Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product C746x van de fabrikant Lexmark
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C746x and C748x User's Guide Important: Click here bef ore using t his gu ide. November 2012 Machine type(s): 5026 Model(s): 310, 330 , 510, 530.
Conten ts Safe ty infor matio n.. ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... .........1 1 Overvi ew..... ........ ....... ........ ......... ....... ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ....... ...
Loading the st andard o r an opt ional 550 ‑ sheet t ray .......... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... .... 50 Loadi ng the optio nal 55 0 ‑ sheet speci al medi a tray ... ...... ...... ........ ..
Printi ng a docu ment ............. ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ........ .. ...... ....... ....... ..... 108 Printing from a flas h drive ... ........ ...... .......... ...... ...
Paper Loadin g men u .......... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... .......... ....... ....... ...... ... ....... ....... ....... ..... 143 Custom Types menu .......... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....
Using re cycled paper ........ ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... .......... ....... ...... ....... .. ..... .......... ...... ...... 188 Conserving s upplies ................. ...... ....... ....... ...... ..
Change [pap er sour ce] to [cus tom ty pe name ] ..... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... .......... ....... ... ....... ... 215 Change [pap er sour ce] to [cus tom ty pe name] lo ad [orient ation ] ............. .....
54 Network [x] software erro r ..... .......... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... .......... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ......... 224 54 Serial option [ x] error .......... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ..
Printer d isplay is b lank .......... ....... ...... ....... ....... .......... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ... .......... ....... ....... ..... 234 Tray linkin g does no t work ........... ...... ...... ....... ......
Embedd ed W eb Ser ver do es not open ...... ......... ........ .............. ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... ...256 Check the netwo rk con nection ... ....... ...... ....... .......... ....... ...... ....... ....... .
Safety information Connect t he power cord t o a prope rly gr ounded electr ical out let th at is n ear th e prod uct and e asil y accessi ble. Do not p lace or use this product ne ar water o r wet l ocati ons. CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th is pro duct uses a laser.
CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: To avoid the risk of electrical shock when cleaning the exterior of the printer, unplug the power cor d from the electrical outlet and di sconnect all cables from the printer before proceeding.
Overview Using this guide This User’s Guide provides gen eral and s pecific i nformation on usin g the printer models that ar e listed on the co ver page.
What are you looking for? Find it here Help using the pri nter software Windows or Mac Help—Open a p rinter software p rogram or applicatio n, and then cli ck Help . Clic k ? to view context ‑ se nsitive informati on. Notes: • Help is automatic ally installe d with the printer soft war e.
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the s ystem b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es som etime after settin g up t he prin ter, t hen turn the pr inter of f, and unpl ug the power cord f rom th e wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
Accessing the s ystem board CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the s ystem b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es som etime after settin g up t he prin ter, t hen turn the pr inter of f, and unpl ug the power cord f rom th e wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
c Pull the c over to remove it. 2 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor o n the sys tem bo ard. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: System board elect ronic componen ts are easily damaged by s tatic elect ricity. Touch so methin g met al on t he printe r befo re to uching a ny syst em board elect ronic c ompone nts or connec tors.
a Align the key holes with th e screws . b Slide the cover down, and th en turn each screw clockwise to tighten. Installing a memory card CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the s ystem b .
An optio nal memo ry car d can be purchased separ ately an d attached to the syste m board. 1 Access th e syst em boa rd. For more informat ion, see “Accessing the system boar d” on page 16. Note: Thi s task requir es a flath ead screwdr iver. 2 Unpack the memory card.
5 Push the m emory card st raight into th e connector unti l it clicks into place , and th en push t he latch es to firml y attach the card into the c onne ctor. 1 2 2 6 Reattach the system board cover. Installing a flash memory or firmware card The syst em board has two connec tions f or an o ption al flas h memo ry or f irmware c ard.
4 Push the ca rd firmly into pl ace. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Be careful n ot to da mage t he connec tors. Note: The entir e le ngth of th e conne ctor on th e card must to uch an d be f lush again st the system board. 5 Reattach the system board cover.
Installing an Inte rnal Solutions Port The sys tem boar d sup por ts one opti onal Lexmar k Inter nal Solution s Port (ISP). CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the s ystem b oard or in st.
3 Locate the ap propri ate holes on th e system boar d wh ere the posts of the plast ic tee will be aligned. Note: If an optional pr inter hard disk is currently i nstalled, th en remove i t first. For more i nformatio n, see “Rem oving a prin te r hard di sk” on page 30.
5 Atta ch th e ISP s oluti on to th e syste m bo ard. a Align the post s of the plastic tee t o the holes on th e system board. b Hold the edges o f the ISP and guide it t o the opening on th e system boar d cage, and then gently allow it to rest on the plastic tee.
6 Connect the ISP solution interface cable into th e color ‑ coded r eceptac le on the s ystem b oard. 7 Firmly c onnect the IS P solu tion to t he system board c age us ing th e two scr ews.
Installing a printer hard dis k CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the s ystem b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es som etime after settin g up t he prin ter, t hen turn the pr inter of f, and unpl ug the power cord f rom th e wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
c Install the p rinter hard d isk o nto the ISP: 1 Hold the e dges o f the p rinted cir cuit b oard ass emb ly, a nd then align the st andoff s of t he p rinter h ard d isk to the ho les in t he ISP. 2 Press down on t he printer hard d isk unt il the s tandof fs are in place .
To install a printer hard disk directly on the system board: a Hold the edges o f the pr inted circ uit boar d assem bly, and the n align th e stan doffs o f th e printe r hard disk to the hole s in the syst em board. Press down o n the print er h ard disk u ntil the stando ffs are i n place .
4 Reattach the system board cover. Additi onal pr inte r setup 29.
Removing a printer h ard di sk Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: System board electronic componen ts are eas ily damaged by static elect ricity. Touch something m etal on the pr inter before tou ching any system boar d electronic components or con nectors.
4 Remove t he prin ter har d disk by pulling it upwar d to un seat t he stando ffs. 5 Set the pr int er hard disk aside. 6 Reattach the system board cover.
Installing opti onal drawe rs CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er weight is grea ter than 18 kg (40 lb) a nd requi res t wo or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
3 Optional 2, 000 ‑ sh eet h igh ‑ capacit y feed er 5 Turn the pr inte r back o n. Attaching cables CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: D o not se t up thi s produc t or make a ny electr ical or c abling connec tions, such as a power cord, a fax fea ture, or USB cable , during a lig htning s torm.
Setting up the printer software Installing the printer software Notes: • If you in stalle d the prin ter s oftware on the comput er befor e but need to r einst all the software , then uninst all the curren t software firs t. • Close all open software p rograms before ins talling t he printer software.
In Wind ows 8 From th e Search char m, type run , a nd then navigate t o: Apps list > Run > type control printers > OK In Wind ows 7 or e arlie r a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run . b In the Sta rt Searc h or Run d ialo g, type control printer s .
• The network mask • A nick name for t he prin ter (o ptional) Note: A printe r n icknam e can make it easi er f or yo u to iden tify your prin ter on the ne twork. You ca n cho ose to use th e defau lt print er nic kname , or ass ign a nam e th at is ea sier fo r you to reme mber.
– To find the WP A/WPA2 pre share d key or passp hrase for t he wirel ess networ k, see th e docum entat ion t hat came with the access point, see the Embedded Web Server associated with the access point, or consu lt your system s upport perso n.
In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run . b In the Sta rt Searc h or Run d ialo g, type D:setup.exe . c Pres s Ent er or cl ick OK . Note: D is the letter of yo ur CD or DVD drive. 4 Click Instal l , and then follow th e instruction s on the computer screen.
1 2 2 Locate the prin ter MAC addre ss. a From the pr int er co ntrol p anel , nav igate to: > Report s > > Network Se tup Pa ge > or > Reports > Networ k Setu p Page b In the S tandar d Networ k Card sec tion, look fo r UAA (MAC) . Note: You will ne ed this inf or mati o n lat er.
Configure the printer for wireless access 1 Type th e networ k name ( SSID) in the a ppropr iate fie ld. 2 Select Infrastruct ure as your Network M ode settin g if you are using an access point (wir eless ro uter). 3 Select the ty pe of secu rity y ou wan t to us e to pr otect the wir eles s netwo rk.
2 Click + . 3 If necessary, click Add Pr inter o r Scan ner or Add Other Pri nte r or S canne r . 4 Click the IP ta b. 5 Type the IP address of the printer in th e address field, and then click Add .
If you are usi ng the Soft war e an d Do cumen tati on CD and the inst allati on dialo g does not appe ar, then do the following: In Wind ows 8 From th e Search char m, type run , a nd then navigate t o: Apps list > Run > type D:setup.exe > OK In Wind ows 7 or e arlie r a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run .
In Mac OS X versi on 1 0.5 o r later a From the Apple menu, n avigate to either of the following: – Syst em Pref eren ce s > Print & Scan – Syst em Pref eren ce s > Print & Fax b Click + . c If necessary, click Add Pr inter o r Scan ner or Add Other Pri nte r or S canne r .
Changing port setti ngs after installing a new ne twork Internal Solutions Port When a new Lexm ark Inte rnal S oluti ons P ort (I SP) is insta lled in the p rinter, the p rinter co nfigurat ions on com puter s that ac cess t he pr inter must be up dated since t he printer will b e assi gned a new IP add ress.
6 Type the new IP address in the “Printer Name or IP Address” field. 7 Click OK > Clo se . For Macintosh users 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the pr inter IP addres s on the pr inter contro l panel.
Using C 746x Learning about the printer Selectin g a lo catio n for the printe r CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er weight is grea ter than 18 kg (40 lb) a nd requi res t wo or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
3 Left side 150 mm ( 5.9 in.) 4 Rear 100 mm (3.9 i n.) 5 Top 150 mm (5 .9 in.) Printer con figur atio ns CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor -mounted config urations requir e additio nal fur niture for stab ility.
Using the four-arrow-button printer control panel 1 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 1 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQR 8 STU 9 WXYZ 0 2 Use the To 1 Display View the prin ter status. Allow prin ter setup and operation. 2 Selec t bu tton Subm it cha nges made in the pr in ter s ett ing s.
Use the To 8 Home button Go to the home screen. 9 Indicator li ght Check the status of th e printer. • Off —The printer is off. • Blinking green —The pri nter is warming up, pr ocessi ng dat a, or pri nt ing . • Solid gr een —The printer is on, but idle.
Loading the stand ard or an optional 550 ‑ sheet tray The pr int er has o ne sta nda rd 550 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 1) and m ay ha ve up to four optional 550 ‑ sh eet tray s includ ing th e special medi a tray. For nar row paper sizes su ch as A6 and envelopes , use the special m edia tray.
3 Squeeze and slide the lengt h guide to the correct position fo r the paper size you are loading. Notes: • For some pap er sizes li ke letter, leg al, and A4, squeeze an d slid e the length guide backw ard to accommodat e their l eng th. • The length guide has a locking device.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. 5 Load th e paper stack with th e recom mended print able s ide fac eup. Notes: • When loading preprinted letterhead for on e ‑ sided p rinti ng, place the hea der f aceup t oward the fr ont o f the tray.
7 From the pr inter co ntro l panel , veri fy th e pape r size and pa per ty pe setti ng for the t ray base d on the paper you loa ded . Note: P aper jam s ma y occur if the pa per si ze and type set tings select ed do no t mat ch the p aper l oaded.
Loading t he op tion al 550 ‑ sheet sp ecial media tr ay The optional 550 ‑ sheet speci al media tray (Tr ay 2), unl ike any ot her t rays, supp orts n arrow paper s izes such as env elopes and A6.
2 Squeeze and slide the p rimary length guide toward you until it stops. Notes: • The length has a locking device . To unl ock th e lengt h guide, slide to the le ft th e butto n on to p of th e leng th guide. To lock, slide the butt on to the right when a length has been selected.
3 Squeeze and slide the width guide to th e correct position for th e paper size you are loading. 1 2 Note: U se the pa per si ze indi cators at th e bott om of th e tray t o help p ositi on the width gu ide.
4 Squeeze and slide the s econdary length gu ide to the corr ect position for th e paper size you are loading . 1 2 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. 6 Load th e paper stack with th e recom mended print able s ide fac eup.
Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Ove rlo adi ng the tray c an c ause pape r jams a nd p ossi ble p rint er dam age . 7 Ins ert th e tra y. 8 From the pr inter co ntro l panel , veri fy th e pape r size and pa per ty pe setti ng for the t ray base d on the paper you loa ded .
Loading the 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capa city f eeder CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the risk of equipm ent in stabil ity, load e ach pape r drawer or tray separately. Keep all oth er drawers or trays closed until needed. 1 Pul l the tr ay out.
4 Push the length guide release latch to raise the length g u ide. Slide the guide to the correct posit ion for the paper size you are loading, and then lock the gu ide. 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper.
• Make sure paper does not exceed the maximum paper fill indicator located on the side of the tray. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: O verl oading t he tray may cause paper jams and poss ible pr inter damage .
Loading th e multi purpose fee der The mul tipurpose feed er can hol d appr oximate ly: • 100 sheets of 75 ‑ g/m 2 (2 0 ‑ lb) paper • 10 envelopes • 75 tran sparen cies Note: Do not add or r.
2 Gently p ull the ex tension o ut unti l it is fully ex tended. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. Paper Enve l op es Transparencies * * Avoid touching the pr intable side of tran sparencies.
4 Load the paper or specialty media. Sli de the stack into the multipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. Notes: • Make sure paper o r specialty media does not exceed the maximum p aper fill indicator. • Load on ly one s ize and type of pape r or s peci alty m edia at a time.
3 Change the p aper size an d type set tings of the tray so that they do not ma tch the set tings o f any o ther tray , and then c lick Submit . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: Th e pape r loade d in the tray sho uld m atch the p aper t ype na me ass igned i n the printer.
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Sett ing s > Pape r Menu > Custom Nam e . 3 Type a na me for the paper t ype, a nd then cli ck Submit . 4 Select a custom type, an d then ver ify th at the co rrect pa per typ e is as soc iated wi th the cu stom na me.
b Customize the sett ings in the Page Setup d ialog if necessary: 1 With a d ocumen t open, choos e File > Print . If nece ssary, click t he disc losu re trian gle to se e mor e option s. 2 From the Pr int dialog and po p ‑ up m enus adju st the setting s if nece ssary.
3 From the Printe r Usa ge l ist, sel ect Max Spee d or Max Yiel d . 4 Click Submi t . Using t he prin ter con trol p anel 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate to: > Settings > Se ttings > Print Se tting s > Setup Me nu 2 From the Printe r Usa ge l ist, sel ect Max Spee d or Max Yiel d .
• If you ins ert t he fla sh drive while the print er is processi ng o ther p rint job s, then Busy appears. After thes e print job s are proces sed, yo u may need t o view the held jobs l ist to pri nt docum ents from the fl ash dr ive.
Printing confiden tial and o ther held j obs Storing print jobs in the printer 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate to: > Settings > > Securit y > > Confidential Print > select th e print job type Print job type Description Max Invalid PIN Limits the number of times an invali d PIN can be entered.
6 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, rel ease th e print job. • For co nfidenti al pr int jobs, navi gate to: Held j obs > s el ect y our use r na me > Confi dent ia l Jobs > enter the PIN.
Cance ling a print job Canceling a print job from the printer control panel From the printe r con trol pa nel, navigat e to: > Canceling a print job from the computer For Windo ws user s 1 Open the printers folder.
Checking th e virtual d isplay 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in the Network/Reports menu. The IP address app ears as four set s of num bers separa ted by peri ods, such as 123.
Checking the status of parts and supplies from the Embedded Web Server Note: Make sure the computer and printer ar e connected to the same netwo rk. 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in the Network/Reports menu.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. • Print jobs will pro cess at a reduced speed. • Printer engine motors do not start until a document i s ready to print.
Using Hibernate Mode Hibernate is an ultra ‑ low power oper ating mo de. Wh en ope rating in Hiber nate m ode, all other sys tems and dev ices are powe red down safel y. Note: The Hibe rnate an d Sle ep mode s can b e schedul ed. Using the Embe dded Web Se rver 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Securing the printer Locking the system boar d To lock access to the sy stem bo ard , attach a securi ty lock t o the pr inte r in the lo catio n identi fied in the illus trat ion. Th e printer is comp atible with most laptop comp uter se curity l ocks.
In hig h ‑ securi ty env ironment s, it m ay be neces sary to take additi onal st eps to make sur e that conf ident ial dat a stored in the printer hard disk ca nnot be access ed whe n the prin ter—or its hard disk—i s remov ed from your pr emises.
3 Press the up or do wn arro w butt on un til Wipe Disk ap pears, and th en select on e of the fol lowing: • Wipe disk ( fast) —This le ts you ov erwrite the di sk with all zero es in a sing le pass .
3 Navigate to: Disk Encryp tion > Enable Note: En abling disk encryption will erase the contents of the printer hard disk. 4 Select Yes to proceed with disk wip ing. Notes: • Do not tu rn o ff the pri nter durin g the encr ypti on pr ocess . Do ing so may re sult in lo ss of d ata .
Using C 748x Learning about the printer Selectin g a lo catio n for the printe r CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er weight is grea ter than 18 kg (40 lb) a nd requi res t wo or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
3 Left side 150 mm ( 5.9 in.) 4 Rear 100 mm (3.9 i n.) 5 Top 150 mm (5 .9 in.) Printer con figur atio ns CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor -mounted config urations requir e additio nal fur niture for stab ility.
Using the touch ‑ screen printer control panel 1 2 34 6 7 5 1 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQR 8 STU 9 WXYZ 0 Use the To 1 Displa y View the pri nter sta tus . Allow printer setup and operat ion. 2 Home button Return to the home screen. 3 Keypad Enter numbers, letters, or symbols.
Use the To 6 Indicator li ght Check the status of the printer. • Off —The printer is off. • Blinking gre en —The printer i s warming up, p rocessing data , or pri nting. • Solid green —T he pr in ter is on, but id le . • Blinking red —The printer requires operator intervention.
Touch To 7 Status/Supplies • Di splay a war ning or erro r message whene ver the printer requi res interve ntion to continue processing. • Access the messages screen for more informati on on the message, and how to clear i t. 8 Tips View a context ‑ sensitive he lp inform ation.
Sample touch screen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Touch To 1 Up arrow Scroll u p. 2 Delete fol der Delet e the file you s ele cted. 3 Left arro w Scroll to the left. 4 Right a rrow Scroll to the right. 5 Right scroll increase Scroll to another va lue in incre asing orde r.
Touch To 8 Acce pt Save a se tting. 9 Cancel • Cancel an action or a sele ction. • Cancel out a screen and r eturn to the previous screen. 10 Back Naviga te back to the previo us screen.
Showing or hidi ng icons on th e home screen 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Note: View the printer IP address on the print er control panel home s creen. The IP address appe ars as four sets of numb ers sepa rated by pe riods, suc h as 123.
Setting up Forms and Favorites Icon Description The application helps you simplif y and streamline work proc esses by letting you quickly find and pri nt frequently used online forms directly from the home screen. Note: The printer must have permission to access the network folder, FTP site, or Web site where the bookmark is stored.
Setting up Remote Operator Panel This applic ation shows the prin ter cont rol pa nel on you r comput er scre en and l ets you int eract with the printe r contr ol panel, even when you are not ph ysicall y near the net work prin ter.
5 Click Confi gure > Impor t . 6 Browse to th e saved config urati on fil e that wa s export ed fro m a previ ously config ured prin ter, a nd then load or pre vie w it. Note: If a tim eout occ urs a nd a blank s creen a ppears , then r efre sh the Web brows er, and the n click Apply .
Loading the stand ard or an optional 550 ‑ sheet tray The pr int er has o ne sta nda rd 550 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 1) and m ay ha ve up to four optional 550 ‑ sh eet tray s includ ing th e special medi a tray. For nar row paper sizes su ch as A6 and envelopes , use the special m edia tray.
3 Squeeze and slide the lengt h guide to the correct position fo r the paper size you are loading. Notes: • For some pap er sizes li ke letter, leg al, and A4, squeeze an d slid e the length guide backw ard to accommodat e their l eng th. • The length guide has a locking device.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. 5 Load th e paper stack toward t he back o f the tr ay with the rec ommende d print able si de fa ceup.
7 From the pr inter co ntro l panel , veri fy th e pape r size and pa per ty pe setti ng for the t ray base d on the paper you loa ded . Using C748x 95.
Loading t he op tion al 550 ‑ sheet sp ecial media tr ay The opti onal 550 ‑ sheet s pecial m edia tray (Tr ay 2) su pports narr ow pa per si zes s uch as en velop es and A6.
2 Squeeze and slide the p rimary length guide toward you until it stops. Notes: • The length has a locking device . To unl ock th e lengt h guide, slide to the le ft th e butto n on to p of th e leng th guide. To lock, slide the butt on to the right when a length has been selected.
3 Squeeze and slide the width guide to th e correct position for th e paper size you are loading. 1 2 Note: U se the pa per si ze indi cators at th e bott om of th e tray t o help p ositi on the width gu ide.
4 Squeeze and slide the s econdary length gu ide to the corr ect position for th e paper size you are loading . 1 2 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. 6 Load th e paper stack with th e recom mended print able s ide fac eup.
Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Ove rlo adi ng the tray c an c ause pape r jams a nd p ossi ble p rint er dam age . 7 Ins ert th e tra y. 8 From the pr inter co ntro l panel , veri fy th e pape r size and pa per ty pe setti ng for the t ray base d on the paper you loa ded .
Loading the 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capa city f eeder CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the risk of equipm ent in stabil ity, lo ad each p aper tra y sep aratel y. Keep all ot her tr ays cl osed unti l need ed. 1 Pul l the tr ay out. 2 Pull up and sl ide t he width guide to th e corr ect po sition for th e pa per si ze you a re loa ding.
4 Push the length guide release latch to raise the length g u ide. Slide the guide to the correct posit ion for the paper size you are loading, and then lock the gu ide. 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper.
• Make sure paper does not exceed the maximum paper fill indicator located on the side of the tray. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: O verl oading t he tray may cause paper jams and poss ible pr inter damage .
Loading th e multi purpose fee der The mul tipurpose feed er can hol d appr oximate ly: • 100 sheets of 75 ‑ g/m 2 (2 0 ‑ lb) paper • 10 envelopes • 75 tran sparen cies Note: Do not add or r.
2 Gently p ull the ex tension o ut unti l it is fully ex tended. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edg es on a level surface. Paper Enve l op es Transparencies * * Avoid touching the pr intable side of tran sparencies.
4 Load the paper or specialty media. Sli de the stack into the multipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. Notes: • Make sure paper o r specialty media does not exceed the maximum p aper fill indicator. • Load on ly one s ize and type of pape r or s peci alty m edia at a time.
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Sett ing s > Pape r Menu . 3 Change t he pape r size and type s ettin gs of the tray s o that the y do not match the set tings o f any o ther tray, a nd then c lick Submit .
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Sett ing s > Pape r Menu > Custom Nam es . 3 Type a na me for the paper t ype, a nd then cli ck Submit . 4 Select a custom type, an d then ver ify th at the co rrect pa per typ e is as soc iated wi th the cu stom na me.
For Wi ndows us ers a With a do cument open, click File > Print . b Click Properties , Pref ere nces , Opti ons , or Setup . c Adju st the se ttings , if nec essa ry. d Click OK > Print . For Mac into sh users a Customize the s ettings in the Page Set up dialog: 1 With a d ocumen t open, choos e File > Pag e Setup .
Using Max Speed and Max Yield The Max Speed and Max Yield settings let you choose between a faster print speed or a higher toner yield. Max Yi eld is the fact ory de fault set ting . • Max Sp eed —This lets you print in eit her black o r color d ependi ng on wha t is se t in th e printer drive r.
Printing from a flash dri ve Printing from a flash drive Notes: • Before prin ting an encr ypted P DF file, yo u will be prompt ed to en ter the file pas sword f rom t he printe r contro l panel. • You c ann ot pr int fi les f or w hich y ou d o no t have p rin ting per miss ions.
2 From the print er co ntrol panel , touc h the d ocumen t you w ant to pr int. 3 Touch t he arrows t o specify th e numbe r of co pies for p rinting , and the n touch Print . Notes: • Do not r emove the fl ash drive from the USB p ort unt il th e docum ent has fin ished p rinti ng.
> Set tin gs > Security > Con fiden tial Print > select t he print job type Print job type Description Max Invalid PIN Limits the number of times an in valid PIN can be entered. Note: When the limit is reached, the print jobs for that user name and PIN are deleted.
For M acinto sh us ers 1 With a d ocu ment ope n, c hoose File > Print . If nece ssary, click t he disclo sure triang le to see m ore op tions . 2 From the pr int o ption s or C opies & Page s pop ‑ up me nu, ch oose Job Rou ting . 3 Select the print job type (Co nfide ntial, Repe at, Reser ve, or Veri fy), and the n assign a user name .
In Wind ows 8 From th e Search char m, type Run , a nd then navigate t o: Apps list > Run > type control printers > OK In Wind ows 7 or e arlie r a Click , or click St art and th en click Run . b In the Sta rt Searc h or Run d ialo g, type control printer s .
Printing a networ k setu p page If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , the n pri nt a net work setup page to veri fy the n etwo rk conn ecti on. Th is pag e also pro vides i mporta nt in formati on tha t aids ne twork printing confi guratio n.
Use To Off Use the factory default settings for all settings associated with Eco ‑ Mode. O ff supports the performa nce specif ications of the printer. Energy Reduce energy use, especially when the pr inter is idle. • Printer engine motors do no t start until it is read y to print.
Adjusting Sleep mode To save energy , decrease the number of minutes the printer waits befo re it enters Sleep mode. Availabl e set tings r ange fr om 1–1 80 minu tes. The f acto ry defau lt set ting is 30 minu tes . Using the Embe dded Web Se rver 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Using t he prin ter con trol p anel 1 From the home s cre en, n avig ate to: > Set tin gs > General S ettings 2 Touch Pr ess Sleep Button or Pre ss and Ho ld Slee p Butt on .
> Settings > Gene ral Se ttings > Factor y Def aul ts > Restore Now > Securing the printer Locking the system boar d To limit access to the system board, atta ch a secur ity lock to the print er in the locat ion identified i n the illustrati on.
• The print er is be ing re moved fr om your pr emises for s ervice. • The printe r is bein g sold to a nother or ganizatio n. Dispo sing of a printe r hard di sk Note: Some p rinte r mod els ma y not have a pr int er hard disk i nstal led .
Erasing printer hard disk memory Note: Some p rinte r mod els ma y not have a pr int er hard disk i nstal led . Configur ing D isk Wi ping in the print er menus lets yo u remov e residu al con fiden tial m ateri al lef t by scan, pr int, copy, and fax jobs, by secu rely overwriti ng fil es that have be en marke d for de letion.
Notes: • Enabling disk encryption will erase the content of the printer hard disk. • Disk encrypt ion ca n take fro m seve ral mi nutes to more than an ho ur, dur ing whi ch the printer will be unavaila ble fo r oth er us er tas ks. 4 Click Submi t .
Paper and specialty media guidelines Notes: • Make su re the paper size , typ e, and we ight ar e set correc tly on the compu ter or on the p rinter con trol pa nel. • Flex, fan, and straighten speci alty media b efore loadi ng it. • The printer may print at a reduced speed to prev ent damage to the fuser.
Tips on us ing transp arencies • Print a test page on th e transparencies being considered for use before buying large quantities. • Feed transparen cies from the multipurpose feeder only. • From the Paper me nu, set the MP Feed er Type to Transp arency.
When prin tin g on l abel s: • Use labels de sign ed specifical ly for laser/LED pr inters. Check with the manu facture r or vendor to verify th at: – The labels can wi thstand temperatures up to 225°C (4 37°F) withou t sealing , excessive cu rling, wri nkling, or releasin g hazardo us emissio ns.
Weight The printe r tr ays can automat ically fee d paper weigh ts up to 90 g/m 2 (24 lb bond ) grai n long pap er. The manu al fee der can automa tically feed p aper weight s up to 163 g/m 2 (43 lb bond) grain long paper. Pa per light er than 6 0 g/m 2 (16 lb) might not b e stiff enough to feed properly, causing jam s.
• Prepr inted pa pers t hat req uire a re gis tration (the pr ecise print lo catio n on the pag e) grea ter th an ±2.3 mm (±0.9 in.) , such as opti cal cha racter recognitio n (OC R) forms In som e cases, r egist ration can be adjusted with a sof tware applica tion to succ essfully print o n these f orms .
• Suitable sm ooth ness (100–200 Sheffi eld units, or 140–350 Ben dtsen uni ts, Europea n) Note: S ome mu ch sm oother p apers (suc h as prem ium 2 4 lb lase r pape rs, 50–9 0 Sheffi eld u nit.
Paper size and dimension Standard 550 ‑ she et tray Optional 550 ‑ sheet tray Opt ion al 550 ‑ she et specialt y medi a drawer Opt ion al 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capaci ty feed er Multipurpose feede r Manual paper Manual enve lope Duplex A5 148 x 210 mm (5.
Paper size and dimension Standard 550 ‑ she et tray Optional 550 ‑ sheet tray Opt ion al 550 ‑ she et specialt y medi a drawer Opt ion al 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capaci ty feed er Multipurpose feede r Manual paper Manual enve lope Duplex 7 3/4 Envelope (Monarch) 98.
Paper type Standard or optional 550 ‑ she et tray Optional 550 ‑ sheet specialty me dia drawer Optional 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capac it y feeder Mul tipu rp ose feed er Manual Paper Manual Envel.
Understandin g pr inter menus Menus list Supplies Menu Paper Menu Reports Settings Replace Supply Cyan Cartridge Magent a Cartridg e Yellow Cartr idge Black Ca rtri dge Cyan Photoconduc tor Magent a P.
Supplies menu Use To Replace Supply All 1 All Photoco nductors 2 Cyan Photoco nductor Magenta Photoc onductor Yellow Photocondu ctor Black Ph otocond uctor Reset the supply counter for the replacement photoconduct or or for a ll photoco nductors. • Selec t Ye s to reset the supply counter.
Use To Black Cartridge Early Warning Low Invalid Near End of Life Repl ace Missing Defec tive OK Unsupported Show the status of the black toner c artridge. Cyan Photoconductor Early Warning Low Repl ace Missing OK Show the status of the cyan photoc onductor.
Use To Fuser Early Warning Low Repl ace Missing OK Show the status of the fuser. Transfer Module Early Warning Low Repl ace Missing OK Show the status of the transfer module. 1 This menu appears only in non ‑ touch ‑ screen printer models. 2 This menu appears only in touch ‑ scree n pri nte r mod el s.
Use To Tray [x] Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om Ty pe [x] Specify the type of paper loaded in each tra y.
Use To MP Feeder Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Pape.
Use To Manual Paper Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Roug/ Cotton Cust om Ty pe [x] Specify the t ype of pa per being manually l oaded.
Subs titu te Si ze m en u Use To Substitute Si ze Off Stat em ent /A5 Letter/A4 All Liste d Substitute a specified paper size if th e requested paper size is not availabl e. Note s: • All Listed is the factory default setting. All available substitut ions are allowed.
Use To Vinyl Label s Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative tex ture of the vinyl labels loaded. Note: Normal is the facto ry default setting. Bond Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the bond paper lo aded. Note: Rough is the factory default setti ng.
Paper Weig ht me nu Use To Plain Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the plain paper load ed. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Card S tock Weigh t Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the car d stock loaded.
Use To Rough Envelope Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the rough envelope loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Letterhead Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relati ve weight of the letterhead loa ded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Use To Recycled Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all prin t jobs that specify Recycled as the paper type. Glossy Loadin g Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all prin t jobs that specify Glossy as the paper type.
Use To Custom [x ] L oading Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all prin t jobs that specify Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading i s available only if the custom pape r type is supported. Notes: • Off is the factory default setti ng for all Pa per Loading menu s.
Universal Setu p menu Use To Units of Measure Inches Millimete rs Specify the unit o f measure. Note: Inches is the US factory def ault setting. Millimeters is the international fac tory default setting. Portrait Width 3–48 i nche s 76–121 9 mm Set the width for a portr ait page orien tation.
Use To Network [x ] Setu p Page Print a report contai ning informati on about the network printer set tings, such as the TCP/IP add ress inform ation. Note s: • This menu item is available when more than one network option is inst al led. • This menu item appears only in networ k printers or i n printers connected to print servers.
Use To PCL SmartS wit ch On Off Set the printer to automaticall y switch to PCL emulati on when a print job requires it, regardless of the default printer lan guage. Note s: • On is the factory default setting. • When Off is used, the printer does not examine inc oming data.
Use To Mac Binar y PS On Off Auto Set the printer to process Macintosh binary PostSc ript print jobs. Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory d efaul t setting . • Off filters print jobs usi ng the standard proto col. • On processes raw binary PostScrip t print jobs.
Use To Job Timeout 0, 10 –255 sec onds Set the amount of time it takes for a networ k print job to be can celed. Note s: • 90 seconds is the factory default setti ng. • A setting value of 0 disab les the timeout. • If a value of 1–9 i s selected, then the setting is saved as 10.
Use To Enable FTP/TF TP Yes No Enable the b uilt -in FTP serve r, which lets you send fil es to th e printer u sing File Transf er Protocol. Note: Yes is the fa ctor y defaul t setting . Enable HTTP Server Yes No Enable the built-in Web server (Embedded Web Server).
Wirele ss menu Note: This menu is av ailable o nly in prin ter mo dels co nnected to a wirele ss netwo rk. To acces s the menu , navi gate to an y of the foll owing: • Networ k/Po rts > Stan dard.
Use To Activate Yes No Enable or disable App leTalk support. Note : Yes is the factory default setting. View N ame Show the assigned AppleTalk name. Note : The name can be changed only from th e Embedded Web Server. View Address Show the assigned AppleTalk a ddress.
Use To USB Buffer Disabled Auto 3K to [maximum size allowed] Set the size of the USB input buffer. Note s: • Auto is the fac tory d efaul t setting . • Disabled turns off job buffe ring. Any jobs alrea dy buffered on the printer hard disk are printed before no rmal processing resumes.
Use To PCL SmartS wit ch On Off Set the printer to au tomatically swi tch to PCL emulation when a print job received through a seri al port requir es it, regard l ess of the default prin ter language. Notes: • On is the factory default setting. • When set to Off, the printer does not examine inco ming data.
Use To Advanced Status On Off Enable bidirection al communica tion through the parallel port. Notes: • On is the factory default setting. • Off disables parallel port negotiatio n. Protocol Standard Fastb ytes Specify t he p aralle l port protocol.
Use To PCL SmartS wit ch On Off Set the printer to au tomatically swi tch to PCL emulation when a print job received through a seri al port requir es it, regard l ess of the default prin ter language. Notes: • On is the factory default setting. • When set to Off, the printer does not examine inco ming data.
Use To Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily store print jobs on the printer hard disk before pri nting. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. The printer does not buffer print jobs on the printer hard disk. • On buffers print jobs on the printer hard disk.
Use To Parity Even Odd None Ignore Set the parity for serial input and output data frames. Note: None is the factory default setting. Honor DSR On Off Determine whether the printer uses the DSR Signal. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng.
Use To Device ‑ Initiated E ‑ mail None Use Dev ice SMTP C redentials Specify what credentials will be used when communicating to the SMTP server. Some S MTP servers require cr edentials to send an e-ma il. Note s: • None is th e fact ory defa ult sett ing for Device ‑ Initiated E ‑ mail an d User ‑ Initiated E ‑ m ail.
Confid enti al Print menu Use To Max Invalid PIN Off 2–10 Limit the number of times an i nvalid PIN can be entered. Notes: • This menu appears only when a formatted, no n-defecti ve printer hard disk is installed. • Once the li mit is reach ed, the print jobs f or that user name and PIN are deleted.
Use To Wiping Mode Auto Manual Off Specify the mode for disk wiping. Note: Auto is the factory d efault setting. The printer determin es when to initiat e a disk wipe. Manual Wiping Star t now Do not start now Overwrite the disk space that has been used to hold data from a processed print job.
Use To Configure Log Enable Audit Yes No Enable Remote Syslog No Yes Remot e Syslog Facil ity 0–23 Severity of events to log 0–7 Specify whether and how aud it logs are crea ted. Notes: • Enable Audit determines if events are recor ded in the secure audit log and remote syslog.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu ese Suom i Russ ia n Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y Simpli fied C hinese Traditional Chi nese Korean Japanese Set the language of the text appearing on the displa y.
Use To Quiet Mode Off On Reduce the amount of nois e produced by the printer. Notes: • For tou ch ‑ screen printer mod els, to uch Quiet Mod e , and then select from the op tions.
Use To Paper Si zes US Metric Specify the default paper measurement. Notes: • US is the factory default setting. • The initial setting is determin ed by your country or region selection in the initial setup wi zard. • Changing this also ch anges the de fault setting for each input source in the Paper Size/Type menu.
Use To Displayed Information 2 Wast e To ner Bott le Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Customize the displayed information for W aste Toner Bottle, Paper Jam, Load P aper, and Service Erro rs.
Use To Audio Feedback 2 Button Feed back On Off Volume 1–10 Se t the a udi o v ol ume fo r th e but to ns . Notes: • On is the factory default setting for B utton Feedback. • 5 is the facto ry defau lt settin g for Volume. Show Bookmarks 2 Yes No Determine wh ether the B ookmarks icon i s displayed.
Use To Timeou ts Slee p Mo de Dis able d 1–180 Specify the number of minutes of inactivity before some systems begin en tering a minimum p ower state. Notes: • 30 minutes is the factor y default setting. • A lower settin g conserves more energy, bu t may require longer war m ‑ up times.
Use To Print Reco very Auto Cont inue Dis able d 5–255 Let the printer automatica lly continu e printing from certa in offline situations when not resolved within the specified time period. Note: Disabled is the factory default setting . Print Reco very Jam Rec over y On Off Auto Specify whether the printer reprints jammed pages.
Use To Factor y Default s Do Not Rest ore Restor e Now Return the printer settings to th e factory default settings. Notes: • Do Not Restore is the factory default setting . This keeps the user ‑ defined settings. • Restore Now returns all printer sett ings to the factory default settings except Network/Por ts menu settings.
Use To Duplex Binding Long Edge Short Edg e Define binding for duplexed pages in relati on to paper orientation. Notes: • Long Edge is the facto ry default setting . Long Edge a ssumes binding along the long edge of the page (l eft edge for portrait and top edge f or landscape).
Use To Sepa rat or Sh eet So urc e Tray [x] Manual Feeder Specify the p aper source for separator sheets. Notes: • Tray 1 (standard tra y) is the factory defau lt setting. • From the Paper menu, Configure MP must be set to Cassette in order for Manual Feeder to appear as a menu setti ng.
Use To Printer Usage Max Yield Max Speed Set the printer fo r a faster print spee d or a higher toner yield. Note: Max Yield is t he factory default setti ng. Black Only Mode On Off Set the printer to print text an d graphic s using only the black toner cartridge .
Finishing menu Use To Sides (Duplex) 1 sid ed 2 sid ed Spec if y wh et her tw o ‑ sided (dupl ex) printing is set as the default for all pri nt jobs.
Use To Paper Save r Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Specify t hat mul tiple ‑ page imag es be printed on one side of a paper. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • The number selected is the number of page images that p rints per side.
Use To Toner Darkness 1–5 Lighten or darken th e printed output. Note s: • 4 is the factory default sett ing. • Selecting a smal ler number ca n help conserve toner. • If Print Mode is set to Black Only, then a setting of 5 inc reases toner density and darkness to all prin t jobs.
Use To Color Balance Cya n ‑ 5 to 5 Magenta ‑ 5 to 5 Yellow ‑ 5 to 5 Black ‑ 5 to 5 Reset De faults Adjust color in pri nted output by incr easing or decreasing the amoun t of toner used for each color. Note : 0 is th e factory de fault setti ng.
Use To Manual Color CMYK Im age US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off CMYK Text US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off CMYK Grap hi cs US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off Customize the CMYK color conv ersions. Note s: • US CMYK is the US factory default settin g.
Use To Log Action at End of Frequency None E ‑ mail Current Log E ‑ mail & Delete Current Log Post Curr ent Log Post & Dele te Current Log Determine and set how the printer r esponds when th e frequency threshold expires. Note: None is the factory default setting.
Utilities m enu Use To Remove Held Jobs Con fid ent ial Held Not Restored All Delete confidential and held jobs f rom the printer hard disk. Notes: • Selecting a setting affects only prin t jobs that are resid ent in the p rinter. Bookmarks, prin t jobs on flash drives, and other types of held jobs are not affected .
XPS menu Use To Print Error Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on e rrors, includi ng XML mar kup errors. Note : Off is t he fact ory default setting. PDF menu Use To Scale t o Fit Yes No Scale page content to fit the sel ected paper size.
PCL Emul menu Use To Font Source Resid en t Disk Downlo ad Flash All Specify the set of fonts used i n the Font Name menu. Note s: • Resident is the factory default setting. It shows the factory default set of fonts downloaded in the RAM. • Flash and Disk settings show all font s r esi de nt in t hat op tio n .
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Lines per Pa ge 1–255 Specify the number of lines that pri nt on each page. Note s: • 60 is the US factory de fault setting . 64 is the inte rnation al default setting. • The printer sets the amount of spac e between each line based on the Lines per Page, Paper Size, and Orient ation setting s.
Use To Tray Renumber View Fact ory Defau lts MPF D efa ult = 8 T1 Default = 1 T2 Default = 4 T3 Default = 5 T4 Default = 20 T5 Default = 21 Env Default = 6 MPap er D efau lt = 2 MEnv Defa ult = 3 Display the factory default setting assigned to each tray, drawer, or feeder.
Use To Font S ize 1–25 5 pt Set the default font size for HTML documents. Note s: • 12 pt is the factory default setting. • Font size can be increased in 1 ‑ point inc rements. Scale 1–40 0% Scale the default font for HTML documents. Note s: • 100% i s the f acto ry def ault se ttin g.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Reverse Por trait Reverse Landscape Set the image orientatio n. Note: Portr ait is the fa cto ry defa ul t sett ing . Help menu The Help m enu cons ists o f a serie s of Hel p page s that are st or ed in the prin ter as P DF files.
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environ mental s ustainabi lity a nd is cont inuall y impro ving its p rinters to reduce t heir impac t on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engin eer our packaging t o reduce materials, and provide coll ecti on and rec ycling pr ogra ms.
Recy cling Lexmark pr ovide s co llecti on prog rams and env iro nmenta lly pr ogres sive approac hes to recycl ing. F or m ore i nformati on, see: • The Notices ch apter • The Envi ronm ental Sus tainab ility section o f the Lexmark W eb site at www.
Maintaining the printer Peri odical ly, certa in tas ks are require d to ma intain opt imum p erfor mance o f you r printe r Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: Fai lure to replace parts and supplies when directed, may cause damage to your printe r or ma y prev ent t he prin ter f rom per form ing o ptim ally.
Recommended part numbers Part name Part number Photoconduc tor C734X20G Photoconductor, Multi ‑ Pack C734 X24G Notes: • All fo ur p hotoc on ducto rs shoul d be repl aced at th e same tim e. • Reset the ma inte nance c ounte r back to z ero af ter i nstal ling t he fo ur new p hotocon duc tors.
Storing supplies Choose a cool , cle an stor age ar ea f or the print er supp lies . Stor e sup plies r ight s ide up in their origi nal pa cking until you are ready to use them.
3 Unpack the rep lacement t oner cartridg e, and then s hake it f ront ‑ to ‑ bac k an d side ‑ to ‑ side to re distri bute t he ton er. 4 Remov e the r ed packi ng st rip f rom t he new cartri dge. 5 Insert the n ew cartrid ge into the p rinter.
Replac ing the waste tone r bottle 1 Loca te the wast e to ner bo ttle r elea se butt on o n the left si de o f the p rinter . 2 Press the releas e button to the left, and th en pull the waste ton er bottle out to re move it fro m the printer. 2 1 3 Unpack the r eplacement wast e toner b ottle.
6 Place the bag into the shipping box used for the replacement part . 1 2 7 Peel the recycl ing la bel off and pla ce it on th e shipp ing box. 1 2 8 Insert th e new waste t oner bott le in to th e print er. 1 2 Replacing a photocond uctor Notes: • Replace all fou r photo condu ctors at t he same time for op timu m print qualit y.
Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: To avoid ov erexpo sing the pho tocondu ctors, do no t leav e the door o pen for more than 10 minu tes. 2 Pul l the sp ecif ie d photoco nd uctor up, and th en slid e it to th e ri ght t o rem ove it from the printe r. 1 2 3 Unpa ck the repl aceme nt photoc ond uctor.
4 Align and inser t th e left en d of the photo conducto r, and then press t he rig ht end i nto pl ace. 1 2 5 Remov e the r ed pa cking strip f rom t he top of the phot ocon ductor.
Resetting the maintenance counter Reset the ma intenan ce c ounter after inst alling a new pho tocondu ctor . When a “replace” or “low” messa ge appears Follow t his proce dure whe n a phot oc.
Cleaning the the printer parts Cleaning the interior of the printer Note: You m ay nee d to perf orm th is ta sk aft er ever y few m onth s. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: D amage to the p rinter cau sed by im prope r handli ng is not cov ered by the prin ter warranty.
2 Remov e all f our to ner ca rtr idges. Do no t rem ove t he phot ocond uctor un its fo r thi s proce dure. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not touch the s hiny ar ea on th e phot ocondu ctor drum. D oing s o can damage the pho toco nductor . 3 Locate the fo ur prin thead l enses.
6 Clos e th e fro nt do or. Moving the printer Before moving the printer CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er weight is grea ter than 18 kg (40 lb) a nd requi res t wo or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
Clearin g ja ms Careful ly select paper and spec ialty media and lo ad it pro perly to avoid m ost jams . If jams do occur , follo w the st eps outlined in this s ection. Note: Jam reco very i s set to Au to by de fault. Th e printe r repr ints jam med pag es unles s the memor y requi red to hold the pages is needed for other printer tas ks.
• Make sure all pape r sizes and type s are set c orrect ly in th e printer control panel men us. • Stor e pa per pe r ma nufactu rer rec omme ndat ions. Understanding jam numbers and locatio ns When a jam o ccurs, a message ind icatin g the jam locati on app ears on t he printer display.
200–201 paper jams Paper jam in the toner cartridg e area 1 Open the fro nt door. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: To avoid ov erexpo sing the pho tocondu ctor units, do no t le ave the front do or open for more tha n 1 0 min ute s. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the pr inter might be hot.
Paper jam under the photocond uctor units 1 Open the fro nt door. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: To avoid ov erexpo sing the pho tocondu ctor units, do no t le ave the front do or open for more tha n 1 0 min ute s. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the pr inter might be hot.
Paper jam in the fuser a rea 1 Open the fro nt door. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: To avoid ov erexpo sing the pho tocondu ctor units, do no t le ave the front do or open for more tha n 1 0 min ute s. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the pr inter might be hot.
2 Using th e handho lds on each sid e, lift and pull the fus er out o f the pr inter. d Place t he fuser on a fla t surface with th e bl ue thum b screws facing yo u. e Pull and then rotate the green rectangu lar knob clockwise to unlock the top paper guide.
h Close the top pa per guide. Make sure bot h sides of the pap er guide are firmly seated. i Pull and then rotate the green rectan gular knob counterclockwise to firmly secure the top pap er guide. 1 2 j Reinstall the fuser un it: 1 Align th e fus er unit using the h andhol ds on e ach si de, and t hen ins ert it back i nto the printe r.
4 Close the printer top access cover, and then close the front door. 5 Dependi ng o n your print er model , touch Conti nue , jam clea red or press . 202–203 paper jams If the jam med pap er is v isi ble in the s tanda rd exi t bin, t hen f irmly gr asp the paper on each side , and then gentl y pull it out.
c If the jam med pa per is not visibl e, th en remo ve th e fuser u nit: Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: D o not touch th e roller at the cent er of the fuser un it. Doing so may damage the fuse r. 1 Turn the screws on th e fuser counter clockwise to loosen them .
e Pull and then rotate the green rectangu lar knob clockwise to unlock the top paper guide. 1 2 f Press the gre en arrow tab to the left, and then lift the to p paper gu ide. 2 1 g Fir mly gra sp t he j amme d pa per o n eac h si de, a nd t hen ge nt ly pul l it out .
i Pull and then rotate the green rectan gular knob counterclockwise to firmly secure the top pap er guide. 1 2 j Reinstall the fuser un it: 1 Align th e fus er unit using the h andhol ds on e ach si de, and t hen ins ert it back i nto the printe r. 2 Turn the screws clockwise to fasten the fuser secu rely.
24x paper jam Paper jam in Tray 1 1 Open Tray 1. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on eac h side, a nd then gently pull it out. Note: M ake sure all paper frag ments are re moved. 3 Close Tray 1. 4 Dependi ng o n your print er model , touch Conti nue , jam clea red or press .
Paper jam in one of t he option al trays 1 Open the specified tray. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on eac h side, a nd then gently pull it out. Note: M ake sure all paper frag ments are re moved. 3 Clos e th e tray. 4 Dependi ng o n your print er model , touch Conti nue , jam clea red or press .
Troubleshooting Solving basic printer problems If there are bas ic print er prob lems, o r the printer is unresp onsive , ma ke sure: • The po wer co rd is plugge d into th e print er an d a proper ly gro unded electr ical o utlet. • The electrical outlet is not turned off by any switch or breaker.
Change [paper source] to [custo m type name] lo ad [orientation] Try on e or more of the follo wing • Load th e corr ect pa per si ze and type in t he tray , veri fy the paper siz e and t ype se ttings are spec ified in the P aper menu on the printe r cont rol pa nel, and the n select Fini shed cha nging pape r .
Change [paper source] to [paper type] [pap er size] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load th e corr ect pa per si ze and type in t he tray , veri fy the paper siz e and t ype se ttings are spec ified in the P aper menu on the printe r cont rol pa nel, and the n select Fini shed cha nging pape r .
Error reading USB driv e. Remove USB. An unsuppo rted flash drive is insert ed. Re move t he flash d rive, and then inst all a s upported one. Insert Tray [x] Insert the s pecif ied tr ay into the pr inter. Install Tray [x] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Install the specif ied t ray: 1 Turn the prin ter off.
Load [paper so urce] with [paper s ize] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the specified tray or feeder with the correct pap er size. • To use the paper tray or feeder with the correct paper size, select P aper loa ded, co ntinu e on the pri nter contr ol panel.
Load man ual f eed er w ith [ pa per s ize] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the feeder with the correct pap er size. • Dependi ng o n your print er model , touch Continu e or pres s to cle ar t he mess age and cont inue pr inting .
Restore he ld jobs? Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Select Re store on the p rinter control pane l to res tore all held jo bs sto red in the print er hard disk. F or non ‑ touch ‑ scre en print er models , press to confi rm. • Select Do not res tore if you do n ot want any pr int job s to be re stored.
34 Incorrect paper size, open [paper source] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the correct paper size in the tr ay. • Select Co ntinue to clear the message and pr int the job using a differ ent paper tray. For non ‑ touch ‑ sc reen printer models , press to co nfirm .
37 Insu ffici ent me mory t o collat e job Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Select Co ntinue to print the portion of t he job already stored and begin collating the rest of the pr int job. For non ‑ touch ‑ scre en print er models , press to confi rm.
52 Not enou gh free sp ace in fl ash me mory for reso urces Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Select Co ntinue to clear the m essage and c ontin ue pr inting. F or n on ‑ to uch ‑ screen printer m odels, press to conf irm. Downloaded fonts and macros not previously stored in flash memory are deleted.
55 Unsup ported opti on in s lot [x] 1 Turn the prin ter o ff. 2 Unplug the power co rd f rom th e wall outlet . 3 Remove the un suppo rted opti on ca rd from the printer system boar d, and the n rep lace it with a s uppor ted c ard. 4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet.
57 Config uration chan ge, s ome held j obs were not restored Someth ing has change d in the printe r to i nvalidat e the held jo bs. Po ssibl e chang es inc lude: • The print er fir mware has been upda ted . • Paper inpu t opt ions ne eded for t he prin t job were remov ed.
58 Too many trays attached 1 Turn the prin ter o ff. 2 Unplug the power co rd f rom th e wall outlet . Note: O ption al trays l ock together wh en stacked. Remove stacked trays o ne at a time from the top down. 3 Remove the additio nal trays. 4 Connec t th e pow er cor d to a p rope rly gr ounde d ou tlet.
80.xx Fuser life warning • Order a repla cement fuser im media tely. When prin t qual ity is r educe d, insta ll the n ew fus er, foll owing t he instr uctio n sheet that came with the replacement pa rt. • Select Cont inue to clear th e messag e and co ntinue print ing.
83.xx Transfer module life warning • Select Co ntinue to clear the m essage and c ontin ue pr inting. F or n on ‑ to uch ‑ screen printer m odels, press to conf irm.
Notes: • All four pho tocondu ctor s sho uld be r eplace d at the sam e time . • Make sure to res et the mai ntenanc e coun ter afte r replaci ng the pho tocond uctor s for optim um print q uality. 3 Select Co ntinue to clear the m essage and c ontin ue pr inting.
88.xx [Color] cartridg e critically low The specified t oner cartrid ge is criti cally low. 1 For i nstr uctions on r eplac ing a toner cartri dge , se lect Mor e Informati on on th e pr inte r co ntrol pan el. 2 Select Co ntinue to clear the m essage and c ontin ue pr inting.
Incorrect characters print • Make sur e the prin ter is not in Hex Tr ace mo de. If Ready Hex appe ar s on the dis pla y, you must exi t H ex Tr ace mode be fore you can pr int your job. Turn the pr inter off and b ack on t o exit He x Trace mo de. • Make su re the Smar tSw itch se ttings are set to On in the Netwo rk and USB menu s.
Print job s do no t prin t Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH YOUR PRINTER From th e printer control panel, chec k the stat us. If nece ssary, follo w the re covery inst ructions. M AKE SURE THE PRINTER IS READY TO PRINT Make sure Ready appe ars on th e disp lay befo re send ing a pri nt job .
Print jo b t akes lo nger than expecte d Try on e or more of the follo wing: R EDUC E THE COMPLEXITY OF THE PRINT JOB Eliminate the number and size of fonts, the number and complexity of images, and the number of pages in the print job. T URN OFF THE P AGE P ROTECT SETTING 1 Depending on your printe r mo del, press or touch .
Tray linki ng does no t work These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: L OAD THE SAME SIZE AND TYPE OF PAPER • Load the s ame size and ty pe of paper in eac h tray to be linked . • Move the paper gu ides to the correct position s for the paper size load ed in each tray.
C ONTACT CU STOMER SUPPORT If you st ill ca nn ot isol ate the pr oblem , then cont act cu stome r suppo rt. Solving option problems 2,00 0-shee t d rawer pr obl ems C HECK THE DRAW ER CON NECT ION Make sure the 2,000 ‑ sheet d rawer is properly connected to the printe r.
M AKE SURE THE NETWORK SOFTWARE IS CO NFIGURED COR RECTLY For more infor mation on installi ng the networ k printing so ftware , do the followi ng: 1 Open the Software and Do cume ntation CD. 2 Click A dditi onal . 3 Under P ublicatio ns on t his CD, se lect Netw orking Guide .
M AKE SURE THE OPTION IS SELECTED From the compu ter yo u are pri nting from , sel ect the opt ion. For m ore inf ormati on, se e “Upda ting avai lable op tions in th e print er dr iver” on pa ge 34. Paper tray proble ms Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THE PAPER IS LOADED CORRECTLY 1 Open the paper tray.
M AKE SURE THERE IS NOT TOO MU CH PAPER IN THE PAPER TRAY Make sure the paper does n ot exceed the maximum pa per fill indicator located in the tray or feeder. M AKE SURE THE ENTIRE PAPER STACK IS SITTING FLAT IN THE TRAY Before l oadin g the p aper, do the fo llowing : • Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them.
Solving print quality problems If the solu tions here do not corre ct the prob lem, cont act cu stomer supp ort. You may have a prin ter pa rt tha t requ ire s adjustm ent or repla cem ent.
Gray backgro und on prints ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE BACKGR OUND DARK NES S OR REMOVAL SETTING • Adju st the da rkne ss to a li ghte r settin g. • Incr ease the ba ckgro und removal settin g. M AKE SURE THERE IS NO WORN OR DEFE CTIVE PRINT OR TONER CARTRI DGE Replace the worn or defective cartridge.
Light c olored l ine, white l ine, or in correctly colored li ne appears on prin ts ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THERE IS NO DEFECTI VE PRINT OR TONER CARTRIDGE Replace the worn or defective cartridge.
Print irregularities Try on e or more of the follo wing: L OAD PAPER FROM A FRESH PA CK A GE The pap er ma y have abs orbed m oist ure due to high h umidi ty.
Print i s too dark Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE DARKNE SS , BRIGH TNESS , AND CONTRAST SETTINGS • From the Qual ity menu on the pr inter co ntrol panel, select a lo wer value for these set tings. • For Wi ndows users , cha nge th ese s ettin gs f rom Print Pr opert ies.
Print is too ligh t Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE DARKNE SS , BRIGH TNESS , AND CONTRAST SETTINGS The Toner Darkness s etting may be too light, the Brightne ss sett ing m ay be too lig ht, or the Co ntrast s ettin g may be too low . • Change these set tings from t he printer c ontrol pan el Qual ity menu.
C ONTACT CU STOMER SUPPORT If the problem continues , then the printer may need to b e serviced. Printer is printing blank page s Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THERE IS NO PACKING MATERI AL LEFT ON THE PRINT OR TONER CA RTRIDGE Remove the ca rtri dge an d make s ure th e packing mat erial i s prop erly r emove d.
Repeating defec ts appear on p rints ) ) ) Try on e or more of the follo wing: R EPL ACE THE PRINT OR TONE R CARTRIDGE Replace the cartridge of the color with the repeating defect, if the de fects occur in the following instances: • Every 33 mm (1. 30 in.
Shadow image s appear on prin ts C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D WEIG HT SETTINGS Make sur e the paper type and weight s ettin gs matc h the pa per lo aded in the tray: 1 From the Paper menu on the p rinte r con trol pa nel, che ck th e Pape r Type an d Paper Weig ht set tings.
Solid color or black pages appear on prints M AKE SURE THE PHOTOC ONDU CTOR IS NOT DEFECTIVE AN D IS INSTA LLED COR RECT LY Remov e and then rein stall the phot ocond uctor. If the p roblem con tinue s, t hen th e ph otoco nduct or m ay nee d t o be replaced.
M AKE SURE THERE IS NO WORN , DEFECT IVE , OR EMPTY PRINT OR TON ER CARTRIDGE Replace the worn, defective, or empty cartridg e. Streaked verti cal lines appear on pri nts ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Try on e or.
M AKE SURE THE FUSER IS NOT WO RN OR DEFECTIV E Replace the worn or defective fuse r. M AKE SURE THE PRINTER HAS BEE N RECA LI BRATE D RE CEN TLY Select Co lor Adj ust in the Qua lit y men u. M AKE SURE THE APPLICATION HAS NOT SPECIFIED AN OFF ‑ WHITE BACK GROUN D Check the application settings.
Toner specks Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THERE IS NO WORN OR DEFE CTIVE PRINT OR TONER CARTRI DGE Replace the worn or defective cartridge. M AKE SURE THERE IS NO TONER IN THE PAPER PATH C ONTACT CU STOMER SUPPORT If the problem continues , then the printer may need to b e serviced.
Uneven prin t densi ty M AKE SURE THERE IS NO DEFECTI VE OR WORN PRINT OR TONER CARTRI DGE Replace the worn or defective cartridge. Solving color quality problems FAQ abou t co lor p rin ti ng What is RGB color? Red, gr een, and bl ue lig ht can be add ed tog ether in var ious amount s to produc e a large range of co lors obs erve d in nature .
The pri nte d page a ppears tint ed. Can I adj ust t he col or? Someti mes a p rinted page m ay appear tinte d (for exa mple, everyt hing printed seem s to be too red) . This can be caused by environmental conditions, paper typ e, lighting conditions, or user preference.
Object type Color conversion tables CMYK Image CMYK Text CMYK Graphics • US C MYK —A pplies color corre ction to app roximate the SWOP (Specificatio ns for Web Offset Publi shing) colo r output. • Euro CMY K —A pplies color correctio n to approx imated EuroSc ale color output.
5 Enter an increme nt value from 1–255. Note: The c loser the valu e is to 1, t he narrower th e color sam ple range w ill appear. 6 Click Print . Embedded Web Server does not open Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE NETWORK CO NN EC TION Make sur e the printer and com puter are tu rned o n and conn ected to the s ame ne twork.
Notices Prod uct i nfo rmat ion Produc t name: Lexmark C746n, C746dn, C746dtn, C748e, C748de, C748dte Machin e type: 5026 Mode l(s): 310, 330, 510, 530 Edition notice November 2012 The foll owing p aragrap h does not apply to any co untry where s uch pro visio ns are incons istent with l ocal law : LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexm ark wi th diamo nd desi gn, Mark Net, and M ark Vision are trad ema rks of L exma rk I nte rnat ion al, Inc. , registered in the Un ited States and/or other countries . Mark Tr ack an d P rin tCry pt ion ar e tr ade mar ks o f Le xma rk In te rnat ion al, Inc .
Univers Lin otype-Hell AG and/or its subsid iaries All other trademarks are th e property of their res pective owners. AirPrint and the Air Print logo ar e trademarks of Appl e, Inc .
Noise emission levels The following measuremen ts were made in acc ordance with ISO 7779 and repor ted in conf ormance wit h ISO 9296. Note: Some mo des ma y not apply t o your p roduct. 1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Printing 55 dBA Ready 33 dBA Values are subject t o change.
This s ymbol i dent ifie s stat ic- sensit ive pa rts. Do no t to uch in the a reas n ear th ese symb ols wit hout firs t tou ching the metal frame of the print er.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiat ion when cartr idges are remo ved and interlock defeated. Avoi d exposure to laser beam . PERIGO - Radi ação a laser inv isível será liberada se os c artuchos forem r emovidos e o lacre rompido. Ev ite a expos ição aos feix es de laser .
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Sleep Mo de . The Sleep Mode saves energy by lowering power co nsum ption d uring exte nded perio ds of inact ivity . The S leep M ode is automat icall y eng aged a fter t his p roduct is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
European Community (EC) directives conformity This pro duct is i n con formity wi th th e prot ection requir ements of EC Council directi ves 2004/108/EC, 2006 /95/EC and 2009/125/EC on t he approxi m.
Cet appa reil a ét é c onç u po ur fo ncti onn er un iqu emen t ave c l' ante nn e fo urni e. L 'ut ilisa tion de tout e a utre ant enn e es t strictement interdite par la réglemen tation d'Industry Canada.
This prod uct may be use d in t he c oun tries indi cate d in the ta bl e below . AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE EL ES FI FR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MT NL NO P L PT RO SE SI SK TR UK Č esky Spole č nost Lexmark International , Inc.
Polski Niniejszym Lexmark I nternational , Inc. o ś wiadcz a, ż e niniej szy produkt jest zgodny z zasadni czymi wymogami ora z pozosta ł ymi stosown ymi postanowi eniami Dyre ktywy 1999/5/ EC.
To obtai n war ranty s ervi ce you may be requi red to pr esent proo f of o rigi nal pu rchase . You may be requir ed to de liver your prod uct to the Rem arketer or Lexmark, or ship it prep ai d and sui tab ly pac ka ged to a Le xma rk des ig nat ed lo cat ion .
Limitation of liabili ty Your s ole reme dy un der this limit ed wa rran ty is set f ort h in thi s do cume nt . For any clai m co ncer ning per form ance or nonperf ormanc e of Le xmark o r a Remark eter for this product under this li mite d warran ty, you may re cover actual damages up to the limit set fo rth in t he followin g paragrap h.
The use of th is product or ser vice is subject to the reason able, non-di scrimin ator y ter ms in the I ntel lectual Prope rty Rights (I PR) Discl osure of Cert icom Corp. at the IETF for Al gorith ms for Interne t Key Exchange versio n 1 (IKEv1) imple mented i n the product or se rvice.
Index Numerics 2,000 ‑ sheet drawer installi ng 32 2,000 ‑ sheet h igh ‑ capacity feeder loading 59, 101 200–201 pa per jams 204 202–203 pa per jams 209 24x p aper ja m 213 250 pap er jam 214 31.xx Missin g or defective [c olor] cartridge 221 32.
Change [paper source] to [paper size] 216 Change [paper source] to [paper size] load [orientation] 216 Change [paper source] to [paper type] [paper size] 217 Change [paper source] to [paper type] [pap.
Forms a nd Favo rites setti ng up 89 four ‑ arr ow ‑ button printe r contro l panel 48 fuser orderi ng 191 G General Se ttings menu 16 4 green s ettings Eco ‑ Mode 74, 116 Hibernate Mode 76, 11 .
Defau lt So urce 13 6 diagram o f 133 Disk Wipi ng 161 Finis hing 175 Flash Drive 171 General Sett ings 164 Help 187 HTML 185 Image 186 IPv6 151 Job A ccoun ting 179 Misc ellan eous Secu ri ty Setting.
photoc ondu ctor ma inte nance counter resetti ng 1 98 photoc ond uctors orderi ng 190 port se ttings configur ing 44 PostScr ipt m enu 18 2 prepa ring to set up th e print er on an Et hernet net work.
83.xx Tra nsfer modu le missing 229 83.xx Transfer m odule near life warning 229 84.xx [Col or] pho tocondu ctor low 229 84.xx [c ol or] ph otoc onduct or missing 230 84.xx [Col or] pho tocondu ctor nea rly lo w 22 9 84.xx Re place [ col or] photoco nduct or 230 88.
printi ng from Windows 70, 113 replacin g supp lies photoco nductor 195 toner cart ridge 192 waster to ner bo ttle 194 Reports menu 146, 149 reserve prin t jobs 70 pri nting from a Mac int osh compute.
job prin ts f rom wr ong tr ay 23 2 job prin ts o n wrong p aper 232 jobs do no t pri nt 233 Large jobs do not collate 232 multipl e ‑ lang uage P DF files do not print 232 paper cur l 242 paper fre.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark C746x (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark C746x heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark C746x vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark C746x leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark C746x krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark C746x bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark C746x kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark C746x . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.