Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WBR-6801 van de fabrikant LevelOne
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1 LevelOne User Man ual WBR- 6801 150Mbps N Wireless 3 G Portable Rout er V1. 1.
2 Safety FCC W A RNING This eq uipment m ay generat e or us e radio frequency energy . Chang es or modific ations to this eq uipment may caus e har mful inter ference u nless t he modific ations ar e expr essly approved in t he ins truction manual.
3 General Publi c License This pr oduct incor porat es open s ource cod e into t he so ftw are and th erefore fal ls under the guidel ines g overned by the Gener al Publi c Licens e (GPL) agreeme nt.
4 Table of contents 1. INTRODUCT ION ............................................................................................................... 5 1.1 P AC K AG E L I S T ............................................................................
5 1. Co ngratulat ions on your pu rchase of this outstanding Product : W BR - 6801 1 50Mbps N W ir eless 3G Portable Ro uter . This product is spec ificall y desig ned for m obile us er who n eeds to ha ve the internet acces s beyond his hom e and off ice.
6 1.2 Hardware Instal lation Hardw ar e configurati on Ho ok asse mbling or dissem bling LE D Indica tors Po w er LE D USB W ir eless & U SB LED W PS Button Po we r S wit ch Power Hook PUSH “Cli.
7 LED indicators LED color Descripti on USB LED Blue 3G/3.5G is on Blue in flas h Data acc ess Wi - Fi LED Blue W LAN is ON Blue in f lash Data acc ess Blue in fast flas h Device is in W PS Mode Installation S tep s DO NOT s witch o n 3G Portable Router befor e per forming the inst allat ion steps be low .
8 Step 4. 4.1. Use Po wer A dapter Then plug t he other en d of the power adapt er into a wall outlet. 4.2. Use U SB Cabl e Then plug the other en d of US B Cable to U SB Port on your PC or N B. Step 5. Turn on the pow er switch. The W i - Fi and 3G L ED will turn ON to indicate that the power has been ap plied.
9 2. 2.1 Easy Setup Uti lity by Easy Setup Getting start W e provide W izard and Eas y Setup by W indows Utility to ena ble you to s et up th e W iFi Mobile Router quic kl y and easi ly. Check the s teps belo w bef ore runn ing the s ection. (1) Press W PS button m ore than 6 s econds on the Router.
10 Step 2. Select La nguage t hen cl ick “Next” to c ontinu e. Step 3. 1. Please se lect W izard m ode to run the s etup step - by - step to diagnos e the n etwork settings of the R outer. 2. Click t he “W izard” button and click “NEXT ” to continue.
11 Step 4. 1. Make s ure your US B 3G Modem is connect ed to th e USB port of the Ro uter. 2. Make s ure the Rout er is powered o n. 3. Make s ure your c omput er has conn ected to th e Router. 4. Make s ure your c omput er has an IP address. 5. Click “Next ” to continue .
12 Step 6 - 1. Select “Aut o - Detec tion”, a nd the Utilit y will try to detec t and configure th e req uired 3G service sett ings autom aticall y. Click “ Next” to c ontinue. ※ Def ault PIN Code is em pty , if y ou have PIN Code, you must enter it.
13 Step 7. Check the settings , and t hen click the “Next” if the set ting s are correc t. Step 8. The 3G Por table R outer is rebootin g to m ake y our entir e configurat ion activat ed.
14 Step 9. Please reconnect to Router befor e click “Next ”. Step 10 - 1. Click “N ext” to t est th e Inter net connecti on or you can s kip test .
15 Step 10 - 2. T est the Internet c onnecti on Step 11. Congratul ations! Setup is com plete d. Now you have alread y connecte d to Inter net success fully .
16 2.2 Ea sy Setup b y Configuring We b Pages You can a lso bro wse web UI to co nfigure t he de vice. Browse to Activate the Set up Wizard Please t ype in th e IP A ddress ( http://192. 168.1 .1 ) Please t ype “adm in” in the Password a nd clic k ‘log in’ button.
17 Select “W izard” for basic settings with simple wa y. Press “ Next” to s tart the Setup W izard. Configur e with the Set up Wizard Step 1: C hange S ystem Password.
18 Step 2 : Select T im e Zone . Step 3 : Select W an T ype. If y ou want to us e 3G serv ice as the main i nternet ac cess , please set the W AN interf ace as “W ireless W AN” and the W AN type as “3G ”.
19 Step 5: Set up your W ireless Network. Set up your SSID. . Step 6 : Set up W ireless Securit y. Set up your Authentic ation and Encryptio n..
20 Step 7: Appl y your Setting. Then clic k Appl y Setting . Step 8: Click F inish to c omplete it..
21 3. 3.1 Advanced Makin g Configu ration 3.1.1 Basic S ettin g Network S etu p LAN Setup 1. LA N IP Address: the loca l IP addr ess of this de vice. The com puters on your net work must us e the LAN IP addr ess of your produc t as the ir Def ault Rou ter .
22 Interne t Set up This dev ice supp orts diff erent W AN t ypes of conn ection f or users to connec t to r em ote wireless ISP, s uch a s 3G (W CDMA, H SxPA, HSP A+, CD M A2000, EV - D O, TD - SCDMA) , i Burst, or W i - Fi Hotspot. Note. Users need to insert USB m odem c ard for 3G and iBurs t W AN connec tions.
23 Please ref er to your docum entation or serv ice prov ider f or addition al infor mation. 1. Dial - U p Prof ile: Please selec t Auto - D etection or Manua l to conti nue. You can Select “ Auto - Detect ion”, and t he Uti lity will tr y to d etect and con figure the re quired 3G servi ce settin gs autom aticall y.
24 iBurst T yp e: T he WAN fiel ds m ay not b e neces sary f or your connec tion. T he inf orm ation on th is page will onl y be used when your service pro vider requires you to enter a User Nam e and Password t o conn ect with t he iBurs t net work. Please ref er to your docum entation or serv ice prov ider f or addition al infor mation.
25 8. Maxim um Transm ission U nit (MT U): Most ISP offers MT U value to users . The default MTU value is 0(aut o). 9. NA T disable: the opt ion bri dges data f orm WAN port to LAN port. Wi - Fi HotSpo t T ypes: Th is WAN type allows you to share one W i - Fi Hotspot account with your friends or colleag ues.
26 S tep 4: C lick “ Reboot ” butt on to res tart device to take ne w sett ings effecti ve. DHCP Server Press “M ore>>” for m ore optio ns, 1.
27 3. IP Pool Star ting/Ending A ddress: Whenever there is a request, th e DHCP s erver will automat ically allocat e an u nused IP addres s fr om the IP ad dress pool to the req uestin g computer . You m ust spec ify the s tarting / endi ng addr ess of the IP addr ess poo l 4.
28 DHCP Fix ed Mapping The DHC P Server will res erve the s pecia l IP for special MAC addr ess, sho ws belo w..
29 W ireless Set tings W ireless settings allo w you to set t he wirel ess c onfigur ation item s . 1. Wire less Operation Mode: C hoose A P mode or Client m ode. T he fac tory def ault sett ing i s AP mode. 2. Network ID (S SID): Net work ID is used f or identif ying the W ir eless LAN (W LAN).
30 Open Open s ystem authenticat ion sim ply c onsists of two com munic ations. T he first is a n authent ication req uest b y the client th at contains the stati on ID (t ypicall y the MAC address) . This is followed by an auth enticat ion resp onse f rom the AP/rout er contain ing a succes s or f ailure m ess age.
31 W ireless Client L ist The list of wireles s client is s hows here. Change Password Y o u can cha nge Pas sword here. We strongly recomm end you to change t he syst em password for securit y reason.
32 3.1.2 Security Setting.
33 Pac k et Fil ter s Pack et Filter incl udes both outb ound f ilter and inbound filter . And the y have sam e wa y to settin g. Pack et Filter enables you to contr ol what packets ar e allowed to pass the rout er . Outbound f ilter applies on all outb ound pac kets.
34 For sourc e or destinat ion IP address, you can define a single I P address ( ) or a range of IP addresses ( - 4.3.2 .254). An em pty im plies all I P addr esses. For sourc e or des tinat ion por t, you c an define a sing le port (8 0) or a range of por ts (1000 - 1999).
35 URL Block ing URL Blocking wi ll block LAN com puter s to conn ect with pre - define Websites. T he m ajor difference betw een “Dom ain f ilter” and “UR L Block ing” is D omain f ilter require user to in put suffix (like .c om or .or g, etc), whi le URL Bloc king requ ire us er to input a ke yword only .
36 Cli ck on “Save” to store your setting or “Undo” to give up MAC Control MAC Address Contro l allo ws you to as sign different ac cess right for differ ent users and to assign a specif ic IP address to a c ertain MA C addres s. 1. M AC Addre ss Control Check “Enable” to enabl e the “M AC Address Contr ol”.
37 client can't send or receiv e an y data via t his devic e. Choose "allo w" or "de ny" to al low or deny the cl ients, whose MAC addr esses ar e not in t he "Contr ol tab le", to associ ate to th e Wireless LAN Click “Save” to s tore your setti ng or “Undo” to give up Miscellaneous 1.
38 Clic k on “Save” to stor e your setting or” Undo” to gi ve up 3.1.3 Advanced Settin gs Status System Log This page sup ports two m ethods to export s ystem logs to s pecific des tinat ion b y means of syslo g (UDP) an d SMT P (T CP).
39 Check Enable to enable thi s f unction. Setting of E mai l alert Check if y ou want to en able Em ail alert (s end s yslog v ia email). Check Enable to enable thi s f unction. SMT P Server I P an d Port Input the SMT P server IP and por t, which ar e conn ected w ith ':'.
40 Sync wit h Time Serv er Select if you want t o set D ate an d T ime b y NTP Protocol. Sync with my PC Select if you want t o set D ate an d T ime using PC’s Date an d Time Click o n “Save” to store your se tting or “Undo” to give up. 3.1.
41 Sy stem In fo You can view the S ystem Inform ation and System log, and download/c lear t he S ystem log, in this page..
42 Firmware Upgrade Y o u can upgrade f irm ware by cl icking “ Upgrade” button. Backup Setting Y o u can back up your sett ings by click ing the “ Backup Setti ng” button a nd save it as a b in file. Once you want to res tore thes e settings , please cl ick Firmware Upgr ade butt on and us e the bin f ile you saved.
43 Reset to Default Y ou can also reset this pro duct to factory default b y clicking in the WPS b utton. (WPS b utton also have the rese t funct io n - pus h and keep d uring 6 seco nds). . Reboot Y o u can also rebo ot this it by c lick ing the Reboot butto n.
44 Miscellaneous Domain Na me or IP address for Ping Test Allow you to conf igure an I P , and pi ng the device. Y ou can p ing a spec ific I P to test wheth er it is alive . 4. This Chapt er pro vides s olutions to pr oblem s for the ins tallation and oper ation of the W iFi Mobile Broadban d Router.
45 Ensure that your Ether net Ada pter is working, a nd that all net work drivers are i nstalled pr operl y. Network adapter n am es will vary de pending on your spec ific ad apter. T he ins tallation steps listed below are applic able for all net work adap ters.
46 D. What can I do if my router can’t recognize my 3G data ca rd even it is plugged? There m ight be c ompatibil ity issue with so m e certain 3G c ards. P lease chec k the latest compatibi lity list to see if your 3G card is alread y supporte d. E.
47 ii. Select View A vai lable W ireless N etwo rks in Wir eless Con figure . Ens ure you have se lecte d the cor rect avai lable net work . iii. Rese t th e W iFi Mobile Broadban d Router t o def ault setting C. Wh y does my wireless connection keep dropping? I.
48 Appendix A S pec Summar y T able Device Int erface CDM531AM W ireless W AN USB 2.0 for external HSP A modem 1 Antenna PIF A internal antenna 1 WPS/Reset B utton For WPS connection / Reset router setting to factor y default 1 LED I ndication USB / W iFi ● Power S witch Slide ON/OF F switch 1 Power J ack mini -usb Power Jack, DC 5V/1.
49 Appendix B Licensing information This pr oduct inc ludes cop yrighted t hird - p arty s oftware l icensed under th e term s of the GNU General P ublic L icense. Please ref er to t he GNU G eneral Public License be low t o check the detailed t erms of this licens e.
50 GNU GENERA L PUBLIC LICENSE V er sion 2 , June 19 91 Cop y r ight (C) 19 89, 199 1 Fr ee Software F oundation , Inc . 59 T em ple Place, Suite 330 , Bosto n, MA 021 1 1 - 1307 USA Everyone is perm itted to c op y and distri bute ver batim copies of this l icense d ocum ent, but chan ging it is not allowe d.
51 GNU G ENERA L PU BLIC LI CEN SE TERMS AND CONDITIONS F OR COPYING , DIST RIBUTIO N AND MODIFIC A T ION 0. This L icense applies to an y progr am or other work which contai ns a no tice pl aced b y the copyright h older s aying it m ay be distribu ted und er the term s of this G eneral Public License.
52 3. Y ou m ay cop y and distri bute th e Program ( or a work based on it, u nder S ection 2) in object code or executable f orm under the ter ms of Section s 1 and 2 abov e prov ided t hat y ou also.
53 It is not the pur pose of this sec tion to induc e you to inf ringe an y patents or other propert y right claim s or to contes t valid ity of an y such claim s; t his section h as the s ole purp ose of protectin g the integr ity of the free s oftware distrib ution s ystem , which is im plem ented b y public licens e practices .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LevelOne WBR-6801 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LevelOne WBR-6801 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LevelOne WBR-6801 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LevelOne WBR-6801 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LevelOne WBR-6801 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LevelOne WBR-6801 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LevelOne WBR-6801 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LevelOne WBR-6801 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.