Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3.5 van de fabrikant Internet Security Systems
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TM Desktop Pr otector User Guide Ve r s i o n 3 . 5.
Internet Security Systems, Inc. 6303 Barfiel d Road Atlanta, Georgi a 30328-4233 United States (404) 236 -2600 © Internet Securit y Systems, Inc. 1999 -2002. All right s reserv ed worldwide. Customers may make r easonable n umbers of copies of this publica tion for inte rnal use only .
iii Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Contents Appendix A : Operat ing Ta bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v Preface Overview Introd uction This guide is designed to help you us e RealSecure Desktop Pr otector to protect your local system and yo ur network from unwanted intru sions. Scope This guide describes the features of RealSecure Desktop Protector and shows you how to use them.
Pref ace vi Rela ted pub lica tio ns The following documents ar e available for download fr om the Internet Security Systems We b s i t e a t www.iss .net . ● For informati on about working wi th RealSecure Deskt op Protector on a corporate network, see the RealSecure ICEcap Manager User Guide.
Conventions Used in this Guide vii Conventions Used in this Guide Introd uction Thi s topic explain s the typogr aphic conventio ns used in th is guide to make informati on in procedur es and commands easier to r ecognize.
Pref ace viii Getting T echnica l Support Introd uction IS S provides technical support through its W eb site and by email or telepho ne. The ISS We b site The Internet Security Systems (ISS) Res ource Center W eb site ( http:// www.i / suppor t/ ) provides dir ect access to much of the information you need.
1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction to RealSecure Desktop Protector Overview Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector is a comprehensive security solutio n that helps you protect your system a nd your networ.
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 2 inbound and outbound tra ffic on your system for suspiciou s activity . Desktop Protector blocks unautho rized activity wit hout affecting normal traffic.
Protectio n Levels 3 Pro tecti on Leve ls Introd uction Protection levels are pr e-designed sets of security settings developed for dif ferent types of W eb us e. Y ou can cho ose to have Desktop Protector block all communications wi th your system, some communications with your system, or no communications with your system.
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 4 Adapti ve Protection Introd uction A daptive Protection automatically adapts each agent's security level according to the type of network connectio n it is using.
The Desktop Protecto r Firewall 5 The Desktop Protector Firewall Introd uction Desk top Protector automa tically stops mos t intrusions according to the protection level you have chos en, but you still may n otice activity that is n't explicitly block ed.
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 6 Applic ation P rot ection Introd uction BlackICE protects your computer from unknown applications and from applications connecting to a network , such as the Internet.
Application Cont rol 7 Applic atio n Cont rol Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector lets you cont r ol whic h applications and related processes can r un on you r syst em. So metime s a p rogr am may be in stall ed on y our sy stem withou t your knowledge.
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 8 Communica tions Control Introd uction T o reduce security risks fr om po tential “ Tr o j a n h o r s e ” applications on you r system, RealSecur e Desktop Protector lets you choose which applicatio ns or pr ocesses can access a network, such a s the Internet or a local area network.
Desktop Pr otector Alert s 9 Desktop Protector Alerts Introd uction Y our dynamic firewall handles most al erts for you, but you can take ad ditional steps to make its responses even more effective. The information in this topic may help you determine which events merit your attention .
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 10 Response levels Desktop Protector r e ports how it respo nded to each event by showing a symbol.
Col lect ing In form at ion 11 Collect ing Information Introd uction Wh en an intruder attempts to break into your system, R ealSecure Desktop Protector can track the intruder ’ s activities. Y ou can use this information to determin e what an intruder did to your comp uter .
Chapter 1: Introd uction to Real Secur e Desktop Protec tor 12 Filtering Information Introd uction Y ou probably w on't need to inspect all the informatio n RealSecure Desktop Protector gathers abou t the Internet traffic that reaches your system.
13 Chapter 2 Using RealSecure Desktop Pr otector with ICEcap Manager Overview Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector interacts with the ICEcap ma nagement and reporting console to pr ovide enterprise-wide security monitoring and management.
Chap ter 2 : Us ing Re alSec ure De sktop Protecto r wit h ICEc ap Ma nager 14 How ICEcap Ma nager W orks W ith RealS ecure Desktop Pro tector Introd uction ICEcap Ma nager interacts with agents in two ways: ● Collecting a nd managing informati on.
How ICEcap Manager Works With RealSecure Deskto p Protector 15 locally ins talled. Silent D esktop Protector installations are always completely ICEcap- controlled. For more in formation a bout silent agent installation s, see the RealSe cure ICEcap Manage r Use r Guide .
Chap ter 2 : Us ing Re alSec ure De sktop Protecto r wit h ICEc ap Ma nager 16 How ICEcap Ma nager Handles In format ion Introd uction T o help organi ze information, ICE cap Manager categori zes agents and the events they rep o r t i n t o accoun ts and groups .
T r ansmitting D ata to I CEcap Manager 17 T r ansm itting Data to ICEca p Manager Introd uction Desk top Protector must be able to tra nsmit data a cr oss you r network to t he ICEcap server .
Chap ter 2 : Us ing Re alSec ure De sktop Protecto r wit h ICEc ap Ma nager 18 Installi ng Desktop Protector Remot ely Introd uction In a ddition to mana ging event informa tion, ICEcap Manag er can install De sktop Protector software on remote systems.
Using ICEcap Manager to Control RealSecu re Agents 19 Using IC Ecap Ma nager to Con trol R ealSe cure Agen ts Introd uction ICE cap Manager mana ges agents by apply ing policies to groups of agents. Any configuratio n change made to a group is distributed to al l the members of that group.
Chap ter 2 : Us ing Re alSec ure De sktop Protecto r wit h ICEc ap Ma nager 20.
21 Chapter 3 Setting Up RealSecure Desktop Pro tector Overview Introd uction Thi s chapter provides instructions for in stalling and con figuring RealSecure Deskt op Protector locally . For informat ion about insta lling Desktop Protector from ICEcap Manager , see the RealSecur e ICEcap Manager User Guide .
Chapter 3: Setting Up RealSec ure Desk top Pr otector 22 Instal ling Real Secure Deskt op Protector Introd uction Thi s topic gives instructio ns for installing D esktop Protector. Local or remote installation Y ou can install R ealSecure Desktop Protector locall y at your agent compu ter or r emotely from RealSecure ICEcap Man ager .
Installing RealSecure Desktop Protector 23 8. Read the End User Licen se Agreement. ■ If you accept the End User License Agr eement, click I Accept , and then go to Step 9 . ■ If you do not accept the End User License Agreement, click I De cline .
Chapter 3: Setting Up RealSec ure Desk top Pr otector 24 Stoppi ng Des ktop Protect or Introd uction Wh en you quit the Desktop Protector applicatio n, Desktop Protector does not stop monitorin g your system.
Stoppin g Desktop Protector 25 Stopping Desktop Protec tor fro m the control panel (W indows 2000 ) T o stop Deskto p Protector from the W indo ws 2000 cont rol panel: 1. Click Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel . 2. Do uble-click Administrative T ool s .
Chapter 3: Setting Up RealSec ure Desk top Pr otector 26 Restarting Desk top Protector Introd uction Y ou can restart RealS ecur e Desktop P rotector after you have stopped it, or you can let Desktop Protector restart automa tically when you r estart yo ur computer .
Restarting Desktop Protector 27 3. Do uble-click Services . The Services window appears . 4. In the right pane, right-click Black ICE , and then s elect Start . Desktop Protector resumes monitoring incoming tra ffic. The r ed line disappear s fr om the Desktop Protector icon.
Chapter 3: Setting Up RealSec ure Desk top Pr otector 28 Uninstalli ng Desktop Protect or Introd uction Y ou can remove Desktop Protector from your computer us ing the W in dows Add/Re move Programs Utility or the Bla ckICE Agentremove utility . Impo rt ant: Use the agentre move .
Uninstalling Desktop Protector 29 7. Do you want to remove the remaining in trusion files and d elete the directory? ■ If yes , click Ye s . ■ If no , click No . 8. Click Fin ish . The system removes Desktop Protector f r om yo ur system. Uninstalling Desk top Protec tor using th e agentr emo ve.
Chapter 3: Setting Up RealSec ure Desk top Pr otector 30.
31 Chapter 4 Configuring RealSecure Desktop Pro tector Overview Introd uction Thi s chapter pr o vides the pro cedures to configure R ealSecure Desktop Pr otector for your specific conditions. These pr ocedures ar e designed to be performed in sequence.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 32 Connecting to IC Ecap Manager Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector interacts with ICEcap Ma nager managemen t and reporting console to pr ovide enterprise-wide security monitoring and management.
Connecting to ICE cap Manager 33 ■ OK: The local RealSecure agent is successfully exchanging information with ICEcap Manager . ■ Auth en tica tio n Fail ure : The agent may have an incorrect acco unt name or passwor d. Re-enter the a ccount, gr oup, and passwor d values and tes t again.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 34 Setting Y our Protecti on Level Introd uction Protection levels are pr edesigned sets of security settings developed for differ ent types of W eb us e.
Using A daptive Pr otection 35 Using Ad aptive Protecti on Y ou ca n set up your firewall to switch protection levels automa tically when it de tects a connection with a remote computer .
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 36 Note: This can be a single static IP ad dress or a set of add r esse s that the con ference host provides. 6. Click OK . Y our firewall is configu r ed to sw itch to Cautious w hen you connect to yo ur corporate network from your remote location.
Blocki ng Intrusions 37 Blocking In trusions Introd uction Desk top Protector identifies and stops most intrusions accor ding to your preset protection level, but you may still notice activity that isn't explicitly blocked. This to pic explains how to handle int rusions from a particular address or intrusions th at use a particular protoc ol.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 38 Blocking a Port If you don't have a specific in truder in mind but you are concerned about intrusion attempts usin g a particular internet protocol, yo u can block the port that protocol uses .
T rusting I ntrud ers 39 T r usting Intruders Introd uction Wh en an address is trusted, Desk top Protector assum es all commu nication from that addres s is authorized and e xcludes the addres s from any intrusion detection. T rusting ensures that Desktop Protector does not block systems whose i ntrusions may be useful to you .
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 40 Ignoring Events Y ou ca n configure RealSecure Desktop Protector to ignore events that are not a threat to your syste m. Note: Ignoring an event is differ ent from tr usting an intruder . Ignoring disregar ds certain kinds of events.
Ignoring Events 41 For more in form at ion, se e “ The Prompts T ab ” on page 83..
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 42 W orking with the Appl icatio n Protectio n Baseli ne Introd uction Wh en you insta ll RealSecu re Desktop Protector, it creates a bas eline recor d (also known a s a checksum) of the applications insta lled on your computer .
Wor king with t he Application Pro tection Baseline 43 3. Repeat for every warning message that appears. The number of messages you see depends on ho w many files the appli cation runs. BlackI CE will not display the warning me ssages again unless the application cha nges.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 44 Adding file types to the baselin e If you know of ap plication files o n your system that h ave differ ent extension s, you can add those extensions befor e crea ting your baseline. T o search fo r additional f ile types: 1.
Wor king with t he Application Pro tection Baseline 45 Disabling Application Protec tion T o permanently prevent Desktop Protector fr om monitoring your system for unauthorized a pplications, follow this procedure: 1. On the T o ols menu, select Edi t BlackICE Settin gs , and then select the Applicatio n Control tab.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 46 Configuring Co mmunications Co ntrol Introd uction Wh en you set your commun ications control prefere nces, you esta blish a rule for RealSecur e Desktop Pr otector to fo llow whenever an appl ication trie s to access a ne twork without yo ur approval.
Configuring C ommunications Control 47 For more information about setting your Communications Control pr eferences, see “ The Communica tions C ontrol T ab ” on page 8 6.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 48 Contr oll ing Even t Notif icat ion Introd uction Y ou m ay find that yo u want regular access to more or less inf ormation than R ealSecure Desktop Protector sh ows by defau lt.
Cont rolli ng Ev ent No tifi cati on 49 4. Click OK . For more information about setting your notification pref erences, see “ The Notifications Ta b ” on page 81 . Freezi ng the Ev ents list Freezing the Events lis t stops Desktop Protector from refreshing the tab informatio n until you unfreeze it.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 50 Back T racing Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector can track an intruder ’ s activities to help yo u determine what an intruder did to your computer . This topic explains h ow to gather and use this informatio n.
Back T racing 51 want as much inf ormation about the intruder as possible. However , intruders can detect and block a dir ect trace. Wher e is the back tracing information? Back tracing in formation a.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 52 Collecting Evidence Files Introd uction Rea lSecure Desktop Protector can capture network traffic attributed to an intrusion and place that information into an evidence file.
Collecting Evidence Files 53 3. Click OK . For more information about setting yo ur evidence logging preferences, see “ The Evidence Log T ab ” on page 74.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 54 Collecting Packet Logs Introd uction Pa cket logging records all the packets that ent er your system.
Collectin g Packet Logs 55 For more information about choosing your packet logg ing settings, see “ The Packet Log Ta b ” on page 72 ..
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 56 Responding to Application Protection Alerts Introd uction Prog rams can star t withou t your knowl edge.
Exporting Desktop Protecto r Data 57 Exportin g Deskto p Protector Data Introd uction Y ou m ay want to export RealSecure Desktop Protector data into a spreadsheet pr ogram or word pr ocessor to lo ok at the intrusion a ctivity on your system. Proce dure To e x p o r t d a t a : 1.
Chapter 4 : Configuring RealS ecure D esktop Pr otector 58.
TM Appendixes.
61 Appe ndix A Operating T abs Overview Introd uction Thi s appendix describes the operating tabs . RealSecure Desktop Protector gathers information a nd pr esents it on the Events tab, the Int ruders tab and the History tab.
Appe nd ix A : Ope rat ing T abs 62 The Events T a b Introd uction The Events tab summarizes all intrusion and system events on your computer . The tab columns sh ow the time, type, and severity of an event; the intruder's na me and IP address; how Desktop Protector has responded to the event, and other in formation.
The Events T ab 63 Optiona l column s on the Event s tab This table describes opt ional columns that yo u can add to the Events tab. T o add an optional column, right-click any column head ing and select Co lumns... This column ... Contain s this inf ormation.
Appe nd ix A : Ope rat ing T abs 64 Shortcut comma nds on the Event s tab This table describes the commands available by right-clicking an item on the Event tab: Butt ons on the Event s tab This table describes the but tons that appear on the Intruders tab: This comma nd.
The Intruders T ab 65 The Intruders T ab Introd uction The Int ruders tab displays al l the informatio n RealSecure Desktop Protector has collected about all th e intruders who have ini tiated events on your sys tem. This informa tion helps you determine the severity and location of each intruder .
Appe nd ix A : Ope rat ing T abs 66 Optiona l column s on the Intr uders tab This table describes the o ptional columns yo u can add to the Intruders tab. For informatio n about addin g optional colum ns to the display , see “ Showing an d hidin g columns ” on page 49.
The His tory T ab 67 The History T ab Introd uction The Hi story tab graphs netw ork and intrusion activity on your system. Note: For detailed informa tion about activi ty on the Events gra ph, click the graph near the marker that shows the tim e you ar e interested in.
Appe nd ix A : Ope rat ing T abs 68 Histo ry tab butto ns This table desc ribes the buttons on the Hi story tab: This button ... Has this effect... Close Closes th e main Des ktop Protec tor windo w . The detection a nd protectio n engine re mains a ctiv e.
69 Appe ndix B Configuration T abs Overview Introd uction Y ou can cont r ol some aspects of the way RealSecu r e Desktop Protector works by changin g the settings on the configuration tabs.
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 70 The Firewall T ab Introd uction U se the Firewall tab to choose how tig htly Desktop P rotector controls access to your system.
The Firewall T ab 71 Desktop P rotector rejects or blocks co mmunicati ons on p ort 139. On W indow s 2000, th is setting also af fects port 445. Allow NetBIOS Neighbo rhood Select this optio n to allow your system to appear in the Network Nei ghborhood of other computers.
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 72 The Packet Log T ab Introd uction The Pa cket Log tab allows you to configure the RealSecure Desktop Protector packet logging featu res. When packet logging is enabl ed, Desktop Protector recor ds all th e network traffic that passes through yo ur system.
The Packet Log T ab 73 Pack et Log ta b button s This table describes the but tons that appear on the Pack et Log tab. This b utton... Has this effe ct... OK Clic k to sa ve y our chang es and re tur n to t he main De sktop Prot ecto r wi ndow . Cancel Clic k to dis card y our chan ges and return to the Deskt op Prot ecto r wi ndow .
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 74 The Evidence Log T a b Introd uction Wh en your system is attacked, RealSecur e Desktop Pr otector can capture evidence files that recor d network traf fic from the intruding system. E vidence files recor d the specific packet that set off a protection r espon se.
The Evidence Log T ab 75 Eviden ce Log tab button s This table describes the but tons that appear on the Evidence Log tab. This button ... Has this effect... OK Click to sav e your c hanges a nd return to the m ain Deskt op Pro tecto r wi ndow . Cancel Click to discard your changes and return to the Desktop Pro tecto r wi ndow .
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 76 The Back T race T ab Introd uction B ack tracing is the process of tracing a network conn ection to its origin . When somebody connects to your system over a network such as the Internet, your system and the intruder's system exchange packets .
The Intr usion D etection T ab 77 The In trusion Det ectio n T ab Introd uction The In trusion Detection tab al lows you to control the IP addresses or intrusions the Desktop Protector engine tru sts or ignores. For informati on about trusting an d ignoring, see “ T rusting Intruders ” on page 39 and “ Igno ring Even ts ” on pa ge 40.
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 78 The ICEcap T ab Introd uction The ICEcap tab allo ws you t o manuall y control how RealS ecure Desktop Protector reports intrusion informat ion to an ICEcap server . Wh en ICEcap reporting is enabled, all events are r eported to an ICEcap server for enterprise-wide repo rting and analysis.
The ICEcap T ab 79 Last Statu s Sho ws the resul t of RealSec ure Desktop Protector ’ s last a ttemp t to chec k in with th e ICEcap se r v er , at the time displa ye d in the Time field. One o f these res ults app ears: • OK : Y ou r compute r is com municat ing normally with ICEcap Manag er .
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 80 ICE cap tab button s This table describes the but tons that appear on th e ICEcap tab. This b utton... Has this effect... OK Clic k to sa ve y our changes and return to the m ain Desk top Protector wi ndow . Cancel Click to d iscard y our changes an d return to the D esktop Protector wi ndow .
The No tifi cati ons T ab 81 The Noti ficati ons T ab Introd uction The No tifications tab allow s you to control some interface and notificatio n functions.
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 82 Notificati ons tab button s This table describes the but tons that appear on the Notif ications tab. This b utton... Has this effect... OK Clic k to sa ve y our changes and return to the m ain Desk top Protector wi ndow .
The Prompts T ab 83 The Prom pts T a b Introd uction The Prompts tab enables you to choose the level of feedback you want fr om the RealSecure Desktop Protector user interface. Prompts tab settin gs This table describes the s ettings on the Prompts tab: This setting.
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 84 The Ap plicat ion Control T ab Introd uction U se the Application Control tab to pr event unautho rized applications from starting on your syste m. Enable Application Protec tion When Enable Appl ication Protect ion is selected, Desktop Protector monitors your system for unauthori zed applications.
The App lic atio n C ont rol T ab 85 Application Cont rol tab butt ons This table describes the but tons that appear on th e Application Control tab. This b utton... Has this eff ect... OK Click to sa v e you r changes and return to the main Deskto p Pro tect or wi ndow .
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 86 The Co mmunic ation s Contr ol T ab Introd uction Use the Communications Control tab to pr event programs on your system fr o m contacting a network withou t your knowledge.
The Communications Control T ab 87 Cancel Click to discard your changes and ret urn to the Desk top Pro tect or wi ndow . Apply Clic k to sa ve y our cha nges and keep the curren t tab open . Help Dis pla ys the onli ne Help f or this tab . This button .
Appendi x B: Config uration T abs 88.
89 Appe ndix C Advanced Fir ewall Settings Overview Introd uction Y ou ca n use the Advanced Firewall Settings window to bloc k intruders or ports or to configure Desktop Protector to dynamically switch protection levels.
Appendi x C: Advanced Firewall Settin gs 90 The Firewall Rules T ab Introd uction Use the IP Address ta b to create, modify and delete fir ewall settings fo r IP addres ses and ports. Add an d remove addresses or po rts from the firewall list as ne cessary to mo dify and protect your syst em.
The Firewall Rules T ab 91 Butt ons The following table describes the buttons on the IP Addr ess tab: Shortcut menu These commands ar e available when you right-click an item in the firewall list: Note: The Accept and Reject settings produce differ ent shortcut option s.
Appendi x C: Advanced Firewall Settin gs 92 The Local A daptive Protectio n T a b Use this tab to conf igure your firewall to switch protection levels dyna mically .
The Remote Adaptive Protection T ab 93 The Remote Adaptive Protection T ab When your firewall detects a connection w ith a r emote system that is using one of the IP addresses specified on th is tab, your firewall automa tically switches to the appropriate pr otect ion l evel.
Appendi x C: Advanced Firewall Settin gs 94 The Add Firewall Entry Dialog Introd uction Use this dialog to create or change fir ewall settings that block or accept IP addresses. Add Firew all Entry dialog s etting s The Add Fir ewall Entry dialog feat ures the se fields: This field.
The Add Firewall Entry Dialog 95 Add Firew all Entry dialog button s The Add Fir ew all Entry dialog has these button s: This b utton... Has this effect... Add Clic k to creat e the fire wall entry . Cancel Closes the windo w without sa ving the setti ng.
Appendi x C: Advanced Firewall Settin gs 96 The Modify Firewall Entr y Dialog Introd uction U se this dialog to chang e a firewall setting that you have set up previous ly . Modify Firew all Entr y dial og settin gs The Modify Fir ewall Entry dialog features these fields: This field.
The Modify Fi rewall Entry Dialog 97 Modify Firew all Entr y dialog button s The Modify Firewall Entry dialog has th ese buttons: This b utton... Has this effect... Add Clic k to creat e the fire wall entry . Cancel Closes the windo w without sa ving the setti ng.
Appendi x C: Advanced Firewall Settin gs 98.
99 Appe ndix D Advanced Application Protection Settings Overview Introd uction The A dvanced Applicatio n Settings win dow lets you control which applicat ions can start on your system and which a pplications can co nnect to a network, such as the Internet.
Appendi x D: Advanced Ap plication P rotection Settin gs 100 Advanced Applicatio n Settings window menu commands The Advanced Application Pr otection Settings window features these menus: This comma nd... Has this eff ect... File men u Run Bas eline Ex ecutes t he choices you hav e made on the Baseline tab .
The Kno wn Appl icat ion s T ab 101 The Known Ap plicat ions T ab Introd uction The K nown Applicati ons tab shows the application files Desktop Protector has detected on your sys tem.
Appendi x D: Advanced Ap plication P rotection Settin gs 102 The Baseline T ab Introd uction The B aseline tab allows you to control how RealSecure Desktop Protector inspects you r system for applicatio n files. The s ystem tree pane The system tr ee pane shows the drives and dir ectories RealSecure Desktop Pr otector has found on your system.
The Checksum Extensions Dialog 103 The Checksum Extensions Dialog Introd uction The Ch ecksum Extensi ons dialog enables you to cust omize the appl ication fi le types that RealSecur e Desktop Protector lists when it inspects your system.
Appendi x D: Advanced Ap plication P rotection Settin gs 104.
105 Appe ndix E The Main Menu Overview Introd uction The Main Menu appears above the information tabs. This Appen dix explains how to use the menu optio ns to control the appearance and operation of Des ktop Protector features.
Appendi x E: The Main Menu 106 The File Menu Introd uction Use the File menu to contr ol the essential operations of RealSecure Desktop Pr otector. Print... Print sends information from Desktop Protector to your default printer . T o print informati on about an event or intruder: 1.
The Edit Menu 107 The Edit Menu Introd uction U se the Edit menu to manipulate the in trusion records that RealSecur e Deskto p Pr otector gathers. For more informatio n about ways you can use Desktop Protector data, see “ Bac k Tr a c i n g ” on page 50.
Appendi x E: The Main Menu 108 The V iew Menu Introd uction Use the V iew menu to choose what items ar e displayed, and how , on the Events and Intruders lists. Fre eze Stops Desktop Prot ector from refr eshing the tab information. For more information, see “ Freezing the Events list ” on page 49.
The T ools Menu 109 The T ools Menu Introd uction The T ools menu enables you to configure the application by editing the settings; edit the Advanced Fir ewall settings; start or stop the BlackICE engine; clear the event list; or cha nge ot her pref erenc es.
Appendi x E: The Main Menu 110 The Help Menu Introd uction The Help menu offers links to the Help, the ISS W eb site, an d information about Desktop Protector.
The System T ra y Menu 111 The System T ray Menu Introd uction The sy stem tray menu provides a qu ick way to access some key Desktop Protector functions. Y ou ca n see this menu by right-clicking the Desk top Protector icon in the lo wer right corner of your screen.
Appendi x E: The Main Menu 112.
113 Index a acc eptin g even ts 39 adap tive protec tion 4 , 92 – 93 adding an entr y 94 addresses blocking and accepting 37 Advanced Applicat ion Control Settings window 1 02 Advanced Fire wall Set.
Index 114 e Edit menu 107 events accepting 39 , 96 blocking 37 , 96 clearing 48 , 109 deleting 48 filter ing 12 , 48 , 108 find ing 107 freez ing 4 9 , 108 ignoring 40 notific ation 48 Events tab 62 E.
Inde x 115 clearing 48 , 54 , 109 collecting 54 Paranoid protection leve l 3 , 70 port s, blocking 40 prerequisites installation 22 printing information 64 , 66 , 91 , 106 profile see base line 1 Prom.
Index 116.
Chapter 0 : 118 13. No High Ris k Use - Licensee a cknowledges that the Soft ware is not fault to lerant and i s not desig ned or intended for use in haz ardous environ ments requ iring fail-saf e ope.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Internet Security Systems 3.5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Internet Security Systems 3.5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Internet Security Systems 3.5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Internet Security Systems 3.5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Internet Security Systems 3.5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Internet Security Systems 3.5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Internet Security Systems 3.5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Internet Security Systems 3.5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.