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HP 20b Business Consultant Financial Calculator Quick Start Guide For free training, vi sit lctraining HP part number : F2219-90001 First edition: Januar y 2008.
Basic Features 2 Legal Notices This manual and any examples co ntained herein are provided “ as is ” and ar e subject to change without no tice. Hewlett -Packard Comp any makes no wa rranty of any.
3 Contents Legal Notices 2 HP 20b Business Consultant 4 1 Basic Features 6 2 Mathematical Ca lculations 20 3 Statistical Operatio ns 34 4 Time Value of Mon ey 40 5 Cash Flows 50 6 Business Proble ms 6.
HP 20b Busines s Consultant 4 HP 20b Business Consultant.
HP 20b Busines s Consultant 5 Keyboard Map Lege nd No. Feature Chapter(s) No. Feature Chapter(s) 1 Time Value of Money keys 4 16 Annunciator display area 1 2 Cash Flows, IRR, and NPV menu s 5 15 Amort.
Basic Features 6 1 Basic Features W elcome to the HP 20 b Financial Calculator This guidebook is de signed to get you started with your ne w 20b Fin ancial Calculator. If you require more de tailed informat ion about calculator ope ration and features, plea se refer to the tr aining materials a vailable at: www.
Basic Features 7 2. Press > repeatedly until English displa ys on the screen . 3. Press I until the de sired langua ge is displayed. The displaye d language is the a ctive setting.
Basic Features 8 The top line of the s creen displa ys operation status, oper ator symbols, annunciators, and abbr eviations of the register s, variables, and menu s. Throughout this man ual, this line i s referred to as the top line . In Figure 1-1 , SIN and RPN on the far righ t are on th e top line.
Basic Features 9 Table 1-1 Mode Menu Settings Setting Display Description FIX= 2 The current number of digits di splayed to the righ t of the decimal point. Default is 2 . Key in the number o f digits you wa nt and press I , or press = until the number of digits you want is di splayed.
Basic Features 10 Table 1-1 Mode Menu Settings Setting Display Description Decimal or Comma The current thou sands separator. Decimal (10 00.00 or 1,000.00); Comma (10 00,00 or 1.0 00,00). Default is decimal. Pressing I cycles through the se options. Chain, Algebraic, or RPN The current oper ation mode.
Basic Features 11 Changing the Operating Mode After viewing the de fault settings, suppose you wan t to change the op erating mode from Chain to RPN. See Table 1- 2.
Basic Features 12 Table 1-2 Changing the Operatin g Mode Keys Display Description O Exits the Mode menu a nd returns you to the defaul t calculator screen.
Basic Features 13 When : is ac tive, the down arr ow annunciator appe ars on s creen, indicating that the next key pre ssed will exe cute the secondar y function of the key. To cancel an acciden tal press of : , simply press : a second time . Key command s for example probl ems are provided thr oughout the text an d in tables.
Basic Features 14 Table 1-3 Annunciator Sy mbols A nnunciator S y mbol Status Small (=) symbol Indicates an item for w hich the = key is valid. This symbol appears on the upper righ t of the display scree n. Battery power is low . BEG Begin mode is a ctivated.
Basic Features 15 The I k ey is al so used in Reverse Poli sh Notation (R PN) mode to en ter a number on the stac k or duplicate it . The = Key The = key is used at the end o f a mathematical oper ation to calc ulate the final result. For example, 1+2 = returns a final resul t of 3 .
Basic Features 16 When an item for wh ich the = key is valid displays, the small indi cator (=) is displayed on the top line at the rig ht of the screen. Do not confuse this small annunciator (=) wi th the larger ann unciator (=) found to the right of a variable .
Basic Features 17 are working in the Bond menu and you wish to re set all your en tries in the Bond menu. From anywhere in the Bond menu, press :x . Bond displays on screen. At this prompt, pres sing I resets the Bond menu a nd returns you to the last item you were working with in the Bon d menu.
Basic Features 18 Accessing Menus and Menu Maps Many of the 20b' s functions are lo cated within menus. To acces s a menu, pre ss the key, or shift ke y combination for the menu in whi ch you wish to work. To exit a menu, press O . For example, to a ccess the Break- even menu, pres s :! .
Basic Features 19 There are four type s of menu item s: 1. Read/write. Read/write menu items, such as Price= in the Break- even menu shown abo ve, are easi ly recognizable , because when the y are selected, both the INPUT and small (=) an nunciators are li t.
Mathematical Cal culations 20 2 Mathematical Calculations Mathematical Functions Mathematical funct ions are locate d: On k eys, such a s, +-*/ etc. On s hifted, or se condary functions , such as, :p I n the Math menu : s Number Entry and Display Numbers are en tered by pressing: Numbered keys, 0-9 The decimal point .
Mathematical Cal culations 21 To enter a number in the display, press the dig its successively. A number can have up to 12 digit s. To change the sign o f a number fro m positive to negative , press } . Use scientific notat ion to enter ver y large and ver y small numbers.
Mathematical Cal culations 22 For example, to cal culate 1+ (2 x 3 ), you may enter the proble m as wr itten from left to right, with pa rentheses to pri oritize the multipli cation operation.
Mathematical Cal culations 23 Firs t priority: the p ower function ( y x ) S econd priority: combination s and permutations Third priority: multiplication and di vision Fourth priority: addition and subtraction For example, ke y in 1+2 x 5 nPr 2 2 in Algebraic mode b y pressing: 1+2*5: b2:m= .
Mathematical Cal culations 24 You do not need to enter paren theses to set the priorit y of your oper ations in RPN. Key in numbers and oper ations inside the par entheses fir st, followed by those outside of the parenthese s.
Mathematical Cal culations 25 Table 2-2 Simple Arithmetic Calc ulations in RPN Mod e Keys Display Description * Continues the opera tion with the displayed result s.
Mathematical Cal culations 26 Note: before doing an y trigonomet ric calculations in the Math menu , check whether the angle mode is set for degree s ( Degrees ) or radians ( Radians ). You can change the setting if the active mode is no t what your prob lem requires.
Mathematical Cal culations 27 Table 2-3 Shifted Function Mathe matical Operations Keys Description :f Executes the Random function. Returns a rand om number in the rang e 0 < x <1. :g Calculates factorial o f x (where 0 ≤ x ≤ 253). :h y x . Returns y to the x power.
Mathematical Cal culations 28 Figure 2-2 The Men u Map for the Math Menu.
Mathematical Cal culations 29 Press < to scroll through the m enu items, starting w ith Trigonome try . The Trigonometry , Hyperbo lic , and Probabilit y items have sub-men us. Press I with an item di splayed to access t he functions within the sub menu s.
Mathematical Cal culations 30 function, and con tinue calculating with your origina l operation withou t losing your work. Two-Number Functions Apart from +- */ , the three addit ional two-number func.
Mathematical Cal culations 31 3. Press 3= . The results are show n Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3 In RPN mode, key in the number s first, followed by I , then pr ess the function key. For example , for the power func tion example above , in RPN press: 15I3 :h .
Mathematical Cal culations 32 4. To recall a numbe r, press L . With RCL displayed in the top line, key in the number of the memory you used. You can also perform operation s to stored numbers. For example , press 5:$2 to store 5 in memor y 2. To add 12 to the value of memor y 2, press 12:$ +2 .
Mathematical Cal culations 33 Note: the FIX= setting only affe cts the display; it doe s not affect the actual numbers. Simple Percentages In Algebraic or Ch ain modes, pres sing % divides a number by 1 00.
Statistical Operatio ns 34 3 Statistical Operations Figure 3-1 The Menu M ap for the Data and S tatistics Me nus.
Statistical Operatio ns 35 Statistics operations r equire the us e of two secondary fun ction keys: :y and :z . See Figure 3-1 for a ssistance with nav igating through the menus.
Statistical Operatio ns 36 Sales for the last f ive months are re presented by the pair s of values shown below, with the month number a s x , and the sale s values as y . Enter these into the Data menu. Using the Stats menu for Predictions , predict sales for month seven.
Statistical Operatio ns 37 Table 3-2 Statistics Example Keys Display Description 1I1 50I Inputs current values for X(1) and Y(1). Displays current value for X(2). 2I1 65I Inputs current values for X(2) and Y(2). Displays current value for X(3). 3I1 60I Inputs current values for X(3) and Y(3).
Statistical Operatio ns 38 Table 3-2 Statistics Example Keys Display Description < Opens Descriptive sub- menu. I<< Displays current value for y average. :z<< I Opens Predictions sub- menu starting with Linear . < Scrolls to current value of Prediction X.
Statistical Operatio ns 39 Table 3-2 Statistics Example Keys Display Description < Displays current value for Correlation. :z<< <I< Opens Sums sub- menu.
Time Value of Mon ey 40 4 Time Value of Money The examples in the following se ctions are calculated with the Mode menu preferences in the ir default setting s, unless otherw ise noted. For more information about ba sic features a nd setting prefer ences, see Chapter 1 , Basic Features .
Time Value of Mon ey 41 Table 4-1 Interest Conversion M enu Items Item Description Nom%= The stated annual inter est rate co mpounded perio dically, such as 18% compo unded monthl y. Eff%= The rate, that compo unded only o nce, that is, annua lly, would produce the sa me final valu e as the nominal rate .
Time Value of Mon ey 42 Table 4-2 Interest Rate Conv ersion Ex ample Keys Display Description > Scrolls to paymen ts per year, P/YR . Default value is 12 . 365 I Inputs 365 as the current value for the number of compounding periods o r payments per year.
Time Value of Mon ey 43 To input current da ta, enter a num ber followed by the T VM key for the r equired item. To calculate an unknown value, enter al l known values an d press the ke y of the item you wan t solved. For a TVM examp le, see Table 4-4.
Time Value of Mon ey 44 Table 4-3 TVM Keys Keys Description F Stores or calculate s the future val ue (FV), a final cash flow. FV always occur s at the end of the las t compounding period . ? Sets Begin mode (Beg ). Payments occur at the be ginning of each compounding per iod.
Time Value of Mon ey 45 Table 4-4 TVM Example Keys Display Description 360 N Inputs 360 as the current value for the number of paymen ts over 30 year s. 6.5 Y Inputs 6.5 as the current value for the interest rate per centage per year. 1400 00 V Inputs the present va lue of the loa n at the time of the firs t payment.
Time Value of Mon ey 46 The Amortization men u calculation s are based on value s stored in the following TVM keys: N , Y , V , M and [ . To enter current data for the TV M keys, enter a numbe r followed b y the key for the required item. To reset the variable s to their defau lt values, from anywhe re in the A menu, press :x .
Time Value of Mon ey 47 Table 4-5 Amortization Menu I tems Menu Item/Key Description Nb Per= Number of period s to group togeth er in the amorti zation calculation. The default value is the number of payments per year de fined by the [ key. Start= Period on which to start amortiza tion.
Time Value of Mon ey 48 Table 4-6. The example below i s shown with RPN as the a ctive operating mode. Table 4-6 Amortization Exa mple Keys Display Description 12: [ Inputs current value of payment s per year as 12 . 30: ^ Inputs 360 (30 times 12 pa yments per year) as the curren t value for the number of paymen ts for the 30- year loan.
Time Value of Mon ey 49 Table 4-6 Amortization Exa mple Keys Display Description A Displays the curren t period of amortization in mon ths. Default is 12 . < Displays the numbe r of the startin g payment in first period to amortize. < Displays the curren t balance remainin g after the first year .
Cash Flows 50 5 Cash Flows Figure 5-1 Cash Flow Diagr am A cash flow list is a set of number ed pairs, CF(n) and #CF(n) , where n is the index of the cash flow list. Each pair re presents a single ca sh flow. CF(n) represents the mon etary value o f the cash flow; #CF(n) is the number of consecutive occur rences of that cash flow.
Cash Flows 51 repeated multiple times in a list, us ing #CF(n) instead of en tering the cash flow value multiple time s can save you time and me mory space in the calculator.
Cash Flows 52 Table 5-1 Cash Flow Keys Key Description I Inputs current values to variable s in the cash flow list as well as the Net Present Value ( NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) menus. >< Scrolls up and down . o Inserts cash flows in to a cash flow li st.
Cash Flows 53 Table 5-2 Cash Flow Ex ample Keys Display Description C Opens the cash flow list starting with the current va lue of the initial cash flow, CF(0) . 8000 0} Keys in -80000 as the value of the initial cash flow . Note: the sign of the cash ou tflow is negative.
Cash Flows 54 Table 5-2 Cash Flow Ex ample Keys Display Description I Inputs the current value of CF(1) as 5000 . Displays the current value, 1 , for the frequenc y of CF(1). I Inputs the current value of 1 for the frequency of CF(1) . Displays current value of CF(2 ).
Cash Flows 55 Table 5-2 Cash Flow Ex ample Keys Display Description I Inputs the current value of CF(3) as 0 . Displays the current va lue, 1 , for the frequenc y of CF(3). I Inputs the current value of 1 for the frequency of CF(3) . Displays the current value of C F(4).
Cash Flows 56 Table 5-2 Cash Flow Ex ample Keys Display Description I Assigns the curr ent value of CF(5) as 5000 . Displays the current value, 1 , for the frequency of CF(5 ). 5 Keys in 5 as the current value for the frequenc y of CF(5). I Inputs the current value of 5 for the frequency of CF(5) .
Cash Flows 57 Analyzing Cash Flows The various func tions used to anal yze cash flow s are located in the NPV P and IRR R menus. If you press R or P before entering ca sh flows, you will be redirected to the cash flow menu to enter values int o the cash flow li st.
Cash Flows 58 Figure 5-2 The Menu Map for the NPV and IRR Menus.
Cash Flows 59 Table 5-3 NPV and IRR Menu I tems Item Description Inv. I%= Investment or discoun t rate. Enter the inve stment rate or discount rate for the cash flow f ollowed by I . Net PV= Net present value. Returns the value of the cash flows at the time of the ini tial cash flow, d iscounting the future cash flows by the value set for Inv.
Cash Flows 60 Table 5-3 NPV and IRR Menu I tems Item Description Total= The sum of all the ca sh flows, equi valent to NPV if Inv . I% is 0 . R IRR%= Internal rate of re turn. This is the discount rate for the cash flow that return s a Net Prese nt Value of 0 .
Cash Flows 61 Table 5-4 NPV and IRR Ex ample Keys Display Description < Scrolls to current value for NFV. < Scrolls to current value for Net US . < Scrolls to current value for Payba ck. << Scrolls to current value of cash flo w total. R Returns current value for IRR.
Business Problems 62 6 Business Problems Figure 6-1 The Menu Map for the Percent Calculation ( %calc) Menu Press :# to open the menu. There are four ite ms in this menu : markup as a percentage of cost ( Mkup. %C ), markup as a pe rcentage of pr ice ( Mkup.
Business Problems 63 scroll to the item you require. Press I with a menu i tem displayed to access its-sub men u. To enter data in the sub- menus, select the ap propria te menu item, key in the number, an d press I . Press > or < to select the menu item you ne ed solved an d press = t o calculate it .
Business Problems 64 Table 6-1 Markup Example Keys Display Description 15 I Inputs 15 as the current value for cost. < Scrolls to Price= and disp lays the current value. 22 I Inputs 22 as the current value for price. < Scrolls to Mkup.%C variable.
Business Problems 65 Table 6-2 Percent Change Exam ple Keys Display Description :# Opens the %calc men u starting with Mkup.%C. <<< Scrolls to %Change . I Displays the curren t value for Old= . 20I Inputs 20 as the current value for Old= . < Displays the curren t value for New= .
Business Problems 66 3. What is 30% of 80? Table 6-3 Part % of Total Exampl e Keys Display Description :# Opens the %calc men u starting with Mkup.%C. << Scrolls to the Part %Tot. menu item. I Displays the curren t value for Total= . 80I Inputs 80 as the current value for Total= .
Business Problems 67 Table 6-3 Part % of Total Exampl e Keys Display Description = Calculates the cur rent value of Part % Tot.=. 30 is 37.50% o f 80..
Bonds 68 7 Bonds Figure 7-1 The Menu Map for the Bond Menu Before you enter the Bond menu, be sure to chec k that the date for mat is set in the format required for your prob lem.
Bonds 69 Press > or < repeatedly to scroll thro ugh the item s shown in Figu re 7-1. To input current da ta, with an item d isplayed, key in a nu mber and pr ess I . Press > or < repeatedly to scroll to an unknown ite m, and pre ss = to calculate it.
Bonds 70 Table 7-1 Bond Menu Variable Description Call= Call value. Default is set for a call price per $100.00 face value. A bond a t maturity has a call value of 100% of i ts face value. Note: Input on ly. Yield%= Yield% to maturit y or yield% to call da te for given price.
Bonds 71 Table 7-2. The example below i s shown with RPN as the a ctive operating mode. Table 7-2 Bond Calculation Exam ple Key Display Description B Opens the Bond menu starting wi th the current settlemen t date. > Scrolls to bond coupo n (payment) frequency.
Bonds 72 Table 7-2 Bond Calculation Exam ple Key Display Description < Displays the curren t maturity date in mm.ddyyy format. 6.04 2020 I Inputs the current matur ity date. Note: 4 in the displa y represents the day of the wee k. < Displays the curren t value for CPN%= .
Bonds 73 Table 7-2 Bond Calculation Exam ple Key Display Description < Displays the curren t value for Price= . = Calculates the cur rent value for Price= . :$1 Stores 115.89 in memor y 1. < Displays the curren t value for accrued interest. :$2 Stores 2.
Depreciation 74 8 Depreciation Figure 8-1 The Men u Map for the Depreciation Menu Press : to open the Depre ciation menu. Press I t o cycle through the depreciation methods. With a depre ciation method displayed, press > or < repeatedly to view the items o f the sub-menu.
Depreciation 75 Brief description s of the methods used to calcula te depreciation are provided in Table 8-1. Table 8-2 describe s the items found in the depre ciation sub- menus. For an example cal culating deprec iation using the straight-line metho d, see Table 8-3.
Depreciation 76 Table 8-1 Depreciation Methods Depreciation Method Description DecBal Declining balance i s an accelerated d epreciation metho d that presumes an a sset will lose th e majority of its value during the first few year s of its useful li fe.
Depreciation 77 Table 8-2 Depreciation Menu Items Item Description Life= The expected usefu l life of the a sset in whole years. Start= Start refers to the da te or month in which the a sset is first placed into service. Depending on the t ype of depreciation, thi s can be the mo nth, or the actual date in mm.
Depreciation 78 Table 8-2 Depreciation Menu Items Item Description Factor= The declining balan ce factor as a percentage. This is used for declining ba lance and declining balan ce crossover method s only. A metalworking ma chine, purcha sed for $10,000 .
Depreciation 79 Table 8-3 Straight Line Deprecia tion Exa mple Key Display Description < Displays the curren t value of Start= . 1 is the de fault value. < Displays the curren t value for Cost= . 1000 0I Inputs the current value for cost as 10,000.
Depreciation 80 Table 8-3 Straight Line Deprecia tion Exa mple Key Display Description < Displays the curren t remaining depreciable value af ter year 1. < Displays the curren t year of the depreciation. < Displays the curren t depreciation amount after year 2.
Break-even 81 9 Break-even Figure 9-1 The Menu Map for the Brea k-even Menu Press :! to open the Break- even menu. Starting with Fixed= , input known data by entering a n umber and pre ssing I . Scroll to the unknow n variable by pressing > or < repeatedly.
Break-even 82 Table 9-1 Break-even Example Keys Display Description :! Opens the Brea k-even menu starting with the curr ent value for fixed costs. 1500 00I Inputs the current value for fixed costs as 150,000 . 00. < Displays the curren t vale for Cost= .
Break-even 83 Table 9-1 Break-even Example Keys Display Description < Displays the curren t value for Quantity= . = Calculates the cur rent value for th e unknown item.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 84 10 W arranty, Regulatory , and Contact Information Replacing the Batteries Use only fresh ba tteries. Do not use rechargeab le batteries. EURO take s two, 3- volt CR2032 lithium ba tteries. To install a new ba ttery: 1.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 85 HP warra nts to you, the end-user customer, that HP ha rdwar e, accessories and supplies will be fre e from defects in materials and w orkmanship after the da te of purchase, for the per iod specified above.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 87 Regulatory Info rmation Federal Communic ations Co mmission Noti ce This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 88 Declaration of Conformity for Products Marke d wi th FCC Logo, United States Only This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 89 European Union Regulatory Notice This product compli es with the follo wing EU Directive s: • Low Voltage Dire ctive 2006/95/E C • EMC Directive .
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 90 Japanese Notice Disposal of Waste Equipme nt by Users in Private Household in the European Union This symbol o n the product o r on i ts packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed o f with your other household waste.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 91 Table 10-1 Contact Information Country /Region Contact Africa (English) www Africa (French) www .
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 92 Table 10-1 Contact Information Country /Region Contact Colombia 01-8000-5 1-4746-8368 Costa Rica 0-800-011 -0524 Czech Republic 296 335 612 Denmark 8.
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 93 Table 10-1 Contact Information Country /Region Contact India www Indonesia +65 6100 6682 Ireland 01 605 0356 Italy 02 754 19 782 Japan 81-3-6666 -9925 Korea www Malaysia +65 6100 6682 Mexico 01- 800-474-6 8368 Middle East Interna tional www .
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 94 Table 10-1 Contact Information Country /Region Contact Paraguay (009) 80 0-541-0006 Peru 0-800-101 11 Philippines +65 6100 66 82 Poland www .
Warranty, Regula tory, and Contac t Information 95 Table 10-1 Contact Information Country /Region Contact Switzerland ( Italian) 022 567 5308 Taiwan +852 2805-2563 Thailand +65 6100 6682 Turkey www.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP 20b Business Consultant (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP 20b Business Consultant heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP 20b Business Consultant vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP 20b Business Consultant leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP 20b Business Consultant krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP 20b Business Consultant bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP 20b Business Consultant kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP 20b Business Consultant . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.