Ba ndw idth/Sweep softk eys are a ccessed b y us in g the fron t- pa nel Band- wid th/Sweep key o r t he Measure menu Ba ndw idth/Sweep selection on t he menu ba r . The Measu r e m en u book.
2-15 A Quick T our The Softkey Panels Th e M ark er men u s T he Mark er s so ftk eys are a c c es s ed us i ng the fro nt- p a nel Ma r ker s key or the Measur e menu Marker s select io n on the menu b a r .
2-16 A Quick Tour The Softkey Panels Th e Save/ R ecal l menus T he Sa ve/ R ec all s o ftkeys an d setup p an els a re accessed b y us i ng the drop - down Fil e menu S ave /Recal l s electi on o r t he fr ont-pa nel Save/ Recall ke y . U se these functions to sav e, r ec a ll and pr in t the measu r em ent r esults.
2-17 A Quick T our The Softkey Panels Th e S ys t ems m e n u s T he System softkeys a r e accessed usi ng the f ro nt- p an el Sy st em k ey or the Optio ns me nu Sys tem s electi on on the m enu bar .
2-18 A Quick Tour The Softkey Panels Th e Traces menus T he T r a c es s o ftk eys are a ccessed b y us ing the f ron t- panel T r aces k ey or th e Measur e menu T race s s elec tion on th e menu b a r .
2-19 A Quick T our The Softkey Panels Th e Wavelen gth m enus T he W a v elength softk eys ar e ac cessed using the fron t- panel Wav elen gth key or the M ea s ure men u W a v elen gth sel ectio n on the menu bar .
2-20 A Quick Tour Tutorial: Getting Started T ut orial: Get tin g St ar ted T hi s tut oria l wil l introd uc e yo u to the HP 8 61 4 0 series opti ca l spectrum ana- lyze r front pa nel c ontrol s. Y ou w ill per for m a n auto al ignment, p e r f orm a pe a k sear c h, use a del ta m arker a nd p rint the displa y .
2-21 A Quick T our T utorial: Getting Started 2 Connect a f ib er from the s ource to the i nput con ne c to r of the o ptic al s p ectrum a nalyzer. Be sure to follow the go o d connector pr a ctic es described in “ Clea n ing Connect io ns f or Accu rate Me asuremen ts ” on page 6- 10 .
2-22 A Quick Tour Tutorial: Getting Started U s in g the d el ta mar ker T he optical sp ec tr um analyzer has f ou r types of marker s ; n ormal mar kers , b a ndwidth m a r kers, delta mar k ers a nd noi s e m ar kers . T he mar k er currently b ei ng dis play ed is a normal ma rker.
2-23 A Quick T our Changing the Printer Paper Changin g t he P r in ter Paper P age 23 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
2-24 A Quick Tour Changing the Printer Pape r CAUTI ON A v o id dropping the co in o r s crewd river , us ed to o pen the pr inter doo r , into the printe r a sse mbly . CAUTI ON Alw a y s us e HP br a nd pa per to ens ure q ualit y printing and long p r in ter life.
3 T o p e rf o rm a n A u t o ma tic Ali g n m e nt 3 -2 Front- Pa nel K eys 3 -3 The Menus 3 -7 The A mpl itude M enus 3-8 The Ba ndw idth/ Sweep Menus 3 - 1 4 T he Mark ers Menus 3 - 2 1 The Sa v e/.
3-2 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer Using the OSA Using the OSA In this c ha pter, there are s ec tio ns on b o th th e menu s a nd the f ront-pan el k eys. Any of the instr u men t s ettings c an b e cha nged by usi ng ei ther th e fro nt-pa nel keys or the men u bar sel ections.
3-3 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer Fron t-Panel Key s Fr o nt - Pa n e l Ke y s The optica l s p ectrum analyz er ha s fro nt-panel keys that pe rform a func tion wh en pr es s ed .
3-4 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer Front-Panel Keys Pressing the A u to Mea s b utto n o n the fro nt panel of the OSA performs a n auto- matic m easurement o f the l ar ges t s ignal f ou nd in a full span sweep an d plac es a ma r k er a t th e s igna l p ea k .
3-5 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer Fron t-Panel Key s Pla c e s the o ptical spectr um ana lyze r under loc al c ontrol . Ena bles the front pan el keys after the in strument ha s bee n under c ontro l wi th an ex t e r na l c om- puter v ia HP- I B.
3-6 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer Front-Panel Keys Select this functio n to p r i nt a c o py of the dis play . Using the Printer Setup menu s elec tion, you c an sp e c if y the pr inter as th e built- in pr in ter o r a print er tha t is conne c t ed to the rear- pa nel p a ra llel c onnec tor .
3-7 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Menus T he M en us The front-pa nel menu keys are us ed to per form calib rati ons, set up mea sure- ments , s e t mar kers, save and rec all data , set system pr eferenc es, and so f orth. Press ing a fron t-panel m enu k ey dis pla ys a softkey menu o r setup panel .
3-8 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus T he Amplit ude M enus T he Amp l itude m en us are a c c essed using the f ront-pa n el Am pl itud e k ey or th e Measur e menu Ampli tude se lec ti on o n the m e nu bar .
3-9 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus Us i ng th e A m plitude f u n ctio n s T o c hang e t he ref er ence level 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Am plit ude k ey. 2 Press the Reference Lev el softkey. 3 U s e the k nob, step k eys o r num er ic entry pa d to enter the des ired v a lue.
3-10 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus T o ch ange the d ispl ay mode betw een lo g and l ine ar 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Am plit ude k ey. 2 Press the Disp l ay Mo de sof tkey to toggle betw een L o g a nd L i nea r da ta dis play.
3-11 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus T o s et the re f er ence leve l t o t h e peak va lue 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Am plit ude k ey. 2 Press the Peak to REF LEVEL so f tkey. T he system s e t s th e va lue o f the reference level eq ua l to the v a l ue of th e high- est point on the a ctiv e tr a ce .
3-12 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus S etup pan el se l e c t io n s Re fer e n ce Le vel Posit i o n T he valu e selected f o r the R efer enc e Level Positio n determin es the position of the re ferenc e lev el on the g rati cule.
3-13 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Amplitude Menus Au to Ch o p Mo d e Enab les th e spec tr um ana lyze r cho p mo de. Cho p mo de inc r eases d ynam ic range f o r lo ng s w eep ti mes by s ub tra cting a mbient l ight. Su b tr acting th e ambi- ent ligh t can im pr ove sensitiv ity but s low do wn the s w eep speed .
3-14 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Me nus T he Bandwidt h/Sw eep M enu s T he Ba ndw idth/Sweep softk eys are a ccessed b y us in g the fron t- pa nel Band- wid th/Sweep key o r t he Measure menu Ba ndw idth/Sweep selection on t he menu ba r .
3-15 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus Us i ng th e B an d widt h / Sweep fun ct ions T o change t he resolut ion ban dwidt h The abili ty to di splay t w o clos ely s paced sig nals as two dist inct respo nses is deter mined by res oluti on ba ndwid th.
3-16 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Me nus The followi ng func tio ns aff ect video b a nd width: • Cha n ging th e sensi tiv i ty value.
3-17 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus Manu a lly settin g the s weep ti m e turns coupling off . T o t u rn repe at s w ee p on a n d off 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ban dwidth /Sweep k ey. 2 Press the Repeat Sw eep softkey to toggle this fun c tio n ON or OF F .
3-18 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Me nus To s ele c t th e i n ter n al t r i g ger 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ban dwidth /Sweep k ey. 2 Press the More BW /Sw eep Funct i o ns. . .. s of tk ey. 3 Press the T r i gger Mo de.
3-19 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus T o sel e ct an ex t er na l t r i gger 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ban dwidth /Sweep k ey. 2 Press the More BW /Sw eep Funct i o ns. . .. s of tk ey. 3 Press the T r i gger Mo de... . softkey.
3-20 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Bandwidth/Sweep Me nus T o se t th e tr ig ge r d ela y 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Bandw idth/ Sw ee p key. 2 Press the More BW /Sw eep Funct i o ns. . .. s of tk ey. 3 Press the T r i gger Del ay sof tk ey.
3-21 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T he M ar kers M en us T he Mark er s so ftk eys are a c c es s ed us i ng the fro nt- p a nel Ma r ker s key or the Measur e menu M a rkers selectio n on the menu b a r .
3-22 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus W avelength Marker 2 “ To set the wavelength line markers ” on page 3-28 All Line Markers Off “ To turn off all line makers and line marker function s ” on page 3-29 Ad vanced Line Marker Functions.
3-23 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus Us i ng the Mark er f unctio n s T o sel e ct t he a cti ve m ar ker 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 2 Press the Ac ti ve Ma r ker .. .. s oftkey. 3 Select the a ppropriate ma rker to a ctiv a te, deactivat e, or turn a ll ma rk ers of f.
3-24 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T o s et mar k ers t o me as u re b a nd width 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 2 Selec t an activ e ma rker . 3 Plac e the mar k er o n the peak of the signa l to b e mea s ured by pres sing the PEAK SEARCH softkey.
3-25 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T o ch ange the ref er ence level w i t h a marke r 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 2 Plac e a marker on th e tra c e a t the l evel you w a n t m oved to the r ef erence level positio n.
3-26 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus Ne x t P e ak R i gh t Plac es the marker o n the next p ea k lo cat ed a t a l onger wavelength than the current m arker w ave length position . Th is n ext p eak mus t meet th e peak excur s i on a nd th res hold c rit eria .
3-27 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus Ne x t P i t R i g h t Pla c e s the ma rker on the nex t pit lo ca ted a t a longer w ave length t h an th e cur- re nt mar ker wa vele ngth po siti on. T his next pit m ust meet t he p it e xcurs ion and thre shold c r iter ia .
3-28 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T o s et the delta mar ker func tion 1 Plac e the mar k er to be us ed as a r eference on the desire d tra c e a nd at the desi r e d wavelen gth. 2 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 3 Press the More M arker Func tions.
3-29 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T o t urn of f al l l ine makers and line mark er func tions 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 2 Press the More M arker Func tions. . .. softkey. 3 Press the Line M ark er M enu . . .
3-30 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus T o i nte g r ate between l i ne marker s 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Ma r ke r s key. 2 Press the More M arker Func tions. . .. softkey. 3 Press the Line M ark er M enu . . . . softkey. 4 Selec t an d set Wa v elen g t h Marker 1 a nd 2 to the d esired i ntegratio n lim its.
3-31 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus The Marker Set up panel S etup pan el se l e c t io n s No rm a l Mar ker Un i t s Sets the X-axis r ea dout for freq uency or wavelengt h w hen t he ins trument is in a non-ze r o s pan. Thi s sett ing c ontro ls o nly the normal ma rker X -ax is a nd th e delta refer ence r ea dou t.
3-32 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Markers Menus Ba n dw idt h M a rker In ter p olat i on T urns the b a n dwidth marker inter pol ation ON or OF F . W hen inter po lati on is ON , the b a nd width mark er s w ill be pla c ed a t the e xact num ber o f dB ( ND B ) from the no rm al ma rk er if within th e trace range.
3-33 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Markers Menus U se Ma r k er S ear c h T h re sh ol d T hi s l im its the ma rker s ea r ch fun ction to data po ints above the selected thr eshold le ve l. Ma rk er S e ar c h Th re sh o l d V alu e Selec ts th e am plitude thr es hol d v alue used for lim iting t h e ma r k er sea rch funct ion .
3-34 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus T he Save/Recall M en us T he Sa ve/Reca ll sof tk eys ar e a c ce s s ed by usi ng the f r o nt- p anel Sa ve/ Rec all key or the F ile menu Sav e/ R ec a ll s electi on o n the men u bar .
3-35 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus Us i ng th e S ave/ Recal l fun ctio n s T o save mea sur ement a nd t race dat a 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sav e/ Reca l l k ey. 2 Press the Sa ve M en u .. .. s oftkey. 3 The Sa v e Setup pan el opens .
3-36 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus S ave to Selec ts s aving data t o a flopp y dis k or to int erna l m emory . Fi l e N a m e Selec ts m anu a l o r au toma tic mo de fo r c ho osi ng a file n am e. 4 When yo u a r e satisfied w ith yo ur s elections, pres s the Choose Fi le t o Sa ve softkey.
3-37 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus T o reca l l measu rement and t race d at a 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sav e/ Reca l l k ey.
3-38 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus The Catalog set up panel 6 U s e the ar r o w keys to h ighlig ht the n ex t f ive p rev io us f i le so ftkeys , or c lic k o n the des ire d fil ename usi ng a trac kbal l or m ouse. Pr ess Ent er to r ec a ll o r d e lete the s e lected file.
3-39 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Save/Recall Menus T o f ormat a fl o pp y d i sk 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sav e/ Reca l l k ey. 2 Press the For m at F l oppy Di sk. ... softkey. 3 Press the For m at s oftkey to fo r m a t the 3. 5 fl o ppy disk.
3-40 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus T he Syst em M enus T he System softkeys a r e accessed usi ng the f ro nt- p an el Sy st em k ey or the Optio ns m enu System s elect ion on the m enu b a r .
3-41 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus More System Functions.... OSA State.... “ To display the OSA State information panel ” on pa ge 3-47 Active Panel “ To display the Active Function Area ” on page 3-48 Set Time/Date....
3-42 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus Us i ng th e S ys tem f u nctions T o display noti ce s , ban dwidt h erro r s , crit i ca l er ror s and w ar nings 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the H el p... . s o f tkey.
3-43 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus The Title Set up panel Refer to “ T o Fill In a Se tup Pan el ” o n pa g e 3- 65 f or info rmat ion o n changi ng and selecting items in the setup p anel . T o cha nge the dis play set up 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey.
3-44 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus Active F u n ct io n Area Ass ist When this function is ON , the function set i n the Active Fun ction Area is au to - matic a lly s et to the f irst, or to p, softkey f unction.
3-45 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus S etup pan el se l e c t io n s Fa c t o ry P ow e r C a l Da t e Shows t he date of the la st f actory- per formed pow er calibr ation. Us e r P o we r Cal Da te Sho w s t he date of the las t suc c es s f ul us er - perfo r m ed po w er c a libration.
3-46 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus The Wavelength Cal ibrati on setup panel S etup pan el se l e c t io n s Fa c t o ry W a v e le ng t h C a l D a te Shows t he date of the la st f actory- per formed wavel ength c ali b ra tion.
3-47 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus 5 Press the Per f or m Calibra tion... . softkey. 6 Fo l low the o n-s c reen i nstruction s and then pr es s E xecut e Cali br at i on . T o move th e a ct i ve f u n ct ion a re a 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey.
3-48 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus T o dis play the Acti ve F u nc tion Are a 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the More S y stem Funct i o ns... . sof tk ey. 3 Press the Active Panel s oftkey to toggl e th e display of the Active Function Area ON or OFF .
3-49 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus T he I P function i s the s a me as the fro nt- pa nel Pres et k e y . Fo r a c o m p le te li s t of the Preset conditio ns , see pa ge 3-5 . When La s t is s elec ted the in str ument will powe r - on in the s a m e state it wa s i n when last po were d-off .
3-50 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus T o up grade the f i rmw a re T o upgra de the f irmwar e you mus t have the firmware upg ra de dis k set fr o m HP . 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the More S y stem Funct i o ns .
3-51 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus T o s et th e grating orde r mode 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the More S y stem Funct i o ns... . sof tk ey. 3 Press the Serv i ce Me nu. .. . sof tk ey. 4 Press the Adv Servi ce Func t i ons.
3-52 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus 5 Press the W avelength Lim i t softkey. T o ggle ON to li mit the sp an to the sp eci f ied r ange of 600 to 17 00 n m. Wh en t his fu ncti o n i s OF F , the s ta rt w avel ength o f the OSA ca n be tuned d own to 350 nm, and the sto p wavel ength c a n be tuned up to 2 000 nm .
3-53 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus T o d ispl ay t h e O SA E xt en ded State in f o r matio n panel 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the More S y stem Funct i o ns... . sof tk ey. 3 Press the Serv i ce Me nu. .
3-54 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The System Menus 4 U s e the a rrow k eys o r the nu meric entry pa d to s et the wavelength span ma nual ly or au t omat ic al ly . R efer t o “ T o Fill I n a Setu p Panel ” o n p a ge 3- 65 fo r info r m ati on o n c ha ng i ng an d sel ecting items in the setup panel .
3-55 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Sy stem Menus T o s et th e H P- I B addres s 1 Press the f r o nt-panel Sy st em k ey. 2 Press the More S y stem Funct i o ns... . sof tk ey. 3 Press the Remot e Set up . ... sof tkey. T he Remo te Setup panel a pp ears.
3-56 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Traces Menus T he T races M enu s T he T r a c es s o ftk eys are a ccessed b y us ing the f ron t- panel T r aces k ey or th e Mea sur e men u T ra ces sel ection on the menu ba r .
3-57 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The T races Menus Us i ng th e Traces fu n ct ions T o se t th e a ctiv e tr ac e 1 Press the f r o nt-panel T r aces key. 2 Press the A ct iv e T r a c e. .. . s oftkey. 3 U s e the a rrow k eys o r knob to select the a c ti ve trace.
3-58 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Traces Menus T o set th e Hol d... . fun ctio n 1 Press the f r o nt-panel T r aces key. 2 Press the H ol d < tr a c e >. .. . s of tkey to selec t No ne, M in o r M a x . None t urn s the Hold f unc tion o ff .
3-59 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The T races Menus T o s et th e t race mat h fo r t r ace F 1 Press the f r o nt-panel T r aces key. 2 Press the T r a c e Mat h.. .. s o ftk ey. 3 Press the De faul t Ma th T race F. .. . sof tkey. The r es ult is pla ce d in tra ce F.
3-60 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Traces Menus T o s et up averag i ng 1 Press the f r o nt-panel T r aces key. 2 Press the Aver aging... . softkey. 3 T o ggle av era ging ON or OF F . I f avera ging is on, s o ftkeys a ppea r to s elect the num ber o f measurem ent s to b e a v eraged.
3-61 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Wavelength Menus T he Wavelength Menus T he W a v elength softk eys ar e ac cessed using the fron t- panel Wav elen gth key or the M ea s ure men u W a v elen gth sel ectio n on the menu bar .
3-62 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Wavelength Menus Us i ng th e W avelen gth funct i ons T o s et the cen t er wav elength 1 Press the f r o nt-panel W ave l engt h key. 2 Press the Ce nter W L s o ft key. 3 U s e the k nob, step k eys o r num er ic entry pa d to enter the des ired v a lue.
3-63 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer The Wavelength Menus T o s et the peak t o t he cente r o f the d ispl ay 1 Press the f r o nt-panel W ave l engt h key. 2 Press the Peak t o CEN TER s oftkey to mo ve the pea k to the center of the d isp l ay.
3-64 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer The Wavelength Menus W a ve le n g th Step S iz e Specifies the center wav elength step s ize. W a vele ng th s Ref ere nc e d In Spec ifies if the dis pla yed wa ve lengths sho w va lues as mea sured i n a i r or in v a cuum.
3-65 Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer T o Fill In a Setup Panel T o F il l I n a S etu p Panel Setup pa nels allow you to a djust s et up conditi ons which a re not fr eq u e n tly c ha nged. Us in g t h e s o f tkey s T h e a rr o w so f tk ey s All o w the us er to n av iga te fro m fiel d to fi eld i n the dialo g box.
3-66 Using the Optical Spe ctrum Analyzer To Fill In a Setup Panel To use t h e n avigatio n softkeys 1 U s e the a rrow s of tkeys to h ighli ght the settings o n the setup panel. 2 U s e the Se lect s of tk ey to t oggle the s election b o xes o n and off.
4 G ett ing Star ted 4-4 Monito ring the I nstrumen t 4- 11 Ex am ple Pr o g r a ms 4- 16 Front P a nel Functions to Remo te Comm a nds 4-31 C o m ma nd T r ee s 4- 37 Comm on C o mma nd s 4- 42 CAL C.
4-2 Remote Operation Remote Operation Remote Operation Thi s c hapt er pr ovides info rmatio n o n r emote p rogramm ing o f the HP 86 14 0 - s eries op ti cal spectrum analyzers. T he ea s ies t w ay to program the i nstrum en t is by us ing the VXI plug & pl a y uni vers al i nstrum ent dr ive r s .
4-3 Remote Operation Remote Operation Tabl e 4- 1. Front-Panel F eat ur es Indicates that the i nstrument is operating under HP-IB control. Indicates that the i nstrument has requested service from the computer. Refer to “ M o nitorin g the Ins trument ” o n pa g e 4- 11 .
4-4 Remote Operation Getting Started Get t ing Started One of the ea s i es t w a ys to lear n how to write p rogr ams to c o ntrol the ins tru- ment i s to loo k at s imple examples . I n “ Exam p le Pr o grams ” o n pa ge 4- 16 , you ’ ll fi nd several us ef ul example programs .
4-5 Remote Operation Getting Started Re mo te com mand buffe r in g The OSA ac cepts s er ia l d a ta via HP- IB, tes ting e ach byte. Onc e a complet e command i s rec eiv ed and inter pre ted, the H P-I B ha nds ha ke is h eld until the command oper at ion is completed.
4-6 Remote Operation Getting Started S ynta x no tati on c o nv e n ti on s The followi ng inf orma tion appli es to the com mon and i n s trum ent- s pec ific comma nds lis te d in this chapte r . All mea surement v a lues and pa rameter s a re sent and r e ce ive d as A SCII string s wi th the ex c ep tion of the foll owi ng c om - mands.
4-7 Remote Operation Getting Started SCP I co mman d ar e gr ouped in subsy te ms In ac cordanc e wi th IE EE 4 88.2, th e inst r um ent ’ s com mands are grouped into “ s ubsystems. ” C omm an ds i n eac h s ub sys t em pe r fo r m s imila r ta sks .
4-8 Remote Operation Getting Started Co mbine comma nds from diff eren t sub s y s tems Y o u can s end c om ma n ds a nd p r o gram q uer ies from dif ferent su bsystem s o n the same line; s imp l y prec ede the new subsystem by a semicolon fo llowed b y a colon.
4-9 Remote Operation Getting Started Nu mb er s All number s ar e ex pec ted to be s tr i ngs o f A SCII cha r a c ter s. T hus , w hen s end- ing the number 9, yo u w ould send a b yte r epresenti ng the A SCII cod e for the ch a r ac t e r “ 9 ” (w hi c h is 5 7 ).
4-10 Remote Operation Getting Started Qu er yi n g da t a Data is re quested from t he ins tru ment us ing a q uer y . Qu e r ie s c an b e used to fin d out how th e instr um ent is c ur rentl y configured.
4-11 Remote Operation Monitoring the Instrument Mo n i to r i ng t h e In s t r um e n t Y o ur progr a m s ca n mon itor the H P 86 14 0 series fo r its opera ting s tatus , inc luding quer ying ex ec ution or comma nd err ors and deter mi ning w hethe r or not measurements ha v e b een com pleted .
4-12 Remote Operation Monitoring the Instrume nt Figure 4-1 . Status Regi s ters P age 12 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
4-13 Remote Operation Monitoring the Instrument The ST A T us : PRESe t c omma n d clears a l l even t regis ters a nd sets all bits in the ev ent enab le r egi sters. U se the *CLS common com ma n d to clear a ll event regi s - ters and all queues ex c ep t the ou tput queue.
4-14 Remote Operation Monitoring the Instrume nt Op er ati o n Sta t u s Stru c tur e Contains b its t hat repo rt on th e inst rument ’ s nor mal oper at ion. Addi tional transition fil ter s give you the ability to select the l ogic tran si tio ns whi c h s et the event register bits .
4-15 Remote Operation Monitoring the Instrument Ou t p ut Q ue ue T he outpu t qu eu e stores the i ns trumen t responses that are gen er a ted by c er- ta i n co mm a nds a nd q ueries t hat yo u s end to the ins tr ument.
4-16 Remote Operation Example Programs Exam p le Programs T hese pr o gra ms are provid e d to gi v e yo u ex a m ples o f u s ing HP 8 6 140 series re mo te prog ram ming c omma nds in t ypical appl icatio ns. They a re not mea n t to tea ch genera l programmi ng tec h niques or provide rea d y-to-u s e soluti o ns.
4-17 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 1. Initialization and a simpl e m easuremen t Des cri p t i on T hi s p r o gr a m pr o vides the b a s ic building blo c k f or beginn ing develo pment o f a measu rement r o utine.
4-18 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 2. Locating the larges t sign al Des cri p t i on T hi s pro gram f inds the la rge s t s igna l, zo oms to a nar row span, a nd th en uses mar k er s to return si gna l wavelen gth a n d a mpli tud e to the computer .
4-19 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 3. Bandwidth Des cri p t i on T he 20 dB ma r k er BW f unc ti on i s used to determine th e b a ndwidth o f the sig- nal.
4-20 Remote Operation Example Programs OUTPUT 723; ” calc1:ma rk1:func:bwid:read wav ” ! Sets the BW unit o f measure to WL OUTPUT 723; ” calc1:ma rk1:func:bwid:stat on ” ! Enable bandwid th marker ! OUTPUT 723; ” calc1:ma rk1:func:bwid:res? ” ! Returns X axis value s between markers ENTER 723;Rbw IF Rbw<9.
4-21 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 4. Maximum and minimum am pl itu d e values Des cri p t i on T he marker delta function is used to fi nd the m aximu m and mi nimum ( peak a nd pit) val ues o f the sign al.
4-22 Remote Operation Example Programs PRINT “ Marker values ” PRINT Markwl=Markwl*1.E+9 ! Convert to nm PRINT Markwl; ” nm ” ,Ma rkamp; ” dBm ” ! Markdeltx=Markdeltx*1 .E+9 ! Convert to nm PRINT PRINT “ Marker Delta V alues ” PRINT PRINT Markdeltx; ” nm ” , Markdelty; ” dBm ” ! LOCAL 723 ! Return control to lo cal END book.
4-23 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 5. Maximum an d minim u m value s o ver t ime Des cri p t i on T hi s p ro gr am l ocates the lar ges t si gna l using auto mea s ure, a nd adjusts t he cent er wa velength , s p an, and sens itivit y s ettings .
4-24 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 6. Returni ng trace d ata Des cri p t i on T hi s p ro gr am l ocates the lar ges t signal and then zoo m s to a na r row s pa n. The trace length is cha nged to 1 0 1 points a nd the entire tra c e d a ta is read in a nd printed o n the di splay .
4-25 Remote Operation Example Programs ENTER 723;Startw OUTPUT 723; ” sens:wa v:stop? ” ! Read stop wavelen gth ENTER 723;Stopw OUTPUT 723; ” sens:swe :poin? ” ! Read trace length ENTER 723;Tl.
4-26 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 7. Trace normali z ation Des cri p t i on T hi s pro gr a m d e mo ns trates tr a c e no r m al izatio n.
4-27 Remote Operation Example Programs ! OUTPUT 723; ” Init:Con t On ” ! Set continuous swe ep ! ! Trace math functio n Log Math C=A-B OUTPUT 723; ” Calc3:M ath:Expr (TRA / TRB) ” ! Normalize Trace A t o B OUTPUT 723; ” Calc3:M ath:Stat On ” ! Turn on normaliza tion ! LOCAL 723 ! Return to local op eration END book.
4-28 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 8. Tot al p o w er measurement Des cri p t i on T hi s pro gram d emonstr ates the to tal powe r function. Th e ASE b ro adba nd noi s e pow er of a n E DF A sourc e is mea s ured. T w o s w eeps a re taken, one o f the entire trace a nd then another o f just the no ise h ump.
4-29 Remote Operation Example Programs E x ample 9. Mo ni tori n g the sta t us regi s t ers Des cri p t i on T hi s p ro gr am p resets the ana lyzer and then selects the la rgest signal using a ut omea sure. This pr ogram de mo ns trates the use of s tatus r egisters to detect pro gra m m in g erro rs.
4-30 Remote Operation Example Programs ! OUTPUT 723; ” *esr? ” ! Read & clear the S td Event Status Register ENTER 723;Stat PRINT “ Standard Eve nt Status Register Byte: ” ;Stat PRINT ! RE.
4-31 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands F r on t P anel Fu nction s t o R emot e Co mmand s Thi s i s a ta bl e of t he fron t- p a nel f u nct i ons of the HP 861 40 ser ie s and the c or - respo nding r emo te commands . Tabl e 4- 7.
4-32 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands Res BW Auto | Man SENSe:BANDwidth:RESolution:AUTO SENSe:BANDwidth|BWIDth:RESolution Single Sweep INITiate:IMMediate Sweep Time Auto | M a.
4-33 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands Peak Search CALCulate:MARKer:MAXimum Search Mode Pit Active Marker 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Off CALCulate:MARKer:STATe CALCulate:MARKer:AOFF Next .
4-34 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands Trace MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe Save Menu File Name <file_name> Measurement *SAV Save Graphics Save To FLOPpy | INTernal Trace Only MMEMor.
4-35 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands Grating Order SENSe:GORDer:AUTO More Adv Service Men u Power ON State SYSTem:PON:TYPE TransZ 2 - 3 Lock Multi-Point Align CALibration:ALI.
4-36 Remote Operation Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands Wavelength Referen ced In SENSe:CORRection:RVELocity:MEDium Wavelength Units Wavelength Calibra tion User CALibrate:WAVelength:STATe ON W.
4-37 Remote Operation Comm and T rees Command T r ees Co mmon Co mma nds *CLS *ESE <numeric_valu e> *ESR? *IDN? *OPC *OPT? *RCL <numeric_value >|<file_name>[INTernal|FLOPpy] *RST *SA.
4-38 Remote Operation Command Trees :LEFT :NEXT :RIGHt :MINimum :LEFT :NEXT :RIGHt :PEXCursion [:PEAK] <param> PIT <param> :SCENter :SRANge :LOWer? :FREQuency <param> :TIME <param.
4-39 Remote Operation Comm and T rees :STATe ON|OFF|1|0 :IRANge :LOWer <param> [:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0 :UPPer <param> CA Lib r at ion :ALIGn [:AUTO] :MARKer[1|2|3|4] :EXTernal :PRESet :DATE? :.
4-40 Remote Operation Command Trees I N ITi a te :CONTinuous OFF|ON|0 |1 [:IMMediate] MEMor y :STATe:[EXTended ]? MMEM o r y :CATalog? [INTernal |FLOPpy] :DATA <file_name>, < data_block> :.
4-41 Remote Operation Comm and T rees ST A T u s :OPERation :CONDition? :ENABle <int_value> :EVENt? :NTRansition <int_va lue> :PTRansition <int_va lue> :PRESet :QUEStionable :CONDiti.
4-42 Remote Operation Common Commands C omm on Com mands * CLS Clea r s a ll the event sta tus r egisters summ a r ized in the statu s b yte register . This c omma nd resets the s tatu s data s truc tur e. It does this by emptying the err o r q ueu e and cl ea r ing all b it s in a ll of the event registers.
4-43 Remote Operation Common Commands * OPC Sets b it 0 in the Sta nda r d Event Sta tus regi ster wh en al l pendi ng oper at ions have f inis hed. * OPC ? Returns a 1 when a ll opera tio ns have fi nished. * OPT ? Returns a c omma -s eparated lis t of strin gs that id entifies the optic a l spectrum analyzer 's op tion c on figurat ion.
4-44 Remote Operation Common Commands * STB ? Returns the cur r en t v al u e of the ins trum ent ’ s S tatus Byte . Th is will not c hange the Status Byte regis ter . The r es ponse val u e is an integer , to be interpreted as a bi n ary number , represen ting the bit values of the regis ter .
4-45 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C A LCu late Su bsy s t em Comm ands Th e C AL C ul ate sub system per f orms pos t- a cqui si ti on data pr ocessing. T he CALC u la te subsystem oper a tes on da ta ac q ui r ed by a SE NSe fu nc tio n.
4-46 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: AVE Ra ge[ :S TAT e] OF F| ON| 0| 1 C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: AVE Ra ge[ :S TAT e] ? T u rns trace averaging ON an d OFF . If a ma t h exp r es si on w ith the c orr es pond- ing CA L Culate s ub o pcode is OF F , the SENSe:DA T A is averaged .
4-47 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands values cl os es t t o and mo r e nega tiv e tha n the NDB v a lue. F or pos itive NDB val- ues, the b andwid th mark er s will b e a t v alues c lo s est to and mo re po s iti ve than the NDB v a lues.
4-48 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: FU NCt io n:B WI Dth |B AND wi dt h[: ST ATe ] OFF |O N|0 |1 C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: FU NCt io n:B WI Dth |B AND wi dt h[: ST ATe ]? T urns the ban dwidth marker function ON or OFF fo r a part icu la r mark er .
4-49 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: FU NCt io n:B WI Dth |B AND wi dt h:X :R IGH t? Retu rns th e abs olute X -a xis value o f the ri ght b a ndw idth m ark er . The un its retur n ed a re d eter m ined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion: BWIDth| BANDw idth:X :REA Dout s tat e.
4-50 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: FU NCt io n:D EL Ta: X: OFF Se t: FRE Qu enc y <nu me ric _v alu e> All o ws the user to s et the m a r ker offs et in f r equency units . T he m ark er X-axis v alue corre s p on ds to the reference X v a lue + t h e o ffs e t v a lue .
4-51 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands T ryin g to s et the re a do ut to T I ME wh en in a no n- zero span genera tes a “ Set- tings confli ct ” err o r . T rying to se t the rea do ut to FREQuency or W A Velength wh en in a z ero s pa n a lso generat es a “ Settings c o nflict ” er ro r .
4-52 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: FU NCt io n:N OI Se: RE Sul t? T hi s query r eturns the noise mar k er value n ormalized to 1 o r 0.1 nm . The no r- maliz at ion ba ndwi dth is cont roll ed b y the CAL Cula te:MARK er :FU NC- tion: NOISe:BW IDth com ma nd.
4-53 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: MA Xim um :LE FT Places the m ark er o n the next p ea k loca t ed at a s horter w avelength th an the current m arker w ave length position . Th is n ext p eak mus t meet th e peak excur s i on a nd th res hold c rit eria .
4-54 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: MI Nim um :NE XT Plac es the marker o n the next l ow es t pit from the c u r r ent mark er a mplitude. This nex t l owest pit must meet the pit ex cu r s ion and thre s ho ld c r i ter i a.
4-55 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker :S RAN ge :LO We r:F RE Que nc y < pa ram > Sets the lower limi t for t he m ar ker s ea rch r a nge. S etting thi s v a l ue w hen CALC u late:MARK er:S R A Nge:ST A T e is OF F w ill a utom ati cally t urn CALC u late:MARK er:S R A Nge:ST A T e ON .
4-56 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker :S RAN ge [:S TA Te] O FF| ON |0| 1 C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker :S RAN ge [:S TA Te] ? T u rns the s ear c h r a n ge ON or OFF for all the m ark ers .
4-57 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker :S RAN ge :UP Pe r:T IM E < pa ram > Sets the upper li mit f or the mar ker s earc h range. Setting t his va lue w hen CALC u late:MARK er:S R A Nge:ST A T e is OF F w ill a utom ati cally t urn CALC u late:MARK er:S R A Nge:ST A T e ON .
4-58 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: TR ACe T RA| TR B|T RC |TR D| TR E|T RF C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: TR ACe ? Plac es the marker o n a particular trace. C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: X? Retu rns the X- axis v a lue o f the no rm a l ma rk e r .
4-59 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate :M AR Ker [1 |2| 3| 4]: X: TIM E <nu me ric _v alu e> Sets the X- a x is v al ue of the nor m a l mark er when the inst r um e nt is in zer o span. W hen the de lta func tion is ON , th e abs olute X-ax is v a lue o f the delta mark er is co ntrolled.
4-60 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MAT H[ :EX PR ess io n][ :D EFi ne ] (<e xp res si on> ) C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MAT H[ :EX PR ess i.
4-61 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MAT H: STA Te OF F| ON| 0| 1 C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MAT H: STA Te Deter mines wheth er or not mat h proce s s ing is do ne.
4-62 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MEA N[ :DA TA ]? Returns the ar ithmeti c m ean of the tr a c e associated with the s ubop code of the CALC u la te node. T he p oin ts of the tra c e a re summed i n linear units a nd the sum is divide d b y the number o f points.
4-63 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MEA N: RAN Ge :LO We r:T IM E < nu me ric _v alu e> [NS |U S|M S| S] Sets the lowe r X- a x is lim it fo r the tr ace m e a n ra nge cal culat io n.
4-64 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MEA N: RAN Ge :UP Pe r? T hi s q u e r y retur n s the upp er X-axis l imit f or the tr ace m ea n ra nge c alc u la ti on.
4-65 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MEA N: STA Te OF F| ON| 0| 1 C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: MEA N: STA Te ? T urns th e m ean power c alc ula tion f or a trace ON or OF F . Only on e m e a n po wer calc ulat ion c a n be t urne d o n at a time.
4-66 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsystem Co mmands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: THR es hol d: STA Te ON |O FF| 1| 0 C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: THR Es hol d: STA Te ? T urns on t he marker search thresho ld fu n ction.
4-67 Remote Operation CALCulate Subsy stem Commands C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: TPO We r:I RA Nge [S TAT e] OF F| ON |0| 1 C ALC ul ate [1 |2 |3| 4| 5|6 ]: TPO We r:I RA Nge [S TAT e] ? T u rns the to ta l pow er c a lc u lati on ra nge for a ll tr a c es ON or OF F .
4-68 Remote Operation CALibration Subsystem Commands C A Libr ation Subsys tem C om mand s C ALi br ati on :A LIG n Performs a n automatic a lignm en t of the instr ument at the w avelength of the la r ge s t s ignal fo u nd in f ull s pan.
4-69 Remote Operation CALibration Subsy stem Commands C ALi br ati on :P OWe r Per forms a pow er c a libr a tion. The ca lib ratio n is a b o r ted if th e pow er mea- sured o n the i nput sig nal is more th a n 3 dB hi gher or 10 dB lo wer tha n the value s pec ified in t he CA Libr at ion:P OW er:V ALu e comma nd.
4-70 Remote Operation CALibration Subsystem Commands C ALi br ati on :W AVe le ngt h Performs a wav elength c al ibratio n. If the w ave length m eas ured on the input sign al differs mo r e t ha n ± 2.5 nm f r o m the v a lue s peci fied in the CAL ibr a- tio n: W A V elength:V A L ue c o mm a nd, the c a l ibration is a b orted.
4-71 Remote Operation DISPlay Subsy stem Commands DI SPlay S ubs yste m C om mands D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:A NN ota ti on[ :A LL] O N|O FF |0| 1 D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:A NN ota ti on[ :A LL] ? T urns the s creen anno tation ON or OF F . A ffec ts o nly the X-axis an d Y - axis la b e li ng a nd la b e l ing w ithin th e gratic ule.
4-72 Remote Operation DISPlay Subsystem Com mands Fo r ea ch trace, exc ept trace A: T race A is iden tica l, ex cept : Sensitivity Set according to automeasure setup panel. In som e cases, this may also be a function of signal characteristics. dB/div Set according to automeasure setup panel.
4-73 Remote Operation DISPlay Subsy stem Commands Fo r ea ch mar k er , except m a r k er 1 : Marker 1 is identic a l, exc ept when the fin a l spa n is non - zer o as fol low s: D ISP la y[: WI ND ow.
4-74 Remote Operation DISPlay Subsystem Com mands D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:T RA Ce: X[ :SC AL e]: AU TO: SP AN <n um eri c_ val ue >[M |N M|U M] D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:T RA Ce: X[ :SC AL e]: AU TO: SP AN? Spec ifies t he f inal spa n afte r a DIS Pla y:WI ND ow:TR ACe: ALL:SCAL e:AU TO co mma nd.
4-75 Remote Operation DISPlay Subsy stem Commands D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:T RA Ce: Y[ 1|2 ][ :SC AL e]: PD IVi si on <n um eri c_ val ue >[D B] D ISP la y[: WI ND ow[ 1] ]:T RA Ce: Y[ 1|2 ][ :SC AL e]: PD IVi si on ? Spec ifies the dB per d iv is io n of the ve rtical s cale.
4-76 Remote Operation FORMat Subsystem Com mands F OR M at Subsystem Comm ands F ORM at [:D AT A] RE AL [,6 4] |AS Ci i F ORM at [:D AT A] ? Specifies the tr ace d a ta fo r m a t used d ur i ng data tr a ns fer v i a HP -I B. This c o m- ma nd a ffe c ts data t ra n sf ers fo r the T R A Ce [:D A T A] s ub sys t em.
4-77 Remote Operation HCOPy Subsy stem Commands HC OPy Su bs ys t em C omm ands H COP y: DAT A? Retur ns th e curr ently defined pr i nter output as a n indef inite len gth block. After r emoving the # 0 pr e f ix a nd newli ne s uffi x, this b lo ck c an be s a ved by the contr oller a nd s ent dir ec tly to a suita ble pr inter.
4-78 Remote Operation INITiate Subsystem Comm ands I NITiat e Subs yste m Co mman ds I NIT ia te: CO NT inu ou s O FF |ON |0 |1 I NIT ia te: CO NT inu ou s? Spec ifies repeat or s i ngle s weep. I NIT ia te[ :I MM edi at e] Ini ti a tes a new measurement s w eep.
4-79 Remote Operation MEMory Subsy stem Commands ME Mo r y Su b s y st e m C o mm a n d s M EMo ry :ST AT e[ :EX Te nde d] ? Retur ns extended s ta te inf orma tion as a n indef inite leng th bloc k.
4-80 Remote Operation MMEMory Subsyste m Commands M MEMor y Subs ys tem C o mman ds M MEM or y:C AT al og? [ INT er nal |F LOP py ] Lists all files in th e c ur r ent directo ry .
4-81 Remote Operation SENSe Subsy stem Commands SE NSe Su bsy stem C om m ands [ SEN Se :]B AN Dw idt h| BWI Dt h[: RE Sol ut ion ] <nu me ric _v al ue> [M |NM |U M|A ] [ SEN Se :]B AN Dw idt h| BWI Dt h[: RE Sol ut ion ]? Sets the r eso lution bandw idth.
4-82 Remote Operation SENSe Subsystem Comm ands [ SEN Se :]B AN Dw idt h| BWI Dt h:V ID eo <n ume ri c_v al ue> [ HZ |KH Z| MHZ |G HZ] [ SEN Se :]B AN Dw idt h| BWI Dt h:V ID eo? Specifies the b a ndwidth of the post-detec tio n v ideo f ilter .
4-83 Remote Operation SENSe Subsy stem Commands [ SEN Se :]C HO P[ :ST AT e] OF F|O N| 0|1 [ SEN Se :]C HO P[ :ST AT e]? T u rns the spectrum analyzer c hop m ode ON or OFF . Chop m ode in crea ses dynamic range fo r long sweep tim es by sub tr a cting ambient l ight.
4-84 Remote Operation SENSe Subsystem Comm ands [ SEN Se :]P OW er [:D C] :RA NG e:L OW er: AU TO OF F|O N| 0|1 [ SEN Se :]P OW er [:D C] :RA NG e:L OW er: AU TO? T u rns t he a uto matic s etting of s ens itivity ON or OF F . Spec ifying a value fo r s en- siti v ity with the [SENSe]P OW er [ : DC]:RANG e:L O W er c o mmand w ill tu r n Auto OFF .
4-85 Remote Operation SENSe Subsy stem Commands an d [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] CE NTe r: STE P: AUT O OFF |O N|0 |1 [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] CE NTe r: STE P: AUT O? Wh en ON , th e step size is a utom atic . W hen OF F , th e step s ize is fi x e d.
4-86 Remote Operation SENSe Subsystem Comm ands [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] SP AN <n ume ri c_v al ue> [M |NM |U M| A] [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] SP AN? Spec ifies the w aveleng th spa n.
4-87 Remote Operation SENSe Subsy stem Commands [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] SR ANg e[ :ST AT e] OF F|O N| 0|1 [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] SR ANg e[ :ST AT e]? T u rns the wav el ength s w eep ran ge ON or OF F . When the sweep ra nge is ON , the ins tr um ent w ill o n ly s weep be tween the upper a nd l ower s weep r a nge li mits .
4-88 Remote Operation SENSe Subsystem Comm ands [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] ST ARt < num er ic_ va lue >[ M|N M| UM |A| HZ |KH Z| MHZ |G HZ] [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] ST ARt ? Specifies the start w a v elength.
4-89 Remote Operation SENSe Subsy stem Commands [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] ST OP <n ume ri c_v al ue> [M |NM |U M| A|H Z| KHZ |M HZ| GH Z] [ SEN Se :][ WA Ve len gt h:] ST OP? Spec ifies the s top w a v e length .
4-90 Remote Operation SOURce[n] Subsystem Co mmands SOURce[n] Subsystem Comm an d s S OUR ce [n] :P UL Se: DC YCl e <nu me ric _v alu e> S OUR ce [n] :P UL Se: DC YCl e? Sets the duty c yc le of the sy nc output. This is equiv al ent to th e TRIGger[ :SE Quence]: OUTPut:P ULSe:DCYC le c o mmand.
4-91 Remote Operation ST A T us Subsy stem Commands ST ATus Su bsy s t em C omm ands S TAT us :OP ER at ion :C OND it ion ? Queries the c ont ents of the op er a tio n c o nditio n register .
4-92 Remote Operation STATus Subsystem Com mands S TAT us :QU ES ti ona bl e:E NA Ble < int _v alu e> S TAT us :QU ES ti ona bl e:E NA Ble ? Sets or quer ies th e co ntents of the questiona b le enable register . S TAT us :QU ES ti ona bl e:E VE Nt? Queries the c on tents of the questionabl e ev en t re gi ster and then clears i t.
4-93 Remote Operation SYST em Subsy stem Commands SY STe m Sub syst em C omma nds S YST em :DA TE ? Queries the da te of the rea l -ti m e c lock of the o ptica l spectrum ana lyzer . S YST em :ER Ro r[ :NE XT ]? Queries the ea r li est entry i n the error queue, th us deleting it.
4-94 Remote Operation SYSTem Subsystem Com mands S YST em :TZ ON e: NAM E? Returns the time zo ne used by the rea l - ti me c lo c k of the spectrum analyz er . T he time zo ne m ust b e on e of th e fo l low ing: S YST em :VE RS io n? Retu rns th e v e rs ion o f SCP I w ith wh ich it is c ompat ible.
4-95 Remote Operation TRACe Subsy stem Commands T R A Ce Subs ys tem Co mman ds T RAC e[ :DA TA ]: X:S TA Rt? T RA| TR B|T RC |TR D| TRE |T RF Retu rns th e s ta rt v alue for th e X- a xis dat a f or the t ra ce. The X-axis data w ill b e evenl y spac ed poi nts f r o m STA Rt to ST OP .
4-96 Remote Operation TRACe Subsystem Comm ands T RAC e[ :DA TA ]: X:[ WA Vel en gth ]S STo p TRA |T RB| TR C|T RD |T RE| TR F, < num er ic_ va lu e>[ M| UM| NM |A| HZ |KH Z| MHZ |G HZ] ,< num er ic _va lu e>[ M| UM| NM |A| HZ |KH Z| MHZ |G HZ] Sets the s ta rt a nd s top values for the X - a xis da ta f o r the tr ace.
4-97 Remote Operation TRACe Subsy stem Commands T RAC e[ :DA TA ][ :Y] [: POW er ] T RA |TR B| TRC |T RD| TR E|T RF ,< dat a_ blo ck > | <nu me ric _v al ue> {, <nu me ric _v alu e> } Sets the Y -axis da ta p oints fo r the trace . The num b er o f Y - axis da ta points is deter mined by the TR ACe:P OINts setti ng.
4-98 Remote Operation TRACe Subsystem Comm ands T RAC e: FEE D: CO NTr ol TR A| TRB |T RC| TR D|T RE |TR F, ALW ay s| NEV er T RAC e: FEE D: CO NTr ol ? T RA |TR B| TRC |T RD| TR E|T RF Control s how o ften the specifi e d trace a ccepts new d a ta .
4-99 Remote Operation TRIGger Subsy stem Commands T R I Gger Subsystem Commands T RIG ge r[: SE Qu enc e] :DE La y < nu mer ic _va lu e>[ S| MS| US |N S] T RIG ge r[: SE Qu enc e] :DE La y? Specifies the trigger delay us ed to s tar t a measurement.
4-10 0 Remote Operation TRIGger Subsystem Com mands T RIG ge r[: SE Qu enc e] :SO UR ce IM Med ia te| EX Ter na l|I NT er nal T RIG ge r[: SE Qu enc e] :SO UR ce? Specifies the s o urc e, o r type, of tr i gger i ng used to s tart a m easurement. S et- ting the so u r c e to a nyth ing oth er tha n INT ernal s ets the slope to EITH er .
4 - 101 Remote Operation UNIT Subsy stem Commands UNIT Su b s ystem Com ma n d s U NIT :P OWe r DB M|W |A UTO U NIT :P OWe r? Spec ifies the a mpli tude units fo r the inp ut, ou tput, a nd dis pla y of the act ive wi nd ow a nd sets the U NIT :RA Tio units to the c orr es pon ding setting.
4-10 2 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents HP 71450 Ser i es Command s t o HP 86140 Series Equivalen t s T he fol l ow i ng tab le provides a li st of the HP 7145 0 ser i es c omman ds a nd the SCPI e qui v a lent c omman ds for the HP 86 14 0 series a na lyze rs .
4 - 103 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents AMBMCPL CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:DEFine] <expression> CALCulate1:MATH:STAT e ON AMBPL CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR es.
4-10 4 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents BML CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:DEFine] <expression> CALCulate1:MATH:STAT e ON BP BTC BXC TRACe:EXCHange TRB , T.
4 - 105 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents DIV CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:DEFine] <expression> CALCulate1:MATH:STAT e ON DL CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:D.
4-10 6 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents IGENPW SOURce[n]:PULSe:WIDTh <numeric_value> INSTMODE INT CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:DEFine] <expression>.
4 - 107 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents LN DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]: TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:SPACing LINear LOAD LOG MDS FORMat[:DATA] <param> MEAN CALCulate[1|2|3|4|.
4-10 8 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents MKPAUSE MKPITX CALCulate:MARKer[1|2| 3|4]:PEXCursion:PIT <param> MKPK CALCulate:MARKer[1|2| 3|4]:MAXimum CALCulat.
4 - 109 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents MXM CALCulate1:MATH:EXPR ession[:DEFine] <expression> CALCulate1:MATH:STAT e ON MXMH CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5 |6]:MAXi.
4-11 0 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents PEN PERASE PERSIST PLOT HCOPy[:IMMediate] POSU POWERON SYSTem:PON[:TYPE] P RESet|LAST PR PREFX PROTECT PSTATE PU PURGE .
4 - 111 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents SENS [SENSe:]POWer:AC:RAN Ge:LOWer <numeric_value>|<step> [SENSe:]POWer:AC:RAN Ge:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1 SER *IDN?.
4-11 2 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents THREEDV TIME TITLE DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]: TEXT:DATA <string>|<block> TM TRIGger[:SEQuence]:S OURce IMMediate|.
4 - 113 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents VB [SENSe:]BANDwidth|BW IDth:VIDeo <param> [SENSe:]BANDwidth|BW IDth:VIDeo:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1 VIEW DISPlay[:WINDow[1.
4-11 4 Remote Operation HP 71450 Series Com mands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents P age 114 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
5 Ov erv iew 5-2 E rro r Rep orti ng Beh avi o r 5 - 4 SC PI -Def i ned E rro rs 5 - 5 OSA N otices 5 - 1 6 O SA Wa r nin gs 5- 17 Appli cation -Specif ic Warni ngs 5 -28 OS A S ta tu s E rro rs 5-3 4 O S A E r ro rs 5- 3 5 Fi rmwa re E r ro rs 5-3 7 St atus Listin gs book.
5-2 Status Listings Overview Overview This do cu ment des c r ibe s the st a t us lis tings of the HP 861 40 series opti cal s pectr um analyzers. S ta tus conditi o ns for th e optical s pec tr um a na lyzer a r e grouped into ca tegories . E rror I nd icat es th e i nst rum en t is ma lfun cti on ing.
5-3 Status Listings Overview T he fol l ow i ng ta b le lis ts the er ror n umber s and thei r d efi niti o ns. Number Range Definition – 1 to – 999 Standard SCPI errors 1000 to 2999 OSA notices 3.
5-4 Status Listings Error Reporting Behav ior Error R ep or t in g B ehavior Err ors ar e dis pla yed in a n o n- scr een dia log box. T o c ontinu e oper a tion, the us er m ust ackno w ledge th e er r o r by pr es s i ng a b u tton.
5-5 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors SCP I -Defin ed Error s T hese er ror messages a nd descriptions wer e c o pied f r o m the SCPI 1997 Vo l - um e 2: Command referenc e . T he sentences enclo s ed i n b r a ckets “ [] ” are c o pied f r o m the er ror d escr i ptio ns in the SCPI r ef er e n ce.
5-6 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors Cont act: T he Institute of Electric a l and El ectr on ics Engi neers , I nc. 345 Ea s t 47t h St r ee t Ne w Y ork, Ne w Yo rk 10 017 -2 39 4 Phon e : (800 ) 67 8- IEE E ( U S) 8 a .
5-7 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors lis tening f or mats o r whose type is u naccep table t o the dev ic e. • An unreco gnized he a d er wa s re c e ive d. Unrecogni z ed hea der s include inc orr ect d evi ce - sp e cif i c h e ade r s an d i n co r re c t or u n i mp l em e nt e d IEE E 48 8.
5-8 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors – 108 desc = “ Parameter not allowed ” help = ““ [More parameters were received than expected for the header; for example, the *EMC common command only accepts one parame ter, so receiving *EMC 0,1 is not allowed.
5-9 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors – 128 desc = “ Numeric data not allowed ” help = ““ [A legal numeric data element was received, but the device does not accept one in this position for the header.] – 131 desc = “ Invalid suffix ” help = ““ The suffix does not follow the syntax described in I EEE 488.
5-10 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors – 161 desc = “ Invalid block data ” help = ““ [A block data element was expected, but was invalid for some reason (se e IEEE 488.2,; for example, an END message wa s received before the length was satisfied.
5-11 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors E x ecution err o rs An <er ro r/ev en t num b er > i n the r a nge [ – 29 9 , – 2 00] in dic ates tha t an erro r has b een d etected by the instrument ’ s executio n control block.
5-12 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors – 222 desc = “ Data out of range ” help = “ A numeric value was entered which is outsid e the legal range of values for the parameter. The name of the parameter is liste d at the end of the error message.
5-13 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors Device- s p ecif i c erro rs An <error/ ev ent num b er> in the ra nge [ – 39 9, – 30 0] or [1, 327 67] i ndi c ates the ins tr um ent ha s d ete c t.
5-14 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors 488.2, sec tion 11 .5.1 ) to b e s et. Ev ents tha t g ener a te device- specifi c e rr ors s hall not generate c om mand er rors , exec u tion errors, or query er rors ; see the other e rr or defi nitio ns i n this sectio n.
5-15 Status Listings SCPI-Defined Errors Tabl e 5- 4. Query Er r ors Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] – 400 Query error [This is the generic query error for devices that cann ot detect more specific errors. This code indicates only that a Query Error as defined in IEEE 488.
5-16 Status Listings OSA Notices OSA Notices S ystem control-rel at ed error mes s ages or warn i n gs T he OSA system ch a nged a s etting and gen er a ted a war nin g th at the opera - ti on wa s pe r f or me d.
5-17 Status Listings OSA Warnings OSA Warn i ngs Tabl e 5- 6. OSA Warnings ( 1 of 11 ) Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] 5000 desc = “ AutoMeasure cannot find an input signal ” help = “ The auto-measure procedure cannot find a usable input signal.
5-18 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5005 desc = “ Cal aborted: amplitude correction too large ” help = “ An amplitude calibration was requested. T he calibration was aborted since the correction needed is more than +3dB or less than – 10dB. Make sure you have done an Auto-Align prior to calibration.
5-19 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5012 desc = “ The floppy disk is not formatted ” help = “ An operation was requested which uses the floppy disk. The disk currently in the drive does not appear to be formatte d. Use the format utility to format the disk or replace it with a formatted disk.
5-20 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5032 – 5043 desc = “ I/O Error ” help “ An unexpected error occurred during the I/O o peration. Please try the operation again.
5-21 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5049 desc = “ Wrong marker X axis units for active trace ” help = “ The active marker cannot be placed on th e active trace because the desired X axis units do not match the X axis units of the active trace.
5-22 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5055 desc = “ Firmware Upgrade was not successful ” help => “ A firmware upgrade operation was reques ted. The firmware upgrade operation cannot be done at this time due to an internal software problem. “ + <- .
5-23 Status Listings OSA Warnings 5062 desc = “ ADC Triggered Sweep Too Fast ” help = “ A sweep was taken with one of the ADC trigge r modes enabled. The sweep rate was too fast to allow trace data to be acq uired for every wavelength. To resolve this problem increase swee p time or increase the frequency the external trigger input signal.
5-24 Status Listings OSA Warnings 6722 desc = “ Math expression input cannot be boolea n. ” help = “ A math expression could not be evaluated because one or more of the input arguments is boolean. This function does n ot allow boolean input arguments.
5-25 Status Listings OSA Warnings 6731 desc = “ Illegal combination of trace Y axis units ” help = “ A math expression could not b e evaluated because the combination of Y axis units in the input arguments do not make sens e.
5-26 Status Listings OSA Warnings 6739 desc = “ Too many peaks or pits ” help = “ A marker search operation was requested. There are too many valid pits or peaks in the current trace. Reduce the number of valid pits or peaks by increasing the peak or pit excursion setting.
5-27 Status Listings OSA Warnings 6750 desc = “ Pit not found ” help = “ A pit search was requested. There are no valid pits on the current marker ’ s trace. Try decreasing the marker pit excursion setting or adjust the sensitivity setting. ” 6751 desc = “ Trace has no centroid ” help = “ The trace has no centroid.
5-28 Status Listings Application-Specific Warn ings Appli cat ion- S pecif i c Warnings Tabl e 5- 7. Application-Specific W arnings ( 1 of 6) Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] 8001 desc = “ Incorrect application type is listed in spec fi le.
5-29 Status Listings Application-Specific Warnings 8006 desc = “ The specification file cannot be imported. ” help = “ An error occurred while trying to import the sp ecification file. Refer to the previous warnings for more information on specif ic errors in the specification file.
5-30 Status Listings Application-Specific Warn ings 8014 desc = “ Print statement ignored: no path is specifie d ” help = “ The PRINT statement needs to be after a PATH statement to indicate which PATH data is to be printed. The PRINT statem ent at the line number specified came before any PATH statement.
5-31 Status Listings Application-Specific Warnings 8021 desc = “ The spec file could not be found. ” help = “ The application tried to load a specification file which could not be found in the internal memory. This may have occurred if the last file used by the application was deleted.
5-32 Status Listings Application-Specific Warn ings 8028 desc = “ A minimum non-zero span is required. ” help = “ The application cannot run in a zero sp an setting.
5-33 Status Listings Application-Specific Warnings 8035 desc = “ The search limits are outside the SETUP ran ge. ” help = “ The search limits for statements like PEAK or C ENTER_OF_MASS must be within the start and stop values of the SETUP sta tement.
5-34 Status Listings OSA Status Errors OSA St atus Err ors Tabl e 5- 8. OSA Status Er rors Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] 10000 desc = “ Sweep Uncalibrated ” help = “ The current setting of sweep time may be too fast.
5-35 Status Listings OSA Errors OS A Er ro rs Tabl e 5- 9. OSA Errors ( 1 of 2) Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] 20001 desc = “ Error detected in ADC sub-system ” help = “ An error has been detected in the Analog -to-Digital converter subsystem.
5-36 Status Listings OSA Errors 20005 desc = “ Trans-Impedance calibration data is invali d ” help = “ Factory calibration data for the trans-impeda nce amplifier is invalid. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with t he error and cycle power.
5-37 Status Listings Firmware Errors F irm wa re E r ror s Tabl e 5- 10. Firmwar e Errors Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples] 30000 desc = “ Internal Communications Error ” help = “ An internal software error has occurred invol ving communications between different software processes.
5-38 Status Listings Firmware Errors P age 38 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
6 Op t io ns a nd A cc e ss or ie s 6- 2 AC L ine - Pow e r C or ds 6 -4 Front- Pa nel Fi b e r- Opt ic Ada pte rs 6 - 6 Printer Hea d Clea ning P ro c e du re 6 -7 Clea n ing Con nec tio ns for A c c.
6-2 Reference Options and Accessor ies Options and A ccessor ies Tabl e 6- 1. Options and Accessor i es (1 of 2) Option/HP Part Number Description HP 86140A HP 86142A HP 86143A HP 86145A 004 Built-in .
6-3 Reference Options and Accessories 9211-5604 Transit Case ✔✔ Option 042 Soft Carrying Case ✔✔ HP N1031A BenchLink Software c (includ ed) ✔✔✔ ✔ a. Con tac t y our loc al field r epres entativ e f or avai labil ity. b. Al w ays us e HP pape r.
6-4 Reference AC Line-Power Cords AC Line-P ower Co r ds Plug Type Cable Part No. Plug Description Length (in/cm) Color Country 250V 81 20-1351 81 20-1703 Straight *BS1363A 90 ° 90/228 90/228 Gray Mi.
6-5 Reference AC Line-Power Cords 100V 81 20-4753 81 20-4754 Straight MITI 90 ° 90/230 90/230 Dark Gray Japan Plug Type Cable Part No. Plug Description Length (in/cm) Color Country * Part numb er shown for plug i s t he industry ide nt if ier f or t he plug onl y .
6-6 Reference Front-Panel Fiber-Optic Adapters F r on t-P anel Fi ber-Op tic A dapte rs P age 6 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
6-7 Reference Printer Head Cleaning Procedure P r in ter H ead C leaning Procedu r e Lin t f r om norm a l us e of th e p ri nter m a y ev entua lly co llec t on the pr inter hea d a nd degrad e pr i nt quality . U se the procedure pr o vided in this s ec ti on to cl ea n the printer hea d.
6-8 Reference Printer Head Cleaning Pro cedure Figure 6-1. Exam pl e of a s t at ic-safe w orkstation Procedu re 1 T urn off the HP 8 6140 -series optical spec tr u m a na l yzer, a nd r em ove the lin e p ow e r co rd . 2 P lac e t he in str um en t at a st ati c- safe w o rk sta tio n as de sc ri b ed in the introductio n to this proced ur e.
6-9 Reference Printer Head Cleaning Procedure 5 U n s c r ew the reta ining scr ew tha t se c ur es the s heet-metal c o ver that pr ot e c ts the printer head f r o m electrostati c di scharge. Sli de the sheet-metal cover tow a rds the ret aining screw an d the n li ft it s tr a i ght up to r emove .
6-10 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements Cleanin g C on nect io ns fo r A ccu r at e M eas u r em en ts Advan ces in m easur ement c a p abiliti es mak e conne ctor s a nd connecti on tec h- niques more importa nt than ever .
6-11 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements C h o o s i n g t h e R igh t Conn ect o r A cr itic al, but of te n over loo ked, f actor in making a go od li ghtwave mea sure- ment i s the select ion a nd car e of the fi b e r -o ptic connec tor.
6-12 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements Univ er sal adapt er s t o D i am ond HMS_10. T he HMS- 1 0 en ca ses the fiber w ithi n a soft nickel silver (CuNiZ n ) center which i s s urrounde d by a to ugh tungs te n carb ide c a s ing, a s sh ow n in Figu re 6 -2 .
6-13 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements Inspectin g Conn ecto rs Bec aus e fiber - optic c o nnectors ar e s u s ceptible to da m a ge th at is not imm edi- a tel y obv i ous to th e na k ed eye, ba d meas ur em ents can be made w ithout the us er even b eing aw ar e of a c o nnect o r problem.
6-14 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements Repeated c o nnec tions made w ithout r e m oving lo ose partic les , or u sing imp rop er c lea ni ng to ols c an lead to phys ica l damage of the gl a s s f iber end fa ce, as s hown in Fi gure 6-4 .
6-15 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements G u idelines U s e the f oll o win g guidel in es to achieve the b es t po s si b l e performance when makin g m easurements on a f iber -op tic s ystem: • K eep c o nnect ors c over ed w hen not in us e.
6-16 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements • U s e fus ion spli ces on the m ore per mane nt criti cal nod e s. Cho ose t he b es t c on- nect or pos sible.
6-17 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements Visual in spectio n of fiber end s Visual i nspec tio n of fiber e nds can b e h elpful. C o nta mination o r i mper fect ions on th e ca ble e nd ca n b e dete ct ed, a s well a s cra cks o r chi ps i n the f ib er i tself .
6-18 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements C l eani n g a n on-l ensed connector CAUTI ON Do no t us e a ny type o f fo am sw a b to c lea n opti c a l fi ber ends . Fo am swab s ca n leave filmy d epo sits on fi b er ends that can degrad e p er f ormanc e.
6-19 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements 5 Im m ediately dry the f ib er en d w ith a clean, d r y, lint-free c otton swab or lens pa p er. 6 Blow a c ros s th e conne ct or end f ace fr o m a dis tanc e of 6 to 8 inche s using fil ter ed, dry, compr es s ed air .
6-20 Reference Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements 3 Dry the inside o f the a dapter wi th a clean, dr y fo a m swab . 4 Blo w through the adapter using f iltered, d ry, compressed air . CAUTI ON Do no t s hake, t ip, or inv er t c om pre s s ed a ir c an isters .
6-21 Reference Returning the Instrument for Service R etur nin g the I nstru ment for Ser vic e The instruc tio ns i n this sect io n show yo u ho w to pr operly pa c kag e the ins tr u- m ent f or re turn to a Hewle tt -Pac k a rd serv ice o f f ice.
6-22 Reference Returning the Instrument for Service info r m a t i on s houl d be retu r n ed wit h the ins t rument. • Type of se rvi ce req uire d. • Da te i ns tru ment w as re tur n ed f or re pai r. • Descr iptio n of the problem : • Whether pro bl em is c o ns t ant o r intermitt en t.
6-23 Reference Returning the Instrument for Service Seal ed Air C o rporati on (C om merce, Cal ifornia 9 000 1). A ir C a p loo ks like a plastic s heet filled w ith air bub bles . Use the pink (antistatic ) Air Cap ™ to re duc e sta tic e lect r ic ity .
6-24 Reference Hewlett-Packard Sales an d Service Offices Hewlet t -P ackar d S ales and S er vice Of f ices Before r eturning an i nstrum ent fo r s ervi ce, call the HP Ins tr ument Support Ce nt er at (8 00 ) 403 -0 80 1. Hewlett-Packard Sales and S er v ice Of f i ces (1 of 2 ) U.
6-25 Reference Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices INTERCON FIELD OPERATIO NS Headquarters Hewlett-Packard Compa ny 3495 Deer Creek Rd. Palo Alto, California 94304-1316 (415) 857-5027 Australia Hewlett-Packard Australi a Ltd. 31-41 Joseph Stree t Blackburn, Victoria 31 30 (61 3) 895-2895 Canada Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
6-26 Reference Hewlett-Packard Sales an d Service Offices P age 26 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
7 Defini tion of T erms 7 -3 Sp eci fi ca t io ns 7 -5 G en er a l Sp ecifica tio ns 7 -9 O pt i on 0 04 / 00 5 E E LE D S o ur ces 7 - 9 Reg ulat ory Inf or mation 7 -1 0 Specificatio ns and Regulato r y In for matio n book.
7-2 Specifications and R egulatory Information Specifications and Regulato ry Information Specifications and Regulatory Information T his chap ter c ont ain s s pe cif icat io ns an d ch a rac ter ist i cs f o r HP 8614 0 s eri es opti c a l spec trum an alyzer s .
7-3 Specifications and Regulatory Information Definitio n of T erms De f initio n of Te r m s Ch ar ac t e ri sti c s and speci ficat i o n s T he d is tin ction between specificati on s and ch ar ac te r i st ics i s des cribe d as f ol- low s : Sp e cif i cat ion s desc ribe warra nted p erfo rman ce.
7-4 Specifications and R egulatory Information Definition of Terms Am p lit ud e S ens it i vit y is defi ne d as the signal l evel t hat i s equa l to six ti mes the RM S value o f the noise . Dis play ed s ensiti vity value s are n ominal. Slightly lowe r v a l- ues ma y ha v e t o b e ente red t o ac hiev e spec ifi ed sen sitiv ity .
7-5 Specifications and Regulatory Information Specifications Sp ecif icat ions HP 86140A and HP 8 6143A HP 86142A and HP 86145A WAVELENGTH Range 600 nm to 1700 nm 600 nm to 1700 nm Span Range (continuou sly variable) 0.2 nm to full range and zero span 0.
7-6 Specifications and R egulatory Information Specifications AMPLITUDE Sensitivity d 600 to 750 nm (no averaging required) e – 60 dBm – 60 dBm 750 to 900 nm (no averaging required) e – 75 dBm .
7-7 Specifications and Regulatory Information Specifications DYNAMIC RANGE In 0.1 nm resolution a ,k 1250 to 1610 nm (chop mode on) at ± 0.5 nm, ± 1 nm, ± 5 nm – 70 dB – 70 dB 1550 nm at ± 0.8 nm ( ± 100 GHz a t 1550 nm) – 60 dB – 60 dB 1550 nm at ± 0.
7-8 Specifications and R egulatory Information Specifications COMPUTER INTERFACING Remote Control Compatibility IEEE-48 8.1, IEEE-488.2 (100%) Interfaces HP-IB, Paralle l Printer Port, External VGA Monitor, Keyboard (PS/2) and Mouse Floppy Disk 3.5 inch 1.
7-9 Specifications and Regulatory Information Specifications Gene ral S pecif icatio n s Option 004/ 005 E ELED Sources HP 86140A and HP 86142A Benchtop HP 86143A and HP 86145A Portable Dimensions 222 mm H × 425 mm W × 427 mm D (8.8 in × 16.8 in × 16.
7-10 Specifications and R egulatory Information Regulatory Information Regulat or y I nf o r mation • Laser Cla s sificatio n: T his pr o duc t conta ins an FDA L a s er Cla ss I (IE C La se r Cl a ss 1 ) l as er. • Thi s p ro du ct co mpl ies w it h 21 C FR 1 040 .
7-11 Specifications and Regulatory Information Regulatory Information P age 11 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
7-12 Specifications and R egulatory Information Regulatory Information P age 12 Monda y, J anuary 31, 2000 10:34 AM.
In dex Index-1 A a bso lu te ac curacy , 7-3 a c li n e- p owe r cords , 6- 4 a ccess ori es , 6- 2 co n n e ct i n g , 1- 5 st atic -s afe , 6- 7 a ccur ac y a b solut e/diffe r en t ial , 7- 3 a mpl.
I ndex -2 Index Center WL so ftkey , 3-62 c har acte ris tics , 7- 2 – 7- 9 Choo s e Fil e t o Rec all or Delet e s oftkey , 3- 37 Ch oo se Fi l e s to S av e s of t k e y , 3- 3 6 c l assif ica tion , laser , 7- 10 c l ea ning c o nnec t io ns , 6- 1 0 pri nter hea d , 6-7 Clo s e Pan el.
Index-3 Index erro r mes sa ges Bandw idth not found , 3-24 settin gs c o n flic t , 4-9 E x ch a n ge M enu .... s o ftk ey , 3-5 9 E XT TR IG IN connec t o r , 3- 19 Ex t e rn al s of tk e y , 3- 19.
I ndex -4 Index line markers integr ating , 3- 3 0 sea rching b et w een , 3- 29 sweep between , 3- 29 w avele ngt h , 3-28 Line Ma rk ers Of f softk ey , 3- 29 line p owe r co rd s , 6- 4 requ i reme.
Index-5 Index OPTICAL IN P UT conn ect or , 2- 3 opt imize se nsiti vity , 3- 5 4 opt i ons , 6- 2 Opt ion s men u , 2- 10 OSA Bac k up Util it y sc reen , 3- 3 9 disp l a y , 2-8 Rest ore Ut ility scr een , 3-3 9 St a te info rmation panel , 3- 47 OSA Exten ded St ate.
I ndex -6 Index r em ote in ter fac e au t o m a t i c ali g nm e n t , 3- 3 au t o m a t i c me as u re m e n t , 3- 4 Remote Set up.... s oft key , 3-55 repeat sweep , 3-1 7 Re pea t Sweep softk ey .
Index-7 Index disp l a ying not ices/ er ro rs/ w a r nings , 3- 42 fa c tory pr es et (IP) , 3- 4 9 grat ing o rder mode , 3-5 1 HP- IB a ddress , 3- 5 5 multi -point a lignmen t , 3-5 2 OSA E x ten .
I ndex -8 Index st art/sto p , 3- 62 st ep siz e , 3-64 unit s , 3- 6 3 Wavelen gt h Cal S et u p. ... soft key , 3- 4 5 Wa v el ength func t io ns ce n t e r w a ve l e n g t h , 3- 62 c en tering th.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.