Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WBR-6804 van de fabrikant LevelOne
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1 LevelOne User Man ual Ve r. 1 .0 WBR- 6804 150Mbps W ireless Dual - W AN 3G Rou ter.
2 Safet y FCC W ARNING This eq uipment may generate or us e radio fr equency energy . Chan ges or modific ations to thi s eq uipment may c ause h armful int erferenc e unless t he modific ations are ex pressly approved in the i nstruction manual.
3 General Publ ic Licen se This prod uct inco r porates open s ource code i nto the so ftwar e and th erefore falls under the guidelines g overned by the Genera l Public Lice nse (GPL) agreeme nt.
4 T able of contents CH APTER 1 INTRODUCT ION .............................................................................................. 5 1.1 P AC K AG E L I S T ....................................................................................
5 Chapter 1 Introduction The Wi - Fi Com bo Router is a high - perf ormanc e tool that supp orts wireless net wor king at hom e, work , or in a public place.
6 B. LED indicators LED Indicator Descripti on USB 3G Green and S tead y On USB 3G c onnecti on is es tablished Green and Blink ing D ata pac ket tr ansfer red via USB 3G Ethernet WAN Green and S tead.
7 C . Inst allation S teps Note: DO NOT connec t the rou ter to po wer before perf orm ing the ins tal lation st eps belo w. Step 1. Plug a US B m odem in to USB po rt. Step 2. Insert RJ 45 cabl e into LAN Port o n the bac k panel of the router . Then p lug the ot her en d of into c om puter.
8 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Eas y Setup Uti lity Th ere ar e two appro aches f or you to set up the Wi - Fi C ombo R outer quick ly and e asil y. One is through ex ecutin g the pro vided W indo ws Eas y Setup Util ity on your PC, a nd the other is thr ough browsin g the dev ice we b pages a nd config uration.
9 Step 4 : Click “ Next” to c ontinue. Step 5 : Select W ireless Enable, an d then click “Nex t” to conti nue. Step 6 : Enter S SID, Chan nel and Securit y options, and then click “Next ” t o contin ue.
10 Step 7 : Click” Let m e select W AN service b y m yself” to sel ect W AN service m anually. Step 8 : Sel ect 3G Serv ice b y clicking 3G icon to c ontin ue. Step 9 -1 : S elect “Au to - Det ection” an d the Util it y will tr y to detect and configure th e req uired 3G service sett ings autom aticall y .
11 Step 9 -2 : Or you ca n selec t “ Manua l ” and man u a l l y fil l in th e required 3G ser vice setti ngs provided b y your ISP. Click “ Next” to c ontinue. Step 10: Click “ Next” to s ave your setting. Step 11 : The Wi - Fi Combo R outer is rebooted t o m ake your e ntire configurat ion tak e eff ect .
12 Step 1 2 : Cli ck “Next” to test the Internet c onnecti on or you can ignore t est . Step 1 3 : Click “N ext” to test W AN Network ing servic e.
13 2. 2 Easy Setup by Confi guring W eb Pages You can a lso bro wse web UI to co nfigure t he de vice . B rowse to A cti vate the Se t up Wizard T y pe in the IP Addr ess ( http://192. 168.1 .1 ) T yp e in the defau lt passwor d “ adm in” in the S yst e m Password a nd then click ‘ login ’ button.
14 Configur e w ith the Setu p W izard Step 1 : Change System Password. Set up your s ystem passwo rd. ( Default : adm in) Step 2: Se lect T ime Z one .
15 Step 4: Select W an T ype. If y o u want t o use 3G serv ice as the m ain intern et acces s, please set the W AN interf ace as “ W ireles s W A N” and the W AN type as “ 3G ” . Step 5: 3G Mode. S elect Auto - Detec tion then click “ Nex t ” to contin ue.
16 Step 7: Setup your Encr yption Key here, t hen click” Next ” to continue. Step 8: Appl y y our Sett ing. Then clic k Appl y Setting . Step 9: Click F inish to c omplete it.
17 Chapter 3 Making Confi guration W henever you want to co nfigure your net work or this dev ice, you can acc ess the Configura tion Menu b y opening the web - browser and t yping in t he IP Address of the de vice. The def ault IP Address is: 192.16 8.
18 3.1.1. Net work Setup 1. LA N IP Address : T he local IP address of this d evice. T he com puters on your net work must us e the LAN I P addre ss of t his device as their De fault Gateway . Y o u can cha nge it if neces sary . 2. Subnet M ask: Input your Subne t m ask.
19 A. 3G.
20 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e 3G f or W AN connec tion. 2. Dial - Up Profile: Please s el ect Auto - D etecti on or Manu al . You c an ch oose “ Aut o - D etection”, and the router will tr y to detect and c onfig ure the requir ed 3G s ervice set tings autom atic ally.
21 B. iBurst 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e iBurst f or W AN connection. 2. Account: Enter the User Nam e for iBurs t connec tion . 3. Passw ord : Enter ne w Pas sword for iBurst c onne cti on. 4. Primar y DN S: Y ou can ass ign a Pr imar y DNS s erver if r equired.
22 10. Maximum T ransmis sion Unit (MTU): Y ou can change MT U valu e if required . T he def ault MTU value is set to 0 (aut o). 11. NA T d isable: Yo u c an disa ble NAT featur e if requ ired . C. St ati c IP A ddress 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e Stat ic IP Ad dr ess.
23 D . Dy namic IP A ddress 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e D ynam ic IP Address . 2. Host Name : O ptional, r equired b y som e ISPs , for ex ample, @Ho m e. 3.
24 E . PPP over Etherne t 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e PPP over Ethern et. 2. PPPoE A ccount and Pass wo rd : T he account an d password your ISP ass igned to you. 3. Primar y DN S: Y ou ca n indi cate IP address of prim ar y DNS if require d. 4. Secondary D NS: Y o u can indicat e IP address of seco ndar y DNS if r eq uired.
25 F . PPTP 1. WA N Ty pe : Cho ose PPT P. 2. IP M ode : Y ou can s elect “ S tatic IP Address ” or “D ynamic I P Addr ess ”. 3. M y I P Ad d re s s * , My Sub net M ask*, and G ateway IP * : T he IP addr ess , subnet m ask , and IP address of gate way y our I SP assigned t o you.
26 G . L2TP 1. WA N Ty pe : Choos e L2T P. 2. IP M ode : Y ou can s elect “ S tatic IP Address ” or “D ynamic I P Addr ess ”. 3. M y I P Ad d re s s * , My Subn et M ask*, and Gat eway IP * : T he IP addres s , subnet mask , and IP address of gate way your I SP assigned t o you.
27 H . Combo W A N Sett ing W it h C ombo W AN feature, you can ch oose one prim ar y W AN connection, and s et anoth er WAN connecti on for bac kup. T he com bo WAN status will be showed at In ternet Se tup page. Pres s “ Settings ” bu tton to c onf igure this f eatur e.
28 Failover W ith this functi on en abled, when the prim ary WAN connection is brok en, the de vice wi ll automat ically s witch to secondar y WAN c onnec ti o n and k eep you connec ted t o I nterne t.
29 3.1.2. DHCP Server 1. DHCP Server: Ch oose ei ther Disable or Enable . If you enable the DH CP Server function, the follo wing set tings will be ef fect ive.
30 Press “ Fixed Mapping ” and t he DHC P Ser ver will res erve t he spec ial IP f or desig nated MAC address ..
31 3.1. 3. Wirel ess Sett ings W ir ele ss se ttings a llo w you to set t he wirel ess c onfigur ation item s . 1. Wireless Module : Y ou can ena ble or dis able wirel ess f unction. 2. Netw ork ID ( SSID) : Net work ID is used for identif ying the W ireless LAN (W LAN).
32 Open s ystem authenticat ion sim ply c onsists of two com munic ations. T he first is an authent ication req uest b y the client th at contains the stati on ID (t ypicall y the MAC address) . This is followed by an auth entic ation resp ons e from the AP/rout er con taining a succes s or f ailure m ess age.
33 W PA - PSK /WP A - PSK2 Another encr yption opt ions f or WP A - PSK - TKIP and W P A - PSK2 - AES, the other s ar e sam e the W P A - PSK. W P A/ W PA2 Another e ncr yption optio ns f or W P A - T KIP and W P A2 - AES, the others are s ame the W P A.
34 3.1.4. Change Password Y o u can ch ange th e System Pass word here . We strongly recom m end you to ch ange the system password for securit y reason.
35 3.2 Forw arding Rule s.
36 3.2.1 Virtual Ser ver This pr oduct’s NA T firewall filters o ut unrec ognize d pack ets to protect your In tranet, s o all hosts behind th is product ar e invisi ble to the outside world. If you wish, you can m ake some of them ac cess ible by enab ling the Virtual Ser ver Mapp ing.
37 For exam ple, if you have an FT P server (port 21) at 192.168. 1. 2 , a Web s erver (port 8 0) at 192.168. 1. 4 , and a V PN ser ver at 192. 168.1.6, then you ne ed to spec ify the f ollowing v irtua l server m apping table: Service Port Server IP Enable 21 192.
38 3.2.2 Speci al A P Som e applicati ons requir e multip le connec tions, lik e Internet games , Vi deo conf erencin g, Internet t eleph ony , etc. Bec ause of the f irewall function , these a pplicat ions c annot work with a pure NA T rout er . The Special A pplications feature a llows s ome of thes e applica tions to work with this produc t.
39 3.2.3 Mi scell aneous 1. IP Address of DMZ Host DMZ (Dem ilitarized Z one) H ost is a h ost without th e protec tion of firew all. It a llows a computer to be ex posed t o unres t ric ted 2 - way comm unication for Internet gam es, Video confer encing, Int ernet tel ephon y and other spec ial appl ications.
40 3.3 Security Setting.
41 3.3.1 Pa cket F ilters Pack et Filter inclu des bot h outboun d filter a nd inb ound filte r . And th ey have s am e way to setting. Pack et Filter en ables you to c ontrol what pack ets are allowed t o pass the r outer . Outboun d filter ap plies on al l outbo und pack ets.
42 • Use Rule# For sourc e or des tina tion IP addres s, you can define a singl e IP addr ess ( 4.3.2. 1) or a r ange of IP addresses ( - 4. 3.2.254). An em pty implies all I P addresses. For sourc e or des tinati on port, you can def ine a single port (8 0) or a range of ports (1000 - 1999) .
43 3.3.2 Domain Filters Dom ain Filter pre vent s users under this device f rom access ing specif ic URLs. 1. Domain Fil te r : C heck if you want to ena ble Dom ain F ilter . 2. Log DNS Query : Chec k if you want t o log the ac tion when som eone acc esses the spec ific URLs.
44 3.3.3 URL Blocking URL B locking will block LAN com puters to c onnect with pr e - def ine W ebsites. T he m ajor difference between “D om ain filter” and “URL Block ing” is Dom ain fil ter requir e us er to inp ut suffix (lik e .com or .org, etc) , while U RL Block ing requ ire user to input a k eyword o nly .
45 3.3.4 M A C Control MAC A ddress C ontrol a llows you to assign d ifferent acc ess right f or different user s and to as sign a specif ic IP address to a c ertain MA C addres s. 1. M AC A ddress Control : Check “Enabl e” to ena ble the “ MAC Addr ess Co ntrol”.
46 3.3.5 Mi scell aneous 1. A dministrator Time - out : The time of no activity to log out autom aticall y , you m a y set it to zero to d isable t his feature . 2. Remote Administr ator Hos t/Port In genera l, onl y Intranet us er c an browse the bu ilt - in web pages to per form adm inistration task.
47 3.4 A d v anced Setting.
48 3.4.1 Sy stem Log This page sup port tw o methods to expor t s ystem logs to specif ic dest ination b y means of syslog (UDP) and SMT P(TCP) . T he item s you have to setup inc luding: 1. IP Address f or Sys l og : Hos t IP of des tination wher e sys lo g wi ll be s ent t o.
49 3.4.2 Dy na mic DNS T o host your s erver on a chang ing I P address, you h ave to us e d ynam ic dom ain nam e service (DDNS). So that anyone wishing to r each your hos t only nee ds to k now the n am e of it.
50 3.4.3 QOS Provide d ifferent prior it y to different users or data flo ws, or gu arantee a certain lev el of perform ance. 1. QOS Control : Check Enable to enabl e this f unction . 2. Bandwidth of Upstre am : Set the limitation of upstrea m bandw idth 3.
51 3.4.4 SNMP In brief , SNMP , the S im ple Network Managem ent Prot ocol, is a protoco l des igned to g ive a user the capab ilit y to remotel y m anage a com puter net work by polling and sett ing ter minal values and m onitor ing net work events. 1.
52 3.4.5 Routing If y ou h ave m ore than one routers and s ubnets, you will need t o enable rout ing table to allo w packets to find proper routing path an d allow differ ent subnets to c omm unicate with each other . The routi ng table a llo w s you to deter mine which ph ysic al interf ace addres s t o use for outg oing IP data grams .
53 3.4.6 Sy stem Time 1. Time Z one : Select a time zone where this device locat es . 2. Au t o - Synchronization : C heck the “Enabl e” check box to enable t his functi on.
54 3.4.7 Scheduling Y o u can set the sc hedule tim e to decide w hich ser vice will be tur ned on or off. 1. Schedule : Check to enab le the s chedul e rule sett ings . 2. A dd New Rule : T o c reate a schedu le rule, c lick the “Add N ew Rule” button.
55 Click o n “Save” to store y our setting s or click “Undo” to give up the chan ges..
56 3.5 Tool Box.
57 3.5.1 System Info You can view the S ystem Inform ation and System log , a nd downlo ad/clear t he S ystem log, in this page..
58 3.5.2 Firmware Upgrade Y o u can upgr ade f irmware by click ing “Upgr ade” b utton. 3.5.3 B ackup Setting Y o u can bac kup your setti ngs b y click ing the “ Backup Setting” function item and save it as a bin file.
59 use the bi n file you save d. 3.5.4 Res et to Defau lt Y o u can als o rese t this device to fac tory def ault setti ngs b y click ing the Reset to default function item . 3.5.5 Reboot Y o u can als o rebo ot this de vic e b y clic king the Reboot f unction item .
60 3.5.6 Mi scell aneous 1. M A C A ddr ess for W ake - on -L AN : Enter th e MAC addres s of a loc al PC, and pr ess “ Wak e Up ” button to tur n it on. Ple ase note the l ocal PC need s to sup port Wake - on - LAN to m ake this featur e work . 2.
61 Chapter 4 . Troubleshooti ng This Chapter pr ovides s olutions to problem s for the installati on and op erat ion of the W iFi Com bo Router . Yo u can r efer to th e fo llowin g if you are h aving pr oblem s .
62 5. Right - clic k on Wireless C ard bus A dapter or your speci fic net work ad apter . 6. Select Pro perties t o ens ure that a ll driver s are installed pr operl y. 7. Look under Dev ice Status to see if the d evice is work ing proper ly. 8. Click “ O K” .
63 inform ation. G. W h y my 3G connection is keep dropping? P lease check 3G s ignal stren gth fr om your ISP in your environm ent is abo ve middl e level . 4 Somethi ng w rong w ith the w ireless connec tio n? A. C an ’ t setup a w i rel es s connection? I.
64 microwa ves, m onitors, elec tric motor s, etc. 5 What to d o if I f orgot m y encr yption ke y? 1. Go back to advance d sett ing to set up your Encr yption ke y again. 2. Reset the W iFi Com bo Router to def ault set ting 6 How to reset to defa ult? 1.
65 Appendix A . Spec Summar y T able 3G Access U SB port S tandards IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.3u W ireless S tandard IEEE 802.1 1 B GN Data Rate 11 B : 11 , 5.5, 2 , 1 Mbps 11 G : 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, and 6 Mbps 11 N : M ax physical rate up to 150 Mbps Freq uenc y 2.
66 Appendix B . Licensing information This pr oduct inc ludes cop yrighted t hird - p arty s oftware l icensed under th e term s of the GNU General P ublic L icense. Please ref er to t he GNU G eneral Public License be low t o check the detailed t erms of this licens e.
67 GNU GENERA L PUBLIC LICE NSE V ersion 2, June 19 91 Cop y r ight ( C) 1989, 1991 F ree S oftware Foun dation , Inc. 59 T em ple Place, Sui te 330 , Boston, MA 021 1 1 - 1307 USA Everyone is perm itted to c op y and distri bute ver batim copies of this l icense d ocum ent, but chan ging it is not allowe d.
68 GNU G ENERA L PUBL IC LI CENSE TERMS AND CONDIT IONS FOR COPYING , D ISTRIBUTION AND MODIFIC A T I ON 0. This Lic ense a pplies t o an y program or other work which contains a notic e place d by the copyright hold er sa ying it m ay be distri buted un der the t erm s of t his Gener al Publ ic Licens e.
69 a) Accom pany it with the co m plete corres ponding m achine - r eadable sourc e code, which must be dis tribut ed under t he term s of Sections 1 and 2 abov e on a m edium custom arily used for so.
70 integrit y of the f ree softwar e d istributio n syst em, wh ich is implem ented by publ ic lic ense prac tices. Many peo ple ha ve m ade g enerous contribut ions to the wide r ange of s oftware d .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LevelOne WBR-6804 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LevelOne WBR-6804 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LevelOne WBR-6804 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LevelOne WBR-6804 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LevelOne WBR-6804 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LevelOne WBR-6804 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LevelOne WBR-6804 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LevelOne WBR-6804 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.