Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product LP330 van de fabrikant InFocus
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USER’S GUIDE 3657 english 7/12/99 12:55 PM Page 2.
Copyright © 199 9 by InF ocu s W ilsonvi ll e, Or egon. All rights r es erv ed..
FCC W arning This eq uipmen t has bee n teste d and fou nd to comp ly with th e lim its for a Class A digita l device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to pro vi de r easonable pr o tect ion against harmful interfer ence when the equipment is ope rated in a c ommercial envir onment.
Declar ation of C onfor mity Manufac tur er: InFocus 27700B SW Pa rkway A ve. W ilson v il le, Oregon 9707 0 USA European Office: Olym pia 1, NL-1213 NS Hi lv ersum, T he Ne t h e rla nds W e declare .
i T ABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Inst ructio ns iii Intr oductio n 1 Image Resol ution 1 Compatibili ty 1 Unpacking th e P rojector 1 Usage Guidelines 3 If You N eed A ss ista nce 4 Warranty 4 Setti ng up .
ii Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Appendix 35 Spe cific atio ns 3 5 Acce ssor ies 3 6 Portable an d Laptop Activation Cha rt 38 Using Video Mirroring with a PowerBook Computer 43 Projected Image Size 44.
iii SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Please r ead and follow all safety instruction s provided BE FORE using your new projector . Fail ur e to comply with safety ins truc- tions may r esult in fire, electrical shock, or personal injury and may damage or im pair pr otectio n pr ovided by equipm ent.
iv Safe ty Instru ction s • Caut ion: Don’t set liq uids on th e pr ojector . Spil led liquids m ay damage your pr ojector . • Caut ion: Don’t place the pr ojector on a hot surface or in direct sunlight. • Caut ion: Do not dr op the pr ojector .
INTRODUCTION 3657 english 7/12/99 12:55 PM Page 3.
1 INTR ODUCTION The InFocus ® LP330™ is specifically design ed for the mobile pre- senter . It pack s XGA 1024 x 7 68 graphics with 16.7 mill ion colors into a small, 4. 8 pound package. It generates crisp, clear images using Digit al Light Processing ™ ( DLP) technology .
2 Intr oduction NO TE: The contents of your shipping box may var y depending on the pr ojector conf iguration you’ve ordered. F IGURE 1 Shipping box contents 1. LP330 pr ojector + lens ca p 6. VES A comp uter cab le 2. Soft car r y case 7. Audio cable adap ter 3.
3 F IGURE 2 Side view of pro jector Usa ge Gui delines • Do not loo k dire ctly into the projec tion lens when the lamp is turned on. The bright light may harm your eyes. • Do no t block the grills on the pr ojector . Restri cting the air flo w can cause it to overh eat and turn of f.
4 Intr oduction If Y ou Need Assistance The first place to look for help is in this manual. Be sur e to check the guidelin es in “ T roubleshoo ting ” on page 31. Or , check the Service an d Support section of our website at http://w ww .in focus.
SETTING UP THE PROJECTOR 3657 english 7/12/99 12:55 PM Page 4.
5 SETTING UP THE PR OJECTOR 1 Place the pr ojector on a flat surface. • The pr ojector must be within 10 feet (3 m) of your power sour ce and within 6 feet (1. 8 m) of your computer . • If you want to pr oject fro m behind a translucent scr een, set up the pr ojector behind your scr een.
6 Setti ng up the Pr ojector NO TE : Befor e you continu e , mak e sure the pr ojector is unplugged and your equipment is turned off. If you’ re connecting a computer , mak e sure the distance betw een it and the pr ojector is 6 feet o r less.
7 Connecting a Computer 1 Plug one end of the VESA computer cable into the video con- nector on your computer . NO TE: Many laptop computer s do not automatically turn o n their external video por t when a sec- ondar y display device suc h as a pr ojector is co nnected.
8 Setti ng up the Pr ojector Do y ou w ant to c ontrol the com p uter ’ s mo u se from the projecto r’ s r emote o r k eypad? If y our computer has a PS /2 connec tor , use the PS/2 mo use cab le. 1 Plug the end of the PS/2 mouse ca ble with 6 pins into the mouse connector on your comp uter .
9 Connec ting a Vi deo Pla y er 1 If your video player uses a r ound, one-pr ong composite video connector, you’ll need only the audio cable, audio adapter , and composite video cable that shipped w ith the pr ojector.
10 Setti ng up the Pr ojector F IGURE 7 Connecting the projector to a video player usi ng an S-video cable and the audio cable and adapter NO TE : The aud io adapter is pr ovided so that the same audio cable used to co nnect a computer can be used with the adapter to connect a VCR.
11 P o wering up the P r ojector and Adjustin g the Ima ge NO TE : Always us e the pow er cord that shipped with the pr o jector . 1 Remove the lens cap. 2 Plug the power cord into the side of the pr ojector, then plug it into your electrical outlet. A sur ge-pr otected power strip is r ecommended.
12 Setti ng up the Pr ojector T urning Off the Pr o jector If you want to turn off th e pr ojector for a short period of time, pr ess the standb y button on the key pad or remote. This blan ks the scr een for fifteen minutes, but keeps the pr ojector runn ing.
USING THE PROJECTOR 3657 english 7/12/99 12:55 PM Page 5.
13 USING T HE PR OJECTOR This section describes how to use an d make adjustments to the pr ojector . It also pr ovides a r eferen ce to the keypad and r emote buttons and the opti ons availa ble from the on-screen menus. Basic Ima ge Adjustment 1 Make sur e you have power ed up your equipment in the right or der (page 1 1).
14 Using the Pr ojector F IGURE 8 Remo te control NO TE: If the remote is inactive for se veral minutes , it “sleeps” to conserve batter y lif e . Pres s any button except the disk mouse to re-activate the remote . Pr ess anywhere on the edge of the disk mouse to move the cursor on the scr een.
15 Adjusti ng the Pr ojector T o focus the image, rotate the focus ring (Figure 9) unti l the image is clear . T o zoom the image, rotate the zoom ring.
16 Using the Pr ojector Using the K eyp ad and Remote Buttons While the menus ar e displayed, the volume, sour ce, and standby buttons on th e keypa d act as menu na vigation butto ns.
17 Standb y When you press standb y , the display and audio turn of f and a blank scr een is displayed for 15 minutes. Y o u can change the amount of time the pr ojector stays in standby mode; see “Standby T ime” on page 23 f or details.
18 Using the Pr ojector Using the On-Scr een Menus The pr ojector has six dr op-dow n menus that al low you to m ake imag e adjustmen ts and change a vari ety of settings. Mo st of these adjustments ar en’t available directly fr om the keypad. NO TE: Som e menu items may be gr ayed out at cer tain times .
19 Dis pla y Menu F IGURE 13 Display m enu Bright ness Adjusting the brightness cha nges the intens ity of the image. • Pr ess the left navigation button to darke n the image.
20 Using the Pr ojector Color The color setting adj usts a video image from black and white to fully saturated color . • Pr ess the left mo use button to decrease the amount of color in the image. • Pr ess the right mouse button to incr ease the a mount of color in the image.
21 Image Menu F IGURE 15 Image menu Auto Image NO TE: Some screen saver s inter- fer e with the oper ation of Auto Image. If you’ re experiencing prob- lems , tr y t urning your screen saver off, then turning Auto Image off and bac k on.
22 Using the Pr ojector 1 T urn Auto Image of f. 2 Highlight Manual sync, then press the left or right naviga tio n button repeatedly until the image is sharp and fr ee of streaks. Manual T rac king The pr ojector adju sts tracking a uto matically to match the video signal f r om yo ur computer .
23 Contr ols Menu F IGUR E 16 Controls menu Video Standar d NO TE: If yo u alread y kno w the video standard used in your geo- grap hical area, it’ s often best to manually select it. When V i deo sta ndar d is set to Au to, the projector attempts to pick the video standar d (NTSC, NTSC 4.
24 Using the Pr ojector Rear Projection When you turn Rear Pro jecti on on, th e proj ector r everses the image so you can pr oject fr om behind a translucent scr een. High- light Re ar Pr ojection, then click th e left or right naviga tion button to turn this feature on and of f.
25 Displa y Star t up Screen This setting toggles between On and Off . When this featur e is On, the InFocus startup scr een appears when the proj ector starts up and r emains until an active sou r ce is detected. The startup screen contains informa tion on conta cting InFo cus.
26 Using the Pr ojector Status Menu This is a read-only window for in forma tional purposes. T o dis- play th e statu s wind ow , sel ect Sh ow status f rom the me nu, then click the left or right navigation button. T o remove the wi ndow , click the left or right na viga tion button.
MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 3657 english 7/12/99 12:55 PM Page 6.
27 MAINT E NANCE & T R OUBLESHOOTING This section describes how to: • clean the lens • r eplace the pr ojection lamp • r eplace the batteries in the r emote • use the Kensingto n lo ck fea.
28 Mai ntenanc e & T rouble shoot ing 4 Pull the lamp door up and r emove it. WA R N I N G : Be extremely car eful when remo ving the lamp module . In the unlik ely event that the bulb ruptures , small glass fragments may be gener ated. The lamp module is designed to co ntain these fragments , but use cautio n when remo ving the lamp module .
29 6 Lift and grasp the pull tab an d lift the module out (Figure 2 1). F IGURE 21 Removing the lamp module WA R N I N G : Do not drop the lamp module or touc h the glass bulb! The glass may shatter an d cause injur y. 7 Install the new lamp module, being sur e to align the connec- tors properly .
30 Mai ntenanc e & T rouble shoot ing Replacin g the Batteries in the Remote Contr ol The life of the batteries depen ds on how often and how lon g you use the r em ote. Symptoms of low battery charge include erratic r esponses when using the r emote and a r educed range of opera- tion.
31 T roubles hoo ting Pr oblem : Noth ing on p r ojection sc r een • Make sur e that the power cor d is pr operly con nected to a fully functional AC electrical outlet. Make sure that the power cor d is also pr operly connected to the proj ector . • If the pr ojector is plugged into a power strip, make sur e the power strip is turned on.
32 Mai ntenanc e & T rouble shoot ing • Y ou might need to turn everything of f and power up the equipment a gain in the pr oper or der . Refer to your com- puter ’s documentation to determine the correct or der . • Make sur e your laptop’s external video port is turned on .
33 Pr oblem: Imag e is out of fo cus • T urn the pr ojection lens to fo cus the image. • Make sur e the pr ojecti on screen is at least 5 feet (1.5 m) fr om the pr ojector . • Check the pr ojection lens to see if it need s cleaning. Pr oblem: Image and menus are r e v ersed left to right • Rear pr ojection mode is pr obably turned on.
34 Mai ntenanc e & T rouble shoot ing Pr oblem: Pro jected colo rs don’ t mat ch the compu ter or vid eo pla y er’ s colors • Just as ther e are dif ferences in the displays of dif ferent moni- tors, ther e ar e often dif ferences between the computer image and the pr ojected image.
APPENDIX 3657 english 7/12/99 12:56 PM Page 7.
35 APPENDIX Specif ications The LP330 must be operated a nd stor ed within the temperatur e and humidity ranges specified. Te m p e r a t u r e Operating 50 to 10 4 ° F (10 to 40 ° C) Non -ope rat ing -4 to 158 ° F (-20 to 70 ° C) Humid ity Operating and non-oper .
36 Appendix Access ories NO TE: Use o nly I nFocu s- appro ved accessories . Other pr oducts have not been tested with the pr ojector . P o w er Cor ds (one ships wi th pr ojector , type depends on count r y) NO TE: Y ou can purchas e these items b y contacting your dealer or InFo cus Catal og Sales at 1-800-660-0024.
37 NO TE: Y ou can purchas e these items by contacting your dealer or InFo cus Catal og Sales at 1-800-660-0024. Opti onal Ac cesso ries LP330 Delux e Carry Case C A-C161 LP330 Ship ping Cas e (A T A .
38 Appendix P or t able and Laptop Activation Char t NO TE: Vis it ou r w ebsite at www .infocus .com for the most current activation c har t. It is located in the T ec hnical Librar y in the Ser vice and Suppor t section. Many laptop compu ters do not au tom atically turn on their exter- nal video port when a proj ector is connected.
39 Bondwell LCD or CR T options after bootup re b oo t fo r L C D or C R T options to appear Cha plet** setup scr een setup scr een FN-F6 FN-F6 FN-F4 FN-F4 Chembook FN-F6 FN-F6 Commax Ctrl-Alt-#6 Ctrl.
40 Appendix Gatewa y FN-F3 FN-F1/FN-F1 again simul- taneous FN-F3 FN-F1 Grid* ** FN-F2, choose auto or simu ltaneous FN- F2 Ctrl-Alt-T ab Ctrl-Alt- T ab Hitachi FN-F7 FN-F7 Honey well FN-F 10 FN- F10 .
41 Micr o Expr ess* automatic warm reb oot Micron FN- F2 FN- F2 Mic r osla te* au tom atic war m re boot Mits ub ish i SW 2 On -O ff-Of f-Off SW2 Off-O n- On -On NCR set up scr een opt ion setup scree.
42 Appendix * These man u factur ers ha ve model s that automatical ly send video to the extern al CR T port when some type o f displa y device i s attached. ** These man ufactur ers offer mo re th an one k ey comman d depend- ing on th e computer mo del.
43 Usi ng Video Mi rr oring with a P ow erBoo k Compute r When you turn video mirroring (called SimulSca n in newer Pow- erBooks—see below ) on, the pr ojector displays the same info rma- tion that appea rs on your PowerBook’s built-in scr een. When video mirr oring is of f, the pr ojector acts like a separate display .
44 Appendix Project e d Im age Size NO TE: Use the gr aph and tables to help you dete rmine pro jected imag e sizes. F IGURE 23 Projected image size NO TE: Vis it ou r w ebsite at www .infocus .com f or an interactive image s ize calculator . It is located in the T ec hnical Librar y in the Ser vice and Suppor t section.
INDEX 3657 english 7/12/99 12:56 PM Page 8.
45 IND EX A access ories, ord e rin g 36, 37 activa tion co mma nd s fo r laptop c om- puters 38 adjust ing brightn e ss 19 contr ast 19 tin t 19 volum e 17, 20 adju sting the height of the projector 15 altit ude limits 35 assistance.
46 Inde x D Default Source 24 Display men u 19 Displa y menu op t io ns Blank Screen 20 Brightne s s 19 Contra st 19 Reset A ll 20 Tint 19 Display M es sages 24 Display Startup Screen 25 displa ying o.
47 M Macinto sh comput ers com p at ib ilit y 1 connecti ng 7 Menu butto n 18 menus. See o n-screen menus monito r, projec ted co lors d on’t match 34 mouse, connect ing 8 N NTSC vide o 23 O on-scre.
LIMITED W ARRANTY InFocus (“ InFoc us” ) warran t s th a t each LP33 0 (“the Product” ) sold hereunde r wi ll confor m to and functio n in ac co rdance with t he w ritte n sp e c ifica ti on s of I nF o cus.
Part Numbe r 01 0-0200- 00.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat InFocus LP330 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen InFocus LP330 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens InFocus LP330 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding InFocus LP330 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over InFocus LP330 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van InFocus LP330 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de InFocus LP330 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met InFocus LP330 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.