Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GbE2 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL iant BL p-C lass GbE2 Int er co nnect S w itc h User G uid e Part number: 331399-004 Fourth edition: February 2006.
2 Legal notices © 2004, 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Com pany, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.
Contents 3 Contents Introduction Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Additional references ........................................
Contents 4 Accessing the GbE2 In terconnect Switch ......................................................................................... .......... 27 Logging on and configuring th e GbE2 Intercon nect Switch ......................................
Introduction 5 Intr oducti on Ov ervi e w This user guide provides installation and re ference information for the follow ing kits: • HP ProLiant BL p-Class C-GbE2 Interc onnect Kit • HP ProLiant BL p-Class F-GbE2 Interconnect Kit Additi onal re f er ences Once the GbE2 Interconnect Switch is installed, you are ready to configure it.
Introduction 6 Figure 2 HP ProLiant BL p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switch and QuadSX Interconnect Module Fe a t u r e s The ProLiant BL p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switch and inte rconnect modules are designed for easy installation and high performance in an environment where traffic on the network and the number of users increases continually.
Introduction 7 • Remote Monitoring (RMON) feature, which all ows ne twork devices to exchange network monitoring data. RMON performs the following major funct ions: • Gathers cumulative statistics.
Introduction 8 GbE2 Interconnect Switch redundancy The ProLiant BL p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switch offe rs several redundancy and fa ilover features. With these features, the network configuration can be designed to a llow for continued network access to each server blade in case of a component or link failure.
Introduction 9 • Statistic monitoring including port utilization, data pac kets received/transmitted, port error packets, trunk utilization, and so on • Ping and trace route capability • Remote .
Introduction 10 G bE 2 I nt erco n ne ct Sw i t ch a rchi t ec tu re The ProLiant BL p-Class system provides integrated switching technology for network cable reduction. The following diagram illustrates the Ethernet signal connectivity between server bays and the interconnect bays through the backplane for the p-Class server enclosure.
Introduction 11 The following diagram illustrates the Ethernet signal connectivity between server bays and the interconnect bays through the backplane for p-Class server enclosures with en hanced backplane components that support high-density blade servers.
Introduction 12 HP Ethernet Connectivity Mapper utility (hpecm) The HP Ethernet Connectivity Mapper is a utility used to determine the NIC name enum eration and the associated mapping to switch ports.
Introduction 13 Layer 2 switching technology allows the GbE2 Interconnect Switch to l ook into data packet s and redirect them based on the destination MAC address. This reduces traffic cong estion on the network because pa ckets, instead of being transmitted to all ports, are transm itted to the destination port only.
Introduction 14 Interconnect Switch can also be uploaded to a TFTP serve r, a configuration file can be downloaded into a GbE2 Interconnect Switch from a TFTP server, and config uration settings can be saved to the TFTP server.
Introduction 15 authenticated using a shared key that is not sent over th e network. In addition, the re mote administrator passwords are sent encrypted between the TACACS+ client (the switc h) and the back-end TACACS+ server. The GbE2 Interconnect Switch supports: • Only standard ASCII inbound login auth entication.
Introduction 16 Redundant images in firmware The GbE2 Interconnect Switch can store up to two different software images, called image1 and image2 , as well as boot software, called boot . When you download new software, you are given the ability to specify where it is to be placed: either into image1 , image2 , or boot .
Introduction 17 Table 1 GbE2 Interconnect Switch front panel Item Description Status 6 Front panel RJ-45 connector link activity LEDs Green = Link and no activity Green flashing = Link and activity Am.
Introduction 18 Figure 7 GbE2 Interconnect Switch fr ont panel NIC LED functions Table 3 GbE2 Interconnect Switch front panel NIC LED functions Item LED Description Status 1 Link speed Amber = 1000 Mb.
Introduction 19 Table 4 QuadT2 Interconnect Module connectors Item Description 5 Port 22 RJ-45 connector for 10/100/1000 Mb uplink for Swit ch A 6 Port 21 RJ-45 connector for 10/100/1000 Mb uplink for.
Introduction 20 Figure 10 QuadSX Interconnect Module connectors Table 6 QuadSX Interconnect Module connectors Item Description 1 Port 22 LC fiber connector for 1000SX uplink on Switch B 2 Port 21 LC f.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 21 Se tting up and inst alling the GbE2 int er connec t s w itc h Ov ervi e w This chapter describes how to set up and install the Pr oLiant BL p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switches and the interconnect modules.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 22 1. Insert the interconnect modules into th e bottom-left and bottom-right module bays on the rear side of the server blade enclosure. IMPORTANT: Be sure that the interconnect modules are fu lly seated.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 23 IMPORTANT: If you are replacing an existing GbE2 Inte rconnect Switch, or upgrading from a GbE Interconnect Switch, an RJ-45 Patch Panel, or an RJ-45 Pa tch Panel 2, and you have strict security requirements: Do not cable the GbE2 Interconnect Switch until after configur ation.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 24 5. On the rear side of the server blade enclosure, insert the new interconnect module into the bottom-left module bay. 6. On the front side of the server blade enclosure, slide a new GbE2 Interconnect Switch fully into the right interconnect bay.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 25 • User name and password settings • Default access to variou s management interfaces • Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings IMPORTANT: Refer to the “Runtime switching software default settings” appendix for a complete list of default configuration settings.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 26 Table 8 User access levels User account Description and tasks performed Password Administrator The super user administrator has complete acce.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 27 To connect the interconnect m odules to the network: 1. Connect your network cables to the interconnect modu les. For connector location s, refer to the “QuadT2 Interconnect Module panel” section or “QuadSX Interc onnect Module panel” section in the “Introduction” chapter.
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 28 2. From a computer connected to the sa me network, use the IP address to a ccess the GbE2 Interconnect Switch using a Web browser or Telnet application. This allows you to access the GbE2 Interconnect Switch browser- based interface (BBI) or command line interface (CLI).
Setting up and installing th e GbE2 interconnect switch 29 Supporting softwar e and spec ial consider ations The following supporting software is av ailable to assist you in configuring and managing the GbE2 Interco nnect Switch.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class C-Gb E2 Interconnect Kit Regulato ry Compliance Notices 30 HP Pr oL iant BL p-C lass C-GbE2 In te r connect K it Regulat ory C ompli ance Noti ces Cla ss A eq uipment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Clas s A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class C-Gb E2 Interconnect Kit Regulato ry Compliance Notices 31 Eu ro p e a n U n i o n R e g u l a t o r y N o t i c e This product complies with th e following EU Directives: • L.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class C-Gb E2 Interconnect Kit Regulato ry Compliance Notices 32 BS M I N ot i c e Japanes e Noti ce Ko r e a n N o t i c e.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class F-GbE2 Interconn ect Kit Regulatory Compli ance Notices 33 HP Pr oL iant BL p-C lass F -GbE2 Inter connect K it R egulatory C ompli ance Noti ces Cla ss A eq uipment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Clas s A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class F-GbE2 Interconn ect Kit Regulatory Compli ance Notices 34 Eu ro p e a n U n i o n R e g u l a t o r y N o t i c e This product complies with th e following EU Directives: • L.
HP ProLiant BL p-Class F-GbE2 Interconn ect Kit Regulatory Compli ance Notices 35 BS M I N ot i c e Japanes e Noti ce Ko r e a n N o t i c e Las er c o mp l ia n c e The fiber optic module contains a laser that is classified as a “Class 1 Laser Produc t” in accordance with US FDA regulations and the IEC 60825-1.
Technical specifications 36 T ec hni cal s pec if i cati ons Table 9 General specifications Standards IEEE 802.3 10Base-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3z 1000Base-SX Etherne t IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.
Technical specifications 37 Table 9 General specifications Number of ports per GbE2 Interconnect Switch 16 x 10/100/1000-Mb/s Nway Ports dedicated t o server blade for GbE2 Interconnect Switch communi.
Technical specifications 38 Table 11 Performance specifications Transmission method Store-and-forward Memory 128MB main, 32MB flash, and 2 MB shared packe t buffer memory per GbE2 Interconnect Switch .
Runtime switching software default settings 39 R untime s w itc hing so ft w ar e def ault se ttings This section provides the default setting s for the GbE2 Interconnect Switch: • Table 12 contains.
Runtime switching software default settings 40 Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings Setting Value Bridge Hello Time 2 seconds Bridge Forward Delay 15 seconds Bridge Priority 32768 .
Runtime switching software default settings 41 Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings Setting Value Serial Port Data Bit 8 Serial Port Parity Bit None Serial Port Stop Bit 1 Serial Port Flow Control None Default VLAN Default VLAN (VI D=1) with all ports assigned including CPU, STG=1 NTP State Disabled NTP Server 0.
Runtime switching software default settings 42 Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings Setting Value RADIUS Server Timeout 3 RADIUS Backdoor for Telnet Access Disabled Re-ARP Period i.
Runtime switching software default settings 43 Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings Setting Value UFD Link to Disable – Ports None UFD Link To Disable -- Trunks None RMON History.
Runtime switching software default settings 44 Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings Setting Value 802.1x – suptmout 30 802.1x – syrtmout 30 802.
Runtime switching software default settings 45 S w itch A and S w itc h B: port name s, V L A N s, S T P , tru n k i ng d efa ul t set ti ngs IMPORTANT: If you have the ProLiant BL p-Class F-GbE2 Inte.
Runtime switching software default settings 46 Table 13 Switch A and Switch B: port names, VLANs, STP, and trunking defa ult settings Port type Port no.
Performing a serial download 47 P erf or ming a se r ial do w nload Intr oducti on You can perform a serial download of the new GbE2 Interco nnect Switch Operating System firmware, or Boot Code firmware if you want to upgrade a GbE2 Interconnect Switch directly from any existing operating system (OS) or Boot Code images.
Performing a serial download 48 5. After you see the message displayed in step 4, reconfigur e your terminal emulation console with the following parameters.
Performing a serial download 49 Ser ial upgr ade of oper ating s y stem f irm war e pr ocedur e Use the following procedure to perform a serial upgrade of the GbE2 Interconne ct Switch Operating System firmware image usually named pGbE2_100.
Performing a serial download 50 6. Press Enter several times on the keyboard of the PC that is connected to the console port of the GbE2 Interconnect Switch. When the console port is successfully communicating with the PC, indicating readiness for image transfer, you see continuous C’s: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7.
Performing a serial download 51 10. After extracting the image, the system prompts you to select which current operating system image (image1 or image2) needs to be updated by the new operatin g system image. It also provides an option ( n ) not to update any and to quit the update procedure.
SNMP MIBs sup port 52 S NMP MI Bs su pport Intr oducti on Management and statistics information is stored in the Gb E2 Interconne ct Switch in the Management Information Base (MIB). The GbE2 Interconnect Switch supports several standard MIBs. Values for MIB objects can be retrieved with any SNMP-based network management software.
SNMP MIBs sup port 53 • cpqsinfo.mib —Switch identification information • cpqhost.mib —Switch identification information • bt2Network.mib • bt2Physical.mib • bt2Switch.mib • bt2acl.mib • bt2qos.mib • bt2trap.mib • cpqhost.mib • cpqrack.
SNMP MIBs sup port 54 The following are the enterprise SNMP traps supported in the GbE2 Intercon nect Switch: Table 14 Supported enterprise SNMP traps Trap name Description bt2SwDefGwUp Signifies that the default gateway i s alive. bt2SwDefGwDown Signifies that the default gateway i s down.
Safe Mode configuration 55 Saf e Mode conf igur atio n Intr oducti on GbE2 Interconnect Switch config uration fi les are specified in text format. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) or Secure Copy (SCP) services can to be used to upload and download these text-based configuration files.
Safe Mode configuration 56 GbE2 Inter connect S w itc h r eplacement s cenar io u sing a Saf e Mode conf igur ation When an in-production GbE2 Interconnect Switch fails: 1. Remove the failed GbE2 Interconnect Switch. 2. Insert the spare GbE2 Interconnect Switch that was previously configured for safe operation.
Safe Mode configuration 57 Method 2: Via any switch management interface using TFTP functionality 1. Power up the switch using the Diagnostic Station or by insert ing the switch in a non-production blade enclosure. After resetting the switch to factory settings (if requir ed), login to the switch CL I via the serial console as Adm in .
Electrostatic discharge 58 Electr ost ati c disc har ge Ov ervi e w To prevent damage to the system, be aw are of the precautions you need to fo llow when setting up the system or handling parts. A discharge of static electricity from a fi nger or other conductor may damage system boards or other static-sensitive devices.
RJ-45 pin specification 59 RJ- 4 5 pin spec ifi catio n When connecting the HP ProLia nt BL p-class GbE2 Interconnect Switch to a switch, bridge, or hub, an Ethernet cable is necessary. The following figure displays the standard RJ-45 rec ept acle/connector for 10/100 Mb/s and Gigabit over Copper ports.
Troubleshooting 60 T r oubl eshoot in g This section provides information on solutions to problems that may occur during the configuration and operation of a ProLiant BL p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switch. The followin g tables provide steps to take before calling your service representative.
Troubleshooting 61 Table 17 Troubleshooting: Setting up and accessing Problem Possible cause Possible solution The RJ-45 connector on the switch or LED is faulty. • After checking and replacing the cable, if no link LED displays, check whether the port is transferring data.
Troubleshooting 62 Table 17 Troubleshooting: Setting up and accessing Problem Possible cause Possible solution Password is not accepted by the GbE2 Interconnect Switch using th e remote console interface immediately after a reboot. The GbE2 Interconnect Switch is still working on network convergence.
Troubleshooting 63 Table 18 Troubleshooting: Configuring Problem Possible cause Possible solution After connecting more than one p ort to another switch or destination device, the port activity LEDs continuously indicate activity.
Troubleshooting 64 Table 19 Troubleshooting: Using a TFTP server Problem Possible cause Possible solution The TFTP server is not available to connect to or there is connectivity failure between the switch and TFTP server. • Make sure that the IP address of the TFTP server is correct.
Troubleshooting 65 Table 20 Troubleshooting: Upgrading firmware using the serial port Problem Possible cause Possible solution After forcing the GbE2 Interconne ct Switch into the download mode, the console screen displays a message to change the baud rate for your terminal emulation session for XModem transfer and does not display CCCC….
Index 66 Inde x A accessing switch: p rocedure, 27; RADIUS authentication, 14 administrator account password, 26 architecture, switch, 10 B Bootstrap Protoc ol (BOOTP): overview, 14 BSMI regulatory no.
Index 67 standards, IEEE /ANSI, 36 store and forward switching scheme, 14 switch replacem ent, safe mode, 56 T templates, safe mode: location, 56; modification, 56 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) GbE2 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.