Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 585-310-748 van de fabrikant Lucent Technologies
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585- 310- 748 Comco de 10788 9354 Issue 2 Januar y 1997 I NT UITY ™ Multimedia Messaging User’ s Gu ide.
Copyright 1996, Lucent T echnologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S. A. Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of prin ting.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Contents Page iii Contents Contents iii ■ Important Numbers and Code s for Your Me ssag ing S ystem vii ■ Welcome 1.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Contents Page iv Sending a Multi media Message by Forwardi ng E- Mail and Atta ch ed Fi le s 22 Enhanced Delivery Optio.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Contents Page v ■ Set Ad dressing Optio ns 53 Addres sing a Me ssag e Before Recordin g It 53 ■ Leave Message s wit.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Contents Page vi.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page vii Imp ortant Numb ers and C odes for Your Mess aging Sys tem Impo rtant Numb ers and Co des for Y our Messa ging System T his p ag e lists t he p rimar y nu mb ers an d c od es you nee d to use yo ur mul timed ia messa g ing system effec tively .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page vii i Important Nu mbers an d Codes for Your Me ssaging System ■ Avail ab le op tions for joined mailb oxes (mar.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 1 Welco me We l c o m e W ith the I NT UIT Y TM AUDIX ® mess ag ing syst em, you h ave t he f ollowi ng c ap ab ilit ies u sing your t elep hone: 1. A b inary file is a c omputer software file that you c an look at with the app rop riate software p roduc t.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 2 Welco me 1. CAUT ION: By send ing or rec eiving an atta c hed file, you mig ht inad vertently s p read a c omp uter viru s. Always c hec k files you send or rec eive for virus es b efore ru nning them.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 3 Call Your Mail box Call Y our Mailbox Y our mail b ox stores inc omi ng and outg oing voic e, fax, e-mail , or mul timed ia mes sag es and head ers. Y our mailb ox stores mes sag es b y their status ( see Fi g u r e 1 ).
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 4 Get Aro und in Your Mailb ox Get Around in Y our Mailbox W hen y ou c all your mailb ox and log in, you reac h the Main Me nu. T he Mai n Menu is also referred to a s the Ac tivity Menu.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 5 Get Aro und in Your Mailb ox Basic Commands T ouch-T one Keys Command ( or ) Help ( or ) R etu rn to Main Me nu .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 6 Chan ge Your P assword Change Y our Passw ord Y our system ad ministra tor estab lishe s your d e fault p assword . Chang e this p assword immed iate ly after y ou log in the fi rst tim e.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 7 Record Your Name Record Y our Name R ec ord your name to rep lac e the s ystem g reeting for you r mailb ox. Call ers hea r your voic e and feel c omfort ab le they h ave reac hed the rig ht p erson.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 8 Reco rd a Greet ing for Call ers Record a Greeting for Callers W hen y ou d on’t a nswer yo ur telep ho ne, the system works jus t like an answeri ng mac hine . T he sys tem send s th e c all to y our mai lb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 9 Reco rd a Greet ing for Call ers Figure 4. Recor d Basic Greeting 2 Recording a Speci al Greeting for V oice/Fax Messages F ax mes sag ing is ne w . S o y our g reeting should b rief ly tell c allers how to sen d a fax to your ma ilb ox num b er.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 10 Record a Greeting for Call ers Recording a Speci al Greeting for a Personal Fax Ex tension If you rec eive freq uent faxes , your sy stem ad ministr ator may set up a sec ond fax-onl y extens ion, yo ur p e rsonal fax exte nsion.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 11 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived Get M essag es Y ou’ve R eceive d Y ou c an liste n to: ■ Messa g e hea.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 12 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived If so meone se nd s you a messa g e with two or m ore c omp onents of th e same med ia, th e system tel ls you that some c omp onen ts c ould n’t b e d elivered .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 13 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived c . P ress to sen d , or enter a d el iver y op tion, then p ress . S ee ‘‘ E nhanc ed Del ivery Options ’ ’ o n pa ge 2 3 .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 14 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived Figure 5. G et and Respond to Messages 3 3.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 15 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived Handling a Call When Y ou Hea r Fax T ones Y ou may ans wer you r p hone and hear fax tone s. F ax tones ind ic ate someon e’s tr yi ng to send you a fax.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 16 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived 4. S e lec t one of the followi ng op tions: Fax Print Pre fixes Y our syst.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 17 Get Me ssa ge s You’ ve Rece ived a. Conne c t the fax m od em to the c omp uter with a ser ial c ab le (if y ou’re using an exte rnal mod em). b . Conne c t your tele p hone wall jac k to th e mod em jac k m arked “ Line.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 18 Record a nd Send M essages Record and Se nd Messages S end in g voic e, fax , voic e-fa x, and voi c e-e-mail m.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 19 Record a nd Send M essages Sending a V oice or V oice-Fax Message NOTE: T his p roc ed ure says to rec ord the mess ag e, then ad d ress it.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 20 Record a nd Send M essages 5. P ress to a p p rove th e ad d r ess. 6. (Op tional ): T o attac h a fax , p ress . T his op tion work s only i f you are using a p hone a ttac hed to a fax m ac hine.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 21 Record a nd Send M essages Sending a Fax-Only Mes sage T o send a fax -only mes sag e from a telep hone th at is atta c hed to a fax mac hine: 1. P ress from the Main Men u.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 22 Record a nd Send M essages Sending a Multimedi a Message by Forwarding E- Mail and At tached Files Y ou c an send e-mai l and /or an att ac hed file t o your ow n p hone mail b ox and then for ward it.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 23 Record a nd Send M essages Enhanced Deliver y Options W hen y ou ha ve c reated /ad d res sed a mess ag e and are read y to send , se veral d e live ry op tions are availab le.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 24 Record a nd Send M essages Figure 7. Enhanced Call D elivery 5 5.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 25 Leave a M essage When a U ser Doesn’ t Answer Leave a M essage W hen a User Doe sn’t Answer If yo u c all a use r who d oesn’t answer, your c all g oes to the u ser’s mai lb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 26 Leave a M essage When a U ser Doesn’ t Answer Before or afte r leaving a m essag e, you c an transfer to anothe r extensio n. T o trans fer to an other ex tension: a.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 27 Set Fax/E-Ma il Print Optio ns Set Fax/E-Mail Print Options T o p rint fax es and e-mail t o the same fax ma c hine eac h time, selec t the tel ep hone numb er of a fax ma c hine as your de f a u l t fax p rint numb e r.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 28 Set Fax/E-Ma il Print Optio ns Sel ectin g Au topr int/A utod elet e (Op tion al) T o have your fax es p rint a.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 29 Create M ailing Li sts Create Mailing Lists A mail ing list is a l ist of us ers to wh om you mig ht sen d a messag e simulta neousl y .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 30 Create M ailing Li sts Figure 9. Create a Mai ling List 7 Deleting Add resses from a List T here are two ways t.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 31 Create M ailing Li sts Scanning List Summaries 1. P ress fr om the Ma in Men u. 2. Listen to the l ist summar y . 3. P ress a ny of the fo llowing : Reviewing and Modi fying a List 1.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 32 Set the Mes sage Me dium You Want to Ge t First Set t he Me ssage Me dium Y ou W an t to G et First Y ou c an set yo ur ma ilb ox so that the first me ssag es you g et over t he telep hone are in a sp ec ific med ium.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 33 Create an d Use Mul tiple Personal Greeting s Create and Use Mu ltiple Personal Greetings After you have rec o rd ed sever al p ersonal g reeting s, you ma y want t o assig n thos e g reeting s to sp ec ific typ es of inc omi ng c alls.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 34 Create an d Use Mul tiple Personal Greeting s Defining Call T ypes the First T ime 1. P ress from the M ain Me nu. 2. P r ess one of the f ollow ing: 3. P r ess one of the f ollow ing: Changing Call T ypes 1.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 35 Create an d Use Mul tiple Personal Greeting s 6. P ress to a p p rove.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 36 Create an d Use Mul tiple Personal Greeting s Scanning All Gree tings 1. P ress from the M ain Me nu. 2. Listen to the s tatus of the fir st g reeting . 3. P ress a ny c omb inatio n of the following : 4.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 37 Create an d Use Mul tiple Personal Greeting s Figure 10. Creat e Multiple Person al Greeting s Differen tiat e:.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 38 Check and Reuse O utgoing or Filed Messa ges Check and Re use Outgoing or Filed Messages After you ’ve sen t a mes sag e, it p rog resses throug h a series of stat us c ateg ories.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 39 Check and Reuse O utgoing or Filed Messa ges 3. P r ess any or n one of th e foll owin g : NOTE: F or d elivered or ac c essed messag es , you c an listen to the head ers on ly .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 40 Check and Reuse O utgoing or Filed Messa ges c . Chang e d eliv ery times or op tions. Figure 1 1. Checking Status of Messag es Y ou’ve Sent 8 8. T he b old line in this f i g ure shows the sim p les t, most d ir ec t p ath.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 41 Create a Personal D irectory Create a Pe rsonal Directory Y ou c an c reate a p ersonal d ir ec tor y of a b b reviate d names ( aliases) for freq uently used ad d resses.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 42 Create a Personal D irectory Reviewing and Deleting Entries from a Dire ctory 1. P ress from the M ain Me nu. 2. P ress: ■ to review all a liase s. W hi le liste ning to e ac h entr y , p ress: ■ to r evie w sp ec ific aliase s: a.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 43 How to Use Directory Assistance How to Use Directory Assist ance If yo u know the name o f a p erson , you c an us e d irec to ry assis tanc e to find tha t p erson’s extens ion.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 44 Scan /Prin t Mess age s Quic kl y Scan/Print Messages Quickly T he a utosc an o p tion lets you g et messag es aut omatic all y with just 2 b utton p resses. Autosc an i s useful for c ar telep ho ne users b ec ause it req uires fewer b utton p resses.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 45 How the Syste m Interpret s Text/E-Mail How the System In terprets T ext/E-Mail Y our system c hang es e-m ail into sp eec h so yo u c an listen to it. T he syste m follows c erta in rules to ma ke these c hang es.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 46 How the Syste m Interpret s Text/E-Mail 1. T he system ig nores a p eriod (.) at the end of a sentenc e or when a sp ac e follows the p eriod . T he system says “ p e riod ” if text follows the p eriod .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 47 How the Syste m Interpret s Text/E-Mail S p oken symb ols T he system p ronounc es som e symb ols a s foll ows:.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 48 How the Syste m Interpret s Text/E-Mail Rules for Crea ting T ext Messa ges Y ou Se nd to Phone Mailboxes Bec a.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 49 Joine d Telepho ne and E-Ma il Mailboxes Joined T elephone and E-Mail Mailboxes Y ou may hav e an e -mail mail b ox, suc h as Lo tus Note s or Lotu s c c :Mail mail b ox, that i s joined to y our telep hone mailb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 50 Joine d Telepho ne and E-Ma il Mailboxes T rans fer T ransfe rs a ny new mes sag e in A UDIX to y our e-m ail mail b ox. T he me ssag e is th en d eleted from your AUDIX mai lb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 51 Joine d Telepho ne and E-Ma il Mailboxes NOTE: P riority A UDIX m essag es retain their p riorit y status in yo ur e-ma il mailb ox. P riva te AUDIX mes sag es aren’t li nked or tra nsferred to your e- mail ma ilb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 52 Joine d Telepho ne and E-Ma il Mailboxes NOTE: Hig h p riority e-m ail messag e s retain the ir p riori ty status i n AUDIX . M ed ium p riority messag es d on’t.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 53 Set Address ing Options Set Addressing Options Y ou c an ad d ress a messag e b efore you rec o rd it . T o set this ad d ressing seq uenc e: 1. Log into your ma ilb ox.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 54 Set Address ing Options Figure 15. Sending a Messag e with Address B efore Record 10 10. T he b old line in this f i g ure shows the sim p les t, most d ir ec t p ath.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 55 Leave Messag es with the Gues t Passwor d Leave Messages with the Guest Pass word Y ou c an ac c ess a user’s ma ilb ox b y d iali ng your me ssag ing syst em numb er, entering the use r’s extens ion, a nd entering the system-wi d e g uest p assword .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 56 Leave Messag es with the Gues t Passwor d Figure 16. Guest Passwor d Operation 11 11. T he b old line in this f i g ure shows the sim p les t, most d ir ec t p ath.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 57 Tips and Highlig hts T i ps a nd Hi ghli ghts General Messa ge Handling NOT E: Y ou c an’t d ial throug h error b eep s and imp or tant s ystem m essag es. F or Help , p ress ( ).
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 58 Tips and Highlig hts S c an mes sag es qu i ck l y Y ou c an automatic a lly p lay all y our mes sag es b y p ressing just two b u ttons, p lus either t o sc an messag es an d head ers, to sc an head ers on ly, o r to sc an mes sag es only .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 59 Tips and Highlig hts R ec ord a g r eeting that t ells p eop le ab out send ing faxes Let p eop le know how to ta ke ad vantag e of your fax messag ing c ap ab ility.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 60 Tips and Highlig hts Leaving Messa ges When No One Answers Mail ing Me ssage s Use p layb ac k and rec ord c ontrols T o li sten to and e d it the mes sag es you l eave when there’s no answer , you ha ve man y c ontrols .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 61 Tips and Highlig hts Use mai ling lists Create a mailin g list of extens ions. T hen s end your messag e to on e d estination— the mai ling list. All extensions in th e list rec eive the me ssag e.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 62 Tips and Highlig hts Attac h a fax to a mess ag e S end a voic e- fax mess ag e and exp lain in the voic e p ortion what th e attac hed fax c onta ins. T o d o this, c all your ma ilb ox fro m a p hone at tac hed to a fa x mac hine .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 63 Terms and Concep ts T erms an d Concep ts Autodelete An op tion (on/ off) with whic h y ou d ec id e whether the syste m automati c ally d eletes fax es and e-mai l from your mailb ox afte r they ar e autop rinted to th e d efault fax p rinter.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 64 Terms and Concep ts Header A summary of an inc omin g voic e, fax, e -mail, or multimed ia messa g e (eq uivalent to a return ad d ress and p ostmark o n a letter ).
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 65 Terms and Concep ts Pref erre d medium T he m essag e med ium y ou want to g et first whe n you ac c ess messag es.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 66 Terms and Concep ts.
Index Page IN-1 INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 IN Index A a bbr e v i a t e d a ddr e s s e s se e p erson al d i rec t ory ac tivity me nu see main m.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Index Page IN-2 E e-mail m essag es how interp reted , 45 integ ration o vervi ew , 2 lis t enin g to e- ma il , 45 op .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Index Page IN-3 i n t e gr a t e d m e s s a gi n g c op y heade rs op tion , 49 e-ma il-to AUDIX , 51 exp irations opt.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Index Page IN-4 M mailbox ac c ess , 3 d efinition , 3 integ rated mailboxes , 49 p olling for e-mail up d a tes , 52 t.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Index Page IN-5 P p ersonal d irec tory cr e a t i n g , 41 p lay me ss ag es faster see i nc re ase sp eed c ommand ju.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Index Page IN-6 skip forward c ommand , 5 skip p ing voic e p rom p t s , 4 slow d own c omman d see d ec rease sp eed .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 7 Intuity Messag ing Soluti ons Releas e 4, Phas e 2 Books I NTUITY Messaging So lutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books NOTE: Guid eb uild er is c anc elled until later in 1997.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 8 Intuity Messag ing Soluti ons Releas e 4, Phas e 2 Books I NT UIT Y ™ M e s s a g i n g S oluti ons R elease 4.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 9 Intuity Messag ing Soluti ons Releas e 4, Phas e 2 Books Maintenance I NT UIT Y ™ M e s s a g i n g S oluti on.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 10 Intuity M essaging Solutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books I NT UIT Y Integ ration with the 5E S S S witc h , 585-31.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 11 Intuity M essaging Solutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books System A dministrat ion I NT UIT Y ™ M e s s a g i n g .
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 12 Intuity M essaging Solutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books AMIS Ana log Networkin g , 585-30 0-512 10764 3330 6 Inc lud es an ove rview an d feature d esc rip ti on, and p roc ed ures fo r ad minister ing AMIS Ana lo g Networki ng on I NT UIT Y AUD IX R 2 , R 3.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 13 Intuity M essaging Solutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books Mult ip le P ers onal Gr eeting s Quic k R eferenc e , 585-30 0-705 10741925 1 5 S ummariz es p roc ed ures for us ing the multip le p e rsonal g reeting s feat ure.
INTUITY Multime dia Messaging User’s Guide 585-310-74 8 Issue 2 Janu ary 199 7 Page 14 Intuity M essaging Solutions Release 4, Phase 2 Books.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lucent Technologies 585-310-748 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.