Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PNA 7100 van de fabrikant Navigon
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NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide English (US) January 2008 Revision 2.0.
ii NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Imprint NA VIGON, INC 200 W Madison S t reet Suite 650 Chicago, IL 60606 The information contained herei n may be changed at any time without prior notification.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide iii Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. End User License Agreement End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) – This is a legal agreement between you, the end user , a nd NA VIGON, Inc. (“N A VIGON”). By using al l or any portion of the Software you are agre e- ing to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide v Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. This Agreement is governed by th e laws of the S tat e of Illinois without regard to its conflict of laws rules. All disputes hereunder shall be resolv ed in the applicable st ate or federal courts of the S tate of Illi- nois located within Cook County , Illinois.
vi NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide vii Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. T able of Content s End User License Agreement ....... ................................. ................................. .......... iii Introduction About This Manua l .........
viii NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Setting the volume .................. .................................... ...................... 16 Using Standby Mode ............... .................................... .....
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide ix Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting a Destination by T apping the Map ....... .................................. 39 Starting Navigation ................ .................................... ................
x NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Viewing a Turn-By-Turn List .......................... ........................ ................ 58 Blocking route sections ..... .................................... ..............
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide xi Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Dialing a telephon e number ...................... ........................ ................ 78 Calling most recently dialed, re ceived or missed numbers ............... 78 Dialing on the mob ile phone.
xii NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Technical Data Specifications . .................................................................. ...................... 93 Compliance Notice .................. .................
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 1 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Introduction About This Manual Conventions For better legibility and clar ification, the following style s are used in this manual: Bold and italics: Registered names, company an d product descriptions .
Introduction Customer Service 2 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 T rademarks All brands and trademarks mentioned in this docume nt are possibly registered by third parties and are subject to the current legislation and to the rig hts of their respective owners without rese rvation.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 3 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. We l c om e Introducing Y our NA VIGON 7100 Welcome to the exciting world of handheld navigation. The NA VIGON 7100 of fers Glo- bal Positioning System (GPS)– based navigation, real-time traffic information, and mil- lions of Points Of Interest (POIs).
Welcome Introducing Your NAVIGON 7100 4 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 1 T ouch Screen 2 Reset 3 External Antenna/ Headset Socket 4 LED 5 Power Connector Port 6 Mi.
Welcome Introducing Your N AVIGON 7100 January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 5 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. About GPS Navigation GPS is based on a tot al of 24 satellites that circle the earth and are constantly trans- mitting their position.
6 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 7 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Getting S t arted What’ s Included Yo u r NA VIGON 7100 comes with the following access ories. If any of the following items are missi ng, please noti fy u s within 14 days of purchase .
Getting Started Important Sa fe ty I nformation 8 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Import ant Safety Information Please read the following notices and safety information carefull y before starting to use your navig ation system.
Getting Started Important Sa fe ty Informati on January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 9 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Safety information for the navigation device Safety guidelines when installing in your car Caution! Protect the device from mo isture.
Getting Started Preparing Your NAVIGON 7100 for Use 10 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Prep aring Y our NA VIGON 7100 for Use Use the navigation system at your own risk. Charging the battery When purchased, the rechargeable batte r y might not be fully charged.
Getting Started Preparing Your NAVIGON 7100 for Use January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 11 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Inserting a memory card The SD memory card contains maps and navigation software. It also stores saved destinations, routes, and logbook entries.
Getting Started Preparing Your NAVIGON 7100 for Use 12 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Supplying power to th e navigation device Included in delivery of the NA VIGON 7100 is a c ar charger cabl e that can be used to power the navigation device using the ve hicle 's cigarette lighter .
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 13 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Basic Operations S t arting the NA VIGON 7100 1. Press and hold the ( On/Of f/S tandby ) switch for at least 6 seconds. 2. If password protection has been activated, the E NTER PASS WO RD WINDOW opens.
Basic Operations Starting the NAVIGON 7100 14 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 The Main W indow The M AIN W INDOW opens when the navigation so ftware starts. Y ou can reach all of the navigation so ftware functions from this window .
Basic Operations Starting the NAVIGO N 7100 January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 15 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. POI settings. (See page 87.) Show information on the current map or change maps. (See page 8 7.) View or change route profile information.
Basic Operations Starting the NAVIGON 7100 16 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Initializing the GPS receiver As soon as the navigation device has be en switched on, initialization of the GPS receiver begins. In the upper r ight-hand cor ner of the display , the GPS symbol appears.
Basic Operations Starting the NAVIGO N 7100 January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 17 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Using S tandby Mode When switched to standby , the device require s virtually no power and conserves bat- tery time . •P r e s s t h e ( On/Of f/S tandby ) button briefly .
Basic Operations Viewing Device Statuses 18 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 V iewing Device St atuses Symbols located at the top right of the screen are used to display device status information.
Basic Operations Viewing Device Statuses January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 19 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. TMC (Traf fic Information) The NA VIGON 7100 has an integrated TMC rece iver which provides the navigation system with u p to date traffic info rmation.
Basic Operations Using Software Keyboards 20 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Using Sof tware Keyboards Software keyboards appear on the screen when text entries are nece ssary . All entries can be made on the software key board using the stylus or your fingertips.
Basic Operations Using Menus January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 21 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Special keys Using Menus Some buttons have menus which open when activated . T o select a function: • T ap on a menu button to execute its function. T o close a menu without selecting a function: • T ap on the button you used to open th e me nu.
22 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 23 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Security By creating a password, you can protect y our navigation system from unauthorized use. The Password Lock Window Setting a password In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap Options > Settings .
Security The Password Lock Window 24 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 5. Re-type the new password in the Confirm new password field. 6. T ap Password Lo ck . Canceling password protection On the P ASSWORD L OCK WINDOW : 1.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 25 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting Destinations New destinations for the NA VIGON 7100 are all destinations that you have not yet navi- gated, or you have not yet stored. Y ou can enter an address her e, select a POI, or select a destination from the direct access function.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a search area 26 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 Selecting a search area The Search Area button, u sed to select a m ap area, is located at the top of a location entry window . Once an ar ea is selec ted, a code o n the butt on reflects the se lection.
Selecting Destinations Selecting Destinations January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 27 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting Destinations Enter an Address T o find a location by addre ss, you can specify a: City first If you do not know the exact street numbe r .
Selecting Destinations Entering an address 28 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 Entering an address Specifying a city first In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination > Enter an Address . 2. Select ( City First ).
Selecting Destinations Entering an address January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 29 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. Specifying a street first In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination > Enter an Address . 2. Select ( St r e e t F i r s t ). The A DDRESS WINDOW opens.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination 30 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination POIs nearby In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination > Search for POI .
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 31 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. 6. T ap S tart Navigation . The map opens in Preview mode. For more information, see “S tarting Navigation” on p age 41.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination 32 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 National POIs In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination > Search for POI . 2. Select Nationwide . The POI OF N ATIONAL S IGNIFICANCE WINDOW opens.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 33 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. The map opens in Preview mode.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination 34 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 POIs in a specified city In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination > Search for POI . 2. Select in a City .
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 35 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. 7. T ap S tart Navigation . The map opens in Preview mode. For more information, see “S tarting Navigation” on p age 41.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination 36 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 POI Direct Access In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap New Destination . The symbols of the categories w hich have been se lected for dire ct access can be seen in the menu at the bottom.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 37 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. 3. T ap on the name of the destination. The map opens in Preview mode. Select direct acc ess POI categories In the M AIN W INDOW : 1.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) Destination 38 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 Information about the POI For many destinations that you specify , there may be further information available.
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Destination by Tapping the Map January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 39 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting a Destination by T apping the Map In the M AIN W INDOW : 1. T ap Options > Show Map . 2. T ap ( Destination search ).
Selecting Destinations Selecting a Desti nation by Tapping the Map 40 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 5. T ap Ta k e M e T h e r e . The map opens in Preview mode. For detailed information on how to start navigation, see “S tarting Navigation” on page 41.
Selecting Destinations Starting Navigation January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 41 Revision 2,0 NAVIGON, INC. S t arting Navigation The map is open in Preview mode. The navigation destination is depicted by a small flag. The route and the estimated trip time are displayed.
42 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2,0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 43 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Zagat Point s of Interest (POIs) With lifetime Zagat POIs, y our NA VIGON 7100 can select from th ousands of POIs an d view customer survey ratings for a selected POI.
Zagat Points of Interest (POIs) Zagat POI Categories 44 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 V i ew Zagat POI Information On a POI D ESTINATION S ELECTION WINDOW : 1. T ap on a Zagat POI category . 2. If sub-categories exist for the categor y , tap the subcategory .
Zagat Points of Interest (POIs) Zagat POI Categories January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 45 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. 5. T ap ( Additional Zagat Information ) for an explanation of Zagat Survey results.
46 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 47 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. My Destinations Every destination that you enter , and the destinations from the L AST D ESTINATIONS list may be saved to the F AVORITES list. This makes sense if you frequently naviga te to a particular destination.
My Destinations Saving a Destination 48 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 The current loca tion can be stored in the F AVORITES list. 2. T ap the Save Position button. The S AVE D ESTINATION AS ... WINDOW opens. 3. In the Name field, provide a name for the location .
My Destinations Selecting a Saved Destinati on January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 49 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting a Saved Destination The following lists are av ailabl e fo r se lection in NA VIGON 7100 under My Destinations . •L AST D ESTINA TIONS : The last 30 destinations that you have pre viou sly na vi- gated to.
My Destinations Selecting a Saved Destination 50 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Selecting a destina tion from the Favorites list Destinations to which you ofte n travel can be saved in the F AVORITES list. In the F AVORITES list, up to 300 desti nations can be saved.
My Destinations Navigating Homewards January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 51 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Navigating Homewards In NA VIGON 7100 you can save your address as home address. Y ou can navigate to your home address at anytime by activating a single button.
My Destinations Using Voice Commands 52 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Using V oice Commands Y ou can designate voice co mman ds to destination s in th e F AVORITES list so that you can start navigation to these destinations ‘on command’.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 53 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. W orking With Routes With the NA VIGON 7100 , you can preplan routes. Planned routes can be saved for later use, allowing you to create as many routes as you like. Accessing the Route Planning Window In the M AIN W INDOW : 1.
Working With Routes Accessing the Route Planning Window 54 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 • Current Position to specify you r current position as th e starting point. 3. Enter the starting point. (See the corresponding section of “Selecting Destina - tions” on page 25.
Working With Routes Managing Routes January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 55 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Managing Routes Y ou can save eac h pla nn e d ro ut e un de r a particular nam e. Y ou can load, rename or delete stored routes. Saving routes On the R OUTE P LANNING WINDOW : 1.
Working With Routes Navigation 56 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Navigation The route must first be calculated, th en you ca n begin navigation o r view a simulation of the route.
Working With Routes Simulating Routes January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 57 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Simulating Routes It is also possible to simulate navigation. S tarting a route simulation Y ou have calculated and displayed a route. • T ap Opti ons > Simu lation .
Working With Routes Viewing a Turn-By-Turn List 58 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 V iewing a T urn-By-T urn List Y ou can display detailed directions of the calc ulated rou te before star ting navigation or at any time during navigation.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 59 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. W orking With Map s Yo u r NA VIGON 7100 comes with maps of the 48 contiguous United S tates, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and all 13 Canadian province s/territories.
Working With Maps View information on the current map 60 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 V iew information on the current map Even if you have stored several navigati on maps on the navigati on system's memory card, NA VIGON 7100 can only operate with one map at a time.
Working With Maps Map in Preview Mode January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 61 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Map in Preview Mode • Y ou have entered a destination and tapped the S tart Navigation butt on . - OR – • Y ou have planned or loaded a rou te and tapped the Show Route button.
Working With Maps Map in Navigation Mode 62 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Map in Navigation Mode After the route has been viewed in Preview mode, navigation begins. The map opens in Navigation mode. 1. Sign posts to be followed is displayed here.
Working With Maps Map in Navigation Mo de January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 63 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. 1 1. The name of the next stre tc h of road that you must trav el on is displaye d in the upper street field. 12. The name of th e stree t you are currently travelling on is displayed in the lower street field.
Working With Maps Map in Destination Search Mode 64 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Map in Destination Search Mode The map is always in Destination search mode w hen a pair of cross hairs can be seen. When you are driving, the map's or ientatio n does not chang e.
Working With Maps Map in Destination Search Mode January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 65 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Operating in Destination search mode 1. T ap on the point to which you wish to navigate. The destination that you have sele cted appears under the cross hairs.
Working With Maps Reality View (Junction View) 66 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Reality V iew (Junction View) When, during navigation, yo u approach an hi ghway jun ction, the map changes to Reality V iew mode. The Reality View mode shows the sign posts and lanes you must follow .
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 67 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. TMC (T raffic Information) If your device has an integrated TMC rece iver , or if you have connec te d an external TMC receiver , the navigation system can re ceive the latest traffic information ava il- able.
TMC (Traffic Information) The (TMC) Traffi c Message Window 68 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 The (TMC) T raffic Message Window T ypes of Messages All traf fic inf.
TMC (Traffic Information) The (TMC) Traffic Message Window January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 69 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Severity Indicators The color of the severity indicator reflects the i.
TMC (Traffic Information) The (TMC) Traffi c Message Window 70 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 TMC Detail Window Displaying traffic messages The traffic report s that are currently valid are available via the options of several win- dows.
TMC (Traffic Information) The (TMC) Traffic Message Window January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 71 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Requesting a ro ute recalculation During navigation, a message displays when a traffic message indicates a traffic event exists on your current route.
TMC (Traffic Information) TMC Settings window 72 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 TMC Settings window In the TMC S ETTINGS WINDOW , you can set and config ure the TMC receiver , these set- tings determine how received traffic mess ages will affect subsequent routing.
TMC (Traffic Information) TMC Settings window January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 73 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Select Reroute Settings Y ou can select whether the navigation software recalculates a route auto matically when a TMC message indicates that a problem exists on your current route.
TMC (Traffic Information) TMC Settings window 74 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 2. T ap the T raffic information button to view a list of available traf fic message types.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 75 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Bluetooth (Hands-Free Operation) With NA VIGON 7100 , you can use Bluetooth to oper ate your mobile ph one hands- free. On the B LUETOOTH HF P HONE WINDOW , you can: ( Keypad ) Use this keypad to enter a telephone number .
Bluetooth (Hands-Fre e Operation) 76 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 S tarting Hands-Free Ope ration In the navi g at ion softw are: 1. T ap ( Hands-Fr ee Operation ). The K EYPAD WINDO W opens. If your mobile phone is connected to NA VIGON 7100 , you are now able to dial a number .
Bluetooth (Hands-Free Ope ration) Connecting to a Telephone January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 77 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Connecting to a T elephone NA VIGON 7100 must be connected to a mobile phone in order to use the telephone functions.
Bluetooth (Hands-Fre e Operation) Answering a Call 78 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Answering a Call When you receiv e a ca ll, the I NCOMING C ALL WINDOW opens. If available, the caller ’ s phone number is shown.
Bluetooth (Hands-Free Ope ration) During a Call January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 79 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Dialing on the mobile phone When NA VIGON 7100 is connected to a mobile phon e, it functions as a hands-free kit even when the number was dialed from the mobile ph one.
Bluetooth (Hands-Fre e Operation) During a Call 80 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 T ransferring a call to a mobile phone In the C ALL IN P ROGRESS WINDOW : 1. T ap ( Use mobile phone ). 2. Pick up the mobile telephone and continue the con versation.
Bluetooth (Hands-Free Ope ration) Ending a Call January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 81 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Y ou have the followi ng options: • T ap or (Mute ) to switch the microphone on or off again. • T ap (Hang up ) to end the call.
Bluetooth (Hands-Fre e Operation) Troubleshooting Bl uetooth Operations 82 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 T roubleshooting Bluetooth Operations Practically all of the problems that may arise with the hands-free operation can be solved in the following way: 1.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 83 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Logbook Y ou can use the NA VIGON 7100 to recor d of your vehicle mileage for tax purposes or for expense reports. The logbook is recorded in the Lo gbook.xls file. Y ou can open the file with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet pr ogram.
84 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 85 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Customizing Y our NA VIGON 7100 Accessing the Settings Window The settings can be reached fr om the M AIN W IND OW as well as several other windows. From the M AIN W INDOW : • T ap Op tions > Settings .
Customizing Your NAVIGON 7100 The Settings Window 86 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 2D Map:Show S t reet Names Indicate whether to show stre et names on maps displayed in 2D view mode. 2D Map Orient ation Indicate the orientation of maps shown in 2D map view mode.
Customizing Your NAVIGON 71 00 The Settings Window January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 87 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Brightness Day Indicate the display bri ghtne ss for use during the daytime. Options are from 1 (less bright) to 8 ( most bright).
Customizing Your NAVIGON 7100 The Settings Window 88 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 lated rout e. Ferries Select whether ferries are included in a calculated route. Calculate the Next S tage For routes with multiple stages.
Customizing Your NAVIGON 71 00 Selecting Opti ons January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 89 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Selecting Options Moving between pages The settings of the individual window s are distributed on sever al windo ws. • Move between w indows by tapping (T o the Left ) and (T o the Right ).
Customizing Your NAVIGON 7100 Selecting Options 90 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 V iewing information about a setting For each setting there is a ( Help ) button. When you tap it, you see a precise explanation of the corresponding setting.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 91 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Legal Notices NOTICE T O DRIVERS IN CALIFORNIA AND MINNESOT A S tate law prohibits drivers in California and Minnesota from using mounts on their windshields while operating motor vehicles .
92 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide 93 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Te c h n i c a l D a t a S pecifications Dimensions 5.1” x 3.5” x .9” Weight ca.
Technical Data Specifications 94 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 Compliance Notice The NA VIGON 7100 complies with Part 15 of the FCC inte rferen ce limits for Class B digital devices for home or office use.
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide Index-1 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. Index B block route section .............................................. 63 block route sections ...................................... 41 , 58 bluetooth connect ...........
Index-2 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 J junction view map mode ..................................... 66 L Last Destinations ................................................ 49 M main window .......................
January 2008 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide Index-3 Revision 2.0 NAVIGON, INC. national POIs ................................................. 27 POIs nearby .................................................. 27 Search for POI direct access .............
Index-4 NAVIGON 7100 User’s Guide January 2008 NAVIGON, INC. Revision 2.0 This p age intentionally lef t blank..
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Navigon PNA 7100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Navigon PNA 7100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Navigon PNA 7100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Navigon PNA 7100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Navigon PNA 7100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Navigon PNA 7100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Navigon PNA 7100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Navigon PNA 7100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.