Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 90T9251 van de fabrikant Lexmark
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Pro910 Series Us er's Guide Decem ber 2011 www.lex mark.c om Machine t ype(s): 4449 Mod el (s ): 901, 9 0E, 91E.
Cont ent s Safe ty in form ation. ..... ........... ..... ..... ........... ..... ...... ........... ..... ...... .......... ...... 6 Abo ut you r printe r. ........... ..... ...... .......... ...... ..... ........... ..... ..... ........... ..... ...
Load ing va ri ous pa per typ es.. .. ... ... .. ... ...... .. ... ... .. ... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ...... .. ... ... . . ... ... ..... ... 33 Sav ing pa per se ttin gs... ... .. ... ... ... ...... .. ... .
Sca nni ng dir ec tly t o e ‑ mai l usin g the prin ter so ftw are.. ... ... .. ... ...... ... ... .. ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..... .... .. ... 63 Scan ning to a PD F.. ....... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... ... ... .... .
Troub les hooti ng... .... ..... ......... ..... ..... ......... ..... .... ......... ..... ..... .... .......... .... .13 1 Be fore yo u trou blesh o ot.... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ..
Safety informat ion Connec t the pow er c ord to a prope rly grounded e lectrical outlet that is ne ar t he pro duct and eas ily ac cessible. Do not pl ace or use th is prod uct near w ater or wet lo catio ns. CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJ URY: The lithium batte ry in this product i s not int ended to be re plac ed.
About yo ur printer Tha nk you f or ch oos ing this p r int er! We've worked hard to make sure it will meet your needs. To st art usi ng your ne w pri nter right aw ay, use th e setup m a terials t hat came with th e print er, and then skim the Use r’s Guid e to learn how to perf orm basic tas ks.
Conser ving in k • Use Q uic k Pri nt or Dr af t M ode . These modes can be used to p rint do cument s usi ng less in k than nor mal a nd ar e idea l for pri nti ng doc umen ts that are mo stly te xt. • Use fon t type s and f ont settin gs that requ ire le ss ink .
Wh at are you lo oking f or? F ind i t her e Additional setup and instruc tions for using the pr inter: • Selecti ng and storing paper and specialty media • Loading pa per • Perfo rming printi n.
Wh at are you lo oking f or? F ind i t her e Telephone support In th e US, c all us a t: 1 ‑ 800 ‑ 395 ‑ 403 9 Monday –F riday ( 8: 00 AM –11: 00 PM ET), Sat urday and Sunday ( 11:00 AM–8:00 PM ET) Suppor t telephone num bers and hour s of operation for your region or country can be found on the Suppo rt Web si te ( htt p: // sup por t.
1 7 3 4 6 9 2 5 8 S D / M S - D u o / M M C Use t he To 1 Automati c Document Feeder (A DF ) t r ay Load ori ginal docum ents into the AD F for scan ning, copyi ng, or faxing. No te : Do not load pos tcards, photos, small items, or thi n medi a (such as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
16 17 L I N E E X T 12 13 15 10 18 19 11 L I N E EXT Use t he To 10 Scanner unit • Access the ink c artridges and pr inthead. • Remove paper jams. 11 Ink c artridge ac cess area Install, r eplace, or remove ink ca rtridges. 12 Ethernet por t Connect your printer to a computer , a loca l network, an external DSL, or a cable modem.
Ordering and r eplacing supplies Order ing i nk car tri dg es Lexmark Pro91 0 Ser ies ex cept Pro9 19 Item Return Program Cartridge 1 Regular c artridge 2 Black cartridg e 150 Not availabl e High ‑ .
• When stor ing new ink cart ri dges, mak e sure t hey ar e unopened and plac ed on their fla t side. • Re mo ve in k cart rid ges fro m th eir p ack agi ng only upon in stallat ion .
If your ink cart ri dge co mes wit h a twis t cap, then remo ve th e cap. 2 Insert each ink car tridge. Slide your finger along the ink cartridge until the cartridge cli cks in to place. Note s: • Inser t the col or c artri dges fi rst , and th en t he bla ck c art rid ge.
Paper Pa per si ze Lexmark P hoto Paper • Letter • A4 • 4 x 6 i n. • L Le xmark Per fectFini s h Phot o Paper • Letter • A4 • 4 x 6 i n. • L Note s : • Availabi lity may vary by countr y or r egion.
Using the printer control pan el buttons and menus Us in g th e pr inte r cont ro l p an el Note: The icons appear when they are s electable on the current screen. If an icon does not appear, then the function is not available. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Use To 1 Pow er • Tu rn the pr inter on an d off .
Understa nding th e home screen After the printer is turned on and a short warm-up period occurs, th e display shows the h ome screen. Use the home screen s elections t o initi ate an acti on, such as copying or fa xing, or to change the printer settings.
Use To 7 Setup icon Access the s etup menu a nd c hange pri nter settings. 8 Eco ‑ Mode icon Activate Eco ‑ Mode to se lect the following opti ons: • Change to Sleep mode af ter the printer is left idle f or 10 minutes. • Set screen brightness to lo w.
Use To 5 Sc roll bar Scroll up and down the m enu li st. 6 Dow n a r row Scr oll dow n. Tip s: • Use your fing ers to navig ate t he scre en. The tou ch scree n do es not wo rk if you use other t ools or de vice s to navig ate. • Drag the sc roll bar o r touc h the ar rows unt il the menu o r sett ing that you want appea rs on t he disp lay.
Sav i ng pa per and en ergy To signif icant ly cut pape r u sage and r educe pape r was te, activat e 2 ‑ Sided Printing : 1 From the home screen, navigate to : > Prin t M ode Setu p > 2-Side d Cop y, Stand alone > On 2 Touc h Accept .
Using th e printer soft ware Mini mum system requirem e nts The print er softwa re requir es up to 50 0MB of f ree dis k space . Supp orted op erati n g sy stem s • Mic ros oft W indow s 7 (SP1 ) .
If you did not install these addi tional progr ams duri ng initia l installation, t hen reinser t t he insta llation sof tware C D, run the ins tallation s oftware, an d then clic k Adv a n ce d Op t i ons > Install A dditiona l Software .
Use t he To Printing Prefe rences When you click File > Prin t > Pr oper t i es with a doc u ment open, a Pr inting Preferences dial og appears. T he dial og lets you select opti ons for the print job, such as the follo win g: • Select the number of copies to print.
• To take advantag e of the full f eatures of your pr inter, s elect the c ustom install o ption du ring ins tallation, and then select all pac kages lis ted. Accessing Web links Web links are links to predefined Web pages that are saved in the printer folder.
Upda ting the pri nter softw a re For Wi nd ows user s 1 Click or Start . 2 Click All Pr ograms or Pr o g ram s , and then s elect the pr inter prog ram fo lder from th e list. 3 Sel ect your pri nter, and th en click Pro duct Updat e . 4 Follow the instructions o n the computer screen.
3 Double ‑ cli ck Uninst aller . 4 Follow the instructions o n the computer screen. Instal ling the prin ter s oftware Note: If you installed the printer sof tware on this c omput er before but need t o reinst all the s oftw are, then u ninst all the curren t softw are fi rs t.
Loading paper an d original documents Lo adin g the pa per tray Make s ure: • You us e paper desig ned f or inkjet print ers. • The pape r is no t use d or dama ged. • If you ar e usin g speci alty paper, you f ollo w the i nstruc tions that ca me with it.
3 If you ar e load ing A4 ‑ or legal ‑ size paper, then s qu eeze the tab and pull to e xtend the tray. 2 1 No te: W hen you pull the exten sion out, the first s top acco mmodates A4 ‑ size pape r. When the ex tension i s fu lly out, it accommoda tes legal ‑ siz e p aper .
6 Insert the tr ay. No te: If you extended the tray to accomm odate A4- or legal -size paper , then the tr ay sticks out fro m the front of the printer when inserted. 7 Fl ip up the pa per s top t o catch the pa pe r as it exits. 1 2 No te: If you loaded A 4 ‑ or leg al ‑ size p aper, t hen ex tend the paper st op.
2 Move the pa per guides to the sides of tray. 2 3 1 3 Use t he envelope i con and the ph ot o paper out lin e on the bo ttom of the tr ay to help yo u pos ition e nvelo pes or photo paper. No te: Do not mix pa per ty pes i n the tray. Y ou can lo ad eit her en velopes o r pho to paper , but not bo th .
5 Adjus t the pape r g uides to r est g ently ag ainst the left, r ight, and bo ttom edge s of t he envelop es or phot o pape r. 2 3 2 3 1 1 6 Insert the tr ay.
7 Fl ip up the pa per s top t o catch the e nvelo pes o r photo s as they e xi t. 1 2 Note: For b est resul ts , allow pho tos to dr y at le ast 24 hours be fore s tacki ng, displa ying , or sto ring. Loa di ng v ari ou s pa pe r ty pes Lo a d up to Make sur e 150 sh eets of plai n pap er • The paper is des i gned for use with inkjet pr inters.
Lo a d up to Make sur e 10 envelo pes • The envel opes are designed for us e with i nkjet printers. • The print side of the envelopes faces down with the f lap to the l eft as sh own . • You load the envelopes in the center of the tray as indi cated by the icon.
Lo a d up to Make sur e 50 transpare ncies • The rough side of the transparencies faces down. • You load letter ‑ or A4 ‑ siz e tr an spar e nc ies . • You remove any pap er backing sheets from the t ransparencies before load ing. • If the tr ansparencies have a removable strip, then e ach strip faces down.
Sav i ng pa per set tings You can adjust the set ting s for your pri nt and co py jobs to match t he paper si ze and ty pe you have loaded in t he printer . 1 From the home s creen, touch > Pap er S etu p . No te: If you have in stalled t wo trays in your pri nter, the n touch , sel ect the paper tray, an d then touc h Pap er Setup .
Lo adin g orig inal docum ents in to the A DF You c an load up t o 35 sh eets of an o riginal docume n t into the ADF for sc annin g, copying , an d faxing . You c an load A4 ‑ , letter ‑ , or legal ‑ size p ape r i nto t he ADF . 1 Adjust the paper guide o n the ADF tray to the w idth of the ori ginal docu ment.
Prin ting Tip s for pr inti ng • Use the appr opri ate paper for your print job. • Sel ect a hi gher pri nt qualit y f or bette r print s. • Make sure there is enough i nk in the ink cart ridges. • Remove each sheet as it is printed when p rinti ng pho tos o r wh en wo rking with sp ecialt y medi a.
Collatin g print ed copi es When pri nting mult iple c opie s of a doc umen t, you can choos e t o print each c opy a s a set (c ol lated) or to pr int t he c opi es as gro ups of pa ges (not c ollated ). Colla te d Not co llate d Notes: • The collate opt ion is availabl e only w h en you are pr inting mul tiple c opies.
4 To ch ange th e curr ent page o rd er, sel ect the Rev er se pa g e o r de r check bo x. 5 Click OK to cl ose any p rinter softwa re dialo gs. 6 Click OK or Prin t . For Macintos h users 1 Wi th a doc ument o pen, choos e File > Pag e Se tu p . 2 From t he Pag e Setup dialog , set the print er, p aper s ize, an d ori entati on.
8 Adjust other settin gs as needed. 9 Click Pri n t . Printing do cument s from a memory c ard or f lash dri ve To enable t he F ile Print f uncti on, the mem ory c ard or flas h drive m ust c ontain do cument fi les t hat are s uppor ted by the pri nt er.
6 From t he P rint er po p ‑ up menu, choo se your pri nter. 7 Click Pri n t . Notes: • Most env elopes use land sc ape or ientation. • Make sure t he sa me or ientati on is also sele cted i n the appli catio n. Printing on lab els Notes: • Make sure the top of the label sheet f eed s into the printer fir st.
9 From t he Print Quality menu, choose a p rint qua lity ot her than Quick Print or Draf t. 10 Click Pri n t . Print ing on custom ‑ size paper For Windows u sers 1 With a document ope n, click File > Pri nt . 2 Click Pro pe rt ie s , Pr eferen ces , Options , or Setup .
Working with ph otos Usin g a me mory card or f lash dri ve wit h the printe r Insert a memo ry card into the card slot or a flash drive into the US B port Inserting a memory card Inserting a flash drive SD/MS-Duo/MMC Note s: • Insert the card wi th the brand name l abel facing up .
Supported mem ory cards a nd f ile types Memory card File ty pe • Secure Digi tal (SD) • Secure Digi tal High Capa city (SDH C) • Micr o Secure Digital (w it h adapt er) (Mi cro SD) • Mini Se .
Printing ph otos f rom a PictBridg e-enab led digita l cam era PictBr idge is a te chnology av a ilable i n most digit al camera s t hat lets yo u pri nt dir ectly f rom your dig ital came ra w ithout usi ng a comput er. 1 Insert one end of the USB cable into the camera.
Pr in ti ng o n bo th sid e s of th e pa pe r (d u pl exi n g) Printing on both sides of the pa per (du plexing) automat ically Notes: • The automat ic duplex u nit support s A4 ‑ and l etter ‑ size paper. It also s uppor ts plai n, prem ium pl ain, Color Lok certified pl ain, heavy pl ain, an d let terhead pa per t ypes.
9 From t he T wo ‑ Sided pop ‑ up m enu, choo se Lo n g ‑ E dge bi n d i ng or Short ‑ Edge bi nding . • For Lon g ‑ Edge bin ding, page s a re bound alo ng th e long e dge of the page (left ed ge for portr ait, to p edge fo r l andscape) .
For M acinto sh users 1 From t he Apple m enu, na viga te to: Sy st em P r ef eren ce s > Pri nt & Fax > sel ect your pri nter 2 Nav iga te t o: Open Pri nt Queu e > Pr in ter S etup >.
Cre atin g a pr in t qu eue For Windo ws us ers 1 From t he Print er Tasks a rea, clic k Ad d a Print er . 2 Follow the instructions o n the computer screen. For more information, see the documentation that came w i th your operating system. For M acinto sh users 1 From t he Pr int & Fax a rea, c lick + .
Chan ging the d efa ult p rinti ng mo de To conserve ink, you can chang e the default printing mo de for all print jobs to Draf t or Quick Print. It uses less ink and is reco mmended fo r print ing te xt-only document s.
Resumin g print jobs For Windows u sers 1 Click , or click Start and then c lick Run . 2 In th e St art Sear ch or R un box, type cont rol prin ter s . 3 Press Ente r , o r click OK . The printers folder opens. 4 Right ‑ c lick the printer , an d then s elect Open or See what 's printi ng .
For Macintos h users 1 Clic k the printer icon on the Doc k. The pri nt queue di alog appe ars. 2 Choos e the jo b you want to canc el, and then cli ck Dele te .
Cop ying ADF Scann er glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page document s. Note : The A DF is av ai lable only i n sele c t pri nter model s. I f yo u purchased a printer without an ADF, then load or iginal documents or photos on the s canner g lass.
Copying an ID card 1 From the home s creen, touch SmartSo lutions > ID Car d Copy . 2 Load the fron t side of t he ID card face down on the upper l eft c orner of the s canner g las s. 3 Touc h Continue . 4 Whe n prompte d to copy the b ack s ide of t he ID card, t ouch Yes .
Co llat in g co pie s usin g the pr in ter co nt rol pan el When pri nting mult iple c opie s of a doc umen t, you can choos e t o print each c opy a s a set (c ol lated) or to pr int t he c opi es as gro ups of pa ges (not c ollated ). Colla te d Not colla ted 1 Load the o riginal document.
Placing an overlay mess a ge on each page 1 Load the o riginal document. 2 From the home s creen, touch Cop y > Mo r e O pt i on s > Ov e rl a y . 3 Sel ect an ov erlay setting , and t hen touch Accept . No te: If you select Cus tom Text , then you will be p rom pted to specif y a custom o verlay.
Makin g a duplex copy manua lly 1 Load the o riginal document. 2 From the home s creen, touch Cop y . 3 Set the copy o ptions you w ant. If ne cessary, tou ch Ac ce pt each time you make a selec tion.
Scanning ADF Scann er glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page document s. Note : The A DF is av ai lable only i n sele c t pri nter model s. I f yo u purchased a printer without an ADF, then load or iginal documents or photos on the s canner g lass.
The sc an is com plete when a mess age appears on the pr inter c ontr ol pane l indicating that t he f ile you s canned has been saved. S can ni n g t o a net w or k c om p ut er 1 Load the o riginal document. 2 From the home s creen, touch Scan > Compu te r .
Sca nning photos for edit ing For Wi nd ows user s 1 Load p hoto or photos fa cedown o n the sc anner glass. 2 Click or Start . 3 Click All Pr ograms or Pr o g ram s , and then s elect the pr inter prog ram fo lder from th e list.
Sca nning docume nts for editin g An Op tical Charact er Recognit ion ( OCR) a pplication allo ws you to edit an orig inal t ext doc umen t that has b een scanned .
Sca nning directly t o e ‑ mail u sing t he prin ter sof twa re Ma ke s ur e yo u ha ve set up you r e ‑ mail settings befo re proceedin g. For more info rmation, see the sectio n on e ‑ ma iling in the Use r’s Guid e . For Wi nd ows user s 1 Load a n ori ginal doc umen t faceup in to th e ADF or f ac edown on t he s canner g lass.
4 Nav iga te t o: Pr int er H ome > select your print er > Scan > PDF Scann ing st arts and t he scan p rogres s dial og appears . 5 Sa ve the document as a P DF. For Ma cint osh use rs 1 Load a n ori ginal doc umen t faceup in to th e ADF or f ac edown on t he s canner g lass.
Why am I being aske d for a PIN? PINs ar e a s ecurit y mea sure used t o rest rict t he scan ned i nformation from going i nto certain loc ations , or to keep what is bein g scanne d from bein g seen o r used by o thers. Y ou may be prompt ed to ent er a PIN if the net work co mputer you are sca nning t o re quires one.
E-mailing You c an use your pr inter t o se nd e-mail to one or more re cipient s withou t using a c omp uter. T o do this, you can ei ther scan a do cume nt or ph oto and t hen send it as an e-mai l, or you c an a ttach a save d document or phot o from a memo ry device to an e-mail .
• Pas sword —Ente r your e ‑ mail ac count pass word. • Domain —Enter yo ur e ‑ ma il account domain. Note: This sett i ng appea rs only wh en Authenti cation is se t to NTLM . For more inf ormation, con tact your e- mai l provi der or your syst em suppor t perso n.
Crea ting an e ‑ mail conta ct li st usi ng th e compu ter For Windows u sers 1 Click or Start . 2 Click All Pr ograms or Pr o g ram s , and then s elect the pr inter prog ram fo lder from th e list.
Sen ding e- mail ADF Scann er glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page document s. Note : The A DF is av ai lable only i n sele c t pri nter model s. I f yo u purchased a printer without an ADF, then load or iginal documents or photos on the s canner g lass.
Scanning a docu ment or photo to e-ma il 1 Load a n ori gi nal docum ent or ph oto. 2 Touc h Scan > E ‑ mai l . 3 Sel ect the output file t ype you want to crea te. 4 Touch an optio n to enter or s elect the rec ipients: • Ente r E ‑ mail Addre ss —Enter t he e ‑ mail a ddress manually.
Faxi ng CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: To reduce r isk of fi re, use only t he tele commu nicati ons ( RJ-11) cord pr ovided with t his p roduct or a UL L iste d 26 AWG o r larger repla cement when con necting this pro duct to the public switc hed telepho ne net work.
Setup 2: Printer is sharing the line with an answe ring machine Con nect ed to the sam e t elep hone w all j ack E X T L I N E P H O N E L I N E To con nect: 1 Conne ct the cabl e from th e wall jack to the port of th e printe r. 2 Remove the protective plug from the port of the printer , and then co nn ect the a nswering mach ine to the port.
Ti ps f o r t h is s et u p : • If you have only o ne telephone number on you r line, then yo u need to set the p rinter to r eceive faxes au tomatically (A ut o An swer On) . • Set the printer to pick up calls two rings after the answering machine.
Ti ps f o r t h is s et u p : • This s etup wo rks bes t if you subscr ibe to a dis tinctive ring servi ce. If you have dist inctiv e ri ng servic e, the n make sure that you set th e correct ring pattern for the pr inter. Otherwise, the printer will not receive faxes even if you have set it to receive fa xes autom aticall y.
3 To c ontinue using a c omput er for Int ern et access , co nnect the c omput er to the DSL H PN port on the DS L filt er. 4 To connec t a telephone t o the p rinter, remove t h e protec tive plug from t h e por t of the prin ter a nd t hen conne ct the teleph one to the po rt.
Scenar io 4: Digit al telep hone s ervice through a ca ble provide r Setu p 1 : P rinte r i s co nn ect ed di re ctly to a cabl e m ode m Follow this set up if you norm ally c onnect your te lephone to a ca ble mod em. To con nect: 1 Connec t one e nd of a telep hone c abl e to th e por t of the pr int er.
Setup 2: Printer is conn ected to a wall jack; cable mode m is installed else where in the house Follow this setup if your cable pr ovider activate d the wall j a cks in yo ur ho use s o that you do not have t o plug your devic es into the cabl e modem .
Con nec ting the p rin ter to a no n ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack EXT LINE To con nect: 1 Connec t one e nd of a telep hone c abl e to th e por t of the pr int er. 2 Connect the other en d of the cable to the RJ ‑ 11 a dapter, an d then connec t the adapter to th e wall jack.
If the addi tional dev ice (t elephon e or answ erin g machi ne) has an RJ-11 conn ector , then yo u can remove the wr ap plug and co nnect the device to the por t of th e pr int er.
EXT L IN E To con nect: Conne ct the cabl e from th e wall jack to the port of th e printe r. Con nec ting th e pr inter to a wa ll jac k i n Ger ma ny The Ger man wall jac k has tw o kinds of ports. T he N port s are for fax ma chi nes, mod ems, and ans wering machine s.
Connec t th e printer to any of t he N port s. P H O N E LIN E NFN E X T L I N E To con nect: 1 Connec t one e nd of a telep hone c abl e to th e por t of the pr int er. 2 Connect the other en d of the cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, and t hen co nnect the adapt er to an N port.
Setting the fax footer 1 From the home screen, navigate to : > Fax Setu p > Ringin g and Answer ing > Fax Foo ter 2 Touc h ON > Accept . Co nf ig ur in g th e fax se tt in gs You can conf igure t he fax setti ngs throug h the printe r control pane l or the fax software .
Fro m her e You c an Dialing and Sendi ng • Set your fax nam e and fax number. • Adjust the dialing vol ume. • Set the di al m ethod, r edial time, nu mber of r edial attemp ts, dialin g pr efix, and fax s ending speed. • Convert sent f axes into modes tha t receiving fax machines recognize.
Cre a ti ng a c on ta ct l is t You can create a cont act list using the Addre ss Book in the pri nter co ntrol pa nel or the phone bo ok in the fax sof tware . If you cr eate a contact lis t in the printer control p anel, then th e fax softw are autom atically saves th ose contac ts as Phon ebook entries.
6 Sel ect the cont act tha t you want to add, an d then clic k Add t o or change list to import th e contact . No te: To add contact s, you need to im port c ontact s from the phone books on your computer that are supported by the fax s oftware.
Tips for send ing f axes • Make s ure th e printer i s on and co n nected to a w orking tel e phone , DSL, or VoIP line. Th e line is wor king if you hear a dial t one. • Make su re the pape r exit tray is fully exten ded and the tray ext ension is flipped out.
4 Ent er the re cipi ent fax nu mber or numbe rs in t he “F ax numbe r(s)” fi eld. You c an enter fax n umbers manually or by usi ng the Phone Book feat ure. 5 If necessary, enter a prefix in the Dialing Prefix d ialog. 6 Sel ect the appr opr iate paper siz e and pa ge orient ation.
Tips: • If the printer is sharing the line with other analog devices (telephone, answering machine), then set the pr i nter to pick up c alls two rings af ter the answer ing machine. Fo r exampl e, if the answer ing machine pic ks up calls af ter four ring s, then set the pr inter t o p ick up after six ri ng s.
For Mac intosh us ers a From the Appl icati ons folder in the F inder, o r from the F inder de sktop, d ouble-cl ick the printer folder. b Double- click Pr int er Setti ng s , and t hen conf igure t he fax se tting s.
How m an y ring s shoul d I set ? If t he pr inter i s sha ring a line wit h a n answeri ng machin e, t hen s et th e pri nter to pick up afte r a great er number of r ings than the answer ing machine. For example, if the answering machine picks up calls after four rings, then s et the printer to pick up afte r six rin gs .
How d o I a dju st the spe ak er vol ume on the pr i nter? Listen to the dial tone to chec k if the telephone line is working and to check if the cables and devices are connected properly to your telep hone net work.
Qualit y Black re solu tion Color resolution Super fine 300 x 300 200 x 200 Ultrafin e 300 x 300 (half ‑ toned) 200 x 200 1 From the home screen, navigate to : Fax > Mo r e O pt i ons > Qu alit y 2 Sel ect a re solutio n, and then touch Acce pt .
How d o I vi ew the fa x histo ry of the p rinte r? You can view the fax history of the printer on the display. You can also print repor ts of sent or receiv ed faxes, or both.
Blo ckin g faxe s from u nidenti fi ed send ers From the home scr een, navigate to: > Fax Set u p > Fax Blo cking > Block N o ID > On > Accept Can I retr ieve fa il ed f axes? The prin ter saves an inco ming fax to the printer memory befo re it prints the fax.
Networking Inst allin g the pr inte r on a wir eless ne twor k Wireles s network compa tibi lity Your pr inte r may contain an IE EE 80 2.1 1b, IEEE 802.11g , or IEEE 802 .11n wir eless pri nt serve r. Your pr inter is c ompa tible with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n rou ters that ar e Wi-Fi c ertified.
A valid WE P key has: • Exactl y 10 or 26 hexadec imal c haracters. Hexadecim al chara cters are A–F, a–f , and 0 –9. or • Exac tly 5 or 13 ASC II charact ers. ASCII charac ters ar e letter s, num bers, punct uation, and sym bols foun d on a keyboard.
If your w irel ess netw ork i s not us ing sec urity, t hen you wil l not hav e a s ecurity ke y. Note: If you do not kn ow the SSID o f the net work that yo ur c omputer is conn ected to, then launc h the w ireles s utility of the comput er net work adapter and l ook for the net work name.
Encr yp t ion Check the encryption method used on your network. No te: S ome authenti cation typ es may be availab le o nly in select pr inter m odels o r operating systems .
3 Double-click the software in staller package, and then follo w the inst ructions o n the computer screen. No te: Select W i re less co n ne ct ion when pro mpte d to sel ect a connec tion type.
Determini ng th e print er status using th e net work indic ators Scan Smart Solutions Fa x Memory Device Copy Notes: – Some feat ures may be avai lable on ly in select mode ls.
Indicato r Prin te r statu s or Wi ‑ Fi indi cator light i s of f • The printer has not been configured for a wireless network and therefore cannot connect t o a wireless network. • The printer is configur ed for an ad ho c connection, but i t is not currently communicating with an other ad hoc device.
For Mac intosh us e rs Select Ot h e r Wi r e l es s N et wo r k from the lis t, and t hen click Co nti nue . b Enter the d etails about your wireles s netwo rk. Note: Your WEP, W PA, or WPA2 k ey may be obtai ned from the bo ttom of th e box, the docu mentation tha t came w ith the box, o r from t he b ox Web pag e.
Advan ced wireless setup Adding a print er to an e xisti ng ad hoc wirele ss network Before you begi n, make s ure: • Your wireless n etwork adapter i s properly a t tached to your c omput er and is w orki ng. • The ad ho c wirel ess netw ork that the pr inter will c onn ect to is availab le.
Configuri ng Wi ‑ F i Prote cted Se tup m anually Note: Make s ure yo ur acc ess po int (w ireles s ro uter) i s Wi ‑ Fi Prot ect ed Setup ( WPS) cer tified.
EAP ‑ TL S • RADIUS user name • CA certif icate • Sign ed certific ate EAP ‑ TTLS • Appro priate inner authe ntica tion • RADIUS user name • RADIUS passw or d • CA certif icate Conf iguri ng 80 2.1X Aut hent icat ion The info rma tion t o compl ete i s dependent on t he 80 2.
• The hostname of the printer • Any secur i ty info rmation req uired for a uthentica tion to the n etwork Note: Make sure yo u have an E therne t cable t o con nect the pr in ter to the n etwork, and an available por t, either on a networking d evi ce or a wall j ack, th at physically c onnects the printe r to the networ k.
Using the printer wirelessly Select the co nnectio n type that desc ri bes ho w you cu rrently acce ss your p rint er: If the print e r is c urrently se t up local ly (using USB connec t ion) 1 Click or Start . 2 Click All Pr ograms or Pr o g ram s , and then s elect the pr inter prog ram fo lder from th e list.
Using the printer over an Etherne t network Select the co nnectio n type that desc ri bes ho w you cu rrently acce ss your p rint er: If th e pri nte r is curren tly set u p for wi rel ess 1 Plug an Ethern et cabl e int o the pri nter and int o an ava ilable po rt on a switch or wa ll jack.
If the print e r is c urrently se t up local ly (using USB connec t ion) 1 Close a ll open applicat ions. 2 In ser t th e i nst all ati on sof twa re CD. If the install ation di alog doe s not appear af ter a min ute, then click the C D icon o n the de sktop.
Using the printer over an Etherne t network Select the co nnectio n type that desc ri bes ho w you cu rrently acce ss your p rint er: If th e pri nte r is curren tly set u p for wi rel ess 1 Plug an Ethern et cabl e int o the pri nter and to an availa ble por t on a s witc h or wall jack.
2 Identify the printer: a On the computer that is attached to the pr inter, open the printers folder: 1 Cli ck , o r click St a rt and then c lick Run . 2 In the Star t Searc h or Run bo x, type co nt rol prin ter s . 3 Press Enter , or click OK . b Right ‑ click the na me of your printer .
Netwo rking F AQ What is Wi ‑ Fi Protec ted Se tup? Wi ‑ Fi Pr otected Setup (WPS ) is a simple and secure confi guration t hat allo ws you to establ ish a wi reless ho me ne twor k and en able netw ork s ecurit y wi thout requi ring prior know ledge of Wi ‑ Fi t echnology.
What is an SSI D? A Serv ice Set Identifier (S SID) is the name that ide n tifies a wireles s network. All devices on the net work must know the SSID of the wir eless netw ork, or they w ill no t be able to c ommunic ate with ea ch other. U sually, the wireless network broadcas ts the SSID to allow wireles s devices in the area to con nect to i t.
– ASCII char acters ar e letters, num bers, and sym bols found on a k e yboard. AS CII charac ters in a WPA/WPA2 presh ared key/passph rase are case ‑ sensitive. • View the security settings on the acc ess point. 1 Ope n a We b browser . Typ e the IP addres s of the ac cess point i n the addre ss fi eld, and th en press Ente r .
Sce nari o 2: Wi rel ess n etwo rk wi th Inte rnet ac cess • All c omputers and printer s connec t to the net work using a wireless access point or wireless router . • The w ireless acce ss point connec ts t he netw ork to the Internet thro ugh a DS L or cable mo dem.
What is a USB cable ? A Univ ers al Serial Bus (USB) cable is pri maril y used to connect a USB dev ice to a host. Co mmon host s include c omputer s and vi deo game cons oles.
2 Firmly p lug the squar e end o f the US B cable into the bac k of t he pri nter. L I N E EXT L IN E E X T 3 Firmly plug the rect angular end of t he USB cable into the USB port o f the computer.
Infr astruc ture Ad h oc Require ment s for all devi ces Unique IP address for each device Yes Yes Mode set to Infrastructure m ode Ad hoc mode Same S SID Y es, including the access point Yes Same channel Yes, in cludi ng the acc ess point Yes We re commend s ettin g up a net work in infrast ructure mode using the ins tallat ion s oftware C D.
How can I i mprove wireless signal strengt h? A common reason wireless printers fail to communicate over a netw ork is poo r wireles s signal quality. If the signal is too we ak, too d istort ed, or bl ocked by an o bject , then it c annot c arry inf orma tion bet wee n the acces s poin t (wi reless rout er) a nd t he pri nter .
A RR ANG E THE NET WOR K TO REDU CE SI GN AL ABS ORP TIO N Even when th e wirel ess signal is able to pass t hro ugh an obje ct, it is slight ly weake ned.
For Ma cint osh use rs wi th an AirPo rt ba se s tati on In Mac OS X ve rsio n 1 0.5 or later 1 From t he Apple m enu, na viga te to: Sy st em P r ef eren ce s > Network > AirPort The SSID of the network that the computer is connected to is displayed in the Network Name menu.
Wha t i s a M AC ad d re ss? A Medi a Acc ess C ontrol (MAC ) a ddress is a 4 8 ‑ bit identifi er ass ociate d with the hardw are of ne twork equipm ent . The MAC addr ess ma y also be c alled the physic al add ress because it is conne cte d to the har dwar e of a de vice i nstead of its softwar e.
Notes: • A list of M AC addr esses can be set on a n ac cess point (wir eless r oute r) so that o nly devic es w ith matc hing M AC addresses are allowed to operate on the network.
Locating the printer IP address • From th e printer, pri nt a network se tup pa ge. In the TCP/IP s ection , look for Ad dr es s . • View the p rinter s ettings. 1 From the print er control panel, na vi gate to: > Netwo rk S etup > TCP/IP > IPv4 2 Look for IP Ad dres s .
Using S martSolutions What a re S martS oluti ons? Smart So lutions are so lutions th at you c an creat e, cust omi ze, and download fr om the Sm art Sol utions Web site ( http://smartsolutions.le ) to you r printe r. You c an creat e o ne-touch c us tom so lutions to st reaml ine rep etitive c opying, sc anning , and prin ting task s.
For M acintosh u sers From t he Fin der des ktop, doub le-clic k the pr inte r prog ram fol der. b Click Visi t Lexmar k SmartS olution s . Usi ng a W eb b row ser a Ope n a W eb browse r. b Typ e sm arts olutio ns.l exma rk.c om in the a ddress bar , and t hen p ress En ter .
Maintaining the printer Ma inta in in g in k cartr id ges In additio n to the following tasks that you can perf orm, your printer p erform s an automatic m aintena nce cycle if it is plugged in to a pro perly grounded, working electric al outlet. It will br iefly come out of Sleep mode or w ill tempor aril y turn on if it is turned off.
Clea ning the pri nthead noz z les If you have not been using the printe r for a long period, t hen you may need to clean the print head noz zles to improv e the qual ity of you r pr ints. Keep yo ur pr inter pl ug ged to a pro perly gr ounded, working e lectric al outl et to allow your devic e to perf orm autom atic m aintenanc e c ycles.
Cleaning the scanner glass Clea n the sc anner glass a nd othe r re lated pa rt s when v ertic al s treaks app ear o n your printe d pag es or when you see mark s or smu dges on s uch parts. 1 Dampen a clean, lint ‑ f ree cloth wit h water. 2 Gently w ipe c lean t he scanner g lass and ot her relate d part s.
Mov in g th e p rin ter to an oth er l oc at io n When mo ving the prin ter and op tional tra y to another location , f ollo w these p recautions : • Make sure th e printer is turned off.
Troubleshooting Before you t r oubl eshoot Use this checklist to so lv e most printer problems: • Make su re t he power c ord is pl ug ged int o the pr inter and into a pr operl y g rounded, w orkin g electri cal outlet. • Make sure th e printer is turned on.
Incorrec t langua ge appe ars on th e dis play If the "Before you trou bleshoot" checklist does not solve the pr oblem, then try the following: C HANGE THE LA NGU AGE US ING THE PRINTER MEN U S 1 From the home screen , navigate to: > Device Setup > Lan guage 2 Select a language, an d t hen touch Accept .
Print j ob does not print or is missing p ages If the "Before you trou bleshoot" checklist does not solve the problem, then try one or more of t he following: M AKE SU RE THE IN K C ART RID GE S ARE IN SE R TED CO RRECTLY 1 Turn the p rinter on, and then open the printer .
3 Firmly plug the rectan gular end of the USB cable into the USB port of the computer. The USB po rt i s m arked w it h . Note: If you continue t o have pr oblem s, then try another U SB po rt on the c omp uter. You m ay have c onnect ed to a defe ctive po rt.
If the printe r will not come out of Sleep m ode, then reset the powe r: 1 Unpl ug the pow er c ord from the wall ou tlet, an d the n wait 10 se conds. 2 Ins ert the power cord into the wall outlet, and then tur n o n the p rinter. If this proble m per sists, then chec k our We b site for updates for your printe r sof tware or f irm ware.
3 Press En ter , or click OK . The Device Manager opens. 4 Cl ick the p l us si gn ( + ) bes ide Un ive rsal Seria l Bus cont rolle rs . If USB Host Co ntroller and USB Ro ot Hub are listed, th en the USB p ort is enabled. For more information, see the computer docum en tation.
Change [Pa per Source] to [Si ze] [Type ] Paper Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Select th e paper tra y with th e correc t paper si ze or type . • Touc h P aper Lo aded, Contin ue to continue pri nti ng after l oading the corr ect paper siz e and paper type in th e default pape r tray.
Duplex Un it Mi ssing Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Make su re t he dupl ex unit is proper ly ins talled at the bac k of t he pri nter to c lear the me ssage. L I N E E X T • Canc el th e curre nt job. E ‑ mail S erver Not S pecified Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Touc h Continue to return to t he previo us m enu.
• Turn th e pri nter off, w ait about 10 s econd s, and then tu rn the printer back o n. No te: Make sure t he prin ter is no t in Sleep m ode. P ress and hold for three sec onds to turn o ff the printer . • See the Us er' s G uid e or vis it the L exma rk Sup port W eb site at http: //sup port.
Load [Paper Source] with [S ize] [Type] Paper Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Load the specified paper in the tray. • Touc h Pape r Loaded, C onti nue to cle ar the m essage and con tinue pri nti ng. • Press to cancel t he curre nt job.
Paper Tray [x] Re move d Inse rt the specif ied paper tray in to the p rinter, or tou ch OK . Printer Memory Full Touc h OK or pre ss to clea r the mes sage , dependin g on your pri nte r mode l. Note: This deletes the pr int job from th e printer memor y.
3 Wipe the prin thea d contac ts and the c on tacts in side the pr inthead c ar rier using a clean, l int ‑ free cloth. 4 Reins ert t he pri nthead, an d then c lose the latch unt il it clicks into pl ace.
2 I nsert the print head, a nd then c lose the lat ch until it cli cks int o plac e. 1 2 Note: Make sure to i nstall the ink cart ridges into t he printhead. Fo r mo re informat ion, see “Replac ing in k cart rid ges ” i n the User’s G uide . 3 Close the printer.
4 Rem ove t he unsu pporte d pri nthead. 5 I nsert the su pported printhead , and then close the lat ch until i t clic ks into plac e. 1 2 Note: Make sure to i nstall the ink cart ridges into t he printhead. Fo r mo re informat ion, see “Replac ing in k cart rid ges ” i n the User’s G uide .
Replace In k Ca rtridge Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Repla ce the un rec ognized ink cart ridg e with o ne that is su pported by your printer . • If a Ca rtridge Finde r widget has been dow nloa ded to you prin ter, t hen touc h F ind In k .
• Touc h OK to clear the messa ge. Standard Net work Software Error Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng : • Touc h Continue to clear the message. • Turn th e pri nter off and then back on to r eset t he printer .
Che ck the jam cl earance a r ea 1 Lift the s canner uni t. 2 Remove the jam clearance cover. 1 2 3 Note s: • Squeeze the snap to lift the jam clearance cover. • Make sure tha t the print head is mov ed to the side a nd away fr om the j ammed paper.
4 Reattach the jam clearance cover until it cli cks int o plac e. 1 2 5 Close the printer . 6 Touc h OK or pre ss , depend ing on yo ur print er m odel. Ch ec k th e p a pe r tr ay Notes: • For se lect models t ha t suppor t a sec ond tray, make sure you also chec k the sec ond tr ay.
3 Insert the tr ay. 4 Touc h OK or pre ss , depend ing on yo ur print er m odel. Pap er j am i n the e xit tr ay 1 Firmly g rasp t he pa per, and then g ently pull i t out. No te: Make sure all pape r fragme nts a re rem oved. 2 Touc h OK or pre ss , depend ing on yo ur print er m odel.
2 Firmly g rasp t he pa per, and then g ently pull i t out. L I N E E X T No te: Make sure all pape r fragme nts a re rem oved. 3 Reins ert t he dupl ex unit. L I N E E X T 4 Touc h OK or pre ss , depend ing on yo ur print er m odel. Paper j am in the A DF (sel ect mode ls only) Note: The pa rts ins ide the pri nter ar e sensitiv e.
2 Firmly g r asp the pa per on both sid es, and t hen gently pull it ou t. Scenari o 1 Scenario 2 No te: Make sure all pape r fragme nts a re rem oved. 3 Close the ADF cover. 4 Touc h OK or pre ss , depend ing on yo ur print er m odel. Ch ec k un de r the AD F tra y 1 Re mo v e th e A DF tr ay .
2 Firmly g r asp the pa per on both sid es, and t hen gently pull it ou t. No te: Make sure all pape r fragme nts a re rem oved. 3 Reattach th e ADF tra y unti l it sn aps into place.
Print troubles hootin g • “Poor quality at the edges o f the page” on page 153 • “Strea ks or li ne s on print ed i mage” o n page 154 • “Print speed is slow” on pa ge 154 • “Com.
9 From t he Print Qua lity pop ‑ up menu , cho ose Best or Ph oto . 10 Cl ick Print . Streaks or line s on printe d ima ge If the "Before you trou bleshoot" checklist does not solve the problem, then try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE IN K LEV ELS Replace low or em pt y ink cartri dges .
Comp u ter sl ows do wn when pri nt ing If the "Before you trou bleshoot" checklist does not solve the problem, then try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE USB CONNECTION BETWEEN THE PRINTER AND COMPUTER If your compu ter is c onn ected to the pr inte r thr ough a USB c able, the n try using a di fferent US B cabl e.
Scanner uni t doe s no t clos e 1 Lift the s canner uni t. 2 Remo ve any obs truc tion keepi ng th e scanne r u nit open. 3 Low er the sc anner unit. Poor cop y or scanne d image qu ality If the ".
3 Firmly plug the rectan gular end of the USB cable into the USB port of the computer. The USB po rt i s m arked w it h . Note: If you continue t o have pr oblem s, then try another U SB po rt on the c omp uter. You m ay have c onnect ed to a defe ctive po rt.
M AKE SU RE TO ENTER A VA LID REC IPI ENT E ‑ MAIL ADDRES S M AKE SU RE THE RECIP IE NT MA ILB OX IS NO T FULL This ca use s e ‑ mail to b ounce bac k to you r inbox.
Check th e cable connections f or th e following hardware, if ap plicable: Power supply Ans wering machine Cab le modem Splitter Telephone VoIP adapter DSL filter RJ ‑ 11 adapter • If the pri nter is conn ected to a D igit al Subs criber Line, then make sure you are using a DSL filter for the printer.
M AKE SU RE THAT THE D IA L P RE FIX S ETTI NG IS CORRECT The dialing pre fix is the number or series of n umbers that you p ress before you can di al the actual fa x number or telephone n umber.
M AKE SU RE THAT YOU HAV E THE CORRECT MAN UAL AN SWE R CODE If you set the pr inter to receive faxes manually (Auto Answer Off), then yo u need to enter the correct code when a fax comes in so that the printer can receive it .
Erro r Message: What i t indicates: Pos sib le s olut io ns: Unsupported Compre ssion The fax modem of the receivi ng fa x machine does not support data comp r essio n. F ax m ode ms com press data to speed up trans mission, but the receiving fax modem needs to have the sam e comp re ssio n co de.
Erro r Message: What i t indicates: Pos sib le s olut io ns: No Answer Auto Answer m ay have been turned off on t he receivin g fax m achine. • Verify the number, and then resend the fax.
Netwo rk tr ouble shootin g chec klis t Before be ginni ng to t roubl eshoot the wir eless pr inter, ve rify t he follo wing: General Networking Make s ure: • The printer, the computer, and the access point (wireless router) are all p lugged in and turned on.
The Conti nue bu tton is unavail able Try the fo llowi ng sol utions i n the order t hey appea r until t he Cont inue button bec ome s activ e and avail able: C HECK IF TH E USB CABLE IS SE CU RELY PLU GGED IN TO THE USB PORTS ON BO TH THE COMPUTER AND THE PRINTER USB ports are marked wi th .
R UN THE INSTA LLER AGAIN 1 Close the ins taller. 2 Re m ov e t he C D , a nd th en re s ta r t th e c om p u te r . 3 Insert the CD, and t hen run t he install er again.
If you w ant to c onnect only t o a V PN, then the doc umen ts you w ant to pr int wi ll not be pr inted unt il you hav e end ed the VPN sess ion. If you w ant t o co ntinue p rinting while co nnected to a VPN, the n c onnect the pr inter to the comp uter usi ng a USB cable .
If your acc ess po int is us ing WP A or WPA 2 secur ity, then the WP A passphr ase s hould be: • Exactly 6 4 hexadecimal c haracters . Hexadec imal char acters ar e A–F, a–f, and 0–9. or • From 8 to 63 A SCII c haract ers. ASCII char ac ters ar e letter s, numbe rs, and symbols foun d on a keyboard .
For Windows us ers 1 Obtain the SSID of the networ k that th e computer is connected to. a Type the IP addr ess of your access point i nto the addre ss fiel d of your Web br owser. If you do not know the IP addre ss of the acce ss point : 1 Click , or click Start and then clic k Run .
If you do n ot know the IP addr ess of the acces s poin t, then do t he follo wing: a From t he Apple m enu, nav igate t o: Sys tem P refere nces > Network > AirPort b Click Advanc ed or Confi gu re . c Click TCP /IP . The Router entry is typically the access p oint.
3 Press En ter , or click OK . 4 Type ip co nf ig , and then pr ess Enter . The IP a ddress appea rs as four sets o f num bers separ ated by pe ri ods, suc h as 1 92.16 8.0 .100. For Macintos h users 1 From the App le menu, na vigate to: About This Mac > Mo re Info 2 From t he C ontent s pan e, ch oose Ne twork .
5 Cl ick the Ports tab. 6 Locate the se lected port. The selected port has a check beside it in the Port column. 7 If th e Desc ription colum n of the sele ct ed port indicat es that i t is a U SB por t, the n scro ll thro ug h the lis t and se l ect the port with Printer Port in the Descripti on column .
E LIM I NA T E NETW ORK CO N GE STI O N If a w ireless net work is too bu sy, the n the c omputer an d print er may h ave dif ficulty co mmuni cating with eac h other .
To assign a s tatic IP add ress to the prin ter: 1 Compl ete the wir eless setup, al lowing th e pri nter to receiv e a DHCP address fr om a DHCP server on the network. 2 Prin t a networ k setup page to s ee what IP a ddress is cur rently assig ned to the print er .
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lexmark Pr o91 0 Se ri es Machi ne type: 4449 Mode l(s): 901, 9 0E, 91E Edition noti ce Dece mber 201 1 Th e f ol lo w i ng p a r agr a p h d oe s n ot ap pl y t o a ny co un t ry wh ere s uch provi s ions ar e inconsis tent with loc al law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC .
UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any acco mpanyi ng docume ntation pro vide d unde r this agree ment ar e comme rcial comput er softwar e and d ocument ation deve loped exclusiv ely at pri vate expense . Tr ade m arks Lexmark and L exmark with di amond design a re tradem arks of Lexmar k Interna tional, I nc.
The manuf ac turer is not r espons ible for r adio or tele vis ion inter ferenc e caus e d by usi ng othe r than rec ommen ded cables o r by un authori zed chan ges or m odif ications t o th is equipm ent . Un authori zed chan ges or m odifica tions c oul d void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Waste from Electrical a nd Electron ic Equipment (WEEE) directive The WE EE log o signi fies s peci fic rec ycling pro grams and proc edures for elec tronic pr oduc ts in c ountr ies o f the E urop ean Union. W e encourag e the re cyc ling of our products.
ENERGY ST AR Any Lexm ark produc t bear ing t he ENE RGY STAR emb lem on the p roduc t or on a sta rt-up sc reen is certi fied to comply with Envi ronm ent al Protec tion A gency ( EPA) E NERGY S TAR re quireme nts a s configur ed w hen shi pped by Le xma rk.
By using the conf igurat ion me nus, the Slee p Mode Tim eout can be mod ified bet wee n 1 m inute and 240 minutes. Se tting the Sleep Mo de Timeout to a low valu e reduces energy cons umption, but may increase the re sponse time of the produ ct. Setting the Sl eep Mode Timeout to a high value maintains a fast response, but uses more energy.
provide d wit h this produ ct. It is designe d to be conne cte d to a com patible modular ja ck that i s also complia nt. See your setup d ocume ntation for more informa tio n. The R inger E quiva lence Number ( REN ) is use d to d etermine the number of device s that may be connec ted t o a telepho ne line.
Telephone com panies report that e lectrical surges, typical ly light ning tran sients, ar e very de structive to customer termi nal equi pment connec ted t o AC power sour ces.
Sout h Africa tel ecommuni cations noti ce This mo dem mu st be used in conjunction w ith an app roved s urge prot ection devic e when co nnected to th e PSTN.
Regu lato ry noti ces for wi rel ess pr oduct s This sec tion c ontai ns the f ollowing regul ato ry infor mation pertainin g to wire less p roducts that contai n t ransmit ters, for exam ple, but no t limite d to, wi reles s netwo rk cards or proxi mity card r eaders.
Le ter me « IC » précédant l e numéro de d'ac crédit ation/in script ion sig ni fie si mplemen t que le produit est c onform e aux spé cificat ions t echniques d 'I ndustry Canada.
Deutsch Hiermit erkl ärt Lex mark International, I nc., dass sich das Gerät d ieses Gerät i n Übereinstimmung mit den grundl egenden Anforderungen und den übrig en einschlägigen Besti mmungen der Richtl inie 1999/5/E G befindet. Ελληνική ΜΕ ΤΗ Ν ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Η LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Statement of Limited Warranty Lexmark Pr o91 0 Se ri es Lexmark In ternation al, Inc., Lexington , KY This lim ited warranty applies to the United St ates a nd Canada. For cus tomers outside the U.S., r efer to th e country- specif ic warranty in for mation that came with your pr oduct.
Extent of lim ited warranty Lexmark does not warra nt uninterrupt ed or error -free ope ratio n of any p rodu ct o r the du rabil ity or long evity of pri nts produc ed by an y prod uct.
9 ADDITION AL SOFTWARE . This Li cense Agre emen t applies to updat es o r suppleme nts to the orig in al Softwar e Pro gram prov ided by Lexmark u nle ss Lexma rk pr ovides o ther t erms along w ith the upda te or s upplemen t. 10 TERM . This License Agreement is effective unless terminated or rejected.
2 This p roduct is base d on M icrosof t Print Schem a techno logy. Y ou m ay find th e terms an d condit ion s upon w hich Micros oft is licensing su ch intellec tual property at http:// go.
Index Nume rics 2 ‑ sided, fax settin g 82 802. 1X aut hent ica tion 1 05 A ad hoc n etwork 11 7 ad hoc w irel ess netw ork addi ng a pri nter 10 3 addi tional com pute rs instal ling w ireless prin.
connec tion configu rations 121 conserving energy 21 conser ving energ y, in k, and pape r 7 conser ving paper 21 contac t list setting up 84 contac t list, e ‑ mail crea ting 6 8 setting up 67, 6 8.
fa x pri nte r mem ory 9 4 fa x ac ti v i ty r e po rt 9 3 fax bloc king settin g 82 fa x erro r me s sage s Digital L ine Detected 16 2 Failed To Co nnect 162 Fax Mode Uns uppor ted 16 1 Fax Mode m E.
instal ling netwo rk printe r 124 instal ling optio nal so ftware 2 5 instal ling pri nter on wire d networ k (Mac int osh ) 1 06 on wired ne twor k (Window s) 106 on wire l ess net work (Mac int osh .
loading 28, 33 paper and oth er sup plies ordering 1 5 paper e xit tray location 11 paper ja m in the ADF 1 50 paper ja m in the du plex unit 149 paper ja m in the exit tray 149 paper ja m in the prin.
Printhea d M issin g 142 print head no zzles cleaning 1 28 Printhea d Uns uppor ted 14 3 Printhea d Warning 144 print ing collate 3 9 cus tom ‑ size paper 43 docum ents 38 do cume nt s fro m mem ory.
SMT P se rver configu ring 66 softwar e did n ot install 132 soft ware updat es chec king 26 soft war e, opt io nal finding, ins ta lling 25 solut ions 125 cust omizi ng 125 spea ker volu me adjusting.
Maci ntosh 1 08 US B cab le 11 6 defi nition 116 USB co nnectio n with ne twork c onnect ion 121 USB Devic e Not Sup porte d 14 6 USB Hub Not Su pport ed 146 USB port location 12 user inf orma tion, f.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 90T9251 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 90T9251 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 90T9251 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 90T9251 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 90T9251 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 90T9251 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 90T9251 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 90T9251 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.