Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 995C van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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™ hp deskjet 995c series printers Bluetooth ™ wi rel e ss printing and 995ck.
contents introducing Bluetooth wireless printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 printing from a desktop or laptop PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3Com wireless Blue tooth PC card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i notices and ac kno wledgements hew let t-packard company notices The information contained in this document is subject to change wit hout notice. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation , or translation of this material is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard, except as allowed under copyright laws.
1 intr oducing Bluetoot h wir eless printing The HP Deskjet 995c and 995ck series printe rs support Bluetooth wireless printing. The Bluetooth feature allows you to prin t without a cable connection between the printer and a Bluetooth wireless technology enabled device.
2 printing fr om a desktop or laptop P C In order to use the printer, the PC mu st be enabled with Bluetooth wireless technology. If your PC has an internal Bluetooth radio, then consult the documentation that came with the PC for information concerning the PC’s Bluetooth wireless feature.
3 3Com wir eless Bluetooth PC car d The printing instructions included in this section apply to PCs using a 3Com wireless Bluetooth PC card. requirements Before you can print, you will need a 3Com wireless Bluetooth PC card and a PC. Visit 3Com’s Web site at: www .
4 printing instructions 1. Open the file you want to print. 2. Select Fil e > Print . The Print dialog box appears. 3. Click Print . The Selec t Remote Device dialog box appears. 4. Select the printer . The printer is identified by its Bl uetooth device name (see page 69).
5 3Com wir el ess Bluetooth USB adapter The printing instructions included in this section apply to PCs using a 3Com wireless Bluetooth USB adapter. requirements Before you can print, you will need a 3Com wireless Bluetooth USB adapter a nd a PC. Visit 3Com’s Web site at: www .
6 printing instructions 1. Open the file you want to print. 2. Select Fil e > Print . The Print dialog box appears. 3. Click Print . The Selec t Remote Device dialog box appears. 4. Select the printer . The printer is identified by its Bl uetooth device name (see page 69).
7 Mic ros oft Optical Desktop for Bluetooth (HCRP) The printing instructions included in this section apply to PCs using the Microsoft Optical Desktop for Bluetooth (keyboard, mouse, and dongle) and the Microsoft Windows XP operating syste m.
8 install the Mic roso ft Optical Desktop for Bluetooth For installation instructions, consult the do cumentation that came with the Microsoft Optical Desktop for Bluetooth. While installing the Microsoft Optical Desktop for Bluetoot h, the Windows XP operating system on yo ur computer will be updated with a Microsoft patch to allow HCRP printing.
9 install the hp deskjet 99 5c series firm ware To install the latest firmware, do the following: 1. Locate the hp deskjet 995c HCRP firmware update on your computer . 2. Double-click the hp deskjet 995c HCRP firmware update file. 3. Follow the onscreen instructions to update the firmware on your printer .
10 connec t to the printer with Bluetooth and HCRP To connect the printer to the computer using Blue tooth and HCRP, be sure the Microsoft Optical Desktop for Bluetooth dong l e i s co n n e c te d t o yo u r co m p u te r , a nd then do the following: 1.
11 3. Click the Bluetooth tab. 4. Click the Add button. The Bluetooth Connection Wizard appears..
12 5. Click Nex t . The computer searches for any Bluetoot h wireless technology enabled devices and displays them in the results list. if this happens... then do this... More than one hp deskjet 995c printer is in the list Find the Device Name on the Bluetooth Configuration page.
13 6. Select the printer from the list, then click Nex t . The Authentica te the dev ice? screen appears. 7. Find the Authentication Required line item on the Bluetooth Configuration page, then do one of the following: if the Authentication Required line reads.
14 8. Click the Printin g (HCRP) check box. 9. Click Nex t , then click Fi ni sh . The hp deskjet 995c series printer icon appe ars in the list of devices. If you do not see the icon appear in the li st, see the troubleshooting entry after HCRP installation the printer icon does not appear in My Printers list .
15 TDK Bluetooth USB adapter The printing instructions included in this section apply to PCs using a TDK Bluetooth USB adapter. The TDK Bluetooth USB adapter uses Hardco py Cable Replacement Profile (HCRP) to allow your computer to communic ate with the printer without a cable.
16 connect to the printer with Bluetooth an d HCRP The steps for connecting to the printer vary by W ind ows v ersio n. Se lect t he ve rsio n of Windows running on your computer: • Win d o w s X P • Window s 2000 If you have a HP Deskjet 995C, you must upgrade your printer firmware in order to user the TDK Bluetooth USB Adapter.
17 Win d ows X P Before connecting to the printer, the prin ter software must be installed o n the computer. If the printer software is not instal led, insert the printer software CD in the computer’s CD-ROM drive and fo llow the onscreen instructions.
18 5. Select the printer , and then click Next . The Bluetooth Sec urity screen appears. 6. Click Skip P airing . If you do want to enter a PIN Code, the default is 0 . You can change the pin code with the configuration utility . The Bluetooth Service Selec tion screen appears.
19 Windo ws 2000 Before connecting to the printer, the prin ter software must be installed o n the computer. If the printer software is not instal led, insert the printer software CD in the computer’s CD-ROM drive and fo llow the onscreen instructions.
20 4. Double-click the printer’ s icon. A dialog box asking if you want to install the printer appears. 5. Click Ye s . 6. Change the printer name to hp deskjet 9 95c HCRP , and then click OK .
21 printing instructions 1. Open the file you want to print. 2. Select Fil e > Print . The Print dialog box appears. 3. Select the printer . If two copies of the printer icon appear, select the icon labeled hp deskjet 99 5c HRCP . When the laptop establishes a Bluetooth wi reless connection with the printer, the Bluetooth LED light flashes.
22 printing fr om a handheld de vice Many handheld devices that are enabled with Bluetooth wireless technology are coming onto the market. This document contains inst ructions for the following: • h.
23 hp Jornada 5 00 and 7 00 ser ies For help printing over a Bluetooth connect ion with your HP Jorn ada, select your Jornada model. HP Jornada 500 series HP Jornada 700 series.
24 hp Jornada 5 00 series The HP Jornada 500 series PocketPC su pports Bluetooth wireless printing: req uire m en ts Before you can prin t, you will need: • One of the following Bl uetooth cards: • A Socket Commu nications Bluetoot h ca rd and software.
25 install a Socket or An ycom Bluetooth card Installation instructions may vary by manufa cturer . If your Bluetooth card comes with installation instr uctions, fo llow the ins truct ions that came with your card. Otherwise, follow the instructions below: 1.
26 install a third–p art y printing application Pocket PCs, su ch as the HP Jornada 500 series, require a third-party printing application, such as PrintPocketCE. PrintPocketCE is available at: www disco ver the printer Before the Jornada can print, it must discover the printer.
27 Soc ket Bl ue too t h ca rd fo r h p Jo rna da 500 se ries From the Desktop on the Jornada, follow these steps to discover the printer: 1. T ap the Bluetooth icon at the bottom of the screen. 2. T ap Advanced F eatures > Bluetooth Devices . The Bluetooth Devices screen appears.
28 AnyCom Bluetooth card f or hp Jornada 500 series From the Desktop on the Jornada, follow these steps to discover the printer: 1. T ap To d a y > Start > Program s > B lue too th Wizard . The Bluetooth Wizard screen appears. 2. T ap Serial P ort Connection .
29 print a file using hp Jornada 500 series third–p arty applications Printing instructions for the HP Jornada 500 vary according to the third–party printing application used. Consult the documentation that came with the third–party printing application for printing instructions.
30 hp Jornada 7 00 series The HP Jornada 700 series PocketPC su pports Bluetooth wireless printing: req uire m en ts Before you can print, you will need a Socket Communications Bluetooth card and software. Visit the Socket Communications Web site at: www .
31 install a Socket Bluetooth card Installation instructions may vary by manufa cturer . If your Bluetooth card comes with installation instr uctions, fo llow the ins truct ions that came with your card. Otherwise, follow the instructions below: 1. Place the Jornada in its cradle.
32 disco ver the printer From the Desktop on the Jornada, follow these steps to discover the printer: 1. T ap the Bluetooth icon at the bottom of the screen. 2. T ap Advanced F eatures > Bluetooth Devices . The Bluetooth Devices screen appears. 3. T ap To o l s > Device Discovery .
33 print a file using hp Jornada 7 00 series Follow these steps to print over a Bluetooth wireless c onnection: 1. Inser t the Socket Bluetooth card in the Jor nada’ s expansion slot. 2. Open the file you want to print. 3. T ap Fil e > Print . The Print dialog box appears.
34 Compaq iP A Q P oc k et PC The Compaq iPAQ H3870 supports Bluetooth wireless printing. Compaq iP AQ H38 7 0 printing r equirements Before you can prin t, you will need: • An H3870 series iP AQ Pocket PC • A third-party printing ap plication. Visi t the FieldSoftware Products W eb site at: www .
35 setup and print Follow these instructions to set up and print with the Compaq iPAQ: 1. Install a third-party printing application. 2. Activate the Compaq iP AQ Bluetooth radio.
36 activate the Compaq iP A Q Bluetooth radio 1. T ap Star t > To d a y . 2. T ap the Bluetooth icon at the bottom of the screen. 3. T ap T u rn ra di o O n . disco ver the printer Before the Compaq iPAQ can print, it must discover the printer (see Bluetooth discover y on page 68).
37 4. T ap Ye s to search fo r devices now . The Compaq iPAQ searches for any Blue tooth wireless technology enabled devices within range. It displays the Bluetooth device name (see page 69) of any device it discovers. 5. T ap the checkbox next to the printer’ s Bluetooth device name, then tap Sa ve .
38 6. T ap either Hom e or Wo r k , then tap OK . The Bluetooth Manager screen appears again. 7. T ap ok at the top right of the screen to close the Bluetooth Manager .
39 9. T ap the Serial P ort tab. Note the value in the Outbo und CO M P ort field. Y o u will need this information when printing using third-par ty applica tions.
40 4. Select HP PCL from the printer list. 5. T ap the Po r t list and then tap the printer por t (the Outbound COM Por t) from step 8 of the previous sec tion. Y ou can also change other print options on this screen by tapping Mor e Setti ngs . 6. T ap Star t Printi ng .
41 P alm handheld m500 ser ies The Palm m500 series supports Bluetooth wireless printing. Pa l m m 5 0 0 s e r i e s requirements Before you can prin t, you will need: • A Bluetooth Secure Digital Input/Output (SDI/O) expansion card and software. Visit Palm’ s W eb site at: www .
42 setup and print Follow these steps to set up and print with a Palm handheld m500: 1. Install a Bluetooth SDI/O expansion card. 2. Print a file. • Print unformatted documents in the Da te Book, Address, T o Do List, and Memo Pad options using send file .
43 print a file To print a file, use one of the foll owing methods: • Send the file • BtPrint • Documents T o Go send file Sending is a Bluetooth wirele ss communication method that is included as part of Palm OS 4.0. The printed output is unformatted.
44 BtPrint (optional) BtPrint enhances the formatti ng for documents printed from the Address, Memo Pad, To Do List, Date Book, and Mail options. install BtPrint Verify that the Palm handheld device cradl e is attached to yo ur PC and place the Palm handheld in its cradle.
45 3. T ap one of the following options: •D a t e B o o k • Address •T o D o L i s t •M e m o P a d •M a i l The screen for the selected program appears. 4. Select the categor y or file you want to print. 5. T ap the Men u icon. 6. T ap BtPrint in the menu.
46 choose a defa ult printer (optiona l) To select the hp deskjet 995c Blueto oth printer as the default printer: 1. T ap BtPrint99 5c . 2. T ap BTD i sc ove r . The Palm handheld searches for Bluetoot h wireless technology enabled printers within 30 feet.
47 Documents T o Go (optional) Documents To Go enables you to print MS Word and MS Excel files. It is included on the Palm handheld installation CD in the Bonus Software section. install Documents T o Go Install Documents To Go fro m the CD that originally came with your Palm handheld, or visit the DataViz Web site at www .
48 printing fr om oth er Bluetooth d ev ices Many Bluetooth wireless technology enabled de vices are entering the mark et. This document contains inst ructions for the following: • Nokia Series 60 imaging phones As new devices become available, this document will be updated.
49 Nokia Series 6 0 imaging phones Certain Nokia Series 60 imaging-enabled mobile phones support mobile printing. Please check the following Web sites for more information: •E u r o p e a n d A f r i c a : www •A m e r i c a s : www .nokiausa.
50 install the M obile Printing Application on the phone Follow these steps to install the Mobile Pr inting Application fo r Nokia Series 60 imaging phones on the phone: 1. Download the M obile Printing Application for Nokia Series 6 0 imaging phon es on to a computer from one of these W eb sites: •E u r o p e a n d A f r i c a : www .
51 3. Depending on the method you used to transfer the file to the phone, open the print .sis file.: 4. Follow the onscre en instructions to install the applicati on. 5. V erify that the Mobile Printing Appl ication has been in stalled. Press the Men u key to open the phone’ s Main Menu .
52 print a file Use one of the following methods to print a file: • Mobile Printing Application • Bluetooth Send Mobile Printing Appli cation for Nokia Series 60 imaging phones The following are i.
53 printing an image Follow these steps to print an image : 1. Press the Menu key to open the phone’ s Main Men u . 2. Scroll to and select the Print icon. 3. Select Images . 4. Select the image(s) you want to print. S e l e c t e d i m a g e s h a v e a c h e c k n e x t t o t h e m .
54 prin ting a message Files received in an unrecogn ized file type must be saved as an appropriate file type (such as, .jpg or .txt) before it can be printed. Follow these steps to print a message : 1. Press the Menu key to open the phone’ s Main Men u .
55 prin ting a contact Follow these steps to print a contact: 1. Press the Menu key to open the phone’ s Main Men u . 2. Scroll to and select the Print icon.
56 prin ting a note Follow these steps to print a note: 1. Press the Menu key to open the phone’ s Main Men u . 2. Scroll to and select the Print icon. 3. Select Notes . 4. Select the note you want to print. 5. Select Options > Print , then do one of the following: if.
57 Bluetooth Send Bluetooth Send is a feature included with yo ur mobile phone. It is not an application developed by HP. Bluetooth Send prints unformatted text an d images. For example, Bluetooth Send can only print one calendar item and not a fu ll day.
58 tr oubleshooting This section covers Bluetooth wire less printing only. For other troubleshooting material, see quick help in the HP Printer Assistant.
59 troubleshooting the printer Bluetooth LED light is flashing or is off This table explains the behavior of the Bluetooth LED light: the Bluetooth LED light is… this means… what you should do… Flashing The printer may be busy receiving data over a Bluetooth wireless connection.
60 printer cannot be discov ered Verify the fol lowing: • The printer is plugged in • The Bluetooth LED light is on • The Bluetooth LED light is not flashing If each of the above is true, try to discover the printer again. If the printer cannot be discovered, t ry moving the sendin g device closer to the printer.
61 troubleshooting a connection to a PC more than one hp deskjet 99 5c is discov ered If two or mor e hp d eskj et 9 95c series printers are wit hin range, the se nding device will display multiple hp de skjet 995c printer icons. Each printer icon displays the printer’s Bluetooth device name (see page 69).
62 after HCRP installation t he printer icon does not appear in My Printers list The printer’s encryption settings may be in correct if the printer icon does not appear in the My Printe rs list afte.
63 3. Click Star t > Control P an el , then do one of the following: 4. Click the Bluetooth tab. 5. Select the printer from the Devices list, then click Rem ove . Cat e gor y Vi ew Cl as si c Vi ew Double-click the Wire le ss Lin k icon. Click Printers and other Hardware , then click the Wi rel e ss Li n k icon.
64 6. Follow the instructions beginning at step 4 on page 11. On the Authenticat e the devi ce? screen, do on e of the following: if the Enc ryption Requi red line reads... Then... Encryption = 0 Encryption Off Click No , then click Ne xt . Encryption = 1 Encryption On Click Ye s , then click Nex t .
65 print t o file err or message appears 1. Click Cancel on the Print to F ile error message, then close all applications. 2. Re-open an appropriate applica tion, then print a document. If the problem persists, follow these steps to locate the COM port number: 1.
66 If the problem persists, follow these steps: 1. Click Cancel in the Print to File error message, then close the application. 2. Click Star t > Programs > He wlett- P ackar d > hp deskjet 995c series > hp deskjet 995c se r ie s U n in s t al l .
67 about the printer ’s Bluetooth wir el ess feature For information concerning the printer’s Bluetooth wireless feature, select the appropriate topic: • the printer’ s Bluetooth wireless feat.
68 the printer ’s Bluetooth wir eless featur e This section explains some basic elements of the printer’s Bluetooth wire less feature. Bluetooth wireless basics ten meters or less Bluetooth wireless technology allows devices, such as printers and laptop computers, to communicate over short dis tances (10m or less) using radio waves in the 2.
69 Bluetooth configuration page The Bluetooth Configuration page shows information you need when using the printer. To print a Bluetooth Configuration page, press and hold down the Cancel (X) button for 4 seconds.
70 PI N co d e When the printer is set to encr yption required (see page 71), devices attempting to use the printer are prompted for a PIN code. The default PIN code is 0 . You can change the PIN co de by using the Configure Wireless Sett ings dialog box.
71 • Y ou can put the printer in a temporar y Public Mode by pressing and holding down the Po w e r button until the Bluetooth LED ligh t flashes. The printer returns to Private Mode after 1 minute. en c r yp ti o n req u i re d The printer can be set to require encryption when it receives data over a Bluetooth wireless connection.
72 c hanging the printer ’s wire l ess feature USB cable and printer dr iv er requir ed To change the printer’s wireless se ttings, you must have the following: • A PC that is connected to the printer with a USB cable • A printer driver that has been installed to a USB port A USB cable is not required for Bluetooth printing.
73 chang e wireless setting s In order to change the printer’s wireless settings you must connect the printer to your computer with a USB cable. 1. Click Star t > Programs > He wlett- P ackar d > hp deskjet 995c series > hp deskjet 995c se r ie s Tool b ox .
74 3. Click the Configuration tab. The configuration panel appears. 4. Click Wire l ess , then clic k Configure W ireless Settings . The Configure Wireless Setting button appears. If the bu tton is not active, then click the Device Services tab and repeat steps 2–4.
75 6. Select the Bluetooth wireless options that you want. For a description of the Configure W ireless Setting dialog box, see the configure wireless settings dialog box . 7. After you have selected the options you want, click OK . A warning dialog box appears.
76 4. Reset Dev ice Access : Click for reset device access (see page 77) from the printer’ s m emor y . 5. Mode : Set the following options: • Pri vate mode : The printer can b e discovered only b y devices that have stored its address. See private mode on page 70.
77 3. Click the Change P IN Code button. The Change PIN Code dialog box appears. 4. Enter the new PIN Code. The default PIN Code is 0 . 5. Re-enter the new PIN code. 6. Click OK . The PIN code is changed. reset de vice access In order to change the printer’s wireless settings you must connect the printer to your computer with a USB cable.
78 inde x Numerics 3Com Bluetooth USB adapter printing instructions 5 3Com wireless Bluetooth PC card printing instructions 3 3Com wireless Bluetooth USB adapter printing instructions 5 A access modes.
79 print instructions BtPrint 44 DocumentsToPrint 47 printing instructions 41 , 49 PIN code 70 changing 76 print Compaq iPAQ H3870 39 Jornada 500 series 29 Jornada 700 series 33 Jornada 720 33 Palm Bt.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 995C . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.