Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 1CW940 van de fabrikant Mitsubishi
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L Servo Motor Instruction Manual SH (NA) 3181-L (0805) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper.
A - 1 Safety Instructions (Alwa ys read t hese instruct ions b efore us ing the equipm ent.) Do not attem pt to install, ope rate, m aintain or ins pect the s ervo am plifier an d servo motor until yo.
A - 2 1. To prevent electric shock, note the following WARNING Befor e wirin g or insp ection, t urn of f the po wer an d wait for 15 min utes or more un til the c harge lamp tur ns off . Then, conf irm that the voltage betwee n P an d N is s afe with a volta ge test er and o thers.
A - 3 4. Additional instruct ions The follo wing instructi ons should als o be fu lly noted. Inc orrect h andling m ay cause a f ault, inj ury, electr ic shock , etc. (1) Transportation and installation CAUTION Transport the products c orrectly according to their weights.
A - 4 CAUTION Environm ent Condition s HC-SFS301 HC-SFS502 702 HC-SFS5024 7024 X: 80 Y:96 HC-AQ series HC-KF series HC-MF s eries HA-FF s eries HC-UF13 to 73 X,Y: 64 HC-SF81 HC-SF52 to 15 2 HC-SF53 to.
A - 5 (2) W i rin g CAUTION W ire the equi pment cor rectly and s ecurel y. Other wise, the servo motor m ay oper ate un expecte dly. Do not inst all a power cap acitor, surge absorb er or ra dio nois e filt er (FR-BI F opt ion) bet ween t he servo mo tor and ser vo am plifier .
A - 6 (4) Usa ge CAUTION Prov ide an extern al emergenc y sto p circu it to ens ure th at oper ation ca n be s topped an d power switc hed off imm ediately. Any per son who is involv ed in disass embly a nd re pair sho uld be full y compete nt to do the work .
A - 7 (6) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement CAUTION W i th age, the el ect rolyti c capacito r of the servo amplifie r will dete riorate . To prevent a seconda ry acciden t due to a fault , it is r ecomm ended t o replac e the e lectrol ytic cap acitor ever y 10 years when used in ge neral environm ent.
A - 8 About processing of waste W hen you disc ard ser vo ampl ifier, a batter y (prim ary ba ttery), a nd oth er optio n artic les, pl ease fo llow th e law of each c ountr y (ar ea).
A - 9 2. PR ECAUT IONS FO R CO MPLIA NCE Use th e serv o motor comp atible with the EN S tandard . Unless otherwise speci fied, the handling, performance, specifications an d others of the EN Standard- compatible models are the same as those of the sta ndard models.
A - 10 CONFORMANCE WITH UL/C-UL STANDARD Use the UL/C-UL Standard-compliant model of servo motor. Unless otherwise specified, the ha ndling, performance, specifications, etc. of the UL/C-UL Standard- compliant models are the s ame as thos e of th e standard models.
1 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCT ION 1 - 1 t o 1 -16 1.1 Servo motor fe ature s ....................................................................................................... ....................... 1 - 1 1.2 Mode l name m ake-up .....................
2 7. OUT LINE D IMENSION DR AW INGS 7 - 1 t o 7 -306 7.1 Servo motor s............................................................................................................... ............................. 7 - 1 7.1. 1 HC -MF HC-K F series .....
3 APPE NDIX App.- 1 to App.- 3 App. 1 Servo mo tor ID codes .................................................................................................... ............... App.- 1 App. 2 Ch ange of connec tor sets to the Ro HS compatible products .
4 MEM O.
1 - 1 1. INTRODUCTI ON 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Serv o motor f eatures Servo Moto r Series Fea tures (Point s Diff erent fr om Co nventio nal Products) Rated Speed [r/mi n] Positionin g Resoluti on [p ul s.
1 - 2 1. INTRODUCT ION 1.2 Mode l name m ake-up (1) Rating plate AC S ERVO MO TOR HC-SF502G 1H INPUT 3AC 133V 26 A MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION MADE IN JA PAN 2000r/m in IP65CI.
1 - 3 1. INTRODUCT ION (b) HA-FF series (low inertia, small capacity) Symbol Rated Outp ut [kW] -UE Symbol Shaft ty pe (Note2 ) D Symbol G1 Symbol 1 2 0.
1 - 4 1. INTRODUCT ION (c) HC-SF series (middle inertia, middle capacity) Rated Outp ut [kW] Symbol G1 Symbol 8 10 0.5 0.85 1 5 Series name Reduction gear None With out Electromagnetic brake Electrom a gnetic Bra ke Without Wit h Rated speed Rated output Appearance Symbol B None 1000 [r/min] (Note) Reduction Ge ar Note.
1 - 5 1. INTRODUCT ION (d) HC-RF series (ultra low inertia, middle capacity) Rated Outpu t [kW] Symbol Symbol 20 1 15 1.5 2 10 Series name Appearance Reduction gear Reducti on Gear None Wi thout For p.
1 - 6 1. INTRODUCT ION (f) HA-LH series (low inertia, large capacity) HA-LH Series name Appearance Compliant Standard Encoder Rated speed 2000[r/min] Rated Outpu t [kW] Symbol 15K 22K 11 15 22 11K Rat.
1 - 7 1. INTRODUCT ION (h) HC-AQ series (24VDC-compatible, compact size, small capacity) HC-AQ Rated Outpu t [kW] Symbol 03 0.01 02 0.02 0.03 01 Series name Appearance Rated speed 3000 [r/min] Rated o.
1 - 8 1. INTRODUCT ION (j) HC-K FS ser ies (low inert ia, small capaci ty, high re solutio n) 3000[r/min] 05 0.05 0.1 1 App earanc e Shaft type Symbol Reduction Ge ar None Without G1 For general indus.
1 - 9 1. INTRODUCT ION (l) HC-SFS series (middle inertia, middle capacit y, high re sol ution) 1) 200VAC-co mpatible Rated Outp ut [kW] Symbol G1 Symbol 8 10 0.
1 - 10 1. INTRODUCT ION 2) 400VAC-co mpatible HC-SFS 2 4 Series name Shaft type Symbol Shaft Shape None Standard (Straight sh aft) With keyway ( Without key) (Note) K Symbol Ele ctromagne tic brak e None B Without With Power supply voltage Three-phase 380 to 480 VAC 5 0.
1 - 11 1. INTRODUCT ION (m) HC- RFS ser ies (u ltra low in ertia, middle capac ity, high resolu tion) Rated Outpu t [kW] Symbol Symbol 20 1 15 1.5 2 10 Series name Appearance Reduction gear Reducti on.
1 - 12 1. INTRODUCT ION (o) HA- LFS serie s (low inerti a, middle large c apacity, h igh reso lution) 1) 200VAC-co mpatible (Note)B 1 1000 1M 1500 2 2000 HA-LFS Rated speed Series name Symbol Sp eed [.
1 - 13 1. INTRODUCT ION 2) 400VAC-co mpatible 80 8 11K 11 12K 12 15K 15 20K 20 22K 22 25K 25 30K 30 37K 37 45K 45 50K 50 55K 55 Series name El ectr oma gne tic br ake HA-LFS 4 Electromagnetic brake Symbol Note Without (Note) B For preci sion appli cation Note.
1 - 14 1. INTRODUCT ION (p) HC- LFS ser ies (low i nertia, middle c apacity, hig h reso lution) 5 0.5 10 1 15 1.5 20 2 30 3 HC-LFS 2 Seri es name Electromagnetic brake Symbol Rated speed 2000 [r/min] Rated output Symbol Electro magnetic B rake Rated Outp ut [kW] None Without With B Appearance Symbol Shaft t ype (Not e) K None Shaft Shape Note.
1 - 15 1. INTRODUCT ION 1.3 Parts ident ification Term inal box Power leads (U V W) Cool ing fan leads Gr ound term inal Brake lead (for mo tor with e lectrom agneti c brake ) Termi nal box type Lead type Name /Appli cati on Referenc e Encoder Section 5 .
2 - 1 2. INSTALLATION 2. INSTALLA TION CAUTION Stack ing in ex cess of the l imited n umber of prod ucts is no t allo wed. Instal l the e quipm ent on incom bus tible m aterial. Installi ng them direc tly or c lose to com bustibles will lead to a fire .
2 - 2 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 Enviro nmental con ditions Environm ent Condition s [ ]0 t o 40 (n on-f ree zing) In Operat ion [ ] 32 to 10 4 (non-fr eezing) [ ] 15 to 70 (non -freezing) Ambient tempera tu.
2 - 3 2. INSTALLATION Vibr ation occu rs in th e dire ction s show n belo w. The values were meas ured at the portion which ind icat es th e ma xim um va lue (n ormal ly t he b ra ck et opposite to load side).
2 - 4 2. INSTALLATION 2.2 Instal lation ori entation The followi ng table lists direct ions of instal lation. Servo Motor Series Directi on of Install ation Remarks HC-KF HA-FF HC-RF HC-KFS HC-SFS HC-.
2 - 5 2. INSTALLATION 2.4 Perm issible load for the shaf t POINT Do no t use a rigid coup ling as it may app ly excess ive bendin g load to the shaft, le ading to sh aft brea kage. (1) Use a flexible coupling and make sure that the misa lignment of the shaf t is less than the per missib le radial load .
2 - 6 2. INSTALLATION Note 1. For the symbols in the table, refer to the following diagram. Radial load Thrust load L L: Distance from flange mounting surf ace to load center 2. Do not subject the s haft to load greater than this value. The values in the table a ssume that the loads w ork si ngly.
2 - 7 2. INSTALLATION 2.4.2 W ith r eduction gear The permissible ra dial loads in the table a re the values at the center of the reduction gear output sha ft.
2 - 8 2. INSTALLATION (2) HA-FF series (a) General industrial machine-compliant Item Gear ratio HA-FF053(B )G1 HA-FF13(B)G1 HA-FF23(B)G1 HA-FF33(B)G1 HA-FF43(B)G1 HA -FF63(B)G1 1/5 588 686 686 980 1/1.
2 - 9 2. INSTALLATION (3) HC-SF HC-S FS (200 0r/min) series (a) General industrial machine-compliant Ite m Gear ratio HC-SF 52(B)G1 HC-SFS52(B)G1 HC -SF S524( B) G1 HC-SF102(B)G 1 HC-SFS102(B)G1 HC-SF.
2 - 10 2. INSTALLATION (b) Pre cision ap plication- complian t Ite m Gear ratio HC-SF 52(B)G2 HC-SFS52(B)G2 HC -SF S524( B) G2 HC-SF102(B)G 2 HC-SFS102(B)G2 HC-SFS1024(B)G2 HC-SF152(B)G 2 HC-SFS152(B).
2 - 11 2. INSTALLATION 2.5 Protec tion from oil and water (1) Ne xt, the servo moto r is no t wate rproo f (IP4 4). Do no t su bject the se rvo mo tor to oil and wate r. Espec ially for the HC- MF HC-KF HC- AQ HC-KF S HC-MFS and HA- FF ser ies, do not su bject th e shaft-through portion to oil.
2 - 12 2. INSTALLATION (3) Wh en insta lling the servo motor ho rizontally , fa ce the power ca ble and encoder cable downward. When instal ling the servo motor vertical ly or obliq uely, provide a trap for the cable. Cab le tr ap (4) Do not use the servo motor with its cable soaked in oil or water.
2 - 13 2. INSTALLATION 2.6 Coolin g fan The HA- LH HA- LF and HA-L FS servo moto rs have a coo ling f an. Leave the fo llowing dist ance betw een the servo motor's suction face and the wall. Distan ce L Servo Motor Series [mm] [in] HA-LH series 50 1.
3 - 1 3. CONNECTORS USED FOR SERVO MOTOR WIRING 3. CONNECTORS USE D FOR SERVO MOTOR W IRING POINT Prot ectiv e stru cture in dicate d for cabl es and connecte rs is for a cable or connec tor al one.
3 - 2 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug 2) Cable c la mp Cable 1) Plug 2) Cable c la mp Cable Cable Side Connector 1) Plug (DDK) Serv o Mo tor Connect o.
3 - 3 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector f or c ondu it Conduit 2) Connector for conduit Cable Side Connector 2) Cable Connector Conduit Serv o Mo tor Connec tor Supplied for Ser vo M otor 1) Plug (DDK) Type Manufacturer Si ze Model Model I D 1/2 RCC-104RL-MS20F VF-04 14.
3 - 4 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING (2) EN St andard, UL/ C-UL St andard- compli ant (a) When using cabtyre cables 1) For connection of power supply 1) Plug Cable 1) Plug Cable 2) Conne.
3 - 5 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3) For connection of brake 1) Plug Cable 1) Plug Cable 2) Connector for cable 2) Connector fo r cable Cable Side Connector 2) Cable Connect or Servo .
3 - 6 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector f or c ondu it Conduit 2) Connector fo r conduit Cable Side Connector 2) Cable Connector Conduit Serv o Mo tor Connect or Supplied for Servo Motor 1) Plug (DDK) Type Manufacturer S ize Model Model ID 1/2 RCC-104RL-MS20F VF-04 14.
3 - 7 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3.1.3 HC-SF( S) HC-RF(S) HC-UF( S)2000r/min, H A-LH HA-LF HA-LFS HC- LFS series (1) Non-waterproof, UL/C-UL Standard-compliant (a) When using cabtyre.
3 - 8 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug 2) Cable cl amp Cable 1) Plug 2) Cable c lamp Cable Cable Side Connector 1) Plug (DDK) Serv o Mo tor Connector S.
3 - 9 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING (b) Wh en using f lexib le condu its 1) For connection of power supply 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector for co nduit Conduit 2) Connector fo r co.
3 - 10 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector for co nduit Conduit 2) Connector fo r conduit Cable Side Connector 2) Connector f.
3 - 11 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING (2) W aterpro of (IP65), EN Standard, UL/C-UL Standard-compliant (a) When using cabtyre cables 1) For connection of power supply 1) Plug 2) Cable cl.
3 - 12 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug 3) Cable cl amp Cable 2) Back shell 3) Cable clamp Cable 2) Back shell 1) Plug Cable Side Connector 2) Back she.
3 - 13 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING (b) Wh en using f lexib le condu its 1) For connection of power supply 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector fo r conduit Conduit 2) Connector fo r c.
3 - 14 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 2) For connection of encoder 1) Plug Conduit 1) Plug 2) Connector f or c ondu it Conduit 2) Connector fo r conduit Cable Side Connector 2) Connector.
3 - 15 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3.1.4 HC-AQ s eries Cable Side Connector (Molex) Serv o Mo tor Servo Motor Side Connector (Molex) Plug Terminal HC-AQ (B) (Note) 5557-12R-210 5559-12P-210 5558 Note.
3 - 16 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3.1.6 HC-UF30 00r/min s eries (Com pliance with IP65) Use the connectors indicated i n this section or equivalent for connection of the power supply, electromagnet ic brak e and encoder. These connect ors are wa terproof.
3 - 17 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3.2 IP65, E N Standar d-com pliant optio ns The followi ng options are availabl e to satisfy the IP65 ingress protection and EN Standa rd. To comply with the EN Standard, the power supply connector used must be any of these options or equivalent.
3 - 18 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING Product Model Description Servo Motor IP65/EN Standard-com pliant power c onnector set MR-PWCNS1 Plug: CE05-6A22-23SD-D-BSS Cable clamp: CE3057-12A-.
3 - 19 3. CONNECT ORS USED FOR SERV O MOTOR W IRING 3.3 Signa l arrangem ent of encod er connec tors The encoder connector of each servo motor has the following signal a rrangement.
4 - 1 4. INSPECTION 4. INSPECTION W ARNING Befor e starti ng maint enanc e and/or inspec tion, tur n off th e power and wa it for 15 minutes or m ore unti l the char ge lam p turns off. T hen, conf irm that the voltage between P and N is saf e with a volta ge test er and others.
5 - 1 5. SPECIF ICAT IONS 5. SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 Standard sp ecificati ons HC-MF Series (ultra low inerti a, small capacity) HA-FF Series (low inertia, smal l capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 053 13 23 43 .
5 - 2 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-SF 10 00r/m in Series (midd le in ertia, m iddl e capaci ty) HC-SF 2000r/m in Series (middl e inertia, middle c apacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 8 1 1 2 1 201 301 52 102 152 202 .
5 - 3 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-SF 3000r/m in Series (middl e inertia, middle c apacity) HC-RF Series (ultra low inertia, middle capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 53 103 153 203 (Not e 13) 353 (Not e 13) 103 15.
5 - 4 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-UF 2000r/min Series (flat typ e middle c apacity) HC-UF 3000r/min Series (fla t type sm all capaci ty) HA-LH Series (low inertia large capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 72 152 20.
5 - 5 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-KF Series (l ow inertia small capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 053 13 23 43 MR-H AN/ BN/ACN/ TN 10 10 20 40 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2- 10A-A16 10B-A16 10C-A16 10A-A15 10B-A15 10C-A15 20A-A15 20B-A15 20C-A15 40A-A15 40B-A15 40C-A15 Rated outpu t [kW] 0.
5 - 6 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-AQ Series (24VDC-c ompatible co mpact size sm all capacit y) Serv o Mo tor Item 0135 0235 0335 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2-03A5 MR-J2-03B5 MR-J2-03C5 Rated output [kW] 0.01 0.02 0.03 [N m] 0.0318 0.0637 0.0955 Continuous running duty (Note 1 11) Rated torque [oz in] 4.
5 - 7 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LF Series (three-phase, 200VAC-compatible, low inertia large capacit y) Serv o Mo tor Item 30K2 37K2 Applicable servo amplifier MR-H AN/ B N 30K 37K Compatible converter unit MR-HP30KA Rated outpu t [kW] 30 37 [N m] 143 177 Continuous running duty (Note 1 11) Rated torque [oz in] 20250.
5 - 8 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LF Series (three-phase, 400 VAC-compat ible, low Inertia, large capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 30K24 37K24 45K24 55K24 Applicable servo amplifier MR-H AN4/ B N4 30K 37K 45K 55.
5 - 9 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-MFS Series (ultra lo w in ertia small capacit y) HC-KFS S eries (low inertia sm all capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 053 13 23 43 73 053 13 23 43 73 MR-J2S- A/B/CP/ CL 10 10 20 40 70 10 10 20 40 70 Applicable servo amplifier/drive unit MR-J2M- DU 10 10 20 40 70 10 10 20 40 70 Rated output [k W] 0.
5 - 10 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-S FS1 000 r/ min Se rie s (200V-compat ible, middle inertia, middle capacity) HC-SFS 2000r/mi n Series (200V-compat ible, middle inerti a, middle capacity) Serv o Mo tor It.
5 - 11 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-SFS 3000r/min Series (200V-compat ible, middle inertia m iddle capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 53 103 153 203 353 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2S- A/B/CP/ CL 60 100 200 200 350 Rated output [kW] 0. 5 1. 0 1.5 2.0 3. 5 [N m] 1.
5 - 12 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-SFS S eries(400VAC-compatible, mi ddle inertia middl e capa city) Serv o Mo tor Item 524 1024 1524 2024 3524 5024 7024 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2S- A4 60 100 200 350 500 700 Rated output [kW ] 0.5 1.0 1. 5 2.0 3. 5 5.
5 - 13 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-RFS Seri es (ultra lo w in ertia middle capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 103 153 203 353 503 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2S- A/B/CP/ CL 200 200 350 500 500 Rated output [kW] 1. 0 1. 5 2.0 3.5 5. 0 [N m] 3. 18 4.78 6.37 11.1 15.
5 - 14 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-UFS 2000r/min Series (flat t ype middle capacit y) HC-UFS 3000r/min Series (flat typ e small capac ity) Serv o Mo tor Item 72 152 202 352 502 13 23 43 73 MR-J2S A/B/CP/CL 70 200 350 500 500 10 20 40 70 Applic able serv o amplifier/drive unit MR-J2M DU 10 20 40 70 Rated output [kW] 0.
5 - 15 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 1000r/min Series (200V AC-compatible, low inertia middle large c apa city) Serv o Mo tor Item 601 (Note 13) 801 12K1 15K1 20K1 25K1 30K1 37K1 Applicable servo amplifier.
5 - 16 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 1500r/min Series (200V AC-compatible, low inertia middle large capacit y) Serv o Mo tor Item 701M (Note 13) 11K1M 15K1M 22K 1M 30K1M 37K1M Applicable servo amplifier MR.
5 - 17 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 2000r/m in Series (200V AC-compat ible, low inertia middle large c apacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 502 (Note 13) 702 (Note 13) 11K2 15K 2 22K2 30K2 37K 2 Applicable servo a.
5 - 18 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 1 000r/m in Series (400VAC-c ompatibl e, lo w inert ia large capa city) Serv o Mo tor Item 6014 8014 12K14 15K14 20K 14 25K14 30K14 37K14 Applicable servo amplifier MR-.
5 - 19 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 1500r/min Series (400V AC-compatible, low inertia large capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 701M 4 11K1M4 15K1M4 22K1M4 30K1M4 37K1M4 45K1M4 50K1M4 Applicable servo amplifier .
5 - 20 5. SPECIFICATIONS HA-LFS 2000r/min Series (400V AC-compatible, low inertia large capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 11K24 15K 24 22K24 30K24 37K24 45K24 55K24 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2S- A4/B4 11K 15K 22K 30K 37K 45K 55K Com pati ble co nver ter un it MR-HP55KA4 Rated output [kW] 11 15 22 30 37 45 55 [N m] 52.
5 - 21 5. SPECIFICATIONS HC-LFS Series (low inertia m iddle capacity) Serv o Mo tor Item 52 102 152 202 302 Applicable servo amplifier MR-J2S- A/B/ CP/CL 60 100 200 350 500 Rated output [kW] 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 [N m] 2. 39 4.78 7.16 9.55 14.3 Continuous running duty (Note 1 11) Rated torque [oz in] 338.
5 - 22 5. SPECIFICATIONS Note 1.When the power supply volt age drops, we cannot guarantee the output and rated speed. 2.If the load inertia moment rati o ex ceeds the indicated value, please consult us. 3.This ratio is the load inertia moment rati o to the inertia moment of the servo motor.
5 - 23 5. SPECIFICATIONS 5.2 Torque c haracter istics POINT For machines which produce unbalan ce torque, e.g. vert ical lift applicat ions, it i s recomme nded to u se the serv o motor so that the unbalance torque wil l be with in 70% of th e rated torque.
5 - 24 5. SPECIFICATIONS (2) HA-FF series POINT The conti nuous brok en line in the gra ph assumes that the s ervo motor is used with the servo amplifier o f single-phase 100VAC power supply specificatio ns. 1000 2000 3000 Torque [N m] 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 [HA-FF2 3] 1.
5 - 25 5. SPECIFICATIONS (3) HC-SF/HC- SFS series (a) 200VAC-compatible Torque [N m] 10 20 40 [HC-SF121] (Note 1) [HC-SFS121 ] (Note 1) 0 Speed [ r/min] 500 1000 30 Torque [N m] 20 40 60 [HC-SF201] ( .
5 - 26 5. SPECIFICATIONS 20 60 80 [HC-SF502] [HC-SFS502] 0 Speed [r/ min] 1000 2000 40 Torque [N m] To rque [N m] 40 80 120 [HC-SF702] [HC-SFS702] 0 Speed [r/ min] 1000 2000 To rque [N m] 2 4 6 [HC-SF.
5 - 27 5. SPECIFICATIONS (b) 400VAC-compatible 5 10 15 [HC-SFS1024 ] (Note 1, 2) 0 Speed [ r/min] 1000 2000 3000 Torque [N m] Torque [N m] 3 6 9 [HC-SFS524 ] (Note 1, 2) 0 1000 2000 3000 Speed [r/m in.
5 - 28 5. SPECIFICATIONS (4) HC-RF/H C-RFS series 1000 2000 3 000 4000 Speed [r/m in] Torque [N m] 0 3 6 9 [HC-RF103] [HC-RFS103] 1000 2000 30 00 4000 Speed [r/ min] To rque [N m] 0 5 10 15 [HC-RF153].
5 - 29 5. SPECIFICATIONS (5) HC-UF/HC-UFS series POINT The conti nuous brok en line in the gra ph assumes that the s ervo motor is used with the servo amplifier o f single-phase 100VAC power supply specificatio ns.
5 - 30 5. SPECIFICATIONS 1000 2000 3000 4000 4500 Speed [r/m in] Torque [N m] 0.25 0.5 1.0 [HC-UFS13] 0.75 Speed [r/min ] Torque [N m] 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 [HC-UFS23] 1.5 1000 2000 3000 4000 4500 1000 2000 3000 4000 450 0 Speed [ r/min] 0 1.0 2.0 4.0 [HC-UFS43] 3.
5 - 31 5. SPECIFICATIONS (7) HC-KF series 1000 2000 3000 4000 4500 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 [HC-KF053] 1000 2000 3000 40004500 0 0.25 0.5 1.0 0.75 [HC-KF13] [HC-KF23] Torque [N m] Torque [N m] S p eed [ r/m in ] S p eed [ r/min ] S p eed [ r/min ] To rque [N m] 0 0.
5 - 32 5. SPECIFICATIONS (9) HA-LF series (a) 200VAC-compatible Tor que [N m] 0 Speed [r/min ] [HA-LF30K2 ] 100 400 1000 2000 300 200 Torque [N m] 0 Speed [r/ min] [HA-LF37K2] 200 600 1000 2000 400 Co.
5 - 33 5. SPECIFICATIONS (10) HA- LFS series (a) 200VAC-comp atible Speed [r /min] Torque [N m] Speed [r/min ] Torque [N m] Speed [r/m in] Torque [N m] 500 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 [HA-LFS12K 1] Co.
5 - 34 5. SPECIFICATIONS Speed [r/ min] Torq ue [N m] Speed [r/min ] Torque [N m] Speed [r/min] Torque [N m] 500 0 600 [HA-LFS30K 1M] 400 200 1500 20 00 1000 500 0 600 [HA-LFS37K 1M] 400 200 1500 2000.
5 - 35 5. SPECIFICATIONS (b) 400VAC-comp atible (No te 1) 180 [HA-LFS60 14 (B)] (Not e 1, 2) Speed [r/m in] Torque [N m] 0 120 60 500 1200 1000 Continuous running region Short-duration running region .
5 - 36 5. SPECIFICATIONS 500 1500 2 000 1000 Speed [r/ min] Torq ue [N m ] 0 240 [HA-LFS11 K1M4] ( Note 1, 2) 160 80 Continu ous running region Shor t-du rati on running region Speed [r/ min] Torq ue .
5 - 37 5. SPECIFICATIONS Speed [r/ min] Torque [N m] 1000 0 300 [HA-LFS22 K24] ( Note 1) 2000 200 100 Con tinuo us run ning region Sh ort- durat ion ru nnin g regio n Speed [r/min] Torque [N m] 1000 0.
5 - 38 5. SPECIFICATIONS (11) HC-MF S series POINT The conti nuous brok en line in the gra ph assumes that the s ervo motor is used with the servo amplifier o f single-phase 100VAC power supply specificatio ns. Speed [r/ min] Torque [N m] Speed [r /min] Torque [N m] Speed [ r/min] Torque [N m] 1000 200 0 3000 400 0 450 0 0 0.
5 - 39 5. SPECIFICATIONS (12) HC- KFS series POINT The conti nuous brok en line in the gra ph assumes that the s ervo motor is used with the servo amplifier o f single-phase 100VAC power supply specificatio ns. Speed [r/ min] Torque [N m] Speed [r/ min] Torque [N m] Speed [r/min] Torque [N m] 1000 2 000 3000 4000 4500 0 0.
5 - 40 5. SPECIFICATIONS (13) HC-LF S series Speed [ r/min] Torque [N m] Speed [r /min] Torque [N m] Speed [r/min] Torque [N m] 1000 0 8 [HC-LFS 52] 6 2 2000 3000 4 1000 0 20 [HC-LFS102] 15 5 2000 300.
5 - 41 5. SPECIFICATIONS 5.3 Serv o motors with r eduction g ears CAUTION The s ervo motor with reductio n gear m ust b e insta lled in t he sp ecified direct ion. Other wise , i t can le ak oil, leading to a f ire or f ault. For the s ervo m otor with reduc tion ge ar, tra nsport it in t he sam e status as in the insta llation m ethod.
5 - 42 5. SPECIFICATIONS (2) HC-MF/ HC-KF/HC-MFS/H C-KFS series Reductio n Gear Se ries For General Industrial Machines (HC-KF G1/HC-MF G1) (HC-KFS G1/HC-MFS G1) For Pre cision A pplicati ons (HC-KF G.
5 - 43 5. SPECIFICATIONS (3) HA-FF series Reduction Gear Series For General Industrial Machines (HA-FF G1) For Precision Applic a tions (HA-FF G2) Mounting method Flange mounting Mounting direct ion I.
5 - 44 5. SPECIFICATIONS (4) HC-SF/HC-SFS series Reduction Gear Series For General Indust rial Machines (HC-SF G1(H)/HC-SF S G1(H)) For Precision Applic a tions (HC-SF G2/ HC-SFS G2) Mounting method A.
5 - 45 5. SPECIFICATIONS The reduction gear frame numbers are as follows. Reduct ion Ratio Serv o Motor 1/6 1/11 1/17 1/29 1/35 1/43 1/59 HC-SF52(B)G1 (H) HC-SFS52(B)G1 (H) HC-SFS524(B)G1 (H) 4105 411.
5 - 46 5. SPECIFICATIONS (c) Chang ing in terval s of lubr icant for general indus trial mach ines 1) Gre ase Maintenance-free. (Limited to the case wher e t he grea se-lubricated type is s tandard.
5 - 47 5. SPECIFICATIONS 5.4 Serv o motors with specia l shafts The stan dard shaf t of the serv o motor is straig ht witho ut a keyway. S hafts wi th keyw ay and D cut are also av ailable . Except for the servo motor with reduction gear. These s hafts are not appropriate for applications where the s ervo motor is started and stopped frequently.
5 - 48 5. SPECIFICATIONS (2) W ithout ke y [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Variable Dim ensions Servo Motor Model S R Q W QK QL U r Drawing HC-SF8 1K HC-SF5 2K to 15 2K HC-SF5 3K to 15 3K HC-SFS 81K HC-SFS 52(4)K to 152(4)K HC-SFS 53K to 153 K HC-LFS 52K to 15 2K 24h6 (0.
5 - 49 5. SPECIFICATIONS 5.4.2 D cut [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Variable Dim ensions Servo Motor Model RQ KS HC-KF053D 13D HC-KFS053D 13D HC-MF053D 13D HC-MFS053D 13D 25(0.98) 20.5(0.81) 8h(0.32) HA-FF053D 13D 30(1. 178) 25.5(1.00) 8h(0. 32) R S QK 1(0.039) HC-UF13D HC-UFS13D 25(0.
6 - 1 6. CHARACTERISTI CS 6. CHARACTE RISTICS 6.1 Electr omagnet ic brake c haracterist ics CAUTION Configur e the e lectrom agnet ic brak e circu it so th at it is activa ted not onl y b y the servo am plifier signals but also b y an exter nal em ergency (f orced) st op signal .
6 - 2 6. CHARACT ERISTICS HC-SF Series HC-SFS Seri es HC-RF Se ries HC-RFS S eries HC-KF Series HC-KFS Seri es HC-AQ Series Servo M otor Item 81B 52B to 152B 53B to 153B 524B to 1524B (Note 7 ) 121B t.
6 - 3 6. CHARACT ERISTICS HA-LFS Seri es (200/400VAC-compatibl e) Serv o Mo tor Item 601B 6014B 801B 8014B 12K1B 12K14B 701MB 701M4B 11K1MB 11K1M4B 15K1MB 15K1M4B 11K2B 11K24B 15K2B 15K24B 22K2B 22K24.
6 - 4 6. CHARACT ERISTICS (2) El ectrom agnetic brake po wer su pply 24VDC of the internal power output for interface (VDD) cannot be used. Prepare the following power supply for use with the el ectromagnetic brake only.
6 - 5 6. CHARACT ERISTICS L max = 60 Vo t1 t2 2 t3 ................................................................................................... (6.
6 - 6 6. CHARACT ERISTICS 6.3 Machi ne accurac ies The following tabl e indicates the machine accuracies of the servo motor around the output shaft and mounting. (except the opti onal products) Flange Size Accur acy [ mm] Measuring Positio n Less than 100 100 130 176 t o 250 280 or more Runout of f lange surfac e to output shaft a) 0.
7 - 1 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAWINGS 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRA W INGS 7.1 Servo m otors 7.1.1 HC-MF HC-KF series (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 053 50 81.
7 - 2 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 73 750 0.6 3 48.7 Encoder cable 0.3m With connector 1-172169-9 (AMP) Power supply lead 4-AWG19 0 .3m Red: Phase U White: Pha se V Bla ck: P h ase W Green/yellow: E arth 9 0 80 4- 6.
7 - 3 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 23B 200 131.5 49. 1 1.3 0.136 1.6 HC-MF 43B 400 156.5 72. 1 1.3 0.191 2.1 HC-KF23B 200 131.
7 - 4 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 5 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 23G1 200 153 102 .6 K9005 1/5(19 /96) 0.2 49 3.3 HC-MF 23G1 200 173 122 .
7 - 6 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reductio n Ratio Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Norm al Reductio n ratio Actual R eduction R atio Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 43G1 400 K1002 0 1/20 253/5000 0.653 60min. m ax.
7 - 7 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction Ratio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 053BG1 50 154 74 0.
7 - 8 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-MF 23BG1 200 185 102 .
7 - 9 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reductio n Ratio Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Normal Reductio n ratio Actual Reductio n Ratio Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 43BG1 400 1.3 K1002 0 1/20 253 /5000 0.
7 - 10 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 11 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 13G2 100 BK1-05B -01MEKA 1/5 0.078 3 min. ma x. 1.5 HC-MF 13G2 100 BK1-09B -01MEKA 1/9 0.072 3 min.
7 - 12 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 23G2 200 BK1-05B -02MEKA 1/5 0.191 2.1 HC-MF 23G2 200 BK2-09B -02MEKA 1/9 0.208 3.5 HC-MF 23G2 200 BK3-20B -02MEKA 1/20 0.
7 - 13 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 43G2 400 BK2-05B -04MEKA 1/5 0.295 3.7 HC-MF 43G2 400 BK3-09B -04MEKA 1/9 0.323 5.3 HC-MF 43G2 400 BK4-20B -04MEKA 1/20 0.
7 - 14 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 73G2 750 BK3-05B -08MEKA 1/5 0.973 6.3 HC-MF 73G2 750 BK4-09B -08MEKA 1/9 0.980 8.6 HC-MF 73G2 750 BK5-20B -08MEKA 1/20 1.
7 - 15 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] L KL Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 053B G2 50 158 78 0.
7 - 16 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF 13BG2 100 0.3 2 BK1- 05B-01ME KA 1/5 0.080 3 mi n. max. 1.9 HC-MF 13BG2 100 0.
7 - 17 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 23BG2 200 1.3 BK1- 05B-02ME KA 1/5 0.239 2.7 HC-MF 23BG2 200 1.3 BK2- 09B-02ME KA 1/9 0.
7 - 18 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 43BG2 400 1.3 BK2- 05B-04ME KA 1/5 0.344 4.3 HC-MF 43BG2 400 1.3 BK3- 09B-04ME KA 1/9 0.
7 - 19 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 73BG2 750 2.4 BK3- 05B-08ME KA 1/5 1.098 7.3 HC-MF 73BG2 750 2.4 BK4- 09B-08ME KA 1/9 1.
7 - 20 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) EN UL/C-UL St andar d-com pliant mod els (a) Standard (without elect romagnetic brake, without reduction gear ) Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 053-UE 50 89.
7 - 21 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 73-UE 750 0.6 75 3.1 Encoder cab le 0.3m With connector 1-172169-9 (AMP) Motor plate (Opposite side) Motor plate Caution plate 25.2 48.7 TUV plate 82 Bottom Top Bottom Top 150 39 2.
7 - 22 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF 23B-UE 200 140 .5 58 0.136 1.7 HC-MF 43B-UE 400 165 .5 81 0.191 2.2 HC-KF23B -UE 200 140.
7 - 23 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.2 HA-FF series (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Model Output [W ] Var iabl e Di mensi ons L Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-FF0 53 50 106 0.063 1.3 HA-FF1 3 100 123 0.
7 - 24 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Var iabl e Di mensi ons L Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-FF4 3 400 154.5 0.98 4.2 HA-FF6 3 600 169.5 1.2 4 .8 Moto r plate 39 3 10 100 4- 9 (Note) [Unit: mm ] Z69473 3 * 95h7 40 39 L V ring 62 47 Caution plate A A 5 35 5 Sectio n AA 3 5 16h 6 25 1 3 5 Bottom Top M5 0.
7 - 25 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Var iabl e Di mensi ons L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-FF2 3B 200 168 1.2 0.4 8 2.9 HA-FF3 3B 300 185.5 1.2 0.63 3.2 Motor pl ate 39 3 8 76 4- 5.
7 - 26 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 27 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(57/2 80) 1/10(39/ 400) 0.373 1/20(51/ 980) HA-FF2 3G1 200 GR-S -20 1/30(1/3 0) 0.
7 - 28 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(19/9 4) 1/10(39/ 376) 1.02 1/20(72/ 1363) HA-FF4 3G1 400 GR-S -40 1/30(11/ 329) 1.
7 - 29 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(9/44) 1/10(3/2 9) 0.
7 - 30 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(57/2 80) 1/10(39/ 400) 0.
7 - 31 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(19/9 4) 1/10(39/ 376) 1.
7 - 32 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reducti on gear is a material surface such as cast ing. Its actual dimensi ons may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions . Desig n the m achine side w ith al lowance s.
7 - 33 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Variabl e dimensions L Redu ction Gea r Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF0 53G2 50 213 BM 3-25B-A5M ES 1/25 0.110 3m in. max. 2.8 HA-FF1 3G2 100 230 BM3-10B -01MES 1/10 0.
7 - 34 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Ine rtia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF1 3G2 100 BL1-45B- 01MES 1/45 0.
7 - 35 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Variabl e dimensions L Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Ine rtia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF2 3G2 200 269.5 BM 4-10B- 02MES 1/10 0.645 3min. max . 5.8 HA-FF2 3G2 200 269.
7 - 36 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Variabl e dimensions L Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Ine rtia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF2 3G2 200 299 BL2-45B- 02MES 1/45 0.763 3min. m ax. 12. 3 HA-FF3 3G2 300 316 BL2-29B- 03MES 1/29 1.
7 - 37 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Ine rtia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF4 3G2 400 BM 4-05B- 04MES 1/5 1.
7 - 38 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LH Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Ine rtia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF4 3G2 400 323.5 169 BL 2-20B-04MES 1/20 2.3 78 3min . max 14.2 HA-FF4 3G2 400 323.
7 - 39 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Re duction Ratio In ertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-F F053BG 2 50 0. 39 BM2-05 B - A5MES 1/5 0.
7 - 40 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Varia ble dim ensi ons L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-F F053BG2 5 0 248 0.3 9 BM3-25B- A5MES 1/25 0.
7 - 41 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF 13BG2 10 0 0.39 BL1-45 B - 01MES 1/ 45 0.29 8 3 min . max. 6.
7 - 42 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Varia ble dim ensi ons L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF 23BG2 20 0 30 7 1. 2 BM4-10B- 02MES 1/ 10 0.
7 - 43 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Varia ble dim ensi ons L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF 23BG2 20 0 33 6 1. 2 BL2-45B- 02MES 1/ 45 0.
7 - 44 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF 43BG2 40 0 2.3 BM4-05 B- 04MES 1/ 5 1. 643 3 m in. m ax. 8.5 55 1 4 0 22h6 4- 6.
7 - 45 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Varia ble dim ensi ons Model Output [W ] LH Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HA-FF 43BG2 40 0 360.5 169 2. 3 BL2-20 B- 04MES 1/ 20 2.
7 - 46 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) EN UL/ C-UL S tandard-C ompliant mod el (a) Standard (without elect romagnetic brake, without reduction gear ) Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-F F053C- UE 50 0.063 1.8 (Note)[ Unit: mm] TUV plate Caution plate 7 4 Bottom Top Bot tom Top 41 20 49.
7 - 47 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-F F23C-U E 200 145 71.5 0.3 5 2.6 HA-F F33C-U E 300 162 89 0.50 2.9 (Note)[ Unit: mm] 46 L Caution plate TUV plate Encoder c onnector MS3102A20- 29P Bottom Top Bottom Top Motor pla te KL 2.
7 - 48 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Mass [kg] HA-F F053C B-UE 50 0.
7 - 49 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-F F23CB-U E 200 182 109 0.
7 - 50 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.3 HC-SF HC-SFS s eries If the above i ndicated va lue is exceeded, please cons ult us . (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Varia ble dim ensi ons Model Output [kW ] LK L Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F52 HC-S F53 HC-S FS52 HC-S FS53 HC-SFS524 0.
7 - 51 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 -4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F301 HC-S FS301 3.0 101 23 W V U A B C D E F G 131.
7 - 52 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702 HC -SFS 702 HC-SFS7024 7.0 160 32 4 5 ° 58 (Note)[Uni t: mm] Power supply connector la yout CE05-2A32-17P A B C D U V W Power supply connec tor CE05-2A32-17P En code r c onn ect or MS3102A20-29P Motor p late (Op posi te si de) 292 39.
7 - 53 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Varia ble dim ensi ons Model Output [kW ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F121B HC -SFS1 21B 1. 2 HC-S F202B HC-S F203B HC-S FS202 B HC-S FS203 B HC-S FS202 4B 2.
7 - 54 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F502B HC -SFS5 02B HC-S FS502 4B 5.0 4 3.1 111 29.0 0.025 0 0.010 0 Encoder con nector MS3102A20-29P Motor plat e (Opposite si de) 131.
7 - 55 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne (leg type) The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 56 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] HC-SF 102G1H HC-SFS10 2G1H H C-SFS10 24G1H 1.0 1/5 9 19.48 488 90 HC-SF 152G1H HC-SFS15 2G1H H C-SFS15 24G1H 1.5 1/4 3 25.
7 - 57 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/ 6 45.6 35 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/ 11 44. 1 35 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.
7 - 58 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/2 9 48.9 498 91 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.
7 - 59 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F502G 1H HC-SF S502G 1H HC-SF S5024G 1H 5.0 1/1 1 113.4 102 HC-S F502G 1H HC-SF S502G 1H HC-SF S5024G 1H 5.0 1/1 7 109.4 102 Power supp l y co nnector lay out CE05-2A24-10P 142 561 218 90 81.
7 - 60 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-S FS7024G1H 7.0 1 /11 198.8 138 HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-S FS7024G1H 7.0 1 /17 190.0 138 Power supply co nnector lay out CE05-2A32-17P 150 689 262 90 81.
7 - 61 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-S FS7024G1H 7.0 1 /43 256.8 2 61 Power s upply co nnector lay out CE05-2A32 -17P 150 820 330 135 81.5 A A Motor plate 19.
7 - 62 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variab le Dimension s Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inerti a Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-SF 52BG1 H HC -SFS52B G1H HC -SFS524 BG1H 0.
7 - 63 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F102BG 1H HC -SFS1 02BG1 H HC-SF S1024 BG1H 1.0 1 /59 21.18 521 92 8 .
7 - 64 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.0 1/6 55 .6 41 43.1 HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2 .
7 - 65 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.0 1/29 58.9 546 97 43.1 HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.
7 - 66 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S FS502 BG1H HC -SFS5 02BG 1H HC-SF S5024 BG1H 5.0 1 /11 123.4 108 43.1 HC-S FS502 BG1H HC -SFS5 02BG 1H HC-SF S5024 BG1H 5.
7 - 67 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.0 1 /11 208.8 144 43.1 HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.
7 - 68 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.0 1 /43 266.8 267 43.1 150 868 330 135 117 A A Motor plate 19.
7 - 69 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith re ducti on gear fo r gene ral indu strial m ach ine ( flang e type) The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 70 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] HC-S F102G 1 HC-SF S102G 1 HC-SF S1024G 1 1.0 1/5 9 19.5 399 8 3 HC-S F152G 1 HC-SF S152G 1 HC-SF S1524G 1 1.5 1/4 3 25.
7 - 71 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/ 6 45 .6 34 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/ 11 44.1 34 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.
7 - 72 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/2 9 48.9 409 8 4 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/3 5 48.
7 - 73 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F502G 1 HC-SF S502G 1 HC-SF S5024G 1 5.0 1/1 1 113.4 95 HC-S F502G 1 HC-SF S502G 1 HC-SF S5024G 1 5.0 1/1 7 109.4 95 Power suppl y connect or lay out CE05-2A24-10P 142 472 219 89 A A Motor pla te 19.
7 - 74 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.0 1/1 1 198.8 146 HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.0 1/1 7 190.0 146 Power suppl y connect or lay out CE05-2A32-17P 150 595 258 94 A A Motor pla te 19.
7 - 75 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.
7 - 76 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variab le Dimension s Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inerti a Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F52BG1 HC-SFS 52BG1 HC -SFS5 24BG1 0.
7 - 77 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F102BG 1 HC-SF S102 BG1 HC-S FS102 4BG1 1.0 1/ 59 21 .2 432 85 8. 3 HC-S F152BG 1 HC-SF S152 BG1 HC-S FS152 4BG1 1.
7 - 78 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.0 1/ 6 55 .6 40 43 .1 HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.
7 - 79 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] L Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.0 1/ 29 58 .9 45 7 90 43.1 HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.
7 - 80 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F502BG 1 HC-SF S502 BG1 HC-S FS502 4BG1 5.0 1/1 1 123 .4 101 43.1 HC-S F502BG 1 HC-SF S502 BG1 HC-S FS502 4BG1 5.
7 - 81 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.0 1/1 1 208 .8 152 43.1 HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.
7 - 82 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.0 1/4 3 266 .8 246 43.1 Power supp l y co nnector lay out CE05-2A32-17P 150 723 320 145 117 A A Motor plate 19.
7 - 83 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 84 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LH Mass [kg] HC-S F102G 2 HC-SF S102G 2 HC-SF S1024G 2 1.0 B L4-45B -10ME H 1/45 20.3 389 244 52 HC-S F152G 2 HC-SF S152G 2 HC-SF S1524G 2 1.
7 - 85 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio LH Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-SF 202G2 HC-S FS202G2 H C-SFS20 24G2 2.0 BL4-20B- 20MEH 1/2 0 4 07 262 59.6 57 HC-SF 202G2 HC-S FS202G2 H C-SFS20 24G2 2.
7 - 86 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-S F702G 2 HC-SF S702G 2 HC-SF S7024G 2 7.0 BL 4-05B -70MEH 1/ 5 177.4 67 Power supp l y co nnector lay out CE05-2A32-17P 150 515 223 160 Motor plate 19.
7 - 87 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dimensions Model Output [kW ] Red uctio n Gear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia M oment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LH Brake static friction torque [N m] Mas s [kg] HC-SF 52BG2 HC- SFS52BG 2 HC-SFS524BG2 0.5 BL3-29 B-05 MEH 1/29 11.
7 - 88 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dimensi ons Model Output [kW ] Red uctio n Gear Model Reduction Ratio LH Brake static friction torque [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mas s [kg] HC-S F202BG 2 HC-SF S202BG 2 HC-SF S2024B G2 2. 0 BL3-0 5B-20ME H 1/5 396 20 3 43.
7 - 89 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dimensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio LH Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-S F502BG 2 HC-SF S502 BG2 HC-S FS502 4BG2 5.0 B L4-05B -50ME H 1/ 5 479 22 3 128.
7 - 90 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.4 HC-RF HC-RFS series If the above i ndicated va lue is exceeded, please cons ult us . (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LK L Mass [kg] HC-RF 103 HC -RFS10 3 1.
7 - 91 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) W ith e lectrom agnetic brak e Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Mass [kg] HC-RF 103B HC-RFS1 03B 1.0 1.85 185 71 7 6.0 HC-RF 153B HC-RFS1 53B 1.
7 - 92 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 93 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LH L I Mass [kg] HC-RF 153G2 HC-RFS1 53G2 1.5 BL4-45B-15M EKD 1/45 8.5 5 410 238 136 50 HC-RF 203G2 HC-RFS2 03G2 2.
7 - 94 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LH L I Mass [kg] HC-RF 353G2 HC-RF S353G2 3.5 BL4-09B -35MEKD 1/9 21.1 470 253 126 57 HC-RF 353G2 HC-RF S353G2 3.
7 - 95 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dimensions Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] LH L I Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Mass [kg] HC-R F103BG 2 HC- RFS103 B G2 1.0 BL3-20 B-10M EKD 1/20 8.
7 - 96 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-RF 353BG2 HC-RFS 353BG2 3.
7 - 97 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.5 HC-UF 2 000r/min HC- UFS 2000r/m in series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF72 HC- UFS72 0.
7 - 98 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [kW ] LK L Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF20 2 HC-UFS20 2 2.
7 - 99 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF15 2B HC-UFS15 2B 1.
7 - 100 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.6 HC-UF 3 000r/min s eries (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF13 100 0.066 0.8 (Note)[Unit: mm ] Bottom Top Motor plat e (Opposite side) 26.
7 - 101 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF73 750 5.9 5.0 BC11357 A 26.9 72 85 40 2.5 10 4 5 3.5 32.5 20 76 55.5 70 (Note)[Uni t: mm] Oil seal SC 20 357 Encoder cable 0.3m With conne ctor 1-172169-9 (AMP) Power supply lead 4-AWG19 0.
7 - 102 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J [ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF23 B 200 111 43. 8 1.3 0.323 2.2 HC-UF43 B 400 126 58. 8 1.3 0.447 2.4 (Note)[Uni t: mm] BC11515 A Motor plate (Opposite side) Encoder cable 0.
7 - 103 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.7 HC-UF30 00r/min, HC- UFS3000r/m in series with IP65-com pliant connec tors (1) W ithout e lectrom agnetic brak e Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF13 -S1 HC-UFS 13-S1 100 0.066 0.
7 - 104 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF73 -S1 HC-UFS 73-S1 750 5.9 5.0 72 26.9 85 4 5 10 BC11359A 40 3.5 32.5 81.5 118.5 24 14 55.5 2.5 (Note)[Uni t: mm] Bottom Top Oil sea l S20357 Encoder cable 0.
7 - 105 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UF23 B-S1 HC-UF S23B-S1 200 109 44 1.3 0.323 2.2 HC-UF43 B-S1 HC-UF S43B-S1 400 124 59 1.
7 - 106 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.8 HA-L H series (1) Standar d (without electrom agnetic brak e) Variable Dim ensions Model F L LA LB LC LD LG LT KL KH IE IF Hanger E LR Q S Inertia Moment J.
7 - 107 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) EN UL/ C-UL S tandard-C ompliant mod el Model Output [kW ] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-LH1 1K2-EC 11 118 70 Note: 1. T he dimensi ons without toleran ces are re ference dimensions. 2 . Whe n usin g the moto r with han g ers removed , p lu g screw holes with bolts M10 15 or less.
7 - 108 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.9 HC-AQ s eries (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] L Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-AQ0 135D 10 54 0.0 050 0.19 HC-AQ0 235D 20 61 0.0 072 0.
7 - 109 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.10 HA- LF series Termin al bo x detail di agram Motor Mo del HA-L F30K2 HA-L F37K2 HA-LF30K 24 HA-LF37K 24 HA-LF45K 24 HA-LF55K 24 Motor power supply lead si.
7 - 110 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-LF3 7K24 37 650 180 66 286 220 11 27 152 650 128 47 1 14 0 140 179 127 127 304 108 25 5 431 25 8 4 5 230 20 55 127 310 127 160 0 0.
7 - 111 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-LF5 5K24 55 1310 250 66 352 266 11 27 184 685 138 484 140 140 216 120.
7 - 112 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-LF3 7K2 37 650 180 Cooling f an rotation dire ct ion Suction air Encoder con nector MS3102A20-29P Hang er (Note2) Exhaust air Oil s eal S659013B M12 screw Use hexago n socket hea d cap screw Note: 1.
7 - 113 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.11 HC-MF S HC-KFS ser ies (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF S053 50 81 .5 29.
7 - 114 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MF S73 75 0 0.6 3 HC-KFS 73 750 1.51 3 Power supply connector pin connection list 1 2 3 4 Pin N o.
7 - 115 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-MFS2 3B 200 131.5 49.1 1.3 0.136 1.6 HC-MFS4 3B 400 156.5 72.1 1.3 0.191 2.1 HC-KFS 23B 200 131.
7 - 116 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 117 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS23G1 2 00 153 102.6 K90 05 1/5(1 9/96) 0.249 3.3 HC-M FS23G1 2 00 173 122.
7 - 118 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Normal Redu ction ra tio Actu al Reducti on Rati o Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S43G1 40 0 K1 0020 1/ 20 253/ 5000 0.653 60m in.
7 - 119 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ratio (Act ual Reduc tion Ratio) Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S053B G1 50 154 74 0.
7 - 120 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-M FS23BG1 2 00 185 102.
7 - 121 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Norm al Reduc tion r atio Actual Reduc tion Ra tio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S43B G1 400 1.
7 - 122 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 1 to 3mm l arger than the drawi ng dimen sions .
7 - 123 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S13G2 100 BK1 -05B- 01MEKA 1/5 0. 078 3 m in. m ax. 1. 5 HC-MF S13G2 100 BK1 -09B- 01MEKA 1/9 0.
7 - 124 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS23G2 200 B K1-0 5B-02M EKA 1/5 0.191 2.1 HC-M FS23G2 200 B K2-0 9B-02M EKA 1/9 0.208 3.5 HC-MF S23G 2 200 B K3-20 B-02ME KA 1/ 20 0.
7 - 125 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS43G2 400 B K2-0 5B-04M EKA 1/5 0.295 3.7 HC-M FS43G2 400 B K3-0 9B-04M EKA 1/9 0.323 5.3 HC-MF S43G 2 400 B K4-20 B-04ME KA 1/20 0.
7 - 126 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS73G2 750 B K3-0 5B-08M EKA 1/5 0.9 73 6.3 HC-M FS73G2 750 B K4-0 9B-08M EKA 1/9 0.9 80 8.6 HC-MF S73G 2 750 B K5-20 B-08ME KA 1/20 1.
7 - 127 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Mo del R educti on Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S053B G2 50 158 78 0.
7 - 128 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Mom ent J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Backlash Mass [kg] HC-MF S13B G2 100 0. 32 BK1-05B -01MEK A 1/5 0.08 0 3 m in. m ax. 1.
7 - 129 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS23BG2 2 00 1.3 BK1-05B -02MEKA 1/5 0.239 2.7 HC-M FS23BG2 2 00 1.3 BK2-09B -02MEKA 1/9 0.
7 - 130 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Mod el Re ducti on Rati o Iner tia Mome nt J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS43BG2 4 00 1.3 BK 2-05B-0 4MEKA 1/5 0.344 4.3 HC-M FS43BG2 4 00 1.
7 - 131 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-M FS73BG2 7 50 2.4 BK3-05B -08MEKA 1/5 1.098 7.3 HC-M FS73BG2 7 50 2.4 BK4-09B -08MEKA 1/9 1.
7 - 132 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.12 HC-UF S 3000r/m in series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UFS 13 10 0 0. 066 0. 8 Power sup ply connector pin connection list 1 2 3 4 Pin No .
7 - 133 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-UFS 73 75 0 5. 9 5. 0 Power supply connector pin conn ection list 1 2 3 4 Pin No .
7 - 134 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-U FS 23 B 200 111 43.8 1.3 0.323 2.2 HC-U FS 43 B 400 126 58.8 1.3 0.447 2.4 Power supply connector pin connection list 1 2 3 4 Pin No .
7 - 135 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.13 HA- LFS series Term inal box deta il diagr am Mot or Mod el HA-LF S15K1 HA-LF S20K1 HA-LF S22K1 M HA-LF S15K14 HA-LF S20K14 HA-LF S22K1 M4 HA-LF S30K1 M4 .
7 - 136 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS HA-LFS 801 12K1 11K 1M 15K1M 15K2 22K2 8014 12K14 11K1M4 15K1M 4 15K24 22K24 term inal box detail diagram (Note)[Unit : mm] 180 BG72706 Thermal sensor terminal (.
7 - 137 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (1) Sta ndard (W ithout electrom agne tic brak e, with out reduc tion g ear) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS502 5 74.0 28 Cau tion pl ate Logo plat e Top Bottom 81. 5 Encoder conn ector MS3102A20-29P 300 19.
7 - 138 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS60 1 HA-L FS60 14 6 HA-L FS70 1M HA-L FS70 1M4 7 HA-L FS11K 2 HA-L FS11K 24 11 105 55 Cooling.
7 - 139 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS12K 1 HA-L FS12K 14 12 HA-L FS15K 1M HA-L FS15K 1M4 15 HA-L FS22K 2 HA-L FS22K 24 22 295 115 555 100 110 5 25 6.
7 - 140 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS20K 1 HA-L FS20K 14 20 HA-LF S30K 1M4 30 HA-L FS37K 24 37 650 180 27 220 11 6 286 6 650 471 1.
7 - 141 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS30K 1 HA-L FS30K 14 30 HA-LF S45K 1M4 45 HA-L FS55K 24 55 1310 250 6 6 352 11 266 27 138 444 484 685 140 25 5 140 300 120.5 120.5 121 9 30 139.5 139.
7 - 142 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS30K 1M 30 HA-LF S37K 2 37 650 18 0 6 6 286 27 266 11 138 466 426 660 25 5 304 127 127 108 310.
7 - 143 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) W ith e lectrom agnetic brak e Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HA-L FS60 1B HA-LF S6014B 6 HA-L FS70 1MB HA-L FS70 1M4B 7 HA-L FS11K 2B HA-LF S11K 24B 11 82 113 70 1 0 2 334 498 1 7 1 11 (19.
7 - 144 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.1.14 HC-LF S series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-LF S52 0. 5 3. 2 6. 5 Caut ion pla te Logo plate Top Bot tom TUV plate Top Bottom Top Bottom 145.
7 - 145 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-LF S152 1. 5 6.4 10 Caution plate Logo plate Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 193 39.5 50 3 12 55 Moto r plat e (Opposite side) Oil seal S3 0457 B 24h6 Motor flange direction Power suppl y connector lay out CE05-2A22-23P Earth W V U 81.
7 - 146 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] HC-LF S302 3. 0 36 28 Caution plat e Logo plate Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bot tom 250 39.5 75 3 18 79 Motor plate (Opposite side) Oil sea l S40608B Motor flange direction Power supply connector la yout CE05-2A24-10P Earth W V U 81.
7 - 147 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-L FS102B 1 .0 6.6 10.5 8.3 Caut ion pla te Logo plat e Top Bottom Top Bot tom Top Bottom TUV pla te 198. 5 39.5 50 3 12 55 Motor plate (Opposite side) Oil seal S30457B 81.
7 - 148 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment J[ 10 4 kg m 2 ] Mass [kg] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-LF S202B 2.
7 - 149 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2 Serv o motors ( in inches) POINT The val ues in y ards/po unds are ref erence values . 7.2.1 HC-MF HC-KF series (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 053 50 3.
7 - 150 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 73 750 3. 28 6. 6 Encoder cable 11.8in With connector 1-172169-9 (AMP) Power supply lead 4-AWG19 11.8in Red: Phase U White: Pha se V Bla ck: P h ase W Green/ y ellow: Earth Motor pl ate (Opposite sid e) 5.
7 - 151 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 23B 200 5. 18 1. 93 184 0. 74 3. 5 HC-MF 43B 400 6. 16 2. 84 184 1. 04 4. 6 HC-KF 23B 200 5.
7 - 152 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such as casti ng. Its actual dimensions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 153 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 23G1 20 0 6.02 4.04 K900 5 1/ 5(19/9 6) 1. 36 7.
7 - 154 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Normal Redu ction ra tio Actu al Reducti on Rati o Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF 43G1 400 K1002 0 1/20 25 3/500 0 3.57 60mi n.
7 - 155 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (Act ual Reduc tion Ra tio) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF 053B G1 50 6.
7 - 156 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-MF 23BG 1 20 0 6.
7 - 157 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Norm al Reducti on ratio Actual Red uction Rati o Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF 43BG 1 400 18 4 K10020 1/20 253/ 5000 3.
7 - 158 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 159 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF 13G2 100 BK1-05 B-01M EKA 1/5 0. 43 3 m in. max . 3. 3 HC-MF 13G2 100 BK1-09 B-01M EKA 1/9 0. 39 3 m in.
7 - 160 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 23G2 200 BK1-05B -02MEKA 1/5 1.04 4.6 HC-MF 23G2 200 BK2-09B -02MEKA 1/9 1.14 7.7 HC-MF 23G2 200 BK3-20B -02MEKA 1/20 1.
7 - 161 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-M F43G2 4 00 BK2-0 5B-0 4MEKA 1/5 1.61 8.2 HC-M F43G2 4 00 BK3-0 9B-04 MEKA 1/9 1.77 11.7 HC-MF 43G2 400 BK4- 20B-04 MEKA 1/ 20 2.
7 - 162 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 73G2 750 BK3-05B -08MEKA 1/5 5.32 13.89 HC-MF 73G2 750 BK4-09B -08MEKA 1/9 5.36 18.96 HC-MF 73G2 750 BK5-20B -08MEKA 1/20 5.
7 - 163 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variab le Di mension s [in] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF 053B G2 50 6.
7 - 164 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mass [lb] HC-MF 13BG2 100 45 BK1- 05B-01ME KA 1/5 0.44 3 m in. max. 4.2 HC-MF 13BG2 100 45 BK1- 09B-01ME KA 1/9 0.
7 - 165 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 23BG 2 200 18 4 BK1- 05B- 02MEKA 1/ 5 1. 31 6.0 HC-MF 23BG 2 200 18 4 BK2- 09B- 02MEKA 1/ 9 1.
7 - 166 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 43BG2 400 184 BK2- 05B-04MEKA 1/5 1.88 9.5 HC-MF 43BG2 400 184 BK3- 09B-04MEK A 1/9 2.
7 - 167 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 73BG2 750 340 BK3-05B -08MEKA 1/5 6.00 16.1 HC-MF 73BG2 750 340 BK4-09B -08MEKA 1/9 6.
7 - 168 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) EN UL/C-UL St andar d-com pliant mod els (a) Standard (without elect romagnetic brake, without reduction gear ) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-M F053-U E 50 3.
7 - 169 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 73-U E 750 3.69 6.8 Encoder cab le 11.8in With connector 1-172169-9 (AMP) Motor plate (Opposite side) Motor plate Caution plate 0.992 1.917 TUV plate 3.
7 - 170 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF 23B- UE 200 5.53 2.28 18 4 0.47 3.7 HC-MF 43B- UE 400 6.52 3.19 18 4 1.04 4.
7 - 171 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.2 HA-FF series (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-FF 053 50 4.17 0.34 2. 9 HA-FF 13 100 4.
7 - 172 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-FF 43 400 6.08 5.36 9. 3 HA-FF 63 600 6.67 6.56 10.6 Motor plate 1.535 0.1 2 0.3 9 [Unit: in] 1.57 1.54 L V ring 2.44 Caution plate A A 0.
7 - 173 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-FF 23B 200 6.61 4 17 0 2.62 6.4 HA-FF 33B 300 7.30 3 17 0 3.44 7.1 Motor plate 1.535 0.
7 - 174 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 175 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] Output S haft Rotati on Directio n 1/5(57 /280) 1/10 (39/4 00) 2.039 1/20 (51/9 80) HA-F F23G1 200 GR-S-20 1/30 (1/30) 2.
7 - 176 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio (Actual Re duction R atio) Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mass [lb] Output S haft Rotation Dire ction 1/5(19/9 4) 1/10(39/ 376) 5.577 1/20(72/ 1363) HA-FF4 3G1 400 GR-S -40 1/30(11/ 329) 5.
7 - 177 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] Output S haft Rotati on Directio n 1/5( 9/44) 1/10 (3/29) 0.
7 - 178 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] Output S haft Rotati on Directio n 1/5(57 /280) 1/10 (39/4 00) 2.
7 - 179 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] Output S haft Rotati on Directio n 1/5(19 /94) 1/10 (39/3 76) 7.
7 - 180 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 181 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 053G 2 50 8. 39 BM3-2 5B-A 5MES 1/25 0. 601 3m in. ma x. 6.2 HA-F F13G2 100 9.
7 - 182 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mass [lb] HA-FF1 3G2 100 B L1-45B-01M ES 1/45 1.60 3min. m ax. 13.2 Motor plate 1.54 0.39 5.945 Top Botto m 3.35 Bott om Top 1.
7 - 183 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] L Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mass [lb] HA-FF2 3G2 200 10. 61 BM4- 10B-02M ES 1/1 0 3.5 3 3min. max . 12. 8 HA-FF2 3G2 200 10.
7 - 184 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 23G2 200 11 .77 BL2-45B -02MES 1/45 4.17 3mi n. max. 27.1 HA-FF 33G2 300 12 .
7 - 185 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-F F43G2 400 BM4-05B-04 M ES 1/5 7 .07 3min. max. 17. 0 Motor plate 1.54 0.39 5.866 [Unit: in] Red: Phase U White: Phase V Black: Phase W Top Bott om 2.
7 - 186 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LH Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-F F43G2 400 12.7 4 6.654 BL2-20 B-04 MES 1/20 13.00 3min. max 3 1.3 HA-F F43G2 400 12.
7 - 187 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Mom ent WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 053BG 2 50 55 BM2 -05B-A 5MES 1/ 5 0.
7 - 188 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-F F053B G2 50 9.764 55 BM3-25B- A5MES 1/2 5 0.
7 - 189 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 13BG2 100 55 B L1-45B -01MES 1/45 1. 63 3 m in. m ax. 13.9 3.
7 - 190 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-F F23BG2 2 00 12.087 170 BM4- 10B-02 MES 1/10 4.
7 - 191 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 23BG2 200 13 .23 170 BL2-45B -02MES 1/45 4.
7 - 192 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-FF 43BG2 400 32 6 BM4 -05B-0 4MES 1/ 5 8.98 3 m in. max . 18.
7 - 193 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LH Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HA-F F43BG2 400 3 60.5 6.654 326 BL2-20 B - 04MES 1/20 14.
7 - 194 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) EN UL/ C-UL S tandard-C ompliant mod el (a) Standard (without elect romagnetic brake, without reduction gear ) Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-F F053C- UE 50 0.342 4.0 [Unit: in] TUV plate Caution plate 1 .
7 - 195 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-F F23C-U E 200 5.71 2.82 1.9 1 5.7 HA-F F33C-U E 300 6.38 3.50 2.7 3 6.4 [Unit: in] 1 . 8 5 1.81 L1 . 1 8 0.98 0.
7 - 196 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Mass [lb] HA-F F053C B-UE 50 0.437 55 4 .6 [Unit: in] Caution pla te TUV plate Top Bottom Top C E 2 .
7 - 197 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-F F23CB- UE 200 7.17 4.29 2.64 7.7 HA-F F33CB-U E 300 7.87 5.0 170 3.4 6 8.
7 - 198 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.3 HC-SF HC-SFS s eries (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] LK L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F52 HC-S F53 HC-S FS52 HC-S FS53 HC -SFS5 24 0.
7 - 199 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F301 HC-S FS301 3.0 552. 212 50 .7 W V U A B C D E F G 5.
7 - 200 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702 HC-S FS702 HC-S FS702 4 7.0 8 74.7 91 70.5 6.
7 - 201 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F121B HC -SFS 121B 1. 2 HC-S F202B HC-S F203B HC-S FS 202B HC-S FS 203B HC-S FS 2024 B 2.
7 - 202 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F502B HC -SFS5 02B HC-S FS502 4B 5.0 6 103 606.8 86 63. 9 4. 5 1 .38 Encoder connector MS3102A20-29P Motor plate (Opposite side) 5.
7 - 203 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne (leg type) The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 204 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] HC-SF 102G1H HC-SFS10 2G1H HC-SFS1024G 1H 1.0 1/59 106.51 19.21 198.4 HC-SF 152G1H HC-SFS15 2G1H HC-SFS1524G 1H 1.
7 - 205 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/6 24 9.32 77.2 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/1 1 241.11 77.2 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.
7 - 206 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.0 1/2 9 267.36 19.61 200.6 HC-S F202G 1H HC-SF S202G 1H HC-SF S2024G 1H 2.
7 - 207 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F502G 1H HC-SF S502G 1H HC-SF S5024G 1H 5.0 1/11 620.01 2 25 HC-S F502G 1H HC-SF S502G 1H HC-SF S5024G 1H 5.0 1/17 598.14 2 25 Power supp l y co nnector la yout CE05 -2A 24-1 0P 5.
7 - 208 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-SF S7024G 1H 7.0 1/1 1 1086. 93 304 HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-SF S7024G 1H 7.0 1/1 7 1038. 82 304 Power supp l y co nnector la yout CE05 -2A 32-1 7P 5.
7 - 209 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702G 1H HC-SF S702G 1H HC-SF S7024G 1H 7.0 1/4 3 1404. 04 575 Power suppl y connect or layout CE05-2A32-17P 5.91 32.28 12.99 5.32 3.
7 - 210 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dimen sions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-SF 52BG1 H HC-SF S52B G1H HC-SF S524BG 1H 0.
7 - 211 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F102BG 1H HC -SFS1 02BG1 H HC-SF S1024 BG1H 1.0 1/5 9 115.80 20.
7 - 212 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.0 1/6 303. 99 90.4 6103 HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.
7 - 213 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F202BG 1H HC -SFS2 02BG1 H HC-SF S2024 BG1H 2.0 1 /29 322.0 3 21.
7 - 214 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F502BG 1H HC -SFS5 02BG1 H HC-SF S5024 BG1H 5.0 1/11 674 .68 2 38.1 6 103 HC-S F502BG 1H HC -SFS5 02BG1 H HC-SF S5024 BG1H 5.
7 - 215 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.0 1 /11 1141.60 317.5 610 3 HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.
7 - 216 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F702BG 1H HC -SFS7 02BG1 H HC-SF S7024 BG1H 7.0 1 /43 1458.71 588.6 610 3 5.91 34.17 12.99 5.
7 - 217 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith re ducti on gear fo r gene ral indu strial m ach ine ( flang e type) The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such as casti ng. Its actual dimensions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 218 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] HC-S F102G 1 HC-SF S102G 1 HC-SF S1024G 1 1.0 1/5 9 106.4 8 13.35 183.0 HC-S F152G 1 HC-SF S152G 1 HC-SF S1524G 1 1.
7 - 219 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/ 6 24 9.32 75 .0 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/1 1 241 .11 75.0 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.
7 - 220 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.0 1/2 9 267.3 6 16.10 185.2 HC-S F202G 1 HC-SF S202G 1 HC-SF S2024G 1 2.
7 - 221 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F502G 1 HC-SF S502G 1 HC-SF S5024G 1 5.0 1/1 1 620 .01 209 .4 HC-S F502G 1 HC-SF S502G 1 HC-SF S5024G 1 5.0 1/1 7 598 .14 209 .4 Power suppl y connector layout CE05-2A24- 10P 5.
7 - 222 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.0 1/1 1 1086.93 321.9 HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.0 1/1 7 1038.82 321.9 Power supp l y co nnector la yout CE05 -2A 32-1 7P 5.
7 - 223 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702G 1 HC-SF S702G 1 HC-SF S7024G 1 7.0 1/4 3 1404.04 529.1 5.91 26.58 12.6 5.71 3.74 A A Motor pla te 0.77 0.35 BC1076 0* 12- 0.
7 - 224 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-SF 52BG1 HC -SFS5 2BG1 HC-SF S524BG 1 0.
7 - 225 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F102BG 1 HC-SF S102 BG1 HC-S FS102 4BG1 1.0 1/5 9 115.77 17.01 187.
7 - 226 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.0 1/ 6 303. 99 88.2 61 03 HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.
7 - 227 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] L Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F202BG 1 HC-SF S202 BG1 HC-S FS202 4BG1 2.0 1/29 322.0 3 17.99 1 98.
7 - 228 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F502BG 1 HC-SF S502 BG1 HC-S FS502 4BG1 5.0 1/11 674.68 222 .7 610 3 HC-S F502BG 1 HC-SF S502 BG1 HC-S FS502 4BG1 5.
7 - 229 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.0 1/11 1141.60 335 .1 6103 HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.
7 - 230 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F702BG 1 HC-SF S702 BG1 HC-S FS702 4BG1 7.0 1/43 1458.71 542 .3 6103 Power suppl y connector layout CE05-2A32- 17P 5.
7 - 231 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 232 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LH Mass [lb] HC-S F102G 2 HC-SF S102G 2 HC-SF S1024G 2 1.0 B L4-45B -10ME H 1/45 11 0.85 15.3 2 9.
7 - 233 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio LH Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F202G 2 HC-SF S202G 2 HC-SF S2024G 2 2.0 BL4 -20B-2 0MEH 1/ 20 10.32 326. 0 16.
7 - 234 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F702G 2 HC-SF S702G 2 HC-SF S7024G 2 7.0 BL 4-05B -70MEH 1/ 5 969.93 14 7.7 5.91 20.28 8.78 6.30 0.77 6.73 BC1106 8* 6- 0.
7 - 235 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variabl e Dimensions [in ] Model Output [kW ] Red uctio n Gear Model Reduct ion Ratio Inerti a Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LH Brake static friction torque [oz in] Mas s [lb] HC-SF 52BG2 HC-SF S52BG2 H C-SFS52 4BG2 0.5 BL3-29B- 05MEH 1/29 60.
7 - 236 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variab le Dimension s [in] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduct ion Ratio LH Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-S F202BG 2 HC-SF S202 BG2 HC-S FS202 4BG2 2.
7 - 237 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio LH Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] HC-S F502BG 2 HC-SF S502 BG2 HC-S FS502 4BG2 5.
7 - 238 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.4 HC-RF HC-RFS series (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LK L Mass [lb] HC-RF 103 HC -RFS10 3 1.
7 - 239 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) W ith e lectrom agnetic brak e Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Mass [lb] HC-RF 103B HC-RFS1 03B 1.0 10.12 7.28 2.80 991 13.
7 - 240 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the draw ing dime nsions.
7 - 241 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LH L I Mass [lb] HC-RF 153G2 HC-R FS153 G2 1.5 B L4-45B-15M EKD 1/45 46.75 16. 14 9.3 7 5.35 110.
7 - 242 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LH L I Mass [lb] HC-RF 353G2 HC-RFS3 53G2 3.5 BL 4-09B-35ME KD 1/9 115.36 3 18.504 9.961 4.961 125 .
7 - 243 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [in] Model Output [kW ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] LH L I Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Mass [lb] HC-RF 103B G2 HC-R FS10 3BG2 1. 0 B L3-20B -10ME KD 1/20 47.
7 - 244 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Reductio n Gear Model Reductio n Ratio Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-RF 353BG2 HC-RFS 353BG2 3.5 BL 3-05B-35ME KD 1/5 2365 113.72 3 72.8 W V U A F G B E C D Bottom To p 17.
7 - 245 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.5 HC-UF 2 000r/min HC- UFS 2000r/m in series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF72 HC -UFS72 0.75 56. 861 17. 6 Top A B C D E F G U V W Oil seal S30457B Motor plate 2-M6 screw 1.
7 - 246 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [kW ] LK L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF20 2 HC-UFS20 2 2.0 4.6 46 1.673 208 .856 35.3 HC-UF35 2 HC-UFS35 2 3.5 5.5 91 2.618 418.26 44.1 HC-UF50 2 HC-UFS50 2 5.
7 - 247 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF15 2B HC-UFS15 2B 1.5 120 4 131 .765 28.7 A B C D E F G U V W 2-M6 screw 1.56 2.165 0.512 0.12 5.669 [Unit: in] 1.
7 - 248 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.6 HC-UF 3 000r/min s eries (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF13 100 0.361 1.8 [Unit: in] Bottom Top Motor plate (Opposite side) 1.
7 - 249 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF73 750 32.258 11. 0 BC11 357A 1.059 2.8 4 3.3 5 1.5 8 0.1 0 0.39 4 5 0.138 1.28 2.9 9 0.219 2.7 6 [Unit: in] Oil sea l S20357 Encoder cable 11.8in With connector 1 -172169-9 (AM P) Power supply lead 4-AWG19 11 .
7 - 250 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF23 B 200 4.2 91 1.724 184 1.766 4.9 HC-UF43 B 400 4.8 82 2.315 184 2.444 5.
7 - 251 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.7 HC-UF30 00r/min, HC- UFS3000r/m in series with IP65-com pliant connec tors (1) W ithout e lectrom agnetic brak e Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF13 -S1 HC-UFS 13-S1 100 0.361 1.
7 - 252 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF73 -S1 HC-UF S73-S1 750 32.258 11.0 BC11359A 3.209 4.665 0.945 [Unit: in] 2.8 4 1.059 Encoder cab le 11.8in With connector RM 15WTP-10P, cord clamp RM15WT P-CP7 (Hir ose E lect ric ) 3.
7 - 253 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UF23 B-S1 HC-UF S23B-S1 200 4.2 91 1.732 184 1.7 66 4.9 HC-UF43 B-S1 HC-UF S43B-S1 400 4.
7 - 254 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.8 HA-L H series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model F L LA LB LC LD LG LT KL KH IE IF Hanger E LR Q S Inerti a Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Oil Seal Mass [lb] HA- LH11K2(-Y) 8.
7 - 255 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) EN UL/ C-UL S tandard-C ompliant mod el Model Output [W ] Inertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-LH1 1K2-EC 11 642.42 5 154.3 Encoder connector MS3102A20-29P Oil seal S45629B 0.118 0.787 3.346 4.016 Use hexagon socket head cap screw.
7 - 256 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.9 HC-AQ s eries (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Var iabl e Di mensi ons [ in ] Model Output [W ] L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-AQ0 135D 10 2.126 0.0 27 0.4 19 HC-AQ0 235D 20 2.
7 - 257 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.10 HA- LF series Termin al bo x detail di agram Motor Mo del HA-L F30K2 HA-L F37K2 HA-LF30K 24 HA-LF37K 24 HA-LF45K 24 HA-LF55K 24 Motor power supply lead size 0.0124in 2 (AWG8) 2 paralle l 0.0341in 2 (AWG4) 2 paralle l Motor power supply terminal block screw size M8 M10 LA 8.
7 - 258 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-LF3 7K24 37 355 3.84 396 .832 0.236 0.236 11.26 8.661 0.433 1.063 5.987 25.591 5.039 18.543 5. 512 5.512 7.047 55 11.969 4.252 2.008 4- 0 .591 0.984 0.
7 - 259 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-LF5 5K24 55 716 2.354 551.15 5 0.236 0.236 1 3 .858 10.472 0.433 1.063 7.244 26.969 5.433 19.055 5 .512 5.512 8.504 4.744 4.744 11.811 4.764 2.48 4- 0.
7 - 260 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-LF3 7K2 37 355 3.8 396.8 BC12181* Coolin g fan rota tion directi on Suct ion air 0.433 0.236 11. 26 10.472 0.236 1.063 6.299 5.433 25.984 16.772 18.346 2.
7 - 261 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.11 HC-MF S HC-KFS ser ies (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF S053 50 3.
7 - 262 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF S73 75 0 3. 28 6.6 HC-KFS 73 750 8.25 6 6. 6 Power supply connector pin connection list 1 2 3 4 Pin No. Appli cation Phase U Phase V Phase W Earth [Uni t: in] BC11875 * 0.
7 - 263 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF S23B 200 5. 18 1.93 184 0.74 3.5 HC-MF S43B 400 6. 16 2.84 184 1.04 4.6 HC-KFS 23B 20 0 5.
7 - 264 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) W ith reducti on gear for general industrial machi ne The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 265 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF S23G1 20 0 6.02 4.04 K9 005 1/5(19 /96) 1.36 7.
7 - 266 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Normal Redu ction ra tio Actu al Reducti on Rati o Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF S43G1 40 0 K1 0020 1/ 20 253/ 5000 3.57 60m in.
7 - 267 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake static friction torque [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (Actual R educti on Ratio) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF S053B G1 50 6.
7 - 268 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Reduc tion Ra tio (A ctua l Reduc tio n Rat io) Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MF S23B G1 200 6.
7 - 269 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Reduc tion Ra tio Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion Gear Mo del Norm al Reducti on ratio Actual Red uction Rati o Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF S43B G1 400 184 K100 20 1/ 20 253/50 00 3.
7 - 270 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) W ith red uction gear f or prec ision applica tion The outer frame of the reduction gear is a material surface such a s casting . Its actu al dimen sions may be 0.0 39 to 0.1 18 in l arger than the d rawing dime nsion s.
7 - 271 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF S13G2 100 BK1 -05B- 01MEKA 1/ 5 0.43 3 m in. m ax. 3.3 HC-MF S13G2 100 BK1 -09B- 01MEKA 1/ 9 0.39 3 m in.
7 - 272 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MFS 23G2 200 BK1- 05B-02M EKA 1/5 1.0 4 4.6 HC-MFS 23G2 200 BK2- 09B-02M EKA 1/9 1.1 4 7.7 HC-MFS 23G2 200 BK3- 20B-02M EKA 1/20 1.
7 - 273 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio In ertia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-M FS43G2 4 00 BK2-0 5B-04M EKA 1/5 1.61 8.2 HC-M FS43G2 400 B K3-0 9B-04M EKA 1/9 1.77 11.7 HC-MF S43G2 400 BK4 -20B- 04MEK A 1/ 20 2.
7 - 274 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Inertia Mom ent WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MFS 73G2 750 BK3- 05B-08M EKA 1/5 5.32 13.89 HC-MFS 73G2 750 BK4- 09B-08M EKA 1/9 5.36 18.96 HC-MFS 73G2 750 BK5- 20B-08M EKA 1/2 0 5.
7 - 275 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (b) With electromagnet ic brake Variab le Di mension s [in] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduc tion Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mas s [lb] HC-MF S053B G2 50 6.
7 - 276 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Backlash Mass [lb] HC-MFS1 3BG2 100 45 BK1-05B -01MEKA 1/5 0.4 4 3 mi n. max. 4.2 HC-MFS1 3BG2 100 45 BK1-09B -01MEKA 1/9 0.
7 - 277 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reduc tion G ear Model Reduction Ratio Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-M FS23BG2 2 00 184 BK 1-05B-0 2MEKA 1/5 1.31 6.0 HC-M FS23BG2 2 00 184 BK 2-09B-0 2MEKA 1/9 1.
7 - 278 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MFS 43BG2 400 184 BK 2-05B-04M EKA 1/5 1.88 9.5 HC-MFS 43BG2 400 184 BK 3-09B-04M EKA 1/9 2.
7 - 279 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Reductio n Gear Model Redu ction Ratio Iner tia Mome nt WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-MFS 73BG2 750 340 BK3- 05B-08M EKA 1/5 6.00 16.1 HC-MFS 73BG2 750 340 BK4- 09B-08M EKA 1/9 6.
7 - 280 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.12 HC-UF S 3000r/m in series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UFS 13 10 0 0.36 1.76 Power supply connector pin connec tion list 1 2 3 4 Pin No .
7 - 281 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [W ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-U FS73 750 32.26 11. 02 Power supply conn ector pin connection list 1 2 3 4 Pin No. A pplicatio n Phase U Pha se V Phase W Earth [Unit : in] BC11878 * 0.
7 - 282 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Variable Dim ensions [i n] Model Output [W ] LK L Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-UFS 23B 20 0 4.37 1.72 18 4.1 1. 77 4. 85 HC-UFS 43B 40 0 4.96 2.31 18 4.1 2. 44 5.
7 - 283 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.13 HA- LFS series Term inal box deta il diagr am Motor Model HA-LF S15K1 HA-LF S20K1 HA-LF S22K1 M HA-LF S15K14 HA-LF S20K14 HA-LF S22K1 M4 HA-LF S30K1 M4 HA.
7 - 284 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS HA-LFS 801 12K1 11K 1M 15K1M 15K2 22K2 8014 12K14 11K1M4 15K1M 4 15K24 22K24 term inal box detail diagram (Note)[Unit : in] 7.
7 - 285 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (1) Stand ard (with out electr omagn etic brak e, without reductio n gear) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS502 5 404 .59 61.73 Caution pla te Logo plat e Top Bottom 3.209 Encoder conn ector MS3102A20-29P 11.
7 - 286 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS60 1 HA-L FS60 14 6 HA-L FS70 1M HA-L FS70 1M4 7 HA-L FS11K 2 HA-L FS11K 24 11 574. 08 121.25 Cooling fan rota tion direction Suction air 0.236 0.
7 - 287 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS12K 1 HA-L FS12K 14 12 HA-L FS15K 1M HA-L FS15K 1M4 15 HA-L FS22K 2 HA-L FS22K 24 22 1612.9 25 3.53 21.9 3.94 4.33 0.20 0.98 0.26 0.80 0.24 0.24 9.
7 - 288 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS20K 1 HA-L FS20K 14 20 HA-LF S30K 1M4 30 HA-L FS37K 24 37 3553.8 4 396.83 1.06 8.66 0.43 0.24 11.3 0.24 25.6 16.8 5.04 15.2 5.51 5 5 4.25 12.0 5.
7 - 289 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS30K 1 HA-L FS33 0K14 30 HA-LF S45K 1M4 45 HA-L FS55K 24 55 7162.3 5 551.16 0.24 0.24 13.9 0.43 10.5 1.06 5.43 17.5 19.1 27.0 5.51 0.98 0.20 5.51 11.
7 - 290 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS30K 1M 30 HA-LF S37K 2 37 35 53.84 396. 83 0.24 0.24 11.3 1.06 10.5 0.43 5.43 18.4 16.8 26.0 0.98 0.20 12.0 5 5 4.25 12.2 5 5 2.17 0.98 0.32 5.51 5.
7 - 291 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) W ith e lectrom agnetic brak e Model Output [kW ] Brake sta tic friction tor que [oz in] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HA-L FS60 1B HA-LF S6014B 6 HA-L FS70 1MB HA-L FS70 1M4B 7 HA-L FS11K 2B HA-LF S11K 24B 11 11612 617.
7 - 292 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.2.14 HC-LF S series (1) Sta ndard ( withou t electr omagnet ic brak e) Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-L FS52 0.5 17.5 14.33 Caution plate Logo plate Top Bottom TUV plate Top Bottom Top Bottom 5.
7 - 293 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-L FS152 1.5 34.99 22. 05 Cau tion pl ate Logo plate Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 7.598 1.555 1.969 0.118 0.472 2.165 Motor plate (Opposite side) Oil sea l S30457B 0.
7 - 294 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] HC-L FS302 3.0 196 .83 6 1.73 Caution plate Lo go pla te Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 9.
7 - 295 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-L FS102B 1.0 36.09 23. 15 8.3 Caution plate Logo plate Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom TUV plate 7.815 1.555 1.
7 - 296 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS Model Output [kW ] Inertia Moment WK 2 [oz in 2 ] Mass [lb] Brake sta tic friction tor que [N m] HC-LF S202B 2. 0 17 4.96 59.53 43.1 Caution pla te Logo plate Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 11.181 1.555 2.953 0.
7 - 297 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 7.3 Conn ector (1) Coupler type <AM P> Model Housi ng Connector pin Crimping tool : 1-172161-9 : 170359-1 : 755330-1 14 (0.
7 - 298 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS A D or less R U Y o r m o r e S W B [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in ]) Model A B D W R U S Y CE05-8A22-23 SD-D-BAS 1 3/ 8-18UNEF-2B 40.48 (1.59) 75.5 (2.97) 1 3/16-18UN EF-2A 16. 3 (0.64) 33.3 (1.31) 49.6 (1.95) 7.5 (0.30) CE05-8A24-10 SD-D-BAS 1 1/ 2-18UNEF-2B 43.
7 - 299 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in ]) Model A J L Q V W Y D/MS 3106B14S -2S 7/8- 20UNEF 13.4 9 (0.53) 42.88 (1.69) 28.57 (1.13) 3/ 4-20U NEF 8.0 (0.32) 30 (1.18) D/M S3106B20- 29S 1 1 /4-1 8UNEF 18.26 (0.72) 55.57 (2.19) 37.28 (1.
7 - 300 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS AA 1 E ' F ' G ' Threa ds C d d 1 E G F (Note)L (1) (Note)L 1 (2) [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Jam Nut Lock Nut Model Threa ds C A A 1 dd 1 E Wi dt h A.
7 - 301 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS ( N o t e ) L 1 ( 1 ) ( N o t e ) L 2 ( 2 ) A A 1 E F G Thread s C d d 1 E' G' F ' L 9 0 [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Ja m Nut Lock N ut Model Thr eads.
7 - 302 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (d) Cable clamps <DDK> A 1.6 (0.06) V B G E (Bushing ID) D (Cable clamp ID) F (Movable range) Effective thread length C [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Model S hell Siz e A B C D E F G V Bushing D/MS3057-6 A 14S 22.
7 - 303 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS <Nippon Fl ex> (Not e)L (1) (Note)L 1 (2 ) A1 5 (0.59 ) Threads C d E ' F ' G ' E G F [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Tight ening Nut Nipp le Body M.
7 - 304 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) Plug [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) Model Number of Poles AB 5509-04P-210 4 (0.16) 4.2 (0.17) 9.6 (0.38) 5559-06P-210 6 (0.24) 8.4 (0.33) 13.8 (0.54) (2) 1 1 3 4 3 2 1 85 4.2 A B 4.2 2.7 Circuit number 5559 11.6 (0.
7 - 305 7. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) Plug (For HC-UF -S1) <Hiros e Electric> [Unit: mm] ([Unit: in]) RM15W TJA-4S H 5 14 23 1 4 2 3 H 5 A A A-A 20 ( 0.787) 15.3 ( 0.602) 35 (1.378) M19 1 (0.039) M1 6 0. 75 (0.03) 8 (0.315) RM15W TP-CP(8) M16 0.
8 - 1 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DES IGNING 8.1 Specif icatio n symbol l ist The followi ng symbols are required for selecti ng the proper servo: T a : Accelerati .
8 - 2 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.2 Position resolution and electr onic gear setting Position resolution (trave l per pulse ) is de termined by trave l per servo motor revolution S and th e number of encoder feedback pulses Pt, a nd is represent ed by Equation 8.
8 - 3 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.3 Speed a nd comm and pulse f requenc y The servo motor is run at a speed where the comma nd pulses and feedback pulses are equi valent. Therefore, th e command pulse freq uency and feedbac k pulse frequency are equivalent.
8 - 4 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.4 Stopping ch aracteristics (1) D roop pul ses ( ) When a pulse train command is us ed to run the servo motor, there is a relationshi p between the command pulse freq uency and servo motor speed as shown in the figure.
8 - 5 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.5 Capaci ty select ion As a first step , confirm the load condition s and tempor arily selec t the servo moto r capac ity.
8 - 6 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (3) Torques required for operatio n Torques required for the servo mot or are the highest during acceleration. If any of the torques obtained with Equati ons 8.11 to 8.13 exceeds t he maximum servo motor torque, the servo motor speed cannot be increased as commanded.
8 - 7 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (4) Cont inuous ef fective l oad torque If the t orque required for the servo motor change s with time, the continuous effecti ve load torque should be l ower than t he rated t orque of the servo motor.
8 - 8 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.6 Load tor que equa tions Typical l oad torque equations are i ndicated below: Type M echanism Equation Linear movement Servo m otor W Z 1 F C F G Z 2 T L 21 0 3 F N V 21 0 3 F S ...........................
8 - 9 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.8 Load in ertia m oment equatio ns Typic al load inerti a moment e quation s are ind icated below: Type M echanism Equation Axis of rotation is on the c ylinder center Axis of rota tion L D 1 D 2 J L0 = 32 L (D D ) 4 1 4 2 8 W (D D ) 2 1 2 2 .
8 - 10 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING 8.9 Precaut ions for zeroing When a general positioning unit is used, the sequence of events is as shown in the following figure. ON Ac tuat or s ign al When determining the ON duration of the actuator, consider the deceleration time so that the speed reaches the creep speed.
8 - 11 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (2) Set the end (OFF position) of the act uator signal at the middle of two ON positions (Lows ) of the zero pulse signal. If it is set near either ON positi on of the zero pulse signal , the positioning unit is liable to misdetect the zero pulse signal.
8 - 12 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (3) Acc elera tion/dec elerat ion tim e constan t t psa t psd t 0 V 0 /60 ts 0. 05[s] ts: set tling time.( Here, thi s is assumed to be 0.15s. ) (4) Op eration pattern S e r v o m o t o r s p e e d [r/min ] 300 0 Time 0.
8 - 13 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (6) L oad iner tia m oment (con vert ed into e quival ent va lue on s ervo m otor sh aft) Moving par t J L1 W 20 2 S 1.52[ kg cm 2 ] Ball screw J L2 32 L D 4 n 2 1 0.24[ kg cm 2 ] * 7.8 10 3 [kg cm 3 ] Gear (se rvo moto r shaf t) J L3 32 L D 4 0.
8 - 14 8. CALCULATION METHODS FOR DESIGNING (9) Cont inuous ef fective l oad torque Trms tf T t psa T tc T 22 2 Ma L Md t psd 0.42[N m] The continuous effect ive load torque must be low er than the servo moto r's rate d torque. (10) T orque p attern T o r q u e 1.
App. - 1 A PPENDIX App. 1 Ser vo mot or ID co des Motor series I D Motor t ype ID Enc oder ID S ervo motor F053 HC-MF053 FF13 HC-M F13 FF23 HC-M F23 FF43 HC-M F43 02 FF73 HC-M F73 F053 HA-FF 053 FF13 .
App. - 2 A PPENDI X Motor series I D Motor t ype ID Enc oder ID S ervo motor FF81 HC-SF S81 F121 HC-SFS121 F201 HC-SFS201 F301 HC-SFS301 FF52 HC-SF S52 F102 HC-SFS102 F152 HC-SFS152 F202 HC-SFS202 F35.
App. - 3 A PPENDI X Motor series I D Motor t ype ID Enc oder ID S ervo motor F601 HA-LF S6014 F801 HA-LF S8014 1201 HA-LFS12K14 1501 HA-LFS15K14 2001 HA-LFS20K14 1102 HA-LFS11K24 1502 HA-LFS15K24 2202.
REVISIONS *The manual numb er is given on the bott om left of the back cover. Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision May.,1998 SH(NA)3181-A First edition Sep.,1998 SH(NA)3181-B HA-LH11K2 to 22K2 added HC-SF502(B), 702(B ) added HC-RF353(B), 503(B) added HC-UF352(B), 502(B) /HC-UF73(B) add e d UL/C-UL Standar d: Flange size list mod ified Section 1.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Mar., 2000 SH(NA)3181-D Section 3. 1.5: Rec onsiderati on Sections 3.2, 3.3: Motor addit ion Section 5. 1: Note 12 change, motor addit ion Sections 5.2 to 5.4 : Motor addit ion Section 7. 1: Item r econsider ation, m otor additio n HC-MF, HC-K F, HC-UF3000r/min outline dr awing change Section 7.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Oct., 2002 SH(NA)3181-F Section 1.2: C hange/de letion of rat ing plate, addition of (o) HA-LFS ser ies, addition of (p) H C-LF S seri es Section 1.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Oct., 2002 SH(NA)3181-F Section 7.1.4 ( 2): Change of HC-R F(S)353B, HC -RF(S)503B var iable dimensions Section 7. 1.7: Add ition of tit le Section 7. 1.9: Reex aminat ion of var iable dim ensio ns and in ertia mom ent value s, change of HC-AQ s eries outl ine drawings Section 7.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Jun., 2003 SH(NA)3181-G Chapter 2: Partia l chang e of CAUTION s entence Section 2 .1: Addition of 400VAC compatible HA-LFS and 4 00VAC compatible HC-SFS to Env ironmental Condit ion table Section 2. 4: Addit ion of It em (4) Section 2 .
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Sep., 2003 SH(NA)3181-H Section 2.1: A ddition of H C-SFS524, 10 24, 1524 , 2024 and 70 24, and HA - LFS6014 and 701 M4 to th e environ ment c ondition table Section 2.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Oct., 2004 SH (NA)3181-J Section 5.2 (3): Remar ks additio n Graph change to HC -SF(S)52, HC-S F(S)102, HC-SF(S) 152, HC- SF(S)202, HC-S F(S)702 in (a) and HC -SFS524, HC-SFS 1024, HC-SFS1524, H C-SFS2024, HC-S FS3524, HC-SFS 7024 in (b) Section 5.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision Dec., 2005 SH(NA)3181-K Section 7. 1.4 (3)(a): C lerical error i s modified Section 7.1.11 (1): HC-K FS23 4 3 clerica l error on inerti a moment ratio i s modifi ed Section 7.1.11 (2): HC-K FS23 4 3 clerica l error on inerti a moment ratio i s modifi ed Section 7.
Print Data *Manual Nu mber Revision May, 2008 SH(N A)3181-L Section 7.1.3 ( 3): Change of outline drawings Note added ''HC -SFS52G1H 102G 1H 152G1H 524G1H 10 24G1H 1524G1H'' '.
L Servo Motor Instruction Manual SH (NA) 3181-L (0805) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsubishi 1CW940 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsubishi 1CW940 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsubishi 1CW940 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsubishi 1CW940 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsubishi 1CW940 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsubishi 1CW940 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsubishi 1CW940 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsubishi 1CW940 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.