Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product mp3220 series van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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1 hp m p3 2 20 se r i es digit al pr oj ector user’s gu ide.
Notice The information contained herein is subject to change wi thout n otice. The only warranties for HP products an d services are set forth in the express warranty statements acco mpanying such products and services. Nothing h erein should be construed as con s tituting an ad ditional warranty.
Use r’s Gu ide 3 Contents 1 Setting Up What’s i n the Box?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Identif ying Common Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 User’s Guide Con te nts 3 Adjusting the Projector Adjusting the Pic ture and Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 To adjust a slanted picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use r’s Gu ide 5 Con te nts 6 Fixing Problems Troubleshooting Suggest ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Start-up pr ob le ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 User’s Guide Con te nts.
Use r’s Gu ide 7 1 Setting Up The chapter explains how to insta ll and set up the HP digital proje ctor. ■ “What’s in the Box?” on page 8 ■ “Identif ying Common Features” on page 9 ■.
8 User’s Guide Setting Up Wh at ’s in the Bo x? Before se tting up your projector , be sure your shipping box includes t he following items. If the shipping box does no t contain any of t he following items, contact HP. Identifying the contents of the box Sym b o l I t e m Fu n c t i o n 1 Pro jector Displa ys images.
Use r’s Gu ide 9 Sett ing U p Id enti fying C omm on Features This sect ion identifie s common fea tures and functions of t he projector . ■ “Project or at a glanc e” on page 10 ■ “Project.
10 User’s Guide Setting Up Pr ojec tor at a g lance Identifying the pr ojec to r S ymbol Item Function 1 P ow er cord sock e t Connect s po wer co r d t o pr oje ctor . 2 Button panel Cont ains but tons and lights. 3 Z oom ring Enlarges p icture si z e 100–120%.
Use r’s Gu ide 11 Sett ing U p Pr ojec tor buttons and lights Identifying buttons and lights on the pr ojector Sym b o l I te m Fu n c t i o n 1 P o w er button T urns the pro jector on or off . 2 Enter bu t ton , back bu tton, and dir ectional ar ro ws Change pro jector settings using the on -sc reen menu .
12 User’s Guide Setting Up Back pane l Identifying the b ack panel Sym b o l I te m Fu n c t i on 1 Sec urity slot Sec ures the pr oj e c tor using a cable lock . 2 Re ceive r fo r rem o te c on tro l Rec eives si gn al s fro m t h e rem ot e c on trol.
Use r’s Gu ide 13 Sett ing U p Rem ote c ont r o l ✎ Before using the remote control , re move the battery protector by pulli ng t he plasti c tab until it come s out of the remot e control.
14 User’s Guide Setting Up Accessor ies Get more fr om your presenta tions with HP projec tor acce ssories. You ca n purchase acces sories at or through your project or dealer. ■ HP ceiling mount ki t enables you to si mply and discre etly install your projector on the ceili ng.
Use r’s Gu ide 15 Sett ing U p Setting Up the Pr ojec tor This sect ion describe s how to set up, plan, a nd connect the projector . ■ “To position the proje ctor” on page 16 ■ “To set up .
16 User’s Guide Setting Up T o position the projector The following table s show you where to posit ion the project or in relation to the screen . Identifying image si ze re lative to distance fr om sc r een Image si ze (diagonal) Image siz e (width) Distance (lens to screen) 30 in .
Use r’s Gu ide 17 Sett ing U p If you do not want to use the dis tance ta ble, you can use the following equations t o help determine where to install the p roject or relative t o the s creen. T o set up on a tabl e 1. Place the projector on a s table platfor m located 1.
18 User’s Guide Setting Up To c o n n e c t p o w e r ■ Connect one end of the power cord to the side of the project or 1 and the other end to an el ectrica l ou tlet 2 .
Use r’s Gu ide 19 Sett ing U p To c o n n e c t a c o m p u t e r 1. Connect the VGA ca ble betwe en the VGA port on the project or 1 and the VGA port on the computer 2 .
20 User’s Guide Setting Up T o conn ect a handh eld organi zer 1. Be sure the handheld organizer has a VGA-out port. If nec essa ry, install a VGA-out acce ssory ca rd into the organize r. ✎ Not all handhelds come with VGA-out port s. For example, t he iPAQ Pocket PC requires a VGA-out PC Card wit h 15-pin connector.
Use r’s Gu ide 21 Sett ing U p T o conn ect video sources If you have a SCART vide o device, you will nee d an adapter ( availabl e from HP) to connect the de vice to the proje ctor. S-video connect ion Many DVD players and VCRs have S-video output.
22 User’s Guide Setting Up Com posit e vid eo conn ection Many VCRs and other vide o equipment have compos ite video output, a si ngle RCA video output connector. 1. Connect a c omposite video c able (RCA connector ) (not provided) betwee n the composite vide o port on the projector 1 and the RCA video port on the vide o device 2 .
Use r’s Gu ide 23 Sett ing U p Component video connect ion Many DVD players and other video equipme nt have component-video output, thr ee RCA connector s labeled "Y,Pb,Pr", " R,G,B", or simila r.
24 User’s Guide Setting Up Tu r n i n g O n a n d O f f This sect ion provides instr uctions on turning the proje ctor on and off. ■ “To turn the projec tor on” on page 24 ■ “To turn the projec tor off” on page 25 T o turn th e pr ojec tor on 1.
Use r’s Gu ide 25 Sett ing U p T o tu rn th e pr oj ector off 1. Press the power button on the projector or re mote control to turn off the proje ctor.
26 User’s Guide Setting Up Making Basic Adjustments This sect ion provides instr uctions on making basi c adjustments to the project or. ■ “To aim the proj ector” on page 26 ■ “To adjust t.
Use r’s Gu ide 27 Sett ing U p T o adjust the focus and zo om 1. Rotate the focus ring until the image become s clear. The project o r can be focused at distance s of 1.2 to 12 m (4 to 40 ft) . 2. Rotate the zoom ring to adjust the picture siz e from 100 to 120%.
28 User’s Guide Setting Up.
Use r’s Gu ide 29 2 Giv ing Presenta tions The chapter e xplains how to give presenta tions with the proj ector. ■ “Using the Re mote Control” on page 29 ■ “Showing Presenta tions” on page 31 Using the Remote Contr ol ■ To turn the project or on or off, press t he power button 7 .
30 User’s Guide Giv in g Presentat ions ■ To operate as a mouse on a c omputer, press the edge of the mouse pad 4 in the directi on you want t he pointe r to move, and press t he left -clic k 5 or righ t-c lick 5 button. This feat ure require s a USB connecti on between the proje ctor and computer.
Use r’s Gu ide 31 Giv ing Presentat ions Sho wing Presentati ons This se ction descr ibes severa l things you can do during presenta tions. ■ “To present f rom a computer ” on page 31 ■ “To change the s ource” on page 32 ■ “To hide or show the dis play” on page 32 T o present from a computer 1.
32 User’s Guide Giv in g Presentat ions To c h a n g e t h e s o u r c e To change the sourc e, either : ■ Pres s the sour ce button on the projec tor or remote control. ■ Open the on-scr een menu, go to Sele ct input and s elect t he port to which the input source is connected.
Use r’s Gu ide 33 3 Adjusting the Pr ojec tor This chapter describe s how to make adjus tments to the proje ctor. ■ “Adjusting the Pi cture and Sound” on page 33 ■ “Using the On-Sc reen Menu” on page 36 Adjusting the P ic ture and Sound This sect ion provides the foll owing instructi ons on adjusting the picture and sound.
34 User’s Guide Adj usting the Pr ojec tor T o adjust the image according to the type of picture Use the picture mode buttons on the projector or the remote control to optimize the imag e. ■ To optimiz e the pi cture for data pr esentat ions, pres s the graphics bu tton on the projector.
Use r’s Gu ide 35 Adj usting the Pr ojec tor T o adjust t he projector setup 1. Open the on-scree n menu and selec t Setup. 2. Set the setup adjustm ents as needed. From the Setup menu, you can se lect s ettings suc h as menu language, pr ojector position, and lamp sa ver mode.
36 User’s Guide Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Using the On - Screen Menu This sect ion explains how to naviga te the on-sc reen menu and provides function definitions. The tables in t his sect ion describe al l the functions available in the on-scree n me nu for the firmware vers ion at publication.
Use r’s Gu ide 37 Adj usting the Pr ojec tor T o change settin gs using the on -scr een menu You can c hange t h e o n- scree n me nu settings with e ither t he buttons on the proj ector or on the remote c ontrol. 1. Pre ss enter on the projector or the remote c ontrol to open the on-scr een menu.
38 User’s Guide Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Quick ch oice me nu Quick choice K ey stone Cor r ects the slanted sides of an ima ge . R eset k ey stone Re sets k ey stone corr ection to z er o. Next inpu t Sear ches fo r the ne x t a vailable signal fr om an input sour c e .
Use r’s Gu ide 39 Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Selec t input menu For a visual a id, see “Ba ck panel” on page 12. Select input V GA Sho w s the input t o the VG A port . This u sually connects to a co mputer , although it can also connect to a com ponent-video de vi ce.
40 User’s Guide Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Adju st pic ture me nu Adjus t pi ctu re P icture mode Adj usts the color settings fo r the type of p ictur e . Y o u can optimi ze the pi cture f or com puter pr esentati ons or v ideo output . T he r emote contr ol and pr oject or hav e buttons to c hange the pict ur e mode .
Use r’s Gu ide 41 Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Tin t S hi f ts co lo rs towa rd re d o r g ree n. R ed Adj usts the amount o f r ed in the pi cture . Green Adjusts the amount of green i n the pi cture . Blue Adj usts the amount of blue in the pi ctur e.
42 User’s Guide Adj usting the Pr ojec tor Setup menu Help menu Set up Language ... Selec ts the language for the menus. Lamp sa ver Sets a lo we r po wer le vel f or the lamp . Pr ojector positio n Adj usts the imag e to matc h the or ientatio n of the projector: upright or upsid e -down, in fr o nt of or behind the sc reen .
Use r’s Gu ide 43 4 M aintaining th e Pr oj ec t o r This chapter explains how to mai ntain the proje ctor. ■ “Performi ng Routine Mainte nance” on page 43 ■ “Upgrading the Proje ctor” on page 47 P erforming R outin e Maintenance This sect ion provides instr uctions on performi ng routing maintenanc e.
44 User’s Guide Mai ntainin g the Pr ojector T o c lean the projector lens ■ To minimize the risk of damaging or scratching the lens surfa ce, blow du st particl es off the l ens with cle an, dry, deionized air . If this me thod does not work, use the foll owing method: ■ Wipe the le ns in a single direction wit h a clean, dry c loth.
Use r’s Gu ide 45 Maint aining the Pr ojec tor 1. Turn off the projector and allow it to cool for 30 minute s. 2. On the bott om of the project or, loosen the two sc rews on the l amp cover and remove the c over. 3. Loose n the two scre ws on the lamp module a nd pull out the module.
46 User’s Guide Mai ntainin g the Pr ojector T o replace the bat tery in th e remote contr ol 1. Pull out t he battery holde r. 2. Ins ert the new ba ttery in the holde r.
Use r’s Gu ide 47 Maint aining the Pr ojec tor Upgrading the Projector T o upd ate t he firmw are HP might periodica lly rele ase update d versions of the pr ojector firmwa re to enhanc e the project or performa nce. The project or firmwar e version is shown in the on-scree n men u at Help.
48 User’s Guide Mai ntainin g the Pr ojector.
Use r’s Gu ide 49 5 Installing P ermanentl y This chapter explai ns ho w to permanently install the d igital p r ojector. Installing the Pr ojec tor This sect ion provides instr uctions on how to permanent ly install the pr ojector.
50 User’s Guide Installin g P erm a nentl y T o instal l on t he ceiling Å WA R N I N G : T o minimi z e the risk o f injury fr om impro p er ly inst alled equipment , it is re commended that a prof essional ins taller perf orms the ceili ng installati on.
Use r’s Gu ide 51 Installing P ermanentl y 3. Wi th the p roject or lens aiming away from the screen, inser t the mounting plate onto the bracket so the tabs e ngage, then pivot the proje ctor so it a ims forward. Tighten the rear thumbscre w fully, then tighten the two other thumbscrews .
52 User’s Guide Installin g P erm a nentl y If you do not use an HP ceiling moun t , mount the p r ojector according to t he following dimensions: ■ X = 82 mm (3.23 in.) ■ Y = 55 mm (2.17 in.) ■ Z = 110 mm (4.33 in.) ■ Thread siz e = M3 T o install for re ar proj ec tion 1.
Use r’s Gu ide 53 Installing P ermanentl y T o mount t he pr ojec t or on a tripod The projector includes st andard tripod mount on the bottom of the projector. This allows the project or to be mounted on t ripods readily availa ble at camera and other elect ronic store s.
54 User’s Guide Installin g P erm a nentl y.
Use r’s Gu ide 55 6 F ix ing Pr ob lems This chapter describe s potential problems and offe rs suggest ions to help correct them. ■ “Troubleshooting Suggest ions” on page 55 ■ “Testi ng th.
56 User’s Guide Fixi n g P rob l e m s Start-up prob l ems If no lights or s ounds turn on: ❏ Be sure tha t the power ca ble is se curely connec ted to the projector a nd the other end is plugged i nto an outlet with power . ❏ Press the power button again.
Use r’s Gu ide 57 Fixi n g Pr ob l e m s Pi c t u re p ro b l e m s If the image is not displayed on the s cree n, but the HP startup s creen is displayed: ❏ Pres s the sour ce button on the projec tor or remote control. ❏ Turn off or di sable the notebook or de sktop computer scree n saver func tion.
58 User’s Guide Fixi n g P rob l e m s If the image is out of focus: ❏ Be sure the lens cover i s open. ❏ While displaying the on-scre en menu, adjust the focus ring. (The image si ze should not change; i f it does, you are adjusting the zoom not the focus.
Use r’s Gu ide 59 Fixi n g Pr ob l e m s If a scrol ling or cut-off image is displ ayed: ❏ Pres s the auto sync button on the project or or remote c ontrol. ❏ For a computer c onnection, turn ever ything off, then power on the project or first a nd power on the notebook or desktop computer se cond.
60 User’s Guide Fixi n g P rob l e m s If the proj ected col ors see m slightly wrong: ❏ If the video button on the proje ctor is not l it, try press ing the video button on the project or or the picture mode button on the remote c ontrol. ❏ Open the on-scr een menu and sel ect Adj ust picture > Color settin gs.
Use r’s Gu ide 61 Fixi n g Pr ob l e m s Sound prob l ems If no sound is coming out of t he project or: ❏ Be sure you have an a udio cable se curely connec ted betwee n the projector a nd the input device. ❏ Be sure t hat the mute and volume s ettings are correc t on t he input device, such as a computer, DVD player , or camcorder .
62 User’s Guide Fixi n g P rob l e m s If the lamp s huts off during a pres entation: ❏ A minor power surge m ight cause t he lamp to shut off. W ait a few minutes , then power on the projec tor. ❏ If the la mp indicator is on or blinking, unplug the projector af ter it cools down.
Use r’s Gu ide 63 Fixi n g Pr ob l e m s T e sting th e Projec tor The on-scree n menu contains dia gnostic te sts you can use t o veri fy the proper operation of the projector and the remote contr ol. T o run th e projector diagnostics 1. Open the on-scree n menu and selec t Help > Diagnosti cs.
64 User’s Guide Fixi n g P rob l e m s.
Use r’s Gu ide 65 7 Refe ren c e This chapte r lis ts the spec ificat ions, sa fety i nformation, and regula tory infor mation for the project or. ■ “Specifi cations” on page 65 ■ “Safet y.
66 User’s Guide Refe renc e Le ns 2 .0 to 2 .4 thro w r atio (distance/w idth) Optical z oom 1:1.2 K ey stone Manual correction: up to +25 ° to –30° vertical A udio Mo naur al speaker , 1- W peak output Lam p 200 - W P - VIP lamp, 1.
Use r’s Gu ide 67 Re fe re nc e Noise le vel 38±2 dB A Env ironment Ope rati ng: T e m p e r a t u r e: 10 to 3 5 °C (50 to 9 5 ° F ) Humidity: 80% RH max , non -co ndensing Altitude: up to 3, 00.
68 User’s Guide Refe renc e Analog Vi deo M ode Compatib ility Compatibilit y Resolution V -S ync (Hz) H-S ync (k Hz) VG A 640 x 350 7 0 31 .5 640 x 350 85 3 7 .9 640 x 40 0 85 3 7 .9 640 x 480 60 31.5 640 x 480 7 2 3 7 .9 640 x 480 7 5 3 7 . 5 640 x 480 85 43 .
Use r’s Gu ide 69 Re fe re nc e MAC II 13 640 x 480 6 6. 68 3 5 MA C 16 83 2 x 6 2 4 7 4.5 5 4 9 . 7 25 MA C 19 10 2 4 x 7 6 8 7 5 60.2 4 MAC 115 2 x 8 7 0 7 5 . 06 6 8.68 MAC G 4 640 x 480 60 31.3 5 MAC G 4 640 x 480 12 0 68.0 3 MA C G4 10 2 4 x 7 6 8 120 9 7 .
70 User’s Guide Refe renc e Safety Information Safety precauti ons Å WA R N I N G : Observe the f ollow ing pr ecautions to r e duce the risk of inj ury . ■ To prevent eye inj ury, do no t look direct ly into the lens when the lamp is on. ■ To prevent ele ctrica l shock, do not expose the proje ctor to ra in or moisture.
Use r’s Gu ide 71 Re fe re nc e LED safety The infrare d ports locat ed on the digital proj ector and re mote control are class ified as Class 1 LED devic es acc ording to Internat ional Standar d IEC 825-1 (EN60825-1).
72 User’s Guide Refe renc e Regulatory Information This sect ion presents information tha t shows how your digital proj ector complies with regulat ions in cert ain regions. Any modific ations to your digita l projector not expressl y approved by HP could void the authority to opera te the digit al projector i n these re gions.
Use r’s Gu ide 73 Re fe re nc e Japan Ko r e a.
74 User’s Guide Refe renc e Inte rnati onal For regulatory ide ntifica tion purposes, your product is assigned a regulat ory model number. The regulat ory model number for your product is liste d in the declar ation of conformity. This regulatory number is dif ferent from the marketing name and product number.
Use r’s Gu ide Index 7 5 Ind e x A accesso ries listing 14 adjust pict ure 34 aiming the proje ctor raising a nd lowering 26 analog video mode compatibili ty 68 audio adjusting 34 B back panel iden .
Inde x 7 6 User’s Guide Inde x see ceiling install ation see rear projection ins tallat ion see table installa tion K Kensington lock 53 keystone corr ection adjusting 33 L lamp module replaci ng 44.
Use r’s Gu ide Index 77 Index precauti ons 70 SCART device 21 secu rity locking 53 setup adjusting 35 see a lso ceiling insta llatio n see a lso rear p roje ction see a lso table inst allatio n slan.
Inde x 7 8 User’s G uide Inde x.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3220 series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.