Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WBR-1400TX van de fabrikant LevelOne
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LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router WBR-1100TX WBR-1400TX User's Guide.
T ABLE OF C ONTEN TS CHAPTER 1 IN TRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1 Features of the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router................................................ 1 Package Contents .
PC Database Screen ...................................................................................................... 80 Options ......................................................................................................................
1 1 Chapter 1 Introduction This Chapter pr ovides an overvi ew of the Level One W ireless Broadband Router's featur es and c apabilities. Congra tulatio ns on the purc hase of your new LevelOne W irel ess Br oad band Router .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide • PPPoE and PPTP Support. The Intern et (WA N port) con necti on supports PPPoE (PPP ove r Eth ernet) and PPTP (Pee r-to-Pe er T unne ling Pr oto col) , as well a s "Di rect Con- nection" type services.
Introduct ion • DHCP Server Support. D yna mic H ost C onfigur atio n P rotocol provides a dyn amic IP address to PC s and other devi ces upon request. The Lev elOne Wi reless Broadband Rout er can act as a DHCP Server f o r devices on your local LA N and WLAN.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide • NAT Protection. An intrinsic s ide effect of NAT (Netw ork Address Translation) tech - nology is that by allowing all LA N users to sh are a singl e IP address, the location an d even the existen ce of each PC is hidden.
Introduct ion Phy sical Details LEDs - WBR- 1100TX Power On - Po wer on. Off - No pow er. Diag On - Error condition. Off - Norm al operation. Blinking - T his LED b links dur ing star t up. WAN Act On - WAN conn ection is established. Flashing - Data is being transmitted or received via the WAN port.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide • On - Correspondin g LAN (h ub) port is activ e. • Off - No active connection on the corresponding L AN (hub) port. • F lashing - Data is being transm itted or received via the corre- spondi ng L AN (hu b) port.
Introduct ion Connections - WBR -1100TX Figure 2: Connecti ons - WBR-1100TX Printer Port A standard parallel printer port is on the side panel. If you w ish to share a printer, con nect it here. Serial (RS 232) Port A st andard RS232 Serial Port i s on th e side panel.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide PCM CIA slot Insert the supplied Wireless PCMCIA card into this slot. • Ensure the po wer is OFF before inserting or rem ovi ng the PCMCIA Card . • Do not use any o ther PCMCIA Card. Power port Connect th e supplied power adapter h ere.
Introduct ion Connections - WBR -1400TX Figure 3: Connecti ons - WBR-1400TX Printer Port A standard parallel printer port is on the side panel. If you w ish to share a printer, connect it here. PCM CIA slot Insert the supplied Wireless PCMCIA card into this slot.
10 2 Chapter 2 Installation This Chapter cover s the physical installation of the LevelOne W ireless Broadband Router. Requirements • Netw ork cable - standard 10/100BaseT netw ork (UTP) cable wi th RJ45 connectors . • TCP/IP protocol m ust be in stalled on all PCs .
Installatio n 1. Choose an Instal lation Si te Select a suitable place on th e network to ins tall the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Rou ter. Ensure th e LevelOne Wireless Broadband R o uter and th e DSL/Cable modem are powered OFF.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Procedure - WBR-1400TX Figure 5: In stallation - WBR-1400TX 1. Choose an Instal lation Si te Select a suitable place on th e network to ins tall the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Rou ter. Ensure th e LevelOne Wireless Broadband R o uter and th e DSL/Cable modem are powered OFF.
Installatio n 4. Connect WAN Cable Conn ect the DS L or Cable m odem to the WA N port on the L evelOne Wireles s Broadband Router. Use th e cable supplied with your DSL /Cable modem .
14 Chapter 3 Setup This Chapter pr ovides Setup deta ils of the Level One Wireles s Broadband Router. Overv iew This chapter describes th e setup procedure for: • Internet A ccess • LAN confi gurati on • Wire less setup • Assigning a P assword to pro tect the co nfiguratio n dat a.
Setup Configurati on Program The LevelOne Wireles s Broadband Router contains an HT TP server. This en ables you to conne ct to it, and confi gure it, using your W eb B rowser. Your Brow ser mu st support JavaScript . The configu ratio n program h as been tested on the followi ng browsers: • Netscape V4.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide If you can't connect If th e Leve lOne Wirel ess Broadband Router does not respond, check t he follow ing: • The Level One Wireless Broadban d Router is properly installed, L AN connec- tion is OK, and it is powered ON.
Setup Setup Wizar d The first time y ou connect to the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router, the Setup Wizard will run autom atically. (The Setup Wizard will also run if th e LevelOne Wireless Bro adband Router's default settin g is restor ed.) 1. Step thr ough the W izard until finished.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Other Modems (e. g. Broadband Wireless) Ty pe Details ISP Data r equired Dyn amic IP Addres s Your IP Address is allocated autom atically, wh en you connect to your ISP. None. Static (Fixed) IP Addres s Your ISP allocates a perman ent IP Address to you.
Setup LA N Screen Use the LAN link on the main m enu to reach the LA N screen An ex ample s creen is show n below . Figure 7: LAN Screen Data - L AN Screen TCP/IP IP Address IP address for the L evelOne Wireless Broadband Rou ter, as seen from the local LA N.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Cancel The "Cancel" button will discard any d ata you h ave entered and reload the file from the LevelOne Wireless Broadb and Router. DHCP What DHCP Does A DHCP ( Dynamic Host Co nfigurat ion P rot ocol ) Server allocates a valid IP address to a DHCP Client (PC or device) upon request.
Setup Wireless Screen The Wireless Access Point settings mu st match the other Wireless stations. To change the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Ro uter 's def ault settings f o r the Wireless Access Point feature, use the W ire less link on th e main m enu to reach th e Wire less screen.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide WEP data encryption • WEP (W ired Equivalent Privacy ) status will display " Enabled" o r "D isabl ed" , de pend ing on whether WEP is be ing used . If used , data is Encrypted before being transm itted, making com munication more secu re.
Setup WEP Screen This screen is acces sed by clicking the "Configure WEP" button on th e Wireless screen. An exam ple W EP screen is sh ow n below .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide 128 Bit Encryp tion • If selected, data is encrypted using the key before being transm it- ted. The receiving s tation mus t be set to use 128 Bit En cryption, and have the sam e Key value. Oth erwise, it w ill not be able to de - crypt the data.
25 4 Chapter 4 PC Configuration This C hapter details the PC Configur ation required on the l ocal ("Internal " ) LAN. Overv iew For each PC, the follow ing m ay need to be conf igured: • .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s 9x/ME: 1. Select Control Panel - Network . You should see a screen lik e the followin g: Figure 12: Network Configuration 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for y our netw ork card.
PC Configurat ion • On the Gateway tab, enter the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's IP address in the New Gatewa y field and click Add , as show n below. You r LA N admin istrator can advise you of the I P Add ress they assigne d to the LevelO ne Wir eless B roa dba nd Rout er.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s NT4.0 1. Select Control Panel - Network , an d, on the Protocols tab, select the TCP/ IP protocol, as show n below . Figure 16: Win dows NT4.0 - TC P/IP 2. Click the Properti es button to see a screen lik e the one below.
PC Configurat ion Figure 17: Win dows NT4.0 - IP Ad dress 3. Select the netw ork card for y our LAN. 4. Select the appropriat e radio button - O btain an IP address from a DHCP Server or Specify an IP Address , as explained below. Obtain an I P address from a DHCP Ser ver This is the default Windows setting.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Figure 18 - Win dow s NT4.0 - A dd Gateway 2. The DNS s hould be s et to the address prov ided by you r ISP, as follow s: • Click the DNS tab. • On the DNS screen, shown b elow, click th e Add b utton ( under DNS Servi ce Search Order ), and enter the DNS prov ided by y our ISP.
PC Configurat ion Figure 19: Win dows NT4.0 - DNS 31.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 2000: 1. Select Control Panel - Network and Di al-up Connecti o n . 2. Right - c lick the Local Area Connection icon an d select Proper ties . You shou ld see a screen like the f o llowin g: Figure 20: Network Configuration (Win 2000) 3.
PC Configurat ion Figure 21: TCP/ IP Properties (Win 2000) 5. Ensu re your TCP/IP settings are correct, as described below. Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Addr ess autom atically . This is the default Windo ws setting. Using this is recom mended .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s XP 1. Select Control Panel - Netw ork Connection . 2. Right c lick the Local Area Connection and ch oose Properties . You should see a screen like the follow ing: Figure 22: Network Configuration (Windows XP) 3.
PC Configurat ion Figure 23: TCP/ IP Properties (Windows XP) 5. Ensu re your TCP/IP settings are correct. Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Addr ess autom atically . This is the default Windo ws setting. Using this is recom mended .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Internet A ccess To configure y our PCs to use the L evelOne Wireless B roadband Router f o r Internet acces s: • Ensure that the DSL modem , Cable modem , o r other permanen t co nnection is f unctional.
PC Configurat ion Printer Setup for Window s The Lev elOne Wi reless Broadband Rou ter provides print ing support for 2 m ethods for prin ting from Window s: • Print Port Driver. After installing the Pr int Port Driver, Windows us ers can print directly to the Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Rout er.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Under Windows 95, if you see the follow ing error message, either install In ternet Explo rer 4 or later, or follow the proce- dure in the "Trouble Shooting - Printing" section of A ppendix A .
PC Configurat ion Figure 25: Print Port Con figuration Items show n on this screen are as follows: Port If desired, click Browse to select a dif ferent dev ice. (T he Select Device Port button is provided to allow this softw are to work with multi-port models.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide LPD/LPR Printing LPD/L P R prin ting can be u sed with Window s NT 4.0 Server or Wi ndow s 2000. No softw are needs to be installed on client PCs. Window s NT 4.0 Server Configuration To use LP D pr inting, M icrosoft TCP/IP Printing m ust be installed an d enabled.
PC Configurat ion Window s 2000 Server Configuration The LPD/LPR Port is not en abled by default. To enable it, use this procedure: 1. In C ontrol Pan el, select Add/ Remove Prog rams, th en Window s Compon ents. 2. Select Other Ne twork Fi le and Print Ser vices , then click the Details button.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Figure 27: Win dows 2000: Select Port 4. In th e Dialog requesti ng N a me or Addr ess of s erver providing lpd , enter th e IP address of the Leve lOne W irele ss Bro adb and Ro uter . 5. For Name of pr inter or print queue on that ser ver , enter L1 6.
PC Configurat ion Maci ntosh Clients From y our Macintosh, y ou can access the In ternet via th e LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router. The procedure is as follows. 1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel. 2. Select Ethernet from the Connect via pop-u p menu .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Linux Cli ents To access the Internet v ia the Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Router, it is only necessary to s et the Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Rout er as the "Gatew ay". Ensu re you are logged in as "root" b efore attemptin g any changes .
PC Configurat ion Note: If you have mad e a ho st file e ntry, you can use the name fr om the host file instead of the IP Address. Rem o te Queue L n Where n is the Logical Printer n umber (L1, L2, L 3 ). Logical Printers can be confi gured o n the Le velOne W ire less Broadband Rou ter 's Options- Printer Port screen .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Wireless Station Configuration This section applies to all Wireless stations wish ing to use the L e velOne Wireless Broadb and Router 's A ccess P oint, regardless of the operating sy stem wh ich is used on the client.
47 5 Chapter 5 Operation and Status This Chapter details the oper a ti on of the LevelOne W ireless Broadband Router and the st atus screens. Operation Once both the LevelO ne Wireless Broadba nd Router and the PCs a re configured, opera- tion is autom atic.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Data - Stat us Screen Internet Connection M ethod This indicates the current connection m ethod, as set in the Setup Wizard. Internet IP Address This IP Address is allocated by th e ISP (Internet Service Pro- vider).
Operation and St atus "Abort Current Print Job" Button Click this button to term inate the current print job. T his button should be used if the cu rrent print job is not printing correctly. Buttons Connection Details View the details of th e current In ternet connection.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Connection Status - PPPoE If u sing PPPoE (PPP over Et hernet ), a scree n like the fo llow ing exam ple w ill be displayed wh en the "Connection Details" b utton is clicked.
Operation and St atus • The most comm on messages are listed in the table below. • The "Clear Log" button will restart the Log , wh ile the Re- fresh button w ill upd ate the m essages show n on screen. Buttons Connect If not conn ected, establish a connection to y our ISP.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Connection Status - PPTP If using PP TP (P eer-to -Peer T unneling P roto col) , a scr een like the fo llowing example will be displayed wh en the "Co nnection Details" button is clicked.
Operation and St atus Buttons Connect If not conn ected, establish a connection to y our ISP. Disconnect If co nnecte d to your ISP , hang up the co nnect ion. Clear Log Delete all data currently in the Log . This will m ake it easier to read new m essages.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Connection Details - Fixed/Dy namic IP A ddress If y our access m ethod is n either PPPoE nor PPT P, a screen lik e the follow ing exam ple w ill be displayed wh en the "Co nnection Details" button is clicked.
Operation and St atus OR "Renew" the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Ro uter, this button w ill say "Renew". Clicking the " Renew " button w ill attempt to re- establish th e connection and obtain an IP Address f rom the ISP's DHCP Server.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Connection Status - Serial Port This screen is not availa ble for L evelOn e WBR-1400TX. Figure 32: Serial Po rt Status Screen Data - Seri al Port St atus Screen Connection Status Port Sta tus T his show s the curren t port operation.
Operation and St atus • Internet Access - This is the IP Address used by th is d evice, as seen by Internet users . This address is prov ided by you r ISP . • Dial-in - This is the IP Address used by the rem ote user. T his IP Address is allocated b y th e DHCP Server fun ction in the LevelO ne Wir eless B roa dba nd Rout er.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide PPP up su ccessful ly The PPP conn ectio n w as establi shed s uccessf ully. Stop PPP Th e PPP conne ction w as t ermi nated. Th is w ill occur at the end of a session, or an error condition. Tr y to hang up Attempti ng to get the mode m to hang up.
59 6 Chapter 6 Advanced Features This Chapter explains when and how to use the LevelOne Wir eless Broad- band Router 's "Advanced" Features. Overv iew The follow ing advanced f eatures are provided. • Special Applications • DMZ • Virtual Servers • Dyn amic DNS • Remote M anagement • Dial-in.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Figure 33: Internet Screen Conferencing & Tel ephony Most applicat ions are s upported tran sparently by t he Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Router. But sometim es it is not clear w hich PC shou ld receive an incom ing connection.
Advanced Features Special A pplications If you use Int ernet app licati ons which use non-st andar d co nnecti ons or por t numbers, you may find th at they do not function correctly because they are blocked by the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's firewall.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Data - Special A ppli cations Screen Checkbox Use th is to Enable or Disable this Special Application as required.
Advanced Features DMZ This feature, if enabled, allows on e (1) compu ter on y our LAN to be ex posed to all users on the Internet, allow ing unrestricted 2-w ay comm unication betw een the "DMZ PC" and other Internet users or Serv ers. • This allows alm ost any application to be used on the "DMZ PC".
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Data - U RL Filter Sc reen Filter Strings Current Entries This lists any existin g entries. If yo u ha ve not e ntere d any value s, this list will be em pty. Add Filter String T o add an entry to the list, en ter it here, and click the "Add" button.
Advanced Features Virtual Servers This feature allow s you to m ake Servers on y our LAN access ible to Internet users. Norm ally, Internet u sers w ould not be able to access a serv er on your LA N because: • Your Server d oes no t have a valid e xternal IP Add ress.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Virtual Serv ers Screen The Virtual Server s screen is reached by the Virtual Server s link on the Advanced screen. A n exam ple screen is show n below. Figure 37: Virtua l Servers Screen This screen lists a num ber of pre-def ined Servers, an d allow s you to def ine your ow n Serv ers.
Advanced Features Buttons Defaults This w ill de lete any Servers you have defin ed, and set the pre- defin ed Servers to use t heir def ault port n umbers. Disable All This will cause th e " Enable" setting of all Virtual Servers to be set OFF.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Connecting to t he Virtual Serv ers Once conf igured, any one on the Intern et can connect to y our Virtual Servers. They must us e the Internet IP A ddress (the IP A ddress allocated to you by your ISP).
Advanced Features Dy na mic DNS Scree n Select Advanced on the main menu, then Dyn amic DNS , to see a screen like th e follow ing: Figure 38: DDNS Screen Data - Dynamic DNS Screen DDNS Service DDNS Service • You m ust sign u p first to create a n ew account bef ore using the service.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Remote Management Thi s featur e allo ws you to manage the LevelOne Wir eless B roa dba nd Rout er via the Int ernet . Figure 39: Rem o te Management Screen Data - R emote Manage ment Sc reen Remote Management Enable Remote Managemen t Enable to allow m anagemen t via the Internet.
71 7 Chapter 7 Dial-in This Chapter explains how to use the RAS Dial-in facility available on the WBR-1100TX L evelOne Wireless Br oadband Router. Overv iew To use the RAS Dial- in facility on the WB R-1100TX Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Router, an analog modem or ISDN TA mus t be connected to th e Serial port.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Data - Dial -in Users Screen Modem Mod em • If using a permanent conn ection or leased line, select "Perma- nent Con nection (leased line)". • If you r modem or IS DN T A is in the drop-dow n list , just se lect it.
Dial-in Dial-in PPP Link Select the desired security option for log-in : • PAP has w idespread support; alm ost all com municati o ns sy stem s support it. This is the default s etting, and compatible with the default settings for Dial-up Netw orking in Windows.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Dial-in Users Screen This screen is reach ed via the Di al-in User s button on the Dial-in screen. • All defined us ers are listed . If y ou have not defin ed any u sers, only th e " guest" user w ill be listed.
Dial-in Enforce con- nection tim e lim it If checked, each connection w ill be terminated if it exceeds the tim e limit. If not checked, each connection w ill co ntinu e until term inated by the rem o te user. Call back Select t he desired opt ion • Disabled - call back is not used.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Modem Properties Screen This screen is reach ed via the Modem Properti es button on the Dial-in s creen. • Normally, it is n o t necessary to change th ese settings. • Refer to y our Modem' s user man ual to determ ine the "AT" comm ands it support s.
Dial-in Client PCs - Usi ng Dial-in Thi s sectio n desc ribe s how to co nfigure your PC to use the Le velOne W ire less Br oad band Router 's RAS Dial-in featu re.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Dial-up Net w orking Properties Log on to ne twork This setting ref ers to a logon to a Server on you r LAN, not the login to the Lev elOne Wireless Broad band Router. This is checked by default, but is n o t required, and w ill cause a m inor delay in establis hing a connection.
79 8 Chapter 8 Advanced Configuration This Chapter explains the settings ava ilable via the Advan ced configuration section of t h e "Advanced" menu.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide PC Database Screen The PC Database is used w henever y ou need to select a PC (e.g. for the "DMZ" PC). It elim i- nates the n eed to enter IP addresses. An ex ample PC Database screen is show n below.
Advanced Confi guration Buttons Add This will add the new PC to the list. T he PC will be sent a "ping" to determine its h ard w are ad dress. If the PC is not available (not con- nected, or not powered On) y ou will not be able to add it. Delete Delete the selected P C from th e list.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Options This screen allow s advanced us ers to enter or change a number of se ttings. Fo r nor mal oper a- tion, there is n o need to use th is screen or change an y settings. An ex ample Options screen is show n below .
Advanced Confi guration Allow Internet access to be disabled • If check ed, then UPnP users can disable Internet access vi a this device. • If Disabled, UPnP users can NOT disable Internet access via this devic e. B ut curr ently, this r estric tion o nly appli es to user s running Window s XP, who access the Properties v ia UP nP.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Printer Port Normally , these settings do not need to be changed. Figure 46: Print er Port Screen A pp leTalk AppleTalk zone This determin es which A pple system s can gain access to th is printer. The default v alue is * , which allow s access by all system s.
Advanced Confi guration MAC A ddress The MAC (hardw are) ad dress is a low-lev el network identifier. It m ay be called "MAC Ad- dress", "Hardware A ddress", or " Phys ical Address". On a PC, this addres s is associated w ith the Netw ork card or adapter.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide If the M A C address is changed , the LevelO ne Wireless Broadb and Router mu st restart. Routing Overv iew • If you do n't have o ther Ro uters o r Ga teways on your LAN, you c an igno re the "Ro uting" page completely .
Advanced Confi guration Figure 48: Routing Screen Data - Routi ng Screen RIP Enable RIP Check this to enable the RIP (Routing In formation Protocol) feature of the Le velOne W ire less Br oad band Route r. The Lev elOne Wireless Broadband Router su pports RIP 1 only .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Add Add a new entry to the Static Routing table, usin g the data shown in the "Properties" area on screen.
Advanced Confi guration Static Routing - Example Router B ( ( Router A Segment 0 Segment 2 Segment 1 Wireless (192.168.0.xx) (192.
90 A Appendix A T roubleshooting This Appendix cover s the most likely problem s and their solutions. Overv iew This chapter covers some comm on problems th at may be en countered wh ile using the L eve- lOne Wireless Broad band Router and some possible solutions to them.
Appendix A - Troubleshooti ng check y our Internet connection (DSL /Cable modem etc) to see that it is w orking correctly . Problem 2: Som e applications do no t run properly w hen using the LevelOne Wire- less Broa dband Router.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide switching othe r de vices Off, and se e if this hel ps. Any "no isy" de vices should be shielded or relocated . • RF Shielding Your environm ent may ten d to block transmission betw een the wireless stations.
Appendix A - Troubleshooti ng finished . 5. When f inished, go to Control Panel-Printers . The printer icon will be grayed out in dicating the printer is not ready . 6. Right-click the P rinter, and select Proper ties . Then s elect the Details tab, as sh own below .
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide 9. Click the Browse Dev ice button, select the desired Multi-fun ctio n LevelO ne Wir eless B ro adb and Ro uter, and cl ick OK. 10. Click OK to return to the Printers folders, and righ t-click on the Printer.
Appendix A - Troubleshooti ng Dial-in A ccess This secti on is availabl e for Le velOn e WBR-1100TX only . Problem 1: Rem o te PC can't connect to the LevelOne Wireless Bro adband Router. Solution 1: Check the settings o n the LevelOne Wireless Br oadband Router • Dial-in is Enabled.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Problem 3: On the LAN, there is an IP Addre ss conflict involving the Dial-in PC. How do I set the IP Add ress allocated to the Dial-in PC? Answer 3: This problem can only occur if the L evelOne Wireles s Broadband Router ' s DHCP Server is Disabled.
97 B Appendix B About Wireless LANs This Appendi x provides s ome background information about using Wire less LANs (WLANs). Modes Wireless LANs can w ork in either of tw o (2) modes: • Ad -hoc • Infrastructure A d-hoc M ode Ad-h oc mode does not requ ire an Access Point or a w ired (Etherne t) LA N.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Channels The Wir eless Channe l sets the rad io fre quenc y used for c ommunicatio n. • Access Points use a f ixed Channel. You can select the Chann el used. This allow s you to choose a Ch annel wh ich provides the least interf erence and best perform ance.
99 C Appendix C A T Commands A T Commands This Appendix details the "AT" comm ands used by modem s and ISDN T As. This inform ation is provi d ed to assi st users w ho are usin g the serial port of Level One WBR- 1100T X. It is not relevant to Cable or DSL m o dems con nected to the WAN (Ethern et) p ort.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide Figure 50: Connecti on Properties (W95/98) 4. Select Advanced to see the screen below . Figure 51: Advan ced Connecti on (W95/98) 5. Check the option Record a log file . Then click OK and ex it. 6. Use Dial-up N etworking to m ake your on-line conn ection normally .
Appendix C - AT com mands Standard A T Commands Most modems u se the standard AT co mm ands, as shown in the following tables. Consu lt the man ual for y our modem to set wh at AT comm ands it support s. Note that the trailing "n" in m any comm ands indicates a number.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide AT Ln Speaker v olum e control. n=0-7 AT Mn Speaker cont rol M0 Speaker alw ays off M1 Speaker on until carrier is detected M2 Speaker alw ays on M3 Speaker on af ter last digit di aled, off at carrier detect AT Nn Ring volume co ntro l, n =0 disa bles r ing functio n.
Appendix C - AT com mands Extended "A T& " Commands (Includ es RTS/CT S Flow Contro l Commands) Command Description &Bn Data rate, term inal-to-m o dem &B1 DTE/DCE rate fixed at .
104 D Appendix D Specifications WBR-1100TX (LevelOne 1 Port Wirel ess Broadband Router w ith 1 LAN Port) Model WBR-1100TX - LevelOn e 1 Port Wireless Broadban d Router with 1 LA N Port Dimensions 215.
Appendix D - Specif ications WBR-1400TX (LevelOne 1 Port Wirel ess Broadband Router w ith 4 LA N Port) Model WBR-1400TX - LevelOn e 1 Port Wireless Broadban d Router with 4 LA N Port Dimensions 215.
LevelOne W ireles s Broadband Router Us er Guide PCMCIA Wireless Card Interface PCMC IA 68pin, 16bit data Standard s IEEE802.11b WLAN, PC MCIA 2.1, JEIDA 4.2 Freq uency 2.4 to 2.4835GHz ( Indu strial Scien tific Medical Ban d ) Channels Maxim um 14 Channels, depending on regulatory au thor ities Data Rate 11 / 5.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LevelOne WBR-1400TX (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LevelOne WBR-1400TX heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LevelOne WBR-1400TX vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LevelOne WBR-1400TX leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LevelOne WBR-1400TX krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LevelOne WBR-1400TX bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LevelOne WBR-1400TX kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LevelOne WBR-1400TX . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.