Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product E1312A van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Contents HP E1312A/E1412A User’s Manual and SCPI Programming Guide Edition 4 Con ten ts 1 Warranty ............ ........................... .................. ........................... ........................... ........ 9 Safety S ymbols .......
2 Contents Chapter 2 HP E1312A/E1412A Mul timeter Applic ation Inform ation ( continued ) Frequency an d Period Measure ment Errors...................... .................. ........................ 36 Measurement Confi guration .......................
Con ten ts 3 Chapter 3 Multim eter Comm a nd R e fere n ce ( continued ) CALCulate .................................... ........................... .................. ........................... ...... 73 :AVERage:AVERage? . .................. .......
4 Contents Chapter 3 Multim eter Comm a nd R e fere n ce ( continued ) FETCh? .............. ........................... .................. ........................... ........................... ...... 98 INITiate ....................... ............
Con ten ts 5 Chapter 3 Multim eter Comm a nd R e fere n ce ( continued ) [SENSe:] ( co ntinued ) FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe ..... ........................... .................. ...................... 129 FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe? ... .....................
6 Contents Chapter 3 Multim eter Comm a nd R e fere n ce ( continued ) [SENSe:] ( co ntinued ) VOLTage[:DC]:RESolut ion? ........................... .................. ........................... .... 151 ZERO:AUTO ............... ....................
Con ten ts 7 Appendix B HP E1312A and HP E1412A Mul timeter Error Messages ....................... ............. 185 Execution Er rors ........................... ........................... ........................... .................. .... 185 Self-Test Err ors .
8 Contents Notes:.
9 Certification Hewlett-Pack ard Company ce rtifies that this product met it s publ ished specific ations a t the time of sh ipment from the factor y. Hewlett- Packard fu rther certifie s that its ca .
10 Safety Sym bols Inst ructi on ma nual s ymbol affixe d to produc t. Indi cates th at the user must refer t o the manual for specific WARNING or CAUTION information to av oid personal injury or dam ag e to the produ ct. Alternating current (AC) Inst ructi on ma nual s ymbol affixe d to produc t.
11 Jim White, QA Ma nager European contact: You r local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Depart- ment HQ-TRE, Herrenber ger Straße 130, D-71034 B öblingen, Ger many .
12 European contact: You r local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Depart- ment HQ-TRE, Herrenber ger Straße 130, D-71034 B öblingen, Ger many (FAX +49- 7031-14-3 143.
NO POST AGE NECESSAR Y IF MAILED IN THE UNITED ST A TES fold here Pl ease f o ld an d tape f or ma ili ng Reader Comment Sheet HP E131 2A/E1412 A 6½-D igit Mul timeter Us er ’s Manua l and SC PI Pro gramming Guide Edition 4 Y ou can help us impr ove our manuals by sharing you r comments and suggestio ns.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A M ultimeter Module Setup 15 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Using This Chapt er This chapt er provi des one page of gen eral mo dule info rmation fol lowed by the tas ks you mus t perform to set up y our module an d verify y our instal lation wa s success ful.
16 HP E1312A and HP E14 12A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1 Setting the Module Address Switch The logi cal addre ss switch factory s etting i s 24. Valid addresses are from 1 to 254 f or stati c config uration ( the addre ss you set on the swit ch) and address 255 for dyn amic configur ation.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A M ultimeter Module Setup 17 Chapter 1 Interrupt Priority The HP E1312A an d HP E1412A Multimete rs are VXIbus i nterrupt ers. However, th ere is no interru pt priori ty level settin g to be ma de on the module.
18 HP E1312A and HP E14 12A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1 Figure 1-2. Multimet er Measureme nt T erminals.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A M ultimeter Module Setup 19 Chapter 1 Multimeter Functional Connections Figure 1-3. Switch Mo dule Analog Bus Connections Figure 1-4.
20 HP E1312A and HP E14 12A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1 Figure 1-5. V oltage Measurement Connections Figure 1-6. V oltage Ratio (Vdc) Measurement Connections.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A M ultimeter Module Setup 21 Chapter 1 Figure 1-7. 2-Wire Ohms Measure ment Connections Figure 1-8. 4-Wire Ohms Measure ment Connections.
22 HP E1312A and HP E14 12A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1 Initial Operation To pro gram the Multim eter us ing SCPI, y ou must s elect th e interf ace address and SCPI commands to be u sed. General informat ion about using SCPI comman ds is pre sented at the begin ning of Chapt er 3.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A M ultimeter Module Setup 23 Chapter 1 #inclu de <st dio.h> #inclu de <vi sa . h> /*** FUNCTION PROTOTYPE ***/ void er r_handler (Vi Session vi, ViStatus x); void ma.
24 HP E1312A and HP E14 12A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1 Notes:.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 25 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information Using Thi s Ch ap ter This cha pter provi des multi meter appl ication informati on in five parts. • Measurement T utor ial.
26 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Loading Er rors (dc vo lts) Measurement loading e rrors oc cur when the resist ance of th e device- unde r-te st ( DUT ) is an appre ciable per centage of the multi meter’ s own input resist ance.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 27 Chapter 2 Rejecting Powe r Line Noise V oltages A desira ble chara cterist ic of in tegrati ng analog- to-digital (A/D) c onverter s is thei r abili ty to rej ect spuriou s signals . The in tegrating t echniq ues rejec t power-l ine re late d noise prese nt wit h a dc sig nal on the in put.
28 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Noise C aused by Magnetic Loop s If you are ma king measur ements near magne tic fie lds, you sho uld ta ke the necessa ry precau tions to avoid i nducing vol tages in the measure ment conducto rs.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 29 Chapter 2 Resi st ance Measu rem ent s The HP E1312A an d HP E1412A offer tw o methods for mea suring resist ance: 2-wi re and 4-wir e ohms. For bot h methods, the test curr ent flows from the input HI t erminal and then th rough the resisto r being meas ured.
30 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Removi ng Fiel d Wiring Re sistance Errors in 2-Wire Ohms Measur ement s Field wir in g ca n cau se an o f fset erro r in 2- wire resi stan c e mea sur emen ts.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 31 Chapter 2 Powe r Di ssip ation Effec t s When measuring r esistors desi gned for t emperature measu rements (or other resist ive devi ces with l arge temperat ure coeff icient s), be a ware that the multimet er will di ssipate some power i n the devic e-under- test.
32 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 DC Current Measur ement Error s When you conn ect th e multimete r in series with a te st circu it to meas ure current , a meas urement err or is in troduced. T he err or is caused b y the multim eter’ s series burden volta ge .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 33 Chapter 2 determ i ne t hi s va lue by combin ing results fr om dc and a c mea sur em ent s a s shown belo w.
34 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Loading Er rors (ac vol t s) In the a c voltage function, th e input of the HP E1312A and HP E1412A appe ars a s a 1 M Ω resistan ce in para llel wit h 100 pF of capacitan ce.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 35 Chapter 2 Low- Level Measur ement Errors When meas uring ac volt ages less t han 100 mV, be aware that the se measuremen ts ar e espec iall y susc eptible to error s introd uced by extra neous noise so urces.
36 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 AC Current Measur ement Error s Burden vol tage error s, which apply t o dc current, also appl y to ac cur rent measuremen ts. Howeve r, the bur den voltag e for ac c urrent i s larger due to the multi met er ’ s serie s in duct an ce a nd you r measurement con necti ons .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 37 Chapter 2 Measureme nt Configuration This sec tion cont ains inf ormation t o help you c onfigure t he mult imeter fo r making meas urements. The par ameters disc ussed in t his sectio n give you measurem ent fle xibilit y when using the CONFigure command.
38 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Resolution Resolution is expressed in te rms of number of digits the multi meter can measure.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 39 Chapter 2 Integr ation Time Integ ration time is the period during w hich the multime ter’ s an alog-to-digital (A/D) conve rter samples the input signal for a measurem ent.
40 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Auto zero Autozero app lies to d c voltage, dc curren t and 2- wire resist ance measuremen ts. The mult imeter int ernall y disconnec ts the i nput signa l followi ng each meas urement and takes a zero read ing when a utozero is enabled .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 41 Chapter 2 Math Operations (CALCulate Subsystem) This sections provides more information a bout using the math fu nctions in the CALC ulate com mand. The math operations and regi sters used to store mathematical data are con trolled using the CALCu late command subsyste m.
42 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 T wo W ays to S tor e the NULL Offset V alue • The null v alue is st or ed i n t he mul timet er’ s Null R egist er . Y o u can enter a sp ecific num ber into th e nul l reg iste r usin g the CALCulate: NULL:OFFSet < value > command.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 43 Chapter 2 Storing the dB Reference V alue Do not confuse this operatio n with the dBm reference (DBM) functi on.
44 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 LIMit Function The limit test ope ration e nables you to perform pas s/fail testing against limits you specif y using th e CALCulate:LIM it:UPPer and LOWer comm and s. • Applies to all meas urement fu nctions.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 45 Chapter 2 T riggering the Multimeter This sec tion disc usses the multimete r’ s trigger sy stem and out lines th e differ ent trigge ring confi guratio ns and progr amming methods used to control the tr igger sys tem.
46 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Trigg e rin g t he mult imet er is a mu lti -s tep pr ocess that o ffe rs trig ge ring flexib ilit y. 1. Y ou must con figure t he multimet er for t he measuremen t by selec ting the func tion, ran ge, resolu tion, etc .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 47 Chapter 2 Checking th e T rigger Source The TRIGger:SOURc e? command re turns “BUS” , “EXT” , “IMM” , or “TTLT n ” to show th e pres ent trig ger sourc e. The string i s sent t o the out put buf fer.
48 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Bus T rig gering The mult imeter is tri ggered fro m the VXIbus. This mo de is selected with the TRIGger:SOURce BUS command. • Use the *TRG comman d fr o m the HP-IB to tr igger the m ulti mete r when TRIG:SOUR BUS i s u sed .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 49 Chapter 2 Example: Setting the T rigger Count In the following example, one DC voltage measurement is made each time the multimeter’ s external trigger BNC connector is puls ed low. After 10 external triggers are received, the multimeter returns to the idle st ate.
50 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Defaul t Delays If y ou do not spe cify a t rigger de lay, the mul timeter a utomatica lly determi nes a dela y time (def ault del ay) based on the pres ent measur ement functi on, range, resol ution, inte gration ti me and AC filter bandwid th setting .
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 51 Chapter 2 Quer ying the Delay Time The TRIGge r:DELay? [MINim um | MAXimum ] command ret urns one of the follo wing nu mbers to the outp ut buf fer: • The presen t trigger del ay (1 µ s th rough 3600 seconds) if MIN or MAX is not s pecifie d.
52 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Application Examples This sect ion contains example programs t hat demonstra te several appl ications using t he HP E1312A or HP E1412A Multimet er.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 53 Chapter 2 Hardware Used 486 I BM compa tible compute r run nin g Windows 3.1. The c omputer has a n HP 82341 HP-I B interface and HP SICL/Windows 3.
54 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 The measureme nt process re starts when there is agai n room to store re adings in the out pu t buf fer.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 55 Chapter 2 • T r igger source ( TRIG:SOUR ) is set for a n externa l trigge r . A trigger count ( T RIG:CO UN ) of 3 is set; th e multimete r will accep t thr ee exter nal trigge rs. • The sample count ( SAMP: COUN ) i s set for 10 sampl es per tr igger .
56 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 MEASURE4 Source Code File Maxim izing Accura cy (most accu rate resoluti on, longer i ntegration time) *RST Reset the mul timeter . CONF:VOLT:DC AUTO,MI N Configu re for dc volts, au torange, mi nimum resolution (longes t integr ati on time).
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 57 Chapter 2 Synchr onizing t he Multi meter With a Switch Module This pro gram exampl e demonstr ates how to synchroni ze the mu ltimeter with a swi tch module .
58 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 This exa mple monit ors the s witch modu le’ s status s ystem. The swi tch module’ s stat us sy st em ( HP E1476A) is s hown in Fi gur e 2 -4.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 59 Chapter 2 HP E1412 A SCAN Source Code File See SCA N1312 E xample Program for HP E1312A Code (The HP E1312A cannot use T TL triggers) SCPI comman d sequences for the progra m are as fol lows. **** Set up the Multi meter **** *RST Reset the mul timeter.
60 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 Multimeter S t atus System Ex amples There ar e two program examples t hat demonstrate ho w the HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimete r status sy stem works.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 61 Chapter 2 SYNCHOPC Source Code File This progr am has the multimet er take 10 measu rements. The Standard Eve nt bit (ESB) in the status byt e (see Figure 2-5 on pa ge 60 ) is m onito red t o det ect when th e operatio n is comple te.
62 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 SYNCHMA V Source Code File This pro gram has t he multim eter ta ke 10 mea surement s just l ike SYNCHOP C.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 63 Chapter 2 LIMITTST Source Code File This progra m has the multime ter making measu rements conti nuou sl y until an up pe r or lo wer li mit is ex ceed ed. T he lo w er tes t limit is set t o 2V; the upper te st limit is set t o 8V.
64 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 HP VEE Progra mming Example HP VEE is HP’ s Visual Engi neering Environme nt , a graphical programmin g language for crea ting tes t systems and solvin g engineer ing probl ems. This sectio n provides an instr ument contr ol example using the “Direct I /O” featur e of HP VEE.
HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Inform ation 65 Chapter 2 Program De scripti on The instrume nts are progr ammed using Direc t I/O obje cts connecte d as requir ed by the se quence of SCPI commands.
66 HP E1312A/E14 12A Multimeter Application Informat ion Chapter 2 See your HP VEE documentati on and on-l ine help for more detai l on test and meas urement I /O contro l.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 67 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Multimeter Command Reference Using This Chapt er This chapter de scribes the St andard Comm ands for Program mable In strumen ts (SCPI) and I EEE 488.2 Common (* ) Commands appl ic abl e to the HP E1312A and HP E1412A 6 ½-Digit Mult imeters.
68 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 Command Sep a rator A colo n ( : ) al ways separa tes one co mmand from t he next lo wer level command as shown belo w: CALi brat ion : SECure:STATe? Colons se parate the r oot command fr om the seco nd level command ( CALibration:S ECure ) and the sec ond level from the t hird leve l ( SE Cure:STATe? ).
Multimeter Command Refer ence 69 Chapter 3 Parameters Pa rameter Types . The f ollowing table cont ains expl anations and example s of para meter t ypes you m ight see later i n this chapter. Optional Pa rameters. Parameters s hown within square br ackets ( [] ) are optional parame ters.
70 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 Multimeter Range an d Resolution T ables The foll owing tabl es list the volta ge and res istance ranges ava ilable fo r the multimet er. Also shown ar e the asso ciated re solu tion val ues vers us ap ertur e time in seconds or integr ation ti me in power l ine cycl es (PLCs) fo r each ra nge.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 71 Chapter 3 SCPI Command Refe rence This sec tion desc ribes th e Standard Commands for Programmabl e Instrume nts (SCPI) f or the HP E1312A and HP E1412A 6 ½-Digi t Multime ters. Commands a re listed al phabetical ly by subsys tem and als o within each subsystem.
72 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 ABORt The ABORt co mmand subsys tem remov es the mu ltimeter fr om the wait -for-tr igger state and places it in th e idle st ate.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 73 Chapter 3 CALCulate There are fi ve math operat ions availabl e ( AVERage , DB , DBM , LI Mit , and NULL ), only one can be ena bled at a ti me. Each perf orms a mathematica l operatio n on every readi ng or stores dat a on a ser ies of readi ngs.
74 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :A VERage :A VERa ge? CALCulate:AVERage:AVERage ? reads the avera ge of all readings taken s ince AVER age was enab led ( CALC:FUNC AV ER and CALC:STAT ON com man ds). The aver age value is cl eared when AVER age is ena bled , whe n pow er is re moved , or after the mu ltimeter is reset.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 75 Chapter 3 :DB:R EFerenc e CALCulate:DB:REFerence < va lue > | MIN | MAX stores a relative va lue in the dB Relati ve Register. You must tur n on the math op eration e. g., execu te CALC:STAT ON before wri ting to the math regist er .
76 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :FUNCtion CALCulate:FUNCtion AVERage | DB | DBM | LIMit | NULL selects the math function to be use d. One funct ion is enabl ed at a time wit h NULL the default . The select ed functi on MUST be enabl ed with CALC:STATe ON .
Multimeter Command Refer ence 77 Chapter 3 :LIM it:LOWer CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer < va lue > | MIN | MAX sets the lowe r limit f or limit testin g. You can set the value to any nu mber between 0 and ± 120% of the highes t range, fo r the pre sent function.
78 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :NULL :OFFSet CALCulate:NULL:OFFSet < value >|M I N|M A X stores a null valu e in th e multimet er’ s Null Register . You mus t turn on th e math operat ion e.g., exe cute CALC:STAT ON before wri ting to the math register .
Multimeter Command Refer ence 79 Chapter 3 CALibration The CALi brati on command subsystem allows you to enter a secu rity code to p revent accidental or un authorized calibratio ns of the multim eter. When yo u first receive your multimeter, it is secured.
80 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :LFRe quency? CALibration:LFRequency? que ries th e li ne freq ue nc y se tting . Comment s This command ret urns +50 for line frequ ency set t o 400 becaus e 400 is an even multip le of 50 . Examp le Query the Line Freque ncy Setting CAL:LFR? Query the line frequency.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 81 Chapter 3 :SE Cure: ST A T e CALibration:SECure:STATe OFF | ON, < code > unsecur es or s ecures t he multimet er for ca librati on. The cal ibration code must be the code s et by the CAL:SEC:CODE command. The state i s sto red in non- volatile memor y.
82 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 Examp le En te r Ca l ibr at ion I nfo rm at io n to R ecor d the Next Ca lib rati on Da te CAL:STR ’Cal 4/4/YY, Due 1 0/4/YY’ Enter a calibratio n mes sage to record the ca l date of Ap ril 4 an d next cal du e date as Octobe r 4 (YY = y e ar of du e date ) .
Multimeter Command Refer ence 83 Chapter 3 :ZERO :AUTO CALibrate:ZERO:AUTO < mode > enables or dis ables t he autoze ro mode. Aut ozero applie s to d c voltage, dc cur rent and 2-wi re ohms meas ure ment s onl y. 4- wire ohms and dc vol tage rat io measure ments automa tically enable th e autoz ero mode.
84 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 CALibration? CALibration? performs a calib ration using the specifi ed calibrat ion value set by t he CALi brat ion :VAL ue co mmand and que ries the calibra tion respons e to veri fy a succ essful ca librat ion.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 85 Chapter 3 CONFigure The CONFigure co mmand subsys tem config ures the multimeter to perfor m the specif ied measure ment wit h the give n range and resoluti on. CONFigure does not make the mea surement a fter set ting the configur ation.
86 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 or res oluti on dif fere nt fro m the d efaul t valu e prio r to ex ecutin g the CONFig ure command. Th e followi ng table lis ts the de fault se ttings yo u can expec t from the CONFigure command f or each f unction.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 87 Chapter 3 :CURRent:A C CONFigure:CURRent:AC [< range >|MIN|MAX |DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the AC cu rrent funct ion an d allows you to specif y the measur ement r ange and resol utio n.
88 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :CURRent[:DC ] CONFigure:CURRent[:DC] [< rang e >|MIN|MAX| DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the DC cu rrent fu nction an d allows you to specif y the measur ement range and resol ution.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 89 Chapter 3 :FREQ uency CONFigure:FREQuency [< range >|MIN|MAX |DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the freq uency funct ion. Parameters Comment s • The f requency f unction us es one “ra nge” for a ll input s between 3 Hz and 300 kHz.
90 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :FRE Sist ance CONFigure:FRESistance [< ra nge >| MIN|MAX| DEF|AUTO [,< resolut ion >|MIN| MAX|DEF]] selects t he 4- wire ohms fun ction an d all ows you to specify t he meas ure ment range a nd re sol uti on.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 91 Chapter 3 :PERiod CONFigure:PERiod [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the period f unction an d allows you t o specify range an d resolut ion. Parameters Comment s • The pe riod func tion uses one “range ” for all inputs be tween 0.
92 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 :RESis t ance CONFigure:RESis tance [< ran ge >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects t he 2-wire ohms f unction and all ows you to specif y the rang e and resol ution.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 93 Chapter 3 :VOL T a ge:AC CONFigure:VOLTage:AC [< rang e >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selec ts th e AC-coupled RMS voltag e f unc tion and allows y ou to speci fy the ra nge and resoluti on.
94 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 [:VOL T age[: DC]] CONFigure[:VOLTage [:DC]] [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the DC volt age functi on and all ows you to specif y the rang e and resol ution.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 95 Chapter 3 [:VOL T age[: DC]] :RA Tio CONFigure[:VOLTage[:DC]]:RATio [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] configur es the mult imeter f or dc:dc r atio measuremen ts with th e specif ied range and resolu tion.
96 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 CONFigure? The CONFigure? c ommand queries the multimet er to retu rn the conf iguration set by the most rec ent CONFigure or MEAS ure command.
Multimeter Command Refer ence 97 Chapter 3 DA T A The mu lt imet er ca n store up to 5 12 rea ding s in inte rnal me mor y. T he DATA command a llows you to determin e how many read ings are c urrentl y stored.
98 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3 FETC h? The FETCh? command r etrieves measurement s stored in the modul e’ s internal memory by t he most re cent IN ITi ate comma nd and places them in the output buffer. This command is most commonl y used with CONFigure .
Multimeter Command Refer ence 99 Chapter 3 INIT iate The INITiate comm and su bsys tem plac es the multime ter in the wai t-for -trigg er sta te. This command is most commonl y used with CONFigure .
100 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 INPut The INPut command enable s or disab les the a utomati c input impe dance mode fo r DC voltage measurem ents.
Multimeter Command Reference 10 1 Chapter 3 MEASure The MEASure command subsystem conf igures t he multimeter t o perform the specif ied measuremen t with the give n range and resolut ion. When the multi meter is trigge red, MEAS ure makes the mea surement an d sends the readings to the out put buf fer.
102 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :CURRent:A C? MEASure:CURRent:AC? [< rang e >|MIN|MAX| DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] select s the AC curr ent func tion and al lows you to specif y the measur ement range and resol ution (s ee range ve rsus res olution t able at star t of chap ter ).
Multimeter Command Reference 10 3 Chapter 3 :CURRent[:DC ]? MEASure:CURRent[:DC]? [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the DC curr ent funct ion and al lows you to specif y the measur ement range and resol ution.
104 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :FREQ uency ? MEASure:FREQuency? [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the freq uency funct ion and us es one rang e for al l inputs b etween 3 Hz and 300 kHz.
Multimeter Command Reference 10 5 Chapter 3 :FRE Sist ance? MEASure:FRESistance? [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AU TO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects t he 4-wire ohms f unction and allows you to specif y the measur ement range and resol ution.
106 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :PERiod ? MEASure:PERiod? [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the period f unction an d allows you t o specify range an d resolut ion. Parameters Comment s • The pe riod func tion uses one “range ” for all inputs be tween 0.
Multimeter Command Reference 10 7 Chapter 3 :RESis t ance ? MEASure:RES istance? [< range >|MIN|MA X|DEF|AU TO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects t he 2-wire ohms f unction and all ows you to specif y the rang e and resol ution.
108 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :VOL T a ge:AC ? MEASure:VOLTage:AC? [< rang e >|MIN|MAX |DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] select s t he AC-coup le d RMS vol ta ge f unc ti on and allows y ou to speci fy the ra nge and resoluti on (see range versus r esolutio n table at star t of chap ter ).
Multimeter Command Reference 10 9 Chapter 3 [:VOL T age[: DC]]? MEASure[:VOLTage[:DC]]? [< ran ge >|MIN|M AX|DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] selects the DC vo ltage fun ction and allows you t o specif y the rang e and resol ution.
110 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 [:VOL T age[: DC]]:RA Tio ? MEASure[:VOLTage[:DC]]:RATio? [< rang e >|MIN|MAX| DEF|AUTO [,< resolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF] ] configur es the mult imeter f or dc:dc r atio measuremen ts with th e specif ied range and resolu tion.
Multimeter Command Reference 11 1 Chapter 3 OUTPu t The OUTP ut command s ubsystem enabl es you to r oute the multi meter’ s vo ltme ter comp lete signal to the VXIbus TTL trigger lines.
112 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Examp le Route Voltme ter Complete to Trigger Line OUTP:TTLT7 ON Ro ute si gnal to trigger line 7. :TTL T rg[:ST A T e]? OUTPut:TTLTrg< n >[:STA Te ]?.
Multimeter Command Reference 11 3 Chapter 3 READ? The READ? command is most commonly us ed with CONFigure to: • Place t he multimet er in the wait-for -trigger stat e (execut es the INITiate comm and ).
114 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 SAMPle The SAMP le command subsystem ope rates with t he TRIGger c ommand subsyst em. The SAM Ple subs ystem design ates the number of r eadings (c ount) made f or each trigge r signal received .
Multimeter Command Reference 11 5 Chapter 3 :COUNt? SAMPle:COUNt? [MIN | MAX] return s one of th e followi ng numbers t o the outpu t buf fer: • The prese nt sample count ( 1 through 50,0 00 ) if MINi mum or MAXi mum is not spec ified. • The minimum sample count (1) if MIN is spec ified.
116 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 [SENSe:] The [SENSe:] command subs ystem is most c ommonly used wit h CONFigure to change sp ecific “ low-level ” measureme nt paramet ers.
Multimeter Command Reference 11 7 Chapter 3 [SEN Se:] FRESistance :APERtur e .333ms | 3.3 3ms | 16.7 ms | 167ms | 1.67 s | MIN | MAX :APERture? [MIN | MAX] :NPLCycl es 0.
118 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 FUNCtion [SENSe:]FUNCtion “< functio n >” se lects th e measurement f unction. You can select the funct ions shown in the fol lowing ta ble. Parameters Comment s *RST Condition: SENS:VOLT:DC Examp le Change Measurement Fu nction CONF:VOLT Function: DC voltage.
Multimeter Command Reference 11 9 Chapter 3 CURRent:AC:RAN Ge [SENSe:]CURR ent:AC:RANGe < rang e > select s the ran ge for AC current measuremen ts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted curre nt.
120 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 CURRent:AC:RAN Ge:AUTO [SENSe:]CURRent:AC:RA NGe:AUTO < mode > enables o r disabl es the aut orange functi on for AC cur ren t measur emen ts . Parameters Comment s • Y ou can substit ute decima l values f or the OFF (“ 0 ”) an d ON (“ 1 ”) p a ramete rs.
Multimeter Command Reference 12 1 Chapter 3 CURRent:AC:RE Solution [SENSe:]CURRent:AC:RESol ution < resolut ion > se lects t he resolu tion f or AC current measurements. See Table 3- 5 on page 71 . Parameters Comment s • MINimum sel ect s th e bes t re solut ion (the smal lest valu e) f or the sel ect ed ran ge.
122 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 CURRent[:D C]:APERture [SENSe:]CURRent[:DC]:APERture < number > sets the i ntegrati on time in seconds for dc c urrent mea surements. Values are rounded up t o the near est aper ture ti me show n in the foll owin g tabl e.
Multimeter Command Reference 12 3 Chapter 3 CURRent[:D C]:NPLC [SENSe:]CURRent[:DC]:NPLCycle s < number > sets the integration ti me in power line cycles (PLCs) . Values are rounded up t o the neare st number of PLCs s hown in the f oll owin g ta ble.
124 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 CURRent[:D C]:RANGe [SENSe:]CURRent[:DC]:RANGe < range > selects the range for DC curr ent measuremen ts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted curre nt.
Multimeter Command Reference 12 5 Chapter 3 CURRen t[:DC]:RANGe :AUTO [SENSe:]CURRent[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO < mo de > enable s or dis ables t he autor ange functi on for DC cur ren t measur emen ts . Parameters Comment s • Y ou can substit ute decima l values f or the OFF (“ 0 ”) an d ON (“ 1 ”) p a ramete rs.
126 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 CURRent[:D C]:RESolu tion [SENSe:]CURRent[:DC]:RESolution < resolution > sel ects the resolut ion for DC current measurement s. Parameters Comment s • MINimum sel ect s th e bes t re solut ion (the smal lest valu e) f or the sel ect ed ran ge.
Multimeter Command Reference 12 7 Chapter 3 DET ector:BANDwidt h [SENSe:]DETector:BAND width < bw > se lects th e slow, mediu m or fast f ilter based on th e bandwidth you specif y.
128 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 DET ector:BANDwidt h? [SENSe:]DETector:BAND width? return s which ac filter h as been se lected. The valu e returne d is 3 , 20 or 200 . The v alue is sent to the out put buff er. Examp le Quer y the Dete ct or Ba ndwid th DET:BAND 20 0 Select 200 Hz bandwidth (fast f ilter).
Multimeter Command Reference 12 9 Chapter 3 FREQuenc y:VOL T age:RANG e [SENSe:]FREQ uency:VOLTage:RANGe < rang e > select s the vol tage range for the signal level of frequency measureme nts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted volta ge.
130 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 FREQuenc y:VOL T age:RANG e:AUTO [SENSe:]FREQ uency:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO < mode > ena bles o r disables t he autoran ge func tion for the signal l evel of f requency mea surements .
Multimeter Command Reference 13 1 Chapter 3 FRESist anc e:APERture [SENS e:]FRESi stance:A PERture < number > sets th e integra tion ti me in seconds for 4-wi re resi stance meas urements. Va lues are rounded up t o the near est aper ture time shown in the following table.
132 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 FRESist anc e:NPLC [SENSe:]FRESis tance:NPLCycles < number > set s the int egration ti me in number of power line c ycles ( NPLCs). The NPLC is se t to a value from the range o f values that can accommodat e the < numb er > you speci fy.
Multimeter Command Reference 13 3 Chapter 3 FRESist ance:RAN Ge [SENSe:]FRESis tance:RANGe < range > selects the range for 4-wir e resistanc e measuremen ts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted resi stance.
134 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 FRESist ance:RAN Ge:AUTO [SENSe:]FRESistance:RANGe:AUTO < mode > enab le s or disab les t he au tora n ge functi on for 4-wi re resi stance meas urement s. Parameters Comment s • Y ou can substit ute decima l values f or the OFF (“ 0 ”) an d ON (“ 1 ”) p a ramete rs.
Multimeter Command Reference 13 5 Chapter 3 FRESist ance: RESolution [SENSe:]FRES istance:RESolution < resol ution > sele cts the r esoluti on for 4-wire resist ance measur ements. Parameters Comment s • MINimum sel ect s th e bes t re solut ion (the smal lest valu e) f or the sel ect ed ran ge.
136 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 PERio d:APERture [SENS e:]PERi od:APERtur e < time > | MIN | MAX sets the in tegra tion t ime in seconds. Values for time a re rounded up to the ne arest ap erture t ime shown in the follo wing ta ble .
Multimeter Command Reference 13 7 Chapter 3 PERio d:VOL T age:RANG e [SENSe: ]PE Riod:VOLTage:RANGe < range > select s the volt age r ange for t he signal level of period meas urements. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted volta ge.
138 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 PERiod:VOL T age:RANGe:AUTO [SENSe: ]PE Riod:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO < mode > ena bles or di sables th e autoran ge func tion for the signal l evel of p eriod me asurements . Parameters Comment s • Y ou can substit ute decima l values f or the OFF (“ 0 ”) an d ON (“ 1 ”) p a ramete rs.
Multimeter Command Reference 13 9 Chapter 3 RESi st ance:APER ture [SEN Se:]RE Sistan ce:APERtu re < nu m ber > sets the integrat ion time i n second s for 2-wire r esis tance measureme nts. Values are r ounded up to the neare st ape rture time show n in the foll owin g tabl e.
140 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 RESi st ance:NPLC [SENSe:]RE Sistance: NPLCycles < number > set s the int egratio n time in po wer line cy cles (PLCs) . The NPLC is se t to a val ue from the range of v alues tha t can acco m modate the < number > you speci fy.
Multimeter Command Reference 14 1 Chapter 3 RESist ance:RANG e [SENSe:]RESis tance:RANGe < range > selects the ra nge for 2- wire resist ance measuremen ts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted resi stance.
142 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Examp le Qu er y th e Mea su rem ent R ange RES:RANG 100 Select 100 Ω range . RES:RANG? Query multimeter to return the presen t ra nge.
Multimeter Command Reference 14 3 Chapter 3 RESistance:RESolut ion [SEN Se:]RE Sistan ce:RESolu tion < resolut ion > selects th e reso lutio n for 2 -wir e resist ance measur ements. Parameters Comment s • MINimum selects the best resolution (the sm allest valu e) for the selected range.
144 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Examp le Qu er y th e Reso lut i o n RES:RES 10E -0 3 Set resolu tion to 10 m Ω . RES:RES? Qu ery mu ltimeter to return the pr esen t resolution.
Multimeter Command Reference 14 5 Chapter 3 Examp le Qu er y th e Mea su rem ent R ange VOLT:AC:RANG 10 Select 10V range. VOLT:AC:RANG? Query mu ltimeter to return the present ra nge.
146 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 VOL T age:AC:RES olution [SENSe: ]VO LTage:AC:RESoluti on < resoluti on > se lects th e reso lution f or AC voltage measurement s. See Table 3- 4 on page 71 to avoid a s ettings conf lict er ror when speci fying resolut ion.
Multimeter Command Reference 14 7 Chapter 3 VOL T age[ :DC]:AP ERture [SENS e:]VOLTa ge[:DC]:A PERture < numbe r > sets the i ntegrati on time in seco nds for dc v oltage meas urement s. Values a re rounded up to the ne arest ap erture time show n in the foll owin g tabl e.
148 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 VOL T age[ :DC]:NP LC [SENS e:]VO LTage[:D C]:NPL C < number > sets the i ntegration t ime in power line cycles (PLCs). The NPLC i s set to a value fr om the range of values that can acco mmodate th e < numb er > specifie d.
Multimeter Command Reference 14 9 Chapter 3 VOL T age[ :DC]:RANGe [SENSe:]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe < range > selec ts the ra nge for DC vol tage measuremen ts. Parameters Comment s • T o select a s tandard mea surement r ange, speci fy range a s the inpu t signal ’ s maximum expec ted volta ge.
150 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 VOL T age[ :DC]:RANGe:AU T O [SENSe:]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO < mo de > enables or dis ables t he autor ange functi on for DC vol tag e measur ement s. Parameters Comment s • Y ou can substit ute decima l values f or the OFF (“ 0 ”) an d ON (“ 1 ”) p a ramete rs.
Multimeter Command Reference 15 1 Chapter 3 VOL T age[ :DC]:RESolut ion [SENSe:]VO LTage[:DC]:RESolution < resol utio n > selects t he resol ution for DC voltage measurem ents. Parameters Comment s • MINimum selects the best resolution (the sm allest valu e) for the selected range.
152 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Examp le Qu er y th e Reso lut i o n VOLT:DC:RES 1 E-03 Set resolutio n to 1 mV. VOLT:DC:RES? Qu ery multimeter to retu rn the presen t resolut ion. enter sta tement Enter value into co mp uter. ZERO:AUTO [SENS e:]ZE RO :AUTO < mode > enables or disabl es the au tozero mode.
Multimeter Command Reference 15 3 Chapter 3 ST A T us The ST ATus subs ystem repor ts the bi t values of the Ques tionable Data/Signa l Registe r. It al so all ows you t o unmask th e bits y ou want re porte d from the Standa rd Even t Reg iste r a nd t o read the su mm ary bi ts fr om th e St at us B y te Reg ist er.
154 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :QUEStionable:ENABle ? STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle? retur ns a de cimal- weighted nu mber repre sen ti ng t he bit s en abled in the Ques tion able Dat a /Sign al R e gist er’ s enab le register signifyi ng which bi ts will set QUE in the Sta tus Byte.
Multimeter Command Reference 15 5 Chapter 3 SYST em The SY STem comman d subsyste m returns e rror number s and thei r associ ated mess ages from t he e rror q ueu e.
156 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 TRIGger The TRIGger command subsys tem control s the beh avior of t he trigg er sys tem. The subsyst em can control : • The numbe r of trigge rs to occu r befo re the mult imeter returns t o the id le state ( TRIGger:COUNt ).
Multimeter Command Reference 15 7 Chapter 3 :COUNt? TRIGger:COUNt? [MIN | MAX] returns one of the foll owing numbers to the out put buf fer: • The prese nt trig ger count ( 1 through 50,000) i f MI N or MA X are no t sp ec ifie d. • The mini mum trig ger c ount av ailab le (1) i f MIN is spec ified.
158 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :DELa y? TRIGger:DELay? [MIN | MAX] returns one of the fo llow ing nu mb ers to the ou tput buf fer: • The prese nt trig ger delay (0 through 3600 seconds ) if MIN or MA X is not spec ified. • The mini mum trig ger d el ay av ailab le (0 se conds ) if MIN is specified.
Multimeter Command Reference 15 9 Chapter 3 :DELay:AUTO? TRIGger:DELay:AUTO? return s a num ber to show w heth er the autom atic trigg er delay mode is on or off: “ 1 ” = ON , “ 0 ” = OFF . The number is sent t o the out put buf fer. Examp le Query the Trigg er Delay Mod e TRIG:DEL:AUTO OFF Disa b le automatic trig g er delay.
160 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 :SOURce TRIGger:SOURce < source > configu res the t rigger s ystem to re spond to t he speci fied sour ce. T he f ol lowi ng s ource s ar e avai lab le: • BUS: Group Execut e T rigger (GET) bus c ommand or *TRG common comm and .
Multimeter Command Reference 16 1 Chapter 3 :SOURce? TRIGger:SOURce? retu rns “ BUS ”, “ EXT ”, “ IMM ” or “ TTLTrg0 - 7 ” to sho w the present trigger source. Th e quoted st ring is s ent to th e output b uffer. Examp le Query the Trigg er Source TRIG:SOUR EXT Trigger source is extern al BNC on multimeter front p anel.
162 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 IEEE 488.2 Common Command Quick Reference The table below lists, by functi onal group, the IEEE 488.2 Common (*) Commands that ca n be executed b y the HP E1312A B-si ze and HP E1412A C-size 6 ½-Digit Multime ter s.
Multimeter Command Reference 16 3 Chapter 3 *CLS *CLS clears th e Standard Event Stat us Registe r, the Oper ation Sta tus Regist er, the Question able Signa l Registe r, and the error que ue. This cl ears the correspond ing summary bit s (3, 5, and 7) in the Sta tus Byte Reg ister.
164 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 *ESR? *ESR? returns the val ue of the Standa rd Event Stat us Regist er. The regis ter is then cleare d (all bi ts 0).
Multimeter Command Reference 16 5 Chapter 3 *OPC? *OPC ? causes the HP E1312A and HP E1412A to wait for al l pending o peration s to comple te. A singl e ASCII “1” i s then pla ced in th e output qu eue.
166 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Comment s • Execu table whe n Init iat ed : Ye s • Coupled Comman d: No • *RST Condition: unaf fect ed • Power - On Condition: no bits a re enable d Examp le Enable Servic e Request on Mes sage Available Bit *SRE 16 Enable request o n MAV.
Multimeter Command Reference 16 7 Chapter 3 SCPI Command Quick Re fere nce The foll owing tables summarize SCPI command s for the HP E1312A B-size and HP E1412A C-si ze 6 ½- Digit Mu ltimeters. Command Description ABOR t Place mul timeter in idle state.
168 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Command Description CONFigur e :CURRen t:AC [< range >|MIN|MAX|DEF|AUTO [,< r esolution >|MIN|MAX|DEF]] :CURRen t[:DC] [< range >|MI N|MAX.
Multimeter Command Reference 16 9 Chapter 3 Command Description [SENSe:] FUNCtion “ functi on ” FUNCtion? CURRent:AC:RANGe < range >|M I N|M A X CURRent:AC:RANGe? [MIN | MAX] CURRent:AC:RANG.
170 Multimeter Command Refere nce Chapter 3 Command Description [SENSe:] VOL T age:AC:RANGe < range > | MIN | MAX VOL T age:AC:RANGe? [MIN | MAX] VOL T age:AC:RANGe:AUT O OFF|ON VOL T age:AC:RANGe:AUTO? VOL T age:AC:RESolution < r esolutio n > | MIN | MAX VOL T age:AC:RESolution ? [MIN | MAX] VOL T age[:DC]:APER ture .
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 171 Appendix A Appendix A HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Specifications DC C harac teristi cs Accuracy Specifications ± (% of readin g + % of.
172 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A DC C harac teristi cs ( con tinued ) Measuring Characteristics DC Voltage Measurement Method: Continuou sly integra ting, multi- slope III A/D c onverter. A/D Linear ity: 0 .0002% of read ing + 0.
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 173 Appendix A DC C harac teristi cs ( con tinued ) Operating Characteristic s [8] System Speeds [10 ] Functio n Change: 30/s ec Range Change: 65/sec Autorang e Time: <30 ms Max. I ntern al Tri gger R a te: 1 00 0/se c Max.
174 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A AC C harac teristi cs Accuracy Specifications ± (% o f reading + % of range) [1] Function Rang e [3] Frequency 24 Hour [2] 23 ° C .
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 175 Appendix A AC C harac teristi cs ( con tinued ) Measuring Characteristics Measurement Noise Reje ction [7] AC CMRR 70 dB True RMS AC Volt age .
176 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A AC C harac teristi cs ( con tinued ) Operating Characteristic s System Speeds [10 ], [11] Functio n or Range Change: 5/se c Autorang e Time: <0.8 sec ASCII rea dings to HP-IB: 50/sec Max.
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 177 Appendix A Frequency and Period Characteristic s Accuracy Specifications ± (% of reading) [1] [4] Additional Low-Frequency Er rors (% of re adi ng) [4 ] Integrat ion Time (number PLCs) Frequency 100 & 10 1 & 0.
178 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A Frequency and Period Characteristic s ( continued ) Operating Characteristic s [5] System Speeds [5] Configur ation Rat es: 14/sec Autorang e Time: <0.6 sec Max. I ntern al Tri gger R a te: 8 0/ sec Max.
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 179 Appendix A General Specifications Over volt a ge Ca teg or y 1 ( 1500 V pe ak ma x imp ul se ) HP E1312A and HP E1412A Available Power (Amps): +5V: Ipm ( maxi mum p eak cu rre nt): 0.20 A Idm (maximum dy namic curr ent): 0.
180 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A T o Calculate T ot al Measurement Error Each spec ificat ion inclu des cor re ct ion fa ctors whi ch account for e rro rs pr ese nt due to oper at io nal li mit at ion s of the mu ltimete r.
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 181 Appendix A Total Measurement Error To compu te the to tal measur ement erro r, add th e readin g error a nd range error . You can then conver t the to tal measuremen t error t o a “perc ent of inp ut” error or a “ppm ( part-per- mi llion) o f input” error as shown bel ow.
182 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A Interpreting Multimeter Specifications This sec tion is p rovided t o give you a better un derstand ing of the terminolo gy used and wi ll help y ou interp ret the multimeter ’ s specifi cations.
HP E131 2A and HP E141 2A Multim eter Specif ications 183 Appendix A Accuracy Accuracy is a me asure of the “exac tness” t o which th e multimete r's measuremen t uncert ainty ca n be deter mined rela tive to the cali bration r eference us ed.
184 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter S pecifications Appendix A Configuring for Hi gh Accuracy Measurement s The measur ement confi guratio ns shown bel ow assume tha t the mu ltimeter i s in its power-on or reset s tate. It is also as sumed that manual r anging is enab led to ensure pr oper full scale r ange selec tion.
HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror M essages 185 Appendix B Appe nd ix B HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Error Messages The foll owing sect ions descr ibe the t ypes of er rors th e HP E1312A and HP E1412A repo rt; Execu tion Erro rs, Self- Test Error s and Cali bration Errors.
186 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror Messa ges Appendix B -1 12 Program mnemonic too long A command hea der was recei ved whi ch cont ained more than th e maximum 12 chara cters al lowed.
HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror M essages 187 Appendix B -160 to -1 68 Block data errors The multi meter does not accept bl ock data. -170 to -1 78 Expres sion error s The multi meter does not accept mathematic al expres sions. -21 1 Trigger ignored A Group Execu te Trigge r (GET) or *TRG was receive d but the t rigger was ignored .
188 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror Messa ges Appendix B -330 Self-tes t fail ed The mul timete r’ s complete self-t est fail ed from the remo te inter face ( *TST? command) . In addit ion to thi s error , more speci fic self -test e rrors ar e also repor ted.
HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror M essages 189 Appendix B 532 Cann ot achieve requested r esolutio n The multi m et er ca nnot ac hieve th e requ est ed meas ur ement resolut ion. You may have sp ecified an invali d resolut ion in th e CONFigure or ME ASur e comm and .
190 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror Messa ges Appendix B 621 AC rms full sca le failed 622 Freque ncy counter f ailed 623 Cann ot calibrate precharge 625 I/O pr ocessor doe s not respond 626 I/O pr ocessor fa iled sel f-test Cali bratio n Err ors The foll owing erro rs indic ate fail ures tha t may occur d uring a ca librati on.
HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror M essages 191 Appendix B 709 No cal for th is functi on or range You cannot perform cali brations fo r ac curr ent, peri od, continu ity, diode, ratio, or on the 1 00 M Ω range.
192 HP E1312 A and HP E1412 A Multimeter E rror Messa ges Appendix B Notes:.
Measurement Speed and Accurac y Trade-offs 193 Appendix C Appendix C Measurement Speed and Accuracy T rade-offs The HP E1312A a nd HP E1412A Mult imeters were desig ned so the defa ult mode of ope ration will deliver high accuracy readings with a mini mum of programmin g effort.
194 Measurement Spe ed and Accuracy Tr ade-offs Appendix C Speed Ad vantage Using the Sp ecia l Non-SC PI Commands (F1-F 4 and R1 -R7) You can sav e appro ximately th ree (3) mil lisecond s by using a n F1 - F4 special func tion c ommand instead of changi ng func tion wi th th e equi valent SCPI [S ENSe:] function command.
Measurement Speed and Accurac y Trade-offs 195 Appendix C HP E1312A/E1412A Resolutio n Using Special Fun ctions and Rang es Resoluti on rema ins a func tion of th e NPLC paramet er set at the time a special funct ion or r ange is us ed.
196 Measurement Spe ed and Accuracy Tr ade-offs Appendix C General Guidel ines for Increasing Measurement Speed The foll owing guidel i nes show ho w to i ncr ea se me asuremen t s pee d, whi ch in some ca ses, will reduce th e accurac y of the meas urement .
Measurement Speed and Accurac y Trade-offs 197 Appendix C Set Au tozero to ONCE or OFF Autozero causes the A/D to alternat ely measur e its int ernal ze ro and the externa l signal . Autozero i mproves reading a ccuracy; however, it reduces reading speed by ½.
198 Measurement Spe ed and Accuracy Tr ade-offs Appendix C Setting the Resolution Th e apertur e time or NPLC is set as a result of speci fying t he < resol ution > para meter i n the MEASu re o.
Index 199 Index HP E1312A/E1412A User’s Manual and SCPI Programming Guide Numerics 2-Wire Ohms Measuremen t aper ture ti me , 139 connect ions , 21 , 30 integ ra tion t ime , 139 range , 141 range /.
200 Index A ( c ontinued ) Autora ng e ( continued ) quer ying 4-wi re re sist an ce , 134 4-wi re re sist an ce m eas ur emen ts , 134 ac curr ent measur ements , 120 ac vol tag e m ea su rem ents , .
Index 201 C ( con tinued ) Command Referenc e ( continued ) DATA subsystem , 97 FETC h? co m man d , 98 INIT ia te sub sys te m , 99 INPu t s ubs y ste m , 100 MEASure subsy stem , 101 – 11 0 OUTP u.
202 Index C ( c ontinued ) Curre nt ( continued ) ac ( continued ) range /reso lutio n , 87 , 102 reso lution , 121 spec ificati ons , 174 – 176 true RMS meas urements , 32 – 35 dc aper ture ti me , 122 integ ra tion t ime , 122 – 123 measuremen t errors , 32 range , 124 – 125 range /reso lutio n , 88 , 103 reso lution , 126 resolu tion vs.
Index 203 E Enablin g auto matic inpu t impeda nce , 100 auto range 2-wi re ohms func tion , 92 , 107 4-wi re ohms func tion , 105 , 134 ac cu rrent fu nction , 87 , 102 , 120 ac vol tag e m ea su rem.
204 Index F ( continued ) Functio nal Connection s ( continued ) current measurement , 22 frequen cy measurement , 19 measuremen t , 19 – 22 period measu rement , 19 voltage measurem ent , 20 volt a.
Index 205 M Magnetic Loops Noise , 28 Makin g Multi meter M easur ement s , 53 – 56 extern ally tri ggered meas urement s , 54 maximizin g accuracy , 56 maximizin g speed , 55 measuremen t format , .
206 Index M ( c ontinu ed ) Memory query re adings st ored , 97 retrievi ng measureme nts stored , 98 Message Ava ilable Bit ( MAV) , 60 , 62 monitoring , 62 Minimum Averag e Operation Val ue , 74 Mod.
Index 207 P ( continued ) Power Line cycl es , 27 , 38 , 123 , 132 , 140 , 148 noise , re je cti ng vo ltage s , 27 Prog ra mmi ng the Mu ltim eter , 15 , 22 – 23 Q Querying ac fi lt er se lec ti on.
208 Index R ( c ontinued ) READ? Command , 11 3 , 198 Readings aver age , 74 error , 180 queu e , 155 per tr igg e r , 51 , 11 4 – 11 5 sto red in me mory , 97 – 98 , 198 transf er to out put buff.
Index 209 S ( continued ) [SENSe:] Subsy stem , 116 – 152 [SENS:]FUNCtion , 11 8 [SENS:]FUNCti on? , 11 8 [SENS:]CURRent:AC: RANGe , 11 9 [SENS:]CURRent:AC: RANGe:AUTO , 120 [SENS:]CURRent:AC: RANGe.
210 Index S ( contin ued ) Settin g ( contin ued ) reso lution , 15 , 38 , 198 2-wi re oh m s , 92 , 107 , 143 4-wi re oh m s , 90 , 105 , 135 ac curr ent , 87 , 102 , 121 ac vol tag e , 93 , 108 , 14.
Index 211 T ( continue d ) Trigger Source ( c ontinued ) IMMe diate , 46 – 47 , 160 quer ying , 47 , 161 select ing , 46 – 48 , 160 TTL VXIbus tr iggers (TTLTr g0-TTLTrg7 ) , 46 , 160 TRIGger Subs.
212 Index Notes:.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.