Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Digitizer van de fabrikant MakerBot
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WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 3 1 WELC OME Saf ety and C ompliance About y our MakerBot Digitiz er 2 SETUP Ac cessory Che cklist Unpacking the Mak erBot Digitizer Mak erBot Digitizer Pl acement Ins.
1 W el c ome t o the Leading Edg e of the Ne x t Industrial R e v ol ution! Le t’ s Get S tart ed..
Hi there, When we st arted Mak erBot in 2009 , one of the bigg est hurdl es to 3D printing was finding gr eat 3D model s. No w you hol d one of the ke ys t o crossing this hurdl e, the Mak erBot Digitizer Deskt op 3D Sc anner .
6 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE FCC DE CLARA TION This equipment has been t ested and f ound to c omply with the limits f or a Class B digit al device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FC C rules. The se limits are designed t o provide re asonabl e protec tion against harmful interf erence in a r esidential installa tion.
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 7 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED This safe ty al ert symbol prec edes each saf ety messag e in this manual. This symbol indicat es a potential s afe ty hazard tha t coul d harm you or others or c ause product or property damag e.
8 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE The MakerBot Digitiz er Deskt op 3D Scanner use s two (2) Cl ass 1 lasers when it is sc anning. The Digitizer is report ed certifie d as a Cla ss 1 laser pr oduct under the requir ements of 21 CFR (J) 1040 .10 and IE C 60825- 1 as per Laser Notic e 50.
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 9 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE Caution: Do not open the Mak erBot Digitizer’s la ser modules or a ttempt t o repair them. Servic e on your Mak erBot Digitizer’s la sers may onl y be performed by authoriz ed, f actory trained t echnicians.
10 SÉCURITÉ ET RESPE CT DE S NORMES DÉCLARA TION DE CONFORMITÉ FC C Cet appar eil a été contrôlé et décl aré conf orme aux limites r elativ es aux appareils numériques de catég orie B, conf ormément à la sec tion 15 des directiv es FCC .
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 11 SÉCURITÉ ET RESPE CT DE S NORMES Ce symbol e d’av ertissement de sécurité précède t out message de sécurité de c e manuel. Ce s ymbole indique un risque pot entiel pour la sécurité, qui pourrait v ous blesser , blesser un tiers, ou c auser des av aries ou des dommage s matériels.
12 SÉCURITÉ ET RESPE CT DE S NORMES Le sc anner de bureau 3D Mak erBot Digitizer utilise deux (2) laser s de Classe 1 pour l ’opéra tion de numérisation. L es l asers de Cl asse 1 sont sans danger dans t outes les c onditions d’utilisation normal e.
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 13 SÉCURITÉ ET RESPE CT DE S NORMES At tention: Ne pa s ouvrir les modul es laser de la Mak erBot Digitizer ou d’essa yer de l es réparer . Le s services après vent e sur les l asers de v otre Mak erBot Digitizer doivent être réalisés ex clusivement par des t echniciens agréés f ormés dans nos usines.
14 SICHERHEIT UND EINHAL TUNG DER RICHTLINIEN ERKLÄRUNG GEMÄSS DER US- ZULAS SUNGSBEHÖRDE FÜR K OMMUNIKA TIONSGERÄTE FC C Die Prüfung dieses Geräts ha t ergeben, dass die Gr enzwert e für ein digitale s Gerät der Klasse B g emäß T eil 15 der FCC-Bestimmung en eingehal ten wer den.
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 15 SICHERHEIT UND EINHAL TUNG DER RICHTLINIEN WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED Dieses W arnhinweis- Symbol s teht v or jedem Sicherheitshinw eis in dieser Bedienungsanl eitung.
16 SICHERHEIT UND EINHAL TUNG DER RICHTLINIEN Der MakerBot Digitiz er Deskt op 3D Scanner v erwende t zwei ( 2) Laser der Kla sse 1 im Scan- Pro zess. L aser der Kla sse 1 sind unter Beding ungen des normal en Gebrauchs sicher .
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 17 SICHERHEIT UND EINHAL TUNG DER RICHTLINIEN V orsicht: Önen Sie den Mak erBot Digitalisierer -Laser -Module nicht und v ersuchen Sie nicht, ihnen zu reparier en. Servic e an Ihrem Mak erBot Digitalisierer-L aser-Modul e darf nur von aut orisierten, im W erk ausgebil det en T echnikern ausg eführt wer den.
18 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT DIGITIZER The MakerBot Digitiz er Deskt op 3D Scanner c an scan a re al worl d object and produc e a ready -to-print 3D model in as littl e as 12 minutes, with no post -processing or cle anup require d. All MakerBot Digitiz er scans are cr eat ed using Mak erBot’s ea sy-t o-use MakerW are for Digitizer sowar e.
20 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT DIGITIZER The MakerBot Digitiz er Deskt op 3D Scanner cr eat es a digital 3D model of a phy sical object by taking a r apid sequence of pic tures as the objec t rotat es on the Mak erBot Digitizer turntabl e. Here is ho w it happens: 1.
WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED 21 Some object s will produce be tter sc ans than others. Here ar e a fe w guidelines to help y ou determine wha t will produce a g ood scan.
S e t ting Up Y our Mak erBot Digitizer 2.
In this chapt er you will be g uided thr ough ev erything y ou need t o do t o set up y our new Mak erBot Digitizer Desk top 3D S canner , from unpa cking it t o producing y our first 3D sc an.
25 2 Open Ac cessory Bo x SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER 1 Open the Bo x Plac e the MakerBot Digitiz er bo x on a stable surfac e. C ut the tape on both sides of the box a s well as the t amperproof stick er loc ate d on the front secur e tab.
26 3 Li MakerBot Digitiz er out of Box UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER Grasp the pr otec tive f oam packaging at both sides and li the MakerBot Digitiz er out of the box. Separ ate both f oam packaging pie ces from the MakerBot Digitiz er and remov e the clear plas tic bag.
27 SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER Loc ate the f our rubber tra ction fee t from the acc essory bo x. Car efully turn the Mak erBot Digitizer upside do wn and insert one rubber trac tion foot int o each of the f our holes on the underside of the Mak erBot Digitizer .
28 PLA CEMENT OF THE MAKERBOT DIGITIZER Finding the right loc ation f or your Mak erBot Digitizer is important. Follo w these guidelines t o ensure the best qualit y scans: • Set up y our MakerBot Digitiz er in an indoor area with ampl e incandescent or fluor escent light.
29 UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER ( C ONTINUED ) Loc ate the U SB cabl e from the ac cessory box and us e it to conne ct the MakerBot Digitizer t o your c omputer . SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER Ensure that the po wer of the Mak erBot Digitizer’s pow er switch is set t o O.
30 INS T ALLING MAKERW ARE FOR DIGITIZER MakerW are for Digitiz er is the soware that driv es your MakerBot Digitiz er . The MakerW are for Digitiz er packag e also includes the mos t current v ersion of MakerW are, MakerBot’ s 3D printing soware.
31 Y ou are almost ready t o begin your firs t scan, but firs t you ha ve to t o calibrat e your new MakerBot Digitiz er . The calibra tion routine ensures that the po sition of the turntable and las ers are rec orded accur atel y so your MakerBot Digitiz er can produc e the best scan po ssible.
32 C ALIBR A TE Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER Loc ate the c alibration t ool from the acc essory bo x and plac e it on the turntabl e with the let ter A pointing up, a s shown on the scr een. Insert the tab on the l ower e dge of the calibr ation tool int o the hole a t the cent er of the turntabl e.
33 C ALIBR A TE Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER 6 Calibr ation Compl ete Befor e you start s canning, l et’ s name your Mak erBot Digitizer and set y our sharing options. Click Continue ag ain to begin. Y ou can change y our pref erenc es at any point b y choosing Set tings from the Fi le menu.
34 SET BA SIC PREFERENCES NAME Y OUR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER By defaul t the name of your Mak erBot Digitizer is “My MakerBot Digitiz er ” . T o crea te a unique name for y our MakerBot Digitiz er , click within the Name your Mak erBot Digitizer te xt fiel d and type the new name.
35 Start S canning 3 SET BA SIC PREFERENCES SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER 3 Start S canning SET -UP 1 CONNECT 2 SCAN 3 The setup proc ess is compl ete.
S canning with Y our Mak erBot Digitizer 3.
Onc e you’r e finished calibr ating y our MakerBot Digitizer and se tting y our sharing pref erence s, y ou will be tak en t o the New S can scre en. This is y our Mak erW are f or Digitizer home s creen. Bef ore you s tart sc anning with your Mak erBot Digitizer , l et’ s go o ver some ba sics and best pr actic es.
38 SC ANNING 101 Object Plac ement The first st ep of the scanning proc ess is pla cing your object on the turnt able . The guiding principl e of object pl acement is that a s much of the object as possibl e should be in the line of sight of both the camer a and laser s during as much of the scan as possibl e.
39 SC ANNING 101 SC ANNING WITH YO UR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER If your objec t does hav e fea tures that o verl ap other parts of it, pl ace the obje ct so that the hardest part t o see is as visibl e as possibl e to both the l asers and the c amera. For e xampl e, a bowl might be pl aced on it s side with the inside facing the c enter of the turntabl e.
40 SC ANNING 101 T o get the best sc an possible , choose the scan pr eset that be st matches the obje ct you want t o scan. S can prese ts are based on an obje ct’s sha de value , and each pr eset c ov ers a rang e of shades.
41 SC ANNING 101 LIGHT Choose this for light er color ed objects. MEDIUM Choose this for object s which are neither light nor dark. DARK/ DIFFICUL T TO SCAN Choose this for moder atel y dark objects. Not e that extr emely dark objects may s till cause probl ems.
42 SC ANNING 101 Sometimes one s can isn’t enough t o capture all of an objec t’s important f eatur es. For those times, there ’s Mak erBot MultiS can ™ T echnolog y , which allo ws y ou to combine mul tiple scans of the same objec t. Here’ s how it w orks: 1.
SC ANNING WITH YO UR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER 43 SC ANNING 101 Crop MakerW are for Digitiz er will make sure y our scan is compl etel y watertight, but a dic ult to sc an object or a bad lighting situation c an crea te unw anted artif acts in y our 3D mesh.
44 SC ANNING 101 During a scan, the Mak erBot Digitizer Desktop 3D S canner shines l aser beams on y our object. The camer a captures imag es of the la ser lines and MakerW are for Digitiz er transl ates thos e images int o a point cloud.
45 SC ANNING WITH YO UR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER SC ANNING AN OBJECT Ensure that the c amera fil ter is positioned ov er the camer a lens. A void touching the camer a filt er or camera l ens. T o begin a new scan, Mak erW are for Digitizer must be in the Ne w Scan st ate .
46 SC ANNING AN OBJECT See pag e 40 for inf ormation on choosing a scan pre set. 3 Sel ect a Scan P reset If you c an see yours elf in the camer a view , step out of the c amera’ s line of sight.
47 SC ANNING WITH YO UR MAKERBOT DIGITIZER SC ANNING AN OBJECT Note: Do not t ouch or mov e the object being scanne d while the scan is in progr ess. i Note: Did y ou ge t a mesh that doesn’t l ook like your object ? If some parts of your object look much be tter than other s, try adding an additional sc an using MultiSc an T echnolog y .
48 Once y our scan is c omplet e, you can name your fil e and crop any un wante d data from the t op and bott om of your mesh and add additional sc ans befor e you sa ve a final 3D model fil e. NAME Y OUR SC AN Enter a name f or your sc an file in the Name your Sc an field.
49 SC ANNING WITH Y OUR MAKERBO T DIGITIZER SC AN COMPLETE! NO W WHA T? Share y our Scan Now that y our scan is compl ete , why not share it on Mak erBot Thingiver se? When y ou sav e your sc an, you will be pr ompted t o take a phot o and share it. Y ou will be guided through the sharing proc ess each time y ou finish a scan.
50 SC AN COMPLETE! NO W WHA T? License: Sel ect the type of lic ense that you want y our scan published under fr om the dropdown menu. The license is se t to C C - At tribution - Non - Commercial b y defaul t. For descriptions of the av ailabl e Cre ative C ommons licenses, see creativ ecommons.
51 PRINT WITH MAKERW ARE MakerBot Mak erW are is the soware tha t drives Mak erBot 3D printer s. When you click P rint with MakerW are , the most rec ent scan is opened in Mak erW are. Y ou can also open the most rec ently s av ed scan in MakerW are at any time b y choosing Open in MakerW are from the File menu.
T r oubl eshooting + Maint enanc e 4.
This chapt er describes ba sic troubl eshooting and maint enance t ask s for y our Mak erBot Digitizer De skt op 3D Scanner . For inf ormation on mor e advanc ed troubl eshooting and maint enance t ask s, go to mak erbot.
54 PROBLEM SOLUTION The MakerBot Digitiz er is connec ted via USB but MakerW are for Digitiz er show s a “Mak erBot Digitizer Not Connec ted” messag e 1. Ensure that the U SB cabl e is connect ed to both y our MakerBot Digitiz er and your c omputer .
55 TROUBLE SHOO TING + MAINTENANCE TRO UBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION The camer a feed does not appear in the viewport on the New Sc an screen 1. R estart the MakerBot Digitiz er , reboot your comput er and make sur e the USB cabl e is connec ted t o both the comput er and the MakerBot Digitiz er .
56 TRO UBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION A scannabl e object re sults in a poor scan 1. Check the Object Pl acement g uidelines on page 38 and ensur e that your objec t is well positioned on the turntabl e. S ome objects may sc an bett er in other positions.
57 TRO UBLESHOOTING TROUBLE SHOO TING + MAINTENANCE PROBLEM SOLUTION Y ou receive a “MultiSc an Fail ed ” messag e. MultiS can T echnolog y coul d fail t o merge y our scans if: • Y ou attempte .
58 MAINTENANCE R ecalibra te the Mak erBot Digitizer’s turntabl e and las ers appro ximat ely onc e a week or ev ery 20 scans to maint ain optimal scan quality . T o run the calibra tion routine, g o to the Scanner menu and choos e Calibrat e T urntable & Laser s .
59 MAINTENANCE MakerW are for Digitiz er will correc t small changes in l aser alignment b y itself , so you will probabl y nev er need to manuall y adjust laser alignment. Ho wever , if the Mak erBot Digitizer is jarred or shak en the las ers coul d be misaligned badl y enough that they will need to be manuall y adjusted.
60 MAINTENANCE CALIBR A TION TOOL POSITION LASER AD JUS TMENT SCREW LOC A TIONS Caution: The r ange of the angl e adjustment scre w is limited. Do not us e ex cessiv e for ce t o turn the screw .
R ef erenc e 5.
This chapt er include s hardw are and sow are specific ations f or y our Mak erBot Digitizer De skt op 3D Sc anner , a list of the menu options a vail abl e in Mak erBot Mak erW are f or Digitizer and a gl ossary t o help y ou understand t erms you ma y be unfamiliar with.
64 SPECIFIC A TIONS Scan T echnol ogy Sowar e Bundle Length Scan V olume File T ypes Width Supports Height W eight Shipping Box Shipping W eight Laser Line T riangula tion MakerBot Mak erW are™ f or Digitizer 47 4.5 mm [18. 68 in] 203 x 203 mm (8 x 8 in) cyl ind er S TL, Thing 412.
65 REFERENCE SPECIFIC A TIONS Ambient Operating T emper ature Enclosur e Material AC Input St orag e T emperature Centr al Bearing Po wer R equirements St epper Motor Connec tivity Lasers Sensor 0°–32° C [32°–90° F] PC ABS 100 – 240 V , ~2 amps, 50 – 60 Hz 0°–32° C [32°–90° F] Shielde d Chrome Ball Bearing 12 V DC @ 2.
66 MENU FUNCTIONS This section describes the menu options a vailable in Mak erW are for Digitizer . FILE Export: All ows y ou to sav e the currentl y open scan under the name, loc ation and fil e type of your choic e. Share: Opens the Share t o Thingivers e dialog.
67 MENU FUNCTIONS SC ANNER Calibra te Camer a: Runs the camer a calibr ation portion of the Mak erBot Digitizer calibr ation routine. Calibra te Turntabl e & L asers: Runs the turntabl e and laser portions of the MakerBot Digitizer calibr ation routine .
68 GLOSSARY CALIBR A TION ROUTINE: The step-b y-step proce ss MakerW are f or Digitizer uses to a ccur atel y loc ate its c ameras, turnt able and l asers. CALIBR A TION TOOL: A geometricall y specific object with a check ered surfa ce that is used f or the calibra tion of the camera of the Mak erBot Digitizer , turntable and l asers.
69 GLOSSARY MESH, 3D: A c ollection of v ertices, edges and fac es used to describe the shape of a an object in three dimensional c omputer graphics and modeling. MUL TISC AN TECHNOLOG Y : A feature of MakerW are for Digitizer that all ow s you t o scan an object from mul tiple angl es and merge the scans t o creat e a better 3D model.
70 C ONT A CT US Support makerbot. com/ support Our websit e has ex tensiv e documentation and troubl eshooting informa tion about your MakerBot Digitiz er Deskt op 3D Scanner . It’ s a grea t resourc e when you w ant to try t o solv e issues quickl y on your o wn.
T erms 6.
MakerBot pr oducts do not carry a l ong-term warr anty . Re turns are possibl e only on una ected it ems, within 14 days of r eceipt. Aer such time, all sale s are consider ed final. “Una ected” me ans a devic e has nev er been assembl ed, pow ered up, progr ammed, or otherwise changed.
MakerBot One Metr oT ech Center , 21st Floor , Brookl yn, NY support@mak makerbot.c om.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat MakerBot Digitizer (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen MakerBot Digitizer heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens MakerBot Digitizer vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding MakerBot Digitizer leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over MakerBot Digitizer krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van MakerBot Digitizer bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de MakerBot Digitizer kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met MakerBot Digitizer . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.