Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Definity System 75 van de fabrikant Lucent Technologies
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2 Copyright © 1999 Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Notice While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information contained in the database used to create this document was complete and accurate, Lucent Technologies cannot assume responsibility for any errors.
3 Welcome With the INTUITY™ AUDIX® messaging system, you have the following capabilities using your telephone: Voice Mail You can record voice messages in advance and send them to the mailboxes of other users without actually calling their telephones.
4 INTUITY Message Manager INTUITY Message Manager is a Windows™ - based interface to AUDIX that runs on your P.C. With it, you can: • Create, send, receive, forward, respond to, and review all mes.
5 NOTE: Change your default password to a new password as soon as possible. See "Change Your Password". Ge t Around in Your Mailbox When you call your mailbox and login, you reach the Main Menu. The Main Menu is also referred to as the Activity Menu.
6 Basic C ommands * 4 (or * H ) Help * 7 (or * R ) Return to Main Menu * 9 (or * W ) Wait * * 6 (or * * N ) Look up number/name * * 9 (or * * X ) Exit system * 0 Transfer call to operator * 3 (or * D .
7 SECURITY ALERT: Don't use a password that uses: • Ascending or descending digits (for example, 1234 or 4321) • The same digit s (for example 0000) • Digits matching your name or initials .
8 S t op R e c o r d na m e P e r s ona l op t i on s R e c o r d na m e R e -r e c o r d P l a y ba ck A pp r o v e Log i n t o m a il bo x I n i t i a l l og i n t o m a il bo x 4 n a m e r e c L J .
9 R e c o r d g r ee t i ng R e c o r d g r ee t i ng L i s t en t o g r ee t i ng S c an g r ee t i ng s P e r s ona l g r ee t i ng ad m i n i s t r a t i on A c t i v a t e g r ee t i ng G r ee t i.
10 NOTE: A personal fax extension does not accept voice messages. To leave a voice - fax message, callers must call your normal extension. Get Messages You've Received You can listen to: • Mess.
11 6 Skip forward 5 Skip backward * 6 Skip to next message component * 5 Skip to previous message component Responding to a Message 3. (Optional): Press 1 , and one of the following: 0 Call the sender. In this case, you exit your mailbox. 1 Reply to the sender by voice mail.
12 + Tips Your mailbox keeps incoming messages until you delete them or until the system deletes them automatically. Because space is limited, it is wise to review and delete messages regularly. Get and Respond to Messages Hand ling a Call When You Hear Fax Tones You may answer your phone and hear fax tones.
13 2. Enter the Transfer into Mailbox code. 3. Press TRANSFER again. This action sends the fax call to your mailbox. Option Two ____ 1. Press TRANSFER on your telephone. 2. Enter th e Transfer into Mailbox code. 3. Enter your mailbox extension when prompted.
14 extension 5679) An external local telephone call 3 5 ( F L for f ax l ocal) 8 digits (for example, 9 555 3201) A long - distance telephone call 3 5 5 ( F L D for f ax l ong d istance) 10 digits (for example, 9 303 555 3201) Printing All New Faxes at Once See "Scan/Print Messages Quickly" later in this book.
15 • You can send a fax to your own mailbox and forward th e fax (forwarding requires that you attach a voice comment). Sending a Voice or Voice - Fax Message NOTE: This procedure says to record the message, then address it. For an alternative sequence, see "Addressing a Message Before Recordin g It" later in this book.
16 b. Press START on the fax machine. NOTE: The button on your fax machine may be labeled something other than START . Common alternates are send, transmit, and CONNECT .
17 NOTE: The button on your fax machine may be labeled something other than START . Common alternates are SEND , TRANSMIT , and CONNECT . Sending a Voice - Fax Messa ge by Forwarding a Fax You can send a fax to your own mailbox and then forward the fax.
18 9. (Optional): To attach a fax, press 5 . 10. Press # to send. Or, enter other options, and press # to send. See "Enhanced Delivery Options" later in this book. 11. If attaching a fax, do the following: a. Load the document into the fax machine.
19 E n t e r E n t e r A pp r o v e D e li v e r a t ne x t o cc u rr en c e D e l e t e E n t e r E n t e r H ou r M i nu t e s M on t h D a y A pp r o v e O p t i on s P r i v a t e P r i o r i t y S c hedu l e de li v e r y F il e a c op y A tt a c h a f a x Log i n t o m a il bo x C r ea t e a m e ss age A dd r e ss t he m e ss age : P .
20 b. Press START on the fax machine. Before or after leaving a message, you can: • Transfer to another extension: a. Press * T ( * 8 ). b. Enter the extension. c. Press # . NOTE: If you record a message and either hang up or go to a nother option, the system automatically delivers your message to the person you are calling.
21 For example: When the fax - print prefix is 329 (fax) and the fax machine extension is 12345, enter 32912345. NOTE: You must enter a fax p rint prefix. Attach this prefix to the front of the extension or telephone number of the fax machine. You must also use the correct number of digits in the phone number or extension of the fax machine.
22 1 Make the list private. 2 Make the list public. 4. Enter an address and press # . If the user is in a different location, you may need to add a prefix to the extension. NOTE: When including email - only users, be sure you are in name - addressing mode.
23 Log i n t o m a il bo x A pp r o v e E n t e r C r ea t e li s t P r i v a t e P ub li c P e r s ona l op t i on s ad m i n . L i s t ad m i n . E n t e r E n t e r R e v i e w / m od i f y li s t .
24 2. Listen to the list summary. 3. Press any of the following: # Skip to next list. * D ( * 3 ) Delete the entire list. 0 Review/modify list members. See "Reviewing and Modifying a List" Reviewing and Modifying a List 1. Press 5 1 3 from the Main Menu.
25 NOTE: The system still plays priority messages first, regardless of their primary medium. Setting the Preferred Medium 1. Press 5 8 to access the preferred media list.
26 Defining Call Types the First Time 1. Press 3 4 from the Main Menu. 2. Press one of the following: 1 Differentiate internal/external calls. 2 Differentiate busy/no - answer calls. 3. Press one of the following: 3 Differentiate out - of - hours calls.
27 NOTE: To set up different greetings strictly for prime - time and out - of hours calls, you must assign the same greeting to the two prime - time call types (internal/external or busy/no - answer ) and a second greeting for out - of - hours calls. Activating Previously Rec orded Greetings 1.
28 D i f f e r en t i a t e : I n t e r na l / e x t e r na l B u s y / no an s w e r O u t - o f - H ou r s T u r n o ff O u t - o f - H ou r s S a m e g r ee t i ng f o r a ll c a ll s A pp r o v e .
29 Undeliverable Can't be delivered, usua lly because the recipient's mailbox is full. You can listen to, re - address, and re - record the message. Filed Copies and saves the outgoing message to re - send and/or modify. You can check the status of outgoing messages.
30 Resending a Message 5. For filed and undeliverable messages: a. Enter address(es) or list via * L ( * 5 ). b. Press # # to approve and send immediately, or enter delivery options and press # . For undelivered messages: a. Enter additional addresses and press # .
31 Create a Personal Directory You can create a personal directory of abbreviated names (aliases) for frequently used addresses. It's essentially a sophisticated speed - dialing feature. NOTE: You must be addressing by name * A ( * 2 ) to use an alias as an address.
32 # Skip to the next alias. * D ( * 3 ) Delete. 2 2 Return to the previous alias. # # Stop reviewing. • 3 to review specific aliases: a. Enter an alias to review and press # . b. Listen to the corresponding address. c. Press * D ( * 3 ) to delete. d.
33 + Tips The extension you hear associated with a name is not always the entire address. Add the appropriate prefix numbers for users on remote systems. Scan/Print Messages Quickly The autoscan option lets you get messa ges automatically with just 2 button presses.
34 How the System Interprets Text/Email Your system changes text messages and email into speech so you can listen to it. The system follows certain rules to make these changes. Therefore, some parts of a text message or email message may sound odd because of the way the system interprets it.
35 Fractions and Decimals The system recognizes a slash (/) with a number before and after it as a fraction. For example, for 1/3 , the system says "one third." The system also recognizes decimal points. For example, for 2.50, the system says "two point five zero.
36 • greater than and less than (<>) as "less than sign greater than sign" • less than and eq uals (<=) as "less than sign equals sign" • greater than and equals (&l.
37 Setting Up Outcalling "Outcalling Operations" shows all of the steps that a subscriber may need to perform to set up outcalling for his/her mailbox.
38 Include a pound sign at the beginning of the number Enter # . Include a pound sign other than at the beginning of the number. Enter * # . In this case, the system recognizes * as a marker to include # , not as a 1.5 second pause. • For example, for the system to reach your pager with an outcall, it may need to dial a 9, wait 1.
39 NOTE: The language that is active for the system determines how dates and times are entered. The sequence shown in this procedure may vary from language to language. Turning Outcalling O n/Off The system saves your outcalling number even when you turn off outcalling.
40 You hear the prompt, "Address before record turned on/off." 4. Press 1 to change the setting. Log i n t o m a il bo x P e r s o n a l o p t i o n s ad m i n i s t r a t i on A d d r e s s.
41 You create and send a broadcast m essage normally, except that you don't address it. Instead, you simply mark the message as a broadcast. NOTE: You can't send a broadcast message to users at other locations. Sending a Broadcast Message To send a broadcast message: 1.
42 + Tips Message notification turns on users' message waiting lamps when the message arrives. Turn on message notification only in emergencies. The system slows down greatly if many users try to get a broadcast message simultaneously.
43 • They aren't put in users' mailboxes. Users can't delete, save, replay, or forward login announcements. Thus, the only way to replay login announcements is to log in again. • Only one can be active at one time. • You can send them to users at other locations, but they are delivered as normal messages.
44 b. Press # to save the expiration date or press 2 again to start over. # Approve broadcast options. 7. Press # to approve your message status and return to the Main Menu. "Login Announcement Operation" shows the steps necessary to send a login announcement.
45 Leaving a Guest Password Message To leave a message using the guest password: 1. Dial the system number using a touch - tone telephone. 2. Enter the extension of the user for whom you wish to leave a message, and press # . 3. Enter the system - wide guest password and press # .
46 telephone system, dial the complete system number, including local prefix and the area code if long distance, then enter your extension and password. Dial through If you know which buttons to push, push them without waiting for the system to respond.
47 ___ Press TRANSFER on your phone, enter the Transfer into Mailbox code, and press TRANSFER again. This action sends the fax call to your mailbox. ___ Press TRANSFER on your phone, enter th e Transfer into Mailbox code, enter your mailbox extension when prompted, and press TRANSFER again.
48 Leave a voice - fax message From a fax machine, call a user's phone number. When the user doesn't answer, record your voice message in the user's mailbox. T hen load your fax in the fax machine and press START . The fax is attached to your voice message.
49 call your mailbox from a phone attached to a fax machine. Next, record and address your message, press 5 , # , and START on the fax machine, and hang up. Address a message before recording it Address messages befo re recording them. To turn on this option, press 5 6 from the Main Menu.
50 delivered, normally because the intended user's mailbox is full. You can listen to, re - address, and re - record these messages. Filed - Copies of outgoing messages that y ou've saved to re - send and/or modify. Multimedia message A message that contains two or more components of different media -- voice, fax, text, or binary file.
51 Powerpoint document. Preferred medium The message medium you want to get first when you access messages. Thus, if you specify faxes as your preferred medium, you get all new faxes before any new voice messages, text messages, or binary files. You also get all old faxes before any old messages in other media.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lucent Technologies Definity System 75 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.