Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product de100c van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp digital entertainment center de100c store organize discover play owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 1 table of contents 1 1 1 1 introduction 7 getting started 8 about this guide 9 using the remote control and front panel 10 button overview 12 typing wi.
2 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide consolidating dial-up connections when recording 32 copying music from a networked PC 33 3 3 3 3 enjoying your music libr ary 35 sorting and playing your music 36 what's displayed 37 library navigation: select vs.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 3 5 5 5 5 listening to internet radio 5 3 understanding internet radio 54 connection 54 buffering 54 graphics 55 station availability 55 finding and pla.
4 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide scheduling 70 time and date 70 time zone 70 update time 7 0 external devices 71 supported devices 71 gen e ra l i n fo rm a ti on 72 registration inf.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 5 finding network settings on your PC 92 locating the network mask, internet gateway, and name server 92 locating the web proxy 94 9 9 9 9 support and c.
6 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 7 1 introduction Welcome to HP’s Digita l Entertainment Center, the Inte rnet-connected stereo component that brings the Interne t music experience to your living room wi th the click of a button.
8 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide getting started Once you’ve installed and set up your digital entertainment center , you’ll want to quickly familiar ize yourself w ith the basi cs. ■ learn to use the co ntrols You can operate the digital entertai nment center with the remote control or from the front pane l.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 9 introduction about this guide The chapters tha t follow show you how to store, organ ize and play y our music, your way.
10 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide using the remote contro l and front panel The remo te control lets you le an back , relax, a nd ope rate your dig ital ente rtainmen t center from across the r oom. Its buttons are described in “button overview , ” starting on p age 12.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 11 introduction The front p anel i s design ed to giv e you qu ick cont rol over th e digit al enter tainment center’ s simpler functions, which don’t re quire the TV interface for navigation. Not all functions are available from the fr ont panel.
12 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide button overview butt on descr ipti on details basic operation Po w e r Press and release f or simple power on/ of f. When turned off this way, the digita l entertainment center ente rs sleep mode and the fan ru ns quietly.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 13 introduction mode selection CD Go to the CD play and record funct ions. LIBRARY Go to the top level o f all Library fu nc t ions . F rom here you can access your recorded music, pl a ylists , CD- Writer and p ortable functions, and music you’ ve down loaded.
14 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide spe cial fu nct ions ADD Add an ite m to a l ist . SHUFFLE / REPEA T Togg le be twee n re peat mod e, shuffle mode, b oth repea t and sh u ffl e, an d regul ar pl ay . Graphics on the TV and on the front panel are visibl e when shuffle and/ or repe at ar e in us e.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 15 introduction navigation BAC K Return to the previously displaye d scr een or close transient screens, such as the onscr een ke yboa rd, pop -up menus, a nd add pads. SEL Select the currently highlighted item.
16 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide transport controls Rewind / skip back To r ewind th e currentl y playing s ong, pres s and h ol d. To skip to the beginning of the song, pre ss an d rele ase . To skip back through the songs in the currentl y playing list , re peat ed ly pr e ss an d relea se.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 17 introduction transport controls Record R ecord the cu rrent item or list. When you first insert a CD , you can simp ly p r e ss Rec ord to record th e entire CD to the digital entertainment center. Stop Stop the cu rrently p laying/ recording/ downloading item (audi o or vi d eo) .
18 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide typing with the onscreen keyboard The digital entertain ment cen ter’s onscre en keyboar d appe ars when ever you c hoose a function that requir es typed inpu t.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 19 introduction the keyboard’s keys the keyboard’s keys the keyboard’s keys the keyboard’s keys command description done accepts the entry as sh.
20 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide the internet connection The digital entertainment center performs some functions on its own, and some functions requi re conne ction to the Int ernet. If you’ re a di al-up u ser, you need to b e aware of wh en these conne ctions occur.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 21 introduction connecting to internet radio To play Internet r adio stations, the digi tal entertain ment center must be connected to the Internet durin g the entire play se ssion.
22 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide power modes on/off and sleep mode When yo u qui ckly press an d rel ease th e Po w e r button, th e digital en tertainment cen ter processes for a m oment th en enters sle ep mode (rather th an turnin g off complete ly) , and the cooling fan runs quietly.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 23 introduction where to find help Answers to many frequently asked ques tions are ava ilable on screen at an y time. Pr ess OPT IONS , then se lect help . F or tech nical support, see “hp customer car e” on page 9 7.
24 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 25 2 playing CDs and recording music to the library The digital entertain ment center’s CD mode lets you: ■ play CDs , ju st as you w ould on any C .
26 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide playing a CD 1 On the front panel, press the Open Tra y button: Insert a CD , then close the tray. 2 Select CD from the home menu, or press CD : The digital entertain ment center retrie ves the CD informatio n — artist, album title, track titles, and g enre — from the Intern et.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 27 playin g CD s and rec ord ing m usic what's display ed While y ou’re play ing a CD, your television displa ys the followin g: And the front pa.
28 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide recording CD track s You can record all tracks on a CD to the digital entertain ment center or select speci fic tracks to record.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 29 playin g CD s and rec ord ing m usic what's display ed While y ou’re reco rding, your televi sion displays th e following: And the front panel shows this information: tip To ensur e tracks ar e re corde d w itho ut er ro rs, a ll na vig ati on is disable d during th e recor d operation.
30 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide recording selected tr acks Here’s how to rec ord a speci fic set of tracks. 1 On the front panel, press the Open Tra y button: Insert a CD , then close the tray. 2 Select CD from the home menu, or press CD : The digital ente rtainment center retrie ves the CD informati on and displays it.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 31 playin g CD s and rec ord ing m usic retrieving CD informatio n The first time you insert a CD to play or record it, the digital entertainmen t center retrieves the CD information (artist and album name, track titles, etc.
32 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide consolidating dial-up connections when recordi ng If you want to re cord from seve ral CDs and y ou use a di al-up c onnection, h ere’s the most efficient way to gather the CD information .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 33 playin g CD s and rec ord ing m usic copying music fro m a networke d PC To copy MP3 files from your PC to your digital entertain ment center, you ca.
34 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 35 3 enjoying your music library When you re cor d CD or MP3 trac ks, the musi c file s be com e part of y our li br ary.
36 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide sorting and playing your music You can sort your music to play any collection of tracks in you r library, such a s a complete CD , your entire coll ection by a specific artist, or all of a particular genre.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 37 enjoyin g your mus ic libr ary what's display ed While y ou’re p laying trac ks in your l ibrary , your tele vision display s the foll owing: .
38 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide library navigation: select vs. play The SEL and Pla y buttons h ave separa te but overlapp ing func tions.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 39 enjoyin g your mus ic libr ary searching wi thin your library You can move quick ly to a specific artist, track, or other ite m in your by using the search function. This feature is particularly useful when you’ve recorded a l arge amount of music to your digital ente rtainment center.
40 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide creating and playing playlists A pl aylis t is a c olle ctio n of tra cks th at yo u choos e and o rgan ize an yway y ou lik e. You can create up to 99 playlists of any l ength on your digita l entertainment cen ter.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 41 enjoyin g your mus ic libr ary playing your playlists To play a pla ylist: 1 Fr o m t h e library menu, select Pla y l i s t s . 2 Highlight the playlist you want to hear. 3 Press Pla y : modifying playl ists You can add or del ete tracks in a playl ist, or change the ir order.
42 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide editing CD and track information To edit or add to th e CD and tr ack information stored in your m usic library : 1 Hi ghlight the item y ou want t o edit, th en press OP TIONS : 2 Select edit . The inform ation appears on screen.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 43 enjoyin g your mus ic libr ary deleting music fro m your librar y To delete music from your digita l entertainment center: 1 Fr o m t h e library menu, select Mu si c , th en navigate down to the appropr iate level (for example , albums or track title s) .
44 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 45 4 taking your music with you The HP Dig ital Ent ertainment Center ma kes it easy to enjoy you r music collec tion wherev er you go.
46 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide writing to a CD The HP Digital Enterta inment Center writes to CD-R a nd CD-RW discs that comply with the Digital Audio standard. D igital Audio CDs are widely available through consume r electronics retailer s.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 47 taking yo ur musi c with you 8 When finish ed, press OPT IONS : The tracks for writing screen displays your list. — To delete a track from the l ist, highlight the tra ck, then press OPTIONS . Select delet e .
48 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide selecting a music format This table will help you dete rmine w hich CD forma t you want to use. erasing cd-r w med ia 1 Fr o m t h e library menu, select CD-W riter , then press OPT IONS : 2 Select erase cd-rw .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 49 taking yo ur musi c with you putting your music on a portable device supported devices The digital entertain ment cente r supports a number of por ta.
50 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide You can ad d items trac k by tra ck, or you c an add m u lti-track ite ms, such as a n entire album or a co mplete playl ist. When th e it em is hi ghli ghted, p ress OPT IONS : 5 Select add to , then select po rtable .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 51 taking yo ur musi c with you error mes sage If you see the message “n o portable de vice present” when your porta ble devic e is connecte d to the digital entertain ment center, check the following: ■ Is your portable su pported? Go to ww w.
52 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 53 5 listening to internet radio With the di gital entertai nment center, you can discover new mu sic and In ternet radio stations as well as enjoy your favori tes.
54 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide understanding internet radio Internet r adio is an audi o stream, sometimes accompani ed by g raphics, th at you a ccess over the Intern et.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 55 listening to internet radio graphics Many I nternet radi o stations tran smit graphi cs — even video — as par t of the data stream. When p ossible, t he digit al entert ainmen t center di splays t hese grap hics on your televis ion screen.
56 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide finding and playing internet radio stations A brief expl anation of the features is all you n eed to use an d enjoy In ternet rad io.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 57 listening to internet radio my favorites Select this function for fast access to your favorite station s.
58 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 59 6 exploring music onl ine Your digital entertainment center’s Intern et connection lets you access online music and entertainm ent, look u p artist and al bum infor mation, pu rchase mu sic, and more .
60 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide entertainment features The internet gu ide menu presen ts a regul arly updated sel ection of featured enterta inment items to be strea med or dow nloaded .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 61 explor ing m usic onli ne searching & shopping for music With the digita l entertainment center, it's easy to find more music by the ar tists you already listen to, or to check out related or completely new music.
62 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 63 7 setting your preferences You can test, view and chan ge many of the di gital entertainment cente r’s settings onscreen.
64 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide audio settings encoding rate The encoding rate de termines the sound quality of the tracks re corded to your digital entertainm ent ce nter. A h igher ra te (less fil e com pression) impr oves soun d quality , but i t also increases file size.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 65 settin g your p refer ences encoding format The first avail able en coding form at is MP3; look for additional formats to be ad ded. For information on these an d other up dates, see hp .com/support/de100c .
66 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide network settings Select network settings to view or change you r digital entertain ment center’s In ternet and home networking properti es. F or more in-depth information on these se ttings and on home netwo rking, see “ installi ng a nd setti ng up” on page 7 5.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 67 settin g your p refer ences ■ broadband If you’re configuring y our system for broa dband Intern et connectivity, the digital entertainment center tries to au to-configure the network setup ( through DHCP) .
68 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide home networking All home n etworking param eters are confi gured (and networkin g is e nabled) for broadb and users w ho are sh aring a b roadban d connec tion thr ough a router.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 69 settin g your p refer ences prompt before dialing If you con nect you r digit al enter tainmen t center to the Inte rnet via dial-up , you ca n choose wheth er to be pr ompted wit h a yes/no choi ce each ti me the devi ce prepa res to make an Internet connection.
70 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide scheduling Select Scheduling to view your system’s time an d date, an d to view or change your time z one or update time. time and date The digital entertain ment center sets an internal clock and calendar the first ti me it connects to the HP Digital E ntertainment P ortal.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 71 settin g your p refer ences external devices Select external de vices if you n ee d to sp ec if y a fol de r w h en you co py mu si c to y our po rt ab le device.
72 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide general information registration i nfo You can register your digital entertai nment center online from the initial setup scree n, or you can enter or update the informati on throu gh settings .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 73 settin g your p refer ences about your de1 00c Fr o m t h e settings menu, select general information , then about de100c to view the following: ■ .
74 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 75 8 installing and setting up This chapter details y our digital enterta inment center’s installa tion and configuration. F or additional in formation, go to www . in this chapter .
76 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide step 1 : get ready ■ Unpack your d igital entertainme nt center ■ check y our inter net rea diness ■ choose a location. unpack your digital en tertainment center Your bo x conta ins the fo llowing co mponen ts.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 77 installi ng and settin g up check your internet readiness ■ dial-up: 56k modem is built-in. Some connection me thods are not supported.
78 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide step 2 : co nnect ■ connect the audio ■ connect the video ■ connec t dial-u p or broadb and ■ power up The i nstru ctio ns pro vided here refer to the diag ram b elow.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 79 installi ng and settin g up connect the audio See “a ” on th e diagra m o n page 7 8. 1 Connect one end of the audio cable to the de100c’s analog OUT jacks, matching red to red, white to white.
80 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide connect the video See “b ” on t he d iagram on page 7 8. 1 Connect one e nd of the composite video cable to the de100c’s composite video OUT jack. 2 Conn ect the oth er end to your TV’s c omposit e video IN jack.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 81 installi ng and settin g up connect dial -up or broadband Refer to “ c” on the d iagram on page 7 8. F ollow the instruc tions in the approp riate col umn in the table below. power up Refer to “d” on the dia gram on pa ge 7 8.
82 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide step 3: check setup turn on yo ur system Turn on all components in your setup: ■ your digital ente rtainment center ■ your television (with vide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 83 installi ng and settin g up this component... may receive this input... so you need to... TV — cable TV — de100c vi deo conten t — content from.
84 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide step 4 : confi gure Using the remote control, follow the onscreen instructions to finish your system setup and connect to the Internet. Use the ar row keys to navigate among the selections; press SE L to choose an option.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 85 installi ng and settin g up step 5: connect to the internet dial-up To se t up you r dial-u p conne ction, you need to: ■ gather the ISP informa ti.
86 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide ■ Username __ ________ ________ ___ (Sometim es called A ccount Na me or Log in Name.) Your username i s usually ca se sensiti ve, so you may n eed to use t he onscreen ke yboard’s case button to switch between lower-case and capital letters.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 87 installi ng and settin g up test the dial-up connection You can test your dial-up connection with or without entering a proxy server. Once the success! screen appears, your I nternet setup is compl ete.
88 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide broadband router If you have not y et installe d a router to network y our broad band con nection, set u p and config ure your r outer (see y our route r’s inst ructions) before pr oceeding.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 89 installi ng and settin g up if auto-setup fails If automatic configuration fails, first check the physical connection from your de10 0c to your network or router. If the connection is correct, choose Ma nu al S et up and perform th e followin g steps.
90 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide ■ Web proxy (if requi red) ___ _________ _______ Most ISP s do not requi re use of a proxy s erver. If yo urs doe s, spec ify the s erver and port as: — proxyServer.domain:portNumb er (for example, p roxy.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 91 installi ng and settin g up step 6 : register Regis tering y our digi tal e ntertai nment ce nter has s everal benef its: ■ HP can quic kly dire ct any servi ce calls you may make .
92 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide finding network settings on your PC locating the network mask, inter net gateway, and name server Windows 9 8/Me 1 On your desktop, righ t click on N etwork Neighb orhood . 2 Select ( left click) Properties .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 93 installi ng and settin g up Windows 2000 1 On your desktop, righ t click on N etwork Neighb orhood . 2 Select ( left click) Properties . A list of network connections is displayed. 3 Right click on the connection to your home network .
94 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide locating the web proxy Internet Explorer 1 Open I ntern et Ex plor er. 2 Fr o m t h e Tools menu, select Internet Options . 3 Fr o m t h e Internet Options window, select the Connections ta b. 4 Right click on the LAN Settings button.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 95 installi ng and settin g up Nets cap e 1 Open Netscape. 2 Fr o m t h e Edit menu, select Preferences .
96 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 97 9 support and customer information support and services troubleshooting If you experience problems with you r HP Digital Enterta inment Center, see the Troubleshooting Guide online at ww .
98 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide repairs and servic e After working with the Customer Care Center, if it is dete rmined that y our HP Digital Entertain ment Cente r requir es repa ir/service , you wi ll be instr ucted on how and wh ere to ship your u nit to a rep air site.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 99 supp ort a nd cus tomer info rmati on hp upgraded warranty statement Protect your investment! Upgr ade your standard war ranty to thre e years of service coverage and access to phone support for on ly $200.
100 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide warranty statement 1 HP warrants to you, th e end-user customer, that HP ha rdware, a ccessorie s, and supplies wil l be free from defects in mate rials and wo rkmanship after the da te of purchase, for the period specifie d above.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 101 supp ort a nd cus tomer info rmati on 6 HP MAKE S NO O THER EXPRE SS WARRA NTY OR CONDITION WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL.
102 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide privacy statement HP respects your privacy and is co mmitted to protecting it. HP provides this Privacy Statement to inform you of our privacy policy an d practices an d of the choices you can make about the way your informa tion is colle cted and used with th is appliance and its s ervices.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 103 supp ort a nd cus tomer info rmati on E ach HP Digital Entertainment C enter has a unique serial number. All HP Digital Entertainment P ortal requests, such as catalo g searches and CD purchases, include this number – in part to ensure secure communications.
104 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide Security HP is committed to ensuring the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosu re , mainta in data accuracy and en su re the appr op ria t e us e of the inf orm atio n, HP has in place appro priate phy sical, technica l and manag erial pr ocedures .
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 105 supp ort a nd cus tomer info rmati on product certifications UL , cUL , meets o r excee ds FC C Cla ss B Require ments. La ser: CDRH C lass 1 Laser Safety This unit employs a l aser. Do not remove the cover or attempt to service this de vice when connected due to the possib ility of eye d amage.
106 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide CD Laser Type: Semicon ductor l aser GaA 1A s Wave length: 7 80 nm (a t 25 d egrees C) Output po wer 2. 5 mW (read ) 35 mW ( write ) Beam Di vergence : 60 d egrees Fe deral Communications Commission R.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 10 7 supp ort a nd cus tomer info rmati on DECLAR A T ION OF CONFO RMI TY according to ISO/IE C Guide 2 2 a nd EN 4 5 014 Manufa cturer’s Name: Hewlet.
108 hp digital entertainment cente r owner’s guide FCC Declaration of C onform ity Accordi n g to 4 7CFR, P arts 2 and 15, Cla ss B Comp ute r P eriph eral s: This device complies with P art 15 of the FCC Rules.
109 index A add button 14 advanced n etwork settings 67 airflow ven t 77 album nam e editing 42 retrieving 31 AOL 77 arrow buttons onscreen keyboard buttons 19 remote and front panel 15 artist name ed.
110 CD information editing 42 retrieving 20 , 31 CD media 46 CD tray open/close 12 CD-R 46 CD-RW 46 clear (onscree n keyboard) 19 clear ing playlists 41 CompactFlash card reade r 49 , 71 composite vid.
111 F fan (int ernal) 12 FAQs 23 fast forward button 16 favorite stations 57 FCC statement 105 featured stations 56 file compression 64 file format 65 file sharing 68 flat file system 48 folders (p or.
112 K keyboard, onscreen 18 – 19 L laser safety 105 last station played 56 left arrow button 15 librar y 35 – 43 deleting m usic 43 navigati on 38 reco rd ing musi c to 28 searching in 39 library .
113 playing CDs 26 playlist 41 playlists clear ing 41 creating 40 deletin g 41 nami ng 40 playing 41 portable putting music on 49 portable de vices putting music on 49 supported 71 power button 12 pow.
114 settings 63 – 73 about de100 c 73 advance d network se ttings 67 audio 64 audio test 65 copyright i nformation 73 encodin g format 65 encodin g rat e 64 exte rnal d evice s 71 file sharing 68 ge.
115 update tim e 70 updates an d the dial-up connec tion 21 upgra ded warra nty 99 URLs 23 usern am e 86 V VGA c onnectio n 80 video connection 80 W warranty 99 – 101 web pr oxy broadband 88 , 90 di.
Copyrigh t 2001 H ew l ett-Packard Company Mad e i n U S A.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) de100c . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.