Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MX310 van de fabrikant Lexmark
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MX310 Series Use r's Gu ide June 20 12 www.lex Machine t ype(s): 7015 Mod el (s ): 270.
Cont ents Safe ty inform ation. .......... ...... .......... ........... ........... ........... ..... ........... ........... 6 Learn ing abo ut the p rinter ............... ............... ................ .............. ............... 8 Findi ng in formati on abou t the prin ter.
Prin ting infor mation pages ...... ... .... ... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... ... .... ... .... ...... .... .... ... .... ....... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....... 54 Can celing a p rint job. .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ... ....
Hel p menu.. .... ... ... ....... ... ... ... .... ...... .... ... ... ... ....... ... .... ... ...... ... .... ... ... ....... ... ... .... ... ....... ... . .. .... ... ... ...... .... .1 44 Sav ing mone y and the env ironm ent.......... ...........
[x] ‑ page jam, clear man ual f eeder . [25y.xx] ..... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ... ... ....... ... ... .... ....... ... ... ... ..17 8 [x] ‑ page jam, ope n auto matic feed er top c over. [28 y.xx]... ... ... ...... .
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded electri cal out let t hat is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible . Do not pl ace or use this p ro duct near wa ter or wet locatio ns. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not use the fax feat ure du ring a li ghtni ng storm .
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are ac cessing the c ontroller b oard or installing opti onal h ardware or me mory de vices som etim e after set ting up t he prin ter, the n turn the print er off , and unplug the power cord from the el ectrica l outlet before c ontinu ing.
Learning about the printer Find in g infor mati on abo ut the pri nt e r Wh at are you look ing for? Fi nd i t he re In itial set up i nstruc tions: • Connecting the printer • Instal ling th e pri.
Wh at are you look ing for? Fi nd i t he re The latest suppleme ntal information, u pdates, and customer support: • Document ation • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ ma il suppor t • Voice s upport Lexmark S upport Web site— http : // s uppo r t.
1 Right s ide 30. 48 cm (12 in. ) 2 Front 50.8 c m ( 20 i n.) 3 Left si de 20.32 cm ( 8 in.) 4 Rea r 20.32 cm (8 i n.) 5 Top 54 cm (21 i n.) Pr inte r confi g ura tion s CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor- mounted configur ations requ ire addit ional furniture f or stabilit y.
1 Prin ter contro l panel 2 Automati c d ocument feeder (ADF ) 3 ADF tr ay 4 ADF bi n 5 Front door re lease bu tton 6 Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray 7 Opt i on al 2 50 ‑ or 5 50 ‑ sheet tr ay 8 50 .
Using the ADF a nd sc anner g lass Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) S canner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s including two-sided (duplex) pag es.
Us ing t h e pr in ter co nt rol p an el 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 10 Use t he To 1 Di sp la y • View the pri nter s tatus and m es sages. • Set up and operate the printer. 2 Arrow buttons Scroll up and down o r left and r ight. 3 Select button • Select menu options.
Indicator light color and its corre sponding printer s tatus In dica tor li ght Pri nt er s tat us Off The pr inter is off or in Hi bernate mode. Blinking green The pr inter is war ming up, pr ocessing data, or printing . So lid g reen The pri nter is on , bu t id le.
Additional printer setup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are ac cessing the c ontroller b oard or installing opti onal h ardware or me mory de vices som etim e after set ting up t he prin ter, the n turn the print er off , and unplug the power cord from the el ectirca l outlet before continu ing.
2 Open the controller board shield using the green h an dle. 2 1 3 Use the fo llowing illus tration to l ocate the o ption car d connector. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Contro ller board electronic co mponents are easily dam age d by static elec tricit y.
Instal ling a n opt ional card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are ac cessing the c ontroller b oard or installing opti onal h ardware or me mory de vices som etim e after set ting up t he prin ter, the n turn the print er off , and unplug the power cord from the elect rical outlet bef ore continuing.
4 Push the card firmly into place as s how n in the i llustratio n. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Impro p er in s ta l latio n of the card may caus e damage to the car d and the co ntro ll er b oa rd. No te: The entire le ngth of the c onnect or on t he card m ust t ouch and be flu shed again st the controller boa rd.
Ins talli ng h ardwa re opt ions Order of installa tio n CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: The pr int e r we ig ht is gr ea ter th an 1 8 kg (40 lb ) a nd r e qu ire s t wo or mor e tr ained personn el t o lift it s afely.
2 1 2 Unpac k the tray, and then remove all packing mat erial. 3 Pull out the t ray from th e b ase. 4 Re m o v e a ny p ac k in g m a ter i a l f r om i n si d e th e tr a y. 5 Insert the tr ay into the base. 6 Place the tray near the printer. 7 Align the p r inter with the tra y, and the n slo wly lower the prin ter into pla ce.
8 Connec t the po wer cord to the print er, then to a pro perly grounded elec trical o utlet, and then turn on the print er . 1 2 Note s: • When the pr inter s oftw are a nd any hardw are o ptions are ins talle d, you may nee d to m anually add t he option s in the pr inte r drive r to make them avail able f or pr int jobs.
Att a ching ca ble s CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not use the fax feat ure du ring a li ghtni ng storm . Do no t set up this p roduct or make an y electr ical o r cabli ng conn ection s, such a s th e fax f eature, po wer cord, o r telephon e, duri ng a lig htning st orm .
Se tt ing up th e p rin te r so ftw a re Instal ling the prin ter sof tware Note: If you installed the print er software on t he compu ter be fore but need to reins tall t he soft ware, t hen unin stall the curren t softw are fir st . For Windows u sers 1 Close a ll open softw are p rogra ms.
c Pr ess Enter , or clic k OK . 2 S elec t th e p rin te r . 3 Right ‑ c li ck th e printer, and then select Pri nter prop erti es (Win dows 7) or Pr operties (ear lier version s). 4 Click t he Confi guration tab. 5 Do either of the following: • Click Update No w ‑ As k P ri n te r .
Instal ling the prin ter on a n Ethernet network For Windows u sers 1 Insert the Softw are and D ocu mentat ion CD . If t he install ation di alog does not appe ar af ter a min ute, then launch the C D man ually: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run .
• For A ppleT alk print ing: Not es: – Make sur e Apple Talk is act ivated on yo ur pr inter. – This f eature is s upported onl y in Mac O S X versi on 1 0.
securit y inform ation f or your ne twork, then see the documen tatio n that c ame wit h the ac cess poin t, or cont act y our sy st em s upp or t p ers on .
Using the Push Button Configuration (PBC) meth od 1 From the pri nter control p a nel, na vigate to: > Settin gs > > Netw ork/Port s > > Networ k [x] > > Network [x] Setu p > &.
5 Turn of f the printer, and then disconne ct the Ether net cable. Then w ait for a t least five secon ds, and then turn the print er ba ck on. 6 To verify if y our printer is co nnecte d to the ne twork, print a n etwork set u p page. Then in the Netw ork Card [x] sect ion, see if the s tatus is C onnecte d.
Loading paper an d specialty media The se lection and ha ndling of paper an d spe cialty media can af fect how reliab ly docume nts pr int. Fo r more informat ion, see “ Avoiding jams” on page 1 68 a nd “Sto ring pa per” on page 4 9.
2 Squeeze, and then slide the width guide tab to the cor rect position for the size of the paper yo u are loading. A 4 LT R E X E C B 5 A 5 2 1 Loading pa per an d spec ialty med ia 31.
3 Unlock the length guide. Squeeze, and then s l ide the leng th gu ide tab to t he correct pos ition for the s ize of the pape r you are loading . A 4 LT R E X E C B 5 A 5 3 1 2 Note s: • For some p aper sizes like letter, legal, and A4, squeez e and sl ide the length g uide tab backward to accomm odate their len gth.
A 4 LT R E X E C B 5 A 5 4 Flex the sheets back and f orth to l oosen them , and then fan th em. Do not fold or crease th e p aper. St r aighten the edges o n a level surfa ce. 5 Load the pape r stack. Note s: • Load wi th the print abl e side fac edow n when usin g recycle d or pr eprinted paper.
• Load le tterhead facedo wn, with th e top edge of t h e sheet to ward the fro nt of the tray. For two ‑ sided print i ng , load le tterhead faceup with the bottom edge of t h e sheet tow ard the front of th e tray. • Make sure the paper is below the maxi mum paper f ill indica tor located o n the side o f the width g uide.
Loadin g the multipu r pose feeder Use the multipur pose feeder when printing o n dif ferent paper s izes and t ypes o r specialty m edia, suc h as card stoc k, trans parencies, paper labels , and envelo pes. Y ou can al so use it for sing le ‑ page print j obs on lette rhead .
b Pull the extender gently so that t h e multipurpose feeder is fully extended and open. 2 Squeeze the tab on the left width gu ide, a nd then m o ve the gu i des for the paper yo u are loading. 1 2 3 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Fle x sheet s of paper bac k and fort h to loos en them , and then fan the m.
• Flex the stack of envelopes back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them. Straighten the edges on a level sur fa ce. 4 Load the pa per o r spec ialty m edia.
Note: When lo ading A6 ‑ s ize pape r, make sure the multipur pose feeder ex tende r rest s lightly ag ainst the edge of the paper so that th e las t few sheets of paper remain in place. • Load letterhead faceup with the top edge enterin g the printer first.
• Load envelope s with the flap on the left s ide facedown . Warning—P otential Dama ge: Never use enve lopes wi th st amps, clas ps, snaps, w indo ws, coated linin gs, or self ‑ st ick adh esive s. These envel opes m ay se verely d amag e the print er.
Creating a cus tom name fo r a paper ty pe Using the Embedded Web Se rver 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield. Note s: • View the printer IP addres s in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Port s menu.
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the pri nter control p a nel, na vigate to: > Settings > > P ape r M en u > > Cu s tom Nam es 2 Type a name for the paper typ e, and then pr ess .
Paper and specialty media guide Additional inf orma tion f or printing on speciality me dia may be foun d in the Card Stock and Label Guide available at htt p://sup port.lexm . Paper guidelin es Select ing the correc t pape r or specialt y media reduce s print ing problem s.
Grain dire ction Grai n refers t o the al ignment of the paper fiber s in a s heet of p aper. Gr ain is either grain long , running t he lengt h of the paper , or gr ain short , runnin g the w idth o f the pa per. For 60–90 ‑ g/m 2 (16–24 ‑ lb) bond p aper, gr ain lo ng paper i s rec omme nded.
• Avoid p apers with r ough or heavily te xtured surfac es. Use papers pri nted wi th he at ‑ res istant in ks desi gned for use in xer ographi c cop iers. The ink mus t be able to withstand temperatures up t o 230°C (44 6 °F) w ithout melting or releasing hazardous emissions.
Sup p ort ed pa pe r si z es, ty pes , an d w e ight s For inf ormation o n card stoc k an d labels, see t he Card Stock & Label Guide . S upp or te d pa pe r s iz es Pap er s iz e and dim ensio n.
Pap er s iz e and dim ensio n Stand ard 250 ‑ sh eet t ray Op tio nal 25 0 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tr ay Mult i purpos e fe eder ADF Scan ner glass Duple x mode Statement 139.7 x 2 15.9 m m ( 5.5 x 8. 5 in. ) X Univ ersa l * 76.2 x 76 .2 m m t o 215.9 x 359.
Paper ty pe 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ she et tra y Mult ipur pos e fe eder Duplex mode ADF Scanner g lass Pl ain pa per Card st ock X X Tra ns p ar e nc i es 1 X Rec ycl ed Paper labe l s 2 X Bond Enve lop e.
Tips on us ing transparenc ies • Print a test page on the transparencies being considered for use before buying large quantities. • Feed transparencies from the standa r d tray, or the multipurpose feeder. • Use transparencies designed specif ically for l aser printers.
When print ing on label s: • Use labels designed s pecifically for laser printers . Check with the man ufacturer or vendor to verify that: – The la bels c an with stand te mpe ratures up to 2 40°C (4 64 °F) wit hout seal ing, e xcessiv e curli ng, wrinkling, o r releasin g hazardous emissions .
• Do not stor e anything on to p of individu al pap er pac kages. • Take pa pe r out of t he cart on or wr apper only when you are ready to load it in the pri nte r.
Prin ting Print ing a doc ument Printing a docum ent 1 From t he Paper menu on the print er cont rol panel, set the pape r type a nd siz e to mat ch the paper loa ded. 2 S end the pr in t jo b: For Windows users a Wit h a docum ent open, c lick File > Pr int .
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the pri nter control p a nel, na vigate to: > Settings > > Print Se ttings > > Qualit y Menu > > To ner Dar kness 2 Adjus t the toner da rkness , and then pre ss .
Printing con fid ential a nd other hel d jobs Note: Confident ial and Ve rify pr int j obs are aut omati cally delet ed from m emor y after p rinting . Rep eat and Rese rve jobs ar e held i n the print er until you choose to d elete them . For Windows u sers 1 With a document open, c lick File > Pri nt .
• If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly. 2 Click Confi guration > Othe r Settings tab > Se curity > C onfidential Pr int Setup . 3 Modify th e settings : • Set a maxim um number of PIN entry attempts .
3 Sel ect the pri nt job you want to canc el. 4 Click Delet e . For Ma cint osh use rs 1 From th e A pple Men u , navi gate to either o f the fol lowing: • Sys tem P refer ences > Pr i nt & S.
Cop ying Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s including two-sided (duplex) pag es. Use the s canner glass for s ingle-page documents , book pages, s mall items (such as postcards or photos), trans parencies, photo pap er, or thin media (such as ma gaz ine clippings).
• The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is loaded prop er ly. 2 Adjus t the pape r g uides. 3 From the printer cont r ol panel, use the keypad to enter the number of copies, and then press . Copyi ng using the sc anner gla ss 1 Place an original doc ument f acedown on the scann er g lass in t he upper left cor ner.
3 From the pri nter control p a nel, na vigate to: > Co py > > Cop y fro m > se l ect the size of the origina l document 4 Nav igat e t o: Co py t o > > s elect the tr ay containin g.
5 If there are no trays that contain letterhead, then do th e f ollowing: a Navigate to: Cop y to > > Manu a l Fe ed er > > select the size of the lett erhead > Le t te rh e ad b Place the letterhead faceup, top edge fi r st into th e mu ltipur p ose feeder, and then pr es s .
• The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is loaded prop er ly. 2 If you ar e load ing a documen t into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper gui des.
Re du cin g or en lar gin g co pie s Copies c an be scaled fr om 25% to 40 0% of the or iginal doc ument siz e. 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF tray or facedown on the scanner glass.
Note s: • Do not l oad po stcards, p hot os, small items, t ranspar e ncies, photo paper, or thin media (such as m agazin e clippings) into the ADF tray. Place th es e items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is loaded prop er ly.
To select a Collate setting : 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF tray or facedown on the scanner glass. Note s: • Do not l oad po stcards, p hot os, small items, t ranspar e ncies, photo paper, or thin media (such as m agazin e clippings) into the ADF tray.
Notes: • Make sure the paper si ze is se t to letter, legal, A4 , or JIS B5. • The copy size m u st be set to 100%. 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF tray or facedown on the scanner glass.
5 Sel ect the num ber of copies or ent er a number on t he keyp ad, and then press . No te: If you want t o copy ano ther docum ent, then place it on the s can ner glass , press the left or right arrow button to s croll to Scan the Nex t Pa ge , and then press .
• If the paper type or size you w ant to use is not loa ded in one of the trays, t hen press the le ft or righ t arrow butto n to scrol l to Ma nual Fee der , press , and the n manual ly load the paper i n the man ual feed er or multip urpose feeder.
• Phot o/Film —The ori ginal doc ume nt is a ph oto from a film . • Maga zine —The original document is from a m agazine. • Newspape r —The origi nal docum ent is f rom a news paper. • Pr ess —The origina l doc ument w as print ed us ing a pr inting pres s.
E-mailing Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s including two-sided (duplex) pag es. Use the s canner glass for s ingle-page documents , book pages, s mall items (such as postcards or photos), trans parencies, photo pap er, or thin media (such as ma gaz ine clippings).
• If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly. 2 Click Setti ngs > E-ma il/FTP Settings > E- mail Settings .
Note s: • Do not l oad po stcards, p hot os, small items, t ranspar e ncies, photo paper, or thin media (such as m agazin e clippings) into the ADF tray. Place th es e items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is pro p erly loaded.
Faxi ng Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s including two-sided (duplex) pag es. Use the s canner glass for s ingle-page documents , book pages, s mall items (such as postcards or photos), trans parencies, photo pap er, or thin media (such as ma gaz ine clippings).
Initi al f ax setup Many count ries and reg ions re quire out going faxe s to conta in the followi ng informat io n i n a margin at the t op or bottom of each trans mitt ed page, or on t he first page.
Choosing a fax conne ct ion Scenario 1: Standard telephone line Setup 1: Printer is connected to a dedicated fax line To con nect: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to th e port of the pri nter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog w all jack.
Setup 2: Printer is sharing the line with an answering machine Con nect ed to the same tel ephon e wa ll jack P H O N E L IN E To con nect: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to th e port of the pri nter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog w all jack.
Conne cted to d iffere nt wall jac ks P H O N E L IN E To con nect: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to th e port of the pri nter.
Setup 3: Printer is sharing the line with a telephone subsc ribed to voice mai l s ervice 02 To con nect: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to th e port of the pri nter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog w all jack.
Scenario 2: Digital Subscriber L ine (DSL) A Dig ital Subs criber Line s plits you r regul ar tele phone line i nto two chann els: voice and Inte rnet. T elephon e and f ax signa ls travel t hroug h the voi ce channel , and In terne t signals pass through t he o ther c hannel.
Scenario 3: VoIP telepho ne service To con nect: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to th e port of the pri nter. 2 Connec t the other en d of the cab le to t he port l abe led Ph one Lin e 1 or Ph o ne P ort on t he VoIP ad apter.
Scenario 4: Digital telephone service through a cable pro vider Setup 1: Printer is connected directly to a cable modem 1 Connect one en d of the telephone cab le that came with your pr i nter to the port of the prin ter . 2 Connec t the other en d of the cab le to t he port l abe led Ph one Lin e 1 or Ph o ne P ort on the cable modem.
Setup 2: Printer is c onnected to a wall jack; c able modem is installed elsewhere in the facility 1 Connect one en d of the telephone cab le that came with your pr i nter to the port of the prin ter . 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog teleph one wall jack.
If the wall jack or equipm ent in your facili ty is not c ompat ible with this type of c onnection, then you need to use a telephon e adapt er. An adapte r for your cou ntry or region m ay not c ome wit h your pri nter , and you may ne ed to purcha se it separ ately.
Connecting the printe r to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack LINE EXT 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with p rinter to the port of the prin ter. 2 Connect the other en d of the ca b le to the RJ ‑ 11 a dapter, and then connec t the adapter to th e wall jack.
Connecting the printer to a wall jack in Ger m any The Ger man wall jac k has tw o k inds of ports. T he N port s are for fax ma chi nes, mod ems, and ans wering machines. T he F port is f or telep hones. NF N Connec t the printer to any of the N ports.
1 Connect one end of th e telephone cable that came the p r inter to the port o f the print er. 2 Connect the other en d of the telephon e cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter , and th en conne ct the adapter to an N port. 3 If you w ant to c onnect a t elephon e and an swering mac hin e to the same w all jac k, then c onnect th e devic es as sh own.
Se tti ng t h e da te a nd t ime You can set th e date and time so that they are print ed on eve ry fax you send. If there is a power fa ilure, then you may have to reset t he date and ti m e . 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield.
3 From the pri nter control p a nel, na vigate to: > Fa x > > enter a f ax or shor tcut nu mber on the keypad > > Original Size > No te: If you want t o fax anot her document , then p lace it on the sc anner g lass, p ress th e left or right arr ow button to s croll to Scan t he Next Page , and t hen pr ess .
• The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is loaded prop er ly. 2 If you ar e load ing a documen t into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper gui des.
Note s: • View the printer IP addres s in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Port s menu. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers s ep arate d by period s, su ch a s 12 3.1 23. 123. 123. • If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly.
• The ADF indicator l ight comes on w hen the paper is loaded prop er ly. 2 If you ar e load ing a documen t into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper gui des.
Cancel ing a fa x job a fter sc anning th e orig inal doc ume nts 1 From t he printer control pa nel, pres s . 2 Press the l eft or ri ght arrow bu tton to sc r oll to t he jo b you wa nt to cance l.
5 In th e “Forwa rd to S hortcut ” field, en ter the shor tcut nu mber where you w ant the fax for warded. No te: The shortcut numbe r must be val id fo r the set ting sele cte d in the “ Forwar d to” me nu.
Cont ent Sourc e This op tion lets you set the origin al doc ument sourc e. Select from t he follow ing c ontent so urc es: • Co lor L ase r —The original doc ument w as print ed usi ng a co lor lase r print er. • Black /White Lase r —The or iginal do cument was pri nte d usin g a mono laser p rinter.
Scanning Sca nn ing to an FT P ad dre ss Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) Scan ner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s including two-sided (duplex) pag es.
4 Ent er a sh ortc ut numb er. If you ent er a numbe r that is a lready i n use, th en you are prompted to select another number. 5 Click Add . Scanning to a n FTP addres s Scannin g to an F TP address usin g a short cut numbe r 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF tray or facedown on the scanner glass.
Sca nning to a comp uter Automatic d ocument f eeder (AD F) Scanner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. Use the scanner glass for single pages, small i tem s (s uch as post cards or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Not es: • Do not load post cards, photos , sma ll items, t ranspar encies , photo paper, or thi n media (such as magazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicator light turns on when t he paper is lo aded pr oper ly.
Understanding pr inter menus Me nu s li st Paper Menu Reports Network/Port s Security Settin gs Defaul t Source Paper Siz e/Type Con fig ure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Pape r We ight Paper L oa.
Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Use To De faul t S ourc e Tr ay [x] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a def ault paper s ource for all print jobs . No te s: • Tray 1 (standar d tray) i s the fac tory default s etting. • From the Paper menu, set Configure MP to “Cassette” for MP Feeder to appear as a menu s etting.
Use To MP Fe e de r Si ze A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Ofic io (Me xico) Fol io Statement Universal 7 3/4 En vel ope 9 Env el op e 10 E n vel ope DL Envelope C5 E nv elop e B5 E n v elope Other Envel ope Specify the s ize of the pa per l oaded in the m ultipurpo se feeder.
Use To Manu a l Pa per Size A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Ofic io (Me xico) Fol io Statement Universal Specify the siz e of the pa per being manuall y loaded. Note : Letter i s the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the inter national factory default s etting.
Configure M P m enu Use To Co nfi gure MP Cassette Manual Fi rs t Determine when the printer selects paper from the multipurpose feeder. No te s: • Cassette is the factory default setting. Ca ssette configures the multipurpos e feeder as the automatic paper source.
Use To Lab els T e xt ur e Smooth Normal Rough Spec if y the relative texture of the labels loaded. Note : No rmal is the factory default setting. Bond T ext ur e Smooth Normal Rough Spec i fy the relative texture of the bond paper loaded. Note : Rough is the f actor y default setting.
Pa pe r W ei ght m enu Use To Pl ain W eig ht Lig h t Normal He av y Specify the relative weight of the plain paper loaded. Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Card St ock Weight Lig h t Normal He av y Specify the relative weight of the card stock l oa ded.
Use To Co lo red W eigh t Lig h t Normal He av y Specify the relative weight of the c olored paper loaded. Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Li gh t W ei gh t Lig h t Specify tha t the relative weight of the paper loaded is l ight. Heav y W eigh t He av y Speci fy the relative weight of the paper loaded is heavy.
Use To Li gh t L oa d i ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Light as the paper type. Heavy Lo ading Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Heavy as the p aper type.
Custo m Scan Siz es menu Use To Custom Sca n Size [x] Sc an S ize N ame Wi dth He ig ht Or ie nt at ion Portra it Landscap e 2 scan s per si de Off On Specify a c ustom scan size nam e and page orienta tion. Note s : • The c ustom s can size name r eplaces Custom Sc an Size [x] in the pr inter me nus.
Use To Feed Di rection Sho rt Ed ge Long Edge Specify the feed dir ection if the paper can be loaded in either direction. No te s: • Short Edge is the f actory defaul t setti ng. • Long Edge appears onl y when the lo n gest edge is shorter than the maximum wi dth suppor ted in the tray.
Netw ork/Port s menu Act ive N I C me nu Use To Activ e NI C Aut o [li st of availa ble network c a rds] No te s: • Auto i s the factory default s etting. • This m enu item appears only when an optional networ k card is installed. Standard N etwork o r Network [x] menu Note: Only active por ts appear in this m enu.
Use To Net wo r k B uff er Aut o 3KB to [ maxim um size a llowed] Set the size of the network input buf fer. No t es: • Auto i s the factor y default s etting.
Use To Vi ew Car d St at us Connected Disconnected View the connecti on status of the network card. View Card Speed View the speed of an active network card. Net wo r k A dd r ess UAA LAA View the netwo rk addresses. Job Timeo ut 0–255 sec onds Set the am ount of time i t takes for a network pr int job to be cancel ed.
Use To Enab le Au to IP Yes No Specify the Zero Configuration N etworking setting. Note : Yes is the f actor y default setting. Ena ble FTP /TFTP Yes No Enable the built-in FTP server, whic h lets you send files to the printer using File Transfer Protocol.
Use To View Hostname Set the host name. Note : These settings can be changed only f rom the E mbedded Web Server . View Address View Router Address Enab le DH CPv 6 On Off En able DHCP v6 in the prin ter.
Ap pleTal k menu Note: This me nu is availab le only i n print er model s connec ted to a w ired netw ork or when an opt ional ne twork c ard is inst alled.
Use To SMT P Se rver Au th en tic ati on No authent ication r equired Login/ Plain CRA M ‑ MD5 Digest ‑ MD 5 NTL M Kerber o s 5 Specify the type of user auth entication r equired for scan to e ‑ mai l pr ivile ges. Note : “No authentication r equ ired” is the f actory default setting.
Se t Da te a nd T i me m en u Use To Cu rre nt Dat e and Tim e View the cur rent date and time settings for the printer. Manu a lly Se t Date an d Tim e [input date/time] Enter the date a nd ti me. Note s: • Manually s etting the date and ti me sets Enable NTP to No.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Sett ings me nu Use To Disp lay L ang uag e Engl ish Fr an cais Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve ns ka Portuguese Suo m i Russia n Pols ki Gre ek Magyar Turk ce Ces ky Simp lified C hinese Tr a di tion al Chi n e se Korean Japanese Set the lan guage of the text appeari ng on the printer display.
Use To R un I n itia l set up Yes No Run the setup wi zard. Note s : • Yes is the factory def ault setting. • After completing the setup wi zard by s electing Done at the country or region selection scr een, the default becomes No. Paper Si ze s US Metric Speci fy the unit of m easurement for paper s izes.
Use To Alar ms Al ar m Con tr o l C art ri d ge Al a rm Set an alarm to sound when the printer requires user intervention. When activated, Alar m Control l ets you set the nu mber of tim es that the alarm sounds, while Cartridge Alarm lets you stop printing when a cart ridge ‑ low condition occurs.
Use To Timeouts Screen Timeout 15– 300 sec Set the amoun t of tim e in s econds the pr inter waits before returning the display t o the Ready state. Note : “30 sec” is the factory def ault setting.
Use To Prin t Reco very Ja m As sist On Off Set the printer to automatically check for jammed paper. Note : On is the f a ctory default s etti ng. Prin t Reco very Page Protec t Off On Let the printer successfully print a page that may not have pr inted otherwise.
Copy S etti ngs menu Use To Conte nt Type Tex t Graphics Tex t/Ph ot o Phot o Specify the content of the or iginal document. Note : Text/Photo is the factor y default setting. Co nten t So urce Black/ White La ser Inkj et Photo/ Film Magazi n e Newspaper Press Other Specify how the ori ginal document was produc ed.
Use To Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Ofic io (Me xico) Universal Aut o Si ze Sens e A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Cu stom Sca n Size [x] Book Origina l Busi ne ss C ard 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . ID Car d Specify the paper s ize of the or i ginal document.
Use To Over lay Con fi den tia l Cop y Draft Urgent Cus to m Off Specify the overlay text pr inted on each page of t he copy job. Note : Off is the facto ry default se tting. A llo w p rio ri ty cop ie s On Off Allow interruption of a print job to copy a page or d ocument.
Fax Se tti ngs men u Fa x Mode (An al og Fa x Se tup) me nu Analog Fa x Se tup mo de sends the fax j ob thr ough a telephone l ine . Use To Fax N ame Specify the name of the fax in the printer. Fax N umber Specify the number assigned to the fax. Fax ID Fax Na me Fax Nu mb er Specify how the fax is identified.
Use To Fax Co ver P age Fax Co ve r P age Off by default On by default Never use Al ways us e Include to Field On Off Include f rom Field On Off Include Message Field On Off Include L ogo On Off Configure the fax cover page. Note : “Off by defaul t” is the factory defa ult setting for all Fax Cover Page opt ions.
Use To Conte nt Type Tex t Graphics Tex t/Ph ot o Phot o Specify the content of the or iginal document. Note : Text is the factory defaul t setting. Co nten t So urce Black/ White La ser Inkj et Photo/ Film Magazi n e Newspaper Press Other Specify how the ori ginal document was produc ed.
Use To Max Speed 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specify the m aximum speed in baud at which fa xes are s ent. Note : 33600 is the fac tory d efaul t setting . Cu stom Jo b sca nning On Off Scan a docu ment that contai ns mixed paper sizes i nto a s ingle file.
Use To Auto R edu c tion On Off Scale an incoming fax job s o that it fits the size of the paper loaded in the des ignated fax s ource. Note : On is the factor y default s etting. Paper So urc e Aut o Tr ay [x] Multi ‑ Purpose F eeder Specify the p aper sourc e for print ing incoming fax jobs .
Use To Auto Pr i nt L ogs On Off Enabl e automatic pr i nting of fax logs. Note s: • On is the factory defaul t setting. • Logs print after every 200 fax jo bs. Lo g P a p er S o urc e Tr ay [x] Manual Feeder Specify the s ource of the paper used for pri nting logs.
An swer On Use To Al l Rin gs Single Ring O nly Doub le Ring Onl y Trip le Ring Onl y Single or Doub le Rings Onl y Sing le or Tr iple Ring s Only Do ub le o r Tr i ple Ri n gs On l y Spe cify rin g patt ern s when the prin ter is a nswerin g calls. Note : All Rings is the factory def ault setting.
Use To Res o lu tio n 75 dpi 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi Specify the re solution of the scan i n dots per inch. Note : 15 0 dpi is the factor y default s etting. Dar knes s 1–9 Lighten or dar ken the output. Note : 5 i s the f actory default setting.
Use To JPE G Qu ality Best for cont ent 5–9 0 Set the qua lity o f a J PEG p hoto imag e in re lat ion to file size and quali ty o f t h e image . Note s: • “Best for content” i s the factory default setting. • 5 r educes the file s ize and quality of the image.
Use To Contras t 0–5 Best for cont ent Specify the contrast of the output. Note : “ Bes t for content” is the factory defaul t setting. Mi rror I mage Off On Create a mirror image of the orig inal document. Note : Of f is the factory def au lt setting.
Use To Co nten t So urce Black/ White La ser Inkj et Photo/ Film Magazi n e Newspaper Press Other Specify how t he original document was produced. Note : Bl ack/W hite Laser is t he fac tory default setting . Res o lu tio n 75 dpi 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi Specify the quali ty of the scan i n dots per i nch (dpi).
Use To Si de s (D u ple x) Off Long Edge Sho rt Ed ge Specify the page orientati on of text and g raphics. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g. • Long Edge sets bindi ng along the long edge of the page (left edge for p ortrait and top edge for l andscape).
Use To Ba ckg round R emo val ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of b ackground visible on a copy. Note : 0 i s the f actory default setting. Contras t 0–5 Best for cont ent Specify the contrast of the output. Note : “ Bes t for content” is the factory defaul t setting.
Use To Res our c e S av e On Off Specify how the p rinter handles temporary downloads , such as fo n ts and m acros stored in the RA M, when the printer recei ves a job that r equires more m emory th an is available. Note s : • Off is t he factor y default setting.
Use To Separa tor Sheets Off Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Specify whether or not bl a nk se p arator sheets are inserted. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g. • Between Copi es inserts a blan k sheet between each copy of a print j ob if Col late is s et to “(1, 2,3) (1,2 ,3).
Quality m enu Use To Prin t Resolu tio n 300 d pi 600 d pi 1200 d pi 1200 I mage Q 2400 I mage Q Specify the pri nted output resolution in dots per inc h.
XPS men u Use To Print E rror Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on er rors, incl uding XML markup errors. Note : Off is the f actory defaul t setting. PDF me nu Use To Sc a le to Fi t Yes No Scale page content to fit the selected paper size.
Use To PCL E m ul atio n Se ttin g s Pitch 0. 08– 10 0.0 0 Specify the f ont pi tch for scal able monospaced fonts. Note s: • 10 is the f a ctory def au lt setting. • Pitch refers to the num ber of fi xed ‑ space characters per inch (cpi). This can be incr eased or decreased in 0.
Use To Tray Ren umber Assign M P Feeder Off None 0– 199 As sign Tr ay [x ] Off None 0– 199 Assign Manual Paper Off None 0– 199 Assign Manual Envelope Off None 0– 199 Configure the pr inter to wo rk with printer sof tware or pr ograms that use different s ource assignm ents for trays and feeders.
HT ML men u Use To Font Name Al ber tu s MT Anti que Olive Appl e Chancery Aria l MT Ava nt Ga rde Bodoni Bookman Chic a go Clarendon Cooper Black Copperplate Cor one t Cou ri er Euros tile Gara mon d.
Use To Mar g in S iz e 8– 255 mm Set the pa ge margin for HTML documents. Note s: • 19 mm is the f actory defaul t setting. • Margin size can be increased in 1 ‑ mm in cr em ent s. Ba ckg rounds Do No t Print Print Specify whether to pr int backgrounds on HTML do cuments.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n E ‑ mail Gu id e P rov id e s inf or mat i on a bo ut s en d ing e ‑ mails using a ddresses, shortcut nu mbers, or the address bo ok, and ab out chang ing setting s Fax.
Saving money and th e environment Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ental sus ta inabili ty and is conti nually impr oving its pr inters to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ m ent. We design wi th the environment in mind, engineer our p a ckaging to reduce materials, and pr o vide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Savin g energy Usin g Eco ‑ Mod e 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield. Note s: • View the printer IP addres s in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Port s menu. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers s ep arate d by period s, su ch a s 12 3.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. No te s: • Print jobs process at a redu ced s peed. • Printer engi ne motors do not start un til a doc ument is rea dy to prin t. The re is a short delay b efore th e first pag e is printed. • The alar m control an d cart ridge alarm s ounds are turned off.
Usin g Hibernate m ode Hibernate i s an ultra ‑ lo w ‑ power oper ating mod e. When o perating in Hiber nate mo de, all othe r syst ems and de vices are power ed do wn safely. Notes: • Make sure t o wake t he pr inter f rom Hiber nate mode before se nding a pri nt job.
Note s: • View the printer IP addres s in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Port s menu. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers s ep arate d by period s, su ch a s 12 3.1 23. 123. 123. • If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly.
Recycling Lexmark pac ka ging Lexmark co ntinually striv es to minim ize p ackagi ng. Les s packag ing hel ps to e nsure tha t Lexm ark pr inters are t ranspor ted in the most efficient and environmentally sensitive manner and that there is less packaging to dispose of.
Securing the printer Sta temen t of V ola tili ty Your pr inter conta ins var ious types of memor y that can store de vice a nd netwo rk setting s, a nd user dat a. Type of memory Desc ri ptio n Volatile memory Your printer us es standard ra nd om acc ess m e mory (RAM) t o temporarily buffer user data dur ing simp le print jobs .
The print er wil l perform a pow er ‑ on res et, and t hen re turn to no rma l oper ating mode. Fin ding p ri nter s ecu rity info rmat ion In high -security e n viro n ments, i t may b e necessar y to take a dditional steps to make sure that co n fiden tial data s tored in the pr inter c anno t be ac cessed by una ut horized p erson s.
Maintaining the printer Cleaning the printer parts Clea ning t he printer Note: You may nee d to perfo rm this task af ter every f ew months. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Damage t o the pr inter c ause d by improper handl ing is no t cover ed by the pr inter war ranty.
Cleaning the scann er glass Clean t he scanne r g lass if you enco unter pr int quali ty probl ems, s uch as strea ks on c opied or sc anned i mages. 1 Sl ightly dampe n a sof t, lint -free c loth o r pape r towel wit h wate r. 2 Open the scanner cover.
Check ing the sta tus o f part s and supp lies A message appears on the display when a replacement supply item is needed or when maintenance is required.
Orderi ng supp lies To order part s and suppl ies in the U.S., contact Lexm ark at 1-80 0-539 -6 275 for info rmatio n about Lexmar k authoriz ed supp lies d ealers i n your area. I n other c oun tries o r regio ns, v isit the Lexmar k Web si te at www.
Item R egular cartridge Worldwi d e High Yie ld Toner Cartri dge 600HA Orderin g a maintena nce kit Notes: • Using ce rtain ty pes of paper m ay requi re more f requent re placement of th e main tenance k it.
Stor ing su pplie s Choose a c ool, cle an stora ge area f or the pri nter suppl ie s. Stor e supplies r ight si de up in their orig in al packing u nti l you are ready to us e them.
2 Pull the toner cartri d ge out using the handle. 3 Unpac k the t oner car tridge , and then remo ve all pac king m aterials. 4 Shake the ne w cart ridge t o red istribu te th e tone r. 5 Insert the toner cartridge into the pr in ter by aligning the side rails of the cartridge with the arrows on the side rails inside the pr inter.
Repla cing t he im aging uni t 1 Press the bu tton on the righ t side of the prin ter, and then o p en the f r ont d oor. 2 Pull the toner cartri d ge out using the handle. 3 Lift the green handle, and then p ul l the imaging unit out of the p rinter.
4 Unpac k the new imaging unit , an d then sha ke it. 5 Remove all pac king m aterials fro m the imagi ng unit. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not expose the imaging un it to direc t light for mo re than 1 0 min utes. Exte nded exposure to light may c aus e prin t quality pr oblems .
7 Insert the toner cartridge into the pr in ter by aligning the side rails of the cartridge with the arrows on the side rails inside the pr inter. 8 Close the f ron t door .
• Use t he handh olds locate d on bot h sides of the pr inter to l ift it . • Make su re your finger s are not under the pri nter w hen you s et it do wn.
Managing the printer Fin di ng a dv anc e d ne t wor ki ng a nd adm i ni stra t or i nfo rm at ion This c hapter c over s basic a dmini strat ive sup port t ask s using the Emb edded Web Serv er.
Note s: • View the printer IP addres s in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Port s menu. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers s ep arate d by period s, su ch a s 12 3.1 23. 123. 123. • If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly.
Restor ing f actory d efau lt sett ings If you want t o keep a list of the curr ent me nu setting s for re fere nce, t hen pri nt a menu se ttings page befo re rest oring the fa ctor y defau lt set tings. Fo r mo re inf ormat ion, s ee “Print ing a menu set tings p age” on page 29.
Cle aring jam s Jam error messages appear on th e p rinter display and include the area o f the printer wher e the jam occurred. W hen there is more than one jam, the n u mber of jammed pages is displayed. Avoi ding jams Loa d pape r prop erly • Make su re paper lies f lat in the tra y.
• Make sure the guides in the tr ay or the multipurpose feeder are properly positioned and are not pr ess ing tightly again st the paper or envelo pes. • Pu sh th e tr ay fi rml y i n to t he pr in te r a f te r lo ad in g pa pe r. Us e re c o mme nd ed pap er • Use only r eco mmended paper or speci alty media .
Jam access area Printer c ontrol panel message What to do 1 Automatic d ocument feeder (A DF) [x] ‑ page j am, op en aut oma tic feeder top cover. [28y. x x] Remove all pap er from the A DF tray, and then remove the jammed paper . 2 Standard bin [x] ‑ page j am, clear standard bin.
[x] ‑ pa ge jam, open fro nt door. [20y.xx] CAUTION—HOT SURF ACE: T he insi de of the printe r mig ht be hot . To r educe th e risk o f injury from a ho t component, allow the surface to cool before touching it. 1 Press the bu tton on the righ t side of the prin ter, and then o p en the f r ont d oor.
3 Lift the green handle, and then p ul l the imaging unit out of the p rinter. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not touch t he shi ny blue ph otoconduc tor drum under the ima ging un it. Doin g so may a ffe ct the qual ity of f uture pr int jobs. 4 Place t he imaging u nit aside on a f lat, smoo th sur face.
6 Firmly g rasp t he jamm ed paper on eac h sid e, and then g ently pu ll it out. No te: Make sure all pap er f ragment s a re rem oved. 7 Insert t he imagi ng unit by alignin g the arro ws on the side r ails of the un it with the ar rows on the side r ails inside the printer , and then insert the i maging un i t into the p rinter.
9 Close the f ron t door . 10 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > . [x] ‑ page jam, open rear door.
4 Close the rear door , and then the fro nt door. 5 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > .
[x] ‑ pa ge jam, remove t ray 1 t o clear dupl e x. [23y.x x] CAUTION—HOT SURF ACE: T he insi de of the printe r mig ht be hot . To r educe th e risk o f injury from a ho t component, allow the surface to cool before touching it. 1 Pull the tray completely ou t of the printer.
4 Insert the tr ay. 5 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > . [x] ‑ pa ge jam, open tra y [x].
3 Insert the tr ay. 4 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > . [x] ‑ page jam, c lear manual feeder.
3 Reload paper into the m ultipurpose f eeder. No te: Make sure t he paper guide light ly re sts agains t the edge o f the paper . 4 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > .
5 Straighten the edges of the original documents, then load the original documents into the ADF, and then adjust the pap er guide. 6 From th e pri nter c ontro l pa nel, touch to cle ar th e messa ge and contin ue print ing. F or n on ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pr i nter models, s elect Nex t > > Cle ar th e jam , p res s O K > .
Troubleshooting Unde rstand ing pr inter mess ages Cartridge, imaging unit mismatch [41.xy] 1 Check if the tone r c artridge and ima gin g unit are bo t h MICR (Mag netic Imaging Conte nt Reco rding) or non-MICR supplies . No te: For a lis t of suppor ted supplie s, see the “Ord ering su pplies” sec tion o f the Us er's Guide or visit www.
Change [pa per source] to [cus tom type nam e] load [orie ntation] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng • Load the c orrec t paper s ize an d type in t he tray, ver ify the pa per si ze and type settings are spe cified i n the Pape r men u on the pr inter c on trol pane l, a nd then selec t Finished c hangi ng paper .
Compl ex pa ge, some data ma y not ha ve pri nted [3 9] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • From t he printe r contro l panel, selec t Conti nue to ignor e the messag e and conti nue pr inting. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ s creen print er m odels, p ress to con firm.
Fax St ation N ame not se t up. C ontact s yste m admini st rator. Try either of the following: • From t he printer control pa nel, select Con tin ue to clea r the message. For non ‑ tou c h ‑ screen printer models, press to co nf ir m . • Compl ete the A nalog F ax Set up.
• Make su re t he paper size and t ype ar e spec ified in t he Paper menu on t he prin ter cont rol pane l. • Make sure that the pap er size is correctly set. For example, if MP Feed er Size is set to Universal, then make sure the pa per is larg e enough for the data being pr inted.
Load ma nual f eeder with [cus tom string] [p aper orient ation] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the feeder with th e correct size and type of paper. • Depen ding on your p rinter m odel, tou ch Co nti nue or pres s to clear the messa ge an d continue pr inting .
Load [pa per source] with [custom string] [pap er orientat ion] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the tray or feeder with the correct size and typ e of paper. • To use the t ray that has the c orrect size or type of paper , s elect F inished l oading pap er on the printer control pan el.
• Canc el the current job. Mainte nance ki t low [8 0.xy] You may n eed to orde r a maint enance kit. Fo r more inform ation, c ontact cust omer suppo rt at htt p://sup port.lexm or your serv i ce re presen tative . If nece ssary , sel ect Continue t o clear the message and continue p rinting .
Network [x] software error [54] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • From t he printer control pa nel, select Con tin ue to con tinue pri nti ng. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ sc r een pri nt er mo dels, pre ss to co nf ir m . • Turn o ff th e prin ter, wai t for about 10 sec onds , and then turn the print er ba ck on.
Printer had to resta rt. Last job ma y be i ncompl ete. From t he pr inter c ontro l pane l, touch t o clear t he mes sage and con tinue pri nti ng. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ sc reen pr inter mode ls, press to co nf ir m . For mor e inform ati on, v is it http:/ /suppo rt.
Replac e cartridge, 0 estima ted page s remai n [88. xy] Replac e the toner ca rtridge t o clear the messag e and conti nue printing . For more info rmatio n, see the inst ructi on sheet that c ame with the supply or s ee the “Replac ing su pplies” section o f the Us er’s Gu ide .
Replac e jammed orig inal s if restartin g job. From t he pr inter c ontro l pan el, t ry one o r mo re of th e fol low ing: • Sel ect Ca n cel j ob to c lear the message and ca ncel th e scan jo b. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ sc reen pr inter m odels, p ress to con firm.
Scanner dis abled. Conta ct sys tem adm inistrator i f pro blem p ersists. [840 .02] From t he pr inter c ontro l pan el, t ry one o r mo re of th e fol low ing: • Sel ect Contin ue with scanne r disabled to return t o the home scree n, and then con tact your syste m support person .
Standa rd USB p ort disabled [56] From th e printer co ntrol panel, selec t Cont inue to clear the message. For n on ‑ tou c h ‑ scre en pri nter m odels , pr ess to con firm. Notes: • The printe r disca rds any data r eceived thr ough the U SB por t.
Weblink server not set up. Contact s ystem admi nistra tor. Select Co nti nue to clear the message. For non ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, press to confirm.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 5 Check if the cables connecting the pr inter and the c omputer are inserted in the correct ports. Are the cables i nserted in the correct ports? Go to s tep 6.
Printer display is blank Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Press the Sleep button o n the printer control panel. Do es Ready appear on the printer d isplay? The problem is solved. G o to step 2. St ep 2 Turn off t he printer, then wai t for about 1 0 seconds, and then turn th e printer back on .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 a Chec k if the int ernal op tion is s elected . It may be nec essary to manually add the internal opti on in the printer drive r to mak e it avai lable fo r print j obs. For mo re inf ormatio n, se e “Updating available options in the printer driver” on pag e 23.
Paper feed proble ms Ja mme d pa ge s a re n ot rep rin te d Actio n Ye s No a Turn on jam reco very. 1 From t he printer control panel, navi gate to: Settings > Ge neral S ettin gs > Print Re cove ry > Jam Recovery 2 Sel ec t On or Au t o . 3 Depending on your printer model , pr es s or touch Submit .
Pape r jam messag e remains afte r jam is cleared Actio n Ye s No a Do either of the fo ll owing: • For t ouc h ‑ scr een printer models, touc h or Done . • For n on ‑ touch ‑ s creen printer models, select Nex t > > Clea r th e ja m, pr es s OK > .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 a From the Paper menu on the pr inter co n trol panel, set the paper size and type to m atch the paper loaded i n the tra y. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Did the job print from the correct tray or on the c orrect paper? The problem is solved.
Multiple ‑ l angua ge P DF f il es do not pri nt Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Check i f the print optio ns for the PDF o utput are set to embed all fonts. For more i nformation, see the documentation th at came with Ado be Ac rob at . b Generate a new PDF file, and then re send the pr int job.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 a Check if the ports (USB, serial, or E thernet) are working and i f the cables are securely c onn ected to the computer and the printer . Note : For more infor mation, s ee the setup docum entation that came wi th the printer.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 a Remove hel d jobs stored in the printer memory. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Did the job print? The problem is solved. Go to step 4.
Tray linki n g do es not wor k Notes: • The trays ca n dete ct pape r length. • The mult ipurpose fee der does not auto matic ally detec t the pape r size. Y ou m ust set t he siz e from the Paper Size/T ype me n u. Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Open the trays, and then check if they contain paper of the same size and type.
Print qua lity problems Ch ar act er s ha ve j ag ge d or un eve n e dg es Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Prin t a font sample list to check if the fonts you are using are suppor ted by the p rinter. 1 From t he printer control panel, navi gate to: Menu s > Re po rts > Prin t Font s 2 Sel ec t PCL F ont s or PostS cri pt Fon ts .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 From the pri nter control panel, set the paper s ize and type i n the Paper menu to m atch the paper loaded in the tray. Do the paper size and type match the paper loaded in the tr ay? Go to s tep 3. Do one or more of the f ollowin g: • Specify the paper size from the tray setti ngs to mat ch the paper loaded in the tray.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 a Replace the fuser . For more in forma tion on insta lling th e fuser, see the instruction sheet that came wi th the par t. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. D o com pressed imag es still app ear? The pr ob le m is s olve d. Co nta ct customer su pp o rt .
Hor izo nta l vo ids appe ar on pr int s Leading edge Trailing edge Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Make sure your software prog ram is using a correct f ill pa ttern. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Do horizontal voi ds appear on pr ints? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved.
Incorrect margins on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Move the width and leng th guides in the tray to the correct positions for t he paper size l oaded. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Are the margins co rrect? The problem is solved. Go to step 2.
Paper curl Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct pos itions for the size of the paper loaded. Are the width and leng th guides position ed correctly? Go to s tep 2. Adjus t the width and len gt h g ui d es.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Move the width and leng th guides in the tray to the correct positions for t he size of the paper loaded in t he tray. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. D o pri nt irregu larit ies s till appe ar? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved.
Print is too dark Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a From the Quali ty menu on the printer contr ol panel, reduce the toner darkness. Note : 8 is the factory defaul t setting. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Is t he print still to o dark? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 5 a Load paper from a fresh p ackage. Note : Paper absorbs moi sture due to high hum idity. Store paper in its or iginal wrapper until you us e it. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Is t he print still to o dark? Go to step 6. The problem is s olved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 Make s ure tha t the paper has no texture or rough fin ishes. Are you p rinting on t extured or rough paper ? From the printer control panel, c hange the texture settings i n the Paper Texture menu to m atch the paper you are p rinting on.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Chec k if there is pac king ma teri al left on the ima ging u nit. 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. 2 Chec k if the pa cking mate rial is properl y remo ved from the imagin g unit. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Reins tall the i maging u nit . 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes . E xtended exposure to lig ht m ay cause print quality problems.
Shadow imag es appear on prin ts ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Load paper with the correct paper type and wei ght in the tray. Is paper with th e correct paper typ e and weight loaded in the tr ay? Go to s tep 2.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Move the width and leng th guides in the tray to the correct positions for t he size of th e paper loaded. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Is t he print still ske wed? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved. St ep 2 a Check i f you are printing on a pap er th at is supported b y the tr ay.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 a Reins tall the i maging u nit . 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes . E xtended exposure to lig ht m ay cause print quality problems.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 a Load paper from a fresh p ackage. Note : Paper absorbs moi sture due to high hum idity. Store paper in its or iginal wrapper until you us e it. b Re se nd th e pr in t jo b. Do s tre aked vertical l i nes appear on pr ints ? Go to step 4.
Toner ru b s off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, check the p aper type and weight. Do the paper type and texture match the pa per loaded in the tray? Go to step 2. Specify the paper type and weight fro m the tray settings to matc h the paper l oaded in the tray.
Unev en p rint d ensit y Actio n Ye s No Replace the imag ing unit, and then resend the pri nt job. Is the print dens ity uneven? Conta ct custo mer su pp o rt . The pr ob le m is s olve d. Vertic al voids appe ar on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Make sure your software prog ram is using a correct f ill pa ttern.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 a Redistribute the toner i n the imaging unit. 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. 2 Firmly shake the imaging unit. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes .
Scanner uni t doe s no t close Actio n Ye s No Check if there ar e no obstruc tions between the s canner uni t and the printer. a Lift the scanner uni t. b Remove any obstructi on that keeps the scanner un it open. c Lower the scanner unit. Did the scanner unit close proper ly? The pr ob le m is s olve d.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 6 Check the copy settings. From the Copy screen, check if the Content Type and Content Source setti ngs are correct for the docum ent being scanned. Are the Content T ype and Content Source s ettings correct for the document being s canned? Go to step 7.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 Check if the paper s iz e setting matches the s ize of the paper loaded in the tray. From the Paper m enu on the printer contr ol panel, c heck the Paper Size s etting. Does the paper si ze setting match the size of the paper loaded in th e tr ay.
Actio n Ye s No a From the prin ter control panel, navigate to: > Setti ngs > > G ene ral S et ting s > > Ru n initi al setup > > b Turn of f the printer, and then turn i t back on. The “Select your languag e” screen appears on the pri nter display.
Cannot s end o r receive a fax Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Check if an error or status message app ears on the display. Is there an error or s tatus message on the di splay? Clear the error or status mess ag e. Go to s te p 2. St ep 2 Check if the p ower cord is pl ugged i nto the printer and a pr operly grounded electrical outlet.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 6 Check i f the pr inter is connected to an analog phone ser vic e or the correct digital connector. The fax m odem is an analog device. Certain devices can be connected to the printer so that digital telephone s ervices can b e used.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 0 a Tem poraril y dis able voice m ail service . Fo r more info rmati on, c ontac t your telephone company. Note : If you want to us e both voice mail and the pri nter, then consider adding a se cond teleph one li ne for the printer.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 Replace the toner cartridge. For more information, s e e the instruction sheet that came with the suppl y. Can you re ceive faxes? The pr ob le m is s olve d. Co nta ct customer su pp o rt . Can rece ive but not se nd faxe s Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Ch eck if the p rin ter is in Fax mo de.
Receiv ed fax ha s poor prin t qua lity Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Ask the person who sent yo u the fax to: a Chec k if the q u al ity of the o rigin al doc ument is satis fact ory. b Increase the fax s can resolution, if possible. c Resend the fax. There may have been a p roblem with the q uality of the telephone line c onnection.
• “Scanning takes too lon g or free zes the computer” on page 2 35 • “Poor s canne d imag e quality” on page 2 36 • “Pa rtial docu ment or phot o scan s” on page 237 The scanner d oes not re spo nd Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Ch eck if the p rin ter is tur ned on.
Scan job wa s not su ccessfu l Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Check the cable co nn ections. Make sure th e Ethern et or USB cab le is securely co nnected to the computer and the pr inter. Are the cables s ecurely connect ed? Go to step 2. Connect the cables properly.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 Se lec t a l owe r sc an res o luti o n. Does scanning still ta ke too long or fr eeze the c omputer ? Conta ct custo mer su pp o rt . The pr ob le m is s olve d. Poor scann ed im age qual ity Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Check if an error message appears on the display.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 7 Inc re ase the sca n reso lu tio n se tti ng s for a hi gher ‑ q uality output. Did the increas ed r esol ution produce a h igher ‑ quality output? Pro blem so lved. Co ntact customer su pp o rt . Partial docume nt or p hoto scans Actio n Ye s No Check the placem ent of th e document or photo.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 Ch eck if the ne twork is wo rking. a Prin t a networ k setup page. b Check the first section of the network setup page and confirm tha t t he status is Connected. Note : If the s tatus is Not Connected, then the connection may be intermittent, or the network cable may be defective.
Li ve c h at You can chat directly with a s ervice representative. They can work with you to solve your printer problem or provide assistanc e through A ssisted Service where the service representativ.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lex mar k MX31 0dn Machi ne type: 7015 Mode l(s): 270 Edition noti ce Ju ne 2012 Th e f ol lo w ing p ar ag ra p h d o es n ot ap pl y t o an y coun t ry w h ere such provision s are inconsis tent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
Licensing noti ces All licens ing noti ces assoc iated wit h this produ ct can be view ed from t he root direc tory of the install ation sof tware C D. Tr adem ar ks Lexmark , Lexm ark wit h diamond de sig n, and MarkVisio n are trademar ks of Lexmark I nternationa l, Inc.
Noise emission levels The fol low ing measur ement s were made in acc ordance with I SO 7 779 and re port ed i n confo rmance w ith ISO 92 96. Note: Some m odes may not appl y to your prod uct. 1-meter a verage s ound pressu re, dBA Pri n tin g 5 2 d BA Scanning 45 dBA Copying 54 dBA Rea d y N /A Values are subject to change.
Static s ensitiv ity noti ce This sym bol id entifies stat ic-sensi tive parts. Do no t touch i n the areas near t hese symbo ls without first touching the metal fr am e of the printer.
DA NGER - Inv isi ble la ser radi ation when ca rtrid ges are r emoved an d int erlo ck de fea ted. A voi d expos ure to laser bea m. PER IGO - Radi açã o a laser inv isível se rá l iberada se os cartuc ho s for em rem ovi dos e o la cre romp ido.
Sl eep Mo de This pr oduct is de sig ned with an e nergy-saving m ode called Sleep Mod e . The Sleep Mod e sa ves energy b y lo wering power c onsu mption dur ing ext ended peri ods of inactivi ty. The S leep Mo de is automat ically e ngage d after this pr oduct is not used for a spec ified period of time , called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
European Com munity (EC) directiv es co nformity This p roduct is i n c onformi ty with the pr otecti on r equirem ent s of E C Co uncil d irec tives 2 00 4/108/E C, 200 6/95/E C and 2009 /12 5/EC on .
This equi pme nt cont ains no u se r servic eable par ts. F or rep a ir and w arranty informa tion, contac t Lexm ark Internat iona l, Inc. See the pr evious para graph f or con tact inf orm ation. Connecti on to party line s ervic e is subject to state t ariffs.
la prise de cou rant à la quelle l’équ ipement est c onnecté. U til isez un para surte nseur r épond ant à des c ar actérist iques nominale s sat is faisant es et cer tifié par le la boratoi .
Uso d el prod otto in Svizzer a Questo pr odotto r ichiede un filtro toni Bill ing sviz zero, (codic e L exma rk 80D 1877) da i nstal l are su tu tte le l i nee che ricevon o impulsi r emot i in Svizz era. È nec essario ut il izzare il filtro poiché g li impulsi r emoti so no pr esenti su tutte le linee analog iche in S vizzera.
Notice to user s in Br azil Este equipam ento oper a em cara ter secundar io, is to e, nao t em d ireito a p rote cao cont ra interf erencia pr ejud icial, mes mo de estac oes do me smo t ipo, e nao pode causar interf erenci a a sist emas o perando e m car ater pr imario.
Taiwan NCC RF notice statement Notice to u sers i n th e European Un ion This pr oduct is in conformit y wi th the pro tect ion requir ements o f EC C ouncil d irec tives 20 04 /108 /EC, 20 06/95/E C,.
AT BE B G CH CY CZ D E DK E E EL ES FI FR H R H U IE IS IT LI LT LU LV M T N L NO PL PT RO SE SI SK TR U K Č esky Spole č nost L exmark International, Inc. tímto proh lašuje, že výro bek tent o výrobek je ve shod ě se zákl adní mi požadavky a da lšími p ř ís lu šn ým i u s tan ov en í mi s m ě rni ce 1 999/5/E S.
Polski Niniejszym Le xmark International, Inc. o ś w iadcza, ż e niniejszy produkt j est zgodny z zasadniczymi wy mog ami or az po zost a ł ymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
To obtain war ranty ser vice you may be req uired to pres ent proof of original pur cha se. You may be required to deli ver your pr oduct to the R ema rketer or Le xmark, or shi p it pr epaid and suit ably packaged to a Lexma rk des ignat ed lo cation.
Limitatio n of lia bility Your s ole rem edy under this lim ited wa rran ty is set fo rth in this document . For any c laim conc erni ng perf orm ance or nonperformance of Lexmark or a Remarketer for this product under this limited warranty, you may recover actual damag es up to t he li mit set fo rth in t he follow ing par agraph .
Index Nume ri cs 250 ‑ sheet tray instal ling 19 550 ‑ sheet tray instal ling 19 Symbols [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [25y . xx] 1 78 [x] ‑ page jam , cle ar standa rd b in. [20y . xx] 1 75 [x] ‑ page jam, open automatic feeder top cover.
usi ng t h e Embedded Web Ser ver 28 usi n g wi r el ess s etup wi z ard 27 cons ervation setti ngs bri ghtness, adj usting 149 conser ving suppl ies 1 46 Ec o ‑ Mode 1 47 Hibernat e m ode 149 Quie .
Schedul e Po wer M odes 150 Sleep mode 148 erasing non ‑ volatile memory 152 erasing volat ile memor y 152 Erro r re ad ing USB driv e. Re m ove US B.
imagi ng u nit ordering 158 repl aci ng 16 1 Imagi ng unit low [8 4.xy] 184 Im ag in g un i t n ea rly lo w [ 84 .x y] 1 84 Imagi ng unit very low, [ x] estimated pa ges rema in [84.
N Network [x] menu 108 Net work [x ] softw are e rro r [54] 18 9 Network Car d menu 1 09 Netw ork Reports me nu 109 netw ork settin gs Embedde d We b Serv er 165 netw o rk se tup page pri nting 29 Net work i ng G uide where to find 1 65 No analo g phone l ine connec ted to mode m, fax is dis abled.
print troubles hooting inco rrect charact ers prin t 200 incorrec t margins on pr ints 2 10 jamme d pages are no t repr inted 1 99 job pr ints from w rong tray 200 job pr ints on w rong paper 200 jobs.
Prin ter had to restart. Las t job may be incomplet e. 190 Reinstal l miss ing or unre sponsiv e cart rid ge [ 31 .xy] 190 Reinstal l miss ing or unre sponsiv e imagi ng unit [31.xy] 19 0 Remove p ape r from standar d output b in 19 0 Replace all origina ls if rest arting jo b.
scanner unit do es not close 225, 2 35 scannin g tak es too lo ng or f reez es the compu ter 235 scanner Automatic document feeder (ADF) 12 fu nctio ns 1 1 scanner glass 12 Scanner automatic feeder cover open 19 2 Scanner disab led by ad min [84 0.0 1] 192 Scanner disab led.
to ner c a rtri dge s ordering 157 recy cling 1 51 toner darknes s adjusting 51 Too ma ny flas h opti ons ins ta lled [58] 19 4 Too many trays attached [58 ] 194 transparenc ies copy ing on 5 7 loadin.
volatility statement o f 152 W Wi reless m enu 11 2 wir eless n etwo rk conf iguration informa tion 2 6 wirele ss ne twork se tup usi ng t h e Embedded Web Ser ver 28 wire less setup w izar d usi ng 2.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark MX310 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark MX310 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark MX310 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark MX310 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark MX310 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark MX310 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark MX310 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark MX310 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.