Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product B9100 van de fabrikant HP
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HP Photo smar t Pr o B9100 s er i e s Us er Guide.
Copyrights and trademar ks © 2006 Hewlett-Packar d Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packar d Company notices The information con tained in this document is su bject to change without notice.
Contents 1W e l c o m e . ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... 3 Find more information ... ............. ........... ............. ............. ........... ............
Printer hardware problems ...................................................................................46 Printing problems ........ ............ ............ ............. ............ ............ ............. ............. ...47 Error messages .
1 Welcome Thank you for purcha sing an HP Photosmart Pro B9100 series printer. Designed especi ally for professional and serious amateur p hotographers, th is printer provides the followin g advanced .
– Order supplies – Start HP Photosmart Premier software After you ha ve installed the HP Ph otosma rt pri nter software on a computer, open and explore the H P Solution C enter. Windows : Right -click the HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon on the W indows taskbar, and then click Launch/Show HP Solution Cen ter .
Back of printer 1 USB port : Use this port to connect the printer to a computer. 2 Ethernet port : Use this port to connect the p rinter to a network. 3 Rear door : Remove this door to clear pape r jams.
Paper trays 1 Main tray : Place a stack of photo paper, plain paper, or other non-rigid media in this tray for printing. Load the media in portrait orientation and with the side to be printed facing down . Squeeze the main tray release to lengthen or shorten the main tray, depending on the size of paper you are loading.
Main tray 1 Paper-width gu ide : Adjust this guide to fit close to the left edge of the p aper in the tray by pressing the button on the front of the guide and sliding the guide across. 2 Paper-size markings : Refer to these markin gs to guide you for loading paper in the cor rect orientation.
Contro l panel 1 Printer screen : Use this screen to view menus and messag es. 2 Menu : Press to view the printer menu. 3 Previous : Press to navigate to a previous menu option. 4 OK : Press to select a menu option or respond to a prompt on the printer screen.
● Network settings : – Show IP address : Sel ect this option to view the printer IP a ddress (a numeric address that ide ntifies the print er on a networ k). – Print network settings page : Select this op tion to print a network configuration page that you can use to trouble shoot network con nections or for the initial network setup.
Chapter 1 10 HP Photosmart Pro B9100 se ri es printer.
2 Basic printing This section co ntains the following topics: ● Media trays ● Load the mai n tray ● Load the specialt y media tray ● Choose the right paper or other medi a ● Tips ● Print f.
Media Ma in tray Special ty media tr ay Examples: Canvas; Photo Rag; Watercol or paper Rigid Media Examples: Phot o board Not supported Recommended Any medi a thicker than 1.5 mm Not supported Not supported Note You do not need to remove media from the ma in tray before you use the specialty media tray.
If you extended or removed th e main tray to load paper, push in the main tr ay to the end of the pap er by squeezing the release and pushi ng in the tray, and push th e tray back into the pri nter until it is fully seated.
For informatio n on loading c anvas media, see To load canvas in the specia lty media tray . For all other types of media, see To load the sp ecialty media tray . Note You do not need to remove media from the ma in tray before you use the specialty media tray.
Align the ri ght edge of the media against the raised edge of the tray and not against the side of the pri n te r. Misaligned m edia can result in skew ing or other p rinting problems, includin g paper jams. Tip If the med ia is curled, you can open the t o p door to check that the media feeds under the rollers smoothly.
2. Pull out the out put tray extension by holding t he output tray with on e hand and pu lling out the ex tension with you r other hand. Flip up the pape r catch at the en d of the output tray exte nsion to prevent paper from falling onto the fl oor. 3.
b. Feed the me dia into the printer unti l the back edge of the media (th e edge nearest you) i s l ined up with th e dashed white line on t he tray. For la rge sizes of media, the media will project through the rear pape r slot at the back of the printer.
Note Store media in a plastic bag to prevent curlin g. 5. Press OK on the printer. Note When you print on certain types of med ia, the printer doe s not fully ejec t the media from the p rinter. Grasp the m edia with both hands and pu ll it from t he front of the pr inter.
Supported sizes Both trays support paper sizes ranging from 7.6 x 12. 7 cm to 32 x 48 cm (3 x 5 inches to 13 x 19 inches), i ncluding: Metric ● 10 x 15 cm (wit h or witho ut tab) ● Panorama 10 x 3.
Envelopes ● Envelope No. 10 ● A2 envelope ● C6 envelope ● DL envelope Warning Do not load media thicke r than 1.5 mm, as it can damage the printer.
To print from a software pr ogram (Windows) 1. Make sure you have paper loaded corre ctly. 2. On t he File menu in your soft ware progra m, click Print . 3. Select the H P Photosmart Pro B9100 se ries as the printer. If you have already set the HP Phot osmart Pro B9100 seri es as the default printer, you can skip this step.
Change the p rint speed or quality To change the prin t speed or qualit y (Windows) 1. Open t he Printer Properties dialog box. 2. Cli ck the Features ta b.
4. In t he Paper Type pop -up menu, click t he appropriat e paper type. 5. Choose any oth er print settings tha t you want, an d then click Print . Print in grayscale You can print documents or ph otos in grayscale for dram atic black and white photos.
3. In t he Presets pop-up menu, choose Save as . 4. Type th e name of your new pr eset, and then click OK . Optimize print qualit y for slow computers The HP Phot osmart Pro B9180 pri nter is capable of pri nting large imag es at high resolution. The a ssociated fi les for such images a re necessarily very large.
3 Color management This section co ntains the following topics: ● What is color m anagement? ● Use the HP Ph otosmart Pro print plug-in for Adobe Photoshop® ● Use applic ation-ba sed color mana.
Choose a col or managemen t strategy Use the HP Photosmart Pro print plug-i n for Adobe Photoshop® . Use appli cation-based color mana gement . Use printer-based col or managemen t .
Start the HP Photosmart Pro pr int plug-in To start the plug-in 1. Open an im age in Adobe Photoshop . 2. Select F ile , point to Automate , and then cl ick Photosmart Pro print... . The prin t preview area in the plug-in di alog box displa ys the current image in a scal ed size in its true aspect ratio.
convert colors betwee n each device's color spa ce. The HP Phot osmart Pro B9100 series software insta llation installs H P ICC profil es automatica lly for the prin ter. ● Calibrating the monitor : Monitors exhibit a color degradation over time that can interfere with producing prof essional quali ty printed photo graphy.
Mac users a. Choose Paper Ty pe/Quality in the Print di alog box. b. Choose Application Man aged Colors from the Co lor pop-up me nu. c. Select an appropriat e paper type from t h e Paper pop-up menu .
Setting When to us e it Tip Do not use this mode if yo u are also using I CC profiles and your software progra m to manage color. This can decrease the color fidelity si nce the colors are converted twice—f i rst by the software progra m and then by the printer.
c. Select a color space fro m the Color Management dro p-down list: – Colorsma rt/sRGB (default) – AdobeRGB Select the same color spa ce you selected as an RGB w orking space in the Adobe Photoshop Color Settings dialo g box. d. Cli ck the Features tab, select the desired p aper type f rom the Pa per Type drop- down list, a nd then click OK .
Chapter 3 32 HP Photosmart Pro B9100 se ri es printer.
4 Care and maintenance This section co ntains the following topics: ● Leave the pri nter on ● Replace the ink cartridges ● Replac e faulty printhea ds ● Clean the print er ● Align and ca lib.
Check the ink levels To check the ink le vels from the pr inter 1. Press Menu on the prin ter. 2. Press until you see Show ink level percenta ge on the printer scree n. 3. Press OK . 4. Press to see th e percentage of i n k rema ining in each in k cartridge.
If you are replacing i nk cartridges, check tha t you are using the correct cartridges. To replace the ink cartridges 1. Open t he ink cartridge doo r by pressing the raised bu mps at the top of the d oor until the door clicks open. 2. Remove the ink cartridges that need t o be replaced.
Note All eight cartridg es and four printheads must be correctly installe d for the printer to work. If this is the first time you are install ing the ink ca rtridges and printheads, see th e Quick Start guide for info rmation on the initial set up of ink cartridges an d printheads.
To replace printheads 1. Open t he top door. 2. Press and hold OK until the pri nthead assembly mo ves to the left side of th e printer and stops. 3. Raise th e blue printhead assembl y cover. Before you begin, no tice the met al bar that holds down the cover.
7. Remove and discard the orange protective cove rs from the printh ead. Do not touch the gold-col ored contacts o n the printhea d. 8. Open th e pre-moistened swab included i n sid e the printhea d package. 9. Wipe the pri nthead nozzl es with the foam t ip of the swab.
11. Lower the open p rinthead assembly cover so that it clips under the metal ba r, and then fold the cove r back down to its o riginal posi tion. 12. Close th e top door. The printer automatic ally performs printhead ali gnment and color calibrat ion.
Do not clean inside the pr inter Clean the pr intheads auto matically If you notice whi te lines or single-color strea ks on the photos you print, t he printheads might need t o be cleaned. To clean the printh eads automatically 1. Press Menu on the prin ter control panel.
To clean the printh ead nozzles 1. Gather the following items to clean t he nozzles on the p rintheads: – Distilled water (tap w ater might contai n contaminant s that can damage the in k cartridge) . – Cotton swabs or other soft, lint-free ma terial that will no t stick to the ink cartridge.
and then click OK to perf orm the alignment and cali bration. Fo r information about alignment an d calibration, see Align and calibrate the print er . Note If a message ap pears on the print er screen directing you t o replace a printhead, call HP supp ort.
Note The ink le vels shown on the test page are an estimate only. Actual ink volumes may vary. Print a sample page You can print a sample page to verify that the printer can succe ssfully print a photo.
3. Choose Hewlett- Packard , point to Photosmart , and then click HP Photosmart Update . 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to check for softw are updates. If you are behin d a f i re wall, you need to enter the proxy se rver informati on in the updater.
5 Troubleshooting The printer is designed to b e reliable and easy to use, but if you h a ve any problems, refer to this section f or possible solution s.
The Found New Hardw are Wizard opens but doesn’t recognize the prin ter (Windows only ) Cause You might have connected the USB cable before com pleting the softw are installatio n. Solution Disconnect the USB cabl e and restart the softw are installation.
The Attention light flashed ambe r brie fly after I turned the printer off Solution This is a normal p art of the power-do wn process; it does not indicate a problem with the printer. The printer is plugge d in but wil l not turn on Solution ● The printer might have drawn too m uch power.
try reducing the number of sheets in the main tray to 20 sheets, or use the specialty me dia tray to prin t on one shee t at a time. ● Remove the main tray fro m the printer and check th at the paper stack i s lying flat in the t ray, and has not been pushed up over t he paper stops.
Colors are not p r in ting satisfacto rily Solution ● A cartridg e is out of ink. Repl ace it. ● Some of the ink n ozzles on the printheads are clogged. Clean the pr intheads. See Clean the print heads automatically . ● The color manageme nt settings of t he printer migh t not be set prope rly.
Print qua lity is poor Solution ● Use photo paper de signed for the p rinter. For best results, use HP Advanced Photo Paper. ● You migh t be printing on the wron g side of the pape r. Make sure the pape r is loaded in the ma in t ray with the side to be printed facing down or in the specialty medi a tray with the side to be printed f acing up .
Paper errors Before contactin g HP support, read this section for troubleshoot ing tips or go to the onl ine support services a t . The name of HP support se rvices may vary by country/region.
Error mess age: Automatic pap er sensor failed. Solution The automatic pa per sensor is obstructed or damag ed. Try moving the printer out of direct sunlight, an d then press OK and try prin ting again. If this does not work, go to or contact HP support.
Error mess age: Non-optim al alignm ent. To realign – select Align p rintheads. Press OK to c ontinue. Solution Printhead ali gnment wa s unsuccessful . Select Align pr intheads , and then press OK to perform t he printhead alignme nt again. For best result s, make sure you have loade d HP Advance d Photo Paper - Gloss y .
Error mes sage: Replace the following ink cart ridge(s) soon —OR— The ink in the following in k cartridge(s) is n e a ring its expirati on date —OR— The o riginal HP in k in the following ink cartridge (s) has been depl eted. Solution Press OK to contin ue, or replace the speci fied cartridge(s).
proxy IP address, access t he embedded web se rver to set the pro x y server settings. See Use the embedd ed web server . HP Photosmart Pro B9100 series User Guide 55.
Chapter 5 56 HP Photosmart Pro B9100 se ri es printer.
6 HP support ● Support process ● HP support b y phone ● Additional wa rranty optio n s Support process If you have a probl em, follow these s teps: 1. Check the d ocumentation that came w ith the HP Photosmart pri nter. 2. Visit the HP on line support Web sit e at www.
● Messages that appear when th e situation occurs ● Answers to these qu estions: – Has this sit uation happened be fore? – Can you re-create it? – Did you add any new ha rdware or software t.
A Networking The instructions in this section describe how to in stall the printer in an ethernet (wired) network. A wired setup allows the printer to communicate with computers through a router, hub, or switch. Broadband Internet access is required in order to take full advantage of the printer feature set.
1 Cable or DSL modem conne cting the networked devices to broadb and Internet access 2 A network access point (hub, switch, or route r) in to which all the devices are connected through ethernet cables Networked devices connect to each other through a central device.
Ethernet network wit h Internet access by dial-up modem The computers and printer communicate with eac h other, forming a simple network, through a hub. One of the computers has access to the Inter net through a modem and dial-up account. No ne of the other networked devices, including the pr in ter, has direct access to the Internet.
After you finish connecting the printer to the netwo rk, install the printer software. You cannot print from a computer until you do the software installa tion.
e. In the Confirm Settings screen, click Next . f. Follow the onscr een instructions. 5. When prompted, click Finish to exit the in stallation. Install the printer software on a Mac Note Set up the printer as indicated in the Quick Start guide that came in the box.
10. Select Rendezvous or Bonjour from the pull-down menu. 11. Select the printer from the list, and then click Add . Use the embedded web server The embedded web server in the printer provide s a simple way to manage the networked printer.
B Specifications This section lists the minimum system requirem ents for installing the HP Photosmart printer software, and provides select ed prin t er specifications.
Printer specifications Category Specifications Connectivity USB 2.0 High speed Ethernet 802.3 Dimensio ns Weight : 17.1 kg (37.7 lbs) Height : 235 mm (9.
Category Specifications 8 x 10 inches, 11 x 14 inches, 11 x 17 inches, 12 x 12 inches, 13 x 19 inches U.S. : Letter, Legal, Executive, Tabloid Japan : L, 2L, Hagaki, Ofuku Hag aki Envelopes : Envelope No.
Category Specifications Power cord model number 8121-0740 (North America) 8121-0731 (Europe (e xcept countries/regions listed below), Korea) 8121-0731 + 8121-0733 (D enmark, Sweden Norway, Finland) 81.
C HP Warranty HP Photosmart Pro B9100 series User Guide 69.
Appendix C 70 HP Photosmart Pro B9100 se ri es printer.
Index A after the support period 58 aligning printheads. See calibrating the printer alignment page 42 attention light 8 B buttons 8 C calibrating the printer 42 calling HP support 57 care and maintenance 33 cartridges.
trays, paper 4 troubleshooting error messages 50 flashing lights 46 printer hardware problems 46 printing problems 47 software installatio n 45 U USB specifications 66 USB port 5 72 HP Photosmart Pro .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP B9100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP B9100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP B9100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP B9100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP B9100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP B9100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP B9100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP B9100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.