Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 25030 van de fabrikant Lindy
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© L INDY ELECTR ONICS L IMI TED & L INDY-ELEKTR O NI K GMBH - FIRST EDI TION (May 2003 ) 24 + 2 Gi ga SN MP Et hernet Swit ch 24 + 2 Gi ga SN MP Et hernet Swit ch 24 + 2 Gi ga SN MP Et hernet Swit ch 24 + 2 Gi ga SN MP Et hernet Swit ch User Manual English LINDY No.
- 1 - CONTENTS 1. Intr oduc tio n ...........................................................................................................4 1.1 U n packing.............................................................................................
- 2 - 4.2.3. 3 Edi t / D elete a VLAN Group ................................................................ 43 4.2.3. 4 Gr oups S orted M ode ........................................................................... 43 4.2.4 M isc Con f igur ation .
- 3 - 1. Introduction The 24 + 2 Gi ga SNM P Ethernet Swit ch is a high per f ormanc e web-m anaged SNM P Layer 2 swi tch that provi des users wi th 24 10/100M bps Ethernet por ts and a singl e modul e port into whi ch either 100Bas eFX or Gigabit modul es can be inst all ed.
- 4 - Desktop or Sh elf In stallation: W hen insta ll ing the Swit ch on the desk top or s helf , please attach the r ubber feet to the Swi tch. Peel off the protectiv e paper on the pads and attach them on the bottom of the Switch ( one at each corner ).
- 5 - 1.3 Initial set up for management Ther e are tw o ways to per form the i niti a l setup for the Swit ch; one is “Out-of-Band Configurati on” (c onnect your PC’s ser ial por t to the Switch.
- 6 - 1.3.2 In-band m anagem ent through E ther net I n additi on to term inal m ode configurati on, the 24 + 2 Giga SN MP Ether net Switch also s upports I n-Band Configurati on using a W eb Browser . Compar ed with ter minal mode c onfigurati on, web br owser c onf igurati on is mor e convenient and easi er.
- 7 - After the Swit ch finis hes the sel f -diagnosti c, open your c omputer’s web brows er and at the “Addr ess:” field, enter the Switch’ s IP addr ess (e.
- 8 - 1.3.3 Telnet managem ent I n additi on to local termi nal m ode operation, the 24 + 2 Giga SN MP Ether net Switch supports remote managem ent through Tel net, over the Ethernet LAN network or even over Internet. I n this m ode, the user needs to per form the sam e initial IP setup on the swi tc h as pr ev ious l y di sc uss ed.
- 9 - 2 W eb M anagement Function 2.1 Web M anagem ent Home Overview This is the Home Page. Thi s i s the i ni ti al s tar t up page. T he top sec ti on of this page will display a ctive links on any of the ports by ov erlayi ng an inserted R J-45 connec tor.
- 10 - 2.2. Port status This page displays the cur rent s tatus of every por t. It will display t he use rs select ion for each port foll owed by the ac tual discov ered s ettings. 1. Stat e: Displ ay port s tatus: On or Off , Of f indic ates port i s disabled.
- 11 - 2.2.1 P ort S tatistics and S tatus Popup W indow Cl ic king on i ndividual ports wi thin the top mos t sect ion of the page will p re se nt a popup page showi ng port stati sti cs i nf ormati on as shown below . 2.3 Port S tatistics The Por t Statis tics page provides a view of the curr ent status of every por t on the switch.
- 12 - 2.4 Administrator The follow ing lis t of f unctions c an be perf ormed from the adm inistr ator secti on of the web m anagement: ♦ I P addres s/Subnet M ask/Gatew ay ♦ Switch Setti ngs ♦.
- 13 - 2.4.2 Switch S ettings Basic All inform ation i n the Basic menu is r ead only. Description: Dis play the family name of the switc h. M A C A ddress: The unique har dware addres s of the switc h. Firm ware Version: Di splays the swi tch’s fir mwar e ver sion.
- 14 - Adv anced ♦ M is ce llaneous Se tting: M A C A ddress A ge-out T im e: Type the num ber of seconds that an inacti ve M AC addres s r emai ns in the s witch's addres s table. T he valid r ange is 300~765 seconds . Default is 300 seconds .
- 15 - Qo s P olic y: High P rio r it y L e ve ls: This i s used to map the 0~7 pr iority levels to either High or Low queues. Collisio ns R e tr y Fo r e ve r : (t h is se tt in g o nly a ff e c t s .
- 16 - 2.4.4 Por t Controls The Por t Contr ols page all ows the user to modi f y the operational mode of each port. 1. Stat e: Used to enabl e or disabl e this port. 2. Auto N egotiation: Used to s et the auto-negoti a tion mode. Settings ar e: Auto, Nway and F orced.
- 17 - 7. Port Prio rity : T his i s us ed to force any non pr i or iti s ed pack ets to ei ther Hi gh, Low , or D isabled st ates. 8. Port Securit y: Setting a ports security mode to on (by ti cking the check box) will lock it to all unauthori zed M AC addr esses.
- 18 - 4. Work ports: Al l ows a m axi m um of four ports to be aggr egated at the s ame time. If the group i s def ined as a LAC P static tr unki ng group, then any extra por ts selec ted are placed i n a standby mode for r edundancy if one of the other ports fails.
- 19 - State Activ i ty A ct i v e (s elect ed): The port autom aticall y sends LACP pr otocol packets . N /A (n ot sel ected ): The port does not autom aticall y send LACP protoc ol packets, and responds only if it r e ceives an LAC P protocol pac ket f rom a r emote devic e.
- 20 - The I nternet Group M anagement Pr otocol (I GM P) is a pr otocol of the Internet Protocol (I P) s uite. I P manages m ulticast tr af f ic by using swi tches, router s, and hosts that support I GM P. Enabling I GM P allows the swi tch to detect I GM P queries and I GM P Report pac kets to m anage IP mul ticast tr af f ic through the s witch.
- 21 - MAC filter ing M AC addres s filter ing all o ws the sw itc h to drop unw anted traf f ic. T raffic is fil tered based on the desti nation address es. 1. In the M AC Addr ess box, enter the M AC addr ess that you want to fil ter out. 2.
- 22 - ♦ Support Tag-based VLA N ( IEEE 802.1Q VL A N) Tagged- based VLAN is an I EEE 802.1Q speci f ication s tandard. T herefore, it i s possi ble to create a VLAN across dev ic es from di f f erent sw itch vender s. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN’ s use a tec hnique to i n sert a “t ag” i nto the Ethernet f rames.
- 23 - Port B ased VLAN 1. Cli ck Add to create a new VLAN group. 2. Enter the VLAN nam e, group ID and select the m embers for the new VLAN. 3. Click Ap ply. 4. If there ar e more groups than the display will allo w, t hen you can cli ck the “N ext Page” to vi ew additi onal VLAN groups .
- 24 - GVRP (GAR P [Gen eric A ttribute Registr ation Pr otocol] VLAN Registr ation P rotocol) GVRP al low s autom atic VLAN conf iguration betw een the switc h and its nodes.
- 25 - 7. Use thi s page to control how the outgoing frames are VLAN-T agged. Then cli ck Apply. Tag : ou t go in g f ra mes will b e V L A N-T agged. Un ta g : ou tg o in g f rame s will n o t b e V L A N-T agged. Port VID Co nf i g ure p o rt VID se t t i ng s Fr om the m ain Tag-bas ed (I EEE 802.
- 26 - 1. You can v iew Root Br idge spanning tr ee information from the f ollow table. 2. You can v iew spanni ng tree status from the f ollowi ng table.
- 27 - Param e ter Description Prio rity A value us ed to identify the root br idge. The bri dge with low est value has the highest pri ori ty and is sel e cted as the root.
- 28 - 3. Moni tored Port: Based on the Sniff er M ode selecti on made previ ously, tr af f ic f rom th e se lect ed po rt o p tio n b oxe s will b e mirrore d o n t o th e A na lysis po rt.
- 29 - 2. Communi ty strings serve as pas swords and can be entered as one of the f ollo win g: RO: Rea d onl y. Enables r equests accom panied by this str ing to displ ay M IB- object i nf ormati on. RW : Read w ri te. Enables r equests accom panied by this string to di splay M IB- object i nf ormati on and to set M IB obj ects.
- 30 - 2.4.12 802.1x Configur ation Sy stem Configu ration 802.1x m akes us e of the physical access c harac teri stics of I EEE802 LAN infrastr uctures i n order to pr ovide a m eans of authenticatin.
- 31 - Mis c C o nf i g ura ti o n (LI NDY recom mends that these par ameter s not be changed, unless you have extensi ve knowl edge of 802.1x configurati on) This allows you to change the default configuration for the 802.
- 32 - 2.6 Configur ation B ackup 2.6.1 TFTP Restor e Configur ation The TFTP rest o re co nf igu ra tio n m enu, f unctions muc h the same w ay as the TFTP update firmw are f unction. But its purpose i s to restore to flash mem o ry, the system configurati on f rom a pr evious bac kup operation.
- 33 - 2.7 Reset Sy stem The R eset Syst em m enu option will de f a u lt a ll con f ig u rat io n va lu e s. 2.8 Reboot The Reboot m enu option ini tiates s witch softwar e reset.
- 34 - 3 Console -- 1K Xm odem update firmw are The 24 + 2 Giga SNM P Ether net Swi tc h provid e s th e a bilit y to pe rf o rm a 1k X m odem firm war e update f eature from the R S-232 consol e port. 1K X modem only w orks i n 57600bps m ode. So you must c hange the def ault baud r ate to 57600bps to downl oad the firm war e image.
- 35 - 3. S elect “1K Xmodem” in the Protocol item, and br owse to the firm ware file y ou will be l oading and then Pr ess the Send button. 4. The firm war e image will start d o wnl oading. 5. W hen the image has finished dow nl oadi ng, the sw i tch system will update f irm war e automati cal l y.
- 36 - 4 Out-of- b and Terminal mode management 1. The 24 + 2 Giga SNM P Ethernet Sw it ch also provi des a serial interface to m anage and moni tor the swi tch. The follow ing C onsole Port I nformation c an be used by the system adm inistrator to conf igure the sw itch via a term inal appli cation.
- 37 - Swit ch Sta tic Configurati on: Configures the adv anced Layer 2 sw itching functi ons. Protoc ol Related Configuration: Configures the s wi tches IP address settings. Status and Counte rs: Displays s tatus/statisti cal informati on about the swi tch.
- 38 - 4.2.1 P ort C onfigur ation Edit / Vi ew the port configurati on. 1. I nR ate ( 100K/u ni t): 0: disabl e rate control . 1~1000: vali d rate value. 2. Out Rat e (100K/un it) : 0: disabl e rate control . 1~1000: vali d rate value. 3. Enabl ed: Enables or D isabl es thi s port i n the switch.
- 39 - 4.2.2 Tr unk Configur ation This page can be used to create a m axim um of up to seven tr unk groups. Us ers can arbi traril y select up to four por ts f rom por t 1 to port 26 to buil d a trunk group.
- 40 - VLAN Configur e Tw o modes of VLAN c an be selec ted. Port-based VLAN or 802.1Q VLAN If set to 802.1Q VLA N, then you will need to define PVI D, ingr ess filter ing 1 and ingr ess filter ing 2.
- 41 - Cr eate a V LAN Group Cr eate a Por t-Based VLA N To cr eate a port-based VLAN you need to add member /non-mem ber ports to i t. 1. VLA N N ame: Ty pe a name f or the new VLAN. 2. Grp I D: Type the VLAN gr oup ID. T he group I D r ange is 1~4094.
- 42 - E dit / Delete a V LAN Gr oup This page allows admi nistrator s to edit or del ete VLAN group entri es. Gr oups S orted M ode This page, allows f or easier access to VLAN groups when ther e are numer ous entri es. They c an be sorted by ei ther N ame or VI D, and then edited as norm al.
- 43 - 4.2.4 Mi sc Configur ation MAC Age Interval Type the num ber of seconds that an inac tive M AC address remains in the swi tch’ s addres s table.
- 44 - Br oadcast Stor m Filter ing Configur ing br oadcast stor m control . Vali d threshol d values ar e 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and NO. Default is 5%. M ax Br idge tr ansm it delay bound M a x bridge tra nsm it del ay bound control: This Li mi ts the packets queuing ti me.
- 45 - Port S ecur ity Port Securi ty : Setting a ports secur ity mode to on ( enabled) will lock it t o a ll unauthori sed M AC addr ess es. T hi s di s ables the addr ess l earni ng functi onali ty on the port and then onl y incom ing pack ets with a k nown sourc e M AC addres ses will b e forwar ded by the por t.
- 46 - 4.2.5 Administra tion Configur ation Configur e the followi ng options. • Change Username • Change P assword • Dev ice I nfo rmat ion (name, desc ription, l o cation, content) • IP Configurati on (IP addr ess, M ask, Gateway) 4.
- 47 - 4.2.7 P rior ity Configuration.
- 48 - Port S tatic Pr iority Port Pri orit y: This is us ed to force any non- pr i or iti sed pac kets to ei ther H i gh, Low , or Di sabled s tates on the partic ular port. 802.1p Pr iori ty Configur ation Ther e are 0~7- prior ity lev els that c an be mapped to either the high or low queues.
- 49 - 4.2.8. MAC Address C onfigur ation Static M AC Address W hen you add a stati c M AC address , it r emains i n the switc h's addr ess tabl e, regar dless of whether the dev ice is phy sicall y connected to the sw itch.
- 50 - 3. If tag-based ( IEEE 802.1Q) VLAN’ s are set up on the sw itch, stati c addr esses are assoc iated w ith indiv idual VLAN’ s. Type the VI D (tag- based VLAN’s ) to as soci ate wi th the MAC address. • E dit st a tic MA C a d dr e ss <-A c tions-> 1.
- 51 - • De le te st a t ic MA C a dd re ss <-A c tions-> 1. Select the <D elet e> acti on. 2. Choose the M AC addr ess that you want to del ete and then press enter .
- 52 - Filtering M AC Address M AC addres s filter ing all o ws the sw itc h to drop unw anted traf f ic. T raffic is fil tered based on the desti nation address es. This page allows the admi nistrator to add, modify or del ete M AC addres s filter s.
- 53 - • E d it f ilte r MA C a d d r e ss.
- 54 - • De le te f ilte r MA C a d dr e ss A ctions-> 1. Press <Del ete> key to del ete a f ilter MA C addr ess. 2. Choose the M AC addr ess that you want to del ete and then press enter . 3. Pressi ng <Enter> on c e will co mp let e d ele tio n.
- 55 - 4.3.1 STP The Spanni ng Tr ee Protocol ( STP) i s a standar dized m ethod (I EEE 802.1D) for avoidi ng loops in s witched netw orks. Y ou would enabl e STP to ensure that onl y one path at a tim e is activ e between any two nodes on the netw ork.
- 56 - STP S y stem Configur ation <-A c tions-> 1. Root Bri dge inf o rmation i s displ ayed on the Left. 2. Parameter s can be defined on the Right. NO T E : The param eters are des cribed i n more detail in secti ons 2-4-8. P er port C onfigur ations <-A c tions-> 1.
- 57 - NO T E : The above par ameter s are desc ribed in s ections 2- 4-8. 4.3.2 SNM P The 24 + 2 Gi ga SNM P Ethernet Swi tch can be m anaged f rom any Sim ple Networ k M anagement Protoc ol ( SNM P) applic ation.
- 58 - Comm unity S trings Use thi s page to Add/ Edit/ Delete SN MP c omm unity stri ngs. 1 . Co mmu ni ty Na me : The cur rent c omm unity name st ri ngs. 2. Wr i te A ccess : Enable read onl y or read- wri te access . Res tri cted: R ead only, enables reques ts acc ompani ed by this str ing to displ ay M IB- object i nf ormati on.
- 59 - • E d it C o mmu n ity Na me 1. Select the <Edi t> option, c hoose the it em that y ou want to m odif y and then press Enter. 2 . Co mmu ni ty Na me : Type the new name. 3. Wr i te A ccess : Press Spac e key to change the acces s (res tricted or unrestr icted) • De lete Communi ty Name 1.
- 60 - Trap M anager s A trap m anager is a m anagement stati on that recei ves traps, the system alerts generated by the swi tch. If no trap m anager is defined, no tr aps are is sued. Create a trap m anager by enteri ng the IP addr ess of the stati on and a com muni ty stri ng.
- 61 - • Edit trap m anage rs 1. Select the <Edi t> option, and then c hoose the it em that y ou want to m odif y. 2. I P: Type the new I P address. 3 . Co mmu ni ty Na me : Type the com munity nam e. • De lete tra p manage r 1. Select the <D elet e> opti on.
- 62 - 4.3.3 GVRP (GA RP [Gen eric A ttribu te Registr ation Protocol] V LAN Registr ation Pr otocol) GVRP al low s autom atic VLAN conf iguration betw een the switc h and its nodes.
- 63 - 4.3.5 LACP (Link Aggregation C ontrol P rotocol) Use thi s page to configure and vi ew all the LACP par ameters. NO T E : All por ts support LACP dy namic tr unking. I f connecting to a devi ce that also supports LACP, the LACP dynam ic trunk ing function will au t o mat ically cre at e a trun k group.
- 64 - State Activ i ty Ac t i v e : The port autom atical ly sends LAC P protocol pac kets. Pa ssive : The port does not autom aticall y send LACP pr otocol packets, and responds only if it r e ceives LAC P protocol pac kets f rom a connec ted devic e.
- 65 - LA CP tr un k grou p 4.3.6 802.1x Pr otocol Fr om this page adm inistr ators can configur e and view al l 802.1x param eters..
- 66 - 802.1x Enable 802.1x Sy stem Configur ation 1. Radi us Server IP A ddress: the IP addr ess of the authentication ser ver. 2. Shared Key : A key s hared betw een this swi tch and authenticati on server . 3. N A S, Id ent ifi er: A stri ng used to identify this s witch.
- 67 - 802.1x Mi sc Configur ation 1. Q uiet Period: Use d t o d ef ine pe rio d s o f time du ring which it will n ot at te mpt to acquir e a supplic ant (Default tim e is 60 seconds ). 2. T x P eriod: Used to deter mi ne when an EAPOL PDU i s to be transm itted ( Def ault value i s 30 seconds) .
- 68 - 4.4.1 Port S tatus This page displays port st atus inform ation. Link Status: Down indi cates “N o Link” , Up indi cates “ Link”. InR a te : Di splay the input r ate control ( 100K/unit) val ue. Out Rat e: Displ ay the output rate control (100K/unit) value.
- 69 - 4.4.3 Sy stem Infor mation M A C A ddress: The unique har dware addr ess ( M AC) . Firm ware Version: Di splay the s wi tch’ s firm ware ver sion. A S IC V e r s io n : Displa y th e swit ch ’s Ha rd ware versio n. PCBA ver sion: Displ ay the swi tch pr inted cir cui t board num ber.
- 70 - 4.5.1 Default This will re se t t h e swit ch to its d e f a u lt co n f ig u rat io n. 4.5.2 Restar t This will r eboot the switc h (i .e. software reset) . 4.6 TFTP U pdate Fir mwar e This page provides TFTP firmw are update; configuration backup and configurati on restore opti ons.
- 71 - 4.6.1 TFTP Update Fir mw are This page allows the admi nistrator to perf orm a TFTP f irmwa re update. <-A c tions-> 1. St a rt th e TFTP se rver, and copy the updated firm war e versi on image file to the TFTP serve rs work d ire cto ry.
- 72 - 1. St a rt th e TFTP se rver. 2. Select the <Edi t> option on thi s page. 3. TF TP Se rv er: Type the I P address of the TFTP se rver. 4 . Re mo t e File Na me : Type the i mage f ile name. 5. Press Ctrl+A go to action li ne. 6. Select the <Sav e> Opt io n.
- 73 - 5.0 A ppl icati on Exam pl es: 5.1 VLAN applications used with switch. A VLAN i s a si mple option to pr otect your netw ork agai nst broadcas t stor ms by cr eating segm ents based on Layer 2 Ethernet i nf ormati on.
- 74 - Y ou can gr oup user s acc o rding to som e shared char acteris tic, such as a common busines s f unction or a comm on protoc ol. A si ngle swi tch may hav e several independent VLAN ’s wi thin i t.
Radio Fr equency E nergy, C er tifications FCC C omplian ce Statem ent (Un ited States) This equi pm ent generates, uses and can radi ate radio frequency energy and i f not instal l ed and used properl y, that i s, in stri ct accordance with the m anufacturer’s instructi ons, m a y cause i nterference to radi o com m unicati on.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lindy 25030 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lindy 25030 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lindy 25030 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lindy 25030 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lindy 25030 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lindy 25030 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lindy 25030 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lindy 25030 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.