Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product A2W63UT van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Hardware Reference Guide HP Compaq 60 05 Pro Microto wer Business P C.
© Copyright 200 9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This B ook This guide provides basic informati on for upgrad ing this com puter model . WARNING! Text set off in this man ner indica tes that fail ure to fol low direction s could res ult in bodily harm or lo ss of life.
iv About This Book ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Features Standard Co nfiguration Feat ures .............. ....... .......... ...... ........... ....... ......... ....... .......... ........... ... ...... .... 1 Front Pane l Compon ents ...... ......... ...... .......... .
Appendix B Battery Re placement Appendix C Exter nal Sec urity D evices Installing a Security Lock .. ................... ............ .................. .................. .............. ....................... .......... 47 Cable Lock .......... ...
1 Product Features Standard Confi guration Fe atures The HP Compaq Microtow er featur es may vary d epending o n the model. For a co mplete li sting of the hardwar e and so ftware ins talled in the co mputer, run the dia gnostic utility (in cluded on some comp uter models only).
Front Panel Compo nents Drive co nfigurati on may vary by model. Table 1-1 Fr ont Panel Compo nents 1 5.25-inch Optical Drives 1 6 Opt ic al Dr ive Ej ect Bu tt on s 2 Optical Drive Activity Lights 7 3.
Media Car d Reader Com ponen ts The m edia card reader i s an opt ional device available o n some m odels on ly. Refer to t he follow ing illus tration a nd tabl e to iden tify the media c ard rea der com ponents. Figure 1-2 Medi a Card R eader Com ponents Table 1-2 M edia Card Reade r Compo nents No.
Rear Pane l Components Table 1-3 Rear Pa nel Compon ents 1 Powe r Cord Connect or 6 Line-Out Connector fo r powered audio devices (green) 2 Line-In Audio Conn ector (blue) 7 P S/2 Keyboard Connector (.
Keyboard Table 1-4 Keyb oard Compone nts 1 Function Keys Perform special f unctions depending on the software application being us ed. 2 Editing Keys Includes the following: Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and Page Down. 3 Status Lights Indicate the status of the computer and keyboard s ettings (Num Lock, Cap s Lock, and Scroll Lock).
Using th e Windows Logo Key Use the Wi ndows Logo ke y in com bination wi th other key s to perform certa in functions available in the Window s operati ng system.
Serial Numb er Lo cation Each c omputer ha s a unique s erial numbe r and prod uct ID number that are loca ted on the top cov er of the comp uter. Keep th ese num bers avai lable for us e when contac ting cust omer serv ice for as sistanc e.
2 Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The com puter incl udes featur es that make it ea sy to upgrad e and servic e. No tools ar e needed for mos t of th e install ation pr ocedure s descri bed in t his chapter.
Remov ing the Comp uter Ac cess Pa nel 1. Remove/di sengage any security devi ces tha t prohibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, suc h as compac t discs o r USB fl ash drive s, from the compute r. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly thr ough the o perating system, then tu rn off any e xternal devices .
Replacin g the Compu ter Access Panel 1. Slide the lip on the front end of th e acces s panel under the lip on t he fro nt of the c hassis ( 1) then press t he back end of the access panel o nto the unit (2). Figu re 2- 2 Rep lacing the C omputer Access Panel 2.
Removi ng the Fron t Bezel 1. Remove/di sengage any security devi ces tha t prohibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, suc h as compac t discs o r USB fl ash drive s, from the compute r. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly thr ough the o perating system, then tu rn off any e xternal devices .
Removing Bezel Blanks On some mod els, there ar e bezel blanks covering the 3. 5-inch an d 5.25-inc h external driv e bays that need to be re moved be fore ins talling a drive. To remov e a beze l bla nk: 1. Remove the acc ess panel and front be zel. 2.
Inst alling Addi tional Memo ry The com puter comes with dou ble data r ate 3 sy nchronous dynamic r andom a ccess me mory (DDR3 - SDRAM) dual i nline mem ory mo dules (DIM Ms). DIMMs The memo ry socket s on the system boa rd can be popula ted with up to four in dustry-s tandard DIMMs.
Populating DIMM Sockets There are four DIMM socket s on the syst em board, with two soc kets per ch annel. The socke ts are labeled XMM1, XMM2, X MM3, a nd XMM4. Sockets XMM1 a nd XMM3 opera te in mem ory cha nnel A. Socke ts XMM2 and XMM4 oper ate in me mory chan nel B.
Installin g DIMMs CAUTION: You m ust disc onnect th e power cor d and wait a pproxim ately 30 sec onds for th e power to drain before ad ding o r removin g memo ry modu les. Regar dless of the powe r-on sta te, voltage is alw ays suppli ed to the memory modules as long as the com puter is plugged into a n active AC outle t.
6. Open both latche s of the me mory module s ocket (1), and inse rt the me mory module into the socket (2). Figu re 2- 8 Install ing a DIMM NOTE: A memo ry modu le can b e instal led in o nly one way. M atch the no tch on the module with the tab on the memory socket.
Removing o r Insta lling an Expansi on Card The co mputer has one PCI exp ansion sl ot, two PC I Express x 1 expansi on slots, an d one PCI Expres s x16 ex pansi on sl ot.
7. Release t he sl ot cover r etention l atch that secu res the PCI sl ot cove rs by l ifting the gree n tab on the lat ch and rota ting the l atch to th e open po sition. Figu re 2- 10 O pening the Expansion Slot Re tainer 8. Before installin g an expansion card, remo ve the expan sion slot c over or the ex isting exp ansion card.
b. If you ar e remov ing a s tandard P CI card or PCI Exp ress x1 card, hol d the ca rd at each end , and car efully roc k it back and forth until th e connec tors pull free from the soc ket. Pull the expansi on card straight up from th e socket the n away from the i nside of t he chassis to release it from the chas sis frame .
9. Store the remo ved card in anti-stati c packagi ng. 10. If you are not installing a new exp ansion car d, install an exp ansion slo t cover to close the op en slot. CAUTION: After remo ving a n expansi on card, you m ust repla ce it with a n ew card or expansio n slot cover for proper co oling of internal co mponent s during ope ration.
12. Rotate the slot cover retention latch bac k in place to secu re the expan sion card . Figure 2-15 Closing the Exp ansion S lot Retai ner 13. Connect exte rnal ca bles to th e instal led card, i f needed. Connect i nternal cab les to the syst em board, i f neede d.
1 Two 5.25-inch exte rnal drive bays f or opt ional drives (optical drives shown) 2 One 3.5-inch ext ernal drive bay f or optional drive (media card reader shown) 3 Secondary 3.
Inst alling and Removing Drives When ins talling add itional dr ives, foll ow these guide lines: ● The prima ry Ser ial ATA (S ATA) h ard drive must be conne cted to th e dark blue pr imary SATA connecto r on the syst em board labe led SATA 0. ● Connect a SATA optical dri ve to the white SATA co nnector o n the system board l abeled S ATA1.
CAUTION: To p revent loss of work and damage to the com puter or dr ive: If yo u are inser ting or re moving a dr ive, shut d own the opera ting syst em prop erly, turn off th e computer , and unpl ug the power co rd. Do not rem ove a dr ive whil e the co mputer is on o r in st andby mo de.
System Board Drive Connections Refer t o the f ollowing illustratio n and table to i dentify t he sys tem boar d drive connector s. Figure 2-18 System Bo ard Drive Connec tions Table 2-3 System Board D rive Connectio ns No.
Removing an External 5.25- in ch or 3.5-in ch Drive CAUTION: All re movable med ia shoul d be taken out of a drive befo re removi ng the drive fro m the comput er. 1. Remove /disengag e any securi ty device s that pro hibit ope ning the comp uter. 2. Remove al l re movable med ia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, fro m the c omputer.
b. If you a re remo ving a m edia car d reader , disc onnect the USB cab le from the sys tem boar d. If the media card reader has a 1394 por t, disconnect the 1394 cable from the PC I card.
7. A latch drive b racket with releas e tabs se cures the driv es in the drive bay . Lift the releas e tab on the latch driv e bracket (1) for the drive you want to re move, then slide the dr ive from its dr ive bay (2). Figu re 2- 22 Rem oving th e External Drives 8.
Installing an External 5.25- inch o r 3.5-inch Drive NOT E: The syst em does not suppo rt Parall el ATA (P ATA) opt ical drives . 1. Remove/di sengage any security devi ces tha t prohibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, suc h as compac t discs o r USB fl ash drive s, from the compute r.
8. Slide the driv e into the drive bay, mak ing sure to align the gui de screws with the gui de slots, unti l the drive sna ps into place . Figu re 2- 24 Sl iding the Extern al Dr ives in to the Dri ve Cage 9. Connect th e power a nd data c ables to the drive as indic ated in the fo llowing illustratio ns.
b. If you are instal ling a media card re ader, co nnect the USB cab le to the system boa rd. If the media card reader has a 1394 port, co nnect the 139 4 cable to the PCI card . Figure 2-26 Connectin g the Media Car d Reader US B Cab le Figure 2-27 Connectin g the Media Car d Reader 13 94 Cab le 10.
12. Reconnect the power cord and any extern al devices, then tur n on the compute r. 13. Lock any s ecurity d evices that wer e disen gaged when the a ccess pa nel w as remo ved.
Removing an Internal 3.5-in ch Hard Drive NOT E: Before y ou remov e the old hard drive, be sure to back up the da ta fro m the old hard drive so that you can transfer the data to the new har d drive. 1. Remove/di sengage any security devi ces tha t prohibit op ening the comp uter.
7. Release th e drive by pulling th e releas e tab away from the drive (1) and s liding the drive ou t of the bay (2). Figu re 2- 29 Remov ing a Har d Dr ive 8. Remove th e four gu ide s crews (two on each side ) from t he old dr ive. Yo u will need the se screws to in stall a new dr iv e.
Installin g an Internal 3.5-inch Har d Drive NOT E: The syst em does not suppo rt Para llel ATA (PATA) har d drives. 1. Remove/di sengage any security devi ces tha t prohibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, suc h as compac t discs o r USB fl ash drive s, from the compute r.
7. Slide the driv e into the drive bay, mak ing sure to align the gui de screws with the gui de slots, unti l the drive snaps in to place. The botto m bay is for the primary har d drive. The uppe r bay is for an optional se condar y hard dr ive. Figu re 2- 31 Sli ding a Ha rd Drive into th e Drive Bay 8.
12. Reconnect th e power cor d and an y extern al devic es, then turn on the com puter. 13. Lock any s ecurity d evices that were disengag ed whe n the acc ess pa nel was remove d. Removing and Replacing a Removable 3.5-inch SATA Hard Dr ive Some m odels ar e equipp ed with a Removabl e SATA Ha rd Driv e Enclo sure in t he 5.
3. Remove th e adhesiv e strip th at secur es the th ermal sens or to th e top of th e hard d rive (1) an d move the therm al senso r away from the ca rrier ( 2). Figu re 2- 34 Rem oving th e Thermal Sensor 4. Remove the fo ur screws from th e bottom of th e hard drive c arrier.
5. Slide th e hard drive bac k to dis connect it from the carr ier the n lift it up and ou t of the carrier . Figure 2-36 Removing the Hard Dr ive 6. Place th e new har d drive in the car rier then slide the hard dr ive back so that it seats in the SATA connecto r on the car rier's circ uit board.
7. Replace the four screws in the bottom of the carrier to hol d the drive secure ly in place. Figu re 2- 38 Replacin g the Securit y Screws 8. Place the therm al sensor on top of the hard drive i n a posit ion that does not c over the lab el (1) an d attach the thermal se nsor to the top of the hard drive with the ad hesive strip (2).
9. Slide the c over on the carrier (1) and replace the screw on the rear of the carrier to secure the cover in place (2) . Figure 2-40 Repla cing the Carrier Cover 10. Slide the h ard driv e ca rrier into the e nclosur e on the compu ter and l ock it w ith the key pr ovided.
A Specifications Table A-1 Specifications Desktop Dimensi ons Height Widt h Depth 14.85 in 6.95 in 16.85 in 37.72 cm 17.65 cm 42.80 cm Approxi mate Weight 23.5 lb 10.66 kg Temperature Range Operating Nonoperating 50° to 95°F -22° to 140°F 10° to 35°C -30° to 60°C Relative Humidity (nonc ondensing) Operating Nonoperating (38.
Power Output 320W 320W Rated Input Current (maxim um) 1 STD PS EPA 87/89/85% @ 20/50/100% load PS 5.5A @ 115 V AC 5.5A @ 115 V AC 2.75A @ 230 V AC 2.75A @ 230 V AC 1 This syst em utilizes an active power factor co rrected power supply. This allows the syste m to pass the CE mark requ irements for use in the countries of the European Union.
B Battery Replacement The battery tha t comes wit h the computer prov ides power to the real- time cloc k. When replac ing the battery , use a battery eq uivalent to the battery ori ginally ins talled in the computer. The computer co mes with a 3 -volt lith ium coin c ell battery.
NOTE: On some computer model s, it may be necess ary to remove an internal com ponent to gain access to the battery. 7. Depending on the type of battery h older on the system board, complete the foll owing in structio ns to replace the battery. Type 1 a.
b. Insert t he new bat tery and position the cli p back i nto plac e. Figure B-3 Removing a Coin Cell Ba ttery (T ype 3) NOTE: After the b attery h as bee n replaced , use the following steps to comple te this procedure . 8. Replace t he comput er acc ess pan el.
C External Security Devices NOT E: For information o n data s ecurity features, ref er to the Computer Setup (F10 ) Utility Guid e , the Deskto p Managemen t Guide , and the HP ProtectT ools Secu rity Ma nager Guide (s ome mode ls) at http://www .
Padlock Figure C-2 Insta lling a Padlo ck HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the sec urity cable by looping it aroun d a stationar y object. Figu re C-3 Securi ng the Cable to a Fixe d Object 48 A.
2. Thread the ke yboard and mo use cables through the loc k. Figure C-4 Threading the Keybo ard and Mouse Ca bles 3. Screw the loc k to the chassis using the screw prov ided.
4. Insert the plug end of the securi ty cable into the lock ( 1) and pu sh the bu tton in (2) to en gage th e lock. Use the ke y provided to disengage the lo ck. Figu re C-6 Engagi ng the Lock Front Bezel Secur ity The fr ont bezel can be locked in pl ace by i nstallin g a secu rity s crew provi ded by H P.
6. Remove th e security s crew from the inside of the front bezel . Figure C-7 Retrieving the Front Bezel Securi ty Screw 7. Replace the fro nt bezel. 8.
D Electrostatic Discharge A disc harge o f stati c electric ity from a fi nger or other c onduct or may damage s ystem b oards or other static- sensitive devices.
E Computer Operating Guidelines, Routine Ca re and Shipping Preparation Computer Operat ing Guideli nes and Routi ne Care Follo w these g uidelines to prop erly set u p and ca re for t he com puter an d monito r: ● Keep the comp uter away from exces sive mois ture, dir ect sunl ight, and extremes of heat a nd cold.
Optical Drive Pr ecautions Be sur e to obs erve the followin g guid elines w hile ope rating or cl eaning t he opt ical dr ive. Operation ● Do not mov e the dr ive dur ing oper ation.
Index A access panel locking and un locking 47 remo ving 9 repl acing 10 audio conne ctors 2, 4 B battery rep lacement 44 C computer operat ing guidel ines 53 connect ing d rive cab les 23 D DIMMs.
expansio n slot co ver 18 front bezel 11 hard drive 3 3 media card rea der 26 optical driv e 26 PCI card 19 PCI Expr ess ca rd 19 S secu rity ca ble lo ck 47 front bezel 50 HP Busi ness PC Security Lo.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) A2W63UT . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.