Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WD-57831 van de fabrikant Mitsubishi
Ga naar pagina of 126
5. DL P ™ HIG H - D EF INITIO N TELE VISION MODEL S W D-5 7 8 3 1 W D- 6583 1 W D -7 3 8 3 1 O W N E R ’ S GU I DE • Forquestio ns: - CallCons umerRe lationsat 8 0 0 - 3 32-21 19. - E-mailu satMDE As er vic e@mde a.
Thelightni ngflas hwithar rowheadsymb olwithinane quilatera ltrian gleisintende dtoaler ttheu serofthe pres enceofunin sulated“dange ro.
For Y ou r Rec or ds Rec ordthemod elnumbe r ,ser ialnumb er ,an dpurcha sedateofyourT V .Th emodela ndser ialnumb er sareonthe backoftheT V .R efertothispagewhe nreque stingas sist ancew iththisT V .
Contents Impor tant In forma tion About Y our T V Gen eralWarnin gsandCau tions,NotesonIn stall ationandO per ation ........................... 6 Clea ningRec ommen dations ...................................................
Chap ter 5: T V Menu Settings 3DGra phica l MenuSy stem .................................................... 6 0 Main Me nu .......................................................................... 6 1 SetupMe nu ...................
6 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V Impo r ta nt In format ion A bou t Y o ur T V W ARNING :Thisprod uctco ntainsc hemic alskn owntotheStateofCaliforniatocaus ecanc erand / orbir thdefec tsor otherrep roduc tiveharm.
Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 7 T V Sof t ware Una uth orized Software Donotat tempttoupdatethesof t wareofthisT Vwi th sof t wareorcar dsthataren otprovidedbyorauth orized byMitsubishiD igit alElec tronic sAme rica ,Inc.
8 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 8 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V Impor tan t Safe guard s Pleasere adthefollowingsafe guard sforyourT Va ndretai nforfuturerefe rence.A lwaysfollowallwarningsan dinstru c - tionsma rkedonthetelevision.
Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 9 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 9 Impor tan t Safeg uards , cont inu ed 1 2 . Power Lin es Anou tsidea ntennasystemshoul dnotbe.
1 T elevision Over view Package Content s .................................. 1 2 Sp ecia l Featur es of Y ou r T V ............................ 1 2 T V Front Panel ..................................... 1 4 T V B ack Panel .............................
12 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 1 . St a nd ar d Rem ote C ont r ol 2 . T wo A A B at t er ies 3. Sm al l Rem ote C ont r ol 4. T wo A A A Ba t te ri es 5. Four- En de d IR E mi t te r 6. T V G ui de O n Sc r ee n® Int er ac t ive Pr ogr a m Gu id e Us er ’s Man u al 7 .
Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 13 Digi tal Ca ble Rea dy ( C a b l e C A R D™ ) Y ourw idesc ree nMitsubi shiHDT Vis“Plug -and -Play” digita lcablere ady .Itc andes cra mbleaca bleprovide r’ s one -waydigitalsigna lswiththeuseofaCa bleCARD secu rit ymodu le.
14 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Lif t cover to us e fe atur es on the fr ont pa nel. T V Front P ane l A/ V Rese t IfyouwishtoresettheA / V(Au dio/ V ideo)set tingsba c.
Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 15 F ront-Panel In dic ator s POWER/ TIME R Indicat or LED Color TV Condition Additional Information Non e T Visp ow ere dof f. Normalop eratio n. Gr ee n T Visp ow ere don. Nor malop eration.
16 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 1$ %7 * "6 %*0 "6%*0 065 $0.10/&/5 */165 .0/*503 065 )%.*%7*"6%*0 "/5."*/ "/5"69 *&&& %*(*5"- "6%*0 065 )%.
Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 17 4. COMPON ENT Inp uts (Au d io an d V id eo) Y Pb Pr (4 8 0 i/48 0 p/ 72 0 p/1 0 8 0 i) Usethes ejackstoconne ctdevic eswithco mpone ntvide o outputs ,sucha sDVDplayers,ex ternalHDT Vrece ivers,o r compa tiblevide ogamesystems .
18 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Cabl eCARD ™ T echn ology CableCAR Disanationwidesystems tanda rdthatallows yourloca lcableT Vprovide rtosupplyyouwithana cces s cardc ustomizedtoyouracco unt.
2 T V Con nec t ions Conn ect ion T yp es ................................... 2 0 Digi tal V id eo an d Home Reco rdi ng ....................... 21 HDT V Cabl e Box or Satelli te Recei ver with Co mpon ent V ide o .... 21 St and ar d Cabl e Box, Satel lite Rec eiver , or O th er Device w it h S -V i d e o .
20 Chapter 2 . T V Connections 20 Chapter 2 . T V Connections Conn ect ion T y pes Video and Combin ed Audio /Video Connection s The sedes cription sapplytoT Vv ideoonl yanddonotc ov ersi gnalsf romper son alcomp uters .
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 21 Digi tal V id eo and H ome Recording Theta blebel owwillhelpyoudecidew hicht ypeofc onnec tiontousefordigi talvide o.Digita lvideoc ome stoy our homeinaco mpres se dstate,whethe rrece ivedonrec orde dmedia(e.
22 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections Standar d Cable B ox, Sate l li te R ec e iv e r , or O t h e r D e v ic e w i t h S -V i d e o Requi red:S-Vide ocablea ndlef t /righta nalo gstereo audioca bles.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 23 A n t e n n a s w i t h Se p a ra t e U HF a n d VHF Leads Requir ed:UHF / VH Fcombine r Thisisnotin clude dwiththeT V ,b utisavailableatmo st elec tronic sstores. 1 . Conne cttheU HFandVH Fantennale adstotheUHF / VHFco mbiner .
24 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections VC R to a n Ant enn a or W all Out le t Cable Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplit ter ,3coa xi alcab les,ri ghtand lef tana logaudioc able s,eithe rS-vide oorvide ocab le.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 25 VC R to a C able B ox (Au dio & Video ) Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplit ter ,4coa xi alcabl es,ri ghtand lef taudioc able s,S-Vide o.
26 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections D VI V i d e o D e v i ce ( C a b l e B o x, Sat ellit e Receiv er , D VD Pla yer , or Oth er Devi ce) Ana logstere oaudioca blesa ndaDVI-to-H DMIcab leor DVI/HD MIadapteran dHDMIca blearere quire d.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 27 D VD Pla yer w ith C ompon ent Video Compo nentvid eoca blesa ndanal ogaudioc ablesa re require d.
28 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections Older Cab le Bo x Requir ed:3coa xialc able s,onet wo-wayRFsplit ter . The searenotinc ludedw iththeT V .
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 29 IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces Compa ti ble IE EE 1 39 4 Device s Compatib leA / Vdevic esincl udesome,bu tnotall,cabl e box es,D -VHSVCRs,A / Vdis cs,a ndfuturep roduc ts.
30 Chapter 2 . T V Connections IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces , con tin ued Tips for Con nectin g IEEE 139 4 D evi ces • Donotloo pthelast deviceinthech ainback totheT V .Whenth e devicecha inisloop ed, theT Vmaynotb eable toworkwiththeother devi ce s.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 31 IR E m i tt e r Ne t C o m m a n d® a n d TV Guide On Scr een An IR e mi tte r c abl e is in cl ude d with th e T V . TheNe tComm andsystemus esemit ter s.
32 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections Q. My VCR (or ot he r dev ic e) doe s not h ave t wo set s of s te re o au di o ou tp ut s . How ca n I co nn ec t t hi s dev ic e’ s au di o to bot h t he T V a nd t he A / V Re ce iver ? A.
3 T V S etu p Gui del ines for S et t ing Up a nd Usi ng Y ou r New Wid escr een T V ... 3 4 Whe n Y ou Fir st Pow er O n th e T V ........................ 3 6 Using t he T V ’ s S etu p Men u ............................ 3 6 Whe n Y ou Fir st Co nnec t a Device .
34 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup Get t ing S ta r ted 1. Readthes ectio nentitle d “I mp or t a nt I nfo rm at io n Ab ou t Y o ur T V ” sta r tingonpag e6.
Chapter 3. T V Setup 35 Inst allin g th e Remo te Con trol Bat te r ie s 1 . Removetheremotecontro l’ sbackc ov erbygentl y pres singinthet abandlif tingof fth ecover . 2. Loadthebatter ies,ma kingsu rethepola rities(+ )and (- )a recor rec t.
36 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup When Y ou F irst Pow er On th e T V Choosi ng a La nguag e for Men us WhenyoupowerontheT Vforthef irsttim e,youcan sele cteith erEnglisho rSpanis hforallme nus.Y o ucan latercha ngethelang uagethrou ghtheSetupme nu.
Chapter 3. T V Setup 37 Note: • IfusingaCab leCARD™ ,theco mpletelistof availablechan nelsispr ovidedthrou ghthe CableCAR Dandthe A NT 1 optionisg rayedout.
38 Chapter 3. T V Setup Set Da y Sele ctthedayordaysthattheT Vwilltur nonautomati - cally .Press o r toselec t Daily , Mon-Fri (Monday throughFriday),orindividualdaysofthewee k.
Chapter 3. T V Setup 39 Cablebo x Camc order DVD DVD 2 DVR (digitalvide orec orde r ,re cor dableDVD) Game HD D isc ( high- def initiondisc) Satellite VCR Thena meyouassi gnherewilla ppea rintheInput Sele ctionme nuandc anbech ange dlaterthroug hthe InputNa memenu.
40 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup When Y ou F irst Conn ect a Devi ce , c ont inu e d 1 . Conne ctthed evicetotheT V wi t h an I EE E 1 3 9 4 ca bl e fi r st .
Chapter 3. T V Setup 41 Chapter 3. T V Setup 41 NetCo mman d Sp ecia lized Devic e K eys Refertothischa r twhen“l ear ning”devicekeys.Writeinfunctionsyouas signtothe F1 – F4 keys. * The se a re pa ir ed fu nction s (e.
42 Chapter 3. T V Setup and5fore achadditio nalfun ctionyouwishtocontr ol throughN etComm and. 8. Ifthedevice’ srem otecontrolhaskeysthatdonot appe arinthelist,youc anas socia teupt ofourkeys withthe F1 through F4 keys.
Chapter 3. T V Setup 43 I n i t i a l N e t C o mm a n d ® Se t u p , c ont inu e d Review T V Conn ect ion s Y ouc anverif yT Vcon necti onsdur ingT Vse tuporat anytimeaf ter wardus ingtheReviewscre en.
44 Chapter 3 . T V Setup A d d i t i o n a l S e t u p U si n g t h e NetC omma nd Men u, contin ued T o Re place O ne Devic e wit h Anot he r on an Inp ut Jack 1 . Dis conne ctthedevic eyouwishtoremove. 2. Connectth enewdevicetothevacatedjack.
Chapter 3. T V Setup 45 A d d i t i o n a l S e t u p U si n g t h e NetC omma nd Men u, contin ued IMP ORT ANT Al l au di o fr om w hat yo u ar e wat ch ing o n th e T V i s al ways ava il ab le a s an o ut pu t on bot h t he T V ’s A U DI O OUT LE F T /RI GHT a nd DIG IT AL AUD IO OU T jack s.
46 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup A d d i t i o n a l S e t u p U si n g t h e NetC omma nd Men u, contin ued IMP ORT ANT T o he ar a u di o th a t is s en t fr om t h e T V to t h e A / V re ce ive r , you m.
T V O pe rat io n and Featur es Remote Cont rol .................................... 4 8 Choosi ng a Progra m Sou rce ........................... 5 0 Cha nnel V iew ™ Ch ann el Lis ti ngs ........................ 5 0 St atu s Dis pl ay .............
48 Chapter 4. T V Op eration and Feat u res Remo te Con trol Overview Figur es 1 , nex t pag e 1 . Sl id e Sw it ch: S elec tstheA / Vdevicetobeco ntrolled bytheremotecontrol.
Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 49 23 29 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 25 24 27 28 26 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 16 19 20 22 21 Figur e 1 . Re mote Contr ol Ove r view Sl eep Tim er Se t t ing t h e Sl e ep Ti me r 1 . Pres s SLEEP ontheremoteco ntrol.
50 Ch apter 4 . T V Op eration and Feat u res Choo sing a P rogram Source NOTE: Ifyouronlyviewingsourcesar econnectedtothe ANT 1 and ANT 2 antennajacks,youcanswitch inputswithouttheInputSelectionmenu.
Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 51 S t atu s D i s p l ay Theon -scre enst atusdispl ayappea rswh enyouturnon theT V ,cha ngeinpu ts,chan gechan nels,orp res sthe IN FO but tonontheremotecon trol.
52 Chapt er 4 . T V O per ation and F eatures Split Scr een SplitSc ree nallowsyoutoviewpicturesfr omtwodif fere nt sourc esatthes ametime.
Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 53 T V In put s for Sp lit Sc ree n TheavailableS plitScre enpi cturesou rcesa relistedbe low . Dis play c hoic es. Pr es s the FORMA T key re pea tedl y while in S plit Sc re en m ode to view di f fer ent d ispl ays.
54 Ch apter 4 . T V Ope ration and Fea tures T V S ign als an d D ispla y Forma ts Thisisawi desc reenT V ,als oknownasa1 6:9T V .T his shap erefle ctsthenewt ype sofimage savailablefrom HDT Vandm anyDVDs.
Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 55 03*(*/"-4*(/"- /POBOBNPSQIJDPS4% 03*(*/"-4*(/"- "OBNPSQIJD%7% 57%JTQMBZ 4UBOEBSE OPUSFDPNNFOE.
56 Ch apter 4 . T V Op eration and Feat u res Memor y Card Pla yback Memo r y Car d Reade r Inser tin g a memor y card 1 . Ifthecar dhasawr ite-p rotectionlo ckswitch,fir st unlockthec ard.Inse r tthec ardintoamatchingca rd slotonthefr ontoftheT V .
Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 57 Playing Au dio Using t he Au dio Play list Menu 1 . Pres s GUIDE todisplaythePlaylistmenu. 2. P res s tosele ctdif fe renttrac ks; CH / chang espage softhePlaylist.
5 T V M enu S et t ings 3D G ra ph ical M enu S yst em ..................... 6 0 Mai n Menu ........................................ 61 Set up Me nu ....................................... 62 NetC ommand Men u ................................. 62 Recor d Menu .
60 Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings Men u Scr eens Apicture( icon)ishighligh tedonthemenu scre enwhe nsele ctedwiththedire ctio nal arr ows .Y oumaythe nmake chang eswithintheme nuoracc es ssub- menus ,ifavailable.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 61 Setup Sele ctEnglis horSpan ishforme nusand on-s cree ndisplays. Memo rizetheavailablecha nnelsforthe antennaorc ablese r vic econne ctedtothe ANT 1 and ANT 2 jacks.
62 Chapt er 5 . T V M enu Settings Set up Menu Seec hapter3,“T VSetup, ”foruseoftheS etupmenu. NetC omma nd Men u Thefeatu resde scrib edinthisse ctio nareavailableevenif youhav enotpe r form edNet Comma ndsetup.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 63 Icon O rde r Men u (no N etC om ma nd s etu p r eq ui re d) The IconO rde rmenuallowsyoutorear rangeth edevice icon sthatappe arintheInpu tSele ctionme nu.
64 Ch apter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Ch ann el Menu Settings for the Channel Number Shown F AV Memory Banks Signal-Strength (digital channels only) Figur e 6.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 65 F A V (Chann el Me nu) TheF A Vfe atureletsyoustoregr oupsoffavoritechanne ls inuptoninedif ferentFA Vm emor ybanks.
66 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Settings Cap tion s Menu Foranalo gchanne ls,broa dcas tersc ansen deithers tan - dardcl osedc aptionso rtextser v ice.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 67 Cap tion s Menu, con tin ued Size Sele ctthede siredfo ntsize.Lar geistherec omme nded fontsize. Color Theavailablefon tcolor sarelis tedbelow .T exta ndback - groundc annotb esettothesamec olor .
68 Chapter 5. T V Menu Setti ngs Paren tal Lock Men u ThePare ntalLo ckmenugivesyouco ntroloverthreedif - ferentt yp esofpare ntalc ontrols.Y oumus tuseapa ss codetoope nthismenutoena ble/disabletheloc koptions.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 69 U.S. Ratin gs Menu Usethisme nutoturnU.S.ratingrestri ctionso norof fand tochangethep ermi ttedr atinglevels. U.S. Restric- tions On/Off TV Rating and Supplemental Restrictions Restriction Hours Movie Rating TV Content Categories Figur e 1 0.
70 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Paren tal Lock Men u , con tin ued 1 . Highlightth ebut tonlabelle d O th er R at i ng s onthe Parenta lLockme nu(seefigu re9)andpre ss ENTER to openth eOthe rRatingsme nu(seefig ure1 1 ).
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 71 T V Ratin gs TV ratingsa pplytoT Vpr ogra msandm ade -for - T Vmovie s. Y ouc anappl ysupple menta lblock ingtoT Vrating sbase don theT Vc ontentcatego rie sdesc ribe dbelow .
72 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Audio /Video Menu Figur e 1 2. Audi o/Vide o Me nu A / V M emor y Reset A / VMe mor yR eseta llowsyout ores etaspe cificinp ut’ s A / Vs ettin gstotheorigina lfactor yse ttin gs.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 73 • T ore ceivethebe stfide lit ywithmusicp rogr ams, chang ethisset tingto Off .
74 Chapt er 5 . T V Menu Settings Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued Vi deo S et ti ngs Enterthevide oadjustm entmod eusingei thertheAudio/ Vide omenuo rthe VIDEO key .Pres sthe VIDEO keyrepeatedly tocyclethroughthevide ooptionstotheoneyouwantto chang e.
Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 75 Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued signa ls.Use High withpo or - qua litys ignals .T ur nof f toleavethepictureunal tered.
6 NetComma nd F u nct ion s NetCo mman d- Cont roll ed Devices a nd t he I npu t Sel ect ion M enu . . 78 NetCo mman d- Cont roll ed Recor din g ......
78 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions NetC omma nd-Con trolled Devices an d th e Inpu t Selection M enu Fordevicesun derNe tComma ndcontr ol,theInputSe lec - tionmenua llows.
Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 79 NetC omma nd-Con trolled Record in g Thisse ctio ndesc ribe smakingre cor dingsinde pend ently oftheT VGu ideOnS cree nsystem.
80 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions Immediat e Recording from Chan nelView 1 . Pres s IN PUT toopentheInpu tSele ctionme nu.High - lightan ANT 1 or ANT 2 prog ramsou rceandp res s ENTER .
Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 81 Defa ult Digital (Recording ) Device Ifyouhav emoretha nonedigit alrec ordingdevic econ - nec ted,thisoptionletsyousp ecif yw hichtouseasth e default.
82 Chap ter 6 . NetCommand Functions Dire ct VC R Recording from an Ant enna or Cable Source WhenyourVCRisthecur rentdevic e, ( RECORD )onthe T V ’ sre motecontrolfun ctionsthes amea sthereco rd but tonontheVCR’ sremotecon trolorfron tpanel.
Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 83 Usin g IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devices an d th e Inp ut Se lect ion Menu Whenyouco nnec tanIEEE1 39 4devicetotheT Vne twork andpoweriton,thenewdevic eisautomatic allydetec ted.
84 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions The T V Remote Cont rol a nd IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devi ces • Forsatelliterece iversa ndcabl ebox es,youmay alsob eabletousethenum ber sorothe radditiona l buttons.
Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 85 Copy ing A/V Disc Recordings T r acksyoureco rdtodiscmayhavecopyrestric tions ass ignedtothe m.T olea rnatrac k’ sco pystatus,high - lightthetrac kintheT r ackLis tandpre ss IN FO .
Using t he T V wit h a Person al Compu ter Setup ........................................... 8 8 Vi deo Adju st ment s .................................. 8 8 Conn ect ing a Com put er to th e T V ....................... 8 9 Adjus ti ng Image Re solut ion .
88 Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer S etu p 1 . Seeth eT Vsp ecif ication sinApp endixBtoconf irm thatyourcomp utervide osigna liscompatib lewiththe T V. 2. Not ewhethe rthecomp utersuppli esadigit alor analo gvide osignal.
Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 89 Compu ter wi th HD MI Digi tal M onitor O ut put Requir ed:HDMI-to- DVIcableo ranHDMIc ablewi than HDMI /DVIad.
90 Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer Compu ter wi th VGA 1 5 -Pin Mon itor Ou tp ut (A nalog V id eo) Requir ed:1 5 -pincom puterVGA-to-DVI -A / VGA- to-D VI-D cableo raVGAcompu tercablea ndaDVI/ VGAadapter , stereoau diocab le.
Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 91 Figur e 5. Co mpute r re sol ution, XGA sel ectio n Adjus tin g I ma ge Resol ut ion Y ourM itsubi.
92 Chapt er 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 92 Chapt er 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer Comp uter Displ a y Form ats Repe atedlypre ssthe F O R M AT keyt ocyclethroughtheT V displaysavailableforyourc omputer’ svide osigna l.
Ap pendice s Ap pen dix A : By pas sing t he Par ent al Lock .................. 9 5 Ap pen dix B: S pe cif icat ion s ............................ 97 Ap pen dix C: L amp Ca r t ri dge Rep lacem ent ................. 9 9 Ap pen dix D : Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol .
Appendices 95 Byp ass ing t he Pare nta l Lock Af teryousetthelock ,youmustus eyourpassc odeto viewalockedpro gra m,viewthelockedT V ,c ance lthe lock,o renterthePare ntalLo ckmenus .
96 Appendices 96 Appendices This p ag e int en tion ally left blank.
Appendices 97 A ppendices 97 Appendix B: S pecifications Inputs Description Qty . Signal T ype Input Specifications An te nn a /Cabl e in pu t 2 RF Fconn ector ,75- ohm HDM I (di git a l vi de .
98 Appendices 98 Appendices Appendix B: S pecifica tions, cont in ued IE EE 139 4 S ys tem C om pat i bi lit y • Thistelevisio nisdesi gnedtoconfo rmtoIEEE1 394A V /CSoft waresta ndard sinef fecta tthetimeofdevelopment.
Appendices 99 Appendices 99 CAUTION BURN DANGER! During normal operation, the surfaces inside the TV near the lamp are extr emely hot. TOUCH THE LAMP CARTRIDGE BY THE HANDLE ONL Y Do not touch the glass parts of the lamp cartridge. CA UTION: If th e televisi on is on , pres s POWER to tur n it of f.
10 0 A ppendices Ap p e n di x C : La m p Ca rt r id g e R e p l a c e m e n t , co n t i n u e d Figur e 1 . W ARNING THECOVERISPROVIDEDWITHANINTER LOCKT O REDUCETH ERISKOFE XCESSIVEUL TR A VIOL ET R ADI A T ION.
Appendices 10 1 Thisap pendi xexplainshowtoprogr amtheT V’ sremote controltoope rateotherA / Vdevice s.Thisi sdistinctf rom NetCo mmand“ Lear ning.
10 2 Appendices IMP ORT ANT Y ou ma y ne ed to r ep ro gr am t h e re mot e co nt ro l af t er c ha ng ing t h e ba t te ri es . Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol Met hod 1 : Code Ent r y 1 . Movetheslideswitchatthetopoftheremotetothe positi onforthepro ductyouwanttocontrol.
Appendices 10 3 Audio Amplifiers Brand Code Acuru s 30 7 65 Adcom 3 1 1 0 0, 30577 AltecL an sing 3 174 2 Aragon 307 65 BelCa ntoDe sign 3 15 8 3 Bose 3 0 6 74 Ca r ve r 30 892 Classe 31 462.
10 4 Ap pendices A/V Receivers Brand Code Audiotron ic 3 11 8 9 Au di ovox 3 162 7 ,3 1 39 0 B&K 308 40,308 20,30 70 1 BelCantoDe sign 3 15 8 4 BK 3 070 2 Bose 3 1 253,3 1 .
Appendices 10 5 Cable Boxes Brand Code ABC 1 0 01 7 ,1 001 4,1 001 3,1 0 01 1 , 1 0 0 08, 1 0 007 , 1 0 0 03, 1 00 01 All egro 1 031 5, 1 01 53 Americ ast 10 8 9 9 Antro nix 1 0207 , 1 0 0.
10 6 A ppendices DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code Adcom 210 9 4 Ai wa 2 0 6 41 Akai 21 089, 207 70 Alco 2 079 0 All egro 208 69 Amp hionMe diaWorks 20 872 AMW 20 872 ApexDi gital 21 1 00,2.
Appendices 10 7 DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code Memorex 2 1 270 ,20831 ,20 695 Microso f t 2052 2 Mintek 20839, 20 7 1 7 Mitsubishi 2 1 52 1 , 2052 1 Momitsu 210 8 2 My r ya d 208 9 4 NAD 20 7 .
10 8 A ppendices Laser Disc Players Brand Code Ai wa 2020 3 Ca r ve r 20323,201 94,20 06 4 Denon 202 43,202 4 1 ,20 1 72,2 0 059 Disc oVisi on 20 023 F unai 20 203 Harman /Kardon 2 0.
Appendices 10 9 VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Harman /Kardon 200 8 1 , 2007 5, 2003 8 Har wood 2 0 0 72 ,200 68 Headquar ter 200 46 Hewlet tPackard 2 19 7 2 HI- Q 2 0 0 47 Hitachi 201 05,200 89,.
11 0 A ppendices VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Op ton ic a 20 0 6 2 Orion 204 79 ,20295,20209,20 1 84, 2 0002 Pan a so ni c 2 1 262,2 1 1 62,2 1 0 62,2 061 6, 20225 ,20 1 6 2 ,.
Appendices 111 Appendix E: T r oublesh oot ing Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action De mo M od e Tu r n - O f f T oturno f ftheret ailde mo mod eslides how . 1 . W hileview ingtheT V ,p res s MENU to disp laytheT VMainm enuw iththe Setup ic onhig hlig hted.
11 2 Appendices Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Par e nt al L oc k Pas s Co de T ocha ngeyou rParen tal Loc kPassC ode T hisinfo rm ationi sliste donthec utoutp agein Ap pen dixA .Ple aser efertotha tpage.
Appendices 11 3 Appendices 11 3 Appendix E: T roublesh oo tin g, cont i n ued T V Ch a nn els Sy mptom R ema rks 1. TheT Vtakessevera lsec ondstoresp ondto chann elchan ges. • Itisnor malfordigit alcha nnelstotakelonge rtotunein.
11 4 A ppendices 11 4 Appendices Picture Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh- def inition picture. Notallsig nalsarehi gh- definitio nsignal s.
Appendices 11 5 Appendices 11 5 Appendix E: T roublesh oo tin g, cont inued So un d (se e als o NetCo mm and tr oubl es hooting fo r A/V r ec eive r setu p) Sy mptom R ema rks 1. The reisnosoun devenwhenthe volumeisturne dup.
11 6 A ppendices 11 6 Appendices IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Exces sivedigita lar tifac tsapp earwh en viewinganIEEE1 3 94device. • TheIEEE1 3 94cabl eistoolong;1 5feetb etwe endevice sis thema ximum.
Appendices 11 7 A ppendices 117 Appendix E: T roublesh oo tin g, cont inued IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 5. The reisnoaudioa ndvide ofromtheIEEE 1 394d evice. • Thedevic eisnotturne don.T u rnthedevic epoweron.
11 8 A ppendices 11 8 Appendices T V G ui d e On S cr e en (se e the s ep ar ate T V Gu ide O n Sc re en ® Inte ra ctive Pr ogr a m Gui de Us e r’s Man ual f or de tai le d info rm atio n) Sy mptom Re mar ks 1. T VGu ideO nScr ee n®syste mshowsnop rog ram listing s.
T rade mark and License Information 11 9 T rade mark and License Information 11 9 LICENSOR’SSUPPLIERSDONOTMA KEORP AS SONTOENDUSERORANYOTHERTHIR DP AR T .
12 0 T rademark and Lice nse Information 12 0 T rademark and Lice nse Information Mit su bis hi T V S of t ware EN D- US ER LI CEN SE AGRE E MEN T FOR EM BED DE D SOF T WARE IM PO RT AN T – RE A D C.
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12 2 12 2 d.T oobta inareplac emen tlamp,orderthel ampdire ctlyfro mtheMDE APar tsD epa r tmentat(8 00 )553- 72 78.
Ind ex 12 3 I n d ex A A / VD iscs 8 5 A / VMe mor yR eset. S ee Reset A / VRe ceiver AddingNet Comma ndControl4 4 Conne cting 27 A / VRe set.
12 4 I ndex Mu te Audio andCl ose dCaptio ns66 ands tatusD ispl ay 5 1 MUTEkey4 8 Vide oMute 72 N NetCommand® A / VRe ceiverC ontrol4 2 Compa red.
We b s i t e : w w w .mit subis hi-tv .com E-m ai l: MDEA ser vice@md For quest io ns, ca ll Cons ume r Relat ion s at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o ord er r eplac eme nt or ad dit ion al remote co nt rols , lamp c ar t ridg es, or O wne r ’ s G uid es Vis it our webs ite at w w w.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsubishi WD-57831 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsubishi WD-57831 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsubishi WD-57831 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsubishi WD-57831 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsubishi WD-57831 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsubishi WD-57831 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsubishi WD-57831 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsubishi WD-57831 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.