Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product AA-RW20A-TE van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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McD A T A ® 4Gb S AN S w itc h f or HP p-C lass Blade S y st em us er guide P a rt number: AA-RW20A- TE F irst edition: June 200 5.
Legal and no tice infor mation © Cop yr ight 200 5 Hew lett-P ack ar d Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . © Copy r ight 2005 McD A T A C orpor ation . © Copy r ight 2005 . T his softwar e includes tec hnology under a li cense fr om QLogi c Corpor ati on.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 3 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Create Secu rity Group dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Create Security Gr oup Member dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 5 Restoring the default zoning database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Removing all zoning definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 SNMP trap configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Archiving a switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 7 Securityset command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 52 Set command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 36 Advanced Switch Properties dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 37 System Services dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 9 About this gui de This man ual desc r ibes the McD A T A ® W eb Server™ appli cation s w itc h management too l for the McD A T A 4 G b SA N Swi t c h . Th e M c D A T A 4 G b SA N Sw i t c h i s a 1 0 - p o r t n o n - b l o c k i n g Fi b re C h a n n e l ( F C ) sw i t c h.
10 Doc ument con venti ons and s ymbols WA R N I N G ! Indicates that f ailur e to follo w dir ectio ns could result in bodil y harm or death. CAUT ION: Indicate s that failur e to f ollo w dir ecti ons could r esult in damage to equipment or data . IMP O R T ANT : Pro v ide s clar ify ing inf ormati on or spec if ic instr ucti ons.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 11 3. Th e n a m e " J D OM " m u s t n o t b e u s e d t o e n d o r s e o r p r omote produc ts deri v ed fr om this softwar e w ithout pri or wr itten permis sion . F or w ritten per mission , please contac t licens e@jdom.
12 Helpful w eb sites F or other pr oduc t infor mation , see the f ollo w ing HP web site s: • http :// www .hp . com • http :// www .hp . com /go/ st or age • htt p:/ /www .hp .com /su pp ort / • http://w ww .docs.hp .com • http://h710 2 8.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 13 1U s i n g M c D A T A W e b S e r v e r This s ection de scr ibes ho w t o use the McD A T A W eb Se rver applicati on and its menu s.
14 Usin g McDATA Web Server St arting McD A T A W eb Se rver T o start McDA T A W eb Server after the s w itch is oper atio nal, ente r the sw it ch IP addr ess in an int ernet br o ws er . T he w orks tation u sed to manage the s w it ch mu st be able to connect to the de fa ult s w itch IP addre ss 10.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 15 • Select Star t Application Without Specifying a Fabric to open the McDA T A W eb Server w indo w sho wn in Fig u r e 2 . Click Add to open the Add a Ne w F abr ic dialog , whi ch pr om pts yo u for a f abri c name , IP addre ss, account name , and pass w or d.
16 Usin g McDATA Web Server • Displa y ing trans cei v er media st atus , page 9 5 Fig u re 3 Pr efer ences di alog – McDA T A W eb Server T o set pref er ences fo r yo ur McD A T A W eb Server se ssions , perfor m the follo w ing pr ocedur e: 1. Select File > Preferences to open the Pref er ences dialog .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 17 McD A T A W eb Serve r us er interf ace The McD A T A W e b Server appli catio n uses tw o basic displa y s to manage the fabr i c and indiv idual s wit che s: the topology displa y and the faceplat e displa y .
18 Usin g McDATA Web Server T opolog y displa y menu The men u options av ailable in the topolog y displa y are sho w n in Fig u r e 5 . Fig u re 5 To p o l o g y d i s p l a y m e n u F aceplate displa y menu The men u options a vaila ble in the faceplat e display ar e show n in Fi g u re 6 .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 19 Shortc ut k e y s Shortcut k e y comb inations , av ailable in both the topology and f aceplate displa ys , pr o vi de an alternati v e method of accessing menu options. T he shortcut k e y combinations ar e not case-sensitiv e .
20 Usin g McDATA Web Server Fa b r i c t re e The f abr ic tr ee lists the managed f abri cs and their s w itc hes as sho wn in Fi g u re 7 . The w indo w w i dth can be adju sted b y cli cking and dr agging the mo v eable w indo w bor der .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 21 Wo r k i n g s t a t u s I n d i c a t o r The w or king st atus indicato r , located in the lo wer r i ght corner o f the McD A T A W eb Serv er w indo w , sho w s when the manage ment w orkst ation is e x c hanging info rmatio n with the f abr ic .
22 Usin g McDATA Web Server Selec ting s w itche s and links Selec ted s w itc h ic ons ar e highli ghted in li ght blue . Se lected ISLs ar e displa yed as a heav ier line . Y ou can select s w itc hes and links in the f ollo w ing wa y s: • Clic k the icon or link to s elect a s w itch or a link.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 23 Using the f aceplat e displa y The f aceplate dis play sho w n in Fig u r e 9 display s the s w itch name and oper ational st ate , and port statu s. The e xt ernal ports number ed 0 and 9 .
24 Usin g McDATA Web Server Opening the faceplate popu p menu T o open the popup menu, r i ght-clic k on the faceplat e image to pr esent the f ollo w ing tasks.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 25 2 Managing fa br ics This se ctio n desc ribe s the follo w ing ta sks that manage fabr i cs: • RADI U S s e rv e rs , page 2 5 • S.
26 Managing fabrics Adding a RADIU S serv er When y ou add a RA DIUS server , you pr o v ide a method to centr ali z e the management of authenti cation pass w or ds ov er a networ k. Fig u re 1 0 RADIUS Server Infor mation di alog — Add S erver tab page T o add a R ADIUS serv er , perfor m the f ollo w ing pr ocedur e: 1.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 27 b. R A DI U S L o ca l — at tempts to auth enticate usi ng th e R AD IUS ser ver . If the sw itch can not contact th e RAD IUS s erver due to a netwo rk or some other pr oblem , the sw it ch w ill authe nticate u sing the local pass w or d database .
28 Managing fabrics E dit ing RADIUS serv er inf or mati on E diting inf ormati on of a RADIUS server in v ol ves changing the conf igur atio n of a RADIUS server . Fig u re 1 2 RADIUS Server Infor mation di alog — E dit Serv er tab page T o edit informati on o f a RADIUS server , perform the follo w ing pr ocedur e: 1.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 29 Modifying a uthenti cation or der R ADIUS serv er infor mati on E diting inf ormati on of a RADIUS server in v ol ve s changing the conf igur ati on of a RADIUS server .
30 Managing fabrics Sec uring a f abr ic F abr ic sec ur ity consists of the follo w ing: • Connect ion se cur ity , page 30 • User account sec urity , page 30 • Sec ur ity consistency c hec kli.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 31 De v i ce sec urity IMP O R T ANT : Dev ic e sec ur ity is av ailable on ly w ith the McD A T A S ANteg rity™ Pr oduc t F eatur e Enablement (PFE) k e y .
32 Managing fabrics E dit Sec ur ity dialog Use the E dit Secur ity dialog is to edit the secur ity configur ation on the s w itch . Y ou can also open and edit a sec ur ity configur ati on sav ed to a f ile . E diting sec urity f iles consists of r enaming and r emo v ing sec ur ity sets, gr oup s, and members .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 33 • Vi ew pr operties f or the selected se cur ity set , group , or gr oup member . Create Security Set dia log Use the Create Sec urity Set dialog sho wn in F i gur e 15 to cr eate a ne w sec ur ity set.
34 Managing fabrics 2. Choo se one o f the fol lo w ing methods to o pen the Cr eate a Se c urity Gr ou p dialog: • Clic k a sec urity set and c lick Se curity Group in the tool bar in the gr aphic w indo w . • R ight-clic k on a sec ur ity set and select Create a Security G roup fr om the popup menu .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 35 • Secr et is 16 b yte length f or MD5 authenti cati o n, and 20 b yte s if authenti cation is SHA-1.
36 Managing fabrics 5. T o sav e the changes , choo se one of the follo w ing: •C l i c k Apply to s av e the changes and k eep the E dit Sec ur ity dialog open. Cli c k OK to close the E d it Secur ity dialog . •C l i c k OK to sav e c hanges and cl ose the E dit Sec ur ity dialog.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 37 Ar c hi v ing a sec ur ity confi gur ati on to a file T o arc hiv e (sa v e) a secur ity conf igur ati on to a file f r om the faceplat e displa y , perfor m the follo w ing pr ocedure: 1.
38 Managing fabrics Enabling SNMP conf igur ati on T o enable SNMP confi gur ation f r om the faceplate displa y , perfor m the f ollo w ing pr ocedure: 1. Select Switch > SNMP Properties to open the SNMP Pr operties dialog . 2. Select the SNMP Enabled option in the S NMP C onf igur ation are a.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 39 Sa v ing a v er sion snapshot The F a bri c Snapshot Anal y sis dialog , sho wn in F igure 19 , opens with the Summary , Differ ences and Re ports ta b page s. Cli ck Bro wse to open and v ie w the snapshot f iles in the corr esponding ta b pages.
40 Managing fabrics 4. Click Add Fabric . NO TE: A s w itc h supports a combined max imum of 19 lo gi ns or sessio ns a s li sted b elow: • 4 logins or sess ions f or inter nal applicatio ns such a s management server and S NMP • 9 h igh p rior it y Telnet session s • 6 McD A T A W eb Serve r and/or T elnet logins .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 41 Adding a ne w sw itch to a fabr i c If ther e ar e no spec ial conditions to be conf igur ed f or the ne w s w itc h, simpl y plug in the s w itc h and the s wit ch become s functi onal w ith the def ault fabr i c confi gur ation .
42 Managing fabrics CAUT ION: Do not r econnect in ter -s w itc h links, t arg et dev ice s, and initiato r dev ice s at this time. Doing so coul d inv alidate the f abr ic z oning configur ati on. c. Po w e r u p t h e s w i t c h . 3. Select the f ailed s wit ch in the t opology displa y .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 43 The topolog y displa y uses s w itc h and status icons to pr o v ide st atus infor mation about s w itc hes , inter -s w itc h links, and the Ethernet connec tion . Th e sw itc h statu s icons , display ed on the left si de of a s w itch , v ary in shape and color .
44 Managing fabrics Entri es in the E v ent Br ow ser sho w n in F igur e 21 ar e for matted by s ev er ity , time stamp , sour ce , type , and desc ripti on . The max im um number of entr ies allo w ed in the Ev en t Bro w ser is 10, 000. The max imum number of entr ies allo w ed on a sw itc h is 1200.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 45 NO TE: E v ents (alarm s, c riti cal , war ning, and inf ormati v e) gener ated b y the appli cation ar e not sa v ed on the s wit ch .
46 Managing fabrics Sa v ing the Ev ent Br o wser to a f ile Y ou can sa ve the displa y ed Ev ent Br o wse r entri es to a f ile . F ilter ing affec ts the sav e oper ation , becaus e only displa y ed ev ents ar e sav ed. T o sav e the Ev ent Bro w ser to a file , perf orm the follo w ing pr ocedur e: 1.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 47 Ac ti v e Z one Set data w indo w The A cti ve Z oneset data w indo w , sho w n in Fi g u re 23 , shows the z one membership for the ac ti ve z one set that re sides on the fabr i c management sw itc h.
48 Managing fabrics Displa y ing detailed de v i ce inf or mation In addition to the inf ormati on that is availa ble in the Dev ice s data w indow , you can c lic k (i) in the Details column to displa y mor e inf or mation as sho wn i n Fi g u re 24 .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 49 Cr eating a nic kname T o cr eate a dev i ce port nickname , per for m the follo w ing pr ocedur e: 1. Select Fi l e > Ni c k n a m es to open the Nicknam es dialog. 2. Choos e one of the fo llow ing meth ods to enter a nic kname .
50 Managing fabrics Z oning a f abr i c If EFCM or HAFM are used to manage the fabri c , it is recommended to use EFCM or HAFM to manage the fabr i c z oning . If EFCM or HAFM ar e not used and other McD A T A s w itc h models ar e in the fabr ic , it is r ecommended to use S ANpilot or Embedded W eb Server to manage the fabr i c z oning .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 51 Zo n e s e t s A z one s et is a named grou p of z ones. A z one can be a member of more than one z one set . E ach s w itc h in the fabr i c maintains its o wn z oning database contai ning one or more z one sets .
52 Managing fabrics • MaxT otalMembers is 10, 000. The max imum n umber of total z one and alias members that can be confi gured on the s w it ch . This w i ll be enfor c ed duri ng the configur ati on of z oning and during a z oning database mer ge f rom the f abr ic .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 53 Y ou cannot edit an acti v e z one se t on a s witc h . Y ou must confi gur e an inacti ve z one set to y our needs and then acti vat e that updated z one se t to apply the c hanges t o the fabr ic .
54 Managing fabrics Conf igur ing the z oning database Use the Z oni ng Conf ig dialog to change the Interop Auto Save , Default Visibility , Default Z one , and Discard Inactive conf igur ati on par ameters . Open the faceplate dis play . Select Zoning > Edit Z oning Config to open the Z oning C onfi g di alog sho wn in Fi g u re 26 .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 55 Def ault V isib ility The Def ault V isibility paramet er is only appli cable when the Inter op Mode opti on on the Adv anced S w itch Pr operties dialog is set to St andar d.
56 Managing fabrics T o re stor e the def ault z oning for a s w itch , pe rfor m the f ollo w ing pr ocedure: 1. Select Zoning > Restore Default Z oning in the faceplate displa y . 2. Click OK to confir m that y ou want to r es tor e def ault z oning and sa ve changes to the z oning database .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 57 Ac ti vating and deac ti v ating a z one set Y ou must ac ti vate a z one set to apply its z oning defini tions to the f abri c.
58 Managing fabrics Managing z ones Managing z ones in v olv e s the follo w ing: • Cr eating a z one i n a z one set , page 5 8 • Adding z one members , page 5 8 • Renami ng a z one or a z one .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 59 • Select a port/dev i ce in the P or t/Dev ice tr ee. Pr ess and hold Cont ro l w hile selecting m ultiple ports/dev ice s.
60 Managing fabrics Managing alias es An alia s is a collection o f objec ts that can be z one d together . An alias is not a z one , and cannot hav e a z one or another ali as as a member . NO TE: C hanges that y ou mak e to the z oning database ar e limited t o the managed s w itch and do not pr opagate to the r est of the f abr ic .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 61 Mer ging f abr ics and z oning If y ou jo in two f abr ics w ith an inter -s w itc h link, the acti v e z one s ets fr om the tw o fabr ic s attempt to mer ge automati cally . The fabr i cs ma y consist of a single s w it c h or man y s wit che s alread y connected to gether .
62 Managing fabrics.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 63 3 Managing s w itc he s This se ction des cr ibes the f ollo w ing ta sks that manage sw it ches in the f abr ic .
64 Managing switches Cr eating user acco unts A s witc h can hav e a max imum of 15 user accounts . T o cr eate a new us er account on a sw itc h, perf orm the fol lo wi ng pr ocedur e: 1. Select Swi t c h > U s e r A c c o u n ts in the faceplate displa y to open the User A ccount Administr ati on dialog .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 65 R emo v ing a user accoun t T o remo v e a use r account on a s witc h, perf orm the f ollo w i ng pr ocedur e: 1. Select S witch > User Accounts in the faceplate dis play to open the U ser Account A dministr ation di alog .
66 Managing switches Changing a us er account pas s w or d An y user can c hange their pas sw or d f or their account , but onl y the Admin account name can change the pass w or d for another u ser’s account .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 67 Modifying a u se r account T o modif y a user account on a sw itc h , perform the f ollo w ing pr ocedure: 1. Select Swi t c h > U s e r A c c o u n ts in the faceplate display to open the U ser Account Adminis tr ation dialog .
68 Managing switches Displa y ing s witc h inf or mati on The f aceplate displa y and data w indo w s pr ov ide the follo w ing s w itc h infor mation: • Dev i ce and HB A info rmati on • S w itc .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 69 T able 9 S w itch data w indo w entri es Entry Desc ription F irs t P ort Addres s S w itch FC addr e ss W orld Wi de Name S w itch W o.
70 Managing switches Z oning Def ault V isibility Z oning v isib ility status . P ermits (A ll) or pr ev ents (None) communicati on between attached de v ices in the ab sence of an acti v e z one s et .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 71 P or t Statis tic s data w indo w The P or t Statisti cs data w indo w display s port perfor mance data for the selec ted ports. Cli ck the Po r t S t a t s data w indo w tab in the faceplate display to open the P or t Statis tics data w indo w .
72 Managing switches Conf i gur ed Z onesets data w indo w s The C onf igur ed Z onesets data w indo w displa y s all z one se ts, z ones, alias es , and z one member ship in the z oning dat abas e, sh o wn in Fig u r e 32 . Cli ck the Configured Z onesets data windo w tab in the f aceplate display to open the Conf igur ed Z onesets data windo w .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 73 Co nfi gur ing port thr esh old alarms Y ou can conf igur e the s w itc h to gener ate alar ms fo r select ed ev ents . Conf ig uri ng an alarm in v olv es choo sing an ev ent type , r ising and falling tr iggers , a sample windo w , a nd finall y enabling or disabling the alarm .
74 Managing switches NO TE: T he s w it ch w ill do w n a port if a r ising tr igger al arm is not cl ear ed after thr ee co nsec uti v e sam ple wi n d ows. Fig u re 34 P ort threshold alarm e xample 8. Enter a sample w indo w in s econds. T he sample w indo w def ines the per iod of time in w hic h to count even t s.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 75 Re s e t t i n g a swi t c h Re setting a sw itc h r eboots the s wit ch using the s w itc h confi gurati on par ameters las t sav ed in perm anent memory on the sw itc h.
76 Managing switches Co n f i g u r i n g a swi t c h S w itc h confi gur ation is di v ided int o three ar eas: chassis conf igur ation , netw ork conf igur ati on, and SNMP confi gurati on . Chassis conf igur ation spec if ies s w itc h-w ide FC settings .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 77 S w itch a dmi nist rativ e states The s w itc h administr ativ e stat e determine s the operati onal state of the s w itc h. T he s w itch administr ati v e state e x ists in two f or ms: the confi gur ed administr ati ve s tate and the c urr ent administr ati v e state .
78 Managing switches In McD A T A Fa bri c mode , the McD A T A 4Gb SAN S w itch wi ll display the domain IDs the same as other M-ser ies dir ect ors and edge s w itches no matter w hic h management utility is used . The v alid domain ID ra nge is 1—31 f or McD A T A F abr ic mode .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 79 Use the FDMI Enabled option on the S w itc h Pr operti es di alog to enable or disable FDMI . If FDMI is enabled on an HB A, the HB A forw ards inf ormatio n about itself to the s wit ch w hen the HBA log s into the s wit ch .
80 Managing switches Timeou t value s The s w itc h timeout values deter mine the timeout values f or all ports on the sw itc h. Ta b l e 1 3 describe s the s wit ch timeout par ameter s. T he timeout v alues must be the same f or all sw itches in the fa bri c.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 81 CAUT ION: Use cau tion w hen disabling the Embedded GU I (McDA T A W eb Server), GUI Mgmt , T elnet , S SL , and S SH, as it is possible to dis able all access to the s w itc h. • Embedded GUI — McDA T A W eb Server.
82 Managing switches Networ k pr oper ties Use the Networ k Pr operties dialog sho wn in Fig u re 38 to change IP conf igur atio n parame ters and e nable r emote loggi ng. T o open the Networ k Pr opertie s dialog , c hoos e one of the f ollo w ing: • Select a s w itc h in the topolog y display .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 83 Re mote logging The R emote Logging (s y slog) f eatur e enables s av ing of the log infor mation to a re mote host that supports the sy slog pr otocol.
84 Managing switches SN M P c o n fi g u ra t io n The S NMP conf igur ation de fine s ho w authent icatio n tr aps ar e managed. Ta b l e 1 5 descr ibes the S NMP confi gurati on par ameters . T he illegal char act ers f or the user -def ined f ields ar e the pound sign (#), semi-colon (;), and comma (,) .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 85 SN M P t ra p c o n f ig u rat io n The S NMP tr ap conf igur ation de fine s ho w tr aps ar e set . Choose fr om the ta bs T rap1 – T rap 5 to configure each tr ap . T able 16 desc r ibes the SNMP conf igur ati on par ameters .
86 Managing switches Re s t o r i n g a swi t c h Re stor ing a s w itch loads the ar c hi ved s w itc h conf igur ation par amet ers to the s w itc h.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 87 • Configured Z oning — r estor es all conf igur ed z one sets, z ones, and alias es in the s w itch ’s zo ning database , e x cluding the ac tiv e z one set. R ef er to ” Conf igur ing the z oning databas e ” on page 54 for mo re in fo rma t ion.
88 Managing switches Do w nloading a su pport file The Download Support File option assembles all log f iles and s w itc h memory data into a cor e dump file ( dump_support.tgz) . This file can be sent to tec hnical support pers onnel for tr oubleshooting s w itc h pr oblems.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 89 3. Select Switch > Features to displa y the F eatur e L icense s dialog sho wn in F igure 41 . Fig u re 4 1 F eatur es L icense s dialog 4. Click Add to open the Add L i cense K ey di alog sho wn in Fi g u re 42 .
90 Managing switches During a hotr e set oper ation , fa bri c servi ces w ill be unav ailable for a short per iod (3 0 -7 5 seconds) . T o ensur e that an a Non-Disrupti v e Code L oad and Ac tiv ation (NDCL A) oper ati on is succe ssful , v er ify that all administr ati ve c hanges to the fabr i c (if any) are complete .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 91 2. Enter y our account name on the remote hos t and the IP addre ss of the r emote host . Whe n prompt ed for the sour ce f ile name , en ter the path f or the fir m w ar e image f ile .
92 Managing switches.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 93 4 Managing ports This sec tion des cr ibes the f ollo w ing topi cs about managing ports and dev i ces: • Displa y ing port infor mat.
94 Managing ports Monitor ing port status The f aceplate displa y pr o v ide s the follo w ing port r elated inf ormati on: • Po r t t y p e • Po r t o p e r a t i o n a l s t a t e • Po r t s p.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 95 Disp lay ing po rt spe eds T o display the speed of each po rt in the faceplate displa y , selec t View > View P or t Sp e ed s .
96 Managing ports P or t Statis tic s data w indo w The P or t Statisti cs data w indo w displa ys s tatistic s about port performance . Select one or mor e ports in the faceplate dis play that y ou w ant to v ie w st atistic s. Cli ck the Po r t S t a t s data wi ndow tab to open t he P ort Stati stics wind ow .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 97 F lo w Err or s Number of time s a fr ame is r ecei v ed and all the sw itc h ports r ecei ve buff ers ar e f ull. T he nor mal F abr ic L ogin e xc hange of f lo w contr ol cr edit should pr ev ent this fr om occ urr ing .
98 Managing ports P or t Inf ormati on data w indo w The P or t Infor mation data w indo w displa y s detail inf ormati on f or the select ed port. Cli ck the Po r t I n f o data w indo w tab in the f aceplate displa y to open the P or t Infor mation data w indo w .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 99 MF S Mode Multiple F r ame Seque nce bundling status I/O Str eam Guar d Not applicable Adminis tr ati ve P or t Speed The speed r eque sted b y the us er Oper ational P ort Speed The speed actuall y being u sed b y the port Dev i ce Scan Dev i ce scan statu s.
100 Managing ports Con figu rin g p or ts The port settings or char acte risti cs ar e confi gur ed using the P ort Properties dialogs sho w n in Fi g u re 45 . Select a port in the faceplate dis play . Select Po r t > Po r t P r o p e r t i e s to open the P ort Pr operties dialog.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 101 Changing port speeds The 1-Gbp s/2 -Gbps/4-Gbps por ts ar e capable of tr ansmitting and r ecei v ing at 1-Gbps , 2 -Gb ps, or 4 -Gbps. The ports can be confi gur ed for e ither tr ansmissi on speed or to sense the tr ansmis sion speed of the de v ice to w hic h it is connec ted .
102 Managing ports Changing port s y mbolic name T o change the sy mboli c name of a port from the f aceplate displa y , perform the f ollo w ing pr ocedur e: 1. Open the faceplat e display and select a port . 2. Select P ort > P ort Sy mbolic Name .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 103 • Node-to-Node (online) — the Node -to -Node tes t ver if ies communi cations between the port and its dev i ce node or dev i ce loop . The port being te sted must be online and connected to a remote de v ice .
104 Managing ports.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 105 5 C ommand L ine Int erface The Command L ine Interf ace (CLI) enables y ou to perf or m a var iety of f abr ic and s w itch management tasks thr ough an Ethernet connecti on .
106 Command Line Interface W orki n g with sw itch co n figurat ions Successful management of s w itc hes and fabr ics w ith the CLI depends on the effec tiv e us e of sw itc h confi gurati ons . Modifying conf igur atio ns, bac king up confi gur atio ns, and r est oring conf igur ations ar e ke y s wit ch manageme nt tasks .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 107 Back ing up and r es tor ing s w itch conf igur ations Backing u p and re stor ing a configur ati on is usef ul to pr otect y our w or k or for us e as a template in confi guring other sw it ches .
108 Command Line Interface Com m a n d s The co mmand s ynt ax is as f ollo ws : command oper and oper and [value] oper and [value1] [v alue2] The command is f ollo w ed by one or mor e oper ands. C onsider the foll o wing r ules and conv enti ons: • Commands and oper and ar e case inse nsiti ve .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 109 T able 28 C ommands listed b y autho rity le vel Monitoring commands Configuration command Help Histor y Pi n g Ps Quit Show Sho w Con.
110 Command Line Interface Admin command Description Starts and ends an Admin ses sion . The A dmin ses sion allo w s commands that change the fa bri c and s wit ch conf igur ations . Only one Admin se ssion can be started on the sw itc h at any time .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 111 Alias command Description Create s a named set of ports/dev ices . Ali ases mak e it easier to a ssign a set o f ports/d e vi ces to man y z ones . An ali as can not hav e a z one or anot her alias as a member .
112 Command Line Interface rename [alias_old] [alias_new] Re names the alia s gi ve n by [ali as_old] to the ali as gi v en b y [alias_ne w]..
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 113 CIM command Description Manages CIM listener and subsc r iption conf igur ations on the s w itc h. Authority Ad min session Syn t a x cim cancel clear edit limits save Operands cancel T erminates the cur r ent CIM edit session w ithout sa v ing changes that w er e made .
114 Command Line Interface CIMListener command Description Conf igur es CIM indicati on servi ce listene rs and adds subsc ripti ons to listener s. R efer t o the CIMSu bscr ipti on command f or info rmatio n about confi gur ing subsc ripti ons . Authority Admin sessi on and a CIM E dit sessi on .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 115 Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the CIML istener Cr eat e command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin-cim) #> cimliste ner create listener_1 A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow.
116 Command Line Interface CIMSubsc ription command Description C reat es, e di ts, o r re moves C IM s ubs crip tio n s. Authority Ad min session a nd a C IM Edit session.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 117 Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the CIM Subsc r iption Cr eate command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin-cim) #> cimsubsc ription create subscription_1 A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow.
118 Command Line Interface Config command Description Manages the FC configur ati ons on a s wit ch . F or inf ormati on about setting the port and sw itc h confi gurati ons, r e fer to the Set C onf ig command . Authority Ad min session for all op erands ex cep t List.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 119 restore Re stor es conf igur ati on settings to an out-of-band s w itc h fr om a back up f ile named configdata , whi ch mu st be fir st uploaded on the s w itc h using FTP . Y ou c reat e the back up f ile using the C onf ig Back up command .
120 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e xample of ho w to u pload a config ur ation bac ku p file ( configdata ) f r om the wo rkstati on to the sw itc h, and then r estor e the conf igur ation .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 121 Create command Description Create s support files f or tr oubleshooting s w itc h pr oblems, and certifi cates f or sec ur e communi cations for M c DA T A Web Se r v er .
122 Command Line Interface Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an ex ample of the Cr eate Support command when an FTP se rver is av ailable on the wor k s ta t i o n : McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> create supp.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 123 See also Date command , page 12 4 Set command , page 154 Set Setup command , page 17 0.
124 Command Line Interface Date command Description This command displa ys or s ets the s y stem date and time . T o set the date and time the infor mation str ing must be pr o v ided in this f ormat: MMDDhhmmCC YY . The ne w date and time take s effe ct immediatel y .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 125 Featur e command Description Adds Pr oduct F eatur e Enablement (PFE) k e y f eatures to the s w itc h and displa y s the PFE ke y log .
126 Command Line Interface Fir m war e Install command Description Dow nloads f ir mw ar e f r om a r emote ho st to the s w it ch , inst alls the f irm w ar e , then r es ets the s w itc h (w ithout a P O S T) to acti v ate the fir m war e .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 127 Group command Description Creat es gr oups , manages member ship withi n the gr oup , and manages the member ship of gr oups in security se ts. IMPO RT ANT: T his command is av ailable onl y w ith the S ANtegr ity Enhanced PFE ke y .
128 Command Line Interface Secondar y Hash Hash functi on to use t o dec ipher the encrypt ed Secondary Secr et sent b y the ISL gr oup member . Hash values ar e MD5 or SHA- 1. The Secondary Ha sh is used when the Pr imary Hash is not av ailable on the ISL gr oup member .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 129 copy [group_source] [group_destination] Cr eates a ne w gr oup named [gr ou p_destinati on] and copies the member ship into it f r om the gr oup gi ve n by [gr oup_sour ce]. create [group] [type] Cr eates a gr ou p w ith the name gi ve n by [g r oup] w ith the type gi ven b y [type].
130 Command Line Interface Secr et (MS Gr ou ps) Hex adec imal s tring that is enc rypted b y the Hash fu nction f or a uthenticati on w ith MS gr ou p members .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 131 The f ollo w ing is an ex ample of the Gr oup E dit command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin-security) #> gro up edit G1 10:00:00:c0:dd:00:90:a3 A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow.
132 Command Line Interface Hardr eset command Description Rese ts the sw itc h and performs a P O S T . This r es et disrupts tr aff ic , acti v ates the pending fir m w are , and clear s the alarm log . T o save the alar m log bef or e re setting , re fer t o the Set L og command.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 133 Help command Description Display s a bri ef desc r iption o f the spec if ied command , its oper ands, and usage . Authority None Syn t a x help [command] [operand] Operands [command] Display s a summary of the command giv en b y [command] and its operands .
134 Command Line Interface History command Description D i s p l a y s a n u m b e r e d l i s t o f t h e p r e vi o u s l y e n t e re d c o m m a n d s f r o m w h i c h y o u c a n r e - e x e cu t e s e l e c t e d commands.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 135 Hotreset command Description Res ets the s w itch for the pur pose o f acti v ating the pending fi rm war e w ithout disru pting traff ic . This command terminate s all management sessi ons , sav es all conf igur ati on infor mation , and c lears the ev ent log .
136 Command Line Interface Image command Description Manages and installs s w itc h fir m war e . Authority Ad min session Syn t a x image cleanup fetch [account_name] [ip_address] [f ile_source] [file_destination] install list unpack [file] Operands cleanup Re mov es all f irm w ar e image file s fr om the s wit ch .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 137 Notes T o pro vi de consistent per for mance throughout the fabr i c, ensur e that all sw itc hes ar e running the same version of firmware .
138 Command Line Interface Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Image Inst all command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> image install Warning: Installing new firmware requires a switch reset. Continuing with this action will terminate all management sessions, including any Telnet sessions.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 139 Lip c o m m a n d Description Re-initializ es the spec ifi ed loop port. Authority Ad min session Syn t a x lip [port_number] Operands [port_number] The number of the port to be re -initiali z ed .
140 Command Line Interface P assw d command Description Changes a user account’ s pass w ord . Authority Admin account name and an Admin sessi on to c hange another account’s pass w or d . Y ou can change y ou o w n pass w or d w ithout an Admin s essi on.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 141 P ing command Description Initiates an attempt to communi cate with another s w itc h o ver an Ether net netw ork and r eports the res u l t. Authority None Syn t a x ping [ip_address] Operands [ip_address] The IP addr ess of the s w itc h to query .
142 Command Line Interface P s command Description Display s cu rr ent s ys tem pr ocess infor mation . Authority None Syn t a x ps Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the P s command: McDATA4GbSAN #> ps PID PPID %CPU TIME ELAPSED COMMAND 338 327 0.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 143 Quit command Description Closes the T elnet ses sion . Authority None Syn t a x quit, exit, or logout Notes Y ou can also pr es s Contr ol+D to clos e the T elnet s ession .
144 Command Line Interface Reset command Description Resets the s w itc h configur ati on parameter s. If y ou omit the oper and, the def ault is Re set S w itc h.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 145 Enter the Sho w C onfi g S w itch command to display s w itc h conf igur ation v alues . Enter the Sho w Conf ig P ort command to display port conf igur ati on value s. system Re sets the s y stem confi gur ation setting s to the fact ory default v alues.
146 Command Line Interface Enter Sho w Conf ig T hr eshold command to displa y thre shold alarm conf igur atio n values . Aut oP erfT uning T rue LC F E n a b l e F a l s e MF SEna ble F alse VIEnable.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 147 Enter the Sho w C onfi g Z oning command to displa y z oning configur ation v alues . Enter the Sho w Setup S NMP command to display S NMP conf igur ation v alues. Enter the Sho w Setup R adius command to displa y RADIUS config urati on v alues.
148 Command Line Interface Enter the Sho w Setup Serv ices command to di spl ay switch s er vic e co nfig u rat ion va lu e s. Enter the Sho w Setup S ystem command to dis play s y stem conf igur ati on values . Enter the Sho w Conf ig Sec ur ity command to display sec ur ity config ur ation v alues.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 149 Security command Description Opens a Security E dit sessi on in whi ch to manage the sec urity database on a sw itc h. R ef er to the Gr oup command and the Sec urity set command . IMPO RT ANT: T his command is av ailable onl y w ith the S ANtegr ity Enhanced PFE ke y .
150 Command Line Interface save Sav es the c hanges that hav e been made to the secur ity database dur ing a Sec ur ity Edit sessi on . Changes y ou mak e to an y sec urity set w ill not tak e e ffect until y ou acti v ate that sec ur ity set. R ef er to the Sec ur ityset command f or inf ormatio n about acti v ating a secur ity set .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 151 The following is an example of the S ecurity List command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin-security) #> sec urity list McDATA4GbSAN #> security list Active Security Information SecuritySet Group GroupMember ----------- ----- ----------- No active securityset defined.
152 Command Line Interface Securityset command Description Ma nag es se curity set s in t he security datab ase. NO TE: Thi s command is a v ailable onl y w ith the S ANtegri ty Enhanced PFE k e y . Authority Admin sessi on and a Secur ity E dit sessi on .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 153 list Display s a list o f all secur ity sets. T his oper and is av ailable w ithout an Admin ses sion . remove [security_set] [group] Re mov es a gr oup gi v en b y [gr oup] f r om the se cur ity set gi ven b y [sec ur ity_set].
154 Command Line Interface Set command Description Sets a var iety of sw itc h paramet ers . Authority Admin sessi on for all oper ands ex cept Alarm , Beacon , and P agebreak , whi ch ar e a vaila ble without an Admin sessi on .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 155 setup [option] Changes SNMP and s y ste m configur ati on settings . Re fer to the Set S etup command . switch [state] Changes the administr ati ve st ate f or all ports on the sw itc h to the state gi v en b y [stat e].
156 Command Line Interface Set Config command Description Sets s w itc h , port , po rt thr esho ld alar m , sec ur ity , and z oning conf i gur ati on par amet ers . T he c hanges y ou mak e w ith this command ar e not r etained w hen y ou r es et or po w er cy c le the s w itc h unless y ou sav e them using th e Co nfi g Sa v e command .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 157 ARB_FF Send ARB_FF (T rue) instead o f IDLEs (F alse) on the loop . T he def ault is Fa l s e. I n t e ro p C re d i t (External ports only ) Inter o per abili ty cr edit . The number o f buff er -to -buffer cr edi ts per port .
158 Command Line Interface security Init iates a n ed it session in which to cha nge the security set tin gs. The system disp lays each parame ter one line at a time and prompts y ou f or a value . F or ea ch par ameter , enter a new value or pr es s Enter to accept the curr ent value shown in br ack ets .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 159 switch Init iates a n ed it se ssion in which to chan ge switch configuration sett ings.
160 Command Line Interface threshold Initiate s a configur ati on ses sion b y w hic h to gener ate and log alarms f or selec ted e v ents. T he s yste m display s each e vent , its tr iggers , and sa mpling w indow one line at a time and pr ompts y ou for a v alue .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 161 zoning Initiat es an edit ses sio n in whi ch to change s w itc h z oning attribute s.
162 Command Line Interface Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Set C onf ig P ort command: McDATA4GbSAN #> admin start McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> config edit McDATA4GbSAN (admin-config) #> set c onfig port 0 A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 163 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the S et Co nfig S w itc h command: McDATA4GbSAN #> admin start McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> config edit McDATA4GbSAN (admin-config) #> set c onfig switch A list of attributes with formatti ng and default values will follow.
164 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the S et Conf ig Thr eshold command: McDATA4GbSAN #> admin start McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> config edit McDATA4GbSAN (admin-config) #> set c onfig threshold A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 165 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample o f the Set C onfi g Z oning command. McDATA4GbSAN #> admin start McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> config edit McDATA4GbSAN (admin-config) #> set c onfig zoning A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
166 Command Line Interface Set Log command Description Spec ifi es the ev ents to r ecor d in the ev ent log an d displa y on the sc r een. Y ou determine w hat e vents to r ecor d in the s w itch ev ent log using the C omponent , Le v el, and P ort oper ands.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 167 display [filter] Spec if ies the log e ve nts to automati cally displa y on the scr een according t o the ev ent se ver ity le vels gi ve n by [f ilte r]. [f ilter] can be one o f the fol lo w ing va lues: Critical Criti cal se v erity le v el ev ents .
168 Command Line Interface Notes In additi on to cr itical , w arn , and infor mati ve s ev er ity lev els, the hi ghest e v ent se ver ity le vel is alar m. The alar m lev el des cr ibes e ve nts that ar e disru ptiv e to the adminis trati on or oper ation of a fabr ic and r equir e administr ator interventi on.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 169 Set P ort command Description Sets port state and speed for the spec if ied port temporar il y until the ne xt sw itc h r eset or ne w confi gurati on acti v ation . This command also c lears port counters .
170 Command Line Interface Set Setup command Description Manages confi gurati on settings for R emote A uthenti cation Dial-In Use r Servi ce (RAD IUS) server s, s wit ch serv ice s, S NMP , and sy stem conf igur ations.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 171 Use r A uthServ er Enable (T rue) or disa ble (F alse) this serve r for u ser acc ount authenti cation. A u ser authenticati on RAD IUS server r equir es a sec ure management connecti on (S SL).
172 Command Line Interface S SLEnabled Enabl es (T r ue) or disables (F alse) s ecur e S SL connecti ons for management appli catio ns including McD A T A W eb Server, the McD A T A W eb Server w eb applet , McD A T A W eb Server Applicati on Pr ogramming Int erface , and the CIM server .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 173 SNMP Pr ompts y ou in a line-by-line f ashion t o change S NMP conf igur ati on settings . Ta b l e 5 1 descr ibes the SNMP f ields . F or each par ameter , enter a new v alue or pr ess Enter to accept the curr ent value sho w n in br ack ets .
174 Command Line Interface system Pr ompts y ou in a line-by-line fashi on to c hange sy s tem confi gur ation settings . T able 5 2 descr ibes the s yst em config urati on fields . F or each par ameter , enter a new v alue or pres s Enter to accept the c urr ent value sho w n in br ack ets .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 175 Ex amples The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Se t Setup RADIUS command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> set setup ra dius A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow.
176 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the S et Setup S NMP command: McDATA4GbSAN #> admin start McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> set setup sn mp A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow. Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept current value.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 177 The f ollo w ing is an e xample of the Set Setup S y stem command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> set setup sy stem A list of attributes with formatti ng and current values will follow. Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.
178 Command Line Interface Show command Description Display s fabr i c, s w itc h, and port oper ational inf ormati on . Authority None Syn t a x show about alarm [option] audit broadcast chassis ciml.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 179 cimlistener [listener_name] Displa ys CIM indi cator se rvice s listener inf or mation f or the liste ner gi ven b y [lis tener_name]. If y ou omit [listener_name], the command displa ys all lis teners .
180 Command Line Interface T able 5 3 Sho w P ort parameters Entry Description AIinit Incr emented each time the port begins AL initializ ation AIinitErr or Number of time s the port enter ed initi al.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 181 RxOfflineS eq Number of offline sequences r ecei v ed . An OLS is issued for link initiali z ation , a R ecei ve & Reco gni z e Not_ Oper ational (NO S) s tate , or to enter the offline state .
182 Command Line Interface • Sh ow (Abo ut, Al arm, Back trac e, Cha ssi s, Co nfig P or t, Config Securi t y , Co nfig Switch, Con fig Thr eshold , Dev , Dev Settings, Domains , F abri c , Log , Lo.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 183 timezone Display s the c ur re nt time z one setting. topology Displa ys all connec ted de v ices . users Displa ys a lis t of logged-in us ers. This is equi v alent to the Us er L ist command .
184 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w FDMI WWN command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show fdmi 21:00:00:e 0:8b:09:3b:17 FDMI Information ---------------- Manufacturer QLogic C.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 185 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w Int erface command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show interface eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWadd r 00:C0:DD:00:BD:ED inet addr: Bc ast:10.20.
186 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w S witc h command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show switch Switch Information ------------------ SymbolicName McDATA4GbSAN SwitchWWN 10:00:08:00:88:e0:aa:b5 BootVersion V1.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 187 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w T opology command f or port 10: McDATA4GbSAN #> show topology 1 Local Link Informatio.
188 Command Line Interface Show Config command Description Display s s witc h , port, alar m thre shold, sec ur ity , and z oning for the c ur re nt confi gurati on.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 189 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w C onf ig S w it ch command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show config switch Configuration Name: de.
190 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w C onfi g Z oning command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show config zoning Configuration Name: default ------------------- Zoning Configur.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 191 Show Log command Description Display s the contents of the log or the parameter s us ed to cr eat e and display entr ie s in the log.
192 Command Line Interface display [filter] Displa ys log e v ents on the scr een according to the component or se v er ity leve l filt er gi ven b y [fi lter].
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 193 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w L og Opti ons command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show log options Allowed options for log -----.
194 Command Line Interface Show P erf command Description Display s port performance in f r ames/second and b ytes/second . If y ou omit the oper and, the command displa ys data tr ansmitted (out), data rece iv ed (in), and total data transmitted and r ecei v ed in fr ames/second and b ytes per s econd .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 195 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w P er f Byte command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show perf byte Displaying bytes/sec (total).
196 Command Line Interface Show Setup command Description Display s the c urr en t SNMP and s y stem settings . Authority None Syn t a x show setup mfg radius services snmp system Operands mfg Displa ys manuf actur ing inf ormati on about the s w itc h.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 197 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w Se tup RADIUS command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show setup radius Radius Information ------------------ DeviceAuthOrder RadiusLocal UserAuthOrder RadiusLocal TotalServers 1 Server: 1 ServerIPAddress 10.
198 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Sho w Se tup S y stem command: McDATA4GbSAN #> show setup system System Information ------------------ Eth0NetworkDiscovery Static Eth0NetworkAddress 10.20.92. 246 Eth0NetworkMask 255.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 199 Shutdo wn command Description T er minates all data tr ansfers on the s w itc h at con veni ent points and c loses the T elnet sessi on. A lw ay s po wer c y cle the s w itch after ent ering this command .
200 Command Line Interface T est command Description T es ts ports using internal (S erDes lev el), exte rnal (tr anscei v er ), and online loopback tests . Internal and ext ernal tes ts re quir e that the port be placed in diagnosti c mode . Re fer to the Set P ort State command for inf ormati on about c hanging the port administrati v e state .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 201 Ex amples T o run an inter nal or exter nal port test , perfor m the follo wing procedur e: 1. Enter the f ollo w ing command and pr es s Enter to start an Admin session. admin start 2.
202 Command Line Interface Uptime command Description Display s the elapsed up time since the s w itc h was la st r eset and r es et method. A hot r es et or non -disru ptiv e f irm w ar e acti vati on does not r eset the elap sed up time r eported by this command .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 203 User command Description Administer s and display s user accounts . Authority Admin account name and an Admin sessi on . The Accounts and L ist oper ands ar e a vaila ble to all account names w ithout an Admin s essi on.
204 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an ex ample of the User A dd command: McDATA4GbSAN (admin) #> user add Press 'q' and the ENTER key to a bort this command.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 205 Whoami command Description Display s the account name, s ession number , and sw itch domain ID fo r the T elnet sess ion .
206 Command Line Interface Zone command Description Manages z one s and z one membershi p on a sw itc h . Authority Admin sessi on and a Z oning E dit s essi on. R ef er to the Z oning command f or info rmatio n about starting a Z oning E dit sessi on .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 207 remove [zone] [member_list] Rem o ves t h e p o r ts / d evi c es give n by [m e m b e r _ l i st ] f ro m t h e zon e g iven b y [zo n e ]. Us e a <space> to delimit aliases and ports/dev i ces in [m ember_list].
208 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e xample o f the Z one Member s command: McDATA4GbSAN #> zone members wwn_b02 41f Current List of Members for Zone: wwn_b0241f --------------------.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 209 Zoneset command Description Manages z one sets and component z ones acr oss the f abr ic. Authority Admin sessi on and a Z oning E dit s essi on. R ef er to the Z oning command f or info rmatio n about starting a Z oning Edit s essi on .
210 Command Line Interface zones [zone_set] Display s all z ones that are components o f the z one se t giv en b y [z one_set]. This oper and does not require an Admi n session. Notes • A z one set must be acti v e for its def initions to be appli ed to the fabr ic .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 211 Zoning command Description Starts a Z oning E dit ses sion in w hic h to c r eate and manage z one s ets and z one s. R ef er to the Z one command and the Z ones et command. Authority Admin sessi on ex cept f or the Acti v e , History , Limits , and Lis t oper ands.
212 Command Line Interface limits Display s the number of z one sets, z ones, aliase s, members per z one, member s per alias , and total members in the z oning d atabase . T his oper and also display s the s w itch z oning database limits, e x cluding the ac tiv e z one set, w hic h ar e desc r ibed in Ta b l e 55 .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 213 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Z oning L imits command: McDATA4GbSAN #> zoning limits Zoning Attribute Maximum Cur rent [Z.
214 Command Line Interface The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Z oning L imits command: McDATA4GbSAN #> zoning limits Zoning Attribute Maximum Cur rent [Zoning Name] ---------------- ------- --.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 215 The f ollo w ing is an e x ample of the Z oning L ist command: McDATA4GbSAN #> zoning list Active ZoneSet Information ZoneSet Zone .
216 Command Line Interface.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 217 Glos s ar y Active zone set The z one set that defines the c urr ent z oning for the fabr ic Active firmwar e The fi rm war e image on.
218 Domain ID User def ined number that identif ies the s w itc h in the fabri c EFCM Enter pris e F abr ic C onnecti v ity Manager Even t l og Lo g of message s desc r ibing e v ents that occur in th.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 219 NL_P o rt Node Loop P ort. An FC de vi ce port th at supports arbitr ated loop pr otocol .
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 221 Inde x A account name display 203 , 205 factory 105 active zone set 47 , 51 Active Zoneset data window 47 Admin account name 108 autho.
222 Switch 68 database fabric 39 zoning 52 date 74 Date command 124 Decode error 73 default configuration 87 visibility 57 zoning 55 defaults alarm configuration 146 port configuration 145 RADIUS conf.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 223 display member 36 edit member attributes 35 , 129 list 130 list members 130 Management Server 129 remove 35 remove member 35 , 130 ren.
224 service 81 , 172 nickname create 49 delete 49 edit 49 export 49 import 49 node-to-node test 103 non-disruptive activation 89 , 135 Non-Disruptive Code Load and Activation 75 NTP - See Network Time.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 225 connection 30 consistency checklist 30 database 144 device 31 fabric 30 user account 30 Security command 149 security database clear 3.
226 Telnet session 174 values 80 tool bar standard 19 zoning 53 topology display arrange icons 22 data windows 22 description 17 usage 21 transceiver status 95 transmission speed 101 trap authenticati.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) AA-RW20A-TE . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.