Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 5060-2XX van de fabrikant Lexmark
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Pa r t s ca t a l o g 7-1 5060-2 XX 7. P ar t s catalog Ho w to use th is parts catalog • SIMILAR ASSEMB LIES: If two a ssemb lies contai n a majority of i dentical pa r ts, the y are sho wn on the same l ist. Common p ar ts are sho wn b y one in dex number .
7-2 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 1: Co ver s.
Pa r t s c a t a l o g 7-3 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 1: Co vers Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Des cription 1–1 56P2189 1 T op co v er assembl y 2 12G6507 1 250 outpu t flag and retainer 3 56P1539 1 Cab l.
7-4 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 1.1: Co ver s.
Pa r t s c a t a l o g 7-5 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 1. 1: C ov ers Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Descriptio n 1.1–1 12G640 8 1 Left uppe r cov er assemb ly 2 21 Screw , PP 12 G6309 3 12G63 92 1 L eft up.
7-6 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 2: Cartridge mounting Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 2–1 12G653 5 4 Guide assem bly , left sid e 2 1 2G6536 4 Gu ide ass embl y , r ight sid e 3 1.
Pa r t s c a t a l o g 7-7 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 3: Fuser assemb ly Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 3–1 12G6302 1 Fuser assemb ly , 220V 500 W 1 12G6301 1 Fuser assemb ly , 115V 500 W 1 12.
7-8 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 3. 1: Fuser (w eb oiler).
Pa r t s c a t a l o g 7-9 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 3. 1: F user (web oile r) Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 3.1–1 12G6545 1 W eb oile r assemb ly 2 12G6515 1 Fuser assemb ly , web oiler 220.
7-10 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 4: Fuser drive Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 4–1 4 Screws PP 12G6309 2 56P1 553 1 Fuser drive assemb ly 3 56P1563 1 Card ass emb ly - fuse r dr.
P ar ts cata log 7-11 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 5: V acuum transpor t belt (VTB) assembl y Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 5–1 12G6491 1 Jam ac cess spring 2 12G6489 1 V acuum tra nspor t belt.
7-12 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 6: T ransf er Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 6–1 12G6303 1 Second tr ansf er roll 2 12G6488 1 T ransf er plate assemb ly 2 1.
P ar ts cata log 7-13 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 7: Prin theads Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 7–1 56P1505 4 Printhead assem bly ( do not repl ace more tha n one printhea d at a t ime) 2 12 Sc.
7-14 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 8: P aper feed output (redrive ) Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 8–1 56P0167 8 Anchor , brac ke t mounting 2 12G 6493 2 Upper door h inge 3 2 Scre.
P ar ts cata log 7-15 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 9: P aper feed in put Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 9–1 56P2101 2 Sensor , S2/NMS 2 56P2175 1 Sensor , transpare ncy refle ctive (XP AR) 3 56P.
7-16 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 10: P aper size sensing Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 10–1 56P1564 1 System board shield s uppor t with clips 2 12G6468 1 P aper size s ensing .
P ar ts cata log 7-17 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 11: P aper feed tra nspor t Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 11–1 56P2194 Nip reli ef handle 2 56P2293 1 Kit, stagin g drive assemb ly , incl udi.
7-18 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 12: Multipurpose fe eder (MPF).
P ar ts cata log 7-19 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 12: Multipurpose f eeder (MPF) Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 12–1 12G645 2 1 MP f eeder door cov er 2 1 2G6460 1 Door hinge restr aint 3 1 Scre.
7-20 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 13: 500-Sheet in tegrated tra y Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Descr iption 13–1 12G641 6 1 500-Sheet tr ay as semb ly 2 12G 6419 1 Back re straint latch 3 1.
P ar ts cata log 7-21 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 14: A utoco mpensator asse mbl y Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 14–1 12G6471 1 T ray interloc k bellc rank 2 12G6558 1 Pick arm lift b ellcra n.
7-22 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 15: ITU assemb l y Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 15-1 56P1513 1 ITU ligh t shield ass emb ly 2 56P1540 1 Printhea d interloc k cab le assem bly 3.
P ar ts cata log 7-23 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 16: ITU drive ass embl y Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 16–1 56P1560 1 ITU driv e motor assemb ly 2 12G6385 1 #58 gear 3 56P0568 1 ITU motor dr.
7-24 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 17: ITU loading.
P ar ts cata log 7-25 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 17: ITU loading Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 17–1 56P156 8 1 Y ello w terminal conta ct assemb ly 2 12G6442 4 T e r mi nal, c ont act spr in g.
7-26 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 18: W aste toner Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 18–1 12G64 94 1 Was te toner container 2 12G6470 1 Waste con tainer latch spring 3 12G6469 1 Was.
P ar ts cata log 7-27 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 19: BOR drive assemb ly Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 19–1 56P1536 1 BOR housing a ssemb ly with mo tor 1.
7-28 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 20: Cartridge contact assembl y Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 20–1 56P0310 3 Car tridge conta ct assemb ly , complete cya n/magent a/ye llow 2 1.
P ar ts cata log 7-29 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 21: Car tridge drive as sembl y Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 21–1 56P1214 3 Car tridge driv e assem bly , cy an/mage nta/bl ack (one driv e a.
7-30 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 22: Electr on ics.
P ar ts catalog 7-31 5060-2 XX Assembl y 22: Electr onics Asm- index Pa r t numb er Units Description 22–1 11A9095 1 P ower cord set (L V)—U.S ., Asia P aci fic (English), Canada, Colombia, Costa .
7-32 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 22.1: Elect r onics 3 5 6 4 8 1 9 10 12 11 2 2 6 6 7 6 6 6 13.
P ar ts cata log 7-33 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 22.1: El ectr onics Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 22.1–1 56P1517 1 System board outer shield 2 5 6P1 547 5 C able c lip 3 56P1518 1 System boar.
7-34 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 22.2: Elect r onics Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 22.2–1 12G6327 1 T ransf er HVPS board 2 2 Screw , PP 12G6309 (TFR HVPS board to frame) 3 1 Sc.
P ar ts cata log 7-35 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 22.3: Elect r onics Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 22.3–1 56P1551 1 VTB f an, 60 mm 2 12G6490 1 VTB fan g ap co ver 3 56P1509 1 Fuser f an 4 12.
7-36 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 23: Electr onics—cabli ng interconnections 1.
P ar ts cata log 7-37 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 23: Electr onics—cabling inter c onnections 1 Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 23–1 56P1539 1 Cab le, op tions - st ack er with output bin sens.
7-38 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 24: Electr onics—cabli ng interconnections 2.
P ar ts cata log 7-39 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 24: Electr onics—cabling inter c onnections 2 Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 24–1 56P1565 1 Cab le asse mbly , b lac k terminal cont act 2 56.
7-40 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 25: Electr onics—cabli ng interconnections 3 Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 25–1 56P1 502 1 Cable as sembly , HVPS c ontrol - de veloper 2 56P.
P ar ts cata log 7-41 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 26: Electr onics—cabli ng interconnections 4 Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 26–1 56P1503 1 Cab le asse mbly , opt ions bott om/paper s ize se.
7-42 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 27: Output expander.
P ar ts cata log 7-43 5060-2 XX Assembl y 27: Output expander Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 27–1 99A0107 1 Deflector , upper red rive , also order 99A010 4 2 99A0104 1 Spring, upper d i.
7-44 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 27.1: Output e xpander.
P ar ts cata log 7-45 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 27.1: Output expander Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 27.1–1 56P0405 1 Door assembly , right jam acces s 2 99A0368 1 Shaft as semb ly , low er , .
7-46 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 28: 5-Bin mailbo x.
P ar ts cata log 7-47 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 28: 5-Bi n mailbo x Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 28–1 12G 6409 1 Cov er , redriv e cap 2 99A1710 1 Cov er , wire 3 56P0416 1 Cov er , top bin .
7-48 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 28.1: 5-Bin mail bo x.
P ar ts cata log 7-49 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 28.1: 5-Bin mai lbo x Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 28.1–1 99A17 41 4 Spring, div er ter 2 99A1727 1 F rame asm, right side 3 12 Screw , board .
7-50 Ser vice Man ual 5060-2 XX Ass embly 29 : 500 -S hee t t ray o pti on.
P ar ts catalo g 7-5 1 5060-2 XX As sem bl y 29: 500-S hee t tra y opti o n Asm- index Pa r t number Units Descr ipti on 29–1 56P016 8 1 Drive assembly , 500 op tion 2 2 31 Scre w , PP 12G6309 3 12G.
7-52 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 29.1: 500-Sheet tr ay option.
P ar ts cata log 7-53 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 29.1: 500-She et tra y option Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 29.1–1 12G641 6 1 500-She et tra y assemb ly 2 12G641 9 1 Back restrai nt latch 3 1.
7-54 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 30: Duplex option.
P ar ts cata log 7-55 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 30: Duple x option Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 30–1 56P0480 1 Back cov er 2 99A 2540 5 Redriv e bearing 3 56P 0447 1 Duple x entry shaft asse.
7-56 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 30.1: Duplex option.
P ar ts cata log 7-57 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 30.1: Duple x option Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 30.1–1 56P 0456 1 Duple x supp or t plate 2 56P0462 1 Aut oconnect cab le assem bly 3 56P046.
7-58 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 31: High-capacity input tra y (HCIT).
P ar ts cata log 7-59 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 31: HCIT Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 31–1 56P0561 1 P aper s ize sens or bo x assem bly 2 56P 0519 1 Flag, pape r siz e R 3 56P 0520 1 Flag, .
7-60 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 31.1: High-capa city input tra y (HCIT).
P ar ts cata log 7-61 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 31.1: HCIT Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 31.1–1 56 P0505 1 Rear co ver 2 56P0503 1 Right side cov er 3 56P0491 2 Caster , mov able 4 1 6 S c r .
7-62 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32: Finisher.
P ar ts cata log 7-63 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32: Finisher Asm- Index Par t numbe r Units Description 32–1 56P0321 1 T op co ve r (tall fini sher) 1 56P 1287 1 Scanne r plate (sh or t finisher) 2 56P 05.
7-64 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32.1: Finisher.
P ar ts cata log 7-65 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32.1: Fi nisher Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 32.1–1 56P 0324 1 Motor ass embly ele vator tra y 2 56P0357 1 Actuation as sembly 3 56P1471 1 HCO.
7-66 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32.2: Finisher.
P ar ts cata log 7-67 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 32.2: Fi nisher Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 32.2–1 56P 0355 1 Guide v er tical paper 2 56P0385 1 Solenoid d rop asse mbly 3 56P0347 1 J ogger.
Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assembl y 33: Finisher cables.
P ar ts cata log 7-69 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 33: Finisher cab les Asm- index Par t numbe r Units Description 33–1 56P0340 1 Communicati ons cab le 2 56P0341 1 P ower cord 3 56P0359 1 Har ness cab le as.
7-70 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 34: En velope option.
P ar ts cata log 7-71 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 34: En velope option Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description 34–1 56P1569 1 En velope option (c omplete) 2 56P2237 1 Env elope tr a y assemb ly.
7-72 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 35: Options.
P ar ts cata log 7-73 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 35: Options Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description NS 12G6 509 1 Card assembly , 64MB SDRAM NS 56P9910 1 Card asse mbly , 128MB SDRAM NS 56P9911 1 Card a.
7-74 Ser vice Manual 5060-2 XX Assemb ly 36: Miscellaneous Asm- index Pa r t num ber Units Description NS 1 Scre w type 32 3, PP 12G6309 NS 1 Scre w type 32 4, PP 12G6530 NS 1 Scre w type 23 2, PP 12G.
Inde x I-1 5060-2 XX In dex Numerics 1565 Emu l Error Load 2-40 1xx service erro rs error cod e table 2-8 – 2-13 error-spec ific service checks 2-41 – 2-65 2000-sh eet input t ray option diagnos t.
I-2 Ser vic e M anua l 5060-2 XX HCOF sys tem board 5-28 HVPS 5-20 HVPS board 5-20 LVPS 5-23 paper si ze sens ing board 5- 25 system b oard 5-8 D DC Ch arge Adjustme nt 3-35 DC power, s ervice chec ks.
Inde x I-3 5060-2 XX 9xx service erro rs 2-6 sub error code tabl es,9xx and 2xx 2-18 user atte ndance e rrors 2-27 Error Log, c onfigurat ion menu 3-11 Error Log, d iagnosti cs mode 3- 31 clearin g th.
I-4 Ser vic e M anua l 5060-2 XX N narrow media sens or (NMS) cabl e, remova l 4-65 narrow media sensor (NMS), removal 4-66 nip r elief hand le parts ca talog 7- 17 removal 4-46 nip sh ock 3- 4 O oper.
Inde x I-5 5060-2 XX Q Quick Di sk Test 3-30 R rear bel lcr ank removal 4-59 , 4-61 redrive ass embly belt routing 8-5 parts ca talog 7- 14 removal 4-63 Regis tration 3-14 registra tion motor locat io.
I-6 Ser vic e M anua l 5060-2 XX fans 2-84 finishe r 2-114 fuse r drive as sembly noise check 2-121 HCIT 2- 118 HCIT 2000-s heet option 2-118 ITU dri ve motor 2-63 operator p anel LC D/status L ED/but.
P ar t nu mbe r i ndex I-7 5060-2 XX Pa r t n u m b e r i n d ex P/N Descrip tion Pag e 11A9095 Pow er cord set (LV)—U.S., Asia Pacific (Engl ish), Canada, Colo mbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Repub lic.
I-8 Ser vic e M anua l 5060-2 XX 12G641 2 Front lef t handle c over assem bly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-3 12G641 6 500.
P ar t nu mbe r i ndex I-9 5060-2 XX 12G653 0 Parts pac ket - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-.
I-10 S er v ic e Manu al 5060-2 XX 56P0317 Stap le cartridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-67 56P0.
P ar t number i nde x I- 11 5060-2 XX 56P0380 Harness ca ble ass embly D2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-69 56P0381 H.
I-12 S er v ic e Manu al 5060-2 XX 56P0472 Pass thru sha ft assembly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-55 56P0473 Br.
P ar t number i nde x I- 13 5060-2 XX 56P0544 Emi tter timing wheel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-59 56P.
I-14 S er v ic e Manu al 5060-2 XX 56P1505 Cyan mirror motor (attache d to cyan pri nthead) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-3 7 56P1505 Magenta m .
P ar t number i nde x I- 15 5060-2 XX 56P1566 Magenta t erminal c ontact as sembly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-2 5 56P1567 C.
I-16 S er v ic e Manu al 5060-2 XX 73715 49 K it, r eloca ti on pa ckag e as sembly pri nte r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-74 99A0052.
P ar t number i nde x I- 17 5060-2 XX 99A1 741 Spr ing , di ver ter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
I-18 S er v ic e Manu al 5060-2 XX.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 5060-2XX (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 5060-2XX heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 5060-2XX vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 5060-2XX leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 5060-2XX krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 5060-2XX bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 5060-2XX kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 5060-2XX . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.