Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 26G0374 van de fabrikant Lexmark
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Quick Ref erence Novemb er 2010.
Cont ents Learn ing about the p rinter ............... ............... ........ ............... ................ ......4 Unders tand in g the pr inter contr ol pan el. ... ...... ... ... .. .... .. ... ... ...... ... ... .. ... ... ... ...... ... ... .
Creat ing s hortc ut s... ... ...... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... 33 Scan ning to an FT P addre ss... ................... .....
Learning about the printer Unde rstand in g the pr inter co ntro l panel 2 ABC 3 DEF 5 JKL 6 MNO 4 GHI 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ # 0 1 @!. 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 8 10 7 Item De scr ipt io n 1 Di sp la y View scanni ng, copying, faxing , and pr inting options as well as s tatus and error mess ages.
Item De scr ipt io n 7 Submit • Pr ess to initiate the current job indicated o n the disp lay. • From the hom e screen, pres s to start a copy job with t he defaul t settings. • If pr essed while a job is s canning, then the butto n has no effect.
To uc h To Access the pri nter menus. Note : T h ese menus are available only when the printer is in the Read y stat e. FTP Access the File Transfer Prot ocol (FTP) menus an d scan documents di rectly to an FTP s erver. Status m essage b ar • Show the cur rent pr inter status s uch as Ready or Bu sy .
To uc h To Cancel J obs Open the Cancel Jobs screen. The C ancel Jo bs sc reen shows thr ee headings: Pr int, Fax, and Network. The following options are available und er the P rint, Fax, and Network .
To uc h To Lef t a rro w Scr oll to the left . Home R etur n to the home screen. Ri g ht i nc r ea s e Select a higher value. Lef t d e cr e ase Se lec t a lo we r va lu e. Exi t Exit from the current screen. Tip s Open a contex t-sensitive Hel p dialog on t he touc h screen.
To uc h To Radio button Select o r clear an item. Fe atu res Featur e Desc ri ptio n M enu trai l line: Men u s > Settings > Copy Settings > Number of Copies A m enu trail line is located at the top of each menu s creen. This feature shows the path taken to ar rive at the current m enu.
Setting up and using the home screen applications Access ing th e Embedded Web Server The Em bedded W eb Se rver is the pr inte r Web p age tha t lets you view and remotely c on figure printer set tings even when you a re not p hysic ally nea r the pr inter.
To confi gure For ms a nd Favo rite s, do t he fo llowing: 1 From the Emb edded We b Se rver, clic k Settings > De vice Solution s > Solutions (eSF) > Forms and Favorit es . 2 Define the b ookmarks, an d then cus tomize the s ettings. 3 Click Apply .
WS-Scan Icon Des cr ipt io n The Web S ervices-Scan application l ets you s can documents at the pr inter, and then send the s canned image to your computer. WS-Scan is a Mic rosoft appli cation that is s imilar to Scan to Networ k, but h as the capabil ity of send ing the scanned document to a Windows -based applicatio n.
Import ing a c onfigura tion 1 From the Emb edded We b Se rver, clic k Settings or Confi guration . 2 Click Device Solution s > Solutions (eSF) , or cl i ck Embe dde d Soluti ons . 3 From Installed S olutio ns, click th e name of the app lic ation you want to co nfigure.
Loading paper and specialty media This section expla ins how to use the 250-sheet tray, the manu al feeder, an optional 550-sheet tray, and the 650-sheet duo draw er wit h an integrate d multip urpos e feeder . It al so includes inf orma tion abo ut paper orien tatio n, sett ing the Paper S ize a nd Paper T ype, and linki ng and unlinking tra ys.
2 Squeeze the length gu id e tab, and th en slide the guide to the correct p ositio n for the pap er size being loaded. Note: Use the siz e indicato rs on the b ottom of the tr ay to help positi o n the gui de.
3 If the paper is longer than letter- size p aper, th en push the green tab at the back of the tray to extend it. 4 Flex the sheets back and forth to lo o sen them. Do not f o ld or crease the pa p er. Straighten the edges on a level sur fa c e. 5 Load the pa per s tack wit h the rec omme nded print s ide fa ceup.
7 Insert the tr ay. 8 If a dif ferent type or siz e of pape r was loaded than the ty pe or size pr eviously loaded in the tra y, then change the Paper Type o r Paper S ize s etting f or the tr ay from the printer contr ol pane l. Note: Mixing pa per si zes or t ypes in a paper t ray may c aus e jams.
Loadin g the multipu rpose feeder 1 Push the multipurpos e feeder latch to the left. 2 Open the multipurpose feeder. 3 Gr asp the exte nsion, and pu ll it strai ght out until it i s fu lly extended. 4 Prepare the paper for loading. • Flex sheet s of paper bac k and fo rth to loosen t hem.
• Flex a stack of envelopes back and forth to loosen them. Straighten the edges on a level su rface. Warning—P otential Damage : Never use enve lope s with st amps , clasps, snaps, windows , coat ed lini ngs, or self-s tick ad hesiv es. T hese en vel opes m ay sev erel y damag e the p rinter.
• Load envelopes with the flap s ide up. Note s: • Do not l oad or c lose the mu lt ipurpose feed er while a j ob is print ing. • Load only o ne siz e and type of paper at a time . 7 Make s ure the paper is as far into the mul tipurpo se feeder as it will g o with very gentle p ushing.
2 Whe n Lo ad Singl e Sh ee t Fe ed er wit h [ paper ty pe ] [p ap er siz e] appears, load the sheet facedown into the manual feeder. Load envelopes o n the left side of the feeder with th e flap s ide up. Note: Align the long edge of the s heet so that it is flush wit h the right s ide of th e manual feeder.
Link ing a nd unl ink ing tra ys Linkin g tra ys Tray link ing is us eful f or larg e pri nt jobs or mult iple copi es. When o ne linked tray is empty, paper feeds from the next linked tr ay. Wh e n the Paper Size and Paper Typ e sett ings are the same for any trays, the trays are automatic a lly linked .
Conf igurin g a cust om name If th e printer i s on a ne twork, then you can use the Em bedded Web Se rver to def ine a nam e ot her than C ustom T ype [x] for each of the custom p aper types loaded into the p r inter . 1 Type the prin ter IP addres s in the addre ss fi el d of your Web b rowse r.
Printing Pr inti ng a d o cum e nt Printing a docum ent 1 From the p rinter c ontr ol pan el Paper me nu, se t the Paper T ype and Pa per Si ze to m atch the loaded paper. 2 Se nd the pr int jo b: F or Wi nd ow s use rs a With a do cument open, c lick File > Pr int .
Prin ting fro m a fl ash driv e Printing f rom a fl ash driv e Notes: • Before print ing an encrypt ed PDF f ile, ent er the f ile p assw ord from the pr inte r contro l pan el. • You cann ot print f iles f or whi ch you do not have pr inting pe rmiss ions.
2 From the print er control pa nel, touc h the do cume nt you want to pr int. 3 Touch t he arr ows to inc rease the number of copies to print, and t hen touc h Pr int . Note s: • Do not r emove the flash d rive f rom the USB po rt unt il the docume nt has fini shed p rinting.
For Ma cint osh use rs In Mac OS X versio n 10.5 or later: 1 From the Apple m enu, c hoo se Syst em Pref eren ces > Print & Fax > Open Print Queue . 2 From the p rinter windo w, sel ect t he pr int job you want t o cancel. 3 From th e i con ba r at the to p of th e windo w, click the Delete icon.
Cop ying Ma king co pie s Ma ki ng a qui ck c op y 1 Load a n ori ginal doc umen t faceup, sho rt edg e first into the ADF or fac edow n on the scanne r glas s. Note: Do not load postc ards , photos, small it ems, tra nspar enci es, photo paper, or thin media (suc h as magaz ine clippings) into th e ADF.
A “Canceling scan job” screen appears. The ADF clears a ll pages in the ADF and cancels the job. Cancel ing a c opy job wh ile copy ing p ages using the s ca nner gl ass Touc h Can ce l Jo b on the touch s creen. A “Cancel ing sc an job” s creen appea rs.
E-mailing Ge tt ing read y to e-m ai l Settin g up th e e-ma il func tion 1 Type the prin ter IP addres s into th e addres s fi eld of your Web b row ser. If you do not know the IP address o f the p rinter, yo u c an: • View the IP add ress on the print er cont rol pane l in the T CP/IP sec tion u nder t he N etworks/P or ts menu.
4 Type a unique name for the recipie nt, an d then e nter the e-mail addr ess. Note: If you ar e e ntering mul ti ple addre sses, then separa te each addres s with a comm a (,). 5 Select the sca n sett i ngs ( F ormat , Co ntent, Color, and Resolu tion).
Faxing Sen ding a fax Sen ding a fa x usin g the touch s creen 1 Load a n ori ginal doc umen t faceup, sho rt edg e first into the ADF or fac edow n on the scanne r glas s. Note: Do not load postc ards , photos, small it ems, tra nspar enci es, photo paper, or thin media (suc h as magaz ine clippings) into th e ADF.
Notes: • The Fa x option is avail able f or us e only w ith t he Post Script driv er or t he Uni versal Fax Dr iver. For info rmatio n on installin g these drivers, see the Softwa re a nd D ocume ntati on CD. • The Fax opt ion must be c onfigure d a nd enabled in the P ostScr ipt dri ver under Co nfigurat ion tab before it can be used.
3 From the home screen, navigate to: Fa x > enter the f a x num b er To creat e a gro up of fax number s, touch Next num ber , and then enter t he next f ax num ber.
Scanning to an FTP address Scannin g to an FTP address Scanning to a n FTP addre ss using the t ouch sc reen 1 Load a n ori ginal doc umen t faceup, sho rt edg e first into the ADF or fac edow n on the scanne r glas s.
Scanning to a computer or flash drive Sca nning to a comp uter 1 Type the prin ter IP addres s into th e addres s fi eld of your Web b row ser. If you do not know the IP address o f the p rinter, yo u c an: • View the IP add ress on the print er cont rol pane l in the T CP/IP sec tion u nder t he N etworks/P or ts menu.
5 Adju st t he scan s etti ngs. 6 Touc h Scan It . Scanni ng to a compute r or f lash drive 37.
Clea ring jams By carefully selec ting paper an d loadin g it properl y, you can avoid most jams. If jams do o ccu r, follow the s teps outlined in thi s section. To cl ear a jam m essag e and r esume pr inting , clear t he entire paper pat h, and then t ouch Cont inue .
K M C Y 1 7 8 6 4 2 3 5 9 Jam number Jam loc ation In st ruc ti on s 1 200, 2 41 In the standar d 2 5 0-sheet tray and manual feeder (T ray 1) 1 Open the front door. Inspect the area behind the front do or, and then remove any ja ms. 2 Open the f user cover.
20 0 pa per jam 1 Gr asp the hand le, and pu ll the standa rd 2 50-shee t tray (Tray 1) and manual feeder out. 2 Gr asp the j ammed p aper o n each side, an d t hen gently pul l it out. Note: Make su re all p aper frag ments are r emov ed. 3 Insert the tr ay.
2 Gr asp the j ammed p aper o n each side, an d t hen gently pul l it out. Note s: • Make sur e all paper frag ments ar e rem ove d. • There may be a second sh eet jammed if 200. xx P aper Ja m and 20 2. xx Paper Ja m ap pear. 3 Close the fro nt door.
2 Grasp the green lever, and th en pull the fuser cover toward you. 3 Hold th e fuse r cover dow n, and then remo ve the ja mmed p aper. Note: Make su re all p aper frag ments are r emov ed.
The fuser cover closes when released. 4 Close the fro nt door. 5 From the print er control pa nel, t ouch Continue , j am clea red . 23 0 pa per jam 1 Gr asp the front door at the sid e handho lds, a nd then pul l it t oward yo u to op en it. 2 Gr asp the j ammed p aper, an d then ge ntly pull it out .
24x pa per ja m 241 pa per j am 1 Gr asp the hand le, and t hen pull the s tandard 250 -she et tray (T ray 1 ). 2 Firml y gr asp the j ammed paper o n each side, a nd t hen gently pul l it out. Note: Make su re all p aper frag ments are r emov ed. 3 Insert the tr ay.
243 pa per j am 1 Grasp the o ptional 550-sheet tr ay handle, and then pull the tray out . Note: The option al 55 0-she et tray is suppo rte d onl y in selec t pr inter mo dels. 2 Firml y gr asp the j ammed paper, a nd then ge ntly pul l it out. Note: Make su re all p aper frag ments are r emov ed.
29 0–2 94 pap er ja ms 1 Remove all o riginal d ocuments f rom the ADF . 2 Open the ADF cover, firmly grasp an y jammed paper, and th en gently pu ll it ou t. Remove the p ick arm assem bly to re move ha rd- to-reach jam med pa per. 3 Close the ADF cover.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 26G0374 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 26G0374 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 26G0374 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 26G0374 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 26G0374 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 26G0374 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 26G0374 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 26G0374 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.