Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product X790 van de fabrikant Lexmark
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X790 Series User's Guide November 2012 Machine type(s): 7562, 4917 Model(s): 432, 436, dn1, dn2, gd1, gd2, dt1, dt2, g t1, gt 2, df1, df2, gf1, gf2, d01, d02, g01, g 02, t01, t02,.
Conten ts Safe ty inform ation ....... ........ ..... ......... ........ ........ ..... ........ ......... ....... ......... ....7 Learn ing ab out t he prin ter..... ........ ........... ............ ........... ........ ........... .........9 Findi ng info rmatio n about t he pri nter.
Minimi zing your prin ter's envir onme ntal impac t..... ......... ...... ......... ......... ..62 Savin g paper a nd toner. ......... ...... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... ...... ......... .......... ..... .......... ...... ....
E-mailing a document. ..... ........ ...... ....... ..... ........ ....... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ ...... ....... ..... ...... .... ...... ...... .....1 10 Custom izing e -mail setting s.... .... ...... ....... .... ....... ...... .... ..
Erasi ng non ‑ vo latile memory. .......... ....... .......... ......... ....... .......... ........... ...... .......... .......... ........... ...... .... 23 1 Erasin g printe r hard d isk memory ...... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ..
431–438 paper jams.. ........ ....... ........ ....... .......... ....... ......... ...... ......... ......... ...... ......... ........ .... ....... ....... ...2 58 455 stapl e jam.... ........ ..... ........ ...... ........ ........ ..... ........
Safety information Connect t he power cord t o a proper ly gro unded e lectr ical out let th at is n ear the product and ea sily acce ssible . Do not p lace or use this product near water o r wet l ocati ons. CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th is pro duct uses a laser.
Refer serv ice or repair s, othe r than thos e des cribed in the u ser do cument ation , to a profes siona l se rvice p erson. CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: To avoid the risk of electric shock when cl eaning the exterior of the printer, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet and disconnect all cables from the printer before proceeding.
Learni ng about th e print er Finding informa tion about th e printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in struct ions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the print er software Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the pr inter and is also a vailab le on the Lexmark W eb site at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentatio n • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark Support We b site— http://support.
1 2 3 4 5 1 458 mm ( 18 in.) 2 100 mm ( 3.9 in. ) 3 380 mm ( 14.9 i n.) 4 432 mm ( 17 in.) 5 150 mm ( 5.9 in. ) Printer configurations CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oo r ‑ mount ed confi guratio ns re quire addition al fur niture f or st abilit y.
You can co nfigur e your bas ic prin ter by a dding optio nal tra ys. 1 2 5 6 7 3 4 8 10 9 9 11 12 1 Automatic Doc ument Feeder (ADF) 2 ADF input tray 3 Printer control panel 4 Standard exit bin 5 Fro.
Understanding th e ADF and sc anner glass Automatic Do cument F eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for multiple pages, incl uding duplex pages. Use the scanner gl ass for single pages or book pages.
Understanding th e printer co ntrol pa nel 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 Item Descriptio n 1 Display Lets you view scanning, copy ing, faxing, and pr inting options as well as status and error messages 2 Indicator li ght • Off —The power is off. • Blinking green —The printer is warming up, processing data, or printi ng.
Understandin g the home screen Understanding the hom e screen When th e printer is turn ed on, the d isplay shows a basic screen, refer red to as the home screen . Touch the hom e screen button s an d icons to initia te an ac tion s uch as co pyin g, fa xing, or scann ing ; to ope n the menu sc ree n; or t o respo nd to messages.
Other bu tton s th at may appe ar on t he hom e scree n: Touch To Search held jobs Search on any of the following items: • User name for held or confidential print jobs • Job names for held jobs, .
Samp le touc h screen Submit Touch To Submit Submit chang es made i n the prin ter settings. Sample Copy Print a sample copy. Right a rrow Scroll to the rig ht. Left arro w Scroll to the left. Home Return to the home screen. Right in crease Sel ect a hig her valu e.
Touch To Tips Open a context-sensitive Help dialog o n the touch screen. Other to uch- screen bu ttons Touch To Acce pt Save a s ettin g. Cancel • Cancel an action or a selection. • Exit a screen and lets you return to the previous screen wi thout saving changes.
Feature Description Warn ing If an error condi tion occurs, then this icon appe ars. Underst anding the home screen 19.
Setting up and usin g the home screen applications Notes: • Your home screen , icons, a nd but tons m ay vary depe nding o n your ho me scre en cus tomizat ion set tings, adminis trativ e setup , and a ctiv e embedd ed appl ications . So me appli cations are su pport ed o nly on sele ct print er mod els.
Exporting and impo rting a configura tion using the Embedd ed Web Server You can e xport config uration setti ngs int o a text file that can t hen be im porte d and used to app ly the s etting s to on e or mor e addition al print ers. Exporting a configuration 1 From the Em bedded W eb Se rver, cli ck Settings or Confi gurat ion .
Activating the home screen application s Your p rin ter com es with pre insta lled ho me scr een applica tio ns. To use the se ap plicat ions , acti vate a nd set u p th ese applicat ions using th e Embe dded W eb Serve r.
3 Specify the destinations, and then customize the set tings. 4 Click Apply . To use the a pplicat ion, to uch Scan to Network on the printer home screen, and then follow the inst ructions on the printer disp lay.
3 Select the Enabled check box, and then customize the settings . 4 Click Apply . To use the app lication, from the Embedded Web Server, click Applica tions > Re mote O pera tor Pa nel > Launch VNC Appl et .
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the syst em board or inst alling o ptional h ardware o r memory devic es som etime af ter settin g up t he prin ter, t hen tu rn th e print er off , and unplug the po wer co rd fr om th e wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
Using the security lock feature The printer is equipped with a security lock feature. When a lock compatible with most laptop com puters is attached, the printer is locked. Once locked, the metal plate and the system board cannot be removed. Attach a security lock to the printe r in the location shown .
Accessing the s ystem board CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the syst em board or inst alling o ptional h ardware o r memory devic es som etime af ter settin g up t he prin ter, t hen tu rn th e print er off , and unplug the po wer co rd fr om th e wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
b Shift the metal panel to the left t o dise ngage the h ooks, th en pull for ward to rem ove it. 3 Use the followi ng illust ration to locate the appropria te connecto rs. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : System bo ard electronic componen ts are easily damaged by s tatic elect ricity.
4 Reattach the system board cover. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : System bo ard electronic componen ts are easily damaged by s tatic elect ricity. Touch so methin g met al on t he printe r befo re touc hing a ny syst em board elect ronic c ompone nts or connect ors.
b Align and then t urn each s crew cl ockwise t o tight en. c Close the cover. Installing a memory card CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the syst em board or inst alling o ptional h ard.
3 On the syste m board, open the memory card connector latches. 4 Alig n the no tche s on the me mory card to th e ridg es o n the c onne ctor. 1 2 1 Notch 2 Ridge Additi onal pr inte r setup 31.
5 Push th e memory card straig ht into th e connec tor until it clicks into place. 6 Reattach the system board cover. Installing a flash memory or firmware card The syst em board has two connec tions f or an o ptional flas h memo ry or fir mware c ard.
3 Holding the card by its sid es, al ign the plastic pins on t he card with the holes o n the sys tem boar d. 2 1 1 Plastic pi ns 2 Metal pins 4 Push the ca rd firmly i nto place. Notes: • The entir e length of the conne ctor on t he card must touch a nd be flush a gainst t he sy stem boa rd.
Installing an Inte rnal Solutions Port The sys tem boar d supp orts one opti onal Lex mark I nterna l Soluti ons Port (ISP). Note: This task re quires a flathea d screwdriver.
5 Remove the metal cover from the ISP op ening. 2 1 6 Align the posts of the p lastic tee to the holes on t he system board, and press down until the tee clic ks into p lac e. Be sure each post of th e tee has latched completely, and the tee is seated firmly on th e system board.
7 Install the ISP on the plast ic tee. Angle the ISP over the pl astic tee, and then slant it toward the plastic tee so th at any overhanging con nectors will pass through the ISP o pening in the system b oard cage. 8 Lower the ISP toward the p lastic tee until the ISP is seate d between the guides of th e plastic tee.
9 Insert the long th umbscrew and turn it clockwise, enough to hold the ISP in place, but do not yet tighte n the thumb screw. 10 Atta ch th e two prov ided screws to s ecure t he IS P mount ing brac ket to the system board c age . 11 Tigh ten the lo ng thumb screw.
13 Reattach the system board cover. Installing a printer hard dis k Note: This task re quires a flathea d screwdriver. CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the syst em board or inst alling .
3 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor o n the sys tem boar d. Note: If an op tiona l ISP is cur rentl y inst alled, then t h e print er hard di sk mus t be ins talle d onto the ISP. To inst all a prin ter hard di sk onto t he ISP: a Usin g a f lat head scre wdri ve r, l oos en th e sc rew s.
c Align the standof fs of the pr inter hard disk to the hol es in the ISP, and t hen press down on th e print er har d disk until the standoffs are in place. d Insert the plug of the printer hard disk interface cable into the receptacle of the ISP. Note: The plug s and rece ptacles are co lor ‑ cod ed.
To inst all a prin ter ha rd di sk dire ctly on th e system board: a Align the stando ffs of the printe r hard disk t o the ho les in t he sy stem b oard, and the n pres s down on th e printe r hard dis k unti l the st andoffs are i n place. b Use the two prov ided sc rews t o attach the pr inter har d disk mount ing brac ket.
4 Reattach the system board cover. Additi onal pr inte r setup 42.
Removing a printer h ard disk Note: This task re quires a flathea d screwdriver. CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the syst em board or inst alling o ptional h ardware o r memory devic e.
3 Remove the screws while holding the print er hard disk in place, and then remove the printer hard disk. 1 2 4 Set the pr inter ha rd disk asi de. 5 Reattach the system board cover.
Installing optional trays The pri nter s uppor ts the foll owing optio nal in put s ources: • 550 ‑ sheet tray • 2,000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capacity feeder CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er we ight is great er tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and r equire s tw o or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
1 2 1 Standard 550-sheet tray (Tray 1) 2 Optional 5 50-sheet tra ys 5 Turn the pr inte r back o n. 6 Set the pr inte r software to r ecogni ze the option al inpu t sourc e. For more in formati on, see “Upd ating avai lable opti ons in th e printer driver” on pa ge 49.
1 2 1 USB port Warning—Potential Da mage: Do not touch the USB cable, any network adapter, or the printer in the area shown while actively printi ng.
Printing a networ k setup pag e If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , the n print a net work se tup page to veri fy the n etwor k conne ction . This page also pro vides i mporta nt inf ormati on that a ids net work printing confi guratio n.
Updat ing availab le options in the print er driver When any har dware option s are i nstal led, you m ay need to manu ally add the opt ions in the p rinter driver to make them availabl e for use.
Setting up wireless printing Note: A Servic e Set Ident ifier (SSID) i s a name as signed to a wireless networ k. Wired Equival ent Pri vacy (WEP), Wi- Fi Protec ted Acces s (W PA), WPA2 , and 8 02. 1X - RA DIUS ar e typ es of secur ity used on a net work.
Installi ng the pri nter on a wi reless ne twork (W indows) Before installin g the printer on a wire less network, make sure: • Your wi rel ess networ k is s et up and is wor king prop erl y. • The computer you are using is connected to the same wireless network where you want t o set up t he printer.
In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run . b In the Sta rt Search or Run dial og, type D:setup.exe . c Pres s Enter or click OK . Note: D is the letter of yo ur CD or DVD drive. 4 Click Instal l , and then follow th e instructions on th e computer screen .
1 2 2 Locate the prin ter MAC addre ss. a From the pr inte r control panel , navi gate to : > Report s > > Network Se tup Page > or > Repor ts > Network Se tup Pag e b In the S tandar d Network Card sec tion, look for UAA (MAC) . Note: You will nee d th is inf orm atio n lat er.
Configure the printer for wireless access 1 Type th e networ k name ( SSID) in the a ppropri ate fiel d. 2 Select Infrastruct ure as your Network M ode settin g if you ar e using an access po int (wir eless router ). 3 Select the ty pe of secu rity y ou want to us e to pr otect the wir eless networ k.
2 Click + . 3 If necessary, click Add Pr inter o r Scan ner or Add Ot her Pri nte r or Sc anne r . 4 Click the IP ta b. 5 Type the IP address of the printer in th e address field, and then click Add .
If you are usi ng the Soft war e and D ocumen tati on CD and the inst allati on dia log does not a ppear, then do the following: In Windows 8 From th e Search charm, ty pe run , and then navigate t o: Apps list > Run > type D:setup.exe > OK In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run .
In Mac OS X version 10.5 or late r a From the Apple menu, n avigate to either of the following: – Syst em Pref erenc es > Print & Scan – Syst em Pref erenc es > Print & Fax b Click + . c If necessary, click Add Pr inter o r Scan ner or Add Ot her Pri nte r or Sc anne r .
Changing port settings after in stalling a new network Internal Solutions Port When a new Lexm ark Inte rnal S oluti ons P ort (I SP) is insta lled in t he pri nter, the p rinter conf igurat ions on compu ters that ac cess t he pr inter must b e up dated since t he pr inter wi ll be assi gned a new IP addres s.
6 Type the new IP address in the “Printer Name or IP Address” field. 7 Click OK > Clo se . For Macintosh users 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP address in the address field. Notes: • View the pr inter IP addres s on the print er contro l panel.
2 Ins tall th e pr inte r driv er. a Obta in a cop y of the soft ware in stall er pac kage. • From the Soft ware and Docum entat ion CD that ca me with your printer • From our Web sit e: Go to http://sup port .
c Do either of the following: • Press and hold the COM port where you attached the serial cable to your compu ter (example: COM1). • Right ‑ click the COM port where you attached the seri al cable to your comp uter (exa mple: COM1). d From the menu that a ppears, select Properties .
Minimizing your printe r's environmental impact Lexmark is co mmitted to environ mental s ustainabi lity a nd is cont inually im prov ing its p rinters t o reduce t heir impac t on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer ou r packaging to reduce materials , and provide coll ecti on and recy cling pr ogra ms.
Print in black and white To print all tex t and gra phics us ing o nly the blac k print c artridg e, se t the pri nter to Black On ly. For m ore infor mation, see “Pri nting in black a nd whit e” on page 87 . Saving energy Using Eco ‑ Mode 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress in the a ddress f ield o f your We b browser .
Choose To Off Note: Sel ecting Pho to from the driver may disable Quiet Mode and provide better print quali ty and full speed printing. Use factory default settings. This setting support s the performance specific ations of your print er. On Redu ce prin ter no ise.
Using Hibernate Mode Hibernate is a n ultra ‑ low pow er operating mode. Wh en operatin g in Hibern ate mode, t he printer is essentially o ff, and all othe r syst ems and devic es are po wered down saf ely. Note: The Hibe rnate an d Slee p mode s can b e schedul ed.
Setting the standard e xit bin li ght To save energy , you can dim or turn off the o utput lighting for the standard exit bin. Available set tings are O ff, Dim, and Br ight. The fact ory def ault sett ing for No rmal /Standby Mode i s Bright. When Eco ‑ Mode is set to Energy o r Energy/Paper, then th e light setting is Dim.
Recycling Lexmark packaging Lexmark cont inually s trives to m inimize pac kaging. Less pac kaging helps to ensure th at Lexmark p rinters a re trans ported in the most efficient and environmentally sensitiv e manner and that there is less packaging to dispose of.
Loading paper and specialty media This section expl ains how to load the 550-sheet tray s, the 2,000-sheet tray, a nd the multipurpo se feeder. It also includ es informa tion abo ut pa per or ientatio n, set ting t he Pap er Size and Pape r Type, and linking and u nlinkin g trays.
Loading the standard or optional 550 ‑ sheet tray The prin ter ha s one st andard 5 50 ‑ sheet tray ( Tray 1), an d may hav e one or m ore option al 550 ‑ shee t trays.
2 Squeeze and then slide the width guide to the correct position for the paper size you are loading. 3 Squeeze and then slide the le ngth guide to the corr ect position for the paper size you are loading. Note: The lengt h gui de has a lockin g devi ce.
• Place pre-pu nched paper with the holes toward the fron t of the tray. • Place letterh eads faceup with the header on the left side of th e tray. • Place let terhead s f acedown with the header on the righ t side o f the tray for duple x print ing.
Loading the 2000 ‑ sheet h igh ‑ capacity feeder The high ‑ capacity feeder can hold up to 2,000 sheets of A4 ‑ , letter ‑ , or legal ‑ size paper (80 g/m 2 or 20 lb). CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the ri sk of e quipm ent in stabilit y, load ea ch paper drawer o r tray separately.
4 Load pa per into th e tray wi th the pr int side fa ceup. ABC Note: M ake sure the p aper i s below the maxim um fill li ne locat ed on the edge o f the paper tr ay. Overl oading the tray c an caus e pa per jams. Notes: • Place pre-pu nched paper with the holes toward the fron t of the tray.
Loading the multipurpose feeder The mul tipurpo se f eeder ca n hold seve ral s izes and types o f pri nt med ia, suc h as tr anspare ncies, labels , card s tock, and envelope s. It ca n be used for sing le-page o r manual prin ting, or as an addi tiona l tray.
Paper Enve l ope s Transparencies Note: Avoid scratching or touching the pri nt side. 4 Push the p aper pick tab , and th en load the p aper or spec ialty me dia. Slid e the st ack gently i nto the m ultipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop, and then release the paper pick tab.
• Load e nvel ope s with the fl ap sid e up a nd to the right . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: Nev er use envelopes with s tamps, cl asps, sna ps, wind ows, c oated lini ngs, or self ‑ stick ad hesiv es. Thes e enve lopes ma y seve rely damage the printer .
The printe r auto matical ly sen ses th e Paper Size s etting accord ing t o the posit ion of the pa per g uides i n e ach tra y excep t the st andard 55 0 ‑ sheet tray and the m ultipurpose feeder. The printer can sense A4, A5, JIS B5, Letter, Legal, Executive, and Univ ersal pap er size s.
2 Click Sett ing s > Paper Me nu > Custom Nam e > type a na me > Submit . Note: Thi s cust om name will replace the Cust om Type [ x] name under th e Custo m Types and Pa per Si ze and Type menu s. 3 Click Cust om Ty pes > select a p aper type > Submit .
Paper and specialty media guidelines Paper guidelines Paper characteristics The follo wing paper charact erist ics af fect pr int quali ty and r eliabi lity. Consi der t hese cha racteris tics when ev aluating new paper s tock. Weight The printer can automatica lly feed paper weights from 60 to 176 ‑ g/ m 2 (16 to 47 ‑ lb) bond grai n long.
Fiber content Most h igh ‑ quality xerograph ic paper is ma de from 100% ch emically tre ated pulped wood. This conten t provides th e paper with a high degree of stability resu lting in fewer paper feeding problems and better print quality. Paper containing fibe rs such as cot ton c an nega tivel y affe ct pap er hand ling.
• Grain and form ation (impac ts cu rling, which a lso in fluence s the mechani cs of ho w the p aper be haves as it m oves throug h the pr int er) • Bright ness a nd text ure (lo ok and feel) Recycled papers are better than ever; however, the amou nt of recycled con tent in a paper affects the degre e of control over foreign matter.
Storing paper Use these paper storag e guidelines to help avoid jams and uneven prin t quality: • For best resu lts, store paper where the tem perature is 21°C (70°F) and the relative humidity is 40%.
Paper si ze Dimensi ons Standard 550 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 1) Opt iona l 550 ‑ shee t tray Opt iona l 2,000 ‑ sh eet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplexer Folio 215 .9 x 3 30.2 m m (8.5 x 1 3 in.) X Statement 139.7 x 215. 9 mm (5.5 x 8.5 in. ) X Universa l Note: Turn size sensing off to support universal sizes that are close to standard media sizes.
Supported p aper types and weights The print er support s 60–176 g/m 2 (16–47 lb) pap er weights for one ‑ si ded p rint ing. T wo ‑ sided pr inting i s suppo rted on 64–176 g/m 2 (17 –47 l b) paper w eights . Note: Labels, transparencies, envelopes, and card stock always print at redu ced speed.
• 500-Sheet St aple, Hole Pun ch Finisher • 5 ‑ bin mail box 1 2 1 Standard b in 2 Finisher bi n Standard bin • The paper capacity is 500 sheets. • Fin ishing option s are not s uppor ted in this bin. • Enve lopes are ro uted h ere. Finisher bin • The paper capacity is 500 sheets.
Finishing features Paper si ze Two ‑ ho le punch Three ‑ or f our ‑ hole punch 5 ‑ bin mailbox 500-S heet St aple Finish er A4 A5 X X X Executive Folio X JIS B5 Legal Letter Statement X X Univ.
Printing This chapt er co vers pr inti ng, print er r eports, and job cance lati on. The s electio n and h andlin g of pa per and special ty media c an affec t how re liabl y docum ents print. F or more in form ation, see “Avo iding jams” o n page 249 and “Storin g paper” on page 82.
If you do not know the IP addre ss of the print er, you can: • View the I P address on the pr inter control panel in the TCP/IP sect ion under the Netwo rks/Port s men u. • Print a netw ork se tup p age or the menu s etting s pag es and loca te the I P a ddress i n th e TCP/ IP sectio n.
Notes: • If you insert the flash dr ive when the printer requires attention, such as when a jam has occurred, then th e printer ignor es th e flas h drive. • If you ins ert t he flash d rive while the print er is pr ocessi ng o ther pri nt job s, then Busy appears.
Supported f lash driv es and fi le types Flash drive File type • Lexar Ju mpD rive 2.0 Pro (256 MB, 51 2MB, or 1GB s izes) • SanDisk Cruze r Mini (2 56MB, 51 2MB, or 1 GB sizes) Notes: • Hi ‑ Speed USB flash drives must support the Full ‑ Speed standard.
Tips on us ing transp arencies • Print a test page on th e transparencies being considered for use b efore buying large quantitie s. • Feed transparen cies from the multipurpose feeder only. • From the Paper me nu, set the MP Feeder Typ e to Transparency.
When print ing on label s: • Use label s designed specificall y for la ser printer s. Check wit h the manu facturer o r vendor to verify t hat: – The labels can wi thstand temp eratures up to 190°C (374°F) with out sealing , excessive curl ing, wrinkling, or releasin g hazardous emissions.
Print job type Description Confidential Confidential lets you hold print jo bs in the computer until you enter the PIN from the control panel. Note: The PIN is set from the computer. It must be f our digits, using the numbers 0–9. Verify Verify lets you print one copy of a print job while the prin ter holds the remaining copies.
From the home screen: • For co nfidenti al pr int jobs, navigat e to: Held jo bs > your user n ame > Confiden tial Jobs > your PIN > your pr int job name > num ber of copies > Prin.
In Wind ows 7 or ear lier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run . b In the Sta rt Search or Run dial og, type control printers . c Pres s Enter , or click OK . 2 Doub le ‑ click the pri nter ico n. 3 Select the prin t job you want to cancel .
Copying ADF Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
Copyin g usin g the sc anner gl ass 1 Place an orig inal do cument facedo wn on the scanne r glas s in th e upper left corne r. 2 From the home s cre en, n avig ate to: Copy > change the co py settings > Copy It 3 If you have more pag es to sca n, then plac e the next documen t on the sc anne r glass, and then tou ch Scan the Next Page .
4 Place the letterhead faceup, top edge firs t in the multipurpos e feeder. 5 Select the s ize of the lett erhead. 6 Navigate to: Cont inue > Letterhe ad > Con tinue > Copy I t Customizing copy s ettings Copyin g in bl ack and white 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst i nto the AD F or f acedown on the scanner glass.
4 Touch Ma nual F eeder or sele ct the tray tha t contain s the paper type you want to us e. Note: If you ch oose Manual Feeder, then you will also need to select the paper size and type. 5 Touch Copy It . Copyin g different pap er sizes Use the ADF to copy origin al doc uments with dif ferent p aper sizes .
4 From the Si des ( Duple x) ar ea, t ouch t he b utton for your p refer red d uplex ing m ethod . The first number represents sides of th e original documents; the second number represen ts sides of the copy. For example, select 1 ‑ sid ed to 2 ‑ sided if you ha ve 1-sid ed ori ginal doc uments and yo u want 2 ‑ si ded co pies.
• Photo/Film —Use when the origin al docu ment is a pho to from fil m. • Magazine —Use when the original d ocument is from a magazine. • Newspape r —Use when the original docu ment is from a news paper. • Press —Us e when the o riginal document was print ed usi ng a p rinting press.
• Betwe en P ages • None 5 Touch , and then Copy It . Copyi ng mult iple pages onto a single sheet In order to save pa per, you can co py either two or four con secutive pages o f a multip le ‑ page docum ent o nto a sin gle sheet of pa per. Notes: • The Pap er S ize m ust be s et to Lett er, L egal, A4, or JIS B5 .
4 Load th e next document face up, sho rt edge first into t he ADF o r facedo wn on the sca nner glas s, and then to uch Scan the A utomatic Docume nt Feed er or Scan the flatbed . Note: If requi red, c hange t he job s etting s. 5 If you have an other do cument to sca n, then re peat the previo us step.
Canceli ng a copy jo b while copying pages usi ng th e scanner g lass Touch Cancel Job on the to uch screen. A “Canceling scan jo b” screen appear s. Once the job is canceled, the copy screen appe ars. Cance ling a copy j ob wh ile pag es are being printed 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Cancel Job or press on th e ke ypad.
Scale This option creates an imag e from your copy that is proportio nally scaled an ywhere between 25% and 400%. Scale can also be set for yo u auto mati call y.
• Press —Use w hen the or igin al do cume nt was prin ted us ing a pri ntin g pres s. • Other —Use when the or iginal d ocumen t was printed u sing an a lterna te or unk nown p rinter . Color This opt ion ena bles or disa bles co lor for the sca nned im age.
Save As Shortcut This o ption allow s the cu rren t se ttings to be s aved a s a sho rtcu t by as signi ng a nu mber. Copying 10 7.
E-mailing ADF Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) . You can use the printer to e ‑ mail scanned documents to on e or more recipients.
If you do not know the IP addre ss of the print er, you can: • View the I P address on the pr inter control panel in the TCP/IP sect ion under the Netwo rks/Port s men u. • Print a netw ork se tup p age or the menu s etting s pag es and loca te the I P a ddress i n th e TCP/ IP sectio n.
E-mailing a document Sending an e-mail using th e touch sc reen 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst i nto the AD F or f acedown on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, small it ems, transpa rencies , phot o pap er, or thin media ( such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF.
4 Touch t he na me of th e rec ipie nts. To ent er additi onal r ecipie nts, touc h Next ad dress , and th en ente r the add ress o r shortcu t numbe r you wan t to add, or searc h the addr ess bo ok.
• JPEG —Us e this to cr eate and attach a sepa ra te fil e for ea ch page of your ori ginal docum ent, viewable by most Web bro wsers a nd g rap hics progr ams. • XPS —Use this t o creat e a s ingle XML Paper Spec ification (XPS ) file with multi ple pages, view able using an Inte rnet Explorer-hosted viewer and the .
Resolution Adjust s th e out put qualit y of yo ur e- mail. Increas in g the i m a ge resolution increases the e-mail file size and the time needed t o scan your orig inal docum ent. I mage reso lution c an be de crease d to re duce the e-mail file siz e.
Page Setup This option lets you c hange t he Sides (Duplex) , Orient ation, and Binding . • Sides ( Duplex) — Speci fies i f the or igina l docume nt is s implex ( printed on on e page ) or du plex (p rint ed on b oth sides). This also identifies what needs to be scanned for inclusion in the e-mail.
Faxing Note: Fax capab ilitie s may no t be av ailab le on all printe r mode ls. ADF Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
Choos ing a fax co nnec tion Notes: • The printer is an analog device that works best when directly con nected to the telephone wall outlet. Other device s(such as a tel epho ne or ans wering mach ine) c an be suc cessfull y at tached to pa ss thr ough the print er, as descri bed in the se tup ste ps.
Connec ting to a DSL service If you subscribe to a DSL service, then contact the DSL pr ovider to obtain a D SL filter and t elephone cord, and t hen follow these st eps to con nect the equipment: 1 Connec t one e nd of t he tele phone c able tha t came with the pr inter t o the p rinter LI NE port .
Connec ting to a di stinctive ring servic e A distinct ive ri ng servic e may be avail able from your te lepho ne servic e provider. This ser vice allows you to have multiple telepho ne num bers on o ne tele phone line, wit h each t elephone numbe r havi ng a dif feren t ring pattern.
For so me count ries o r regi ons, a tel ephone line adap ter is include d in th e box. Us e this ada pter t o connec t an ans wering machine, telepho ne, or other t elecom municati ons eq uipment t o the pri nter.
3 In the Set Date & Tim e field, enter t he current d ate and ti me. 4 Click Submi t . Note: It is rec ommen ded to use the n etwor k time. Configu ring the prin ter to ob serve day light savi ng .
Creating a fax destinati on shor tcut usi ng the touch sc reen 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst i nto the AD F or f acedown on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, small it ems, transpa rencies , phot o pap er, or thin media ( such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF.
5 Select the app ropria te pap er si ze and p age or ientatio n. 6 If you want to include a cov er p age wit h th e fax , then selec t Include co ver pag e with fa x , and ente r the appr opri ate info rma tion . 7 Click OK . Notes: • The Fax option is available for use on ly with the PostScript driver or the Un iversal Fax Driver.
Customizing fax settings Changing the fax resolution Settings range from Stand ard (fastes t speed) to U ltra Fine (slowest speed, be st qualit y). 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst i nto the AD F or f acedown on the scanner glass.
4 Touch the arr ows to a djust the ti me th e fax will be tr ansm itted. The time is increased or decreased in increments of 30 mi nutes. If the cur rent time is shown , th e left arrow is unavaila ble. 5 Touch Fax It . Note: The doc ument is scanne d and th en fax ed at th e sc heduled t ime.
Canceli ng a fax after the o riginal docume nts have been scanned to m emory 1 On the home screen, touch Cancel Jo bs . The Cancel Jobs screen appears. 2 Touch t he job or jobs you wa nt to can cel. Only three jo bs appe ar on th e scre en; tou ch th e down a rrow un til the job you want appe ars, and then t ouch the job you want to ca ncel.
Darkness This o ption ad justs how li ght or d a rk your faxes will turn out in re lation to the origin al docu ment. Color This option enables or disabl es color in faxing. Page Setup This opti on lets yo u change the Sides (Dupl ex), Or ientati on, and Bin ding se ttings .
Holding and forwarding faxes Hold ing faxe s This option lets you hold received faxes from printing unti l they are released. Held faxes can be relea sed manually or at a schedu led day o r ti me. 1 Type th e printe r IP address into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser .
4 From the “F orward to ” menu, selec t one of t he followin g: • Fax • E ‑ mai l • FTP • LDSS • eSF 5 In the Forward to Sh ortcut fiel d, ente r the s hortcu t numbe r where yo u want the f ax forwa rded. Note: The shortcut number must be valid for t he setting selected in th e “Forward to” menu.
Scanning to an FTP address ADF Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
3 Press , and then enter t he FTP shortcu t number. 4 Touch Send It . Scan ning to an FTP a ddres s usin g the a ddres s boo k 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst i nto the AD F or f acedown on the scanner glass.
Creati ng an FTP sh ortcut using the touch screen 1 From the home s cre en, n avig ate to: FTP > type the FTP addres s > > enter a name fo r the shortcut > Do ne 2 Verify th at the sho rtc ut nam e and number are correc t, and the n touch OK .
Color This opt ion ena bles or disa bles co lor for the sca nned im age. Resolution This o ption adjust s th e outp ut qua lity of your fil e. Incr easing the image resolu tion increa ses the file size and th e time needed t o scan your orig inal docum ent.
Scan Previ ew This opt ion di splays the fir st page of the o rigina l docume nt befo re it is scan ned co mpletel y. W hen the fir st pa ge is scanned, t he scan ning is p aused a nd a pr eview imag e appe ars.
Scanning to a computer or flash drive ADF Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
c Pres s , and then enter the shortc ut n umber usin g the ke ypa d, or to uch Held Jobs on the ho me s cre en, and then t ouch Profiles . d After ente ring the s hort cut n umbe r, th e sc anner s can s and sends the docum ent to th e di recto ry or prog ram you s peci fied.
Understanding sc an profile op tions Original Size This op tion sets th e siz e of the docum ents yo u are go ing t o scan. Whe n Origin al Siz e is set to Mi xed Siz es, you can sca n an orig inal do cument that c ontai ns mi xed pape r siz es (let ter ‑ and leg al ‑ size pag es).
Page Setup This option lets you c hange t he Sides (Duplex) , Orient ation, and Binding . • Side s (Dup lex) — Use this to specify if the original document is si mplex (printed on one page) or duplex (printe d on both sides ). This a lso identifies what needs t o be scanned for incl usion in the e-mai l.
Understandin g pr inter menus Menus list Supplies Paper Menu Reports Settings Replace Supply Cyan Cartridge Magent a Cartridg e Yellow Cartr idge Black Cart ridge Sepa rat or P ick A ssem bly and Roll.
Supplies menu Menu item Description Replace Supply Separator Pick Assembl y and Roller Provides the option to reset the supply counter fo r the separator pick assembly and rol ler • Selec t Ye s to reset the supply counter.
Menu item Description Waste Toner Bottle Near Full Repl ace Missing OK Shows the status of the waste toner bottle Fuser Early Warning Low Repl ace Missing OK Shows the status of the fuser Transfer Mod.
Paper menu Default Sourc e menu Menu item Description Default Source Tray [x] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Sets a default paper source for all print jobs Note s: • Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. • From the Paper menu, Configure MP feeder must be set to Cassette for MP feede r to appear as a menu setti ng.
Menu item Description Tray [x] Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton P aper Cust om Ty pe [ x] Specifie s the type of pap er loaded in each tray Notes: • Plain Paper is the factory d efault setting for Tra y 1.
Menu item Description MP Feeder Type Cust om Ty pe [ x] Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Col.
Menu item Description Manual Paper Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Glossy Heavy Glossy Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton P aper Cust om Ty pe [ x] Spe cif ies th e typ e of pa per be ing manua lly load ed Note: Plain Pap er is the factory default setting.
Subs titu te Si ze m en u Menu item Description Substitute Si ze All Liste d Off Stat em ent /A5 Letter/A4 Substitutes a specified paper size if th e requested paper si ze is not avail able Note s: • All Listed is the factory default setting. All available size substitutions are allowed.
Menu item Description Vinyl Label s Texture Normal Rough Smoo th Specifies the relative texture of the vinyl la bels loaded Note : N ormal is the factory defau lt setting. Bond Texture Rough Smoo th Normal Specifies the relative texture of the bond paper loaded Note : Rough is the factory default setting.
Paper Weig ht me nu Menu item Description Plain Weight Normal Heavy Light Specifies the relative weig ht of the plain paper loaded Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Card S tock Weight Normal Heavy Light Specifies the relative weig ht of the card stoc k loaded Notes: • Normal is the facto ry default setting.
Menu item Description Rough Envelope Weight Heavy Light Normal Specifies the relative weig ht of the envelop es loaded Note: Heavy is the factory default setting . Letterhead Weight Normal Heavy Light Specifies the relative weig ht of the lette rhead loaded Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Menu item Description Recycled Loadi ng Off Duplex Determin es whether 2 ‑ sided printing occurs for al l print jobs that spe cify Rec ycl ed as th e pap er t ype Note: Off is th e factory defa ult se ttin g.
Menu item Description Custom [x ] L oading Off Duplex Determin es whether 2 ‑ sided printing occurs for al l print jobs that specify Custom [x] as the paper type Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • Custom [x] Loadi ng is ava ilable only if the custom pape r type is supported.
Custom Bi n Names menu Menu Item Description Standard Bin Specifies a custom name for the Standard Bin Bin [x] Specifies a custom name for Bin [ x] Custom Sc an Siz es menu Menu item Description Cust om Scan Size [x] Scan Size Name Widt h 1–8.5 i nche s (2 5–215 .
Menu item Description Por tra it He ight 3–48 i nche s 76–121 9 mm Sets the portrait height Note s: • If the height exceeds the maximum, then the printer uses the maximum hei ght allowed. • 14 inches is the US factory default settin g. 356 mm is the inter nat iona l fac tory def ault s etti ng.
Menu item Des cription Assign Ty pe/Bin Plain Pape r Bin Card St ock Bin Transparency Bin Recy cled Bi n Glossy Bin Heavy Glossy Bin Labels Bin Vinyl Lab el s Bin Bond Bin Envelope Bin Rough Envelope .
Menu item Description Shortcut List Prints a report co ntaining information about conf igured shortcuts Fax Job Log Prints a rep ort contain ing informati on about the l ast 200 comple ted faxe s Note : This menu item is available only when Enable Job Log is set to On in the Fax Setti ngs menu.
Menu item Description PCL SmartS witch On Off Sets the prin ter to auto matically switc h to PCL emul ation when a print job require s it, regardless of the default printer lan guage Note s: • On is the factory default setting. • When Off is used, the printer does not examine inc oming data.
Menu item Description Mac Binar y PS Auto On Off Sets the printer to proc ess Macintosh binary PostScript print jobs Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory defau lt settin g. • Off filters print jobs usi ng the standard proto col. • On processes raw binary PostScrip t print jobs.
Menu item Description View Network Address UAA LAA Lets you vie w th e ne two rk a dd ress es End ‑ of ‑ Job Timeout 0–25 5 Sets the amount of tim e in seconds before a network print job is canceled. Note s: • 90 seconds is the factory default setti ng.
Menu item Description Enable AutoIP Yes No Specifies the Zero Configur ation Networking setting Note: Yes is the fa ctory de fault sett ing. Enable FTP/TFTP Yes No Enables the built-in FTP server, which allo ws you to send files to the printer usi ng File Transfer Pr otocol.
Wirele ss menu Use the following menu items to view or con figure the wireless internal print server sett ings. Note: This menu is av ailable only for m odels conn ected t o a wire less net work.
Menu item Description Activate Yes No Activates Appl eTalk support Note : Yes is the f actory defaul t setting. View N ame Shows the assigned AppleTalk na me Note : The name can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server. View Address Shows the assigned AppleTalk a ddress Note : The address can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.
Menu item Descripti on USB Buffer Auto 3KB to [maximum size allowed] Disabled Sets the size of the USB input buffer Note s: • Auto is the fac tory defau lt settin g. • Disabled turns off job buffe ring. Any jobs alrea dy buffered on the printer hard disk are printed before no rmal processing resumes.
Parallel [x] menu Menu item Description PCL SmartS witch On Off Sets the printer to automaticall y switch to PCL emula tion when a print job received through a serial por t requires it, regardle ss of the default prin ter language Notes: • On is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily stores print jobs on th e printer har d disk before printing Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • On buffers print jobs on the printer hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs onl y if the printer is busy processing data from ano ther input port.
Menu item Description ENA gateway yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Sets the gatewa y information fo r an external pri nt server Note: This menu item is available onl y if the printer is atta ched to an external print server through the USB port.
Menu item Description Seria l Bu ffer Auto 3KB to [maximum size allowed] Disabled Sets the size of the serial input buffer Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting. • Disabled turns off job buffer ing. Any jobs already buf fered on the disk are printed before normal processing is resumed.
Menu item Description Baud 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 138200 172800 230400 345600 1200 2400 4800 Specifie s the rate at which data c an be received through the serial port Notes: • 9600 is the factor y defau lt sett ing. • 138200 , 1728 00, 23 040 0, and 345600 baud r ates ar e only di spl ayed in th e Standard Serial menu.
Menu item Description Use SSL Disabled Negotiate Requ ired Sets the printer to use SSL for incr eased security when connectin g to the SMTP serv er Note s: • Disabled is the fact ory default setti ng. • When the Negotiate setting is used, the SMTP s erver determines if SSL will be used.
Miscellane ous Securi ty Settings menu Menu item Description Logi n Rest ricti ons Login failures Failur e ti me frame Lockout time Panel L ogin Timeout Remote Login Timeout Limits the number and time.
Confid entia l Print menu Menu item Description Max Invalid PIN Off 2–10 Limits the number of times an invalid PI N can be entered Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • This menu item appear s only if a fo rmat ted, non-defectiv e printer hard disk is installed.
Menu item Description Manual Wiping Do not start now Star t now Overwrites all disk space that has been used to hold data f rom a print job that has been processed (printed). This type of wipe does no t erase an y informati on relate d to an unprocessed print job.
Menu item Description Configure Log Enable Audit Enable Remote Syslog Remot e Syslog Serve r Remot e Syslog Port Remote Syslog Method Remot e Syslog Facil ity Log full behavior Admin’s e-mail addres.
Menu item Description NTP Server Lets you view the NTP Server Address Enable Authentication Off On Lets you change the authentic ation setting to on or of f Note: Off is the factor y default setting .
Menu item Description Eco-Mode Off Energy Energy/Paper Paper Minimizes the use of energ y, paper, or specialty media Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. Off resets the printer to its factory default setting s. • Energy minimizes the power used by the printer.
Menu item Description Keyboard Keyboard Type English Francai s Francais Cana dien Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Greek Dans k Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Suom i Portuguese Russian Polski Swiss Ge rman Swiss .
Menu item Description Displayed Information Left side Right sid e Cust om T ext [ x] [x] Toner Fuser Transfer Module Specifies what is displayed on the upper lef t and right corners of the home screen.
Menu item Description Displayed Information Wast e To ner Bottle Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Lets you customize the displayed information for Waste Toner Bottle, Paper Jam, Load P aper, and S.
Menu item Description One Page Copy Off On Sets the copies from the scanner glass to only one page at a ti me Note: Off is the factory d efault setting.
Menu item Description Web Page Refresh Rat e 30–30 0 Specifies the number of seconds between Embedded Web Server refreshe s Note: 120 seconds is the factory default setting. Cont act Name Specifies a contact n ame for the printe r Note: The contact name will be stored on the Embedded Web Serv er.
Menu item Description Timeou ts Print Timeout Dis able d 1 ‑ 255 sec Sets the amount of time (i n seco nds) the printer waits to receive an end ‑ of ‑ job message before canceling the remainder of the print job Notes: • 90 sec is the factory default settin g.
Menu item Description Press Sl eep Button Slee p Hibernate Do not hing Determines how the printer, while in Idle state, reac ts to a short press of the Sleep button Notes: • Sleep is the factory default setting. • Sleep or Hibernate se ts the printer to operate at a lo wer power configurati on.
Copy Settin gs me nu Menu item Description Content Type Text/Photo Text Graphics Photo Specifies the type of co ntent contained in the copy job Notes: • Text/Photo is the factory def ault setting. Text/Photo is used when the origi nal document is a mixture of text, gr aphics, and photo s.
Menu item Description Sides (Duplex) 1 sided to 1 sided 1 sided to 2 sided 2 sided to 1 sided 2 sided to 2 sided Specifie s whether an origina l docume nt is d uplex (two ‑ sided) or simplex ( one-s.
Menu item Description Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card ID Card Custom Scan Size [x] A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) JIS B 4 JIS B 5 Book Orig inal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes Specifie s the paper si ze of the original docume nt Notes: • Letter is the US factory default setting.
Menu item Description Numb er of Cop ies 1–999 Specifies the number of copies for the copy job Note: 1 is the factory default setting . Header/Footer Top left Top left Off Date/T ime Page number Cus.
Menu item Description Header/Footer Bottom left Bottom le ft Off Date/T ime Page number Bates nu mbe r Custo m te xt Print on All page s First p age onl y All but first page Custo m te xt Specifie s header/f ooter infor mation for t he bottom l eft of the page Notes: • Off is the factory default setting f or Bottom left.
Menu item Description Overla y Off Con fid ent ial Cop y Draf t Urgent Cust om Specifies the overlay text printed on each page of the copy job Note: Off is the factor y default setting. Custo m Overlay Specifies the cus tom overlay text Note: A maximum of 64 charac ters is allowed.
Menu item Description Contra st Best f or con tent 0–5 Spec if ies the c ont ra st u sed f or t he c op y job Note: Bes t for co nten t is the factory defaul t set ting. Mirror I mage Off On Creates a mirror image of t he original document Note: Off is the factor y default setting.
Menu item Descripti on Enable Manual Fax Off On Sets the printer to fax manually only, whi c h requires a line splitter and a telephone handset Note s: • Use a regular te lephone to answe r an incoming fa x job and to dial a f ax numb er . • Touch # 0 on the numeric keypad to g o directly to th e Manual Fax function.
Menu item Descripti on Fax Co ver Pag e Fax Cover Page Off by default On by default Never use Alwa ys u se Include to field On Off Incl ude fr om fi eld Off On From Include Message field Off On Messag.
Menu item Description Orig inal Si ze Mixed Sizes Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card Custom Scan Size [x] A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) A6 JIS B 4 JIS B .
Menu item Description Content Source Colo r Las er Inkjet Magazine Press Black/ Whit e Lase r Photo/Film Newspaper Other Specifies how the output is produced Notes: • Col or La ser i s th e fac tory def ault se tting. Co lor L ase r is us ed when the o rig inal document was printed using a color laser printer.
Menu item Description Max Spee d 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specifie s the maximum spee d in baud at which fax es are sent Custom Job scanning Off On Lets you scan a document that co ntains mixed pape.
Menu item Description ADF S kew Fi x Off On Specifies whether or not to fix slig ht skew on the scanned image Note: Off is the factor y default setting Scan edge to edge Off On Specifie s if the origi nal document is s canned edge-t o ‑ edge prior to faxing Note: Off is the factor y default setting.
Menu item Descripti on Separator Sh eets None Before Job After J ob Enables the print er to include separator sheets in the output Sepa rat or Sh eet So urc e Tray [x] Manual Feeder Specifies where th.
Fax Log Setti ngs Menu item Descripti on Transm issi on Log Print log Do not print log Print only for error Enables printing of a transmission lo g after each fax job Receive Error Log Print Never Pri.
Menu item Description Ringer Volume On Off Controls the fax speaker ri nger volu me Note : On is the factory default setting. Answer On Menu item Descripti on All Ri ngs Single Ring Onl y Double Ring .
Menu item Description Content Type Text Text/Photo Graphics Photo Specifies the type of content that wil l be scanned to fax Note s: • Text is the factory default setting. Text is used when the content of the origina l doc umen t is mos tly t ext or li ne a rt.
Menu item Description Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card Custom Scan Size [x] A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) JIS B 4 JIS B 5 Book Orig inal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes Specifies the paper size of the document that i s being scanned Note : Letter is the US factor y default sett ing.
Menu item Description E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Max E ‑ mail size 0–65 535 KB Specifies the maximu m e-mail size in kil obytes Note: E-mails above the specified size ar e not sent.
Menu item Description Content Source Colo r Las er Inkjet Magazine Press Black/ Whit e Lase r Photo/Film Newspaper Other Specifies the source of the documen t being scanned Notes: • Col or La ser i s th e fac to ry def aul t se ttin g. Co lor Las er is u sed when the orig inal document was printed using a color laser printer.
Menu item Description Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card Custom Scan Size [x] A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) A6 JIS B 4 JIS B 5 Book Orig .
Menu item Description E ‑ mail imag es se nt as Atta chmen t Web Link Specifie s how the images will be sent Note: Att achment is th e factor y default s ettin g. Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provides a choice between single-page TIFF files and multiple ‑ page TI FF file s.
Menu item Description Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Threshol d 0–255 Defau lt Green Threshol d 0–255 Default B lue Thresho ld 0–255 Specifies which c olor to d rop duri ng scanning, a nd how mu ch to increase or decrease the dropout Notes: • None is the factory default setting for Color Dropout.
FTP Settings menu Menu item Description Forma t PDF (.pdf) Secure PDF ( .pdf) TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.j pg) XPS ( .xps ) Specif ies t he form at of the FTP file Note: PDF (.pdf) i s the factory default setting . PDF Vers ion 1.5 1.6 A ‑ 1a 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sets the version level of the PDF file for FTP Note: 1.
Menu item Description Resoluti on 150 200 300 400 600 75 Specifies how many dots per inch are scanned Note: 150 dpi is the factory default setting. Darkness 1–9 Lightens or darkens the output Note: 5 is the factor y default setting.
Menu item Description JPEG Quality Best f or Cont ent 5–90 Sets the quality of a JPEG photo imag e in relation to file size and the qualit y of the image Notes: • “Best for content” is the factory default setting. • 5 reduces the file size, but the quality of the image is lessene d.
Menu item Description Scan Prev iew Off On Specifie s whether a previe w will appear on the di splay for s can jobs Note: Off i s th e fact ory def aul t setti ng. Allo w Sa ve as Shor tcu t On Off Enables shortcut creatio n for FTP addresses Note: On is the factory defaul t setting.
Menu item Description Sharpness 1–5 Adjusts the amount of sharpness of a scanned image Note: 3 is the factor y default setting. Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Enables the user to specify “warm” or “cool” outpu ts. "Cool” values generate a b luer output than the default while “warm” va lues generate a redde r outpu t than the default.
Menu item Description Content Source Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Black and White Laser Specifies the source o f content in the sca n job Note s: • Color Laser is the fa ctory default setting. Colo r Laser is used when the original document was printed using a color laser prin ter.
Menu item Description Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card Custom Scan Size [x] A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) A6 JIS B 5 Book Orig inal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes Spec ifie s the pape r siz e of t he or igin al do cume nt Note : Letter is the US factor y default sett ing.
Menu item Description Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provides a choice between sing le-page TIFF files and multiple ‑ pag e TI FF fi les. For a multiple-page sca n to FTP job, either one TIFF file is crea ted containing all the pag es, or multiple TIFF file s are creat ed with one fi le for ea ch page.
Menu item Description Negative Image Off On Creates a neg ative image of the or iginal document Note : Of f is the fac tory defa ult setting. Shadow Deta il ‑ 4 to 4 Adjusts the amount of shadow detail visible on a scanned image Note : 0 is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng.
Hole Punch Off On Specifies whether prints have pun ched holes Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. • This menu appears only when a stapler is installed. Hole Punch Mode 2 hole s 3 hole s 4 hole s Determines the type of punch fi nishing performed on a pr int Notes: • 3 holes is the US factory defa ult setting .
Separator Sh eets Off Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Specifies whether blank sepa rator sheets are inserted Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. • Between Copies inserts a blank sheet between each copy of a print job if Collate is set to On.
Menu item Description Print Area Normal Fit to Page Whole Pa ge Sets the logic al and physical pri ntable area Notes: • Normal is the facto ry default setting. When attemptin g to print data in the non ‑ p rintable area defined by th e Normal setting, the prin ter clips the ima ge at the boun dary.
Job Accounting menu Note: This menu item app ears only if a format ted, non-defec tive printer hard disk i s install ed. The printer hard dis k cannot be read/write ‑ or write ‑ pr otect ed.
Menu item Description E ‑ mail Address to Send Logs Specif ies t he e ‑ mail address to wh ich the device send s job accountin g logs Log Fi le Pref ix Note: The current host name defined in the TCP/IP menu is used as the default log file pre fix.
Menu item Description Separator Source Tray [x] Manual Feeder Specifies the paper source for separator sheets Notes: • Tray 1 (standard tra y) is the factory defau lt setting. • From the Paper menu, Configure MP must be set to Cassette for Manual Feeder to appe ar as a menu setting.
Menu item Description Offset P ages None Between Copies Between Jobs Offsets pages at cert ain instances Notes: • None is the factory default setting. • Between Copies offsets e ach copy of a print job if Collate is se t to On. If Collate is set to Off, each set of printed pages are offse t, such as all page 1's and all page 2's.
Menu item Description Enhance Fine Lines Off On Enables a print mo de prefe rable for f iles such as architectural drawings, ma ps, electrical circuit diag rams, and flow charts Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • You can set this option fr om the software program.
Menu item Description Color Sa mples sRGB Display sRGB Vivid Display—True Bl ack Vivi d Off—R GB US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off—C MYK Prints sample pages for each of the RGB and CMYK color conversion tables used in the printer Notes: • Selecting any s etting prints the s ample.
Menu item Description Manual Color CMYK Im age US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off CMYK Text US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off CMYK Grap hi cs US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off Customizes the C MYK color conversio ns Notes: • US CMYK is the US factory default setting.
Menu item Description Forma t Flas h Yes No Formats the fl ash memory Warni ng— Pote ntia l Da mage: Do not turn off the pri nter while the flash memory is being formatted. Notes: • Yes dele te s al l dat a st ore d in f las h me mor y. • No cancels the format request.
Menu item Description Annotations Do Not Print Print Prints annotations in a P DF Note : Do Not Print is the factory defaul t setting. PostScript menu Menu item Description Print PS Error Off On Prints a page co ntaining the PostScrip t error Note : Of f is the fac tory defa ult setting.
Menu item Description Font Name RO Co urier Identifies a specific font and where i t is stored Note : RO Courier is the factory default setting. The RO Courier format shows the font name, font ID, an d storage location in the printer. The font source abbreviation is R for Re sident, F for Flash, K for Disk, and D for Download .
Menu item Description PCL Emulation Settings A4 Wi dth 198 mm 203 mm Sets the p rinter to prin t on A4 ‑ size pap er Note s: • 198 mm i s the fac tory d efault setti ng. • The 203 ‑ mm setting sets the width of the page to allow the pri nting of eighty 10 ‑ pitch characters.
Menu item Description Tray Renumber Restor e De fault s Yes No Returns all tray, dra wer, and feeder assi gn ments to the facto ry default setti ngs HTML menu Menu Item Description Font Name Albertus .
Menu item Description Scale 1–40 0% Scales the default font for HTML documents Note s: • 100% i s the fac tory de fault settin g. • Scaling can be incr eased in 1% inc rements . Orientation Portrai t Landscape Sets the page orientati on for HTML documents Note : Portrait is the factor y defau lt setting.
Help menu The Hel p me nu consis ts o f a seri es of H elp pa ges that are st ored in the m ultifun ction prin ter (M FP) as P DF f iles. T hey contain infor mation about us ing the printe r and per formi ng v arious t asks, i ncludi ng co pying, scan ning, and faxi ng.
Securing the memory before moving the printer Statement of Volatility Your print er co ntain s vari ous t ypes of memory t hat a re capa ble of storin g devi ce and networ k sett ings, info rmat ion from embedded solution s, and user data. The types of me mory—a lon g with th e typ es of data stor ed by ea ch—a re describe d bel ow.
Erasing non ‑ volati le m emory • Indi vidua l setti ngs, de vice and ne twork sett ings, secur ity se ttings, and embedd ed solut ions —Erase informati on and sett ings by selecting Wipe All Setting s in the Co nfiguration menu . • Fax da ta —Erase fax se ttings and da ta by sel ecting Wipe All Setti ngs i n the Con figura tion m enu.
Configurin g printer hard disk encryption Note: Your pr inter m ay not h ave a hard disk i nstal led. Enabling hard disk encrypt ion helps prevent the loss of s ensitive data in the event yo ur printer or its h ard disk is stolen .
Maintaining the printer Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make sure that the prin ter is turned off and unplugged from the wall outlet. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: To avoid the risk of electric sho.
3 Scanner glass 4 ADF glas s 3 Wipe the area s shown a nd le t them dr y. 4 Open t he bo ttom A DF doo r. 2 1 5 Wipe the ADF scanner glas s under the AD F door. 6 Clos e th e bott om AD F door . 7 Clos e the scanne r cov er. Cleaning the A DF parts Clean th e ADF parts perio dicall y to main tain o ptima l printin g perf orma nce.
4 Remove the pick ro ller assembly. 1 2 5 Wipe th e surfa ce of bo th pic k rollers . 6 Replace the pick r oller assembly. 1 2 7 Wipe the entire surface under the ADF cover.
Cleaning the printhead lenses Clean th e printhe ad l enses when you e ncounte r pri nt qualit y proble ms. 1 Open the fro nt do or. 2 Remove all prin t cartrid ges. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not touch t he shin y area o n the pho toco nductor drum .
6 Clos e th e fron t door . Storing supplies Choose a cool , cle an stor age ar ea for the printe r supp lies. Stor e sup plies rig ht s ide up in th eir o riginal packin g unt il you are ready to use them.
Ordering su pplies To order supplies in the U.S., contact Lexmark at 1-800-539-6275 for information about Lexmark authorized suppl ies dealers in your area. In oth er count ries or regi ons, vis it the Le xmark Web Si te at www. m or c ontac t the place wh ere you p urchase d th e prin ter.
Ordering a waste toner bo ttle When 82 Waste toner bottle nearly full appears, order a replac ement wast e toner bo ttle. When 82 Replace waste toner bottle appears, r eplac e the was te ton er bo ttle. Note: Waste toner bot tle re use i s not rec ommen ded.
Replacing supplies Replacing a print cartridge 1 Open the fro nt do or. 2 Lift t he gre en handle and pul l the print c artrid ge. Grasp the to p handle and li ft the cartri dge ou t of th e ma chine. 3 Place the old cartridge in the replacement cartridge shipping box, and then attach the return label to the box for shippi ng.
4 Unpac k a ne w prin t car tridge . Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Be care ful not to touc h the ph otocon ductor dru m. Doing so may af fect th e print quality o f future print jobs. 1 2 5 Sha ke the new cart ridg e fron t ‑ to ‑ back a nd side ‑ to ‑ side to evenly di stri bute t he t oner.
6 Remov e the r ed packi ng st rip fr om the new car tri dge. 7 Insert the ne w cartridg e into the pr inter, and the n push t he gr een ha ndle bac k in pla ce.
Replac ing the waste tone r bottle Replace the waste toner bottle when 82.xx Replace waste toner bottle appear s. The p rinter will not continu e prin ting unt il the w aste to ner bo ttle is repl aced. 1 Remove the repl acement waste toner bottle fr om its shipping box, and then unpa ck it.
6 Peel the recycl ing la bel off, and pl ace it on th e shipp ing box. 1 2 7 Insert th e new w aste toner bo ttle into th e print er. 2 2 1 8 Close tray 1, and then close the fro nt door.
Moving the printer to ano ther location The pri nter a nd opt ions can be s afely m oved to ano ther locatio n by followi ng thes e pre cauti ons: • Any cart used to move th e printe r must have a su rface able to suppor t the full foo tprint of t he printer .
Administrative support Finding adva nced networking and ad ministrator in formation This chapt er co vers ba sic adm inis trativ e suppor t ta sks using the Em bedded W eb Se rver.
If you do not know the IP addre ss of the print er, you can: • View the I P address on the pr inter control panel in the TCP/IP sect ion under the Netwo rks/Port s men u. • Print a netw ork se tup p age or the menu s etting s pag es and loca te the I P a ddress i n th e TCP/ IP sectio n.
Restoring factory d efault se ttings If you want to ret ain a lis t of the cur rent menu se ttings for r eferenc e, th en print a menu s etting s page be for e resto ring the factory default set tings. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D ama ge: Restoring fac tory default s returns mos t printer settings to the ori ginal facto ry default setting s.
Clearin g jams By carefull y select ing pap er and loa ding it properly, you c an avoi d mo st jams . If ja ms do occur, follow the s teps o utlined in thi s se ction. To cle ar a jam mess age an d res ume pr inti ng, c lear the enti re pa per p ath, and the n touc h Continue, j am cleare d .
1 2 4 6 5 3 7 Area Jam numbers What to do 12 0 0 – 2 3 9 Open side door, and then remove the jammed paper. 22 4 x Open side door of the specified tray, and th en remove the jammed paper. 32 5 0 Remove all paper from the multipur pose feeder, and then remove the jammed paper.
200 paper jam 1 Open th e sid e door of the pri nt er. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the prin ter mig ht be hot. To redu ce the r isk of i njury fro m a hot component, allow the surface to cool before t ouching. 2 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed p aper, and t hen gently p ull it out .
202–203 paper jams If paper is visi ble in th e stan dard e xit bin, th en firm ly grasp t he paper on ea ch side, and then gentl y pull it out. Note: Make sure all paper frag ments ar e removed. Paper jam in the fuser 1 Open th e sid e door of the pri nt er.
Paper jam under the fu ser 1 Open th e sid e door of the pri nt er. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the prin ter mig ht be hot. To redu ce the r isk of i njury fro m a hot component, allow the surface to cool before t ouching.
231–239 paper jams 1 Open th e sid e door of the pri nt er. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the prin ter mig ht be hot. To redu ce the r isk of i njury fro m a hot component, allow the surface to cool before t ouching. 2 Slide the latch to open the duplex cover.
Paper jam in the op tional trays 1 Open the side do or o f the s pecif ied opt ional tra y. 2 Grasp t he jammed paper on each si de, and then gent ly pull i t out. 3 Clos e th e side door. 4 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue , jam cleare d .
2 Grasp t he jammed paper on each si de, and then gent ly pull i t out. 1 2 Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 3 Reload paper into the multipurpose feeder, and then adjust the paper guides. 4 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue , jam cleare d .
290–292 paper jams 290 paper j am Close the ADF cover. 291 paper j am Close the scanner glass cover. 292 paper j am Try on e of more of the foll owing: • Clos e th e ADF cov er. • Clos e the scanne r cov er. • Contact your s ystem supp ort system pe rson.
431–438 paper jams 1 Push down th e bu tton to sl ide the out put fi nis her to the righ t. 2 1 2 Open the finisher door , and then removed the jammed p aper. Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 3 Close the finisher door. 4 Slide the finisher back until it clic ks in place.
2 Lower the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and then pull the staple cartridge holder out of the printer. 1 2 3 Use the meta l tab to lift th e staple guard , and th en remove any ja mmed or lo ose sta ples.
4 Clos e the stapl e guar d. 5 Press do wn on the s taple guar d until it cl ic ks into place. 6 Push the staple cart ridge holder firmly back into the stapler unit until the staple cartridge holder clicks into place. 7 Clos e th e stapl er door . 8 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue , jam cleare d .
Troubleshooting Solving basic printer problems If there are basi c print er prob lems, o r the pr inter is unresp onsive, make sure: • The po wer co rd is plugged in to th e print er and a p roper ly gro unded e lectr ical out let. • The electrical outlet is not turned off by any switch or breaker.
Change [paper source] to [custo m type name] lo ad [orientation] Try on e or more of the follo wing • Touch U se curr ent [pa per sour ce] to ignore the message and print from the selected t ray.
Close lef t sid e door Close the left sid e door of the p rinter. Close [tray ] doo r Close the specified tray d oor. Close fin isher si de door Close the side do or of the finisher . Close fin isher top cove r Close the top cover of the finisher. Clos e front d oor Close th e front door of the pr inter.
Empty the hole punch box 1 Empty th e hole p unch bo x. For i nstruct ions on em ptying the hole punch box, from the pr inter co ntro l panel touc h Mor e Info rmatio n . 2 Reinse rt th e hole pu nch bo x into t he fini sher, a nd then touch C onti nue to clear the message.
Install bin [x] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Install the specif ied bi n: 1 Turn the printer off. 2 Unplug the power co rd from the wall outlet. 3 Install the specif ied bin. 4 Connect t he power cord to a properly grounde d el ectrical o utlet.
4 Connect t he power cord to a properly grounde d el ectrical o utlet. 5 Turn the prin ter ba ck on. • Cancel the print job. Load [src] with [cus tom type name] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the specified paper in the tray or feed er.
Load Manual Feeder wi th [custom type name] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the specified paper in the manual feeder. • Touch Pro mpt e ach pag e, pa per lo aded or Do no t prompt , pap er loade d to c lear t he mes sage and conti nue p rinti ng.
Touch Continue to clear th e mes sage wit hout printin g. He ld faxe s will attemp t to print af ter the print er has been restarted. Reattach bin [x] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Turn th e prin ter o ff and then ba ck on. • Reattach the specified bin : 1 Turn the printer off.
Remove packagi ng material, [area name] Remove any remain ing packag ing mat erial from t he specified l ocation. Remove paper from standard output b in Remov e the stack of paper from the st andar d exit bin. Remove pape r from bin [x] Remove the pap er from t he speci fied b in.
Tray [x] paper si ze unsupported The paper size in t he speci fied t ray is uns upport ed. R eplace it with a support ed pap er size. Unsup ported di sk An unsuppo rted disk has bee n ins erted. Remo ve th e unsupp orted disk , and th en inst all a s uppor ted o ne.
37 Insu ffici ent me mory t o collat e job Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to p rint the portion of t he job already stored and begin collating the rest of the print job.
51 Defective flash de tected Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear the mess age and conti nue print ing. • Cancel the cur rent print jo b. 52 Not enou gh free sp ace in fl ash memo ry for reso urces Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear the mess age and conti nue print ing.
55 Unsup ported opti on in s lot [x] 1 Turn the prin ter o ff. 2 Unplug the po wer co rd f rom th e wall ou tlet . 3 Remove the un suppo rted option card from the pr inter system board, a nd then rep lace it with a supp orted car d. 4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet.
57 Config uration chan ge, s ome held job s were not restored Someth ing has change d in the printe r to i nvalidat e the he ld jo bs. Poss ible change s incl ude: • The print er fir mware has been upda ted. • Paper inpu t opti ons ne eded for t he prin t job were re move d.
4 Connec t th e pow er cor d to a p roper ly gr ounded outle t. 5 Turn the pr inte r back o n. 58 Input config error 1 Turn the prin ter o ff. 2 Unplug the po wer co rd f rom th e wall ou tlet . 3 Check if all tray config urations are cor r ect. Remove unnecessary trays if needed.
80.xx Replace fuser Replace the fuser using t he instruction sheet that came with the replacement p art. 80.xx Fuse r missing 1 Replace the fuser, following the instruction sh eet that came with the replacem ent part. 2 Touch Continue to clear the mess age and conti nue print ing.
88.xx [color] cartridge low 1 Remove the specif ied cartridge. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Be care ful not to touc h the ph otocon ductor dru m. Doing so may af fect th e print quality o f future print jobs. 2 Firmly s hake the cart ridge side ‑ to ‑ side an d fron t ‑ to ‑ back several time s to redi stribute th e toner.
1565 Emulation error, load emu lation option The p rinter auto mati call y cle ars th e messag e in 30 sec onds and then disables the down load emulator on th e firmware card. To fix th is, downlo ad th e corre ct downl oad em ulator versio n from the Lexm ark We b site a t www.
M AKE SURE THE CORRECT PRIN TER SOFTWARE IS IN STALLED • Verify that you are using the cor rect printer software. • If the pr inter is connect ed to you r co mputer t hrough a USB port , then m ake sure you are r unning a s uppor ted operatin g system and using a compatib le printer software .
Print jo b ta kes long er than expecte d Try on e or more of the follo wing: R EDUC E THE COM PLEXITY OF THE PRINT JOB Eliminate the number and size of fonts, the number and complexity of images, and the number of pages in the print job.
U SE THE SAME P APER S IZE AN D P APER T YPE SETTINGS • Print a menu sett ings page and compa re the settin gs for ea ch tr ay. • If necessary, adjust the settin gs from the Paper Size/Type menu. Note: The standar d 550-sheet tray and the multipurp ose feeder do not autom atically sense th e paper size.
C HECK THE POWER Make sur e the pr inter is plugged i n, the po wer is on, and Ready app ears. Scanner un it does not clo se Make sure there are no ob structions: 1 Lift the s canner unit. 2 Remove any obstruction keeping the s canner unit open. 3 Lower th e sc anner unit.
M AKE SURE THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINA L DOCUM ENT IS SATI SF A CTO RY Check the quality of the original document. P LACE THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT PROPERLY Make s ure the docume nt or p hoto is loaded facedo wn on the sca nner gla ss in t he uppe r left corne r.
C HECK THE PAPER SI ZE SETTING Make s ure th e pap er size s etting mat ches th e pap er lo aded i n the tr ay: 1 From t he prin ter c ontr ol pan el, ch eck the Pap er Size sett ing fr om th e Pa per men u. 2 Before sendin g the job to print , spe cify the cor rect size settin g: • For Window s users, specify the s ize from Print P ropertie s.
T HE SCAN RE SOLUTION MAY BE SET TOO HIG H Select a l ower scan r esoluti on. Poor scanne d image qu ality These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: C HECK THE DISPLAY FOR ERRO R MESSAGES Clear any error messages .
Cann ot sca n from a co mput er These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: C HECK THE DISPLAY FOR ERRO R MESSAGES Clear any error messages . C HECK THE POWER Make sur e the pr inter is plugged i n, the po wer is on, and Ready app ears.
Cann ot send or rec eive a fax These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: C HECK THE DISPLAY FOR ERRO R MESSAGES Clear any error messages . C HECK THE POWER Make sur e the pr inter is plugged i n, the po wer is on, and Ready app ears.
T EMP ORAR ILY DISCONNECT OTHER EQUIPMENT To ensure the printer is working c orrectly, co nnect it di rectly to the telephon e line. Di sconn ect any ans wering machines , computers with mo dems, or telep hone li ne splitters. C HECK FOR JAMS Clear any ja ms, and th en make sure th at Ready appe ars.
R EPL ACE THE TON ER OR PRINT CARTRIDGE Repl ace the tone r or print c artr idge. Can rece ive b ut not se nd faxe s These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: T HE PRINTER IS NOT IN F AX MODE On the ho me scre en, touch Fax to put t he printe r in Fa x mode.
3 In the Max Speed box, click one of th e following: 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 4 Click Submit . Solving home screen applications problems An appl icatio n e rror has occurred C HECK THE SYSTEM LOG FO R RE LEV ANT DETAILS 1 Type the prin ter IP address or hos t name in t he addr ess fiel d of yo ur Web b rowser.
Solving option problems Option does not op erate correctly or quits af ter it is i nstalle d Try on e or more of the follo wing: R ESE T THE PR IN TER Turn the pr inter off, wa it for abou t 10 sec onds, and then t urn the pri nter o n. C HECK TO SEE IF THE OPTION IS C ONNECTED TO THE PRINTER 1 Turn th e printe r off usin g the power s witch.
M AKE SURE THE PAPER TRA Y IS INSTALLED CORRECT LY If the paper tray is listed on the men u settings pag e, but paper jams when it en ters or exits th e tray, then it may not be properly ins talled.
C HECK THE CABLE Make sur e you ar e using the cor rect c able and that i t is sec urely conn ected to the In terna l Solut ions (ISP) port. M AKE SURE THE NETWORK SOFTWARE IS CO NFIGURED COR RECTLY For infor mation on insta lling the networ k printi ng soft ware, see the Network ing Guide on th e Software and Docume ntatio n CD.
Solving pap er feed problem s Paper fr equently jams These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: C HECK THE PAPER Use reco mmend ed pape r and s peci alty me dia. For more informat ion, s ee the chapter abo ut pape r and specialt y media guidelines.
Solving print quality problems If these sugg estions do not correct th e problem, then contact customer support. You may have a printer part that requi res ad justm ent or repla ceme nt.
Shadow image s appear on prin ts Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE PAPER TY PE AND WEIG HT SETTINGS Make sur e the pap er type and weight se ttings matc h the pa per loaded in the t ray or fee der: 1 From the printe r con trol pan el Paper menu , check th e Pa per Type an d Pap er Weight settin gs.
Gray backgro und on prints ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE C HECK THE BACKGR OUND DARK NES S OR REMOVAL SETTING Try one or mo re of the fol lowing: • Adju st the dark ness to a lighte r settin g. • Incr ease the bac kgrou nd removal settin g. M AKE SURE THERE IS NO WORN OR DEFECTI VE PRINT CARTR IDGE Replace the wo rn or de fective print c artridge .
Light c olored l ine, white l ine, or inco rrectly colored li ne appears on prints ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE THERE IS NO DEFECTI VE PRINT CARTR IDGE Replace the defective print cartridge. M AKE SURE THE TRANSF ER BELT IS NOT DEFECTIVE Replace the defective transfer belt.
Print irregularities Try on e or more of the follo wing: L OAD PAPER FROM A FRESH PA CK AGE The pap er ma y have abs orbed m oistur e due to high h umidi ty.
Print i s too dark Try on e or more of the follo wing: L OAD PAPER FROM A FRESH PA CK AGE The pap er ma y have abs orbed m oistur e due to high h umidi ty.
C HECK THE P APER T YPE SETTING Make sure the Paper Type set ting matches the paper loaded in the tray or feeder: • From the printe r con trol pan el Paper menu , check the Pa per Type s etting . • For Wi ndows users , chec k this se tti ng from Print Prope rtie s.
M AKE SURE THE TONER OR PR INT CARTRIDGE IS NOT LOW ON TONER When 88.xx [c olor] cartridge low appears, ma ke sure th at to ner is di stri buted e venly am ong a ll four cartridges: 1 Remove the cart ridge. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Be care ful not to touc h the ph otocon ductor dru m.
Skewed pri nt These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: C HECK THE PAPER GUIDES Move the length and width guides in the tray to the correct positions for the paper size loaded. • Make sure th e guides are not to o far from th e paper stack.
Black or white s treaks appear on transparenci es or paper Try on e or more of the follo wing: E NSURE THA T THE FILL PATTERN IS CORRECT If the fil l patte rn is in correct , choose a differ ent fill pattern from your softwar e program . C HECK THE PAPER TY PE • Use only the recommended transparencies.
Streaked hori zontal li nes appe ar on p rints ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Try on e or more of the follo wing: S ELEC T ANO THE R TRA Y OR FEEDER • From the printer contr ol pane l Paper M enu, se lect Def ault S ource . • For Wi ndows users , sel ect the paper s ourc e from Print P rop erties.
Toner fog o r backgroun d shading appe ars on a page Try on e or more of the follo wing: M AKE SURE PRI NT CA RTRIDGES ARE INSTALLED CORRECTLY AND AR E NOT DEFECTIVE Reinstall or replace the pri nt cartri dge. M AKE SURE THE TRANSF ER BELT IS NOT WORN OR DEFECT IVE Replace the transfer belt.
T HE FUSER IS WORN OR DEFECTIVE Replace the fuser. Toner specks These are possible solution s. Try one or more of th e following: T HE TONER CAR TRIDGES ARE WORN OR DEFECTIVE Replace the defective or worn cartridges. T HERE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Su pport .
Uneven prin t density A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E M AKE SURE THERE IS NO DEFECTI VE OR WO RN PRINT CARTR IDGE Replace the wo rn or de fective print c artridge .
The pri nte d page a ppears tint ed. Can I adj ust the color? Someti mes a p rinted page m ay appear tinted ( for exa mple, e verythi ng pr inted seems t o be to o red). This ca n be caused by environmental conditions, paper typ e, lighting conditions, or user preference.
Object type Color conversion ta bles CMYK Image CMYK Text CMYK Graphics • US C MYK —A pplies color corre ction to approx imate the SWOP (Specificatio ns for Web Offset Publi shing) color out put. • Euro CMY K —A pplies color correctio n to approx imated EuroScale c olor output.
5 Enter an increme nt value from 1–255. Note: The c loser the valu e is to 1, the na rrower th e color sam ple range w ill appear. 6 Click Print . Embedded Web Server does not open Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE NETWORK CO NNECTI ON Make sur e the printer and com puter are turn ed on a nd conn ected t o the s ame netwo rk.
Notices Prod uct i nform ation Produc t name: Lexmark X792de, X7 92dte, X792dtfe, X7 92dtpe, X792d tme, X792dtse Machin e type: 7562, 4917 Mode l(s): 432, 436, dn 1, dn2, gd1, gd 2, dt1, dt2, g t1, gt.
Governm ent e nd users ( a) on ly as Commer cial It ems and (b) with onl y those right s as are gr anted to all o ther end users pursuan t to the te rms an d con dition s her ein. Trademarks Lexmark, Lexm ark wi th diamo nd desi gn, Ma rk Net, and M ark Vision are trad emark s of L exma rk Int ern ation al, In c.
Taffy Agfa Corpor ation Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation plc Univers Lin otype-Hell AG and/or its subsid iaries All other trademarks are th e property of their respect ive owners. AirPrint and the Air Print logo ar e trademarks of Appl e, Inc.
Noise emission levels The following measurements were made in accorda nce with ISO 7779 and rep orted in conf ormance with ISO 9296. Note: Some mo des ma y not apply t o your p roduct. 1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Printing 53 dBA Ready 35 dBA Values are subject t o change.
ENERGY STAR Any Lex mark product bea ring th e EN ERGY ST AR em blem o n the pr oduct or on a star t-up screen is ce rtifi ed to c omply with Env ironmen tal Pro tectio n Agenc y (EPA ) ENE RGY STAR require ment s as con figur ed when s hipped by Lexmar k.
Power consumption Product power consu mption The follo wing tabl e do cuments the p ower con sumptio n char acter istics of the produc t. Note: Some mo des ma y not apply t o your p roduct. Mode Description Power consumption (Watts) Printing The product is generati ng hard ‑ copy outpu t from electronic in puts.
Industry Canada compliance statement This Cl ass A digit al app aratu s mee ts all r equire ment s of t he Canadi an Int erfer ence-Ca using Equipm ent St andar d ICES-003.
after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part of the product i dentifier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits re presented by ## are the REN without a decimal poin t (for example, 03 is a REN of 0.3). For earlier produc ts, the REN is shown separa tely on th e label.
the countr y/regi on o f use. Th is is to av oid dama ge to the equi pmen t caus ed by loca l lightnin g strike s and ot her e lectr ical surges. This equipment uses CA11A telephon e jacks. Avis réservé aux utilis ateurs du r éseau téléphonique du Canada Ce produi t est conf orme au x spéc ificati ons te chniqu es d’Indus trie Canada.
Using this p roduct in Switzerland This pro duct requir es a Swiss b illing t one filter (L exmark part number 14B5109 or 80D1877 ) to be installed on any line which receives metering pulses in Switzerland . The Lexmark filter must be used, as metering pulses ar e present on all analog te lephone lin es in S witzerland.
Regulatory notices for wirel ess products This se ction co ntain s the fo llowing r egulat ory inform ation p ertain ing to wi rel ess pr oducts that conta in trans mitte rs, for exa mple, but n ot limit ed t o, wirel ess ne twor k cards or pro ximit y card reade rs.
Le term e « IC » pré cédant le numé ro de d' accréd itati on/inscr iption sign ifie s impleme nt que le produ it est c onfor me aux spécifi catio ns techniq ues d'Ind ustry Canada .
Deutsch Hiermit er klärt Lexmar k International , Inc., dass sic h das Gerät dieses Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden A nforderungen un d den übrigen einschl ägigen Bestimmun gen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Ελληνική ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Η LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTY FOR LEXMARK LASER PRINTERS, LEXMARK LED PRINTERS, AND LEXMARK MULTIFUNCTION LASER PRINTERS Lexmark Internat ional, In c., Lexin gton, KY This li mited warrant y applie s to the Uni ted Stat es and Can ada. For c ustomers ou tside t he U.
Before you present this pro duct for wa rranty servic e, remove all p rint ca rtridges, pr ograms, data, and removabl e storage media (un less di rec ted othe rwise b y Lexma rk). For furth er explanat ion of your warran ty alt ernativ es and t he nearest Lexmark auth orized s ervicer in your a rea conta ct Lexmark on the Wo rld Wide We b.
Additional rights Some st ates do n ot allo w limit ations on ho w long an implie d warran ty lasts , or do not a llow the exc lusion o r limit ation of inci dental or cons equential dam ages, s o the li mitatio ns or e xclus ions co ntaine d abov e may not a pply to you.
Index Numerics 1565 Emulat ion error, load emulatio n option 278 2,000 ‑ sheet h igh ‑ capacity feeder installi ng 45 200 pap er jam 251 2000 ‑ sh eet high ‑ capacity feeder loading 72 201 pap.
USB 46 canceling print job, fr om comput er 94 cancel ing a prin t job from a com puter 9 4 from th e print er co ntro l panel 94 cannot open Embedded Web Server 311 card st ock loading in multipur po.
directo ry list printin g 94 disk wipin g 231 Disk Wipi ng men u 169 displ ay troubl eshootin g display is bl ank 278 disp lay show s only dia monds 278 dis play , prin ter cont rol p anel 14 adjustin.
dist inctive ri ng servic e 118 fax setup 115 forwardi ng fax es 127 holding faxes 127 maki ng a fax lighte r or dark er 123 sendi ng a fax 121 send ing a f ax at a sch edul ed time 123 send ing usin .
loading , 2000 ‑ sh eet high ‑ cap acity feeder 72 loading, mu ltipurpose feeder 90 loading, trays 9 0 letterhe ad prin ting 90 light co lored lin e, white line, o r incorrect ly colore d line app.
opti ons, t ouc h ‑ screen copy 104, 105, 106, 107, 132 e ‑ mail 112, 113 , 114 fax 125, 126 FTP 131, 132, 13 3 scan 136 scan to computer 136, 1 37 order ing cleaning kit 239 fuser or tran sfer mo.
printer in formati on where to find 9 printer IP addr ess finding 20 printe r mess ages 1565 Emulat ion error, load emulatio n option 278 31.xx Mi ssing or D efective [col or] cartridge 270 32.
Restore held job s? 269 Scanner automatic feeder cover open 269 Slide finisher to the left 269 Some he ld jobs we re not restored 269 Supply needed to comp lete job 269 Tray [x] paper size unsuppor te.
using t he touch s creen 12 9 Security A udit Log m enu 170 security lock 26 sendi ng a fax 121 send ing a fa x using shortc uts 122 send ing a fa x usi ng th e touch screen 121 send ing f ax using s .
solving b asic p rinter proble ms 261 trouble shootin g, copy copier d oes not resp ond 28 1 partial document or pho to copies 283 poor c opy qualit y 282 poor scan ned image qual ity 285 scann er uni.
WS ‑ Sca n about 23 X XPS me nu 223 Index 338.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark X790 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark X790 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark X790 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark X790 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark X790 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark X790 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark X790 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark X790 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.