Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DV1248ST van de fabrikant Mitsubishi
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DIAM OND VI EW DV1248ST Professional Desktop Scanne r Use r’s Manu a l for Microsof t Win dows.
Content s IMPORTANT S AFETY INS TRUCT IONS .......................................................1 1. S ETTING UP YOUR S CANNER ...................................................................5 C HEC K THE P AC KA GE C ONTE N TS ..................
P re vie w Bu tton ............................................................................................. 32 Sc an Bu tton .................................................................................................. 32 Exi t Bu tton .....
H OW T O U SE C OPIER ........................................................................................69 6. F IN ER EAD ER SP RI NT O CR ...................................................................... 71 G ETTIN G S TA R TE D ..........
Copy right Copyr ight 2000, Mit subi shi Electr ic Au str alia Pt y Lt d. All ri ghts reser ved. No par t of thi s pub licatio n may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrie va .
8. Do no t allow anything t o rest on the power cord. Do not locate the scanner wh ere perso ns may walk on t he cor d. 9. If an exte nsio n c ord is used with th is product, make sure that the total ampere rating of the equipment plugged into the extension co rd does not excee d the exte nsio n co rd ampere ra ting.
FC C INF ORM A TION The F ederal C ommuni catio n Commi ssion Radio Frequ ency Interf erence Statement include s the foll ow ing pa ragra ph: Thi s equipmen t has been t ested and fo und t o compl y with th e limi ts fo r a Class B Digi tal Device, pur suant t o Part 15 o f th e FCC R ules.
Diamond View Scann er Driver S creen Menu Bar Combo Boxes Tool Ba r Job List and C ommand Buttons Preview Ar ea Status A rea.
1. SETTING UP YOUR SCANNER Ch eck the P ackag e Cont ents Chec k that you have a ll the f oll owing items in t he pa ckag e: • DV 12 48ST fl atbed s can n er • SCSI interface card • SCSI cable .
Un lock th e Prot ection Switch es The s canner h as two protect ion swi tches: o ne located at t he inner side o f the transpare ncy unit (figure 1-2 ) and the other a t the bottom of the sca nner itself (f igu re 1-3) . To Unlock the transparenc y uni t protection sw itch, turn the kn ob to the unlock ed po sit ion with a coin .
Inst al l t he T r ansp ar e nc y Uni t If the transpa rency unit has bee n rem oved, locate the insta llation hol e s at the ba ck of the scanner. Lif t the transparenc y unit and insert the metal poles on the transpare ncy unit into the holes (f igure 1-4).
Figur e 1 -6 Plug the SCSI te rminator into the 25 pin c onnector of the scanner’ s rear pa nel. Plug the power cord int o the po wer re cep tacle of the sca nner’ s rear panel a nd the other end into a powe r outl e t. Tighten the scre ws on all co nnectors.
Driv er & App lica tion I nsta llation To inst all the Diamo nd View scanner driv ers: 1. After you power on yo ur computer and W indow s starts, the "N ew hardware found" message box will ap pea r on the scre en, then the "Update De vice Dr iv e r Wizard" dialogue b ox will pop up.
5. You can choose to i nstall other software applica tions fro m the menu. Please foll ow the in structio ns of eac h software installe r to c omplet e installa tion. 6. You will need to re start the compute r to complete the installation of the scan ner and SCSI ad apto r dr iv er s.
2. INTRODUCTION TO SCANNING Dia mond V iew is the p owerfu l and ve rsatile driver p rog ram fo r yo ur scanne r. It is TWAIN compli ant a nd designed to be user-fr iendly. With its i c on based user- in terface an d lo gical t ask- flow d esign, y ou can co mplete a s atisf actor y scan ning job with on ly a fe w m ouse clic ks.
Diam ond View Main Scre en You ca n invoke the D iam ond View d river us ing your ima ge e diting or OCR (opt ic al chara cter rec ognition) so ft ware. Depe nding on the sof tw a re you use, you ma y nee d to sele ct the sca nner (image so urc e) befo re you can use the sc anner a nd select Diamo nd Vi ew to scan an d impo rt i mage.
Main Scre en Fe a ture Used t o… Menu Bar Adjust scan settings a nd display inf orma tio n about the dri ver. Combo Boxes Specify dif ferent scan settings and a pply to the sca nned ima ge, a c c ording to the or igina l y ou wa nt t o scan.
Diamond View in your a pplic ation soft wa re (You only ne ed to d o this once, unless you re- install y our applicat ion softwa re). P lease note that the me thod o f selec ting the TWAIN source ma y di ffer ac cording to the software y ou use. Fo r details, plea se refe r to the docum ents that come with y our app lication s oft ware .
Scan n in g t ran sparen t o ri gin al s Step 1. Pl ace y our fi lm i n an appropr iate f ilm frame, t hen place i t on t he glass plate of t he s canner. When do ing so , make s ure that the cali brati on area is facing the right direction, towards the f ro nt panel of the sca nner.
Scan ning Fi lm St r ips Film str ip holde r Insert the fil m strip i nto the h ol de r Scan ni ng P o s i ti v e Fil ms positive f ilm ho lder Place th e posi tive f ilm i n th e hol der Step 2.
are using. For details, plea se refer to the docume nts that come with your ap plica tion soft wa re. Step 4. Cho ose Acquire from your a pplic ation so ftware .
3. UNDER STANDI NG DIAMOND VI EW’S FUNCTIONS Thi s sectio n descr ibes all the features provided by the Diamond View dri v er. B y fu l ly uti lising t hese feat ures, y ou can scan images more ef fici ently and qui ckly. Menu Bar Th ere ar e th ree selecta ble menu items i n the Me nu Bar .
Se ttings S ub-me nu You can a djust severa l genera l scan settings in this submenu. Scan Si ze… Whe n you ch oose th is ite m, th e foll owin g dia log box will a pp ear: In thi s dialog box, you can set the sizes of the area s to be scanned.
Monitor Gamma In general, a monitor c annot displa y the full col our range of an ima ge. I n order to have the monito r approxima te the Colours as cl osely as poss ible, you us ually need to adjust the monito r ga mma. Adjustme nt of the m oni tor gamma can make the monitor approximate the Col ours of t he origina l image more c losely.
Film Ty p e Whe n choosing this i tem, the follo wing d ial og box w ill app ear: When yo u want to sca n a ne gative film, c h o o s e y o u r t y p e o f f i l m h e r e i n a d v a n c e . T h e scanning result w il l be optim ised for the fi lm type you select.
Combo Boxe s Combo B oxes provide se veral opti ons to a djust the sca n settings before you scan a n ima ge. In or der to achiev e the best s can res ult yo u may need to adjust the se ttings according to the int ended pu rpos e of t he scanned i mage and the type of original you w ish to scan.
Imag e T y p e Box The Image Type box is used to se lec t a pa rticula r da ta type for your sca nning. For b est re sults, you w ill nee d to select the image type tha t matche s the original. Fo r exam ple, if you are sca nning a text document, choose Line A rt inst ead of Colour to maxim ise scanning qua lity and m inimise fi le size.
Scan M od e Bo x The Scan Mod e box pro vides thr ee sca n modes: Hi gh Speed and High Q ua lit y 24 bi t modes and High Quali ty 48 bit colour enha ncem ent mode. T he more bits us ed to repr oduce t he image col our , the mor e acc urately the sca nner repre sents the colours of the origina l.
The best way to select the scan resolution is t o match it to the purpose of your scan j ob. This is bec ause the highe r resolution you use for sc anning, the la rger the sca nned image file size will bec ome.
Sc aling Box The scaling combo b ox all ows you t o spec ify t he ho riz ontal an d vert ical s cale o f th e i mage to be scan ned. No te that th e maximum an d minimu m scalin g is determ ined by the resolutio n. The scali n g unit is a percentage (%).
From th is dial og bo x, you can a dj ust the sharpness a ccura tely. Dragging the scroll ba r to the left wi ll blur the im age , a nd dragging the scro ll bar to right wi ll sharpen the i mage. You can also directl y ent er the desired v a lu e into the Amount ent ry box to change the sha rpness.
Desc re en Bo x If you are sca nning images from magazine s, newspapers o r other pr inted ma terial s, you may find that the scan ned im age app ears to be co ver ed by t iny scr een pattern s. To elimi nate th is screen patter n, y ou can use the options in the D escreen box.
Col ou r Wi z ard Box The Co lou r Wizar d box offers t wo q uick and conven ient to ols f or y ou t o ad ju st the overa ll qu ality of the scan n ed image: Auto Densi ty Sele ct Auto Dens ity to optimise the de nsity o f t he image automatically.
Color Matchi ng The Color M atching function all ows you to mainta in the consistenc y o f C olour reproduc tion between the scanner a nd other output devi ce s. Note: 1. This funct ion item on ly ap pears when you choos e “Ref lectiv e” in th e Orig inal box.
Job L i st and Command Butto ns The Job Lis t and Comma nd Butto ns are u sed to control the scan job f low while you sc an im age s. Job Lis t The Job List pr ovides informa tion on all sc an jobs in process. The file size is also displa yed in th e list.
When y ou h ave created mu lti ple scan jo bs (s ee below for h o w to creat e a new scan job) in the list, you can c heck or uncheck the box in front of the job name to decide whether to procee d scanning that spe cific job(s). By sele cting each scan job in the list, you can a djust different sc anning settings for each sc an job respe ctively.
Previ ew A rea The Previ ew Are a is used to previe w imag e in rough quality. Yo u can use the cursor to p oint to a pixel to read its value. You can a lso se t the scan ning area and v iew an ins tant prev iew of the ef fects cau sed by param eter chang es f rom the Image f uncti ons .
size of th e scanne d imag e file, it is b etter to se lect and scan only t he nec essary pa rt of the image with sele ction are a. To adj ust the sele ction area : 1. Mov e t he selecti on ar ea by poi ntin g the mou se cursor t o t he sel ectio n area.
Level But t o n By clic king on t he Level button, the Le vel d ialog b ox will ap pea r. The L evel dialo g box incl udes several useful tools for you to c heck the Colour level in form atio n of the ima ge and adju st th e imag e qual ity . A descripti on of each component i n the dialog box and how they w or k to affe ct th e ima ge follows.
In addi tio n, if we tak e a loo k at th e two im ages belo w: We can s ee that in Imag e 1, ther e is a hi gher co ntrast between the bri ghter an d darker pa rt o f the image.
Now that we ca n understa nd the informati on in the h istogram , the next ste p will be to adjust the image with histogram to ols. Below the Hi sto gra m, there ar e th ree tiny triangles: By dragging these triangle s, you can ad just the brightness a nd contrast of an image pr ecisely .
Input Level box The Input Leve l box di splays the valu e o f Shad ow Thresh old , Midtone and High ligh t Thres hold respe ctive ly. You ca n also input e ach value he re directly . Output Le vel bo x The Output Leve l box is used t o expan d the ou tput lev el of the im age Colou r.
Curve Bu tto n The Curve tool is use d to a dj ust t he b rightn ess p rope rtie s of mid t one pixe ls in an ima ge . Onc e you c lick on the Cu rve bu tton, the foll owing dia log box w ill app ea r: An introducti on to eac h component in the dialog bo x and a description of how to use the Curve tool to adj ust an imag e follows.
You can also cli ck the curve to add new po ints and further change the shape of the curv e: Input/O utput S tatus Ar ea You can read the pr ecise i n put/o utput v alue her e. Whe n yo u ha ve finishe d with adjustm ents, you c an click OK t o a p p l y , o r c l i c k Reset to re store the default settings.
Col ou r Bal ance Bu tto n Click t he Colour Balan ce butto n to open the Colour Bala nce dialog box : In this dialog box, you can change the mix ture o f col ours o f an imag e and empha sise or diminish certa in colours. A description o f Colour Bala nce compo nents f ollows .
Colour A djus tme nt button Click t he Colour Ad justment butto n, and the Colo ur Adj ustment dia log box w ill app ea r: C olo ur Adjust men t is a nother convenient to ol that you can use to adj ust an d calibrat e the Colours in a n ima ge.
Whe n yo u ha ve finishe d with adjustm ents, click the OK butto n t o confirm your settings and close the dialog box. If you are not satisfied with the adjustm ents, you can cl i ck th e Reset b utton and the settings will return t o the d efa ult. Alte rnative ly, you can clic k the Cancel butto n to cancel and close the di alog box.
Thre s hold but to n Thresh old function is very useful when y ou scan line art ima ges or scan d ocument s fo r OCR (o ptic al charact er reco gniti on) use. You may use this func ti on to adj ust the q uality of l ine art imag es or elimina te unwanted dots in the document to impr ove the ac curacy of rec ognition.
Ima ge 1 is the orig inal sca nned im age , while in Ima ge 2 the thre shold value is cha nged into 56. This me ans tha t pixels in t he imag e with brightne ss le vel below 56 will a ll be cut into bla ck, a nd th ose w ith b right ness le vel a b ove 5 6 are a ll turne d in to w h ite.
Rotate button You can rotate the selection area e asily w ith this butto n. For exa mple, if the orig ina l sca n is not a l igne d corre ctly, y ou ca n use this func tion to cor rect the t ilt. Aft er yo u preview the pho t o, adju st the s electio n area to approx imatel y enco mpass the photo.
A uto b u tto n After you preview an ima ge, you can pre ss this button to open the Auto dialo gue bo x: Auto Crop Click thi s butt on and the Dia mond View dri ver will cr op the scan ar ea aut omatic ally and se lect only the nece ssary size for scanning the image .
Stat us A re a Th e St atus Area pro vides infor matio n o f the i mage yo u are workin g on: Pix el Disp lay Box This box d ispla ys the col our of the pixel that the mouse c ursor i s cur rently pointing to.
4. PHOTO E XPR ES S In th is chap ter you w ill be int roduc ed t o the fa ntastic world o f P hot o Exp ress. Lea rn more about thi s bundl e d software and make yo ur scanned photographs and other i.
Getting Started To run P hot o Ex pres s, d ouble click t he P hot o Exp res s icon on y our Wi ndo ws desktop or open from Windows Start M enu. Whe n yo u run Ph oto Expre ss, make su re that th e Wi.
Mode Tab: The Mo de tabs switc h Phot o Exp re ss betw een Pho to mo de and Pro ject mode. Pho to mo de is w here th e majorit y of you r wo rk is do ne, while t he Project mode lets you make greet ing cards, name car ds, and other f un things based on templates.
Getting Images The first thing you want to d o wh e n you start Photo E xpress is to get the photo s you w a nt to work with i n to the a ctual program.
To add ne w image s t o an al bum: 1. S el ect an al bum. 2. Click the File i con an d brow se for t h e folder where t he images ar e sto red. 3. When they appear in the Optio ns pa nel, c lick the Selec t All button (or select ima ges ind ividually b y hold ing down t he Ctrl ke y a s you cl ick t hem).
Wor k ing wi th Images A d justi ng Imag es Af ter yo u hav e acqui red an i mage fro m a scann er or digi tal camer a, it may need some adjustme nts. Photo Express provides you with the perfe ct tool for ad justing your p hot os: th e T ra nsform tool.
To tr im y our p hoto: 1. Clic k the Trim button in the Edit : A djust ca teg ory. The Trim opti ons will ope n in t he Optio n s panel. 2. Select a Tr im sh ape and then set the amount of So ft edge you want to s often the edges of the tr immed photo with.
Shari ng Ima ge s Pr inting Ima ges Once yo u have put the f inish ing to uc hes onto yo ur ph otos, it is time to print the m out. Photo Express c ontains numerous print ing options, le tting you output posters and name cards in additio n to its re gular pri nti ng duties.
Savi n g I mages Afte r wor k on your phot o is c omple te, you m ay wan t to sa ve it. In Phot o Expre ss, you ca n save a phot o in a varie ty of d iffe rent im age file form ats. Each file f ormat has its own unique properties a nd c haracte ristics.
Expres s You rself Creat e Calen dar s One o f the eas iest tas ks to accompli sh i n Ph oto Express is mak ing calen dars, either for your Wind ow s desk t op or for your real deskto p. They are great gift f o r y o ur fri ends a nd lo ved ones, in addition to bein g a conveni ent way t o keep track of impor t a nt dates in sty le.
Morp hing Ph otos One o f Phot o Expres s’ more nov el eff ects extr as is that of i mage mor phing. Morphing transforms an ima ge over time to c reate interesting and unique “warps” of th e o r i ginal pho t o . Image morphs are ou tput as ei ther image sequen ces o r anim ate d GI F files.
Workin g in Pr oject Mode The Pr oject mo de gives y ou a fo cused env iron ment in whi ch to create cu stom gree ting cards, c a lenda rs, invitations, birthda y and annive rsary ca rds, na me c ards, and planne rs. The Projec t mo de is useful fo r ge tting through a “proje ct” a s quickly and ef ficien tly as poss ib le.
Worki ng w i th T emp l ates Pho to Ex press’ uni que templates can be edited and cu stomi sed to suit your o wn nee ds. Templa tes consist of mult iple compone nts, usua lly a combina tion of t ext and pho tos w ith a deco rati on o r two perhaps throw n in.
A dding De cora tion One ca tegory o f tools on the Edit menu in Projec t mode is unique to that tab: Decor atio n. Thes e are speci al , object- based eff ects such as Frames, Edges and Props you can use to enhanc e photo obje cts in a projec t. To add s pec ial edge effe cts to a ph oto o bje ct: 1.
Printing T empla tes As wit h Phot o mode , Project mod e le ts you prin t you r work whe n you’ re finis hed with it. The sa me opt ion s a vailab le in Ph ot o mode app ly in Pr oje ct mod e a s well. For more on print ing, see 4- 8 Printi ng Imag es and the on-line help.
Sha ring T emp lat es Sharing template s wo rks exac tly the same way as sharing phot os in Photo mode. You ca n print, e-mail, fax, or output them to web pa ges. For more on these tools, see th e o n-l ine hel p and relat ed documents . To e- ma il a te mpl ate: 1.
5. DIAM ON D VIEW C O P IER Copier is a softwa re a pplica tion that combine s your sca nner an d p rinter int o a copy ing machine, making it easy to copy images and documents. You can use Copier to: ! Sc ale i mages or docu ments u p and dow n The s canned image can be dimi nish ed or enl arged wi thin the siz e of the paper.
Copier P arameters The table bel ow is a l ist o f Copier parameters. B e fo re you start to copy, adjust the para mete rs as required . Ico ns Icon Parame ter Descrip tion Scan ner dri ve r To sele ct your sca nner drive r, clic k th is icon u ntil your scanne r driver appea rs in the Information Windo w.
Info r mati on W i ndow The Information Wind ow shows the c urrent settings f or the Sc anner D river, Printer, Image T ype, Copy Qual ity and number o f copi es. Bri ghtne ss and Cont ras t Th e slider s are u sed to adjust the image contrast and brightne ss.
Buttons Star t Copy in g button. Press this button to start cop yi ng the ima ge to the printer or a fi le. The button changes to while the scanner is co py ing and yo u can press i t t o stop copy ing. Min imi se button. P ress this butto n to minimise the Copier panel.
How t o Us e Copi er Fo llow t hese s teps to co py a do cument: 1. Open C opier . 2. Place the docume nt you w ant to copy facing dow n on the sca nner glass plate.
<Me mo>.
6. FINER EADE R SPRINT OCR Fi neReader is an o mnif ont OCR (Op tic al Char acter Recogni tio n) sys tem. Th is means that , wit hou t prel imi nary tr aini ng, it can deal w ith text of practi cally any qu alit y, pri nted w ith any fo nt.
To selec t your sca nner as the image source: 1. Click Scan &Read on the Menu bar , th en c lick Select S canne r…. 2. The f ollowing di a lo g box will pop up. Sel ect Di amo nd Vi ew Vx.xx and c lick OK . Note: Befor e you select th e scanner, mak e sure t he Diamo nd View dr iver progr am has been instal led pro perly .
St ep 1: Pu sh t he Sca n&R ead b utton Cli ck the Scan&R ead but ton o n the S can&Read to ol bar. The Di amond Vi ew main scree n will pop up. Set the scanning para mete rs as follows: Origina l : Reflect ive (F latb ed) Image type: Lin e Ar t Resolutio n: 300dp i Ste p 2: Sc an Prev iew the docu ment.
St ep 3: R ecogniz e the s ca nn ed ima ge Whe n sc anning is c omplete d, c lose Dia mond V iew. Fine Rea d e r will start to reco gnize t h e scaned im ag e. Ste p 4: Sav e t he r e s ul t After t he re cognition p roc ess is comp lete d, the result wi ll be displa yed in the M ain window .
Tips fo r Improv ing Rec ogni t io n Qual i ty If you have a text docum ent with ma ny unrecognised cha racters, the rea son may be t hat the source im age is of a poor qua lit y. You sho uld set the correc t b rightness, and resolution and use the D iamond View sca nner’ s Threshold func tion then resc an the image.
7. SCAN BUTTON The Scan Button is a convenie nt tool f or scanning and im port ing imag es dire ctly into applic ation software that y ou use most frequently. W ith Scan B utton, you no longer have to open the applic ation software first a nd dash through menu and sub menus to acqu ire an d impo rt i mages.
Hel p: choose this item to re ad the on-line instruct ion for Sc an B utton. About Scan Bu tton…: choose this ite m to disp lay the vers ion numbe r and other relate d info rma tion about Scan Button. Sett ings… : enter the Se tting wi ndow and cha nge Scan B utton settings.
Quick S can Here you ca n specify the ac tion of Scan B utton whe n you double-clic k the icon on Win dows Task bar. For example, i f yo u choo se Scan to Pr inter , the n e x t time y ou double-click the Scan Button tray icon, Scan Button will be activated and start to scan and print the scanned imag e to the printer you designated.
Using Scan Button Sc an to File Click t he Scan to File b utton, and t he sca nner will sta rt to scan the origina l auto matical ly . When th e scan has fin ish ed, a Save as dial ogue box w il l po .
Scan t o A p p li cati o n De pend ing on the software a pplica tions tha t you ha ve insta lled a nd se lecte d for Sca n Butt o n, differe nt butt ons repre senting the applic ations will a lso ap pear on the Scan Button toolbar. Yo u can click the butt on to scan and import the scanne d ima ge into the ap plica tion direc tly.
8. TROU BLE SHOOTI NG AN D FAQ FAQ 1. Why do es Di amon d View di splay the m essage “ Scanner i s war ming up” w henever I sca n or prev iew afte r I change t he Orig inal type or Sc an Mo de set.
2 The Auto C rop f unction some times fails. Diamond View performs the Auto Crop functi on by first estimating the outline of the imag e. If the outline of the im age is unclea r or ca n not be e asily re cognised , the driver will not be a ble to d ecide the c orrect sha pe t o crop.
9. SERV ICE AN D S UP P ORT INF ORM ATION If pro ble ms pe rsist a fter y ou chec k this ma nual, you can c ontact your dea ler or consult the te chnical se rvice below: Fo r dr iv er and hardware que.
Ret urnin g You r Sca nn er for Serv ice In th e event t hat yo u need t o retu rn you r scann er for s ervice, pl ease ensu re th at yo u encl ose: 1. Your name and dayt ime telephone number i ncluding area co de 2. A copy of you r rece ipt or othe r proof of purcha se if y ou are m aking a warra nty clai m.
Diamond View Main Driver Scre en Guide (continued).
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsubishi DV1248ST (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsubishi DV1248ST heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsubishi DV1248ST vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsubishi DV1248ST leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsubishi DV1248ST krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsubishi DV1248ST bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsubishi DV1248ST kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsubishi DV1248ST . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.