Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 585-310-575 van de fabrikant Lucent Technologies
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I NT UITY ™ Messaging Solutions Enhan ce d-Li st App li ca tio n Re le as e 1 .0 58 5-310-57 5 Com code 1 0797 5674 Issue 1 July 1 997.
Copyright 1997, L ucen t Te chnol ogi es All Rights R e served Prin ted in U .S. A. Notice Eve ry effort was made to en sure that the info rmation in this b ook wa s compl et e and accur at e at th e time of pr i nti ng. Ho w ever , in for mat ion is s ubj ec t to cha nge.
Conten ts Issue 1 July 1997 i Abou t This Book ■ Pur pos e v ■ Intended Audience s v ■ Tradem arks and Service Marks vi ■ Related R esources viii ■ How t o Comment on This B ook viii 1 En ha.
Conten ts ii Issue 1 July 199 7 ■ Increasing the Number of Mailing Lists A l lowed on the Sy s t em 15 ■ Defining an ELA Class of Service 16 ■ Setting Up ELA and Shadow Mai l b ox Community IDs .
Conten ts Issue 1 July 1997 iii ■ Checking the Admin istrator’s Log 51 ■ Checking t he De l ivery Failure Log 52 ■ Delivery Failure Codes 54 ■ Troubleshoo ti ng ELA 55 6 Alarms ■ Overvie w.
Conten ts iv Issue 1 July 1997.
Issue 1 J uly 1997 v About This Boo k Pu rpo se This book contains instructions for installing and administrating the Enhanced -List Applicat ion (ELA) on an I NTUITY ™ AUDIX ® R 4 syst em.
About T his Book vi Issue 1 July 1997 Trademarks and Service Mar k s The following tradema r ked produ ct s are mention ed in books in the Lucent I NT UI TY documen t set: ■ AT™ is a t radem ark of Hayes Microcomp uter Products, Inc. ■ AUDIX ® i s a registered tradema rk of Lucent Technolog ies™.
Trademarks a nd Service Mark s Issue 1 J uly 1997 vi i ■ Novell ® i s a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. ■ Parad yne ® is a re g istered tradem ark of Lucent Technol og ies™. ■ Phi llips ® is a reg is ter ed trad ema rk of Philli ps Scre w C om pany.
About T his Book viii I s sue 1 J uly 1997 Rela ted R eso urces If you need help with basi c administrative procedures, see the I NTUITY ™ Messaging Solutions R elease 4 Administra tion book, 585-31 0-564. Ho w to Com ment on Thi s Boo k We are always interested in your sug gestions for i mprovin g this book.
Issue 1 July 1997 1 1 Enhanced -List App l ic at io n Over view This chapter describes the Enhanced -List Application (ELA) on an I NTUITY ™ AUDIX ® Release 4 system. Audience Read this book if you are the AUDIX syste m adminis trato r re sponsi b l e for th e configuratio n and ma intenance of an I NTUITY AUDIX R e lease 4 system.
Enhanced -List Applicat ion 2 Issue 1 July 1997 E nha n ced- Lis t Ap plic a t ion The Enhanced -List A pplication (ELA) greatly ex pands your business’ capability to de l iver messag es to large numbers of recipients. A single enh anced lis t can contain 1500 addresses and you – th e syst em administrator – can create up t o 100 s uch lists.
ELA Ad m inist r atio n Issue 1 J uly 1997 3 ■ Forward messages to support staff automatically. If you o f t en forward incoming messages, y ou can create an en hanced-list mailbox that autom at ically forwards messages t o your staff. Your staff can review the messages and then respond to them as they normally would.
Enhanced -List Applicat ion 4 Issue 1 July 1997 This administration can be divided as follows: AUDIX Adm i nistration: ■ Contact Professional Services (or your account representative, if you did not con t ract with P r o f essional S ervices) to have ELA i nstalled.
ELA Ad m inist r atio n Issue 1 J uly 1997 5 Hardware/So ftware Requirements ELA runs on the s ame m achin e as AUDIX. ■ ELA must be installed on a Lucent I NTUITY R4.2-4 or higher machi ne. If your site has an earli er rel e ase, contact your Lucent s ervice representa t ive to obtain the necessary upgrade.
Enhanced -List Applicat ion 6 Issue 1 July 1997 Port U s age Impact Voice port usage increases as rec ipi e nts retrieve m essages sent by ELA . Plan f or the i ncreas e with Professional Services when you purchase EL A. Refer to the worksheets that were compiled at the ti m e of the purchase to determine the port usage impa ct.
ELA Ad m inist r atio n Issue 1 J uly 1997 7 The IMAPI passw ord is an optional, seconda ry level of security used to prevent an unauthorized source external to AUDIX f rom starting an IMAPI session. We strongly rec om mend that y ou take a dvantage of this ex t ra protection.
Enhanced -List Applicat ion 8 Issue 1 July 1997 cannot be infected with viruses embedded in these software files, cl ient machines m ay becom e infected w hen a user launches the applicati on associated with the software file. ! CAUTION: ELA does not perform any virus detection.
Issue 1 July 1997 9 2 Install ation Over view This chapter describes how to install E LA on a Lucent I NTUITY R4.2 o r higher syste m . I ns t allin g the So ft ware The ELA package is prov ided on a tape labeled Enhanc ed-List Ap p lication . To install ELA on a Lucent I NTUITY R4.
Ins ta lla tio n 10 Issue 1 July 1997 Figur e 2-1. Soft ware In stall M e nu 3. Insert the t ape labeled Enhance d-List Ap pl i cation i nto th e ta pe dr ive . 4. Select: The system displa ys the message : Insert a tape into the Tape Drive. Type [go] when ready or [q] to quit: (default: go) 5.
Rebooting the System Issue 1 July 199 7 11 6. Press to select all . The system installs the software and displays several status messa ges. When th e soft ware installation is complete, the syste m displays the message: Installation of Enhanced List Application Package was successful.
Ins ta lla tio n 12 Issue 1 July 1997 3. Press (F3) . The system stop s the voi ce system and displ ays the a seri es of status messages. When the voice system has st opped, the syst e m displays the message: The Voice System has stopped. Press Enter to Continue.
Issue 1 July 1997 13 3 Administering A U DI X for EL A Over view To define the ELA server and functionality t o AUDIX: ■ Contact Professional Services (or your account representative, if you did not contract with Profession al Services) to have ELA installed.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 14 Issue 1 July 1997 Acti vat ing ELA After the ELA installation i s complete, contact your Professional S ervices ( o r your account representat ive, if you did not contract with Professional Services). The technici an from the remo te supp ort center w ill acce ss your syst e m re motely and activate the ELA feature.
Inc re as in g t he N umb er of Ma iling L is ts A llo w ed o n the Syst e m Issue 1 July 199 7 15 3. Ensure the following fiel ds are set to ON: ■ Enhanced List Application ■ TCP/IP Administration 4.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 16 Issue 1 July 1997 6. Press (F3 ) to save the i nformation in the system d at abase. The cursor ret urns to the co mmand l i ne, and the syst em displays the me ssag e Command Successfully Completed . 7. Continue with the next proced ure or enter ex i t t o l eav e A UD IX Administrati on.
Defining an ELA Cl as s of Service Issue 1 July 199 7 17 Figu re 3- 2. Clas s of Servic e S c r e en , Page 1; Defi nin g a Class of Servi ce fo r ELA 3. Although not required, we recomme nd th at you change the name of the COS to be more descri p tive, for ex a m pl e , e nte r ELA in th e Name: fie ld.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 18 Issue 1 July 1997 Figur e 3-3. S ub sc ribe r C las s of Se rvi c e Para m et ers Sc reen, Pa ge 2; Enabl ing ELA on a COS B as is 7.
Setti n g Up EL A and Sha do w Mail box C om mun ity IDs Issue 1 July 199 7 19 8. Press (F3 ) to save t he informatio n in the sy stem d at abase. The cursor ret urns to the co mmand l i ne, and the syst em displays the me ssag e Command Successfully Completed .
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 20 Issue 1 July 1997 Let’s say you set up the enhanced -list mailbox communi ty t o be Communit y 10. Commun it y 10 is g iven perm i ssion to s end to all other c ommunities (except the shadow mailbox c ommunity).
Setti n g Up EL A and Sha do w Mail box C om mun ity IDs Issue 1 July 199 7 21 2. At the enter command: pro mpt, enter either: The system displays the Sending Restrictions screen (Figure 3-5). Figure 3-5. Se n di ng Restrictions S c reen 3. Enter y in the Activate Restrictions? fi eld.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 22 Issue 1 July 1997 access to enhanced lists from sending a message to an Enhanced List. Following the example discusse d under "Things to Consider" on page 3-1.
Administering TCP /IP Issue 1 July 199 7 23 Admi ni ster in g TC P/ IP If you r system is al ready connec ted to the LAN, you can skip t h is p rocedu re.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 24 Issue 1 July 1997 Figure 3 - 6 . TCP /IP Adm inistration W indow; A d ministering T CP/IP fo r Enhanced-List Applic ation (ELA) 2.
Administering TCP /IP Issue 1 July 199 7 25 5. Ent er the de faul t gat ew ay IP addr es s in the Default Gateway IP Address: fie l d . The default gateway IP address is the addres s of the gateway router that serves to connect to addresses on other LANs.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 26 Issue 1 July 1997 NOT E: The changes to your syste m will not take effect until you reboot your system. See your I NTUITY Messaging Solutions R elease 4 Adm inistratio n book for i nstructions.
Setting Up IMAPI Sessions for Trusted Server Access Issue 1 July 199 7 27 Figure 3-8. S ys tem-Parameters IMAPI-Options Screen , Pa ge 1; Sett ing IMAPI Sessions f or Tru ste d Se rve r Ac ce s s NOT E: The f oll owing contain instructions for t he fields t hat directly relate to ELA.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 28 Issue 1 July 1997 8. P ress (F3) to sa ve this in format io n to the syst em databa se. The cursor ret urns to the co mmand l i ne, and the syst em displays the me ssag e Command Successfully Completed . 9. Continue with the next proced ure or enter ex i t t o l eav e A UD IX Administrati on.
Defining Two ELA Trusted Servers Issue 1 July 199 7 29 ■ The TCP/IP address for the AUDIX server (s ee pa ge 3-23). You will p erf orm this p rocedure twice , fi rst for the E LA administrative server, and then for t he ELA delivery server. To add the ELA trusted servers to the I NTUITY AUDIX server: 1.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 30 Issue 1 July 1997 3. In th e Trusted-Server Name: field , enter a name for the first ELA trusted server. (See the Note below for tips on trusted serv er names.) This name must be a unique 1- t o 10-printable character entry.
Defining Two ELA Trusted Servers Issue 1 July 199 7 31 11. Do you want t o administer an IMAPI password? ■ If yes, follow the procedures for s etting the IMAPI pass word in your I NTUITY Me s sa g ing S ol ut ion s Re le ase 4 A d mi n is tra t i o n bo ok b efor e proceedin g to the ne xt section.
Administering AUDIX f or ELA 32 Issue 1 July 1997.
Issue 1 July 1997 33 4 Admi nister ing ELA fo r AUDI X Over view Now that t he AUDI X system knows abo ut the ELA t ruste d serve rs, you can d o the initial administration of the ELA system.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 34 Issue 1 July 1997 ■ Enhanced - l ist mailbox an d shadow mailbox Com munity IDs (see page 3-20) ■ E L A C la ss of S er vi c e ( se e p a ge 3- 16) To administer the ELA server: 1. Starting from the main menu (Figure 3-1 on p age 3-14), select: The Set Up Enhanced-List System Data window displays (Figure 4-1).
Defining the AUDIX server and Administering Access Issue 1 July 199 7 35 Table 4-1 . Field Definitions: Set U p Enhanced-List S ys tem Data W indow Fi e ld Na m e Des crip tio n/Pro cedu re Syst em Login: Vali d Inp ut : sa, v m Enter sa (s ystem admini strator login) or vm (voice mail ad mi ni stra t or l ogi n) .
Administering ELA for AUDI X 36 Issue 1 July 1997 Passwor d: Vali d Inp ut : 5- to 10- al phanumeri c chara cters Enter th e Admini strati ve tr usted server pa sswor d (see page 3-30).
Guidelines for Nami ng Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 37 3. P ress (F3 ) to save the E LA serv e r in form ation t o the system data base . The system di splays the message “ Successfully Updated! ” and asks you to press F 1 acknowledge the mess age.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 38 Issue 1 July 1997 ■ Give enhanced li sts names that reflect an organization or a function. Include the word list . Exam ples : — Marketing_ Dept_List — Maxfield_List — Western_District_Sal esf orce_ List ■ If you want all enhanc ed lists to be grouped t ogeth er, put the word list firs t.
Creating Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 39 Fi gure 4-2 . Ad m i nist er En hanc ed- Lis t s Wind ow 2. Press (F4) . The s y s tem displays t he Ne w Enhanced-List wi ndow (Figure 4 - 3). Figure 4- 3. N ew Enhanced-List Window 3. Complete the fields in t his window using the information in Table 4-2.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 40 Issue 1 July 1997 4. P ress (F3) to sa ve this in format io n in the sy stem databa se. The cursor displays in the A d ministe r Enhanced Lists window on the li ne that shows the li st you just entered. (If you have more than one list , the new list is placed in line alphab etically with t he other lists).
Creating Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 41 Guid elines for Sel ecting Enhanc ed-Li st M embers The following subscribers can be members of an enhanced list: ■ Local and remote subscrib ers.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 42 Issue 1 July 1997 Fi g ure 4- 4. Enha nced Li st Mem ber ship f o r Listname Window 2. Press (F4) . The system displays the Add Memb er data entry wi n dow (Figure 4-5). Fig ure 4 -5. A dd Me mber W ind ow; A ddi ng Me mb e rs t o an Enha nce d List 3.
Creating Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 43 4. P ress (F3 ) to sa ve thi s info rmati o n in the system d atabase . NOT E: The Entries: field at the t op of the Administer Enhan ced-Li sts window increments each time you add a new member to the l ist.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 44 Issue 1 July 1997 The system displays the Administer Enhanced -Lists window (Figure 4-2). The nam es of y our enhanced lists disp l ay in the window (along wi th other de scr i ptiv e dat a). 2. Using the arr o w keys, select th e list y ou would like to add members to.
Creating Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 45 ■ Dele te a memb e r fr o m the list (S tep 6) ■ Pri nt the l i st to your syst e m pri n t er (Ste p 7) Adding a M e mber 4. Press (F4) . The s y s tem displays t he Ad d Member d ata entry win dow (Figure 4 - 5 on page 4-42).
Administering ELA for AUDI X 46 Issue 1 July 1997 Deleti ng a Member 6. To delete a member: a. Locate the mem ber name to be deleted . See ‘‘Finding a Member’’ above. b. Pres s (F7 ) . The system displa ys the confirmation m essage: CONFIRM: Deleting Name= List - Listna me Extension/Address= Listextension Enter y to continue, n to abort.
Deleting an Enhance d List Issue 1 July 199 7 47 2. Use the arrow k eys to hi g hlight the line t hat represents th e l ist you want t o delete. If the list to be d eleted does not app ear on the visible page, s elect the list by one of the following means.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 48 Issue 1 July 1997 Rec ordi ng Na mes f or En hanced List s Once y ou have esta bl ishe d a n enhanced list , is a g ood idea t o record a name f o r the list. That way, users will hear a meani ngful name for the list when they send a message to an enhance- list mailbox for distri b ut ion.
Testing I NTUITY Enhanced Lists Issue 1 July 199 7 49 ■ " Def ini ng an EL A Cl as s of S erv ic e" o n p age 3- 16 ■ "Setting Up ELA and Shadow Mailbox Comm unity IDs" on page.
Administering ELA for AUDI X 50 Issue 1 July 1997.
Issue 1 July 1997 51 5 Preventative Maintenance and Troubles hooting Over view This s ect i on describes ho w to c heck for system alarms rel ating to ELA and how to diagno s e co m mon app li cation an d end-user problems.
Preventative M aintenance and Troub l eshooting 52 Issue 1 July 1997 5. Press (F3) to display the alarm entries . 6. Examine the display ed entries. See the Lucent I NTUITY ™ Messa ging Solutions R elease 4 Alarm a nd Log M essages, 585-310-566 f or a list of events and alarms, and associat ed repair proced ures .
Checking the Delivery Failure Log Issue 1 July 199 7 53 2. Press (F8 ) to se nd a c op y of th is re po rt to t he sys te m p rin te r , if you h ave a printer available.
Preventative M aintenance and Troub l eshooting 54 Issue 1 July 1997 Deliv e r y Fail u re Cod es Delivery failure logs contain the f ollowing codes: Table 5-2. Delivery F a ilure Codes Reason of Failure Description Full ma il box The recip i en t has a full mailbox.
Troubleshoot i ng ELA Issue 1 July 199 7 55 Tr ou bles ho otin g ELA Table 5-3 lists questions users ask the system adm inistrator and suggest ed remedies to commonly encou ntered system problem s.
Preventative M aintenance and Troub l eshooting 56 Issue 1 July 1997 Recipi ent cl ai ms s/ he did not get an EL A mess age. ■ Ma iling list n ot curre nt Check the mailing list f or the recipien t’s name.
Troubleshoot i ng ELA Issue 1 July 199 7 57 “Ever yone el se seem ed to have rec eived their enhance d-list mess age. I got mine much later.” User mail box f u ll Check the Li st Measurement s Subs criber Day screen fo r t h e af f ected user. Look at the av ailable mailbox space.
Preventative M aintenance and Troub l eshooting 58 Issue 1 July 1997.
Issue 1 July 1997 59 6 Alarms Over view The following alarms are associated with the Enhance d-List Application. DELI VTS Res o urce Ty pe Alarm Co de: 1 Event ID: ELA-delivt s 01 Alarm L evel: Warning Des criptio n: Trusted-server d at a lost, re-ent er or restore.
Al arms 60 Issue 1 July 1997 Alarm Co de: 2 Event I D : E LA-delivts02 Alarm L evel: Warning Des criptio n: Trusted-server data partially lost, re-ent er or restore. Repair Action: There are two recovery methods: ■ Access t he Set Up Enhanced-Li s t System Dat a window and re-enter all field information.
REGIST R Y Resource Type Issue 1 July 199 7 61 2. Verify/administer the screen information, as required. 3. Repeat for the delivery trusted server. 4. Enter ch i mapi and ve rify/admi nister a s re quire d. 5. When compl et e, enter the correct i nformation in the Set Up Enhanced-List Syst em Data window.
Al arms 62 Issue 1 July 1997 SH ADOW Re so urc e Typ e Alarm Co de: 1 Event I D : E LA-shadow01 Alarm L evel: Warning Des criptio n: Shadow mailbox data lost, re-enter or rest ore .
SHADOW Resource Type Issue 1 July 199 7 63 Alarm Co de: 3 Event ID: ELA-shadow03 Alarm L evel: Warning Des criptio n: Shadow mailbox data corrupt, re-enter or restore. Repair Action: There are two recovery methods: ■ Access the Set Up Enhanced-List System Data window and re-enter the shadow mailbox e x tension an d commun it y ID.
Al arms 64 Issue 1 July 1997 Repair Action: Access the S et Up Enhanced-List Sys t em Data window a nd re-enter the shadow mailbox ext en s ion and community ID. I f a shadow m ai lbox ex i sts a t the e x tension enter ed , the syste m d i splays a syst e m pro m pt to that effe c t.
EL — Enhanced -Li st Applic at i on Issue 1 July 199 7 65 If you regularly get this alarm, the following q uest ions can help you eval uat e how your business uses ELA: ■ Do your subscribers use l.
Al arms 66 Issue 1 July 1997 Even t ID: ELA -lost lock 0 1 thr ough ELA -lostlo c k10 Des cript i o n: Mess ages to a n enhanced list coul d not b e delivered because s omeone was logged into the sha dow m ail box. Re pair P roced ure: No one shou l d ever be logged into the sha d ow mailbox.
EL — Enhanced -Li st Applic at i on Issue 1 July 199 7 67 Re pair P roced ure: Evaluate list membe rship hierarchy and delete unnecess ary nestin g so that ELA can handle delivery of the message. See Lucent I NTUITY Mess aging Soluti ons Release 4 Administration , 585-310-564 f or procedures .
Al arms 68 Issue 1 July 1997 2. Verify that the shado w mailbox belongs to a com mu nity that cannot receive messa ges. NOT E: The s ending restrictions must be identical on all machi nes in the I NT UI TY AUDIX network. Check the sending restrictions on all machine s .
Issue 1 July 1997 69 IN Index A ad minist ering , 34 AUDIX , 3 COS , 16 LAN , 23 TCP/IP , 23 ad minist rator’s log , 51 alar ms , 51 ELA-badr eca01 thr ough ELA-badr eca12 , 65 EL A-ch kre strc t , .
Ind ex 70 Issue 1 J uly 1997 L LAN admini stration , 5 , 23 log s , 51 de liv e ry fa ilu r e , 52 M mail boxes , 6 , 7 , 17 , 28 ma ili ng lis t s , 19 AUDIX , 2 mes sagi ng traffic , 5 P passwor ds .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lucent Technologies 585-310-575 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.