Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product P4000 G2 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP S to r age W or ks P4 000 G2 Unif i ed NA S Gate w a y Us er Guide P art Number: 5 6 9 7 -06 2 4 F irst editio n: Nov ember 2010.
Legal and notice information © Cop yr ight 2010, 2010 Hew let t-P ack ard De velopmen t Compan y , L.P . Conf idential co mputer softw are . V alid license fr om HP requir ed for posse ssion , use or cop ying .
C onte nts 1 Co mponent i dentifi cation .................................................................. 11 P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay hard war e components .............................................................. 11 2 Installing and co nfi gur ing the serve r .
Netwo rk planning .............................................................................................................. 41 Pr otocol planning ....................................................................................................
Guideline s for managing disks and v olumes .......................................................................... 70 Disk quota s ....................................................................................................................
S y stem update s .......................................................................................................... 100 F irm war e updates ......................................................................................................
English notice .................................................................................................................. 115 Bulgar ian noti ce ..................................................................................................
F igur es P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay fr ont panel components ........................................... 11 1 P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay fr ont panel LEDs ..................................................... 12 2 P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay r ear panel components .
Clie nt GUI ............................................................................................................. 83 3 3 Reco ver ing a deleted f ile or fo lder ............................................................................. 85 34 Pr operties dialog bo x, Sec urity tab .
T a bles P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay fr ont panel LED desc ripti ons ..................................... 12 1 P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay r ear panel LED desc ripti ons ..................................... 13 2 P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay RAID configur ation .
1 Component id entification This c hapter pr ov ides illu str ations of the s tor age sy stem har dw are co mponents . NO TE: The k ey boar d, m ouse , and monito r ar e used onl y fo r the dir ect atta ched meth od of accessin g the serv er . The y are n ot pr ov ided w ith y our sto ra ge sy stem .
Figur e 2 P4000 G2 Unified NAS Gate wa y front panel LEDs . T abl e 1 P4000 G2 Unified NAS Gate wa y front panel LED descriptions Status Item / Description Gr een = S yst em health is normal . Amber = S yste m health is degraded . Red = S yst em health is cr itical .
1. P o we r cord co nnector 2. Mou se connector 3. 10/100/1000 NIC 1 connec tor/shar ed iL O 2 management port 4. 10/100/1000 NIC 2 connecto r 5. S eri al connector 6. L o w pro file P CIe slot (occu pied b y Smar t Arr ay P212 contr oller) 7 . F ull-si z ed PCIe slot (occ upied b y NC3 64T 4 -port NIC) 8.
Com ponent identif ication 14.
2 Installing and configur ing t h e ser ver Setu p o ve r v ie w The HP S tor age W orks P4 000 G2 Unifi ed NA S Gatew ay comes pr einstalled w ith the Mic ros oft Windo ws® S tor age Server ™ 2008.
• HP Sto rage W orks St orage S ys tem Reco very DVD • End User L icense A greeme nt • Certif icate of A uthenti c it y Car d • Slide r ail ass embly • HP Pr oLi ant Es senti als Integr ated.
IMPOR T ANT : Only t he dir ect attac h and r emot e managemen t access met hods can be used t o install th e stor age s yst em . After t he sto rag e sy stem install ation p r ocess is compl ete and .
1. P o we r on the sy stem b y pushing the po wer bu tton on the fr ont panel. If u sing iL O 2 , cli ck Momentar y Press on the P ower Management page to pow er on the server , then cli ck Launch on the Status Summary page to open the iL O 2 Integrat ed Remot e Conso le and complete the installati on pr ocess .
w ill read W indow s is activated . If y our cop y of Windo ws has not bee n acti vated , y ou must man ually acti vat e it within thr ee day s of the initial st orage s yst em installatio n. T o manually ac tiv ate your cop y of Windo ws: 1. If needed, c hange your locale se ttings ( Control P anel > Regional and Language Options ) .
• Ac tiv ating iL O 2 Adv anced featur es using a licens e ke y — The Re mote Cons ole featur e of iL O 2 r equir es a licens e ke y . The k ey is included w ith the stor age s yst em inside the Co untry Kit . See the iL O 2 Adv anced Licens e P ack f or acti vati on instr uctions .
IMPOR T ANT : When u sing the r emote b r ow ser met hod to acce ss the st or age s yst em , alw ay s close t he r emote s essio n bef or e clo sing y our Inte rnet b r ow ser . Closing t he Inte rnet b r ow ser doe s not cl ose the r emot e sessio n.
IMPOR T ANT : The f irst two l ogical dr iv es are co nfi gur ed for t he stor age s yst em oper ating s yst em. The Ope rating S yst em volume de fault f actory settings can be c ustomi zed after the ope rating s yste m is up and running .
• If a single dri ve f ailure occ urs, it is tr anspar ent to the O S. P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 2 3.
Installing and conf igur ing the server 2 4.
3 Cluster configur ation HP Sto rage W orks P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay har dw are co mponents ar e configur ed in a clu ster ed en vir onment to a P4000 S AN Soluti on. T he P4000 S AN Soluti on pr ov ides iS CSI bloc k serv ices w hile the P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay pr ov ides data s ervi ces using CIF S/NF S protocols .
5 . P4000 S AN segment IMPOR T ANT : Instr ucti ons and illus tra tions in this doc ument desc r ibe the install ation an d confi gur ation o f a 2 – node P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gate wa y .
Figur e 6 P4000 G2 Unified NAS Gate wa y connec tions . 1. Clie nt networ k 2. S tandard IP s witc h 3. P4 000 G2 Unifi ed NA S Gatew ay nodes 4. Standar d IP sw itche s 5.
4. Identify the public and pr ivat e connectio ns: a. R ight-clic k one of the connecti ons and selec t Status . The connec tion s tatus of the pr i vate connec tions w ill indicate Local in the IPv4 Connectivity fi eld; the connecti on status o f the public -fac ing connecti ons will indi cate Internet in this f ield .
5. T o assign s tatic IP addr esse s to a pri vate connecti on: a. R ight-clic k the pri vate connecti on and selec t Properties . b. C lear all items on the General tab e xcept f or HP Net work Conf iguration Utility , Internet Protocol V ersion 4 (T CP/I Pv4 ) , and Internet Protocol V ersion 6 (T CP/I Pv) .
2. On the Computer Name tab, c lick Change . Figur e 9 Computer Name tab of Sy stem Properties . 3. On the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box , in the Computer nam e field , enter a unique name fo r the server . 4. Select the D omain radi o button and type the name of the do main on whi ch the c luster w ill resi de and then cli ck OK .
7 . When pr ompted, c lick Y es to re start the server . 8. Repeat the se steps f or Server 2 . Initiali z e and f or mat the sto r age disks The s tor age re fer enced in this section m ust be c reat ed and confi gured on the P4 000 S AN.
6. C omplete the New Simple V olume Wiz ard w ith the follo wing settings: • Accept the def ault assigned partition si z e • Assign dr iv e letter Q • F ormatted as NTFS • Labe l the volume W itness • Chec k P er form a quick format 7 .
3. C lick Ne xt . 4. On the Select Ser vers or a Cluster page , enter and add the names o f Server 1 and S erver 2 and then cli ck Ne xt . Figur e 14 Selec t servers to be validated f or th e cluster .
6. R ev iew the de tails of the Confirmation page and then c lick Ne xt . Figur e 15 V alidating t he cluster configuration . 7 . After the v alidati on tests ha ve r un, c lic k View R eport to r ev iew the v alidati on test r esults.
4. On the Access P oint for Administering the Cluster page, ty pe a unique name f or the clus ter and then cli ck Ne xt . Figur e 16 Entering cluster name . 5. R ev ie w the infor mation on the Conf irmation page and then cli ck Ne xt . After the c lust er is successf ully c reat ed, the Summary page lists basi c clus ter info rmation .
4. Select F il e Server fr om the list and then c lick Ne xt . Figur e 17 Selec t Service or Application . 5 . F ollow the ins tructi ons in the w i z ard t o spec ify the follo w ing details: • A n.
V er ify that the clu ste r is oper ational In or der to tes t clus ter func tionality , mov e the clus ter ed file se r ve r fr om one serv er to the other serv er . When se rvice s or applicati ons are mo ved , they sh ould fail o ver t o the other node in the c luster .
Clus ter confi gurati on 38.
4 Cluster administration One important f eature o f HP Stor age W orks P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay s is that they can oper ate as a single node or as a c luster .
• FTP f ile share r esour ces • iS CS I re sour ces Clu ster gr oup s Clus ter r esour ces are placed toge ther in clus ter gr oups . Gr oups ar e the basic unit of failo ver betw een nodes . Res our ces do not fail o ver indi viduall y; the y fail ov er with the gr oup in whi ch the y ar e contained .
Clu st er planning Successf ul clu ster planning inc ludes: • Sto rage planning • Netwo rk planning • Pr otocol planning St or age planning F or cluste ring , a basic disk m ust be desi gnated for the c luster and conf igur ed as the Quorum disk .
Virtual names and addr esses ar e the only iden tifi cation us ed by c lients on the ne twor k. Becau se the names and addr ess es are v ir tual, the ir o wner ship can transiti on fr om one node to the other dur ing a failo ver , pre serving acces s to the r esour ces in the clust er gr oup .
NO TE: Appl e T alk is not su pported on c lust er ed disk r esour ces. Ap ple T alk req uir es local memo ry for v olume inde xing . On fail ov er e ve nts, th e memory map is l ost and da ta cor ru ption can occ ur .
L oad balanc ing The c r eation of s eparate c luster gr oups for eac h virtual server pr ov ides mor e fle xib ility in balancing the pr ocessing load on the c luste r between the tw o nodes. E ach c luster gr oup can be assi gned to a clu ster node u sing the pre ferr ed ow ner parameter .
NF S clu ster -spec if ic issue s • Back u p user and gr oup mappings . T o av oid lo ss of com plex ad vanced mapp ings in the case o f a sy stem failur e, bac k up the mapping s whe nev er the mapping s hav e been edited or ne w mappings ha ve been added .
The t asks desc ribed belo w are us ed to add stor age to a clus ter . See the online help fo r clus tering f or additional de tails. Cr eating ph ysi cal disk res our ces A ph ysi cal disk re sour ce mus t re side w ithin a clus ter gr oup . An ex isting clust er gr oup can be used o r a ne w clus ter gr oup may be c reated .
Extend a L UN in a clus ter T o ext end a L UN on a stor age arr ay in a c luster , re vi ew the r equireme nts and pr ocedures f r om the stor age arra y hard war e pro vi der fo r expanding or e xtending stor age . F or additional info rmation a ssoc iated with e xtending a L UN in a clu ster , see the P4000 S AN doc umentatio n at http://ww w .
Cr eating a clus ter pr inter s pooler Prin ter spooler s should be cr eated in a separ ate gr oup dedicated t o this purpos e for eas e of management . Fo r each pr inter spoole r , a ph ysi cal r esour ce is requir ed to instantiate the pr int spooler r esour ce.
e xc luded fr om the possible o wner s list to pr ev ent a re sour ce fr om coming online on a partic ular node. Las tly the pr eferr ed ow ners list can be or der ed, to pr ov ide an or dered list o f failo ve r nodes.
The po wer do wn pr ocess is di vided int o two main step s: 1. Shutting do wn the c lust er nodes 2. R emo ving po wer fr om the clus ter nodes The s equence of thes e steps is c riti cal. T he dev ices mu st be shut do wn bef or e the stor age subs yste m.
5 Administr ation tools HP Sto rage W orks P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay s include se ve ral adminis trati on tools to simplify stor age sy stem manageme nt tasks .
NO TE: Y ou mus t hav e a VDS Har dwar e Pr ov ide r that is a ppr opr iate f or y our sto ra ge sy stem inst alled in or der to pr ov ision st or age on an iS CSI tar get .
• The bac k up softw are u sed must su pport SIS-enabled vo lumes. • The S IS v olume , SIS C ommon S tor e folder , and repars e points (links) to the f iles mus t be re stor ed to a W indow s 2000 NTF S ver sion 5 .0 (or lat er) f ile sy stem or partitio n that supports repar se points or junc tion po ints.
F or more det ailed infor mation abou t the Phase 1 and Phase 2 s cr ipts, see the M icr osoft K no wledge Base artic le Desc ripti on of sc ripts t o use to simplify us er account mapping be tween a UNI X clien t and a Windo ws-based s erver at http://support .
Figur e 18 AD LDS Role and Instance . T o ver if y the installati on of the Serv ices f or Netwo rk F ile Sy stem (NF S) Role , in Server Manager , under Roles , c lick F il e Services . In the Sy stem Ser vices table, Server f or NFS is listed . Phase 2 s cr ipts Phase 2 sc ripts ar e located in the c:hpnascomponentsADLDS folde r .
E ach line of a s tandar d UNIX gr oup f ile follo ws this fo rmat: group:password:GID:group list All f ields ar e requir ed, but onl y the group , GID , and group list fi elds ar e used . The GID f ield value m ust matc h the GID fi eld value in the pas sw ord f ile fo r those us ers that belong t o the grou p .
Figur e 19 AD LDS script e xecution help screen . As a best pr actice , spec ify all of the abo ve par ameters so that W indo ws accoun ts and NF S mapping s ar e cr eated; ho we ver , y ou can pr ov ide finer con trol a s follo ws. If y ou omit the /ldf option , the sc ript cr eates Windo ws accounts but n ot NF S mappings .
The ne wly-c reated NF S mapping s are s tor ed as Acti ve Dir ectory obj ects and can be ve rif ied as f ollo ws: 1. Cli ck Start > Administrati ve T ools > ADSI Edit .
Figur e 21 NFS-mapped users and groups in AD SI Edit . Becaus e the imported user s and gro ups ar e no w Windo ws use rs and gr oups as w ell as UNIX us ers and gr oups , yo u can use NF S sharing s o that volumes , fo lders and f iles ar e visible in both the W indow s file s yst em and the UNIX f ile sy stem.
Step 1 If y ou hav e not alr eady r un the Phase 1 sc ript f actor y-setup-adlds.cmd , do so no w . The sc ript is located in the c:hpnascomponentspostinstalleradlds fo lder .
Figur e 22 NF S Advanced Sharing dialog bo x . Cli ck the P ermissions button . In the T ype of access list , select Read- W rite . Chec k the Allow r oot access chec k bo x. Figur e 23 NF S Share P ermissions dialog bo x . Cli ck OK tw ice to r eturn t o the Nfs T est Properties dialog bo x.
Step 5 In the Nfs T est Pr operties dialog box , select the Security tab . This tab sho ws the c urr ent sec urity settings fo r the folder . The f ollow ing steps w ill add permissi ons fo r Everyone to ha ve access to the Nf s T est fo lder . T o do this, c lic k Edit … and then cli ck Add … .
chec k the Owner chec k bo x and then cli ck OK . Note that r oot is part of the ow ner name. T his ver ifies that NF S mapping is func tional f or the r oot user . Step 8 On the Windo ws s y stem as A dministr ator , cr eate a file f ile.txt in C:Nfs T est.
Step 10 On the UNIX s ystem , issue a listing of the /mnt/nfstest dir ectory . Because y ou changed the o wner of f ile.txt o n the Windo ws s ys tem to user1 , the o wner o f the file on the UNI X side is also user1 . Becaus e user1 is in the allusers grou p on the Windo ws s y stem , the gro up o wner ship of file .
Figur e 2 7 Replace ow ner on subcontainers and objec ts . Cli ck OK f our times to dismiss the Pr operties dialog box . Return t o the Properties dialog bo x, s elect the Security tab , and then cli ck Edit . Se lect Every one in the list of gr oups and user name s and then cli ck Remo ve .
Administr ation tools 66.
6 F il e ser v er manag ement This c hapter begins b y identifying f ile service s in Windo ws Sto rage Se rver 2008 R2 . The r emainder of the c hapter des cr ibes the man y tasks and utilitie s that play a r ole in file serv er management .
Co nfi gur ing data sto r age The HP S tor age W orks P4 000 G2 Unifi ed NA S Gatew ay is conf igur ed only f or the oper ating s yst em. The adminis trato r must conf igure dat a stor age for the s tor age sy stem . Conf iguring additi onal data stor age inv olv es c reating ar ra ys, logi cal disks, and v olumes .
NO TE: The A CU is used to conf igur e and manage ar ra y-bas ed stor age . Softwar e R AID-based st or age s ys tems use M icr oso ft Disk Manager to man age sto ra ge.
Disk Management u tilit y The Disk Manageme nt tool is a s y stem utility for managing har d disks and the volumes , or partitions , that the y contain . Disk Management is used t o initiali z e disks, cr eate volumes , for mat vo lumes w ith the F A T , F A T3 2 , or NTF S file s ys tems, and c r eate fault-toleran t disk sy stems.
NO TE: T o limit the si z e of a f older o r shar e, s ee “ Quota man agemen t ” on page 95 . Conf igure the v olumes on the server t o perfor m the follo wing tasks: • Pr ev ent f ur ther disk space u se and log an ev ent when a us er e xceeds a spec ifi ed disk space limit.
NO TE: This s ection ad dre sses onl y single stor age sy stem node co nfi gura tions . If your s erver h as Win do ws St or age Serv er 2008 R2 Ente rpr ise Editi on , see the Clu ster A dministr ation cha pter f or expan ding and e xtending s tor age in a clust er en vir onment .
• Y ou cannot e xtend str iped vo lumes, mir ro red v olumes , or RAID 5 volumes . F or more inf ormati on, s ee the Disk Management online help . V olume shado w copi es NO TE: Select s tor age sy stems can be depl oy ed in a clust er ed as w ell as a non-c lust er ed conf igur ation .
Identify ing the vo lume Shado w copies ar e take n for a com plete vo lume, bu t not for a s pec ific dir ectory . Shadow copi es w ork bes t when the se r v er stor es user f iles, suc h as doc uments, s preadshee ts, pr esent ations , graphi cs, or databas e files .
The minim um amount of st orage s pace that can be spec ifi ed is 35 0 megabyte s (MB) . The de fault stor age siz e is 10 per cent of the so urce v olume (the volume be ing copied).
If defr agmenting volume s on whi ch shado w copies ar e enabled, us e a clus ter (or allocatio n unit) si z e of 16 KB or lar ger . Using this allocatio n unit siz e r educes the number o f copy ou ts occur ring on the snapshot .
Figur e 29 S ystem administrat or view o f Shadow Copies for Shar ed Folders . The shado w copy cac he file The de fault shado w copy settings allocate 10 pe rce nt of the sour ce volume be ing copied ( with a minimum of 3 50 MB), and stor e the shadow copi es on the same v olume as the or iginal v olume .
Figur e 31 Shadow copies stor ed on a separate v olume . The main ad van tage to stor ing shadow copi es on a separ ate volume is eas e of management and perfor mance . Shadow cop ies on a s our ce volume m ust be contin ually monitor ed and can consume space desi gnated for f ile sharing .
NO TE: Aft er the f irs t shado w copy is c reated , it cannot be r elocat ed. R elocate the ca che f ile b y alter ing the cach e file l ocation un der Pr operti es pr io r to enab ling shado w cop y . See “ V ie wing sha dow co py pr operties ” on pa ge 79.
CA UTION: Use ca utio n when r educin g the si z e limit for all sh ado w copie s. Wh en the si ze is set t o less t han the tot al si ze c urr entl y used f or all shado w copi es, en ough shado w copie s are d eleted t o r educe the to tal si z e to the ne w limit.
Managing shado w copies f ro m the stor age s y stem de sktop T o access shado w copies fr om the stor age sy stem deskt op: The s tor age sy stem desktop can be acces sed b y using Re mote Desktop to manage shado w copies . 1. On the stor age sy stem de sktop , double -cli ck My Computer .
NO TE: Shado w Copi es fo r Shar ed F older s cli ents ar e not av ailabl e for HTTP , F TP , Appl e T alk , or NetW ar e shar es. C onsequ entl y , use rs o f these pr otocols cann ot use Sh ado w Copi es f or Shar ed Fol der s to indepe ndentl y retr iev e pr ev iou s ve rsi ons of the ir files .
Figur e 33 Client GUI . When us ers v ie w a netwo rk fo lder host ed on the stor age sy stem f or whi ch shado w copies ar e enabled, old v ersio ns (pri or to the snapshot) o f a file or dir ectory are a vailable .
.@GMT - 2003 .04.2 9-04:00:00 Acces s to NF S shadow cop y pseudo -subdir ector ies is go verned b y normal access-con trol mec hanisms using the per missions s tor ed in the file s yste m. Us ers can acces s only tho se shado w copies t o whi ch the y hav e read acce ss at the time the shado w copy is tak en.
Figur e 34 Reco vering a deleted file or folder . R ecov ering an o verw ritten o r corr upted f ile Reco ver ing an ov er wr it ten or cor rupt ed file is easi er than reco ver ing a deleted f ile because the f ile itself can be r ight-cli ck ed instead of the f older .
Back up and shado w copi es Shado w copies ar e only a vailable on the ne twor k vi a the clie nt applicati on, and onl y at a file or fo lder lev el as oppos ed to the entir e vo lume. Hence , the standar d back up ass oc iated w ith a vo lume back up will n ot wo rk to bac k up the pr ev iou s ver sions of the f ile sy stem .
NO TE: Select s erver s can be deplo yed in a c lust er ed or non-c luste r ed confi gur ation . This secti on disc usse s shar e setu p for a n on-clu ster ed deplo yment . F older managemen t V olumes and f olders on an y sy stem are u sed to or ganiz e data.
2. Cli ck Pr operties , and then clic k the Sec urity tab . Figur e 35 Pr operties dialog box, Security tab . Se ver al options ar e av ailable on the Security tab: • T o add user s and gro ups to the per missions lis t, c lick Add . F ollo w the dialog bo x instruc tions .
3. T o modif y o wner ship of file s, or to modify indi vi dual file acce ss lev el permissi ons, c lic k Advanced . F igur e 36 illus trat es the pr operties av ailable on the Ad vanced Security Settings dialog bo x. Figur e 36 A dvanced Security settings dialog box , P ermissions tab .
4. Enable or disa ble permissi ons by s electing the Allo w box t o enable permis sion or the Den y box to disable pe rmissi on. If ne ither bo x is selected , permissio n is automati cally disabled . Fi gure 3 7 illustr ates the Edit scr een and some of the per missio ns.
Figur e 38 Adv anced Security Setting s dialog box , Auditing tab . 5. C lic k Add to displa y the Select U ser or Gr oup dialog bo x. Figur e 3 9 Selec t User or Group dialog bo x . NO TE: Cli ck Ad van ced to sear ch fo r user s or gro ups . 6. Se lect the user o r gro up .
7 . Cli ck OK . The A uditing Entr y dialog box is dis play ed. Figur e 40 Auditing Entry dialog box f or folder name NTFS T est . 8. Select the de sired Succes sful and Failed audits f or the user or gr oup . 9 . Clic k OK . NO TE: Au diting mus t be enabl ed to conf igur e this infor mation .
Figur e 41 Adv anced Security Set tings dialog box , Owner tab . The c urr ent o wner o f the file or f older is listed at the t op of the sc reen . T o take o wnership: 1.
The con tent of shar es should be car efull y cho sen to a vo id two co mmon pitfalls: e ither hav ing too many shar es of a v ery specif ic nature , or of hav ing very fe w shares of a ge neri c nature . F or ex ample, shar es fo r general u se ar e easier to s et up in the beginning , but can caus e problems lat er .
• Standar d shares ar e shares that do n ot end in a $ char acter . Standar d shar es are lis ted whe nev er a CIF S client br ow ses for a vaila ble shares o n a CIF S serve r . The s tor age sy stem supports both administr ativ e and standar d CIF S shar es.
F ile sc r eening management On the F ile Sc reening Manage ment node of the F ile Server R esour ce Manager snap-in, y ou can perfor m the follo wing t asks: • Cr eate file s cr eens to contr ol the types of f iles that users can s av e and to send notif ications w hen user s attempt to sa ve bloc ked f iles.
F or more inf ormati on, and t o dow nload the utility , see the Stor age W orks L & TT web site at h ttp:// h18006 oducts/stor agew orks/ltt . Anti v iru s The s erver should be s ecur ed by installing the a ppropr iate anti vir us softw are .
F ile server manage ment 9 8.
7 T roubleshooting, servicing, and maintenance T r ouble shooting the s tor age s y ste m The “ Su pport and trou bleshooting ” task at the HP Support & Dr iv ers w eb site ( http://www .hp .com/ go/support ) can be used t o trou bleshoot pr oblems with the st orage s yst em.
• CCA T (Compu ter Cr ash Anal ysis T ool) • SEA (S yst em Ev ent Anal yz er ) If y ou hav e a war ran ty or servi ce contr act w ith HP you ar e entitled to these t ools fr ee of c harge . Y ou mus t, ho we ve r , upgr ade the tools at leas t once a year beca use the so ft war e expir es after one y ear .
8 Suppor t and oth er res our ces C ontac ting HP F or wor ldw ide tec hnical suppo rt informati on, s ee the HP support web site: http://www .hp .com/support Bef or e contacting HP , collect the foll.
• http://www .hp .com/support/do wnloads • http://www .hp .com/stor age/whitepape rs T y pogr aphi c con ve nti ons T abl e 6 Document conventions Element Conv ention Cr oss-r efer ence links and e -mail address es Blue te xt: T able 6 W ebsite addr esses Blue , underlined te xt: http://www .
TIP: Pr ov ides help ful hin ts and short cu ts. R ac k sta bility Rac k stability pr otects per sonnel and equipmen t. W ARNI NG! T o r educe the r isk of per sonal injury or d amage to eq uipment: • Extend l ev eling jac ks to the f loor . • Ensur e that th e full w ei ght of th e ra ck r ests on t he le velin g jac ks.
Support and other r esour ces 104.
9 S y stem r eco very This c hapter de scr ibes how to u se the S yste m Reco very D VD that is pr ov ided with y our stor age s yst em. T he S y stem R eco ve r y D VD The HP S tor age W orks S tor a.
3. C lick R estore F actor y Image . The u pgrade pr ocess complete s with little us er interv ention r equired . The server a utomati cally r eboots mor e than once .
11. Enter format fs=fat32 quick . NO TE: If yo ur USB F lash Dr iv e does not sup port the F A T3 2 file s ys tem , fo rma t the dr iv e as NTF S instead . Omitting the quick par ameter le ngthens t he for mat time conside ra bly . 12. Ente r active to mark the partition as ac tiv e.
5 . T ype an A dministr ator pass wor d in the New pass wor d box . 6. R e - type the Adminis trato r pass wo rd in the Confir m passw ord box . 7 . Cli ck the blue arr ow ne xt to the Confirm passw ord box . 8. Cli ck OK . After the A dministr ator pass wor d has been set , the stor age sy stem comple tes the r ecov er y pr ocess.
A Regulat or y compliance notices This s ection co ntains r egulatory notices f or the HP St orage W orks f amily of pr oducts. R egulatory compli ance ide ntif i catio n number s F or the purpose of r egulatory compliance certifi cations and i dentif ication , this produc t has been assi gned a unique r egulatory model number .
of this equipmen t in a re sidential ar ea is likel y to cause har mful interf ere nce, in w hich cas e the user w ill be req uired t o corr ect the inte rfer ence at perso nal expens e.
Clas s B equipmen t This C lass B digit al apparatu s meets all r equir ements of the C anadian Interf ere nce -Causing E quipment Regulati ons. Cet appar eil numér ique de la c lass B r especte tou tes les e x igences du Règleme nt sur le matéri el br ouilleur du Canada .
K or ean noti ces Clas s A equipmen t Clas s B equipmen t T ai w anes e noti ces B SMI Clas s A noti ce T aiw an batter y r ecy cle s tatemen t Reco very text: • “ P lease r ecyc le waste batter i.
L ase r compli ance noti ces English lase r notice This de vice ma y contain a laser that is c lassif ied as a Cla ss 1 Las er Pr oduct in accor dance with U .S . FD A regulati ons and the IE C 608 25-1. T he pr oduct does no t emit haz ardo us laser r adiation .
F re nch la ser noti ce Ger man laser no tice Itali an laser no tice Regulat ory compliance notice s 114.
Japanes e laser n otice Spanish la ser noti ce R ecy c ling noti ces English noti ce P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 115.
Bulgar ian noti ce Cz ech n otice Danish noti ce Dutc h notice Regulat ory compliance notice s 116.
E stoni an noti ce F innish notice F re nch n otice Ger man notice P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 117.
Gr eek notice Hungar ian no tice Itali an notice L at v ian noti ce Regulat ory compliance notice s 118.
L ithuani an noti ce P olish noti ce P ortuguese no tice R omanian n otice P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 119.
Slo v ak notice Spanish n otice S w edish notice T urkish noti ce Türkiy e Cumhur iyeti: EEE Yönetmeli ğ ine Uy gundur Regulat ory compliance notice s 120.
Batter y r eplacement n otice s Dutc h bat tery notice P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 121.
F re nch battery noti ce Ger man batter y noti ce Regulat ory compliance notice s 12 2.
Itali an bat tery noti ce Japanes e battery notice P4000 G2 Unif ied NA S Gatew ay User Gui de 12 3.
Spanish battery noti ce Regulat ory compliance notice s 12 4.
Inde x A access r ights, managing , 44 Acces sing the stor age sy stem Re mote Desktop method , 21 Acces sing the stor age sy stem r emote br o wse r method, 20 A CL, def ining, 9 4 Ac tiv e Dir ector.
fo lders auditing acces s, 90 managing, 8 7 G gr oups , adding to permis sions list , 88 H help obtaining , 101 HP Ar ra y Conf igurati on Utility , 6 8 Sto rage Manager , 6 9 tec hnical support , 101.
setting up o verv ie w , 15 setup co mpletion , 19 shado w copies in a clu ster , 46 use s, 7 3 shado w copies back ups, 8 6 cache f ile, 7 7 defr agmentation , 7 5 desc ribed , 7 3 disabling , 80 fil.
Index 12 8.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4000 G2 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.