Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 4108GL van de fabrikant HP
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hp pr oc urve s w itc h 4108gl management and conf igur ation gui de w w w .hp .com/go/hppr ocurv e.
HP Procurve Switch 4108G L Management and Configuration Guide Software Release G.01. xx or Later.
Hewlet t-Pa ckard Compan y 8000 Foo thills Boulev ard, m/s 5551 Rosev ille, Cali for nia 9574 7-5 551 http:// www.h p .com/g o/hppro curve © Copyright 2001 Hew lett-Pack ard Compan y All Righ ts Reserved. This docume nt contains information w hich is prot ected b y copyright.
iii Pref ace Preface Use of This Guide and Other Pro curve Switch Documentation This guide de scribes how to use the c omman d line inte rface (C LI), menu inter face, and web browse r inter face for the HP Proc urve Switch 4108GL — also ref erred to as the S witch 4108GL.
iv Pref ace T o Set Up and Install the Switch in Y our Netw ork Use the HP Pro curve Switch 41 08GL Inst allatio n and Gettin g Started Guid e (shipped w ith the switc h) to guid e you in the f ollowi.
v Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Use of This Guide and Other Procurve Switch Document ation . . . . . . iii Just Want a Quick Start? . . . . . . . . .
vi Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Acces sing th e CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Using the CLI .
vii Switch Me mory and Configu ration Chapt er Cont ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii i IP Addressing with Multiple VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 IP Addressing in a Stac king Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Menu: Config uring IP Ad dress, Gatew ay, and Time -To-Live (TTL) .
ix Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Configur ing Username a nd Password Sec urity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Menu: Configuring Passwords . . . . . . . .
x Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Viewing Por t Status and Conf iguring Por t Parameter s . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Menu: View ing Port Stat us and Config uring Port Parameters .
xi Configuring CDP Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21 Effect of Spanning Tree (STP) On CDP Pack et Transmi ssion . . . . 12-23 How the S witch S elect s the I P Add ress To Inclu de in O utboun d CDP P acket s 12-2 4 CDP Neighbor Data and MIB Objec ts .
xii Web: Viewing and Configuring VLAN Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 VLAN Tagging Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Effect of V LANs on Other Switch F eatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiii CLI: Co nfiguri ng STP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5 Web: Enabling or D isabl ing STP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-9 How STP Op erates . . . . . . . . . .
xiv Menu: Entering and Navigat ing in the Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-17 CLI: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-18 Diagnostic Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-1 Select ing a Mana gement Interface 1 Selecting a Management Interface Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Understanding Management Interface s . . . . . .
1-2 Selec tin g a Mana gement Interf ace Overv iew Sele cting a Ma nagem ent Int erf ac e Overview This chapte r descr ibes the following : ■ Manage men t inte rfaces for th e Swit ch 410 8GL ■ Ad.
1-3 Sele cting a M anage ment In terf ace Adv anta ges o f Us ing th e Me nu In te rface Sele cting a Ma nagement Interface Advantages of Using the Menu Interface Figure 1-1.
1-4 Selec tin g a Mana gement Interf ace Advant ages of U sing the CLI Sele cting a Ma nagem ent Int erf ac e Advantages of Using the CLI Figure 1-2. Exampl e of The Comma nd Prompt ■ Provides a ccess to the co mplete set of the switch configura tion, perfor- mance, a nd diagno stic feature s.
1-5 Sele cting a M anage ment In terf ace Advant ages of Usi ng th e HP Web B rowse r Inte rface Sele cting a Ma nagement Interface Advantages of Using the HP W eb Browser Interface Figure 1-3.
1-6 Selec tin g a Mana gement Interf ace Advant ages of Using HP TopTo ols f or H ubs & Swi tch es Sele cting a Ma nagem ent Int erf ac e Advantages of Using HP T opT ools for Hubs & Switches .
1-7 Sele cting a M anage ment In terf ace Advan tag es of Us ing HP To pToo ls for H ubs & Switc hes Sele cting a Ma nagement Interface • Notifies you when HP hubs use “ self-healing ” features t o fix or limit comm on netwo rk prob lems.
1-8 Selec tin g a Mana gement Interf ace Advant ages of Using HP TopTo ols f or H ubs & Swi tch es Sele cting a Ma nagem ent Int erf ac e.
2-1 Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce 2 Using the Menu Interface Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Starting and Ending a Menu Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2-2 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Overv iew Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Overview This chap ter describes the follow ing fea tures: ■ Overv iew of t he Menu I nterfac e (page 4-1) ■ Start ing and en.
2-3 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Star ting an d Endi ng a M enu Se ssion Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce someone witho ut a password can still gain read- only access.) For mo re informati on on passwo rds, see “ Configur ing User name an d Password Se cu- rity ” on page 9- 3.
2-4 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Star tin g and End ing a Menu Se ssion Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce How T o Start a Menu Interfa ce Session In its factory de fault confi guratio n, the switch cons ole starts with the C LI promp t.
2-5 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Star ting an d Endi ng a M enu Se ssion Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Figure 2-1. The Main Menu w ith Ma nager Priv ileges For a descr ipt ion of Ma in Menu featur es, see “ Main Menu Featu res ” on page 2-7.
2-6 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Star tin g and End ing a Menu Se ssion Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Figure 2-2. An Asteri sk Indica tes a C onfigura t ion Chang e Requi ring a Reboot 1.
2-7 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Main Men u Feat ure s Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Main Menu Features Figure 2-3. The Ma in Menu V iew with Manager Pr ivile ges The Main Me nu gives you a ccess to the.
2-8 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Mai n Menu Fe ature s Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce ■ Command Li ne (CLI) : Sel ects t he Com mand L ine Inter face at the same level (M anag er or Ope rator) that y ou are acc essing in t he Menu in terface . (See chap ter 3 , "Usin g the Co mmand Line In ter face (C LI)" .
2-9 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Scre en Structu re and N avig atio n Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Screen Structure and Nav igation Menu i nterface screens includ e these th ree el ements: ■ Param et.
2-10 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Scre en Structu re and N avig atio n Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce T a ble 2-1. How T o Navigate in t he M enu Inter face T a sk: Actio ns: Execu te an a ction from the.
2-1 1 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Scre en Structu re and N avig atio n Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce T o get H elp on in dividual parame ter de scriptio ns. In most screens there is a Help option in the Actions line. Wh enever any of the items in the Actions line is highlighted, pr ess [H] , and a sepa rate help scre en is displ ayed.
2-12 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Rebo oting the Swi tch Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Rebooting the Switch Reboot ing the sw itch from t he menu in terface ■ T erminates all curr ent session s and pe.
2-1 3 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Rebo otin g the Switc h Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Rebooting T o Activate C onfiguration C hanges. Configura tion chang es for most par ameters in t he menu in terface bec ome eff ective as soon as you save them .
2-14 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Menu Fe atu res Li st Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Menu Features List Sta tus an d Count ers • General Sy stem Informati on • Switch Manage ment Ad dress Inf ormat.
2-1 5 Usi ng th e Menu Inte rface Wher e To Go Fro m Here Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce Where T o Go From Here This c hapt er prov ides a n over view of the m en u inte rface and how to use it.
2-16 Using the Me nu I nterf ace Wher e To Go From Here Usin g the Me nu Int erfa ce.
3-1 Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) 3 Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Accessing the C LI . . . . .
3-2 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Overv iew Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) Overview The CL I is a text -based command interf ace for c o nfigu ring an d monit oring th e switch.
3-3 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) Startup C onfig file in non-volatile memory . If you reboot the switc h withou t first usin g write mem ory , all chan ges mad e sinc e t he la st r eboot o r write memory (whichev er is later) will be lo st.
3-4 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) Caut ion HP strongly recomme nds that you co nfigure a M anage r password.
3-5 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) Manager Privileges Manag er privi lege s give you th ree addition al lev els of a ccess: Ma nager , Globa l Config uration, and C ontext Con figuration.
3-6 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) Chan ging In terf aces. If you change from the CLI to the menu interface, or the reverse, yo u will remain at the same pr ivilege le vel.
3-7 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) How T o Move Between Lev els Movin g Be twee n the CLI and the Menu I nterfa ce. Wh en moving between int erfaces , the switch retain s the curren t privilege leve l (Manag er or Opera tor) .
3-8 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) for VLAN 1 and later use th e CLI to configur e a dif ferent IP address of " Y " for VLA N 1, then " Y " replaces " X " as the I P address for V LAN 1 in th e runni ng- con fig file.
3-9 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) T yping ? at the Ma nager level pro duces this li sting: Figure 3-4. Example of the Manager -Level Command Listing When - - MORE - - appear s, there ar e more comm ands in the listin g.
3-10 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) telnet terminal HP4108(config)# t As mentio ned above, if you type part of a command word and pr .
3-11 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) Thus, if you wan ted to cr eate a por t trunk group usin g por ts c3-c 6, the a bove conven ti.
3-12 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) Figure 3-7. Example of Co ntext-Sen sitive Comman d-List Help Displaying Help for an I ndividual Co mmand.
3-13 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) Figure 3-9. Example o f Help for a Spec ific I nstance of a Command Note that tr ying to li st the help for a n indivi dual comm and from a privileg e leve l that do es no t incl ude th at comm an d result s in an erro r messag e.
3-14 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) Using the CL I Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) Figure 3-10. Context-Sp ecific Co mmands Affectin g Port Co ntext HP4108(eth-C5-C8)# ? HP4108(eth.
3-15 Usi ng the Co mmand Li ne Inte rf ace (CLI ) Usin g the CLI Using the Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) VLAN Con text . Includ es VLAN- speci fic comman ds that appl y only to the select ed VLAN, plu s Manage r and Op erator commands. The prompt f or this mode incl udes the VLA N ID of the se lected VLAN.
3-16 Using th e Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) CLI Cont rol an d Ed iting Using th e Command Li ne Interface (CLI) CLI Control and Editing Key str okes Function [Ctrl] [A] Jumps to the fi rst cha racte r of th e comman d line . [Ctrl] [B] or [<] Mo ves the cu rsor back one ch ara cter .
4-1 Using the HP Web Browser Interface 4 Using the HP W eb Browser Interface Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 General Feat ures . . . . . . . . . .
4-2 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Overv iew Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface Overview The HP web br owser inte rface built into the switch l ets you easily ac cess the switch from a browse r -based PC on y our netwo rk.
4-3 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Gener al Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface General Features The Swi tch 410 8GL include these web brow ser inter face f e atur es: Switch Configu .
4-4 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Web Br owser Inter fac e Requ irem ents Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface W eb Browser Interface Requirement s Y ou can use equip ment me eting th e follow ing requir ement s to access the web browser interfa ce on yo ur intran et.
4-5 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Starti ng a n HP We b Browser In terface Se ssion with t he Switch Using the HP Web Browser Interface Starting an HP W eb Browser Interface Session with the S.
4-6 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Star tin g an HP Web Browser Inter face S essio n with the Swi tch Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface 2. T ype the IP address (or DNS name ) of the swit ch in the br owser Location or Add res s field an d press [Enter] .
4-7 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Starti ng a n HP We b Browser In terface Se ssion with t he Switch Using the HP Web Browser Interface 3. T he w eb bro ws er int erfac e au toma tica lly s ta rts w ith t he St atu s Over vie w window displ ayed fo r the sel ected d evice, as shown in fig ure 4- 1.
4-8 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Tasks for Yo ur First HP Web Bro wser Interfa ce Sessio n Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface T asks for Y our Fi rst HP W eb Browser Interface Session The fi.
4-9 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Task s for You r First HP We b Browse r Int erfac e Sessi on Using the HP Web Browser Interface This wind ow is the la unching p oint for the basic conf igura.
4-10 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Tasks for Yo ur First HP Web Bro wser Interfa ce Sessio n Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface Figure 4-3. The Device Passwords Window T o se t the passwords: 1.
4-1 1 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Task s for You r First HP We b Browse r Int erfac e Sessi on Using the HP Web Browser Interface Note Passwords you assign in the web br owser int erface will overwr ite prev ious password s assigned in eithe r the web brow ser interf ace, the Co mmand Prompt, or t he switch con sole.
4-12 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Tasks for Yo ur First HP Web Bro wser Interfa ce Sessio n Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface If Y ou Lose a Pas sword If you lose the pa sswords, you ca n clear t hem by pressi ng the Clear button on the fr ont of the swi tch.
4-1 3 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Suppor t/Mgmt URLs Fea ture Using the HP Web Browser Interface Support/Mgmt URLs Feature The Su pport/Mgmt URLs win dow enabl es you t o change the W orld W.
4-14 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Supp ort/Mg mt U RLs Fea ture Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface Support URL This is th e site tha t the switch ac cesses whe n you clic k on the Suppor t tab on the web br owser interfac e. The defaul t URL is: http: //w ww.
4-1 5 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Suppor t/Mgmt URLs Fea ture Using the HP Web Browser Interface ■ If you have W orld Wide W eb a ccess from yo ur PC or wor kstation , an d do not ha ve HP.
4-16 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface Status Reporting Features Brow ser el ement s co vered in th is sec tion incl ude: ■ The .
4-1 7 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Stat us Repor ting Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Port Utilization and Status Displa ys The Port Utilization and Status displ ays show an ove rview of the status of the switch and the amount of network a ctivity on each port.
4-18 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface ■ Maximum Ac tivity Indicat or: As the ba rs in t he gr aph ar ea c hange height to refle.
4-1 9 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Stat us Repor ting Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface Port Sta tus Figure 4-12. T he Port Statu s Indicator s and Lege nd The Port St atus indicator s show a symb ol for each p ort that indic ates the general st atus of the port.
4-20 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface The Alert Log The web br owser inte rface Alert Log, show n in the lowe r half of the scree n, shows a list of network occurrenc es, or alerts , th at were d etected by the switch .
4-2 1 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Stat us Repor ting Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface Alert T ypes The foll owing ta ble lists th e types o f alerts th at ca n be generat ed.
4-22 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface Note When troubleshoo ting the sour ces of aler ts, it may be helpf ul to chec k the switch ’ s Port Status an d Port C ounter wind ows an d the Event Log in the consol e interf ace.
4-2 3 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Stat us Repor ting Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Status Bar The Stat us Bar is displayed in the uppe r left corn er of th e web bro wser interfa ce screen. Figur e 4-15 sh ows an expa nded view of th e status b ar .
4-24 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface ■ Product Name. The produc t name of th e switc h to which yo u are connec ted in th e curren t web br owser interfac e session.
4-2 5 Using the HP Web Brow ser Int erfac e Stat us Repor ting Fe ature s Using the HP Web Browser Interface ■ High Se nsitivity . This policy directs th e switch to send all alerts to the Aler t Log. This settin g is most eff ective on n etworks that have none o r few problems.
4-26 Using th e HP Web Brow ser Interf ace Stat us Repo rtin g Feat ures Usin g the HP Web Browser Interface.
5-1 Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion 5 Switch Memory and Conf iguration Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Overview of Co nfiguration File Management .
5-2 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Overv iew Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Overview This ch apter descr ibes: ■ How switch memory ma nages conf igurat ion chang es ■ How t he CL I imp.
5-3 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Overvi ew o f Con figur ation Fil e Mana gemen t Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion ■ Running Co nfig File : Exists in volatile mem ory and contro ls switch operat ion.
5-4 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using the CLI To Implem ent Conf igura tion Ch anges Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion "perman ent". When you are sat isfied th at the ch ange is satisfac tory , you can make i t pe rmanen t by execut i ng th e write memory comm and.
5-5 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng the CL I To Im pl ement Co nfi gura tion Ch ange s Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion How T o U se the CLI T o Reconfi gure Sw itch Feat ures. Use this proce- dure to perm anent ly ch ange the s witch config urat ion (t hat is , to ent er a c hang e in the st artup-config f ile).
5-6 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using the CLI To Implem ent Conf igura tion Ch anges Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion ■ Manually enter the earl ier va lues you had for the c hange d setti ngs. (T his is r ecom men ded if you wan t to r est ore a smal l num ber of p arame ter settings t o their pre vious boot -up value s.
5-7 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng the Men u and W eb Brows er In terf aces To Im plemen t Conf igura tio n Chan ges Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion from either th e CLI o r the men .
5-8 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Usin g the Men u an d Web Bro wser Inte rface s To Imp lemen t Con figur atio n Chang es Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion ■ Viewing several related conf .
5-9 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng the Men u and W eb Brows er In terf aces To Im plemen t Conf igura tio n Chan ges Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-3.
5-10 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Usin g the Men u an d Web Bro wser Inte rface s To Imp lemen t Con figur atio n Chang es Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-4. The Reboot Switch Option in the Main Menu Rebooting T o Activate C onfiguration C hanges.
5-11 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng Primar y and Se cond ary Flas h Image Options Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-5. Indication of a C onfiguratio n Change Requirin g a Reb .
5-12 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using P rima ry and Se conda ry Flash Image Option s Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion ■ Primary Flash: The defa ult storage f or OS (syste m image) files. ■ Seco ndary Flash: The addition al stor age for e ither a redunda nt or an alter nate OS ( system image) file.
5-13 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng Primar y and Se cond ary Flas h Image Options Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-6. Exampl e Showi ng the Ident ity of the Cu rrent Flas h Image Determ ining Whet her th e Flash I mages A re Different V ersions .
5-14 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using P rima ry and Se conda ry Flash Image Option s Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-8. Determining the OS Version in Prim ary and Secon dary Fl.
5-15 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng Primar y and Se cond ary Flas h Image Options Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Loca l OS Repl acem ent an d Removal This sectio n descr ibes comm ands fo r erasin g an OS (flash ima ge) an d copying an ex isti ng OS betwe en pri mar y and second ar y fla sh.
5-16 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using P rima ry and Se conda ry Flash Image Option s Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion 1. V erify that ther e is a val id fla sh im age in the s econ dar y flas h locat ion . The follo win g fig ure i ndic ate s that an O S im age is p res ent i n sec ondar y fl ash.
5-17 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng Primar y and Se cond ary Flas h Image Options Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Figure 5-10. E xample of Eras e Flash Prompt 3. T ype y at the p rompt t o complete the flas h erase. 4. Use show flash to verify erasu re of the s elected OS fl ash image Figure 5-11.
5-18 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using P rima ry and Se conda ry Flash Image Option s Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Booting from P rimary Flas h. This comman d alway s boots the switch fro m primar y flash , and ex ecut es the co mplete set of subsystem self-t ests.
5-19 Swit ch Me mory and C onfig urat ion Usi ng Primar y and Se cond ary Flas h Image Options Sw itch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion Boot ing from t he Cu rrent OS V ersion.
5-20 Switc h Memor y and Con fig uratio n Using P rima ry and Se conda ry Flash Image Option s Swi tch Me mory an d Confi gurat ion while usin g a ver sion "Y" of the O S, and the n reboot t.
6-1 Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation 6 Interface A ccess and System Information Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Interface Ac cess: Console/Serial Link, Web, and Inbound Telnet .
6-2 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n Overv iew Interf ace Access and System Informatio n Overview Thi s chap ter desc ribes how t o view a nd modify the co nfigurat ion for switch inte rface acce ss an d swit ch sys tem inform atio n .
6-3 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Inte rf ace Ac cess: C onso le/ Seria l Link, We b, and Inbo und Te lnet Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation Interface Access: Console/Serial Link, W eb, and In bound T elnet Interf ace Access Features In most cases, th e defaul t confi guratio n is acce ptable for sta nda rd oper ation.
6-4 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n Inter face Acces s: Con s ole /Seria l Li nk, We b, a nd Inbo und Teln et Interf ace Access and System Informatio n Menu: Modifying the Interface Ac ce.
6-5 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Inte rf ace Ac cess: C onso le/ Seria l Link, We b, and Inbo und Te lnet Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation CLI: Modifying the Interface Access Interface Access Commands Used in This Section Listing t he Current Console/Seria l Link Configur ation.
6-6 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n Inter face Acces s: Con s ole /Seria l Li nk, We b, a nd Inbo und Teln et Interf ace Access and System Informatio n Reco nfigure W eb Brow ser Ac cess. In t he d efaul t conf igur atio n, w eb brows er acce ss is enab led.
6-7 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Inte rf ace Ac cess: C onso le/ Seria l Link, We b, and Inbo und Te lnet Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation Fig ure 6- 3.
6-8 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n System In formation Interf ace Access and System Informatio n System Information Sy stem Information Features Config uring system inform ation is opt ional, but recomme nded.
6-9 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Syst em Info rmat ion Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation T ime Zone: The numbe r of minutes your ti me zo ne l ocati on is to the W es t (+ ) or East (-) of Coord inated Unive rsal Time (formerly GMT ).
6-10 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n System In formation Interf ace Access and System Informatio n 3. Ref er to the o nline help p rovided w ith this scre en for fur ther inform ation on config uratio n options fo r these f eatures.
6-11 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Syst em Info rmat ion Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation Configur e a System Name, Contact, and Locati o n for t he Switch . To help distin guish on e switc h from ano ther , c onfigur e a plain-l anguag e iden tity for the sw i tch.
6-12 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n System In formation Interf ace Access and System Informatio n Reco nfigur e the Ag e Inter val for Learned MAC Ad dresses . This com- mand cor responds to the MAC Age Interv al in the me nu interfa ce, and is expresse d in seconds.
6-13 Interfa ce Access an d System Inf ormation Syst em Info rmat ion Int erf ace A cce ss an d System In formation W eb: Configuring System Parameters In the web bro wser in terface, you can enter th.
6-14 Inter face Acce ss and Sy stem Inf ormatio n System In formation Interf ace Access and System Informatio n.
7-1 Configu ring IP Addre ssing 7 Configuri ng IP Addressing Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 IP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7-2 Config uring IP Addre ssing Overv iew Configuring IP Addressing Overview This chapter describ es the switch c onfigurat ion features a vailable in the menu interfac e, CLI an d web brow ser interf ace.
7-3 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing IP Configuratio n IP Confi guration Fea tures IP Ad dres s an d Su bnet Mask . Confi guring th e switch with an IP address expands your ab ility to manage the switch and use its feature s.
7-4 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing Just W ant a Quick Start? If you just want to give the switch an I P address so that it ca n communi cate on you r networ k, or if you are not using VLANs, HP recomm ends t hat you use the Sw itch Se tup scr een to q uickly c onfigu re IP a ddressing.
7-5 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing ■ If you change the IP ad dress thro ugh eith er T elnet acce ss or the web browser interfac e, the conne ction to the switch will be lost.
7-6 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing Figure 5-1. Example of the IP Service Config uration Scree n without Multip le VLANs Con figure d 2.
7-7 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing CLI: Configuring IP Addr ess, Gateway , T ime-T o-Live (TTL), and T imep IP Comman ds Used in This Sect ion For a listi.
7-8 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing Figure 5-3. Example of Sh ow IP Li sting with Non-Defaul t IP Addre ssing Confi gured Conf igur e an IP Addres s an d Sub net Mask. The follow ing command includes both the IP addre ss and t he subne t mask .
7-9 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing Configur e T ime-T o-Live (TTL). Use this comm and at t he Globa l conf ig prompt to se t the time that a packe t outboun d from the sw itch ca n exist on the netwo rk. The d efault settin g is 64 se conds.
7-10 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing T a ble 7-1. Features Available With and Without IP Addressing on the Switc h DHCP/Bootp Op eration Overview . DHC P/Bootp is use d to provi de confi guration da ta from a DH CP or Bootp server to t he switch.
7-11 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing 1. DHC P/Bo otp requ ests ar e automa ticall y broa dcast on t he local ne twork. (The swit ch sends one ty pe of reques t to which either a DHC P or Bootp server can respond.
7-12 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing Bootp O perat ion. When a Bootp server r eceives a r equest i t search es its Bootp da tabase for a record e ntry that matches the MAC addre ss in the Boot p request from th e switch .
7-13 Con fig uring IP Ad dressi ng IP Confi gurat ion Configu ring IP Addre ssing Note Th e above Bootp t able en try is a sa mple th at will wo rk for the Swit ch 4108 GL when the a ppropria te addresse s and file n ames are used.
7-14 Config uring IP Addre ssing IP Conf igur ation Configuring IP Addressing Globally A ssigned IP Networ k Addresses If you intend to conne ct your n etwork to other networks tha t use gl obally admin ister ed IP ad dres ses, He wle tt-Pack ar d stron gly rec ommen ds th at you use IP addr esses that hav e a networ k addr ess assigned to you.
8-1 Time Pr otoco ls 8 T ime Protocols Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 TimeP Time Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8-2 Time Prot ocols Overv iew Time Pr otoc ols Overview This ch apter descr ibes: ■ SNTP T im e Protocol Ope ration ■ T i mep T ime Protoc ol Oper ation Using time synchron ization en sures a un iform tim e among interope rating device s.
8-3 Time Pr otoc ols Overvi ew: Se lect ing a Time Sy nchr onizat ion P rotoc ol or Tur nin g Off Ti me Prot ocol Opera tion Time Pr otoco ls ular server , it ig nores time bro adcast s from other SNT.
8-4 Time Prot ocols SNTP: View ing, Selec tin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoc ols Note that simp ly selecting a time sync hronization pr otocol do es not enable that p rotocol on the sw itch unl ess you also en able th e protoc ol itself (step 2 , above) .
8-5 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP : Vie win g, Sele ctin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoco ls T able 8-1.SNTP Parameters Menu: V iewing and Configuri ng SNTP T o V iew , Enable, and Modify SNT P T ime Protocol: 1. From the Main Menu, s elect: 2. Switc h Configu ration .
8-6 Time Prot ocols SNTP: View ing, Selec tin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoc ols Figure 8-4. T he Sy stem Infor mation S creen (Defa ult Va lues) 2. Press [E] (for E di t ). The cursor moves to the Sy st em N am e fie ld. 3. Use [v] to mov e th e cu rsor to th e T ime Sync Met hod field.
8-7 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP : Vie win g, Sele ctin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoco ls ii. Enter the I P address of the SNTP server you want th e switch to use for time sy nchronization . Note: Th is step repl aces any p revio usly conf igure d serv er IP address.
8-8 Time Prot ocols SNTP: View ing, Selec tin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoc ols CLI: Vi ewing and Configuring SNTP CLI Comm ands Descr ibed in this S ection This sectio n describ es how to use the CLI to v iew , enable, and con figure SNTP parame ters.
8-9 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP : Vie win g, Sele ctin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoco ls Figure 8-6. Example of SNTP Con figura tion Wh en SNTP Is Not the Selec ted T ime Synch roni zati on M etho d Configur ing (Enabl ing or Disabling ) the SNTP Mode Enab ling the SNTP mode mean s to conf igure it for eithe r broa dcast o r unicast mode.
8-10 Time Prot ocols SNTP: View ing, Selec tin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoc ols 3. Enable SNTP for Broad c ast mode. 4. View the SNTP configuration again to verify the configuration. The comma nds and out put would appear as follows: Figure 8-7. Example of Ena b ling SN TP Operat ion in Broa dcast Mode Enabling SNTP in Unicast Mode.
8-11 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP : Vie win g, Sele ctin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoco ls For ex ample , to select SNTP and co nfigur e it w ith uni cast mode a nd an SNT P server at 10.28 .227. 141 wit h the de fault serv er versio n (3) a nd defau lt poll interva l (720 seconds) : HP4108(config)# timesync sntp Selects SNTP.
8-12 Time Prot ocols SNTP: View ing, Selec tin g, and Conf iguri ng Time Pr otoc ols Changi ng the SNTP Poll Interv al. This comman d lets you specif y how long the switch w aits betwee n time pol ling interv als. The default is 7 20 seco nds and the ra nge is 30 to 720 seco nds.
8-13 Time Pr otoc ols Time P: Vie wing, Sele ctin g, and Co nfi guring Time Pr otoco ls Figure 8-11. Example of Disa bling T ime Synchro nization by Disabling t he SNT P Mode T im eP: V i ewing, Selec.
8-14 Time Prot ocols TimeP: Viewi ng, Sel ecti ng, and C onfi gurin g Time Pr otoc ols T able 8-2.T imep Parameters Menu: V iewing and Configuri ng T imeP T o Vi ew , Enabl e, and Mo dif y the T imeP P rot ocol : 1. From the Main Menu, s elect: 2. Switc h Configu ration .
8-15 Time Pr otoc ols Time P: Vie wing, Sele ctin g, and Co nfi guring Time Pr otoco ls Figure 8-12. The Sy stem Information S creen (Default Values) 2. Press [E] (for E di t ). The cursor moves to the Sy st em N am e fie ld. 3. Use [v] to mov e th e cu rsor to th e T ime Sync Met hod field.
8-16 Time Prot ocols TimeP: Viewi ng, Sel ecti ng, and C onfi gurin g Time Pr otoc ols Note: This step re places a ny previousl y config ured T imeP serv er IP addr ess. iii. Press [> ] to move the cursor to the Poll Interv al field, then go to step 6.
8-17 Time Pr otoc ols Time P: Vie wing, Sele ctin g, and Co nfi guring Time Pr otoco ls For examp le, if you c onfigur e the sw itch with TimeP as the tim e synchro niza- tion method , then enable T i meP in DHCP mo de with the default po ll interval, show tim ep lists the follow ing: Figure 8-13.
8-18 Time Prot ocols TimeP: Viewi ng, Sel ecti ng, and C onfi gurin g Time Pr otoc ols For ex ample , suppo se: ■ T ime synchronizatio n is configured for SN TP . ■ Y ou want to: 1.V iew the current time synchron ization . 2.Select T imeP as the time synchroni zation mo de.
8-19 Time Pr otoc ols Time P: Vie wing, Sele ctin g, and Co nfi guring Time Pr otoco ls For ex ample , to se lect T ime P and co nfigu re it fo r ma nual operati on u sing a T ime P server addr ess of 10.
8-20 Time Prot ocols SNTP Unic ast Time Pol ling w ith Mul tiple SNTP Servers Time Pr otoc ols If you then v iewed t he Time P configur ation, yo u would see the follo wing: Figure 8-17. Example of T imeP with T ime S ychroniz ation Di sabled Disa bling t he T imeP Mode .
8-21 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP Unic ast Time Polli ng with M ultiple SNTP Serv ers Time Pr otoco ls all servers in the list w ithout success, it sends an error message to the Ev ent Log and re sched ules to try th e address list again af ter th e config ured Poll Interval time has exp ired.
8-22 Time Prot ocols SNTP Unic ast Time Pol ling w ith Mul tiple SNTP Servers Time Pr otoc ols Figure 8-19. Example of SNT P Ser ver Address P rioritization Note If ther e are al ready three S NTP ser.
8-23 Time Pr otoc ols SNTP Messa ges in the Eve nt Log Time Pr otoco ls Menu Interface Operation with Multi ple SNTP Server Addresses Configu red When you u se the Menu inte rface to config ure a n SNTP server IP address, th e new addr ess writ es over the c urrent pr imary add ress, if on e is c onfigure d.
8-24 Time Prot ocols SNTP Messa ges in the Eve nt Log Time Pr otoc ols.
9-1 Using Passwords and TACA CS+ 9 Using Passwords and T ACACS+ T o Protect Against Unauthorized Access Contents Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Configur ing Username a nd Password Sec urity .
9-2 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Overv iew Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Overview This chapter describes: .
9-3 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Con figuri ng User name an d Passw ord Se curity Using Passwords and TACA CS+ • If in corre ct pass wor ds are e nte red, th e T AC ACS+ serve r den ies access to the swi tch.
9-4 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Con figuri ng User name an d Passw ord Se curity Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Note Usernames are opt ional. Also, in the menu int erfac e and CL I, you ca n config- ure passw ords, but not usernames.
9-5 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Con figuri ng User name an d Passw ord Se curity Using Passwords and TACA CS+ If the switch ha s a password f or both the Ma nager and Operat or levels, and neit her is e nter ed co rrect ly d uring a logo n att empt, acce ss to the c ons ole wi ll be denied.
9-6 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Con figuri ng User name an d Passw ord Se curity Using P asswords a nd TACACS + c. Whe n prompte d with Enter new password ag ain , retyp e the new pass- word and press [Enter ] .
9-7 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access Con figuri ng User name an d Passw ord Se curity Using Passwords and TACA CS+ no pass word T o Delet e Password P rotec tion. This c omman d prompts y ou to veri fy that you wa nt to c lear th e passwor ds, then c lears them fro m both the Ma nager and Operator lev els.
9-8 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + T ACACS+ Authen.
9-9 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ T ACACS+ in the Swit ch 4108GL m anages authen ticatio n of logon a ttempts throug h either the Co nsole po rt or T elnet.
9-10 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + ■ Auth entic.
9-11 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ Notes The ef fectivene ss of TACAC S+ securit y depends on c orrect ly using yo ur TACAC S+ se rver appli catio n.
9-12 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + 2.
9-13 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ 4. Ensure that the switch has the correct local username and password for Manager access.
9-14 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Confi guring T.
9-15 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ This example shows the de fault authe ntication configura tion.
9-16 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Configu ring t.
9-17 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ T able 9-3.
9-18 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + For examp le, .
9-19 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ Configurin .
9-20 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Synta x: tacacs-se rver host < ip-addr > Adds a TACACS + server and option ally [key <k ey-str ing>] assign s a server-s pecific enc rypt ion ke y.
9-21 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ Name Def au.
9-22 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Adding, Removing, o r Changing t he Prior ity of a T ACACS+ Server .
9-23 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ T o remove the 10.28 .227.15 device as a T A CACS+ se rver , you wou ld u se this comm and: HP4108(config)# no tacacs-server host 10.
9-24 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Configur ing the T imeout Period .
9-25 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ then it uses it s own loca l username /password pairs to authenti- cate the l ogon r equest.
9-26 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + For lo cal au .
9-27 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ Note Configure a key in the switc h only if the T ACACS + server app lication ha s this exact same key c onfigured for the switch.
9-28 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS + Controlling W eb Brow ser Interface Access When U sing T ACACS+ Authentica tion In r ele ase G.
9-29 Using P asswor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authe nti cati on for Cent ral Cont rol of S wi tch A ccess Sec uri ty Using Passwords and TACA CS+ Operating N.
9-30 Using Passwor ds an d TACACS + To Prot ect Agains t Una uthor ized Access TACA CS+ Authen ticat ion for Centr al Contr ol of Swit ch Acces s Security Using P asswords a nd TACACS +.
10-1 Using Authorize IP Manag ers 10 Using Authorized IP Managers for Increased Management Security Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Using Authorized IP Manag ers .
10-2 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Overv iew Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Overview The Auth oriz ed IP Man age rs fe ature enh ances secu rit y on th e sw itc h by u sin g IP addresses and masks to dete rmine which stations (PCs or workstations) can ac cess the s witch th rough the net work.
10-3 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Overvi ew Using Auth orized IP Manag ers 2. I f T ACACS+ is co nfigured a nd a T ACA CS+ server issue s a promp t, the correc t passwords mu st be ent ered from the manage ment stat ion and verifie d by the T A CACS+ server .
10-4 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Using Authorized IP Managers Authori zed I P Manage r Features .
10-5 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Usin g Autho rize d IP Ma nage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Access Levels For ea ch aut horiz ed manage r ad dress, .
10-6 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers auth oriz ed IP addres ses .
10-7 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Usin g Autho rize d IP Ma nage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Menu: V i ewing and Configur ing IP Authorized Managers From the c onsole M ain Menu, selec t: 2. Switch Con figuratio n .
10-8 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Editing o r Deleting a n Authorized M anager Entry . Go to the IP Man ag- ers List scr een (figure 10-1), highl ight the desired en try , and press [E] (f or Edit ) or [D] (for Delete ).
10-9 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Usin g Autho rize d IP Ma nage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Configurin g IP Authorized Managers for the Switch Synta x: ip a uth oriz ed- mana ger s <ip address> [mask <mask- bits> ] <ope rator | manager > T o Autho rize M anager Access.
10-1 0 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers The fol lowin g comma nd repl aces the existi ng ma sk and access l evel for IP addre ss 1 0.28. 22 7.101 wit h 255.
10-1 1 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Usin g Autho rize d IP Ma nage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers T a ble 10-2.
10-1 2 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers T a ble 10-3.
10-1 3 Usin g Autho riz ed IP Man ager s for I ncrease d Mana gemen t Sec urit y Usin g Autho rize d IP Ma nage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers Addi tional Examples f or Auth orizing Multipl e Stati.
10-1 4 Using Au thorized IP Mana gers for Increased Mana gement Secu rity Usin g Autho riz ed IP M anage rs Using Auth orized IP Manag ers.
11-1 Ports: Tra ffic Control an d Tru nki ng 11 Optimizing Port Usage Through T raffic Contr ol and Por t T runking Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters .
11-2 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Overv iew Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Overview This ch apter includes: ■ Config uring p orts, in cludin g mode .
11-3 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Viewin g Por t Statu s and Conf iguring Port Parame ters Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking T able 11-1. Stat us and P arameter s for Each Port T ype Status or Par amet er Descriptio n Enab led Ye s (defa ult) : The po rt is read y for a ne twor k conn ection .
11-4 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng View ing Port St atus and Con figur ing Port Pa ramet ers Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking 100/1000Ba se-T port s: • Auto ( defaul t): S enses sp eed an d nego tiate s with the por t at the other e nd of the link for port operat ion (MDI-X o r MDI).
11-5 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Viewin g Por t Statu s and Conf iguring Port Parame ters Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Menu: V iewing Port Status and .
11-6 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng View ing Port St atus and Con figur ing Port Pa ramet ers Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Figure 11-2. Example of Por t/T runk Sett ings with a T runk Group Co nfigur ed 2.
11-7 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Viewin g Por t Statu s and Conf iguring Port Parame ters Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Synta x: show int erfaces br ief show inte rf ace c onfi g The ne xt two fi gure s list exam ples of the out put of the abo ve tw o comman ds for the sam e port configu ration.
11-8 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng View ing Port St atus and Con figur ing Port Pa ramet ers Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Using the CLI T o Configure Ports. Y ou can co nfig ure one or mo re o f t he followin g port param eters.
11-9 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Viewin g Por t Statu s and Conf iguring Port Parame ters Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Configur ing a Bro adcast Limit on the Swit ch. Execu tin g this command config ures the b roadc ast limit for all por ts on th e switch .
11-1 0 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Port T ru nking Port Status and Co nfig urat ionFe atur e s Port tru.
11-1 1 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Port Co nnections and Configurat ion: All port trun k links must be poin t- to-point connecti ons betwe en the Swit ch 4108GL a nd anothe r switch , router , server , or w orkstatio n conf igured for p ort trun king.
11-1 2 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking link is restore d, that link is automa tically include d in the traf fic distribution again.
11-1 3 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking T able 11-4. T runk Configur ation Protocol s Prot ocol T r unking Opt ions LACP (802.3a d) Provi des dynami c and sta tic LACP t runki ng optio ns.
11-1 4 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking T able 11-5. Gener al Opera ting Rules f or Por t T runks Media: All por ts on bo th ends of a trunk grou p must ha ve the same medi a type an d mode (spe ed and duplex).
11-1 5 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Span ning T re e Pr otoco l ( STP): ST P op erate s as a gl obal set ting on t he swit ch ( one instan ce o f ST P per swit ch).
11-1 6 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Menu: V i ewing and Configur ing a Static T runk Group Importa nt Config ure por t trunking before you c onnect the tru nked links to another switch, routing switch, or ser ver .
11-1 7 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking • All ports in a trunk must ha ve the same media type and m ode (such as 10/ 100T X se t to 100F Dx , or 100 FX set to 100 FDx).
11-1 8 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking During the Sa ve process, traff ic on the ports conf igured for trunking will be dela yed f or seve ral sec onds. I f the Sp anning T ree Protoc ol is enab led, the delay may be up to 3 0 seconds.
11-1 9 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking This example uses a port list to specify only the switch ports an administrator wants to view: Figure 11-8.
11-2 0 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking In the foll owing ex ample , ports C 1 and C2 hav e been prev iously c onfigur ed for a static LA CP trun k. (For more on “ Acti ve ” , see tab le 11-7 o n pag e 1 1-2 7.
11-2 1 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Using the CLI T o Configu re a Static or Dynamic T r unk Group Importa nt Config ure por t trunking before you c onnect the trunke d links be tween switches.
11-2 2 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking HP4108(config)# no trunk c4-c5.
11-2 3 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Enabling a Dynamic LACP T r unk Group . In the def ault port config ura- tion, all po rts on t he switch are set to LACP passive.
11-2 4 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Removing Po rts from a Dynamic LACP T r unk Group. T o re move a po rt from dy namic L ACP trun k opera tion, you must tur n off LAC P on t he port .
11-2 5 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking T runk Group Operation Using LACP The sw itch can a utom atical ly co nfigure a dyna mic LACP trunk group or you can man ually co nfigu re a sta tic LAC P trunk group .
11-2 6 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking T able 11-6. LACP T r unk T ypes LACP P ort T run k Config uration Oper atio n Dyna mic LACP This opt ion auto mati call y esta blis hes an 802.
11-2 7 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Default Port Operation In the def ault con figurati on, all ports are config ured for p assive LACP .
11-2 8 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking LACP Notes and Restrict ions Changin g T runking Method s. T o c onvert a t runk from static to dynam ic, you mu st firs t eli minat e th e stat ic tr unk.
11-2 9 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking regar d for how t hat traf fic is han dled by th e device at the ot her end of t he trunke d links. Sim ilarly , the switc h handle s inco ming tr affic from th e trunk ed links as if it were fr om a trunke d source.
11-3 0 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking Outbound T raffic Distribut ion Across T runk ed Links All three tr unk group op tions (LACP , T runk, and FEC ) use source-de stina tion address pa irs (SA/ DA) for distri buting out bound traffic over trunke d links.
11-3 1 Opt imizing Port Usage Through Tra ffic C ontrol a nd Port Trunkin g Port Tr unking Ports: Tra ffic Control and T runking Figure 11-13. Example of Port -T r unked Network T able 11-8.
11-3 2 Optimiz ing Po rt Usage Throu gh Traf fic Control and Port T runki ng Port Trunk ing Por ts: Traf fic Cont rol and Tr unking.
12-1 Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch 12 Config uring for Network Management Applications Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 SNMP Management Feat ures .
12-2 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications Overv iew Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Overview Y ou can manage th e switch via SNMP fro m a networ k manage ment st ation.
12-3 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons Overvi ew Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch ■ Suppor ted Stand ard MIBs incl ude: • Brid ge MI B (RFC 14 93) dot1dBase, dot 1dTp, dot.
12-4 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications Overv iew Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Configur ing for SNMP Access to the Switch SNMP acce ss require s an IP addr ess and sub net mask con figured on the switch. (See “ IP Config uration ” on page 7-3.
12-5 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons Overvi ew Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch SNMP Communities SNMP Com muni ty Feat ure s Use SNMP commun ities to restrict access to the switch b y SNMP management station s by adding , editing, or de leting SNMP comm unities .
12-6 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications Overv iew Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Figur e 12-1 . The SNMP Co mmu nities Scree n (De fault Values) 2.
12-7 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons Overvi ew Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Listing Cu rrent Community Names and V alues.
12-8 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications Overv iew Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Synta x: snmp-server [ contact <cont act-st r> ] [loc ation < loca tio n-str > ] Both fie ld s allo w u p to 48 ch arac ter s, witho ut spac es .
12-9 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons Overvi ew Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Note F ixed or "W ell -Know n" T raps : The Swit ch 4108G L automa tically sends f .
12-1 0 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications Overv iew Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch In the next example , the show snmp-ser ver comma nd show s th at the s witc h has been pr.
12-1 1 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons Overvi ew Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Note If you do not speci fy the even t level ( [<n one | al l | non -info | crit ical | de bug >] ) then the switchwill n ot send e vent log messages a s traps.
12-1 2 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch CDP CDP Fe atur es Intro duction In a S witch 41 08GL, CD P-v1 (C isco D iscover y Protoco l, versi on 1) provi des data that aids SN MP-based netwo rk mapping ut ilities designed to di scover device s running CD P in a net work.
12-1 3 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch An SNMP ut ility can pr ogressiv ely discove r CDP devic es in a network by : 1. Reading a given de vice ’ s CDP Neig hbor table (in t he Management Infor- mation Base, or MI B) to learn about ot her , neighbor CDP devices 2.
12-1 4 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Figur e 12- 5. Exampl e of How th e Switc h Stor es D ata on Neig hbor CD P Devic es Outgoing Packets A Switch 410 8GL running CDP pe riodical ly transmits a one-ho p CDP packet out each of its por ts.
12-1 5 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Figure 12-6. Examp le of Out going CDP P acket Operati on Incoming CDP Packets When a CDP-en able.
12-1 6 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch neighbor pair s are a s fo llows: A/1 , A/2 , A/3, A/B, B /C. No te th at "C" and " E" ar e not neighbors be cause the in tervenin g CDP -disabled swit ch "D" do es not forward CDP packets; i .
12-1 7 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Usin g the ex ample in fi gure 12- 7: The CDP Ne ighbor ta ble for swit ches "A" a nd "B" woul d appear similar to these: Switch A: Switch B: Figur e 12- 8.
12-1 8 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Non-C DP devi ces (th at is, device s that are not capa ble of running CDP) are transp arent t o CDP opera tion. However , an interve ning CD P-aware device that is CDP-disable d is not tran sparen t.
12-1 9 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch V iewing the Switch ’ s Cur rent CDP C onf igu rati on This command lists the switch ’ s glo bal and per -por t CDP c onfigu ration.
12-2 0 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Figure 12-10. Example of CDP Neighbors T able Listing Figure 12-11 illustr ates a topology of CDP-enabl ed devices for th e CDP Neigh- bors tab le listi ng in figu re 12- 10.
12-2 1 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Fig ure 12- 12. View of t he CDP Ne ig hbors T able Imm ed iatel y Af ter Execut ing cdp cl ear Configuring CDP Operation Enabling or Disabli ng CDP Operat ion on th e Switch.
12-2 2 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch Enabling or Disabli ng CDP Operat ion on Ind ividual Por ts. In the factory -default configura tion, the swit ch has all port s enab led and tr ansmit- ting CDP pa ckets.
12-2 3 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch For e xamp le, if th e swi tch ’ s transmit interval for CDP packets was set to a non-def ault .
12-2 4 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch ■ Switch "A" sends outbou nd CDP pack ets on the f orwardi ng link, and the switc h "B" CDP Neighbo rs table sho ws switch "A" on only one port.
12-2 5 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Figure 12-15. Example of IP Addr ess Selection when t he CDP Nei ghbor Has Mul tiple VLAN s with .
12-2 6 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch T able 12-2. CDP Neighbors Data CDP Neighb or Data Displayed Neig hbors Ta b l e MIB Addre ss T ype No Y es Alwa y s "1" (I P addre ss only) .
12-2 7 Confi guri ng for N etwo rk Mana gement App licati ons CDP Monitor i ng and Managing the Switch Displaying CDP Neighbor Data. T o display the su perset of CDP neig hbor data held in the MIB , use the walkmib co mmand.
12-2 8 Config uring fo r Network Manageme nt Appl ications CDP Moni torin g a nd M ana ging the S witch CDP- Capa ble H ubs. Some hubs are c apable of r unning CDP , bu t also forward C DP pack ets a s if the hub itself were t ranspar ent to C DP .
13-1 HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement 13 HP Procurve Stack Management Chapter Contents Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3 HP Procurve Stack Managemen t . . . . . . . . .
13-2 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t Chap ter Co nten ts HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Transmission Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-46 Stacking Operation with Multiple VLANs Configured . . . .
13-3 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement Overvi ew HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Overview This chapt er describe s how to u se your ne twork to sta ck switche s withou t the need for an y sp ecia lize d cabl ing — page 1 3-4.
13-4 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent HP Procurve Stack Management Stac king Features HP Pr ocurve St ack Mana gemen t (t erme d stack.
13-5 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement ■ Simplify manageme nt of small wo rkgroups o r wiring close ts while scaling y our ne twork to ha ndle in creased bandw idth dem and.
13-6 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Components of HP Procurve Stack Managem ent T able 13-1.
13-7 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Figure 13-2. Example of Stacking with One Commander Controlling Access to Wiring Clos et Switch es Interfac e Opti ons. Y o u can conf igure st acking through the switch ’ s menu interfac e, CLI, or t he web brow ser interf ace.
13-8 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent ■ Ther e is no l imit on the num ber of st acks in t h e s ame IP s ubnet (broadc ast domai n), however a switch can belong to only one stac k. ■ If multiple VLANs are c onfigured, st acking uses only the pr imary VLAN on a ny switch.
13-9 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Note In the default sta ck conf iguration, t he Candid ate Aut o Jo in para meter is enab led, but th e Comm an der Auto Grab parameter is di sabled .
13-1 0 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Overview of Configur ing and Bringing Up a Stack This process assumes that: ■ All switch es you want to include in a stack are conne cted to the same subnet (b roadca st domain) .
13-1 1 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement T able 13-3. St acking Config uration Guide The easiest way to automatically create a stac k is to: 1. Configure a switch as a Commander . 2. Configure IP addressing and a st ack name on the Commander .
13-1 2 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Gener al Steps f or Creat ing a S tack This section describe s the gen eral stack crea tion proc ess.
13-1 3 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement 3. For automatically or manually pulling Candidate switches into a stack, you can leave such switches in their default stacking configuratio n.
13-1 4 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Using the Menu Interface T o V iew Stack Status and Configure Stacki ng Using the Menu Interface T o View and Configure a Commander Switch 1. Configure an IP address and subn et mask on the Commander swit ch.
13-1 5 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Figure 13-6. The Default St ack Co nfigur ation Scre en 4. Move the cursor to the Stack State field by pressing [E] (for E dit ). Then use the Space bar to select the C ommander option.
13-1 6 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Using the Menu T o Manage a Candi date Switch Using the m enu interf ace, you can perf orm the.
13-1 7 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement T a ble 13-4.Candida te Configuratio n Options in the Menu Interface Using the Me nu T o “ Push ” a Swit ch Into a St ack, M odify the Swit ch ’ s Configura tion, or Disable St acking on the Swit ch.
13-1 8 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent 4. Do one of the following: • T o disable stacki ng on the Cand idate, use the Space bar to select the Disabled o ption, then go to step 5.
13-1 9 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Using the Commander ’ s Menu T o Manually Ad d a Candidate to a Stack . I n the defaul t config uration , you must ma nually ad d stack Me mbers from the Candid ate pool.
13-2 0 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Figure 13-10. Example of Ca ndidate L ist in Stack Ma nagemen t Screen 3. Either accept the displayed switch numb er or enter another avail able number .
13-2 1 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Figure 13-11. Example of Stac k Management Scre en After Ne w Member Adde d Using the C ommander ’ s Menu T o Mo ve a Me mber F rom O ne Stac k to Anot her .
13-2 2 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Y o u will then see the Stacking Statu s (All) scre en: Figure 13-12. Example of How the St ackin g Status (All ) Screen Help s Y ou Find Member MAC Addresses 3.
13-2 3 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement 8. Do one of the following: • If the stack cont aining the Me mbe r you a re mov ing h as a Ma nager passwor d, press the downar row key t o select the Cand idate Password field, t hen type t he passwor d.
13-2 4 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent 4. St ack Mana gement Y ou will then see the Stack Ma nagemen t screen: Figure 13-13. Example of St ack Ma nagemen t Screen wit h Stack Me mbers Listed 2.
13-2 5 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Using the Commander T o Access Member Switches for Configuration Changes and Monitor i ng T raf.
13-2 6 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Figur e 1 3-17 . T he eXec ute Comm and D is play s th e C onsol e Main Menu fo r th e Selec ted Stack M ember 2.
13-2 7 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement 3. Press [B] (for B ac k ) to return to the St acking Menu. 4. T o display Stack Co nfigura tion menu for t he switch yo u are mo vi ng, select 3.
13-2 8 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Using An y Stack ed Swi tch T o V iew the St atus for All Sw itche s wit h Stacking Enabl ed. This p rocedur e displa ys the genera l status of all switc h es in the IP sub ne t (bro adca st do main) that hav e stac king e nable d.
13-2 9 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Figure 13-19. Example of th e Commande r ’ s Stacking Status Screen V iewing Me mber St atus. This procedur e displays t he Membe r ’ s stacking informa tion pl us the Comm ande r ’ s status, IP address, and MAC address.
13-3 0 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Figure 13-20. Example of a Member ’ s Stacking S tatus Sc reen V i ewin g Cand idate St atus. This procedure displays th e Candidat e ’ s stackin g configur ation .
13-3 1 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Using the CLI T o V iew Stack Status an d Configure Stacki ng The CL I enab les you to do a ll of the stacki ng tasks av ailable throug h the menu interfac e.
13-3 2 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent [no] st ack memb er <switch- num> mac-ad dress <mac-a ddr> [passw ord <p asswo rd-str > ] Comma nder : Adds a Candi date t o stack memb ersh ip.
13-3 3 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Using the CLI T o V iew Stack Status Y ou can list the stack stat us for an indiv idual swit ch an d for other swit ches that h ave been discover ed in th e same subnet .
13-3 4 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent V iewing t he S tatus o f all Stack-Ena bled Switche s Discov ered in the IP Subne t. The next example list s all the stac k-confi gured switches di scover ed in the IP s ubne t.
13-3 5 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Using the CLI T o Configure a Commander Switch Y ou can config ure any sta cking-e nabled sw itch to b e a C omma nder as l ong a s the int ended sta ck name doe s not al ready e xist on the broadcas t domain .
13-3 6 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Figure 13-26. Example of th e Commande r ’ s Show St ack Scr een wit h On ly the Comm ande r Disc ove red Using a Member ’ s CLI to Co nve rt th e Memb er to the C omman der of a New Stack.
13-3 7 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Figure 13-27. Example of Using a Me m ber ’ s CLI T o Co nvert the Member to the Commander of.
13-3 8 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Using the Commander ’ s CLI T o Manually Add a Ca ndidat e to the Stack . T o manually add a candidat e, you will use: ■ A switch num ber ( SN ) to assig n to the new me mber .
13-3 9 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement For exa mp le, if th e HP 8 000 M in the abov e listing did not have a Man ager passwor d and y.
13-4 0 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent ■ The Ca ndidate ’ s Auto Jo in is set to Ye s ( and you do n ot want to enab le Auto Grab on the C omma nder) o r the Ca ndidate ’ s Auto Join is set to No .
13-4 1 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Synta x: stack member < sw itch- numbe r > mac-ad dress < ma c-addr > [pass word<.
13-4 2 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Synta x: no stack name <s tack name > stack join <mac-addr ess> If you don ’ t know the MAC addr ess of the destinat ion Co mmander , you can use show st ack all to ide nti fy it .
13-4 3 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement Synta x: [no] stack mem ber < switch-nu m > mac-a ddress < mac-addr > Use sh ow stack view to list the stac k Members.
13-4 4 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Y ou would then execut e this com mand in the “ North Sea ” switch ’ s C LI to remo ve t.
13-4 5 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement SNMP Community Operation i n a Stack Com muni ty Me mber ship In the defa ult stacking co nfigu.
13-4 6 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Note that in t he above example (figure 1 3-37) you c annot use the public comm unity throu gh the Co mmander to access an y of the Member swit ches.
13-4 7 HP P rocurv e Sta ck Ma nagement HP P rocurve Stac k Man ageme nt HP Proc urve Stac k Manag ement ■ Stacki ng uses on ly the prima ry VLAN on each sw itch in a st ack. ■ The prim ary VL AN c an b e tagg ed or un ta gged as ne eded in th e stacking pat h from switch to sw itch.
13-4 8 HP P rocurv e Stack Mana gemen t HP P rocur ve St ack Mana geme nt HP Proc urve St ack Managem ent Status Messa ges Stacking screens and listings display these status messag es: Message Conditi.
14-1 Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP 14 Port-Based V irtual LANs ( VLANs) and GVRP Contents Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3 Port-B ased Vi rtual LANs (St atic VL AN s) .
14-2 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Cont ents Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Configuring GVRP On a Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-37 Menu: Viewing and Configuring GVRP . . . . . . . . .
14-3 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Overvi ew Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Overview This chapt er descr ibes the fo llowing f eatures a nd how to config ure the m with the sw.
14-4 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Port-Based V irtual LANs (Static VLANs) VLAN Fe atur es A VLAN is a group of ports desig nated by the switch as belo nging to the sam e broad cast dom ain.
14-5 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP elimin ated an d bandwid th is saved by not allow ing packe ts to flood ou t all ports. An ex ternal router is re quired to e nable sepa rate VLAN s on a switch to comm unicate w ith each other .
14-6 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figur e 14- 2. Exam ple of Over lapp ing VL AN s Usin g the Sa me Ser ver Similarly , using 8 02.1Q-compli ant switche s, you can con nect mult iple VLANs through a sin gle switch-to-sw itch link.
14-7 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-4. Example of T ag ged a nd Untag ged VLAN T echnology i n.
14-8 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP to ensure that multip le instances o f DHCP or Boot p on di fferent VLANs d o not result in confli cting configu ration values f or the switch.
14-9 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-5. Compari ng Per -Port VLAN Options With and With out GVRP T a ble 14-1.
14-1 0 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Gene ral Steps f or Using VLANs 1. Plan yo ur VLAN strate gy and crea te a map of the logic al topology that will result fro m config uring V LANs.
14-1 1 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Menu: Configuring VLAN Parameters In the fac tory default st ate, supp ort is enable d for up to e ight VLA Ns. (Y ou can chan ge the switc h VLAN con figura tion to supp ort up to 30 VLANs.
14-1 2 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP ■ T o change the maxim um num ber of VLA Ns, type t he new number ( 1 - 30 allowe d; def ault 8).
14-1 3 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Addi ng or Edi ting VLAN Nam es Use this pr ocedure to add a new V LAN or t o edit the name of an existi ng VLAN . 1.
14-1 4 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-9. Example of VLAN Names Screen with a New VLAN Added 6. Repeat steps 2 th rough 5 to ad d mor e VLANs.
14-1 5 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-10. Example of VLAN Port Assignment Scree n 2. T o ch ange a port ’ s VLAN assignment(s): a. Press [E] (for E dit ).
14-1 6 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-11. Example of VLAN Assignments for Specific Ports For in form ation on VLAN tags ( “ Untagg ed ” an d “ T agg ed ” ), refer to “ VLAN T agging Inform ation ” on p age 14 -23.
14-1 7 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP VLAN Comman ds Used in this Sec tion Displaying the Switch ’ s VLAN Config uration. The next c omman d lists the V LANs cu rrently runni ng in t he swit ch, wi th VID , VLAN name, a nd VLA N status.
14-1 8 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Displayin g the Configur ation for a Particular VL AN . This co mmand uses the VI D to identify a nd display t he data for a specific stat ic or dynamic VLAN.
14-1 9 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Changing t he Numb er of VLANs A llowed on t he Switch . By defa ult, the swi tch allo ws a max imum of 8 VLANs. Y ou can specif y any value f rom 1 to 30.
14-2 0 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Creati ng a New St atic VL AN Changin g the VLAN Cont ext Leve l. W ith this comm and, ent ering a ne w VID creates a ne w static VLAN.
14-2 1 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Converting a Dynamic VLAN to a St atic VLAN. If GVRP is runnin g on the switc h and a p ort dyna mically joins a VLAN , you can use the next comman d to co nvert th e dy namic VLAN to a static VLAN.
14-2 2 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP (For in format ion on dynamic VLAN and GV RP oper ation, se e “ GVRP ” on page 14 -30.
14-2 3 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP 3. Clic k on [Add/Rem ove VLANs] . For web- based Help on how to use the web br owser inte rface scr een, click on the [?] button pro vided on t he web br owser scree n.
14-2 4 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-17. Example of T ag ged and Untagged VLAN Port Assi gnments ■ In swit ch X: • VLANs assigne d to ports X 1 - X6 can all be untagged be cause th ere is only one V LAN assign ment per p ort.
14-2 5 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Note Each 802.1Q-com pliant VLAN must ha ve its own uni que VID number , and that VLAN must be given the same VID in every device in w hich it is configured.
14-2 6 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Figure 14-19.
14-2 7 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP To s u m m a r i z e : Effect of VLANs on Other Sw itch Features Spanning T ree Protocol Operation with VLANs Becau se the Sw itch 41 08GL follow s the 8 02.
14-2 8 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP Port -Bas ed Vi rtual LANs (S tati c VLA Ns) Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP VLAN MAC Ad dresses The switch has one unique MA C address fo r each of its VLAN interfac es. Y ou can send an 802.
14-2 9 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P Port-Based Vi rtual LANs (S tatic VLANs) Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP VLAN Restri ctions ■ A port must be a mem ber of at le ast one VLA N. In the fac tory def ault config uration, a ll ports ar e assigned to the de fault VLA N (DEF AUL T_VLAN; VI D = 1).
14-3 0 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP GVRP GVRP — GARP VLAN Re gistrati on Protocol — is an applicat ion o f the Gene ric Attr ibute Re gistrat ion Prot ocol — GARP . GVRP is defined in the IEEE 80 2.
14-3 1 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP General Operation When GVR P is enab led on a switch , the VID for any static VLANs confi gured on the.
14-3 2 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP For ex ample, in the fo llowi ng figu re, T ag ged VLAN ports o n switch “ A ” and switch “ C ” ad vertis e VLA Ns 22 an d 33 to ports o n othe r GVRP-enab led switches that can dy namically join the VLANs.
14-3 3 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Note als o tha t a por t be longin g to a T ag ged or Un tagg ed st atic VLA N has thes e config urable op tions: ■ Send VL AN adve rtisem ents, and al so rec eive ad vertisemen ts for VL ANs on other ports and dyna mically join thos e VLANs.
14-3 4 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP T a ble 14-2. Options for Handling “ Unknown VLAN ” Ad vertisements: The CLI show gvrp command and the menu in terface V LAN Suppor t screen show a switch ’ s curren t GVRP confi guration, inc luding the Unknow n VLAN settings.
14-3 5 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Per -Port Options for Dynamic VLAN Advertisi ng and Joini ng Initia ting Adve rtisements. A s descr ibe d in the prec edi ng se cti on, t o enab le dynamic join s, GVRP must be ena bled and a port must be configure d to Lea rn (the default) .
14-3 6 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP As the prec eedin g table indic ates, whe n you en able GVR P , a port th at has a T agg ed o r Un tagg ed s tatic VLA N h as th e opt ion f or bo th gen erati ng adve rtise - ments an d dynamic ally joinin g other VLANs.
14-3 7 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Planni ng for GVRP Oper ation These st eps outlin e the pro cedure for setting up dynami c VLAN s for a seg- ment. 1. D ete rmine the V LAN topo logy y ou want for ea ch s egm ent (b roadc as t domai n) on yo ur netw ork.
14-3 8 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP 2. Switch Con figuratio n . . . 8. VLAN Menu . . . 1. VLAN Support Figure 14-23. The VLAN Support S creen (Def ault Conf igurati on) 2. Do t he followin g to enab le GVRP an d display the Unkno wn VLAN fields: a.
14-3 9 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP CLI: Vi ewing and Configuring GVRP GVRP Comma nds Used in Th is Secti on Displaying the Switch ’ s Curre nt GVRP Co nfiguratio n.
14-4 0 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Enabling and Disablin g GVRP on the Switc h. This command enabl es GVRP on th e swi tch .
14-4 1 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Displaying the Static and Dynamic VLANs Ac tive on the S witch.
14-4 2 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP Converting a Dynamic VLAN to a St atic VLAN. If a port on th e switch has joined a dynamic V LAN, .
14-4 3 Port-B ased Virtu al LANs (VLANs) and GVR P GVRP Port-Bas ed Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP ■ Conver ting a dyna mic VL AN to a stat ic VLA N and then e xecu ting th e write memory comman d saves t he VLAN in the star tup-config file an d makes it a pe rmanen t part of th e swit ch ’ s VLA N config uration .
14-4 4 Port -Bas ed Vir tual LANs (VL ANs ) and GV RP GVRP Port-Ba sed Virt ual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP.
15-1 Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) 15 Multim edia T raffic Co ntrol wit h IP Multic ast (IGMP) Chapter Contents Chapter Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 Overview .
15-2 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) Overv iew Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) Overview This chapt er descr ibes the fo llowing f eatures a nd how to.
15-3 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) Gener al O perat ion an d Featur es Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) General Operation and Features IGMP Feat ure.
15-4 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) Gener al Op erati on and Featur es Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) Note IGMP config uration o n the Swit ch 410 8GL opera tes at the VLAN contex t level. If you a re not u sing V LANs, the n config ure IGM P in VL AN 1 ( the de fault VL AN) cont ext.
15-5 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) Gener al O perat ion an d Featur es Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) IGMP Operati ng Featur es Basic Operation In the fact ory default conf igurati on, IGMP is disabled .
15-6 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) CLI: Conf igur ing an d Disp layi ng IGMP Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) ■ Querier C apabilit y: Th e swi tch perf orms th is func tion f or IG MP o n VLANs ha ving an IP ad dress when ther e is no othe r de vice i n the VL AN actin g as qu erier .
15-7 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) CLI : Confi gur ing an d Displa ying IGMP Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) V iewi ng the Curre nt IG MP Configurat ion. Thi s co mm and li st s th e IG MP config uration fo r all VL ANs config ured on t he switc h or for a spe cific VLA N.
15-8 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) CLI: Conf igur ing an d Disp layi ng IGMP Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) Figure 15-2. Example Listing of IGMP Config uration for A Specific VLAN Enabling or Disabling IGMP on a VLAN.
15-9 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) CLI : Confi gur ing an d Displa ying IGMP Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) Configuring Pe r -Port IGMP Packet Control. Use this co mmand in t he VLAN con text to spe cify how eac h port shou ld handle I GMP traf fic.
15-1 0 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) CLI: Conf igur ing an d Disp layi ng IGMP Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) HP41 08 (vlan 1)# no ip igmp Return s IGMP traf fic to high-priority-forward “ normal ” pr iority .
15-1 1 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) How IGMP Operates The Intern et Group Ma nagem ent Protoc ol (IGMP) is an interna l protocol of the In ternet Pro tocol (I P) suite.
15-1 2 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) Thus, IGMP ide ntifies me mbers of a multic ast group (w ithin a sub net) and allows IGMP-conf igured hosts (a nd rou ters) to joi n or lea ve mult icast g roups.
15-1 3 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) Automatic Fast-Leave IGMP IGMP Op eration Pr esents a "Del ayed Lea ve" Probl em.
15-1 4 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) In the n ext figur e, automa tic Fast-L eave oper ates on th.
15-1 5 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) Configuration Options for Forced Fast-Leave Note o n VLAN Nu.
15-1 6 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) - OR - walkmib The resultin g display list s the Force d Fast-Leave stat e for all p orts in the switch, by VLAN.
15-1 7 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multic ast (IGMP ) Figure 15-5.
15-1 8 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) How IGMP Operates Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) DEFAULT_CONFIG: setmib hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLe- aveState.
15-1 9 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) The Switch Excl udes Wel l-Kn own or Res erved Mult ica st Add res ses fr om IP Mul ticast Fi ltering Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with.
15-2 0 Multimed ia Tr affic Control w ith IP M ulticas t (IGM P) The Sw itch Excl udes Well-K nown or Reser ved Mul ticas t Addre sses from IP Multi cast Fil tering Multime dia Traffic Contr ol with I P Multica st (IGMP ) Note: IP Mult ica st F ilter s.
16-1 Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) 16 Spann ing T ree P rotoc ol (S TP) Chapter Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 Menu: Configuring STP . . . . . . . . . .
16-2 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) Overv iew Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) Overview STP Fe atu res Use the Spanni ng T re e Protocol (ST P — IEEE 8 02.1D) to ensure that only one active pa th at a time exists betwee n any two no des on the n etwork.
16-3 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) Overvi ew Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) As rec ommen ded in th e IEEE 802.1Q VLA N stand ard, the Switch 4 108GL us es single-inst ance STP . (As a result, the switch g enerates untagged Bridge Protocol Data Unit s — BPDUs.
16-4 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) Menu : Conf igu ring ST P Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) Menu: Configuring STP 1. From the M ain Men u, sel ec t: 2. Switch Con figuratio n . . . 4. Span ni ng T ree Op erat ion 2. Press [E] (for E dit ) to hi ghl ight th e Spanni ng T ree E nabled parame ter .
16-5 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) CLI: Confi gurin g STP Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) 7. When you are f inished editin g paramete rs, p ress [En t er] to re turn to the Actions line. 8. Press [S] to save the currently disp layed STP parame ter setti ngs, th en return to the Main Menu.
16-6 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) CLI: Conf igu rin g STP Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) Figure 16-2. Example of the De fault STP Configura tion Listing Enabling or Disabling STP . Enabling STP impleme nts t he span ning-tre e protoc ol for all physic al ports on the switch , regardl ess of whether multiple VLANs a re con figured .
16-7 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) CLI: Confi gurin g STP Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) Caut ion Because incorrect STP set tings ca n adversely affect netwo rk perf orma nce, HP reco mmends tha t you use the defau lt STP par ameter set tings. Y ou should not chang e these settings u nless yo u have a strong under standing of how STP oper ates.
16-8 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) CLI: Conf igu rin g STP Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) For exa mpl e, to co nfig ure a max imum -age of 30 sec onds an d a h ello-t ime of 3 seconds for STP: HP4108(config)# spanning-tree maximum-age 30 hello-time 3 Reconfigu ring Per -Port ST P Ope ration on the Switch.
16-9 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) Web : Enab ling or Di sab ling STP Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) W eb: Enablin g or Dis abling STP In the w eb brow ser int erface you c an enable or disabl e ST P on t he switch. T o config ure othe r STP feat ures, teln et to th e switch console and use th e CLI.
16-1 0 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) How ST P Ope rates Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) Figure 16-3. Example of Redun dant Paths Bet ween T wo Nodes STP Fast Mode For stan dard STP op eration , whe.
16-1 1 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) How ST P Oper ates Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP) If you en count er end n odes tha t repeat edly indi cat e server a ccess failu re whe n attempt ing to brin g.
16-1 2 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) How ST P Ope rates Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP) STP Operation with 802.1Q VLA Ns As recom mended in the IEEE 802.
16-1 3 Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol ( STP) How ST P Oper ates Spanni ng T ree Pr otocol (STP).
16-1 4 Span ning Tr ee Pro toco l (STP ) How ST P Ope rates Spanni ng Tree Pr otocol (STP).
17-1 Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration 17 Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2 Status and Counte rs Data .
17- 2 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Overv iew Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Overview The Switch 4 108GL has sev eral bui lt-in tools f or monito ring, anal yzing,.
17-3 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Status and Counter s Data This sectio n descr ibes the st atus an d count ers screen s avai lable thr ough the switch conso le interface and/ or the web b rowser inte rface.
17- 4 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Menu Access T o Status and Counters Beginni ng at the Ma in Men u, display the St atus an d Counte rs menu by se lect- ing: 1.
17-5 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Genera l Syst em Informa tion Menu Access From the c onsole M ain Menu, selec t: 1. St atus an d Counter s 1. General Sy stem Information Figure 17-2.
17- 6 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Switch Management Address Informatio n Menu Access Fro m the Main Me nu, se lect: 1 Statu s and Coun ters . . . 2. Switch Manage ment Address Information Figure 17-3.
17-7 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Module Information Use this feat ure to dete rmine whi ch slots have modules in stalled and w hich type(s) of modules are in stalled.
17- 8 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Port Status The web br owser int erfac e and th e console in terfa ce show the same port status dat a. Menu: Displaying Port S tatus Fro m the Main Me nu, se lect: 1.
17-9 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration V iewing Port and T runk Group Statisti cs and Flow Control Statu s These feat ures enable you to determ ine the traf fic patte rns for each port since the last re boot or re set of the switch.
17- 10 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Menu Access to Port and T runk Statistics T o a ccess this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Statu s and Co unters .
17- 11 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration CLI Access T o Port and T runk Group Sta tistics T o Display t he Port Co unter Summary Re port. This com mand provides an ov ervie w of por t act ivit y for al l port s on the sw itch.
17- 12 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on V iewing the Switch ’ s MAC Address T ables These fe atures h el.
17- 13 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Menu Access to the MAC Addr es s V iews and Searches Per - VLAN M AC-Addr ess V iewi ng and Sea rching .
17- 14 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Finding the Port C onnection f or a Spec ific Devic e on a VLAN. This featur e uses a device ’ s MAC address that you en ter to id entify th e port use d by th at devi ce .
17- 15 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Figure 17-10.List ing MAC Addresses for a Specific Port 2. Use the Spa ce bar to select the port you want to l ist or se arch fo r MA C addresses, then press [En ter] to list the MAC addre sses detect ed on that por t.
17- 16 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Correspond ing Port Number s.
17- 17 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Spanning T ree Protoco l (STP) Information Menu Access to STP Data Fro m the Main Me nu, se lect: 1. Statu s and Co unters .
17- 18 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Figure 17-12.Exa mple of STP Port Information CLI Access to STP Data This option list s the STP conf igurat ion, root dat a, and per -port data (cost, priority , state, and de signated br idge).
17- 19 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Internet Group Ma nagement Protocol (IGMP) Status The switch use s the CLI to display the fol lowing IGMP status on a per -VLAN basis: For ex ample , suppo se tha t show ip igmp listed a n IGMP group address of 224.
17- 20 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on VLAN Information The swi tch uses t he CLI to display the follow i.
17- 21 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Statu s and Coun ters Dat a Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Listing th e VLA N ID (VID) and Statu s for Sp ecific Po rts. Figure 17-15. Example of VLAN Listing for Specific Ports Listin g Ind ividual VLA N Status.
17- 22 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Stat us and Co unt ers Dat a Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on W eb Browser Interface Stat us Informatio n The “ home ” scre en for the we b brow ser interfac e is th e St atus Ove rview screen, as show n below .
17- 23 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Port M oni toring Feat ures Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Port Monitoring Features Port Moni toring Featu res Y ou can desi gnat e a po rt f or mo nitoring inco ming traf fic of o ne or more other ports on the switch.
17- 24 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Port Mon itori ng Featur es Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Menu: Configuring Port Monitori ng This proc edure de scribes co nfigurin g the swi tch for monit oring w hen moni- toring is disab led.
17- 25 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Port M oni toring Feat ures Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Figure 17-19. How T o Select a Monitoring Port 5.
17- 26 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Port Mon itori ng Featur es Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on Y ou must use th e follow ing conf igurat ion seque nce to con figure p ort m onitor- ing in the CLI : 1. As sign a monitorin g (mir ror) po rt.
17- 27 Mon itori ng and Ana lyzing Switch Operat ion Port M oni toring Feat ures Mon ito rin g and Analy zin g Switch Op eration Selecting o r Removing Por ts As Monitoring Sources.
17- 28 Monit ori ng a nd A nalyzi ng Swit ch Oper atio n Port Mon itori ng Featur es Monito ring and Anal yzing Sw itc h Oper ati on T o remove port mo nitoring : 1.
18-1 Trouble shootin g 18 T roublesh ooting Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 Troubleshooting Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18- 2 Trou bles hootin g Overv iew Troub leshooti ng Overview Thi s chap ter addr esse s pe rfor manc e-rel ated ne twor k pr oblem s th at ca n be caused by top ology , switch config uration , and the e ffects of o ther dev ices or their conf iguration s on switch oper ation.
18-3 Trou bles hootin g Troub les hooting Approach es Trouble shootin g T roubleshooti ng Approach es Use th ese ap proach es to diag nose swi tch pr oblems : ■ Check the HP Pr ocurve websit e for softw are up dates t hat m ay have so lved your p roblem : http: //www .
18- 4 Trou bles hootin g Brow ser or Te lnet Acce ss Pro blems Troub leshooti ng Browser or T elnet Access Problems Cannot a ccess the web brow ser inter face: ■ Acc ess may be disabled by the W eb A gen t Ena bled paramete r in the switc h consol e.
18-5 Trou bles hootin g Bro wser or Te lnet A ccess P roble ms Trouble shootin g Cannot T e lnet int o the switch consol e from a station on th e network: ■ T elnet ac cess may be dis abled by th e Inbou nd T e lnet En abled parameter in the Sy stem Infor mation sc reen of th e menu i nterfac e: 2.
18- 6 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Ac tivi ty Troub leshooti ng Unus ual Netwo rk Activi ty Netw ork ac tiv ity th at fa ils to meet accept ed nor ms may i ndica te a hardw are problem w ith one or mo re of the ne twork co mponent s, possibly includ ing the switch.
18-7 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Acti vit y Trouble shootin g This can also happen, f or exampl e, if the server is first c onfigur ed to is sue IP addresse s with an unlim ited duratio n, then is subsequentl y config ured to issue IP addresses that will exp ire after a limit ed duration .
18- 8 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Ac tivi ty Troub leshooti ng One or more CDP neigh bors app ear inte rmittent ly or no t at a ll in the switch ’ s CDP Neighbors t able. Th is m a y b e c a u s e d by m o r e t h a n 6 0 n e i g h - borin g devices sen ding CDP packets to the swi tch.
18-9 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Acti vit y Trouble shootin g Problems Relat ed to Spanning-T ree Protocol (S TP) Caut ion If yo u enable STP , it is recom mende d that you le ave t he rema inder of th e STP parame ter setting s at their de fault values u ntil yo u have ha d an opportun ity to eva luate STP pe rforma nce in your networ k.
18- 10 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Ac tivi ty Troub leshooti ng ■ If the ab ove met hod does not work, try elimin ating c onfigurat ion changes i n the swit ch that have not bee n saved to .
18- 11 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Acti vit y Trouble shootin g ■ The time q uota for t he acco unt has been exhau sted. ■ The time cre dit for the accoun t has expired . ■ The acc ess attemp t is outsi de of the timeframe allowed for the accoun t.
18- 12 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Ac tivi ty Troub leshooti ng ■ If the mon itor po rt is not a m ember of the sa m e VLAN as th e traffi c from the monito red port s, traffic from the monit ored ports doe s not go out the mo nito r po rt.
18- 13 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Acti vit y Trouble shootin g redunda nt links to anot her switc h. If the other device send s traffic over multiple VLA Ns, its MAC address will consistent ly appear in multiple VLANs on the switch p ort to which it is linked.
18- 14 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Ac tivi ty Troub leshooti ng ■ If the ab ove met hod does not work, try elimin ating c onfigurat ion changes i n the swit ch that have not bee n saved to .
18- 15 Trou bles hootin g Unus ual Net work Acti vit y Trouble shootin g ■ The time q uota for t he acco unt has been exhau sted. ■ The time cre dit for the accoun t has expired . ■ The acc ess attemp t is outsi de of the timeframe allowed for the accoun t.
18- 16 Trou bles hootin g Usin g the E vent L og To Id entif y Pr oble m Source s Troub leshooti ng Using the Event Log T o Identify Problem Sources The Event Log recor ds operating e vents as sin gle-line en tries listed in c hrono- logical order , and serv es as a tool for isola ting prob lems.
18- 17 Trou bles hootin g Using the Event Lo g To Identi fy Prob lem Sourc es Trouble shootin g T able 18-1. Event Log Sy stem Modules Menu: Entering and Navigating in the Event Log Fro m the Main Me nu, se lect Event Log .
18- 18 Trou bles hootin g Usin g the E vent L og To Id entif y Pr oble m Source s Troub leshooti ng The log status line at the b ottom of the displa y identi fies whe re in th e sequen ce of event messages the displ ay is currentl y positio ned.
18- 19 Trou bles hootin g Dia gnosti c Tool s Trouble shootin g Diagnostic T ools Diagnostic Fe atures Port Auto -Negotiati on When a link LE D does not light (indicat ing loss of link betw een two de vices), the m ost co mmon re aso n is a fa ilur e of po rt auto -ne goti ation betwe en the conne cti ng port s.
18- 20 Trou bles hootin g Diag nostic Too ls Troub leshooti ng Note T o respon d to a Pi ng test or a Link test, th e devic e you ar e trying t o reach must be IEE E 802.
18- 21 Trou bles hootin g Dia gnosti c Tool s Trouble shootin g W eb: E xecuting Ping or L ink T ests Figure 18-4. Link and Ping T est Screen on the Web Browse r Interface Successes indicates the numbe r of Ping or Link packets that successf ully compl ete d the m ost re cent test .
18- 22 Trou bles hootin g Diag nostic Too ls Troub leshooti ng Numb er of Pa ckets to Send is t he numb er of tim es you w ant the sw itch to attemp t to test a connectio n. T imeou t in Sec onds i s th e nu mber of s ec ond s to all ow p er a tte mp t to t est a connect i on befo re dete rmining that the curren t atte mpt has fai led.
18- 23 Trou bles hootin g Dia gnosti c Tool s Trouble shootin g Link T ests. Y ou can issu e single or mult iple link tests with var ying repititi ons and time out perio ds.
18- 24 Trou bles hootin g Diag nostic Too ls Troub leshooti ng Displaying th e Configuration File The complet e switch conf iguration is contained in a file that you can bro wse from ei ther the w eb browser interf ace or th e CLI. It m ay be us eful in so me troubles hooting sce narios to v iew the swi tch configur ation.
18- 25 Trou bles hootin g Dia gnosti c Tool s Trouble shootin g CLI Admin istrative and T roubles hooting Commands These c omman ds provide informat ion or p erform ac tions that you m ay find helpful in troublesh ooting op erating problems w ith the switch.
18- 26 Trou bles hootin g Restor ing the Fact ory-De faul t C onfig ura tion Troub leshooti ng Restoring the Factory-Default Configuration As part of y our troubl eshooting process, it ma y become necessary to return the switch configu ration to the facto ry defa ult settings.
18- 27 Trou bles hootin g Res torin g a Flas h Image Trouble shootin g Restoring a Flash I mage The switc h can lose it s op erat ing s yste m if ei th er th e prim ary or sec ondar y flash ima ge loc.
18- 28 Trou bles hootin g Rest orin g a Flash Im age Troub leshooti ng 4. Sin ce the OS file is larage, you can increase the speed of the download b y chan ging the switch con sole and termina l emula tor baud rates to a hi gh speed . F or exam ple: a.
18- 29 Trou bles hootin g Res torin g a Flas h Image Trouble shootin g Figure 18-7. E xample of Xmodem Dow nload in Progress 8. When the download completes, th e switch reboots from primar y flash using the OS image y ou downloa ded in the pre ceding steps, plus the most recent st artup-c onfig file .
18- 30 Trou bles hootin g Rest orin g a Flash Im age Troub leshooti ng.
A-1 File Transfe rs A File T ransfers Contents Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Dow nload ing an O per atin g Sys te m (OS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A-2 File T rans fers Overv iew File Transfers Overview Y ou can download new switch sof tware (o perati ng system — OS ) and up load or d ownload switch confi guratio n fil es. These features a re usefu l for acqui ring periodic switch soft ware up grad es and for sto ring or retrieving a switch config uration.
A-3 File T rans fers Downlo ading an Operati n g S ystem (OS) File Transfe rs Note Downloading a new OS does not chang e the curre nt switch c onfigur ation. The switch con figurati on is containe d in se parate file s that c an also be transfer red. See “ T ransf erring Swi tch Conf igurat ions ” on page A- 13.
A-4 File T rans fers Downl oading an Opera ting Sys tem (OS) File Transfers Menu: TF TP Dow nload from a Server to Primary Flash Note that the menu i nterfa ce accesses on ly the primar y flas h. 1. I n the consol e Main Menu, se lect Download OS to dis pla y th is scr een: Figure A-1.
A-5 File T rans fers Downlo ading an Operati n g S ystem (OS) File Transfe rs A “ prog ress ” bar i ndicate s the prog ress of the downl oad. When t he enti re OS file has been r eceived, all activ ity on the switc h halts and you w ill see V alid ating and writing sy st em software to FLASH.
A-6 File T rans fers Downl oading an Opera ting Sys tem (OS) File Transfers 1. Ex ecut e copy as shown below: Fig ure A -3. Ex am ple of t he Co mma nd to D own load an OS 2. When the switch fin ishes dow nloading th e OS file from the se rver , it displays t his progress messag e: V a lidating and Writin g Sy ste m Softwar e to FLASH .
A-7 File T rans fers Downlo ading an Operati n g S ystem (OS) File Transfe rs ■ The term inal e mulator you ar e using includes t he Xmod em bina ry tra nsfer feature. (For example, in the HyperT ermin al application included w ith W ind ows NT , you wou ld use the Sen d File option in the T ransfer dropdown menu.
A-8 File T rans fers Downl oading an Opera ting Sys tem (OS) File Transfers CLI: Xmodem Downl oad from a PC or Unix W orkstation to Primary or Second ary Flash Using Xmode m and a t erminal emul ator , yo u can d ownload an OS im age to eith er pri mar y or secon da ry fla sh.
A-9 File T rans fers Downlo ading an Operati n g S ystem (OS) File Transfe rs If you nee d informa tion on prim ary/sec ondary flash memo ry and th e boot comm ands , see “ Using Prim ary a nd Second ary F lash Im age O ptions ” on pa ge 5-11 .
A-10 File T rans fers Downl oading an Opera ting Sys tem (OS) File Transfers a. From the M ain Men u, sel ec t Status an d Counter s General Sy stem Information b.
A-11 File T rans fers Downlo ading an Operati n g S ystem (OS) File Transfe rs If you do not specify ei ther a pr imary or se condary flash loc ation for t he destin ation, t he download automa tically goes to pri mary flash . For exa mple , to downl oad an OS file f rom sec ondar y flash in a Sw itch 41 08GL with an IP addr ess of 10.
A-12 File T rans fers Trou bles hoot ing TFT P Down load s File Transfers T roublesho oting TF TP Downloa ds When using t he menu in terface, if a TF TP downloa d fails, the Downlo ad OS screen indicates the fa ilure.
A-13 File T rans fers Tran sferr ing S wit ch C onfigu rati ons File Transfe rs ■ For a Unix TF TP server , the file permissions for the OS file do not allow the fi le to be copied.
A-14 File T rans fers Tran sferr ing Switc h Confi gurations File Transfers TF TP: Copying a Configuration File to a Remote Host. Synta x: copy <star tup-confi g | runnin g-confi g> tftp < ip- addr > < rem ote -fil e > This comma nd copi es the switch ’ s startu p configu rat ion (startup- conf ig file) to a remote TF TP hos t.
A-15 File T rans fers Tran sferr ing S wit ch C onfigu rati ons File Transfe rs Xmodem: C opying a Configu ratio n File f rom a Serial ly Con nected PC or Unix W orkstation. T o us e this me thod, th e switch must be connecte d via the ser ial por t to a PC or Unix work station on w hich is stored the config uratio n file you want to co py .
A-16 File T rans fers Copy ing Di agno sti c Dat a to a Re mote Host , PC, or Unix W orks tat ion File Transfers Copying Diagnostic Data to a Remote Host, PC, or Unix W orkstation Y ou can use th e CL.
A-17 File T rans fers Copyin g Diagnos tic Dat a to a Remote Host, PC, or Unix Workstat ion File Transfe rs Copying Even t Log Output to a Destination Device This co mmand uses T F TP or Xm odem t o copy th e Event Log co ntent t o a PC or UNIX work station o n the netw ork.
A-18 File T rans fers Copy ing Di agno sti c Dat a to a Re mote Host , PC, or Unix W orks tat ion File Transfers Copying Cr ash Log Data Conten t to a Destination Device This comma nd us es TF TP or Xm odem to cop y the Crash Log co nten t to a PC or UNIX workst ation on the netwo rk.
B-1 MAC Address Ma nagement B MAC Address Management Contents Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Determi ning MAC Addr esses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-2 MAC Ad dres s Mana gemen t Determ ining MAC Addresses MAC Address M anageme nt Determining MAC Addresses MAC A ddres s Viewin g Met hod s ■ Use the menu interface to view th e swi tch ’ s base MAC address and the MAC addr ess assigned t o any non-de fault VLAN you have conf igured on the switch .
B-3 MAC A ddres s Manag ement Determin ing MA C Address es MAC Address Ma nagement Menu: V i ewing the Switc h ’ s MAC Addresses The Management Address I nformation screen lists the MAC addresses for: ■ Base switch (default VLA N; VID = 1) ■ Any addit ional VLA N s co nfig ured on the sw itch.
B-4 MAC Ad dres s Mana gemen t Determ ining MAC Addresses MAC Address M anageme nt CLI: V iewin g the Port and VLA N MAC Addr esses The MAC ad dres s as sign ed to ea ch swi tch port is us ed in tern ally by su ch feature s as Flow Con trol and th e Spanning T ree Proto col.
B-5 MAC A ddres s Manag ement Determin ing MA C Address es MAC Address Ma nagement Figure B-2. Example of Port MAC Address Assignments ifP hy s Addre ss.22 6 & 2 37 M AC A ddres ses fo r non-defau lt VLAN s. ifPhy sAddress .1 - 6: Ports A1 - A6 in Slot 1 (Addresses 7 - 24 in s lot 1 and 25 - 48 in slo t 2 are unused .
B-6 MAC Ad dres s Mana gemen t Determ ining MAC Addresses MAC Address M anageme nt.
C-1 Daylight Savings Time on HP Pro curve Swit ches C Daylight Savings T ime on HP Procur ve Switches This information a pplies to the follow ing HP Procurve sw itches: HP Proc urve sw itches prov ide a wa y to automa tically adjust the sy stem c lock for Daylig ht Savi ngs T ime (DS T) chang es.
C-2 Daylig ht Savi ngs Ti me on HP Procurve Sw itche s Day light Savin gs Tim e on HP Pro curve Sw itches Middl e Europe a nd Portug al: • Begin DST at 2am t he firs t Sunday on or after March 25 th. • End DST a t 2am the f irst Sunda y on or after Sep tember 24 th.
C-3 Day light Saving s Time on HP Pro curv e Swit che s Daylight Savings Time on HP Pro curve Swit ches Before c onfiguring a "User defined" Day light T im e Rule, it is impor tant to under stand how t he switch treat s the ent ries.
Index – 1 Index Index Symbols => prompt … 18 -27 Numerics 802.1Q V LAN s tanda rd … 16-3 802.3u auto n egotiat ion standa rd … 11-3 A A.09 .
2 – Index Index conf iguratio n, viewing … 12-19 effect o f spanning tree … 12-23 gene ral ope ratio n … 12-1 3 hold ti me … 12-2 3 IP ad dress in outbound pa cket … 12 -24 mib obj ects .
Inde x – 3 Index SNMP -ba sed … A-11 switch -to-switch … A-9 trouble shooting … A-12 Xmodem … A- 6 downl oad OS … A-9 downlo ad, TFT P … A-3 – A-4 dupli cate IP addres s effect on a ut.
4 – Index Index H Help … 2-11 , 4-1 4 Help line, about … 2-9 Help line , locatio n on scre ens … 2-9 help, o n line i noperable … 4-14 HP ProCurve support U RL … 4-14 HP prop rietar y MIB .
Inde x – 5 Index STP … 11-28 VLANs … 11-28 LACP, with CDP … 12-27 learn ing brid ge … 7-2 leave g rou p See IGMP legacy VLA N … 14-6 limit, broadca st … 11-9 link spee d, port trunk … .
6 – Index Index if yo u lose the password … 4-12, 9- 6 incorrect … 9-5 length … 9- 5 lost … 4-12 mana ger … 4-9 ope rato r … 4-9 set … 2-7 setting … 4-10, 9-5 using to access b rowse.
Inde x – 7 Index quick start … iii, 7-4 R reboo t … 2-8, 2- 10, 2 -12 , 14-36 reboo t, actions causing … 5-3 reco nfigure … 2-10 redun dant path … 16 -2, 16- 9 spanning tre e … 16-3 repo.
8 – Index Index stacki ng benefits … 13 -4 – 13-5 mini mum softwa re version, oth er HP switch es … 13-10 prim ary … 13-47 standa rd MIB … 12-3 start ing a cons ole sess ion … 2-4 stat i.
Inde x – 9 Index selec ting … 8-3 vie wing an d configuri ng, m enu … 8-14 viewi ng, CL I … 8-16 times ync, disa bli ng … 8-19 Time -To-Live … 7 -3, 7-5 top talke r … 11-30 TopTools … .
10 – I ndex Index maximu m, GVR P … 14-42 monit ori ng … 17-2 multiple … 12-2 multiple VLANs on port … 14-25 notes on using … 14-10 number all owed, in cluding dyn amic … 14-14 OS dow nl.
Index – 11 Index write m emory, ef fect on menu interf ace … 2-13 X Xmodem OS dow nload … A- 6.
T echnical inf orma tion in this doc ument is subj ect to c hange wit hout no tice . ©Cop yr ight Hew lett-P ac kar d Compan y 2001. All r ight r eserv ed. Rep r oductio n, ada ptatio n, or tr anslation with out pr ior wr it ten per mission is prohib ited ex cept as allo wed un der the cop yr ight law s.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP 4108GL (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP 4108GL heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP 4108GL vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP 4108GL leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP 4108GL krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP 4108GL bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP 4108GL kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP 4108GL . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.