Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WD-65734 van de fabrikant Mitsumi electronic
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DLP ® HIGH - D EF INITION T ELE V ISION MODEL S C Series WD - C 6 57 Y Series W D -Y 5 7 7, W D -Y 6 5 7 7 3 3 Series WD- 5773 3, WD - 6 5 73 3 , WD - 7373 3 7 3 4 Series WD- 5773 4 , WD- 6 5734 , WD- 7373 4 O W N E R ’ S GU I DE • Forquestio ns: - Visi tourwebsiteatw w w .
For Y ou r Rec or ds Rec ordthemo delnumbe r ,ser ialnumb er ,an d purcha sedateofyourT V .Th emodela ndse rial numbe rsa reonthebackoftheT V .Refe rtothis pagewhe nreque stinga ssist ancew iththeT V .
Contents Imp or tant Infor mation Ab out Y our T V Gen eralWarnin gsandCau tions,Noteson Insta llationan dOpe ration ................. 4 Impor tantSafegu ards ..................... 5 1 T el evisio n Over view PackageCon tents .
Ope rat ing N otes Internal Fa ns Interna lcoolingfa nsmain tainpro perop eratin gtemper a - turesins idetheT V .Itisnor maltohearth efanswhe n.
Impo r ta nt Saf egua rds Plea sere adthefoll owings afeg uard sforyou rT Van dreta inforf uturer efere nc e.Alwaysfol lowallwar ning sandi nstr uc tion s mar kedonth etelevis ion. 1.
6 Pa ckag e Co nte nt s Pleaset akeamomenttoreviewthefollowinglistof itemstoensur ethatyouhavereceivedever y thing.
1 . T elevision Over view 7 T V Front Pa nel A/V Re set IfyouwishtoresettheA / V( Audio/ Video)set tingsbac k tothefactor ydefaul ts: • T ore setallset ting satonce,pre ss GUIDE and FORMA T onthefron tpanelatth esametime.
8 1 . T elevision Over view F ront-Panel In dica tors L A MP I ndicator LED Color TV Condition Additional Information Non e Nor malT Vo norsta ndbyconditio n. Norma loper ation. Gr ee n T Vjus tpoweredof fan dlampis cooling.
1 . T elevision Over view 9 T V Back Pan el 1 . ANT 1 /MAIN , ANT 2 / AUX ( Antenna ) Ifyouareconne ctinga nantennao rdirectc ablewi thout acableb ox,connec tthemaina ntennaorca blesou rce to ANT 1/MA IN .
10 1 . T elevision Over view 5. INPUT 1 , 2 ( Au di o an d Vi d eo) INPU T 1 and 2 canb eusedtoco nnec taVCR,Supe r VHS (S -VHS) V CR,DVDplayer ,sta ndards atellite rece iver ,orotherA / Vd evicetotheT V .
11 T V Set -Up Get t ing S ta r ted 1. Reviewtheimpor tantsafet y ,ins tallation,a ndope r - atinginform ationatthebe ginningofthisb ook.
12 2 . T V Setup Par e nt men u,the Lock > Front Panel me nu, and S etu p > Ed it > Lock . • Vid eo Set tings . Chang evideoa djustme ntsto getthebe stpic tureforyourviewingc onditions.
2 . T V Set up 13 Chan ge t he Men u La nguag e Choos etodisplayon-sc ree nmenusine itherEngli shor Spanis h(Espa ñol). Sel ect a m enu l ang uag e in th e Setup m enu. 1 . Withthe S etu p me nudisplayed,pre ss tohigh - lighttheL angu ageicon.
14 2 . T V S etup Note: Forconnectionandsetupofapersonalcom - puter ,seetheinformationlaterinthischapter . 1 . Seec hapter3,“T VConnec tions, ”forreco mmen - dationso nconne ctingyourdevic es.
2 . T V Set up 15 Conn ect ing a Com pute r to th e T V Useoneofthec onnec tionmeth odslistedb elowbase d onyourcomp uter’ sv ideoou tput.
16 2 . TV S etup Tip: Settheco mputer’ sscre ensavertodisplayapat tern af terseveralminu tesofinactivit y .Thisact sasa reminde rthattheT Vispoweredonandthel amp isinuse.
17 3 T V Connect ions INPUT 1 INPUT 2 L ( MONO) R AUDIO ANT 2/ AUX ANT 1 / MAIN DIGITAL AUDIO OUT HDMI 1 2 Y Pb Pr AVR AUDIO OUTPUT S-VIDEO VIDEO 3 L (MONO) - AUDIO - R Y Pb Pr (480i/480p/720p/1080i) .
18 3 . T V Co nnections H DMI Device ( Cable B ox, Sat ellite Receiv er , DVD P la y er , or Oth er Device ) Requir ed:HDMI-to- HDMIc able. Conne ctanH DMIca blefromtheT Vbackpane ltothe HDMIdevic eoutput.
3 . T V Connections 19 W all Outle t Cabl e (n o c able bo x) Itisver yimpo r ta nttoconnec ttheinco mingcabl efor yourprima r yviewings ourceto ANT 1/MA IN . 1 . Conne ctthep rima r yincom ingcoa xia lleadc ableto ANT 1/MA IN ontheT Vb ackpane l.
20 3 . T V Connections D VI Video Device ( Cabl e Bo x, Satelli te Receiv er , DVD P la y er , or Oth er Device ) Conne ctDVIdevice s(digitalonly)totheT V’ sHDM I inputjac ks. Ana logstere oaudioca blesa ndaDVI-to-H DMIcab leor DVI/HD MIadapteran dHDMIca blearere quire d.
3 . T V Connections 21 Requi red:T wo-wayRFsplit ter ,3coa xia lcabl es,ri ght andlef ta nalo gaudioca bles,e itherS -videoo rvideo ca ble. 1 . Conne ctthein comingc ableora ntennato IN onthe RFsplit ter .
22 3. T V Connections Requir ed:T wocoa xialc able s,righta ndlef taudi o cable s,S -Videoorc omposi tevideoca ble,plusc ables require dtoconne cttheT Vt othecabl ebox. 1 . Conne ctthein comingc oa xialc ableto IN onthe cableb ox.
3 . T V Connections 23 Older Cable B ox Requi red:Onecoa xialcable Note: Thisconnectionisnotrecommended.The otherconnectionsdescribedinthischapter providebetterqualityaudioandvideototheTV andallowNetCommandtoworkwiththecable box.
24 3 . T V Connections Compos ite V ideo Co nne ct ion Requir ed:Anal ogstere oaudioan dcompo sitevideo cable ssuppli edwiththec amco rder . 1 . Conne ctac ompos itevideoca blefro m VI DEO OU T ontheca mcord erto INPU T 3/ VIDE O or V I D EO/ Y on theT V .
25 T V Oper at ion and F eatures 4 Choosin g a V iew in g Source Inpu t Sel ectio n men u Choos eaviewingsour cefromthe I nput Se lectio n menu.Thec urre ntT Vinpu tappe ar sasafull- colo ricon inthismenu.
26 4. T V O peration and Feat ures 1 . POW ER : T ur nsT Vp oweronandof f. 2 . Sli de S wi tc h: Sel ect stheA / Vdevicetobeco n - trolledbythere motecontrol.Setthesli deswitch to TV forope rationoftheT VandNetC omman d- controll eddevice s.
4 . T V O peration and Feat ures 27 Note: T ooperateotheraudio/videodevices: • SeeA ppe ndixD,“Program mingtheRem ote C o n t r o l .” • Seec hapter6,“Ne tComm and, ”forNe tComm and IR“Lea rning”ofdevic eke ys.
28 4. T V O peration and Feat ures 8 Pressthe IN FO keyt oseethe on-s cree nstatu sdisplay . Themo stcomm ondisplays areshownhe re.Seldo mor neverdoallthesta tusindi - cator sappe aratthesa me time.
4 . T V O peration and Feat ures 29 Using F A V Channels Se e the curr ent FA V ba nk number Press IN FO . View FA V banks 1 . Pres sthe FAV key .WaitfortheT Vtotunetoachann elinthecur rentF A V bank.
30 4 . T V O peration and Feat ures Thisisawi desc ree nT V ,als oknownasa1 6: 9T V .Thi s shap erefle ctsthenewt ype sofimage savailablefrom HDT Vandm anyDVDs.
4 . T V O peration and Feat ures 31 03*(*/"-4*(/"- /POBOBNPSQIJDPS4% 03*(*/"-4*(/"- "OBNPSQIJD%7% 57%JTQMBZ 4UBOEBSE OPUSFDPNNFOEFE.
32 4. T V Operation and Feat ures JPEG Thum bna il Me nu Usethes ekeyswhileviewingJPEGthumbnailimage s: Keys for the JPEG Thumbnail Menu Movethehighlightfro mimagetoimage.
4 . T V O peration and Feat ures 33 Med ia Setup Me nu Med ia Set up me nu Inthe Med ia Setup me nuyoucanadjus ttheslideshow display ,numbe rofrepe titions,ordi splayinter val. • Sele ctei ther Auto or Manu al advance.
34 5 T V Menu Set t ings Main Men u Press MENU ontheremoteco ntroltoopenthe Mai n menu. Icon Menu Name and Description A V M enu Customizepictu reandsou ndset tings. 35 Capt ions M enu T urnc lose dcaptionso nandof f;cus tomize captiondi splays.
5 . T V Menu Set tings 35 A V Menu Options Video Se ethede scriptio nofvideoa djustme ntslaterinthisse ctio n. Audi o Seethede scr iptionofaudioadj ustmen tslaterinthisse ction.
36 5. T V Me nu Settings Vi deo Me nu T omakevide oadjus tments: • From t he V i de o me nu : 1 . Pres s tohighlig htanoption. 2. P res s tomakeanadjustm ent 3. Pres s MENU toreturntothe AV me nu.
5 . T V Menu Set tings 37 Audio M enu T omakeaudioad justme nts: • From t he A ud io m en u: 1 . Pres s tohighlig htanoption 2. P res s tomakeanadjustm ent 3. Press MENU toreturntothe AV menu.
38 5 . T V Menu Set tings Cap tion s Men u Capt ions o n Ana log Cha nnel s TheT Vcandec odeca ptionsfro m ANT 1 / ANT 2 and INPU T 1 / INPU T 2 .Broadc aster sca nsende itherst an - dard close dcaptio nsortextse r vice.
5 . T V Menu Set tings 39 Setup Menu Options Langu age English Spanis h Displ ayon-sc reenm enusinei therEnglis horSpa nish. Note: T olistentoaudioinoth er.
40 5. T V M enu Settings Setup Menu Options Edit Usethe Edi t menutoeditc hannelo ptionswhe n ANT 1 or ANT 2 isthecur rentso urce, T ohighli ghtachann elnumbe rtoedit: • Press CH / tojumptothenextpag eofchanne lnumbe rs.
5 . T V Menu Set tings 41 Set up Men u, cont in ued Useeithe rthemanu alorautometho dtosettheclock . Settheclo ckifyouwishto: • UsetheT V’ sTim erfun ction. • Mainta inaccu rateChanne lViewlis tings.
42 5 . T V Menu Set tings Set up Men u, cont in ued Setup Menu Options Timer Timer On , Of f Day Daily , M on -Fri , (e ve r y) S un da y , (ev e r y) M on da y , (ev e r y) T u es da y ,etc. Sele ctthedayordaysofthewee kfortheTime rtoturnontheT V .
5 . T V Menu Set tings 43 Inputs Menu Options Name Cab le B ox , Camc order , DVD , DVD 2 , DVR , Game , HD D is c , Satellite , VCR , PC, O n /O f f (AN T1and ANT2onl y) O f f (HDM Ionly) • Ass ignorch angena mesofinpu tsappe aringi nthe Input S elec tion me nu.
44 5 . T V Menu Set tings T Vlo cksavailablefromthe Loc k menuare: Paren t Loc k by Ratings Restr ictac ces stoprogr amming base donV-Chipr atingsigna lssent bythebroadc aster . Other Time Loc k by Time Restr ictT Vusebytimeofday .
5 . T V Menu Set tings 45 Lock Menu, con tin ued Parent M enu O pt ions (U.S.-base d rat in g system) Op t ion N am e an d Description Lock Off, On Dis ableso renab lespro gramb locki ngbase donV-Chipsi gnalsa ndtheU.S.
46 5. T V M enu Settings Lock Menu, con tin ued Time Blocka lluseoftheT Vduringthetimepe riodyousp ecif y .Y oumus tenterapa ssco detousetheT Vwh enthetime lockisinef fect.
47 6 NetC ommand Ab out N etC om mand • NetCo mmandh ome -theatercontr olisavailableon thefollowingmode ls: Yser iesWD - Y577 ,WD- Y 657 734serie sWD -57734,WD- 65734,WD- 737 34. Thisch apterapplie sonlytothes emodel s.
48 6 . NetCommand IR Emitter Pla cemen t (NetCo mman d ®) An IR e mi tte r c abl e is in cl ude d with th e T V . TheNe tComm andsystemus esemi tter scon necte dto the IR E MIT TE R jacktocontrolothe rdevice ssucha s DVDplayers,c ableboxes,satelliterece ivers,a ndVCRs.
6 . NetCommand 49 Init ial Ne t Comm an d Set up for Mos t Devi ce s T ope r formthi sproce dure,younee d: • There motecontrolsforb oththeT Van dthe deviceyouwanttocontrol. • TheIRe mit tercables upplie dwiththeT V .
50 6. NetCommand Refertothischar twhen“lear ning”devicekeys.“Lea rn” some,all,orno neofthekeysusedforeac hdevice ty pe.Thec har tha sspacefo ryoutowriteinfunction s youassi gntothe F1 – F4 keys.
6 . NetCommand 51 Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Power On M an ua l Power O n/O f f Usefordevic esthathaveonlyone POW ER key . 1 . Pres s IN PUT todisplaythe Input S elec tion me nu.
52 6 . NetCommand Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Guide Di sp la yi ng t he D i sc Me nu ( DVD or h ig h- d ef in i- t ion d is c for ma t) “Lea rn”the DI SC ME NU , TOP ME NU, orotherkeyas name dontheor iginalre moteinthe Guide lear ningpo sition.
6 . NetCommand 53 Per formthiss etupto : • Ope ratetheA / Vrec eiver’ sp owerandvolume func tionswiththeT V’ sre motecontrol.
54 6. NetCommand Befor e Y ou Begi n 1 . Conne ctyourA / Vdevi cestotheT Va ndconn ect yourA / Vrece ivertotheT Vandth eDVDplayer . Seec hapter2,“T VCon nec tions, ”fo rsugge stions .
6 . NetCommand 55 • Ifthetextstopsfla shingbefo retheche ckmark appe ar s,repe atthisstep. • T oer asetheIRc odejus t“lear ned, ”press CAN C E L whilethena meishighlighte d.
56 6. NetCommand 5. Press tohighlightthen ame Input 2 .As signa customna methatmatche stheinputna medis - playedontheA / Vre ceiver .Forthisexampl e,enter thecustomna me DV D usingth eguideline sgiven earlier .
57 Ap pen dix A : Sp ecif icat ion s ....................... 5 8 Ap pen dix B: By pas sing t he Par ent al Lock .............. 59 Ap pen dix C: La mp Car tri dge Rep lacem ent an d Clea ning ..... 61 Ap pen dix D: Prog ram ming t he Re mote Cont rol .
58 Appendices Appendix A : S pecifications Outputs Description Qty . Output Specifications Au di o S pe ake r s 2 5. 5 "x2.2" An a lo g Au di o (Signal) 1 pair RCAPinPl ug,50 0mVrms + 20 0mV (ful lsc ale)fo rana lo gsou rc es,1.
Appendices 59 Byp ass ing t he Pare nta l Lock Af teryousettheloc k,youmustus eyourpassc ode toviewalockedprog ram,viewtheloc kedT V ,view alockedcha nnel,ca ncelthelo ck,ore nterthe Lock menus.
60 Appendices This p age in tent ion ally left blan k.
Appendices 61 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp cartridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury . Only replace lamp cartridge with the same part number 915P061010.
62 Appendices Appendix C: L amp-Car tridge Repl acemen t an d Clea nin g , cont in ued Lam p- Car trid ge Rep lacem ent Removing the Old L amp C ar tridg e 1 . T ur nof fT Vp ow eran dallowthelamptocoo lforat leas tonehourb eforepro cee ding.
Appendices 63 Thisap pendi xexplainsp rogra mmingtheT V’ sre mote controltoope rateotherA / Vdevi ces.T hisisdistinc t fromNe tComma ndcontr ol.
64 Appendices I M P O R TA N T Y o u may n ee d to r ep ro gr am t h e re mote co nt ro l af t er c ha ng ing t h e ba t te ri es . Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol 1 . Movetheslideswitchatthetopoftheremotet othe positi onforthepro ductyouwanttocontrol.
Appendices 65 Audio Amplifiers Brand Code Acurus 30 7 65 Adcom 3 1 1 00, 3 0577 Alte cL ans ing 3 1 74 2 Aragon 30 7 65 BelCa nto Design 315 8 3 Bose 3 0 6 74 Ca r ve r 30892 Classe 3 14 6 2.
66 Appendices Cable Boxes Brand Code ABC 1 001 7 , 1001 4, 1001 3, 1 001 1 , 100 08, 1 000 7 , 1 0003, 1 0001 Alleg ro 10 315 , 1 0 15 3 America st 10 8 9 9 Antronix 10 2 0 7 , 1 0 0 2 2 Archer 1 0 79.
Appendices 67 Cable Boxes Brand Code Optimu s 10 0 21 Pac e 1 1 877 , 1 0237 , 1 00 0 8 Pan as on ic 1010 7 , 10 0 21, 10 0 0 0 Pan the r 10 6 3 7 Paragon 1 0000 Philips 1 1 305, 103 1 7 , 10 153, 1 0.
68 Appendices DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code NEC 2078 5 Nesa 2 0 7 17 Nex tBas e 208 26 Nexx T ech 2 14 0 2 Norcent 21 26 5, 21 10 7 , 21 0 03, 20 87 2 On k yo 2079 2, 20 627 , 205 03 OptoMedia.
Appendices 69 VCRs and DVRs Brand Code ABS 219 7 2 Admiral 20479, 20209, 20 04 8 Ad ven tu ra 2 0000 A iko 20 278 Ai wa 20307 , 201 2 4, 2 003 7 , 20000 Akai 2024 2, 20 1 75, 201 0 6, 200 61 , 20 04 1.
70 A ppendices VCRs and DVRs Brand Code PolkAudi o 20 0 81 Por tla nd 20 020 Profitronic 2 0 24 0 Proscan 207 61 , 20760, 2020 2, 20 06 0 Pro tec 20 07 2 Puls ar 20 03 9 Qu a r te r 20 04 6 Quar tz.
Appendices 71 Appendix E: T roubleshoo tin g Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Format Whenthep ictu resh ape se emsin co rre ct,u se FORMA T tochan gethe sha peofthep ictu re.
72 A ppendices Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Fron t-Pa n el Lo ck Release T ore -e nab lethefr ont- pan elco ntrol saf ter acti vationofth eFront- Panel.
Appendices 73 Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued T V C ha nn el s Sy mptom R ema rks 1. TheT Vtakesseveralse cond storespondto chann elchan ges. • Itisnor malfordigit alcha nnelstotakelonge rtotunein.
74 Appe ndices Picture Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh- def inition picture. Notallsig nalsarehi gh- definitio nsignal s.
Appendices 75 Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued So un d (se e als o NetCo mm and tr oubl es hooting fo r A/V r ec eive r setu p) Sy mptom R ema rks 1. The reisnosoun devenwhenthe volumeisturne dup. • Chec kiftheMUTEbu ttoniso n.
76 A ppendices Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued Net Co mm an d ( Y a nd 73 4 s er ie s on ly ) Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Cannotse ethemenuf romtheA / VRe ceiver . TheA / VRe ceiveri snotconne ctedtoanyvide oinputoftheT V .
78 T r ademark and License I nformation Mit su bis hi T V Sof t ware EN D- US ER LI CEN SE AGRE E MEN T FOR EM BED DE D SOF T WARE IM PO RT ANT – R E AD CA RE FU LL Y: ThisL ice ns eAgre em.
79 Mit su bis hi DLP ™ Project ion T elevision Lim ited W ar ra nt y MITSUBIS HIDIGIT ALELECTRO NICSAM ERICA,IN C.(“MDE A ”)war ran tsasfollowstotheorigina lp.
80 c.Proofofpurcha sedatefromanau thorize dMITSUBISHId eale risrequi redwhe nreque stingwar rant yse r vice. Presen tyoursale srece iptorotherd ocume ntwhiche stab lishesp roofandd ateofpurchase.
Ind ex 81 I n d ex A A / VMemo r yRes et 7 1 A / VRec eiver AddingNet Comma ndContro l 53, 54, 55, 56 andtheT VSpeaker s 37 andT V’ sRe moteControl.
82 Index P ParentMe nu 45 PassCo de Rese tting 59 Set ting 44 P AUSEKe y 26 Per fec tColor 3 5 Per fec tTint 35 PhotoViewing 33 Pic tur e A VM .
We b s it e: w w w .mit subis hi-tv .com E-m ai l: MDEA ser vice@md For quest io ns, ca ll Cons ume r Relat ion s at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o ord er re plac eme nt or ad dit iona l remote co nt rols , lamp c ar tri dges , or Own er ’ s Guid es Vis it our webs ite w w w .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsumi electronic WD-65734 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.