Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Q5693A van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Q5 6 9 3A use.
HP 8-bin Ma ilbo x User Guide _______ __________.
Copyright and License © 2005 Copyright Hewlett-P ackard Dev el opm ent Company , L.P . Reproduction, adaptation or translat ion without prior written permiss ion is prohibited, e xcept as allowed under t he copyright la ws. The inf ormation contained herein is subject to c hange without notice.
ENWW ii i.
iv ENWW.
ENWW Con tents v Contents 1 Product basics Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Identifying the MBM parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Contents ENWW Appendix C Regulatory information Declaratio n of Confor mity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Canadian D OC Regula tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW Features 1 1 Product basics The HP 8 -bin Mai lbo x (multibi n mailbox [MBM]) m akes it easi er to sha re one pr inte r among sev eral us ers that might be l ocated i n different depar tments or work groups with in a network -shared e nvironment.
2 1 Product basics ENWW Identifying the MBM par ts Note F or more information about w hich output bins are des ignated to re ceived copy and prin t jobs, see “Getting s tar t ed” on pag e 6 .
ENWW In ter pretin g light pa tter ns 3 Interpreting lig ht patterns The user LED , located on the fro nt of the MBM, ind icates th e status of the MBM. Use the f o llowing ta ble to inter pre t the device status by reading th e user LE D . LED state Indicat ion Green, s olid The MBM is operating normally .
4 1 Product basics ENWW.
ENWW 5 2 Configur ing the MBM f or y our w ork en vironment This ch apter c ontain s inform ation a bout the f o llowing to pics : ● Getting sta r ted ● Understa nding the opera tio n modes ● Se.
6 2 Config uring the MBM f or your work en vironme nt ENWW Getting star ted After the pr inter driver is instal led, you hav e to config ure the MBM in the pri nter dr iver and at the control panel before you can us e it.
ENWW Understa nding the operation m odes 7 Unde r standi ng the oper ati on mode s The MBM has four operatio n modes. Note When the M BM is connec ted to a multi functi on per ipheral (M FP), th e face-down bin 1 is designat ed for cop y jobs (a s the default) and is not available in the pr inter dri v er .
8 2 Config uring the MBM f or your work en vironme nt ENWW If a pri nt or copy job is sent to a bin that is full, the pr inter or MFP stops pri nting (ev en if the other bins are n ot full ). For the printe r or MFP to continue pr inting, you mus t remove the media from the full b in.
ENWW S etting an o peration mo de 9 • F or autom atic configurat ion, un der Instal lable Option s , cli ck Update Now in the A utomatic Configuration li st. • F o r manual co nfiguratio n, under Ins tallable Options , se lect t he approp riat e operation mode in th e Accesso ry Outp ut Bin list .
10 2 Confi guring th e MBM for your wo rk envir onment ENWW Window s 98, Windo ws Me, and Windo ws NT® 4.0 1 Click the Star t button, point to Settings , and then cl ick Printe rs . 2 Right-c lick the HP prod uct icon , and then c lick Properties (Windows 98 a nd Win dows Millenn ium Ed ition [Me]) or Document Defaults ( Windows NT 4.
ENWW Se tting an op eration mod e 11 7 In the M ailbox Mode list, sele ct the appr opr iate op erational mode, and the n cli ck Appl y Changes ..
12 2 Confi guring th e MBM for your wo rk envir onment ENWW T urning off th e design ated defa ult outpu t bin for cop y jobs If the M BM is conn ected t o an MF P , the face-down bin 1 i s desig nate.
ENWW Assigni ng a default outp ut bin to a user or a group of u sers for the Mail box mode 13 Assigning a d efault outp ut bin to a user or a g r oup of u sers f or the Mailbo x mo de When the H P 8-b in Mailb o x (MBM) i s config ured as a mailbox, the outp ut bin s can be assigne d to users o r groups o f user s.
14 2 Confi guring th e MBM for your wo rk envir onment ENWW Windows NT 4.0 1 At the computer that be longs to t he use r that you are assign ing, cli ck the Start button, point to Settings , and th en click Prin ters . 2 Right-c lick the HP prod uct icon , and then c lick Document Defaults .
ENWW Sendin g a pr int j ob to an outp ut bin that is di fferent from the d efault 15 Sending a print job to an output bin th at is different from the default Beca use you canno t specif y a face-down.
16 2 Confi guring th e MBM for your wo rk envir onment ENWW Windows NT 4.0 1 Open a do cumen t, and th en click Pr int on the Fi le menu. 2 Click Setup or Properties .
ENWW 17 3 Prob lem solving This cha pter cont ains infor matio n to help you wi th the following issues : ● Resolving co mmo n problems ● Inter preti ng co ntrol-pane l messa ges ● Clear ing jam.
18 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW Resolving com mon prob lems Use the in f o r mation in the f o llowing table to resolve common problems that can occ ur with th e MBM. Prob le m Solution The MBM does not turn on. ● M ake sure that the power cord is firmly plugg ed into the 2,000 -sheet in put tra y .
ENWW Inter preti ng co ntrol-pane l messa ges 19 Interpreting contro l-panel messages The following table ex plain g eneral co ntrol-p anel mess ages tha t per tain to the MBM. Note F or contr ol-panel messag es that per tain to jam s that oc cur when using the MBM, s ee “Contr ol- panel mes sages a bout ja ms” on p age 22 .
20 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW 65.12.60 65.12.61 OUTPUT DEVICE FAILURE A prob lem ex ists with the deliv er y- head internal me chanism . 1. Mov e the MBM aw a y from the printer or MFP . 2. Remov e any pieces of med ia that migh t be ob str uc ting mov ement of t he d eli v er y head.
ENWW Cleari ng jam s 21 Clearing jams If the mes sage JAM IN LEFT ACCESSORY appea rs on the control panel, follow the rec ommended action i n “Contr ol-panel messag es abo ut jams” on page 22 . Note When you cl ear a j am, be v er y care ful not to tear the media .
22 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW Contr ol-panel messages about jams The following table ex plains contro l-panel message s that per tain to jams th at occur wh en using the MBM. Messag e Descript ion Act ion 13.12.01 13.12.02 13.12.03 13.12.04 13.12.05 13.
ENWW Cleari ng jam s 23 13.12.52 13.12.53 13.12.54 JAM IN LEFT ACCESSORY A jam e xists in th e belt or i n the deli ver y hea d. 1. Mov e the MBM aw a y from the printer or MFP . 2. Remov e any media fro m the deliv er y head. 3. Remov e any media fro m the belt.
24 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW Clearing jam s in th e belt 1 Mov e the M BM aw ay from the pr inter or MFP . T o do t his, stand on the lef t side of t he MBM and pu ll the device s traight t ow a rd you. 2 Carefull y pull th e jammed media out of th e belt.
ENWW Cleari ng jam s 25 Clearing jams in the entry area 1 Mov e the M BM aw ay from the pr inter or MFP . T o do t his, stand on the lef t side of t he MBM and pu ll the device s traight t ow a rd you. 2 Carefull y pull the jamm ed media from the MBM entr y area or from the e xit area of the printe r or MFP .
26 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW Clearing jams in the face-up bin and in the flipper 1 Mov e the M BM aw ay from the pr inter or MFP . T o do t his, stand on the lef t side of t he MBM and pu ll the device s traight t ow a rd you. 2 Remov e the f a ce-up bi n (upper -left b in).
ENWW Cleari ng jam s 27 5 Reattach th e MBM to th e pr inter or MFP ..
28 3 Problem so lv ing ENWW Clearing jams in the delivery head and the face-do wn bins 1 Mov e the M BM aw ay from the pr inter or MFP . T o do t his, stand on the lef t side of t he MBM and pu ll the device s traight t ow a rd you. 2 Carefull y pull th e jammed media out from th e face-down bin and de liver y head.
ENWW 29 4 Suppor t inf or mation W orld Wide W eb Solut ions to m ost is sues c an be found at www . The HP Web site i ncludes fr equently asked questions (F AQ), troubleshoo ting he lp , info.
30 4 Supp ort infor mation ENWW.
ENWW 31 A Oper ation modes summar y tab le What the MBM is connected to Operati onal mode Copy bin enabled or disabled A vailab le output bins The output bin opti ons at the cont r ol panel fo r copying The o utput bin opt ions in th e pr in ter d riv er for print ing Print er ● Mailbox mode Not applicable (The printer does not produce copies.
32 A Oper ation mode s su mmary ta ble ENWW.
ENWW P hysical specifi cations 33 B Specifications Ph y sical specifications The following section s outl ine the physical spe cificat ions for the HP 8 -bin Mai lbo x (MBM) . Height Width Depth W eight 970 mm (3 8.2 inches) 1065 mm (41.9 inches) 480 mm (18.
34 Append ix B Sp ecifica tions ENWW Space requirements HP reco mmends th e following setup spe cificat ions for using the H P 8-bin Mailbox (MBM) wi th your print er or MFP . ● Place th e pri nter or MF P and the MBM o n a lev e l surface. ● Allow spac e around the pr inter or MFP an d the MB M for good ventilation.
ENWW P hysical specifi cations 35 Space re quiremen ts f or the HP 8-bin Mail bo x with the HP LaserJe t 9500m fp 480 mm (18.9 in) 864 mm (34.0 in) 435 mm (17.
36 Append ix B Sp ecifica tions ENWW Space re quiremen ts f or the HP 8-bin Mail bo x with the HP LaserJet 9040mfp a nd HP LaserJet 9050mfp 480 mm (18.9 in ) 787 mm (30.9 in) 450 mm (17.7 in) 555 mm (21.9 in) 435 mm (17.1 in ) 1219 m m (48 in) 635 m m (25 i n) 440 mm (17.
ENWW P hysical specifi cations 37 Space re quiremen ts f or the HP 8-bin Mail bo x with the HP LaserJe t 9040/905 0 series print ers 480 mm (18.9 in) 721 mm (28.
38 Append ix B Sp ecifica tions ENWW P ower requirements and cir cuit capacity P ower consumption Operating and storage en vir onment Requirement or capacity 110-v ol t models 220-v olt models P ower .
ENWW S uppor te d medi a 39 Suppo r ted m edia 1 - Letterh ead with raised l ettering or low-temperature inks is not supp orted. Bin Capacity Media siz e Media typ e M edia wei ght F ace-do wn bins 25.
40 Append ix B Sp ecifica tions ENWW.
ENWW D eclaratio n of Conform ity 41 C Regulator y inf or mation Declaration of Conformity According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014 Manufacturer’ s Name: Hewlett-P ackard Company Manuf.
42 C Regulator y informa tion ENWW Canadian DOC Reg ulations Complies with Ca nadian EM C Class A r equireme nts. <<Con forme à l a classe A des nor m es canad iennes de comp atibil ité élec tromagnét iques CEM.
ENWW In dex 43 Index A ADF output bin 2 B belt paper jams, clearing 24 bins capacities 1 copy 12, 16 default settings 6 default, assigning 13 full 18, 19 locating 2 media specifications 39 operation m.
44 Index ENW W O operating environment s pecifications 34, 38 operation modes default bins 6 setting 8 summary 31 types of 7 output bins capacities 1 copy 12, 16 default settings 6 default, assigning .
© 2005 He wlett-P ack ard De velopment C ompan y , L .P . www
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q5693A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.