Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HE21240S van de fabrikant Maytag
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M A AG Series Tw elve ELECTRIC WATE R H EATE R Model N umbers USER ' S GUIDE _ 0° _ H E21 2 50S HE31250S HE 2 1250T HE31 2 50T H E21282T HE31 2 82T ® LI S TED FOR POTAB L E WATER HEATING ON L Y Io 1 1 certification appli e s to all r e sid e ntial electric water heaters with capacities of 20 to NOT SUITABLE FOR 1 20 Gallons.
Safety Instructions _ WARNING A WARNING Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, s e rvice At the time of manufacture this water heat e r was pro- or maintenance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS B O DI L Y vided with a combination ta mperature-pressu re s re lief INJU R Y , O R PR O PERTY DAMAGE.
Saf e ty Instructions (cont'd) _ , WARNING ] WATER HEATERS _ O R O NE VOLTAGE/ ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type / voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bot-| tom access panel for the corre ct voltage. D O N O TI use this water heater with any voltage other than I the one shown on t he model rating plate.
Table of Contents Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 2 - 3 Table of Contents .......................................................
Customer Information Than k Y ou f o r purchasing a M a ytag wa ter he a ter . ° T h e installati o n must c o nf o rm with the instructi o ns i n thi s Properly installed and maintain e d, it sh o u.
Accessories and Tools Needed Accessories To simplif y the i nstallation Mayta g has available the instal l a - tion p a rts shown below. You may or may not need all of these accessories depending on your type of installation. Call Maytag Customer Service at 1-800- 7 88-8899 for an autho- ri ze d i n staller .
I nstallation I nstructions Removing the O ld Water Heater Turn "OFF" electrical supply to the water heater . ( _ have the the If you piping a. copper tO w a ter heater, two copper water pipes can be cut with a hacksaw approxi- @__ m a tely four inches a way from where they connect to the wate r heate r .
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Locating The New Water _ CAUTI O N Heater WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Ins t a l lat i on of the water heater must be accomplish e d in such a Yon s hould.
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) The Convertible Lower Element The Upper E lement, is a c o nventional 3800 watt element which only operates at its rated wattage o n 240 v olts. (See rat- ing plate on water heater). The Lower Element of the water heater can be con v erted from operation at 3800 watts to 5500 watts on a 240 v olt system.
Instr u ctio n s for Instal l ation (cont'd) Water Piping A WARNING NOTE:Your water h e at e r is super insu l ate d to minimiz e HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water he a ters a re heat loss fro m the tank. Further r e duction in heat loss can intended to produce hot water.
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) T emperature-Pressure Relief V alve • ,WARNING _, WARNING At the t im e of m anufacture this water heater was provid - The temperature-pressure re l ie f va l ve must b e m anu - ed with a combination temperature - pressures relief valve ally operated at least once a year.
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Filling the Water Heater T o fill the wa t e r h e ater w i t h wa t er: _k WARNING 1. Close th e water h eater d r ain va l ve b y t urn i ng t he handle to Before making t h e conversion to 55 00 watts, check the right (c l ockwise) .
In str u ctio n s for In sta ll a t ion (con t 'd) Converting the Lower Element (cont ' d) l. Before beginning the con v er s ion turn "OFF" electric 4. Lowe r Elemen t : Lift out the tab as shown to unclip the power supply to the w a ter heater, terminal c o ver from the therm o stat.
Instructions for Installation (cont ' d) Converting the Lower Element (cont'd) 7. The wire r e mov e d from t e rminal 2 has a loope d e n d .
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Wiring Diagrams , o ELE_R , C POWER SUPP L Y STANDARD WIRI N G FOR 2 WIRE LEAD WATER HEATERS BLACK r N O N-SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION , .
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Wiring A CAUTI O N C. Fle x ible metal conduit or 3 metallic tubing sh a ll be p e r- N e v e r us e th i s wat e r h e ater unl e ss i t is completely mitred for grounding if all the f ollowing conditions are f u ll of water .
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Installation Checklist 1. Whether or not the element conversion is made, the model rating pl a te must be marked. Using a hard point ink pen, HOT _ __. _[_ _ COLD chec k the a p p r opriate block within t he model rating plate , .
Service and Maintenance T empera t ure Regula t ion A WARNING @ HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will satisfy clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald ind permanently injure you upon contact .
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Thermostat Adjustments Te mperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation If the upper thermostat is adjusted above the factory preset point of 1200F (Hot) , it cannot be set higher than the lower The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually oper- thermostat setting.
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Draining Element Cleaning / B R I _ The water heater should be drained if being shut down during ne p ,acem e n t f reez ing t e m pera t ure s .
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Element Cleaning / Replac e ment (cont'd) 3. Attach a hose to the water heate r drain valve and put the 6 . Open the flap of in s ulation to expose the opening . other end in a floor drain or outdoors. Open the water II heater drain valve.
Service and Maintenance (cont ' d) 10. If you are cleaning th e element you h a v e removed, do so 16. R e connect the two wires to the element and then check by scraping or soaking in vinegar or a de-liming solution, to make su r e the thermostat remains firmly against the surface of the tank.
Service and Maintenance (cont ' d) Element Cleaning / Drain Valve W asher Replacem en t (con t ' d) Replacemen t 19. Th e adjustment d i al has a "D" shaped opening that match- NO T E: F o r r epla ce m en t , use a v/,, x 1 3 / _" x 1 / 8 '! t h i ck w a s he r es a "D" shaped shaft o n the therm o stat.
Troubleshooting Start Up Conditions THERMAL EXPANSION Smelly w ater may b e e limina t ed o r reduced in s o me wa t er h e at er models by r eplacing the anode ( s) with one of less a c ti v e materi.
Troubleshooting (cont'd) 1. Before beginning, turn "OFF" electrical power s upply to N O T ENOUGH O R N O H O T WATER t he water heate r. 1. In a new in st alla ti on, t he wa t e r heater may no t be p r ope r- ly connected . Make sure the cold water supply valve i s open.
Troubleshooting (cont ' d) Leakage Checkpoints U s e thi s guide to check a "Leaking" water heater. Many sus- [ _k CAUTION 1 pected "Leakers " are not leaking tanks. Oft e n the source of ] Read this m a nu a l _ efore checkingthe I the water can be found and corrected.
Repair Parts L ist MAYTAG ELEC T RIC WATER HEATERS MAYTAG / STATE PART NUMBER CONVERSION KEY MAYTAG STATE 66001007 9002437 66001008 9002436 66001009 9002435 66001010 9002403 66001011 9001609 66001012 .
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS MODEL NUMBERS HE21240S 40 GALLON HE31240S 40 GALLON HE21250S 50 GALL O N HE31250S 50 GALLON NO TE: UPPER ELEMENT: These water hea t ers are equipped with 3 800 wa t t elements.
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE212405 40 GALL O N HE312405 40 GALL O N HE212505 50 GALLON HE31250S 50 GALLON M O DEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE212405 HE312405 HE212505 HE312505 NO. DESCRIPTION NUMBERS 1. Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve 66001010 66001010 66001010 66001010 2.
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAY ' rAG ELECTRICWATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE21250T 50 GALLON HE31250 T 50 GALLON HE21282T 80 GALL O N HE31282T 80 GALLON NOT E: UPPER ELEMENT: These water heaters are equipped with 3800 watt elements.
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS MODEL NUMBERS HE21250T 50 GALLON HE31250T 50 GALL O N HE21282T 80 GALLON H E31282T 80 GALL O N MODEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE21250T HE31250T HE21282T HE31282T NO. DESCRIPTI O N NUMBERS 1. T e mp er ature - Pr e ssure Relief Valve 66001010 66001010 66001010 66001010 2.
Warranty FUL L ONE YE AR W ARRANT Y F or One Yea r from t he da t e of Otiginal Re t a i l Pu r cha s e, any pa rt which fai ls in no r ma l home u se wi l l be r epa ir ed o r replaced f ree of cha r ge.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Maytag HE21240S (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Maytag HE21240S heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Maytag HE21240S vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Maytag HE21240S leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Maytag HE21240S krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Maytag HE21240S bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Maytag HE21240S kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Maytag HE21240S . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.