Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 925de van de fabrikant Lexmark
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C925d e, C925d te, X92 5de Technical Refe rence May 201 2 www.lex
Edition notice May 2012 The followin g paragra ph does not apply to any country whe re such provi sions are inconsistent wi th local law: LEXMA RK IN TERN ATIO NAL , IN C.
Cont ents Edi tion notice ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ 2 Intro ducti on........ ........ ........ ......... ....... ......... ........ ........ ....... ......... ........ ..
App e n d ix B: PJL s upport... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ........31 Commo n va riables for bot h printer l angu ages.. .... ....... .... ........ ... ........ ... ........ ... .... ....... .... ........ .
Introduction Overview This editio n of the T ech nica l Re fere nce cont ains inf ormat ion about the follow ing pr inters o r multi function printers (MFP s): C925 de C925 dte X9 25d e Unde rstand in.
Acro nym Mea n ing nn e t w o r k nl network l i ght model ni network and Im ageQuick tn network and a dditional tray 2 1 Duplex (two ‑ sided) printing us ing an optional duplex unit or an internal duplex un it based on the product 2 T he addi tional tr ay may be part of a dr awer.
Learning about the printer Find ing in for mation a bout t he print er Wh at ar e yo u l ook ing for? Fi nd i t her e In itial setup instr uctio ns: • Connecting the printer • Instal ling the prin.
Wh at ar e yo u l ook ing for? Fi nd i t her e Latest supplemental i nformation, updates, and customer support: • Document ation • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ ma il suppor t • Voice s upport Lexmark S upport Web site— http : //s up por t.
Printer Contr ol Language (PCL) page formatting For more information on PCL, see the Pri nter L anguag es and Int erface s Technic al Refere nce . It contai ns a com plete listi ng with des criptions of PCL com mands. To det ermine which PCL com mands your printer suppo rts, se e “Appendix A: PCL sup port” on page 2 2.
Suppo rted p aper an d enve lope dim ensions The foll owi ng table list s the page sizes and p rint ar ea dimens ions for a ll suppo rted pa per and en velope sizes. F or more inform ation a bout the printa ble are as and log ical pages f or PCL emulation, see “P rinta ble areas” o n page 9.
Selec tion Paper /e nvelo pe dimension s Di me ns io ns by ar ea (p els ) 1 Page siz e para m eters 2 Nam e mm inch es A B C D E F G H I 101 Uni versal 297 x 1219 6 11.69 x 48 6 21 24– 7014 4 3498– 28800 4 1824 – 6714 4 3258– 28560 4 150 1 20 0 1 00 100 Env elo pe 80 7 3/4 Enve lo pe 98.
Printer Job Langu age (PJL) PJL co mm ands info rmat ion Your pr inter support s compl ete PJL c ommands, in clud ing cert ain com mands th at cause t he printer to ente r PCL emul ation, PostS cript e mulation, and Persona l Printe r Dat a Stream (PPDS).
PostScript (PS) emula tion Your pr inter support s compl ete PostS cript emul ation s upplemen tal opera tors. For full , detailed des cript ions of thes e operators, see the Po stScri pt emulation chapter o f the Pri nter Lang uage s and I nterfac es Tech nical Re ference .
Post Script paper t r ay s upport Wh e n the printer rece ives on e of the operat ors lis ted i n “Tray s electe d wit h tray o perator s” on pag e 1 4, it perf orms the ac tions l isted in this sectio n. This pa per tray selection pr ocess e nds when a suitabl e paper source i s chosen a nd paper is f ed from t his tray.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Ope rat or Tray sele cted (c orresp ondi ng ima ge siz e is set ) C925de, C925dt e X925d e a4tray Tra y with A4- size paper a5tray Tra y with A5- size.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Enve lop e si zes Pri nter mo del Si ze n ame Li te ra l na me Size (mm) Size ( in c hes ) Size ( points) C925de , C925d te X925d e Commer cial 10 4. 125x9.5 envelope 1 04.8 x 24 1.3 4.125 x 9 .5 297 x 684 Internati onal B5 176x 250envel ope 1 76 x 250 6.
• If t he reques t e d siz e and type ar e not availa ble fr om an y auto matic source, th en you are prompted to loa d the reque sted envelo pe size and type in the manual feed sourc e. • If the siz e is still not available, t hen a c onfiguratione rror is issued, and the print job i s flushed.
P rin t er sp ec i fic a ti o ns Airfl ow requ irement The room sho uld m eet A SHR AE 62 —198 9 standa rds. Noise emissio n levels The fol lowing measure ments w ere ma de in accorda nce with I SO 7779 and rep orted i n conformanc e wit h ISO 92 96.
Electrical specificati o ns Prin ter model Ele ctric al spe cificat io n C925 SFP and X92 5 MFP low ‑ voltage mode ls 100–1 27 V at 50–60Hz, nomi nal 90–13 7 V, e xtrem e C925 SFP and X9 25 MF.
Multiple ‑ f unction printer dim ensions (unpackaged) Prin ter model Hei ght Width Depth Weight with cartridge (unp acka ged) X925de 771 m m (30 .35 i n.
Val ues f or the am bien t op era ting envir on ment Prin ter model Amb ient operating environment C925d e, C925d te 15. 6 to 32. 2°C ( 60 to 90° F) 8– 80% RH X925de 15.
Appendix A: PCL support PCL em ulat io n co mma nd s = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de Dec i ma l 8 Bac ks p ace (B S) D ecimal 9 Hor izont.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de ESC &b#W[data] Key / Valu e Pair XX ESC &c#T C har acter Text Path Direction ESC &d@ Disable .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de ESC & l #S Simplex/Dupl ex ESC & l 1T Job Separation XX ESC & l #U Left (L ong-E dge) Offset .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de ESC )#X Select S econdary Download Fo nt (by Fon t ID ) XX ESC )3@ Select Default S econdary Font ESC )s#.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de ESC *c0T Set Pict u re Frame Anchor Point ESC *c#V Ve r ti ca l R e ct an gl e Si ze (in Decipoi nts) ESC.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de ESC *s#T Set Status R ead back Location Type ESC *s#U Set Status Readback Location Unit ESC *s#X Ech o ES.
GL/ 2 comm ands = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de AA Arc Absolute AC An chor Cor ner AD D e fine Alter nate Fon t AR Ar c R e lati ve AT Ar.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de FP Fi ll Pol ygon , Non -Zero W in ding FT Fi ll Typ e FT Fi ll Typ e - 2 2 FT Fi ll Typ e - 9 IN Ini ti .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command Fun ction C92 5d e, C92 5dte X925de RO Rot a te Co o rdi n at e Sy st em RR Fi ll Re c tan g le Rel a ti ve RT Arc Re la ti v e T h ree Po i .
Appendix B : PJL suppo rt Co mmon var iable s f or bo th p rin te r lang u ages = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de AUTOCO NT AUTOSE LECT XX.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de INT RA Y1 SIZE INT RA Y2 SIZE INT RA Y3 SIZE INT RA Y4 SIZE INT RA Y5 SIZE IOBUFFE R XX IOS IZE XX JOBA .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de RE PE AT JO BT I MEO U T RE PRI N T RE SE RV EJ OB TI M EO UT RE SO LUT IO N RE SO UR CES A VE R ESO URC.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LBO ND WEIGH T LBOT TOMMARGINOFFS ET XX LBW LO CK LC ANCE L LC ARDSTO CKL ENG TH XX LC ARD STO CKL OA DI.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LC USTO MTY PE 1L OAD ING LCU S TOMT YPE1MEDIA LCU S TOMT Y P E 1NA ME LC USTO MTY PE1O UTB IN XX L CUST.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LCU S TOMT YPE5MEDIA LCU S TOMT Y P E 5NA ME LC USTO MTY PE5O UTB IN XX L CUST OMT YPE5 TEXT URE XX LC U.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LFAX TRANSMI SSIO NLOG X LFO LD XX L FEED ERPA PERTY PE XX LG LOSS YL OA DI NG LG LOSS YO UTB IN XX LG L.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LIN KA LER T XX LI NMP FEE DE R SIZE LJAMRE COVERY LJO BPARKPE RSIST LJ OBWA IT FO R SUP PL IE S LLA BEL.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LMAN UA LE NV ELOP E TYPE LMA NUA LP AP E RS IZE LMA NUA LP AP E RTY PE MI CR J OB XX LMAXST ATU SMSG XX.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LPL AIN OUT BI N XX LPL AIN TEX T URE XX LPL AIN W EIGH T LPO WER SA VER LPPDS LPPDS FORM LINES LPPDS LI.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LRIGHT MARGIN OFFSET XX LRO UGH EN VEL OPE LO ADI N G XX LRO UGH E NVE LOP EOU T BIN XX LRO UGH EN VEL O.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de LTRA Y4A UTO SIZE LTRA Y5A UTO SIZE LT RA Y1P A PE RT YPE LT RA Y2P A PE RT YPE LT RA Y3P A PE RT YPE LT.
Common variables for PCL emulatio n = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de FONTNUMBER FONTSO URCE PI TC H PT SI ZE SYMSE T Lex mark ‑ unique .
Common v aria bles for P o stScript emul ation = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Va ria bl e n a me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de JAMR ECOVE R Y PRTP S E RRS ADOBE MBT XX Lex mark ‑ uni.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command C92 5de , C925dt e X925de USTA TUS USTA TUSO FF UST ATU S un so li cite d st at us v ari able s = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter m.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - In s uff icient Defragm ent Mem o r y 30016 37 Insuf ficient.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Standard Network So ftwar e Error 30018 54 Stand ard network.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Res t ore He ld Jo bs .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Se rvi ce Re qu ire d 30095 36 Pri nter service required XX .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Flash F ull 32002 52 Flash Full XX Intervention Required - F.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Def e ct ive Di s k 32056 61 Remov e defective disk XX Inter.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri n g C925de , C925dt e X 925d e Intervention Required - Waste T oner Bottle Nearly Full 40141 82 .xx Was te to ner bottle nearl y full Intervention Required - Photoconducto r L ow 40204 84 .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - 30 Coat ing Roll Miss ing 40010 30 C oating Roll Missing XX In.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Clo se D oo r In se rt Cart ridg e 40021 Clos e door or insert.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - In sert P rint Cart ridge 40021 Inse rt Pri nt Cartridge XX In.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Unsupported Print Cart ridg e 40021 32 U nsuppo rted Print Car.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Install Tr ay [x] or Cancel Job 40027 Inst all T ray [x] or Ca.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Too M any Di sk s I ns tall ed 40030 58 T oo man y disks insta.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Cart ridg e Lo w 40038 88 Cartri dge Low XX Intervention Requi.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Cartridge Empty 40039 89 C artrid ge Empty [CMYK ] XX Intervention Required - Load Staples 40040 Load Stapl es XX Intervention Required - Prim ing Fa iled.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Check Duplex Connection 40095 Chec k Duple x Connection XX Int.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Wa ste Ton er Nearly F ull 40141 82 W aste t oner bottle nea rly full XX Intervention Required - Trans f er Module Missing 40143 83.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Cart ridg e Lo w 40203 88.x x Yello w cartridge low Intervention Required - Cart ridg e Ne arly Lo w 40203 88.1 x yello w cartridge nearly low XX Intervention Required - Ca rtridge Very Low 40203 88.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Fu ser Lif e Wa rning 40216 87 F user L ife Warning XX Intervention Required - Fu ser Lif e Wa rning 40216 80.x x Fus er li fe warning Intervention Required - Fus er Nea r Life Warnin g 40216 80.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Replace unsupported c artridg e 40310 32.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Rep l ac e F us e r 40316 80.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - [Color] Photocon duc to r Mi s si ng 40408 84.4 1 Yello w photocondu ctor missing XX Intervention Required - To ner Car tridg e Miss ing 40409 30.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nte r mo del Me ssage Stat us co de Return string C925de, C92 5dte X92 5de Intervention Required - M i ssing o r Defective Cart ridg e 40411 31.x x Mis sing or defective magenta cartridge Intervention Required - To ner Car tridg e Miss ing 40412 30.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Me ssage St atus co de Return st ring C925 de, C925 dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Bi n [ x ] Fu ll 15ww1 Bin [Bin #] Full XX Intervention Requi.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Me ssage St atus co de Return st ring C925 de, C925 dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Check [Paper Source] O rientat ion or Guide s 4100x Che ck [p.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Me ssage St atus co de Return st ring C925 de, C925 dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Load Manual [Custom Type Nam e] 41xyy Loa d single sheet fee .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pri nter mo del Me ssage St atus co de Return st ring C925 de, C925 dte X92 5de Intervention Required - Change Request 41xyy Cha nge [paper source] to [paper t ype] .
PJL mess ages for pa per jams = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4200x XX Intervention Required - Pa.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4211x XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4220x XX Interventio.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4242z XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4243w XX Interventio.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4253w XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4254w y XX Intervent.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4272 XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4272z XX Intervention.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4284x XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4284z XX Interventio.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage St atus co de C925d e, C9 25dte X925 de Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4294 XX Intervention Required - Pap er J am 4295 XX w indicates that this mess ag e includes a letter indi cating a door or cover that needs to be opened.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Command C92 5de , C925dt e X925de LPR INT te s tpa ge • LPRIN T DI RECTORY • LPRIN TTEST PAGE • LPRINT MENUS • LPRIN TPCLFO NTS • LPR INTPS.
Appendix C: PostScript support Supplemen tal operators = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Ope rat or na me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de appletalktype buildtime byteorder che c kpa s sw or.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Ope rat or na me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de dosysstart duplexer duplexmode en gi ne sy n c f ile f ilename forall f ilepos ition fi rst s ide fontnonz.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Ope rat or na me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de ram si ze rea lf orm at ren am ef il e res olu ti on rev is io n sc cb at ch scci nter ac tive setc ove rp.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Ope rat or na me C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de setquiet setr esol ut ion set sccbatch setsccinteractive setsoftwareiomode settumble setuniversalsize setu.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de • Ton erSav er • Pictur eGrade XX • ImageEnhancement XX • ImageEnhancementType XX • PrintD a r kness • Aut .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de • 1 - Tr ay 2 • 2 - Envelope Feeder • 3 - Tr ay 3 • 4 - Multipurpose Feed e r • 5 - Tr ay 4 • 6 - Tr ay 5 �.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de • Or ie nt at ion • Border • Order • Typ e • LandscapeOverride OutputAttributes • 0 - Standard Bin • 1 - .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de • Polic yRepo rt PostRenderingEnhance XX PostRenderingEnhanceDetails XX • REValu e XX • Typ e XX Pow er Sa ve Pro.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key Defau lt C92 5de, C925dte X925 de IdiomRecogni tion tr ue JobNa me ( ) JobTimeout JobTimeout system parameter MaxDictStack 255 MaxExecStac k 1001.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Cur FontCa che Cur FormCa che CurInputDevice CurOutlineCache CurOutputDevice Cu rPatte rnCac he CurScr eenStorage Cu rS.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de MaxDisplayAndSou rceList Ma xF on tC a ch e Ma xF or mC a ch e Ma xI ma g eBu ffe r MaxOutlineCache MaxPatternCache Max.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Wait Timeou t Devices support e d = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Devi ce C92 5de, C925dt e X925de %.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Devi ce C92 5de, C925dt e X925de %LexLinkC% XX %LexLinkD% XX %LocalTalkA% %LocalTalkB% %LocalTalkC% %LocalTalkD% %LPR_A% %LPR_B % %LPR_C% %LPR_D % %P.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Devi ce C92 5de, C925dt e X925de %TokenRingPhysicalB% XX %TokenRingPhysicalC% XX %TokenRingPhysicalD% XX %TokenTalkA% XX %TokenTalkB% XX %TokenTalkC%.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Type Device Para meters for the C ommunicat ion Device %Serial%, %Seri alA%, %SerialB %, %Seria lC%, %Ser ialD % Bau d .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de In terpret er Loc al Tal kT yp e NodeID On PC LSm ar tSw i tc h Por tL oc at ion PSSmartSwitch Type Device Paramet ers .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Filter ing XX HasNames XX In terpret er XX On XX PC LSm ar tSw i tc h XX Por tL oc at ion XX PSSmartSwitch XX Type XX D.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de PC LSm ar tSw i tc h XX Por tL oc at ion XX PSSmartSwitch XX TokenTalkType XX Type XX Zon e XX Device Paramet ers for t.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Enab le d Filter ing HasNames In terpret er On Por tL oc at ion Type Device Paramet ers for t he Commu nication D evice.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de NetworkMask On Phy s ica l Por tL oc at ion Type Device Paramet ers for the Co mmunication Device %Eth ernetPhysical% ,.
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Device Parameters for th e Paramete r s Devi ce %Calendar%, %C alenda rA%, %C alend arB%, %C alend arC%, %C alend arD% .
= Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Pr inter mod el Key C925d e, C92 5dte X925 de Device P arameters for t he Pa rameters Device %f lash1% Bl oc kS iz e Free HasNames In itial izeActi on Lo gicalS ize .
Post Script mess age ke ys commands = Suppo rted X = No t sup po rte d Prin ter mode l Key C925d e, C92 5dte X 925de job statu s sour ce Appendix C: PostSc ript support 103.
Index A air tem perature ranges cart rid ges 21 pri nt quality as surance 20 pri nter w ith cartri dges 20 ai rfl ow re quir eme nt 18 altitude s peci fications 21 ambient operating environment 21 atm.
PJL erro r s service errors 79 PJL m essages attendanc e conditi ons 5 2 auto-co ntinuabl e condit ions 4 5 devi ce atte n da nce 79 paper handl ing 68 paper jam s 73 PostS cript devic e parame ters 9.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 925de (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 925de heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 925de vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 925de leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 925de krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 925de bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 925de kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 925de . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.