Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 1400 Series van de fabrikant Lexmark
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Lexmark 1400 Series User's Guide February 2007 Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark Inter national, Inc., registered in the United States and/or o ther countries. All other trademarks are the pr oper ty of their respective ow ners.
Important safety in formation Use only the power supply an d power supply cord provided with this product or the manu facturer's authorized replacement power s upply a nd power supply cord. Connect the power supply cord to a properly gro unded electric al outlet that is near the prod uct and easily accessible.
Contents Finding information abou t the printer........... .................. ................. ................ ............7 Setting up the printer.......... ...................... ..................................... .................. ...........
Printing transparencies......................................................................................................................27 Printing a Web page.................................................... ...................................
Paper or specialty media misfeeds... ................ .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .. ............. 44 Printer does not feed pape r, envelopes, or specialty media. ................. ................. .
Finding information about the printer Quick Setup sheet Descrip tion Where to find The Quick Setup sheet gives you instructions for setting up hardware and software. You can find this do cument in the printer bo x or on the Lexmark Web site at www.lexmark.
User's Guide Descrip tion Where to find The User's Guide gives you instructions for using the printer and oth er information such as: • Using the software (on Windows operating systems) .
Customer support Descrip tion Where to find (North America) Where to find (rest of wo rld) Telephone support Call us at • US: 1-800- 332-4120 Monday–Friday (8:00 AM–1 1:00 PM ET) Saturday (Noo n.
Record the following information (located on the store receip t and the back of the printer), and have it ready wh en you contact us so that we may serve you faster: • Machine Type number • Serial.
Setting up the printer To set up the printer, fo llow the instructions on th e 1-2-3 sheet that c ame with t he produc t. Checking the box contents 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 7 6 8 4 Name Description 1 Power supply cord Fits into the powe r supply attached to the back o f the printer.
Networking the printer For complete networki ng information, please refer to the Getting Started booklet that came with th e product. Installing the printer on a network Follow the instructio ns for the networking me thod you want to use. Make sure th e selected networ k is set up and working properly, and that all relevant device s are turned on .
Learning about the printer Understanding the parts of the printer 1 2 5 6 8 7 3 4 Use the To 1 Internal wireless adapter Connect to a wireless network. 2 • Turn the pri nter on and off. • Cancel a print job. Press in the mi ddle of a print job . • Load or ejec t paper.
1 2 3 Use the To 1 USB port Connect the printer to a computer using a USB cable. 2 Power supply Connect the p rinter to a power sou rce using the po wer cord. 1 Plug the powe r cord all the wa y into the power supply on the prin ter. 2 Plug the power cord in to an electrical ou tlet that other electrical devices have been using.
Learning about the software This chapter tells how to use the printer with Windows ope rating systems. If you are using a Macintosh operating system, see the Mac H elp: 1 From the Finder desktop, doubl e-click the Lexmark 14 00 Series folder. 2 Double-click the printe r Help icon.
Click To access Details Photo Packages Print multiple photos in various sizes. Slideshow View a slideshow of yo ur photos. Poster Print your photos as a multiple-pag e poster. From the bottom left corner o f the Welcome screen: Click To Setup and diagnose printe r • Check ink levels.
From here You can How To • Learn how to: – Print. – Use basic features. – Print projects such as p hotos , envelopes, cards, banners, iron-on tran sfers, and tran sparencie s. • Find the electronic User's Guide for more information. Troubleshooting • Learn tips about the cu rrent status.
Using the Save Settings menu From the “Save Settings” menu, you can name and save the current Print Pr operties setting s for future use. You can save up to five custom settings.
Using the Toolbar The Toolbar lets you create printe r-friendly versio ns of Web pages. Note: The Toolbar launches auto matically when you browse the Web using Microsoft Wi ndows Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later. Click To • Select Page Setup options.
Click To Preview Preview a Web page befo re printing. Resetting printer software settings to defaults Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista users: 1 Click Start Settings Printers or Printers and Faxes . 2 Right-click the Lexmark 1400 Series icon.
Loading paper and various paper types Loading paper 1 Make sure: • You use paper designed for inkjet printers. • The paper is not u sed or damaged . • If you are u sing specialty paper, you follo w the instructions that came with it. • You do not force paper into the printer.
Load up to Make sure 25 greeting cards 25 index cards 25 photo cards 25 postcards • The total thickness of the card stack does not exceed 10 mm (0.4 inches). • The print side of the cards faces you. • The cards are loaded against the right side of the paper support.
Load up to Make sure 20 sheets of bann er paper • You remove all the pap er from the paper support before loading the banner paper. • You tear off only the number of p ages needed to print the banner. • The banner paper is pla ced on a level surface behind the printer and fed up over the pa per support.
Printing Printing a document 1 Load paper. 2 With a documen t open, click File Print . 3 Click Properties , Preferences , Op tions , or Setup . 4 Adjust the settings. 5 Click OK . 6 Click OK or Print . Printing a banner 1 Tear off only the number of sheets n eed ed for the ban ner (up to 20 shee ts).
Notes: • To avoid paper ja ms, do not force the card s into the printe r. • To prevent smudging, remove e ach card as it exits, and le t it dry before stacking. Printing collated copies If you print multiple cop ies of a document, you ca n choose to print each copy as a set (co lla ted) or to print the copies as groups of pages (not collated).
Printing iron-on transfers 1 Load iron-on tran sfers. 2 With your image open, click File Print . 3 Click Properties , Preferences , Op tions , or Setup . 4 From the Print Layo ut tab, select Mirror if you want the printer so ftware to flip the image.
Printing the last page first (reverse page order) 1 Load paper. 2 With a documen t open, click File Print . 3 Click Properties , Preferences , Op tions , or Setup . 4 From the Quality/Copies tab, select Print Last Page First . 5 Click OK . 6 Click OK or Print .
c Click: • Print or • Close , and continue to step 5. 5 If needed, select a print option from the To olbar: • Normal • Quick • Black and White • Text Only Printing photos or images from a Web page 1 Load paper. For best results, use ph oto or heavyweight matte paper, with the glossy or printable side facing you.
Working with photos Notes: • For best results wh en printing photos or other high-quality im ages, use Lexmark photo papers. • To prevent smudgi ng or scratching, avoid touching th e printed surface with your fi ngers or sharp objects.
Printing Photo Packages 1 Load paper. For best re sults, use photo or glossy paper, wi th the glossy or printable side facing you. (If you are not sure which side is the printable side, see th e instructions that came with the paper.) 2 From the desktop, double-click the Lexmark Imaging Studio icon.
14 From the Send Quali ty and Speed area of the scre en, select the image size. 15 Click Create E-mail to create an e-mail message with your photo greeting card(s) attach ed. Creating and view ing a slideshow 1 From the desktop, double-click the Lexmark Imaging Studio icon.
Maintaining the printer Changing print cartridges Removing a used print cartridge 1 Make sure the printer is on. 2 Lift the access cover. The print cartridge carrier mo ves and stops at the loading po sition, unless the printer is busy. 3 Press down on the cartridge carrier le ver to raise the cartridge carrier lid.
Installing print cartridges 1 If you are install ing new print cartridges, remove the st icker and tape from the back and bottom of the cartrid ges. 1 2 Warning: Do not touch the gold contact area on the back o r the metal nozzles on the bo ttom of the cartridges.
Achieving better print quality Improving print quality If you are not sa tisfied with the print quality of a document, m ake sure you: • Use the appropriate paper for the d ocument. Use Lexmark ph oto paper if you are printi ng photos or other high- quality images.
3 From the Maintenance ta b, click Clean to fix horizontal stre aks . 4 Click Print . A page prints, forcing ink through the prin t cartridge nozzles to clean the m. 5 Print the document again to verify that the print quality has improv ed. 6 If print quality has not imp roved, try cleaning the nozzles up to two more times.
10 Repeat step 9 up to two more times. 11 If print quality is still not satisfactory, replace the cartridge . Preserving the print cartridges • Keep new cartridges in th eir packaging until you are rea dy to install them. • Do not remove a cartrid ge from the pr inter except to re place , clean, or store it in an a irtight container.
Item Part number Average cartr idge standard page yield is up to 1 Black cartridge 23A 215 Black cartridge 2 23 215 High yield black cartridg e 34 500 Color cartridge 24A 185 Color cartridge 2 24 185 High yield color cartri dge 35 500 Photo cartridg e 31 Not applicable 1 Values obtaine d by continuous printing.
Troubleshooting Setup troubleshooting Power light is not lit Make sure you have disconnected the power supply cord from the wall outlet and then from the printer. 1 Plug the cord all the way into th e power supply on the printe r. 2 Plug the cord into an electr ical outlet that other electrical de vices have been using .
Solution 4 1 Press to turn the printer off. 2 Disconnect t he power cord from the wall outlet. 3 Gently remove the power supp ly from the printer. 4 Reconnect the power supply to the printer. 5 Plug the power cord int o the wall outlet. 6 Press to turn the printer on.
Solution 4 1 Remove the print cartridges. 2 Make sure the sticker and tape have been completely re moved from the back and bottom of the cartridges. 1 2 Warning: Do not touch the gold contact area on the back o r the metal nozzles on the bo ttom of the cartridges.
Print troubleshooting Improving print quality If you are not sa tisfied with the print quality of a document, m ake sure you: • Use the appropriate paper for the d ocument. Use Lexmark ph oto paper if you are printi ng photos or other high- quality images.
3 Click Quality/Cop ies . 4 From the Quality/Speed a rea, select a lower print quality. Solution 6 1 Uninstall the printer software, an d then reinstall it. Fo r more information, see “Removing and reinstal ling the software” on page 47. 2 If the software still does not install correctly, visit our Web site at www.
Poor text and graphic quality Examples of poor text an d graphic quality include: • Blank pages • Dark pri nt • Faded print • Incorrect colors • Light and dark band s in print • Skewed lines • Smudges • Streaks • White lines in print Solution 1 Check the ink levels, an d install a new print cartridge if necessary.
c Select your printer family. d Select your pr inter model. e Select your operating syst em. f Select the file you want to download, and follow the directions on th e computer screen. Partial document or photo prints Check that the pap er size being used matche s the printer setting.
Solution 4 Adjust the paper gu ide: • When using media le ss than 8.5 inche s wide • Against the left ed ge of the paper o r media, making sure it doe s not buckle Printer does not feed paper, envelopes, or specialty media Solution 1 If there is a p aper jam, see “Jams and misfeeds troub leshooting” on page 44.
6 Select Portrait or Landscape . 7 Click OK . 8 Click OK or Print . Blinking power light troubleshooting Power light blinks slowly The printer is out of paper in the m iddle of a print job . Load more paper. See “Loading paper” on page 21. Power light blinks rapidly There is a paper jam.
Follow these steps to replace the color print cartridge in your printer: 1 Cancel the print job i f not already canceled. 2 Replace the color print ca rtridge with a new cartrid ge. For more info rmation, see “Removing a used print cartridge” on pa ge 32 and “Installing print cartridges” on page 33.
Notices Product name: Lexmark 1400 Series Machine type: 4127 Model(s): W31, W21, W01 Edition notice February 20 07 The following paragraph do es not apply to any country where such pro visions are inconsistent with local law: LEX MARK INTERNATION AL, INC.
Warning: A Warning identifies something that could damage your product hardware or software. CAUTION: A CAUTION identifies something that could cause you harm. CAUTION: This type of CAUTION indicates that you should not touch the marked area. CAUTION: This type of CAUTION indicates a hot surface .
Power consumption Product power consumption The following table documents the power consumption characteris tics of the product. Note: Some modes may not apply to your product. Mode Description Power consumption (W atts) Printing The product is generating hard-copy output from electronic inputs.
Index A access cover 13 Advanced tab 17 aligning print cartridges 3 4 B banner paper j ams 45 banner paper, loa ding 23 Black and Color cartridge replacement require d 47 Black cartridge replacement r.
paper exit tray 13 paper guide 13 paper support 13 power button 13 power supply 1 4 USB port 14 photo cards, loadin g 22 Photo Packages 30 photo paper, loading 21 photos printing 29 printing borderles.
poor quality at the edges of the page 42 poor text and graphic quality 4 3 print speed is slow 41 printer does not print or respond 42 troubleshooting, se tup page does not print 39 power light is not.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 1400 Series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 1400 Series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 1400 Series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 1400 Series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 1400 Series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 1400 Series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 1400 Series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 1400 Series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.