Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product dw6000 van de fabrikant Hughes
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1034405- 0001 Re vision A October 8, 2003 User Guide D W6000 High-Spe ed Internet Modem (International V er sion).
Copyrigh t © 2003 Hughes Network Systems, Inc., a wholly owne d subsidiary of Hugh es Electr onics Corpora tion All rights re served. This publication and its contents are propr ietar y to Hughes Network Systems, Inc., a wholly o wned subsidiar y of Hughes Electronics Cor poration.
iii Declara tion of Conformity Standards to which Conformity is declared: F CC Part 15 This device complies wi th par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is subject to the fol lowing two conditions: (1).
iv If trouble is experienced with the T wo-W ay DIRECW A Y System equipment, for repair or warranty inf or mation, please contact DIRECW A Y T ech nical Suppor t Address: 11717 Exploration Lane, Germantown, MD 20876 Web: http://www .
Contents vii Contents Chapter 1: DW6000 installation and components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Contact inf ormation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 System re quirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Contents.
DW6000 instal lation a nd co mponen ts 1 DW6000 installation and components 1 Congratul ations on your purc hase of a DIRECW A Y ® D W6000! Af ter your unit has been professi onally i nstalled, y ou will be able to click on a bro wser an d surf the In terne t.
2 DW6000 i nstallati on and co mponen ts D W6000 components Relocat ing t he DW6000 Y our D IREC W A Y Sys tem wa s co mple tely a sse mble d by th e prof ess ional instal ler . Should you ne ed to mo ve the D W 6000 to a nother locat ion, you w ould not ha ve to disas semble it.
DW6000 instal lation a nd co mponen ts 3 Operating considerations W ARNIN G • Do not insert objects throug h the vents. • Inserting objects through the vents ma y result in sev ere personal injury or death due to electric shoc k. • In addition, inserting objects thr ough the vents may damage t he D W6000.
4 DW6000 i nstallati on and co mponen ts Pr ofessi onal installat ion or service requirement Prof essional ins tallation a nd servi ce of the tw o-way antenna assembly is re quire d by the F ederal Communica tions Commissi on because t he antenna transmit s radio fr equency (RF) energ y .
DW6000 instal lation a nd co mponen ts 5 Ho w the D W6000 wo r k s Figure 1 sho ws ho w the D W6000 all ows you to connect multiple c omputers to the Int ernet via sa tellit e signals.
6 DW6000 i nstallati on and co mponen ts.
The DIRE CWAY Sys tem Contr ol Cent er 7 The DIRECWAY System Control Center 2 The D W 6000 has an inter nal W eb serv er that s upports t he DIRECW A Y Syst em Control Center . The Syst em Control Center can b e accesse d from an y computer connecte d to a D W6000 via a W eb bro wser b y going to www .
8 The DIRE CWAY Syst em Contr ol Center Ho w to access t he System Contr ol Center The S ystem Con trol C ente r is a ccess ed t hrou gh any br owser , suc h as I ntern et Explorer or Netscape. A s hortcut to t he System Con trol Center s hould ha ve been pla ced on your d esktop dur ing install ation.
The DIRE CWAY Sys tem Contr ol Cent er 9 • System Sta tus repor ts on signal strengt h and transm it, recei v e, softw are do wnload, commis sion, and TCP acce lerati on status. If the indicat or is colored RED there is a p roblem with s atelli te connecti vity .
10 The DIRE CWAY Syst em Contr ol Center System Status The System Status screen displa ys the f ields de scribed b elo w . • Signal S trength - recei ve s ignal stre ngth. A v alue of 30 o r less indi cates an appropri ate sign al is not bei ng recei v ed.
The DIRE CWAY Sys tem Contr ol Cent er 11 Reception Inf o The Reception Info screen displays the fi elds desc ribed bel ow . • Rece iv e Status - report s the sta tus of the r ecei ve data path. Clicking on th e blue st atus messag e displays co rrespondi ng help in formation .
12 The DIRE CWAY Syst em Contr ol Center T ransmissi on Info The T ran smission Info screen disp lays the f ields describ ed belo w . • T ransmit Stat us - reports the status of the transmit data pa th. Clicking on t he blue st atus messag e displays co rrespondi ng help in formation .
The DIRE CWAY Sys tem Contr ol Cent er 13 System Inf ormation The System Information screen d isplays a num ber of f ields . While al l the informat ion may be u seful at some time, the most import ant is di scussed belo w . Note: Print the System Information screen and sa ve it.
14 The DIRE CWAY Syst em Contr ol Center The Connectivity T est Link The Connect i vity T est link is use d to test the D W6000’ s conne ctiv ity to th e NOC. Y ou may lose con necti vity to a part icular serv er on the Inte rnet ser ver du e to the Interne t or the satelli te netw ork being heav ily loa ded, or du e to that serv er being do wn.
DW6000 LE Ds Operati on 15 DW6000 LEDs Operation 3 The D W 6000 LEDs pro vide i nformation a bout operati ng status. Thi s chapter descri bes the LEDs’ appearance du ring normal D W6000 operati on. If the LEDs ar e not functi oning as describ ed in this cha pter , refer to Chapter 5 – D W 6000 T r oubleshooti ng, on pa ge 25.
16 DW6000 LE Ds Operat ion D W6000 LED operation This sect ion describ es the LEDs’ appear ance durin g typical D W6000 oper ation. Refe r to Fi gure 1 1 for t he LE D’ s loc ation s. Normal ope ration When the D W 6000 is po wered on and tr ansmitti ng or recei ving data: • The LAN LED is on.
DW6000 LE Ds Operati on 17 Figure 11: D W6000 LE Ds operation G - xxxx 10/31/02 USB/LAN LED Solid blue = LAN is connected and usable Flashing blue = there is transmit or receive activity on the LAN Power LED Solid blue Blinking = running fallback.
18 DW6000 LE Ds Operat ion.
Configur ing E- mail 19 Configuring E-mail 4 T o acti v ate the e- mail acco unts prov ided in you r servic e agreement , go to myDIRECW A Y .com. If yo u purchased your DIRECW A Y System throu gh one of our V alue Added Reseller s (V ARs), pl ease cont act your serv ice pro vider t o establ ish your e- mail account s.
20 Config uring E-mail 4. E nter y our full name in Display Name and sele ct Next . The E-Mail Inter net Addres s windo w appea rs. See Figure 14. 5. E nter y our fu ll e-m ail ad dres s in E-m ail addres s (fo r exampl e, username@di recway .com) a nd select Ne xt.
Configur ing E- mail 21 8. Enter t he address of your outgoi ng mail serv er in t he Out going mail ser ver fi e l d . • If your e-mail account is with DIRECW A Y , enter . • If your e-mail is through some other servi ce, check wi th your e-mai l pro vider for th e type or a ddress of your mail serv er .
22 Config uring E-mail Microsoft Outlook 2000 1. Go to Sta r t → Prog rams → Mi crosoft O utlook . 2. Select on T ools f rom t he Ou tloo k Ex pre ss pr ogra m me nu an d sel ect Accoun ts. The Intern et Accou nt menu appears. 3. Select Add a nd select Mail .
Configur ing E- mail 23 . If you ar e using some other servi ce, check with your e-mail pro vider f or the URL of your SMTP e-mail s erver . c. Logi n I nform atio n – User Na me: mail ser ver login nam e. – P assword: pa ssword f or user name l ogin.
24 Config uring E-mail 12. Ensure Nev er is sel ected fo r Use Secure Sock et La y er (SSL) o r TLS f or Out going mess age . 13. Sel ect Edit to d ispla y the M ail S er ver Proper ti es windo w . If no server( s) is present , select Add to cre ate a mail serv er .
DW6000 T rouble shooting 25 DW6000 Troubleshooting 5 The D W 6000 Syste m Control Cent er and LEDs p rovid e informatio n about operati ng statu s. This chapter prov ides a troubl eshooti ng guide to typical problems. Remember that the illust rations ar e exampl es only .
26 DW6000 T roublesho oting Cannot surf b ut can access Contr ol Center If you ca nnot surf the Interne t b ut can acce ss the Contro l Center , follo w the trouble shooting proc edures be low . Remember that an y probl em may be caused by mor e than one t hing.
DW6000 T rouble shooting 27 Chec k rece ive signal The D W 6000 wi ll not funct ion if sa tellite s ignals ar e not rec eiv ed prope rly . 1. At the Control Center , click on the Reception Inf o indicat or . The Receptio n Info scr een appea rs. See Figure 18.
28 DW6000 T roublesho oting If th e Tx C ode is Transmitter available for Normal Op eration (TxCode 8) the D W600 0 is tran smitting sig nals properl y . Proceed t o the next trouble shooting ste p. If an y other Tx Code appears, t he D W6000 is not transmit ting signal s properl y .
DW6000 T rouble shooting 29 Figure 20 : S ystem S tatus, TCP Accel eration Sta tus.
30 DW6000 T roublesho oting Chec k Ne tw ork Operations Center (NOC) connectivity Use the Conn ectivity T est link to chec k connecti vity to the DIRECW A Y Networ k Operations Cen ter (NOC). Note: Y ou may w ant to open a second bro wser windo w to be able to access the help page while conductin g the Connectivity T est.
DW6000 T rouble shooting 31 Figure 21: Connecti vity T est Figure 22: Successful ping Figure 23: F ailed ping.
32 DW6000 T roublesho oting Internet Connectivity Sometimes t he Internet or Internet site is e xperienc ing proble ms. T ry pinging the DIRECW A Y W eb serv er (www .direcw ay .com) inst ead of the W eb serv er or site yo u could not conn ect to. Note: The DIRECW A Y Internet serve r may not be accessi ble or may not resp ond.
DW6000 T rouble shooting 33 Cannot access the Contr ol C enter If you ca nnot access t he Control Center , you can stil l get informa tion from the D W6000 LEDs th at can ena ble you to restore conn ecti vity . Follo w the trouble shooting proc edures be low .
34 DW6000 T roublesho oting Chec k the P owe r LED Check the Po wer LED. If i t is lit, proceed to the ne xt troubles hooting s tep. If it is not lit, p erform the f ollowing step s. 1. Power c ycle th e D W6000 b y unplugging t he po wer cord from the po wer strip o r surge protector , waiting 10 seconds, a nd plugging it back in.
DW6000 T rouble shooting 35 a. In W indo ws 2000, for ex ample, righ t-click My Computer on the des ktop and choose Proper ties → Hardware → De vice Manag er . A scr een appear s listi ng all the de vices inst alled on th e computer . b . If the NIC is not prope rly install ed, a red X will appear next to its listing.
36 DW6000 T roublesho oting 3. If the System Cont rol Center i s still no t av ailable, try p inging the D W6000 by entering ping 192.168. 0.1 at a DOS command line. If ping does not w ork, po wer cy cle the D W6000 by unplu gging it fro m the po wer stri p or sur ge protec tor , w aiting 10 sec onds, and pl ugging it bac k in.
DW6000 T rouble shooting 37 Problem: Sy stem LED not lit If the System LED is not o n, but the T rans mit and Recei ve LEDs are o n, there may be a pr oblem at th e NOC. T ak e the follo wing steps. • W ait a whil e. If ther e is a problem at the NOC, it will soon be correct ed and the S ystem LED will c ome on.
38 DW6000 T roublesho oting The pedestal base F ollow t he instr uctions bel ow t o place the D W6000 in the pedest al base, or remove it fro m the base . Y ou do not ha ve to use th e pedestal. Y ou can place the D W6000 in a hori zontal positi on if you pref er .
DW6000 T rouble shooting 39 Figure 26 : D W60 00 guides Figure 27 : T wo fron t guide s Figure 28: P edestal base c lip Curved ridges T wo fron t guides Clip.
40 DW6000 T roublesho oting.
Fre quently a sked qu estions 41 Frequently asked questions 6 1. What are the causes of i nterf erence in the oper ation of my system? The DIRECW A Y ® syste m operates in t he Ku ba nd. Other de vices transmit ting in th is b and, s uch as r adar det ector s, ca n in terfe re w ith the s ystem .
42 Frequentl y asked question s T ransmit ter scr een are ut ilized b y sat ellite ser vice pers onnel to i ncrease the accurac y of s atellit e dish alig nment.
Fre quently a sked qu estions 43 9. What if my comput er did not come w ith a Netw ork Interface Car d (NIC)? What can I do? Many co mputers can be upgrade d with a 10/100 E thernet Ne twork Inte rface Card (NIC) . If you ar e comforta ble with openi ng your comput er and in stalling hardw are, most Eth ernet NICs can be sel f-installed.
44 Frequentl y asked question s DIRECW A Y Prof essional 1. Can I run DIRECW A Y Profe ssional on a vir tual priv ate netw ork (VPN)? Running a VPN c lient o ver a satellite network is not an id eal conf iguration. Although mos t VPN clients will work, yo ur speeds will be af fected signi ficant ly .
Typical operati ng system sett ings 45 Typical operatin g system settings A This chap ter e xplains ho w to co nfi gure W indo ws and MacIntosh ope rating system se ttings s o that your co mputer can c ommunicate with the D W6000. • If DHCP is n ot enabled on y our D W6000, you ha v e been ass igned a stati c IP addre ss.
46 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Configuring Windows f or a D W6000 wi th a static IP ad dress The inst ructions for conf iguring a W indo ws 98SE, ME, 2000, or XP system with a st atic IP address v ary slightly . Find the appr opriate in structi ons for you r system an d follo w them.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 47 4. Select Specify an I P Addres s . Enter an appropriate IP addres s from the range of av ailabl e IP addre sses. See p age 46 for more det ails; do not use the ones in t he ex amples. 5. In the Subnet Mask field , enter the a ppropriat e v alue as e xplained on page 46.
48 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s 8. Select the DNS Conf igurat ion tab, a nd verif y the follo wing settings. a. Make s ure En able DNS is selecte d. b. T h e Domain Name should be . c. Under DNS Ser ver Se arch Order , you should see 198.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 49 4. Select Inter net Protocol (TCP/IP) being careful not to unch eck it and se lect Propert ies. See Figur e 8. 5. In the Gene ral tab, sele ct Us e th e fol lowing I P ad dres s. En ter an ap prop riat e IP Address from the rang e of a v ailable IP a ddresses as e xpla ined on page 46.
50 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Windo ws XP 1. Open the Cont rol P anel b y selecti ng Star t → Control P anel and double-s elect the Netw ork and Dial-up Connections icon. See Figure 36. Note: If the Control Panel is in category vie w select Network and Internet Connections then select Network Connection s.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 51 4. Select Inter net Protoc ol (TCP/IP) an d select Prop erties b eing care ful not to uncheck t he check box . See Figure 38.
52 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Configuring Windows when DH CP is enabled Windows 98SE and ME 1. On the client c omputer , go to Start → Setti ngs → Control Panel and double-c lick Ne two rk . See Figur e 40. Note: On W indows ME computers, ch oose V iew All Control Panel Options to see the Network ico n.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 53 3. Select the TCP/IP en try as socia ted with Network Int erface C ard (N IC) and then s elect Proper ties . The TCP/IP P roper ties wind ow appea rs. S ee Figure 42 . 4. In the IP Addre ss ta b, sele ct Obta in an IP address automati cally .
54 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Windows 2000 1. On the cl ient computer , go to Start → Se ttings → Control P anel and double-c lick Networ k and D ial-up C onnect ions . 2. A list of networ k adapters a ppears. See Figure 44. The Local Area Connectio n adapter must be liste d.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 55 5. Select Inter net P rotocol ( TCP/IP) . Be caref ul not to unc heck the ch eckbox. 6. Select the Proper ties bu tt o n.
56 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Windo ws XP 1. Go to Star t → Setti ngs → Contro l Panel . Doubl e-c lick th e Networ k and Dial -up C onne ction s icon. Note: If the Control Panel is in category vie w select Network and Internet Connections then select Network Connection s.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 57 Figure 48 : Local Area Conn ection P roper t ies Figure 49: Inter net Prot ocol Prope r tie s.
58 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Configuring a MacIntosh f or a D W6000 with a static IP address F ollow t he steps belo w to conf igure a D W6000 with a stat ic IP addr ess on a MacIntosh ® system. 1. Select Syste m Preference s from the Mac interf ace.
Typical operati ng system sett ings 59 Configuring a MacIntosh when DHCP is enab led Foll ow t he steps bel ow t o confi gure a D W6000 wit h DHCP enabled on a MacIntosh system. 1. Select Syste m Preference s from the Mac interf ace. The Systems Prefer ence menu appe ars.
60 Typical ope rating sy stem setting s Figure 54: Mac N etwor k scre en Figure 55 : Select M anually from the Confi gure drop- down list.
Home Networking 61 Home Networking B The D W6000, in co mbination wi th an antenna , can prov ide satelli te connecti vity for mul tiple comp uters on a wireless or wired (Eth ernet) loca l area netw ork (LAN). Afte r the D W6000 and network are inst alled, e v ery computer on th e networ k can surf the Interne t via the satellit e signal.
62 Basic wirel ess considerations W ire less netw orks are e asy to ins tall becaus e you don’ t ha ve to run an y cables. Instea d, a wirele ss base station is connect ed to the D W6000 Ethernet por t. W irele ss NICs are installed in each compu ter you w ant on the net work.
63 Basic Ethernet considerations Ethernet hubs, cables, a nd NICS can be purcha sed at most co mputer supply store s or outle ts. Th ey are re latively inexp ensive and e asy to insta ll. Th e Ethernet interf ace must support auto -ne goti ate , a feat ure that en ab les comp ati bility and i nte r-opera bilit y amo ng Et her net devices.
Glossary 65 Glossary B D E Base stat ion - a de vice in a wireless ne twork th at processe s and routes data from c omputers, modems (inc luding sat ellite modems ) and other de vices on t he netw ork. Dotted de cimal nota tion - An IP add ress consist s of 32 bits.
66 Glossary H I L Host - In pa cket- and m essa ge- switc hing communic ations netw orks, the collection of hardw are and softw are that makes u se of packet or message switchin g to suppor t user -to-user , i.e. , end-t o-e nd, c ommu nicat ion s, int erpro cess communic ations, an d distrib uted data processi ng.
Glossary 67 N P Network Address T ranslation ( N A T) - prov ides IP addres s translat ion from t he LAN. T wo standar d types of N A T are Ne twork Addres s Port T ran slati on ( N AP T) and Basi c NA T .
68 Glossary S T Signal qu ality f actor (SQF) - an inte ger v alue from 0-99 t hat indicat es the str ength of the received sa tellite sig nal re lative to noi se. Subn et ma sk - a 3 2-bi t value tha t is use d to disti ngu ish th e netw ork ID from the ho st I D in an arbit rary IP addr ess.
Index 69 Index A auto -negotia te 61, 63 B Bad Key Frames 11 C Category 5) Etherne t cable 63 Commission St atus 10 Connecti vity Test 9, 14, 30 Connecti vity Test Menu 14 Contact Tech Suppo rt 9 Cont.
70 Index Cov ered b y one or more of the follo wing U.S. Patent s: 5,343,4 71, 5,652,795, 5, 659,615 5,699,3 84, 6,125,184, 6, 131,160, 6,161,1 41, 6,215,873, 6, 307,937, 6,331,9 79, 6,338,131, 6, 385,727, 6,438,6 66, 6,519,651, 6, 571,296.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Hughes dw6000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Hughes dw6000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Hughes dw6000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Hughes dw6000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Hughes dw6000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Hughes dw6000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Hughes dw6000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Hughes dw6000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.