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HP Photosmart R50 7/R60 7 digital camer a w ith HP Instant Shar e User's Manual.
Copy right and Trademark Information © 20 04 Copyr ight Hewlett-P ack ard Dev elopment Company , LP Reproduc tion, adapt atio n, or trans la tion w ith out prior writte n permis sion is pr ohibited , ex cept a s allow ed under the copy r ight la ws. The inf ormati on containe d in this document is sub ject to ch ange with out noti ce.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Chapter 1: Getting St arted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Insta lling the Ca mera Do ck Inse rt (O ptio nal) . . . 12 Attaching th e Wrist Strap .
HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Focusin g the Cam era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Using Au to Focu s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Using Fo cus Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Using th e Focus Range Settin gs .
Viewing Thumbnails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Magnify ing Imag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Using th e Playba ck Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Chapter 6: Using the Setup Me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Camer a Sound s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 04 Live View at Power On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix A: Managing Batterie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Top Po ints About Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Extendin g Battery Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Safety Precautions for Using Lithium Ion Batter ies .
HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 11 C hapter 1 : Get ting Started Con gra tulatio ns on yo ur pur cha se of this HP Photosmart di gital camera! This camera has many featur es to enhanc e your picture-taki .
12 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Setup NO TE T o locat e a part on your c amera (such as a but ton or a ligh t) while foll ow ing th e instr ucti ons in this s ection , see Camera P arts on p age 21.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 13 Installin g a Mem or y C ard (O ptional) NO TE I f y o u d o n o t h av e a m e m o r y c a rd, s k i p t h i s s e c t i o n a n d go on to the next section, Inst alling the Ba ttery on page 1 4. Y our ca mera contains internal memory that allows you to stor e images a nd video cli ps.
14 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Installin g t he B at ter y Y ou r camer a use s a r echar gea ble HP Phot osmar t R0 7 lithium ion battery (L 1812A). NO TE The batte ry that wa s shipped with y our camer a is part ially charged, but you should ful ly charge it before using it the f irst time.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 15 Atta c hing th e Ferrite to t he A C Adap ter Cord A f err ite is inc luded in the b ox w ith y our camer a. This f err ite pr e ven ts yo ur camer a fr om emitt ing rad.
16 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual C harging t h e Ba t ter y NO TE T h i s s e c t i o n t e l l s h o w t o c h a r g e a b a t t e r y i n t h e c a m e ra .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 17 NO TE Digit al ca meras use batteries at a much faster rat e t han f ilm camer as. Battery life in d igital camer as can be measu red in hours and mi nutes of use rather than the y ears m or e typi cal o f f ilm cam er as .
18 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Settin g th e Da te and Time The camera has a clock that records the da te and ti me at which y ou tak e each p ictur e.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 19 Installin g t he Sof t war e Th e HP Im age Z one softw ar e all ow s y ou t o tr ansf er ima ges fr om th e camer a, an d the n vi e w , edit , pr int, or e- mail the m. I t also al lows y ou to co nfigure the HP Ins tant Sh ar e menu on the ca mera.
20 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Maci ntosh 1 Clo se all pr ogr ams and tem por ar ily disabl e any v irus pr otection soft war e running on your computer . 2 Inse rt the HP Imag e Zon e sof twar e CD into t he CD dr iv e of your computer .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 21 Camer a P arts NO TE Refer to the page s in p arentheses af ter t he pa rt n ames fo r mor e info rmati on about tho se parts . Back of the Ca mera # Name Des cr ipti on 1V i e w f i n d e r (page 31) All ow s yo u to fr ame th e su bj ect of you r pict ures or vide o cl ip s.
22 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l z Both and AF bl inking —An err or has occurred that pr events the cam era f rom tak ing the p ictur e (see t he f ollo wing NO TE). NO TE If an err or pre vents a pictur e fr om being take n, then an err or message will appear on the I mage Display .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 23 7 Controller wi th and buttons Allows you to sc roll th rough me nus a nd images on the Image Display . 8 Men u/O K button (pages 50, 7 5) Allows you to dis play th e Capture and Pla yback menu s and to select menu options and confi rm certain actions on the Image Di spla y .
24 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l T op o f th e C amera # Name Desc ripti on 1 Speaker Pla ys camera sounds and audio clips . 2 Mode button (page 4 5) Allo ws you to s elect between differ ent shooting modes for taking still pic tures.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 25 Fr ont, Sid e, an d Bot tom of th e Came ra # Name Descr iption 1F l a s h (page 41) Pro vides additional light to impr o ve pictu re- tak i ng. 2 Self-Time r lig ht (pag e 43) Blink s red when th e Self- Timer is activ ated.
26 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l Camer a St ate s Y our camera has two mai n states that allow you to complete certai n task s. Each of these states h as an ass ociated menu th at you can use to ad just camera settin gs or perform tasks i n that state.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 27 Camer a Menus Y ou r camer a has f ive menu s that , when a ccess ed , appea r in the I mag e Dis play o n the back o f the cam era. When any menu is displa yed, y ou can then access t he other men us b y using the menu tabs at th e top of th e screen.
28 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l To d i s p l a y t h e HP I nstan t Shar e Menu , pr ess the HP Instant Share bu tton . F or inf or mati on about using th is menu, see Usi ng th e HP Inst ant Sha r e M enu on page 90. NO TE Befor e you can use the HP Instan t Shar e Menu , you mu st f irst se t up the men u .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 29 Using th e H elp Menu The Help Menu pr ovides helpful i nformation a nd t ips for usi ng your ca me ra. 1 Use the button s to move acr oss the m enu tabs to the Help M enu tab. The Help M enu displ ay s in th e Image Displ ay .
30 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 31 C hapter 2 : Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s a n d Recordin g Vid eo C lips T akin g Still Pic tures You can ta ke a picture almost any time the camer a is on, regard less of w hat is being s hown on the Ima ge Disp lay.
32 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Yo u c a n u s e Pla yb a ck to re vie w the pictures yo u have tak en (see Usin g Playback on page 70). NO TE If you release the Shutter but ton only hal fway after tak ing a p ic tur e , the f ocus , expo sur e , and white b alance measu rements f rom the pr ev ious pic ture are r etained.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 33 Au dio r ecor ding stops whe n y ou r elea se the Shutter butto n; otherw ise , the au dio w ill contin ue recor ding for up to 60 secon ds or until the camer a runs ou t of mem ory , whic he ver happen s first .
34 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Recordin g Vid eo C lip s NO TE Zoom does not w ork while r ecor ding vid eo clips. Th er efo re , you may w a nt to z oom f irst bef ore st arting to rec o rd a vi de o c l i p. A video clip i ncludes audio.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 35 Usin g Live View Th e Imag e Displa y allo ws y ou t o fr ame pi ctur es an d vi deo c lips usi ng Live V iew . T o activ ate Live Vi ew from the menu s or when the I mage Dis pla y is off , pr ess t he Live Vi ew bu t ton.
36 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Foc u s i n g t h e C a m e r a Using Auto Focus The focus br ackets i n the Live View screen show the focu s region f or the picture y ou are taking or the video clip you ar e rec o rd i ng. (S ee Us ing L iv e Vie w on pag e 35 .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 3 7 z If the AF vie w finder light bl inks green an d the focus brack ets t ur n re d, rel e a s e th e Shutter b u t to n, re - f ra m e t he su bj e c t for your picture or video clip, and t hen pr ess t he Shutter button ha l f way down ag a in.
38 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Us ing F ocu s Lo ck Fo c u s L o c k allow s you t o f ocu s on a su bject th at is n ot in the center of the picture , or to c apture action shots more quickly by pr e-foc usin g in t he ar ea wh er e the acti on wi ll occ ur .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 39 Understand ing t he Focus Searc h Priorit y When th e ca mera is se t to Normal F ocu s or Mac r o focus, i t be g in s s e a rchin g for focus from th e la st foc us pos i t ion. How ever , you can use the button s to ch ang e th is behavior .
40 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Usin g Zoom NO TE The more y ou zoom in on the subj ect of your p icture , the more that even smal l movements of t he cam era are magn ifi ed (thi s is call ed “ camer a shak e” ).
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 41 2 Pr ess Zoom I n again and h old it until you r each the desired si ze in the Imag e Disp la y . A y ello w f ra me sur rou nds t he ar ea of t he imag e that will b e captured. The res o l ut i o n numb er on the right side of the screen also bec omes sm aller as yo u dig itall y z oom.
42 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l NO TE If y ou ch ange t he f lash setting , the came ra wil l r emain in tha t setting un til yo u chan ge it or tu rn o ff the camer a. Whe n y ou tur n th e came ra o n again , fla sh r ese ts to th e default Auto Flash setting .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 43 NO TE The red-ey e phenomenon is caused by light fr om the flash r eflecting off the subjects’ e yes, which sometimes makes a human’s or ani mal’ s e yes appe ar red in the captured imag e.
44 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l b. Press the Shutter butto n all the way down . If the Image Display is on, a 10 -se cond cou ntdown appears on the scr een. The Self- Tim er light on the fron t of the ca mera then bl in ks for 10 sec onds before the ca mera takes the pi ctur e .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 45 Using t he Burst S et ting NO TE The Bur st setting does not w or k in Pa n o r a m a mode, nor while recor ding video cl ips. Y ou also cannot r ecor d audio when using the Burst setti ng, but you can add an audio cli p lat er (s ee Re co rd Au dio on pa ge 83 ).
46 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual T o chan ge the s hooting mod e, pr ess the Mode button on the top of th e camer a until t he des ir ed shoo ting mode appe ars in the status screen. Altern at ivel y , you can press the Mode bu tton just once an d then use the but tons t o scroll t o th e d esired shoo ting mode .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 4 7 Picture Qu alit y for Lon g Exposures At lo nger shu tter speeds the camera w ill autom aticall y tak e a secon d expo sur e w ith the shutter c lo sed in or der to mea sur e and r educe the nois e (gr ainy l ook) in the image.
48 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Using P a norama Mode NO TE If the HP Image Zone softwar e is not installed on y our com puter , see Using Y our Camer a w ithout Inst alling the HP Imag e Zone Software on p age 113 .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 49 T aking a P anoramic Sequence of Pictures 1 Pr ess th e Mode button on top of the came ra unti l th e Pa n o r a m a mode appea rs in the I mage Display . The c amera switches to Live Vi ew wi t h displa y ed in the Imag e Disp la y .
50 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l 5 Continue adding mor e pictures to the panorama , or press the Men u/OK button to end the panoramic sequence .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 51 6 To r e s t o r e Capt ure Menu settings to w hat the y w er e wh en y ou turned the camer a off , hol d dow n the Menu/OK button as y ou turn the camer a bac k on . Help for the Men u Options Help .
5 2 HP Photosmart R 50 7/R607 User’s Manual 1 In the Capture Me nu (page 50 ), sel ect EV Compen sation . 2 In the EV Compensatio n sub- menu, use the bu ttons to change the EV setting in 0.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 53 NO TE The r esolu tio n porti on o f all t he Imag e Quality setti ngs exc e p t fo r t h e VGA sett ing is represen ted by a number and MP (Megap ix els), suc h as 4MP or 2MP . Th e highe r the number of M egapix els, the higher the resolution.
54 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual The follow ing tabl e helps expl ain the pre-defined Image Quality settings in mo re detail: Setting Desc r iption 4MP Images will be full resolution and have the lowest pre-define d com pression.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 55 The Image Qu ality set t ing af fects not only the qualit y of the images, but a lso th e number of images that can be stored eith er in th e inte rnal m emory in t he camer a or on an op tiona l memory c ard.
56 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l 1 In the Image Q uality su b-men u (page 5 2), sel ect th e Cus tom. . . option. 2 Use the buttons to mo ve bet ween the Resolution and Compr ession opt ions. 3 Us e the b utton s to c hang e the Reso l u ti on or Compression setting .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 57 White Balance Different kind s of lighting condit ions cast dif fer ent colors. F or e xam ple , sunligh t is mor e blue, w hile indoor tungs ten li ght is mor e y ello w .
58 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l If the setting is an ything othe r than the defa ult Au to setting, the icon for the set tin g (in the prev ious table) wil l appear in the Live View screen. Th e new s etting r emains in e ffect un til it is chan ged again o r until th e camer a is turn ed off .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 5 9 To c h a n g e t h e Manual White Balance sett ing: 1 P oint the cam er a at a white or gra y target (such as a piece of paper), maki ng sure that the entire scr een encompass es the white o r gray target.
60 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual 1 In the Capture Me nu (page 50 ), select ISO Speed . 2 In the ISO Spe ed sub-menu , use the buttons to hig hligh t a setting .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 61 The follow ing tabl e explain s the sett ings in more detail: If the ne w setting is an ything other tha n the def ault Cent er - We i g h t e d setting, the ico n for the setting (in the pre viou s table ) will appear i n the Live View screen.
6 2 HP Photosmart R 50 7/R607 User’s Manual Adaptive Lighting NO TE This setting d oes not appl y in Pa n o r a m a mo de or whe n rec o rd i n g vi d e o cl i p s. This s etting bal ances th e re lati onship betw een br ig ht and da rk areas in a picture , preserving ge ntle c ontrasts but compressing har sh co ntr as ts.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 63 Y ou can use Adaptive Lighti ng with or wit hout f lash , but it is not recommende d as a replacement for flash.
64 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Colo r This setting allo ws y ou to con tro l the color in w hich your image s w ill be c aptu red . F or e x ampl e , wh en yo u set Color to Sepia , your im ages will be captured in bro wn colors to make them lo ok aged or old -fashioned.
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 65 Saturatio n This setting allo ws y ou to deter mine how sa turat ed the colo rs will be in your pi ctures. 1 In the Capture Me nu (page 50 ), sel ect Satura tion . 2 In the Saturation sub -men u, u se the buttons to hig hligh t a setting .
66 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Sharpn ess NO TE This sett ing does not app ly when reco rding video cl ips. This s etting allo ws y ou to s et how sh arp th e fin e detail w ill be in you r im ag e s. 1 In the Capture Me nu (page 50 ), sel ect Shar pness .
Chapter 2: T a king Pictur es and Recording Video Clips 6 7 Th e new s etting r emains in e ffect un til it is cha nged aga in or until t he came ra is turne d off . The Shar pnes s sett ing resets to the defaul t Medium se tting when y ou turn the came ra o ff .
68 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l The follow ing tabl e helps explai n the set tings in more detail: If th e new set t ing i s anyth ing other th an the de fault Off set ti ng, the ic on for the sett ing (i n th e previou s table ) wil l appea r in the Live Vi ew screen.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 6 9 C hapter 3: Re vie win g Im a g es and Vid e o C l ip s Yo u c a n u s e Pla yb a ck to r e vie w the images and v id eo clips in you r c a me ra .
70 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l Usin g Playbac k 1 Press the Pl a yb a ck but ton to ac tiv ate Pl ayb a ck . The mo st recentl y taken or r ev iew ed i mage or video clip appears on the Im ag e Displa y . 2 Us e the b uttons t o sc r oll thr ough y our ima ges and v ideo clips .
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 71 # Icon Descr iption 1 Displa ys only wh en an optional memory car d is installed in the camera. 2 or z Battery level when usin g battery (actual icon show n depends on the state of your camera battery; see Battery Gaug e on page 156).
72 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l T otal Im ages Summ ary Sc reen When you pr ess the button while v ie wing the last im age , a sc r een appears s how ing the number of p ict ure s t ake n, and t he n umber of pi ctur es r emaining.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 7 3 T o select a still image f or dire ct pr int: 1 Pr ess th e Print butt on . 2 Use t he buttons t o set th e number of copies you want to print .
7 4 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l 3 Press the butt ons to sc r oll v erti cally to the thumb nail directly above or below the curr en t thumbna il.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 75 4 Pr ess th e Men u/OK button to ex it Magnify vi ew a n d ret u r n to Pl ay b ac k . The c ur re nt image is displa yed in f ull v iew on the I mage Dis play agai n.
7 6 HP Photosmart R 50 7/R607 User’s Manual 5 Us e one o f sev era l wa y s to e x it the Playb a c k Menu . If , imm ediate ly after entering th e Pl ay ba c k Me nu , you decide no t to c hange an ything , simpl y pr ess Menu/ OK ag ain to ex it the m enu.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 7 7 # Icon Descripti on 1 Delet e - Presents a su b-m enu wher e you can delete this image or video clip , delete the entire panoramic sequence of images, delete all images and vi deo clips, for mat the inter nal memory or an optional memory car d, and un delete the last deleted image.
78 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l 10 0:2 9 Visible if this image has an audio c lip attached to it, with th e leng th of the aud io cl ip d i splaye d to the lef t o f th e ico n.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 7 9 Delete In the Playback Men u (pag e 7 5 ), whe n yo u se le c t Delete , the Delete sub- men u displa y s. Th e Delete su b- menu pr ov ides the following options: z Cancel —Returns you t o the Play b ac k Menu w ithou t dele ting the ima ge.
80 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual NO TE Y ou can r ecov er onl y the mo st re cent dele te oper ati on, incl uding en tir e pano ram ic seq uence s.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 81 Ima ge Advice NO TE This men u opti on is no t av ailabl e fo r vi deo clip s or f or imag es tha t were copied to th e ca mera. In the Playback Men u (pag e 7 5) , whe n yo u sele ct Ima ge Advic e , th e came r a ch eck s the image fo r an y pr oble ms w ith fo cu s, e xposur e, and so fo rth .
82 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l NO TE The inf orma tion in th e last thr ee ro ws in the bo ttom , ri ght-hand corner of the image is the same i nformation that is provided in the Pl ayb a ck Men u view o f t he i m age.
Chapt er 3: R evi ewi ng Images and Vi deo Cl ips 8 3 Reco rd A ud io NO TE This men u opti on is n ot av aila ble f or vi deo cl ips. T o r ecor d an a udio clip f or a still image th at doe s not a lre ady ha ve an audi o clip attac hed to it: 1 In the Playback Men u (page 7 5), select Rec ord Au d io .
84 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual z Delete Clip —Delet es the curr ent audio clip and returns to the Pl ayb a c k Me nu . Rotate NO TE This men u opti on is no t av ailabl e fo r vi deo clip s or f or still images that wer e captur ed in Pa n o r a m a mo de.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 85 C hapter 4 : Usin g HP Ins tan t Sh are This camer a has an e x citing f eature called HP Inst ant Sh are . This featur e allo ws yo u to easil y select still images in your camer a to be au toma ticall y sent to a v ari ety of destin ation s the ne xt time yo u connect the camer a to yo ur compute r .
86 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Set ting U p the HP Insta nt Share Menu on the Camera Befo r e you can use HP Instan t Shar e , you mu st f irst s et up the HP I nstant Sha r e Menu on y our came ra . The f ollo wing pr oc edure explain s how to do thi s.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 87 4 Connect the camera to your computer b y using either the spec ial USB cabl e for connecting the camer a to a comput er that came with your camera, or the op.
88 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Set ting U p Des tina tions on a Windo ws Compu ter 1 At t he We l c o m e screen , cl ick Start . 2 The Set Up Y our HP Instant Shar e Destinatio ns screen appea rs. An y HP Inst ant Shar e destinations you hav e already set up will be l iste d here.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 89 7 Click Cr eat e to add a nother desti nation (repeatin g s teps 2, 5, and 6 above), or select a desti nation and do one of the foll owi ng : • Click Edit to modi fy the destin ation. • Click Rem ove to de lete th e desti natio n.
90 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual NO TE Y ou can conf igur e a max imum of 3 4 HP Inst ant Shar e destinat ions ( such as individual e -mail addresses or group distr ibution lis ts) that can be listed in the HP I nstan t Shar e Menu on y our camera .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 91 # Icon Descr iption 1 Share All Images... let s y ou sh ar e all s till image s in inte rnal memory or on an optional memory car d to the selected destinations. 2 Check mar k indicates this destination has been selected for the curr ently displa yed image.
92 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l Selec tin g All Ima g es for HP Instan t Sh are Destin ations To s e l e c t HP Inst ant Sh are d estinati ons f or all still im ages in internal memory or on an optional memor y card: 1 T urn on t he cam era , and th en press the HP Inst ant Shar e button.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 93 7 Pr ess th e HP Inst ant Shar e butt on again to ex it the HP I nstant Sha r e Menu . 8 Connect the camera to your compu ter and tr ans fer the images as ex plained in T ransferring Images to a Computer on page 97.
9 4 HP Photosmart R 50 7/R607 User’s Manual 6 Sc r oll t o oth er imag es b y u sing th e bu ttons , and r epeat steps 3 thr ough 5 to s elect HP Inst ant Shar e destina tions f or each of t he other i mages. Y ou can also use the b uttons to scroll to oth er im ages to re view their desti nat ions.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng H P Insta nt Sha re 95 On Windo ws, the p ro cess of e-mailing images v ia HP Ins tan t Share is fully automat ed: once you have selected your des tinati ons , mess ages will be se nt t o eac h of y our r ec ipi ents and the imag es will be posted on the web page when you transfer the imag es fr om the cam era to the computer .
96 H P P h o t o s m a r t R 5 07 / R 6 07 U s e r ’ s M a n u a l.
Chapt er 5: T r ansfer r ing and Pr inting Images 9 7 C hapter 5: T ransf erring an d Pr int ing Image s T ransferring Im ag es to a Compu ter NO TE Y ou can al so use the optional HP Photosmart R -seri es dock to do this task. S ee the do ck User’s M anual for instruc tions.
98 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Manua l 3 Y our came ra came wit h a special USB c able for connecting the camer a to a com puter . Conn ect the la rge r end of that USB cable to the compu ter . 4 Open th e rubber door on t he si de of t he cam er a and connect the sma ll end of the US B cab le to the USB con nec tor on the came ra.
Chapt er 5: T r ansfer r ing and Pr inting Images 99 6 When the transfer scr een on the computer says Fin i s h e d or T ransfer Complet e , y ou can disconnect the camera fr om the compu ter .
100 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Printing P anorama s from HP Ima ge Zone T o pr int a pa nor amic im age f r om HP Ima ge Z one : 1 Star t the HP Im age Z one application on your computer . 2 In the My Imag es tab, selec t th e pan oramic image, a nd do one of the follo wing: • Select Print , and th en sele ct Quick Prin ts .
Chapt er 5: T r ansfer r ing and Pr inting Images 101 NO TE Printin g onl y wo rks with s till images ; it does n ot w or k wit h vid eo clips. A lso , images wit hin a panor amic seq uence ca n be pr inted in div id ually d ir ectl y f ro m the camera, but yo u ca nnot print an entire pa nor ama fr om the c amer a.
102 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual 3 Open the rubber door on the side of the camera and con nect the sma ll end of the USB cable to the USB c on nector on the camera . 4 When the camer a is connect ed to the prin ter , a Print Se tup menu disp la y s on t he cam er a.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup M enu 103 C hapter 6 : Using the Setup Menu The Setup Menu al lo ws y ou to adju st a n umber of cam er a settin gs, suc h as the cam er a soun ds, da te and time , and the con figuration of the USB or T V conn ect ion.
104 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Camer a Sou nds Came r a sou nds ar e the s ounds that th e camer a mak es w hen y ou turn it on, pr ess a butt on , or tak e a pictu re . Camer a sou nds are not th e audio sound s recorded wit h im ages or video cl ips.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 105 Da te & Ti me This setting allo ws y ou to set the date/time fo rmat, as we ll as the current date and time for the camera.
106 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual USB Configuration This setting determines how t he camera is recognized when connected to a computer. 1 In the Setu p Menu (page 103), select US B .
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 10 7 TV Conf igura tion This sett ing allows you to set the format o f the video s ignal for displaying camera images on a television (T V) that is connected to the ca mera w ith an optional HP Photosmart R - se rie s c a m e ra do ck .
108 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Lan gu a g e This setting allo ws yo u to set the language used in the camera interface, such a s the text in menus. 1 In the Setu p Menu (page 103), select . 2 In the Lang uage sub-m enu, highlight the l anguage you want to use.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 109 Res e t S et ti n g s This op tion all ow s you to re set th e camera t o the f actory de fault setti ngs. 1 In the Setu p Menu (page 103), select Rese t Settings .
110 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 111 C hapter 7 : T roubl esh ootin g an d Support This chapter contai ns information on the following topics: z Re setting the camer a (page 112) z Usi ng t.
112 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual R e se tti ng the Ca me ra If yo u r c a m e ra d o e s n ot re s p o n d wh en y ou p r ess an y butt ons, try r esetting the camer a as f ollow s: 1 Ho.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 113 Usin g Y our Ca mer a wit hout Ins tall ing the HP Image Z one Soft w are If you do no t, o r c a n not, in s ta ll t he H P I ma g e Zone so f t ware o.
114 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual • If yo ur prin ter has a memory car d slot in it , and if y ou ar e using a memory car d in yo ur camer a, y ou can simpl y rem ov e t h e m e m o r y c a rd fr om th e c a m era a nd i n s e r t i t i n the m emor y ca rd slot i n the printe r .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 115 T ransferring Images to a Windows Computer 1 Remo ve the memory card fr om your camera and insert it into the memory card reader (or the memor y ca rd slot in your comput er or printer ) . 2 Right-click on the My Computer icon on your des ktop , then select Explor e fr om the menu .
116 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual 9 The images that you copied in st ep 5 shou ld then get p asted int o th is n ew fo ld er on you r co mp ut er 's ha rd drive. To ch e ck to see if the images were success fully transfer red fr om the memory ca rd , click on the new f older .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 117 • If no appli catio n launch es auto maticall y , look on the desk top for a disk driv e ico n which repr esent s the memory ca rd , then copy the images fr om there to y our local hard dr ive .
118 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual 3 At this p oint , the pr o cess f or tr ansf err ing images is the same as described in the sec tion Us ing a M emory Ca rd R ead er on page 114. On W indows compu ters, the camera will appear as a remo vable disk in the Windows Explorer scr een.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 119 Problems an d So lutions Probl em P ossible cause Sol utio n The c am era does not turn on . The battery is fun ct io ni n g incorr ectly , is dead, is installed incorr ectly , or is missing . z Th e charge in the battery could be lo w or comple tely drained .
120 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual The c am era does not turn on (contin ued). If you are u sing an optional memory card , it may be co rru p te d or fun ct io ni n g impr operl y . R emove the memory car d and see if y ou can turn on the camer a.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 121 I hav e to rec h a rge t h e lithium ion battery fre qu en t ly (con tinued). The l ith i um ion battery has drained on its own b e c au s e it has no t been used l ately . A lithium ion battery discharges on its o wn whe n not in use and when not inst alled in the camera .
122 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual The l it hi um ion battery wi ll no t charge (contin ued). The battery is damaged or bad. A lithium ion batter y degrades ov er time and can fail . If the camera detects a pro blem with the battery , it will not start cha rgin g or will sto p cha rgin g pr ematurely .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 123 A lon g de lay occurs betw een pressing t he Shutter butt on and t he camera taking a pict u re. The cam e ra needs time to lock f ocus and exp os u re. Use Focus Lo ck (see page 38). The scene is dark and the camera is taki ng a long exp os u re.
124 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual The c am era does not take a pi ctur e when I press the Shutter button. Y ou di d not pr ess the Shutter button hard e nough. Pr ess the Shutter bu tton all the way d own. The i nterna l memory or the optional memory card that is inst alled is ful l.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 125 My image is blurry . The lig ht is low and the fla sh is set t o Fl as h O ff . In dim light , the camer a requir es a longer e xposure. U se a tripod to hold the camer a steady , impr ove ligh ting conditions, or set the flas h to Fla s h O n (see Setting the F lash on page 41).
126 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual My image is too bright. The flas h pr ov ided too much ligh t. z Tu r n t h e f l a s h o f f ( s e e Setting the Fla s h on page 4 1). z Mov e back f rom th e subjec t and use t he z oom to g et the s ame frami n g.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 1 2 7 My image is too dark. There was not enough light. z Wait for natural lighting conditions to improve. z Add indirect lighting. z Use the flash (s ee page 41). z Adjust the EV Compens ation (see page 51).
128 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual The c am era res p on d s ve r y sluggishly when tr ying to review images. A slow opti onal memory card that is inst alled or too man y images on th e card can affect actions lik e scr olling throug h images, magnifying , deleting, etc .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 129 The c am era gets warm (or even hot ) to the touch . Yo u a r e u s i n g the H P AC pow er adapter to powe r the camera or t o cha rge t he bat te ry in th e camera , or y ou hav e been usin g th e camer a for a pr olonged peri od of tim e (15 minu tes or long er).
130 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Error Messages on t h e Cam era Message Po s s i b l e c a u s e Soluti on BA T T E RY DEPLET ED . Camera is shutting down . Batte ry powe r is too lo w to continue operati on. Replace or r e charge the batt ery , o r u se t he HP A C po w er ada pter .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 131 Battery too low for Live V iew Batte ry powe r is too lo w to use Live V ie w . Y ou can still tak e pictur es and vi deo cli ps, j us t us e th e optical vi ewfinder instead o f t h e I m a g e D i s p l ay.
132 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual CARD HAS WR ONG FO R MAT Press OK to form a t c a rd The op tio nal memory card that is installed is form at t ed fo r a differ ent devi ce, such as an MP3 play er .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 133 MEMOR Y FULL or CARD FULL There i s in suf ficient room to sa ve more images in inte rnal memory or o n the opti onal memory card t hat is install ed. T ransfer images fr om the camera to y o ur computer , then delet e all images in inter nal memory or on the mem ory ca r d ( see Delete on page 7 9) .
134 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual CHARGING FLASH ... The c am era is re c h a r g i n g th e flas h. It takes lo nger to charge the fl ash when the battery is lo w . If you see t his message a lot , y ou may need to r eplace or recha rge th e bat ter y .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 1 35 UNABLE TO FO CU S The c am era cannot f ind focus in Mac ro or Super Macr o mode , p ossibly due to low contr ast .
136 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual ERROR SA VING IMAGE The op tio nal memory card that is installed was ha l f-l oc ked or was remove d befor e the camera f inished wr iting to t he card . z Chec k to see if the t ab on the ed ge of the memo ry card is f ully in the unlock ed position .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 13 7 Unknow n USB dev ice The c am era is connected to a USB de vice that it does not re c o g n ize . Make sure th at the camera is connected to a supported p rin ter or computer . Unable t o communicate with prin ter There i s no connection between the camera and pr inter .
138 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Incorrect or missing print cartri dge The prin ter cartridge is the incorr ect model or is missing . Install a ne w pr inter cartri dge, tur n the pr inter off , then turn it back on.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 139 Border less prin ting is only supported on photo paper . Y ou tri ed to print a bor derless image on plain paper .
140 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Error Messag es on the Com pu ter Message Po s s i b l e c a u s e Soluti on Cannot Connect To P ro d u c t The c ompu ter needs to access f iles in memory during HP Inst ant Share setup .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 141 Cannot Connect To P ro d u c t (conti nued) The came ra is set to the Digital Camera setting in the USB Configurati on sub-menu of the Setup Me nu , but the computer cannot rec ognize th e camera as a digital camera .
142 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Cannot Connect To P ro d u c t (conti nued) The op tio nal memory card that is installed is locked. Sw itch th e locking tab on the memory car d to the unlocked position . The USB connection faile d. Reboot the comp uter.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 143 Cam era Self-diagnostic T ests If you think your camera may be defectiv e or mal functioning in some wa y , there is a diagnostic progr am (a set of elev en diffe re nt te sts) tha t you can run on t he camer a to try to det er mine t he p r oble m.
144 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Get ting Assis tance This sectio n contains support infor mation for y our digital camer a , including support we bsit e inf ormati on , an expl anati on of the support process, and support phone numbers.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 1 45 Customer Support is available in the follow ing la nguages : Dut ch , Eng lish , F r ench , Ge rman , Itali an , P or tugues e , Spanish, S wedish, T raditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Jap anese , Ko rean .
146 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual • The ver sion of the HP software (on the CD labe l) • Messag es di splayed at the ti me th e sit uation oc curr ed The applicable con dition s for HP phone sup port are subject to chang e with out noti ce.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 14 7 Phone Su ppor t in Europe, the Middle East, and Afr ica HP Customer Support ph one numbers and p olicies may cha nge . Vis it the f ollo wi ng we bsite to chec k the d etails and conditions o f phone support in y our country/region: www .
148 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Luxem bo u rg 900 4 0 006 (F renc h) 9 00 40 0 0 7 (Ger man) Middl e East +9 71 4 3 66 20 20 (in ter nati ona l nu mber ) Mor occo +212 22 404 7 4 7 Nethe rlands 0900 20 20 165 (E uro 0.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppo rt 149 Uni te d Ki ngd om +44 (0)8 7 0 01 0 43 20 We s t A f r i c a +3 51 213 17 63 80 (F ren ch-speaking co untr ies onl y) Ot her Ph one S upp ort W orldwide HP Customer Support ph one numbers and p olicies may cha nge .
150 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Japan 05 7 0 000 511 (i nside Japan ) +81 3 33 35 9800 (outside Japan) K or ea, R epu blic of +82 158 8-3003 Mala ys ia 1 8 00 80 5 40 5 Mex ico 0 1 - 8 .
Append ix A: M ana gin g Batt eries 151 Append ix A : Managing Ba t ter ies Y our camera uses a r echargeable H P Photosmart R07 lithium ion battery for HP Photo sma rt R -ser ies cameras (L1812A). T op P oin ts About Ba t teries z Ne w r echar geabl e batter ies ar e shipped p artiall y char ged.
15 2 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual z Y ou m ight n otice that occas ional ly the battery ga uge w ill flu ctuate w ith the same batte ry . T his occ ur s becau se so me operating modes, such as Live V iew or v id e o re c o rdi n g , consume more po wer than o ther modes.
Append ix A: M ana gin g Batt eries 1 53 z Use the HP AC power adapter or optional HP Photosmar t R -series dock when the camera w il l be on for e xtended per iods o f time , such a s wh en y ou tr ansfer imag es to y our computer or when pr inting.
154 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual z In t he e ve nt th e batte ry leaks and t he fl uid g ets in to on e ’s eye, d o n o t ru b th e eye. Ri n se w e l l wi t h wa te r a n d immed iately seek medica l care . If lef t untreated, the battery fluid could cause d amage to the eye .
Append ix A: M ana gin g Batt eries 1 55 Numb er of Sho ts per Battery Char ge The follow ing tabl e shows the minimu m, maximum, and aver age number of s hots that may be obtaine d using the rechargeable HP Photosmart R0 7 li thiu m ion bat tery .
156 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Battery Gauge Th e fo llo wi ng batte ry le ve ls ma y be dis pla ye d on the statu s screen , in Live V iew , in Playback , and w hen the camer a is connected to a compu ter or pr inter. NO TE The ba ttery gau ge is mo st acc ur ate aft er a f ew minut es of u se .
Append ix A: M ana gin g Batt eries 157 NO TE When you r emov e the b atter y fr om the camera, the date and ti me set tin gs are pr eserved for appr ox imately 10 minu tes. If the camer a is w ithou t a batt ery fo r longer than 10 mi nutes, the clo ck is s et to th e last da te and tim e at which the c amera was u sed.
158 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual If you will not be using your camera immediately after charging the batter y , we recomm end that you leave the cam era in the do ck or plugge d in to the HP AC adapter . The camera will t op off the bat tery periodic ally to ens ure tha t the ca mera is alwa ys ready for use.
Append ix A: M ana gin g Batt eries 159 z The performance of al l rechargeable bat teries, including lithi um ion, will deg r ade ov er tim e, especially if they ar e stor ed and used at high temperatur es.
160 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual z Do no t disas sembl e the cam er a, the doc k, or th e quic k rec h a rg e r . z Unplug the H P AC po wer adapter or the quick recharger fr om the electrical outlet before cleani ng the pow er adapter or quic k recharger .
Append ix B: Purchasing Cam era Acce ssories 161 Append ix B : P urc h a sin g C am era Accessories Y ou can pur chase ad ditional acce ssor ies for y our camer a. F or information on your HP R50 7/R607 and compati ble access or ies, go to: z www .hp.
16 2 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Some acce ssor ies fo r this di gital came ra are as f ollo ws: z HP Photosmart R-seri es do ck — C888 7A Ch arg e yo ur came ra's battery plus a spar e in the ex tra char ging ba y , so y our came r a is al wa ys r ead y to go .
Append ix B: Purchasing Cam era Acce ssories 1 63 z HP Photos mart 3.3V A C power adapter for HP P hotosmart R-s e ri es c a me ra s —C8912B (Not available i n Latin Am eri ca ) This is th e only p owe r a dapter s upported for use with R-s eri e s c a m e ras .
164 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual.
App endix C : Sp ecificat ions 165 Append ix C : Spec if ic a tions Fe a t u re Descrip tion Reso l utio n Sti ll pict u res: • 4.2 3 MP (2 408 b y 17 58) t otal p ix el coun t • 4.05 MP (23 2 0 by 17 4 4) effectiv e pixel count Video cli ps : • 2 88 by 21 6 total pix el count Sensor Diagonal 7 .
166 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Fo cu s TTL a uto f ocu s . F ocus settings: • Normal (default)— auto focus r a nge of 40 cm (16 in) to inf inity • Macro—auto foc us range of 18 cm to 50 cm (7 in t o 20 in) at all zoom pos itions • Super M acr o—6 c m to 25 cm (2.
App endix C : Sp ecificat ions 1 6 7 Storage z 32 MB inter nal flash memory , with approximately 27 MB fo r storag e of ima ge s z Slot for m emo ry c ard z This camer a supports both Sec ure Digital (SD) and MultiMediaCar d TM (M MC) mem ory cards 8 MB and lar ger .
168 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual Audio captur e z Sti l l p ict u res —m aximum of 6 0 se cond s c an be rec or de d z Burst —audio captur e not av ailable z Vide o cli ps — au d i.
App endix C : Sp ecificat ions 169 Date & Time Imprin t settings Off (def ault) , Date Onl y , Date & Time Pla yback mag n ifica tio n Magnifi es a still image t o 130x on the Image Displa y C.
17 0 HP Photosma rt R50 7/R 60 7 User’s Ma nual Po w e r T yp ical pow er usage: 2 .3 W atts (with image L CD on). 4 W at ts max imum powe r usage . P ow er sour ces include: z One recha rgeab le H P P hoto sma r t R07 li thi um ion ba tt ery for H P Ph otosm ar t R-series ca me ras (L1812A).
App endix C : Sp ecificat ions 171 Memory Capacity The follow ing table li sts the appro ximate number and av erage si z e of still imag es that can be st or ed in the inte rnal me mory in the ca mera when the c am era is set to dif ferent I mage Qual it y setti ngs available i n the Capture Menu .
172 HP P hotosmart R507/R60 7 User’s Ma nual.
Ind e x 17 3 Index A AC power adapter attaching ferr ite to cord 15 connector on camera 25 purchasing 163 acce ssories f or camera 161 Action mode, setting 4 6 Adaptive Lighting, setting 62 AE Met eri.
17 4 In dex Camera So unds, settin g 104 camera states 2 6 capacity of internal memory 1 71 Capture Menu Help for menu options 51 rest ore setti ngs 51 using 50 case for cam era, purchasing 163 Color .
17 5 Index forma t internal memory 79 memory card 79 G gauge, battery 1 56 H Help f or Cap ture Menu options 51 help from customer support 144 Help Me nu, using 29 HP AC power adapter attaching ferr i.
17 6 Index too dark/light 51 transferring c amera to computer 97 White Ba lan ce setti ng 5 7 install battery 14 memory card 13 softwa re 19 , 20 wrist s trap 12 internal memory forma t 79 image capac.
177 Index N noise reduction, long expo sure s 47 Norm al Foc us set ting 38 number of images in internal memory 171 number of pictures remaining 36, 72 O ON/OFF switch, de scription 22 online Help for.
17 8 Index remaining pictures count 36, 72 reset ca mera 112 Reset Settings 109 resolution settings , custom 56 reviewing images 70 rotate images 8 4 S safety precautions for lith ium ion battery 153 .
179 Index V Video button, de scription 24 vide o c lips playback 70 record 34 Video viewfinder light 21 view finder cross hairs 36 description 21 lights 21 using 36 W web site s for HP 144 White Balan.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) R507 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.