Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 7882 van de fabrikant NCR
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RealScan 7882 Installation and Ow ner Guide 12623 497-0419630 Release F Septem ber 5, 2002 Inform ation Pr oducts RSD-A tlan ta.
NCR Re a lS ca n 7882 Ins ta lla tion a nd Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a se F 2 of 62 The program products descr ibed in this b ook are licensed products of NCR Cor po r at io n. It is t he polic y of NC R t o impr o v e pr od ucts a s new tec hnology, components, soft war e, and fir mwar e bec ome av ailable.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/ 02 3 of 62 Obtaining A dditional Information Other Information Products Ord er Nu mber T itl e B005-0000-1305 NCR RealSc.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 4 of 62 RealScan 7882 M ountings RealS can 7882 The NCR RealScan 7882 is a small, compact laser sc anner with many of the same fea t ur es a s t he l a r ge r s c a nne r s .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 5 of 62 Installation Instruct ions When in stalling a RealScan 7882, it is r ec ommended t hat you firs t mount the Power Su ppl y and ru n all the cabl es.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 6 of 62 Step 1 - Ins ta lling Pow er S upply and In terf ace Cables Conn ecti n g th e Cab l es to an NCR Real Scan 7882 The RealScan 7882 can be powered through a wall adapter Power Supply or direct ly from the host terminal.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 7 of 62 USB Inter face Connection Connecting a RealScan 7882 Scanner to a USB port on a host terminal requires two cables. One end of t he Do ngle Adapt er C able c onnect s t o t he host t er minal.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 8 of 62 J3 i n th e I nte rface Bo x on th e end o f the Don gl e Adap ter Cab le co nta in s a sh un t tha t must be c o r r ec t ly ins t alled fo r t he host t e r minal.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 9 of 62 A uxiliary RS-232 Port The Auxiliary RS-232 Port pr ov ides a c onnection for an RS-232 devic e suc h as a RealScan 7837 Hand-Held Scanner. The followin g table gives wirin g information abou t the conn ector.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 10 of 62 Step 2 - Setting P rogr am Parameters an d V erify ing Host Connection Now you need to turn on the NCR RealScan 7882. After making an y necessary program changes, scan a few tags to verify that the RealScan 7882 is communicating with the h ost term in al.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 11 of 62 OCIA Single Cable NCR 2127, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2760, 7050, 7051, 7052, 7053, 7054, 7450, 7070 1 P 1416 C.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 12 of 62 OCIA Short Format NCR 2113, 2126, 7058 1P 1416 C 0140 04 0 OCI A Long For m at NCR 1255, 2151, 2152, 2552, 25.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 13 of 62 RS -232 Ruby Ver ifone R uby (4M ) 1P 1416 C 2540 04 0 RS-232 W ayne Wayne Contr oller 1P 1416 C 2360 04 0.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 14 of 62 Programmi ng Default s Sc a nning t he Default progra mmi ng tag sets most p rog ram p aram eters to facto ry defi n ed val ue s as s how n i n th e fol low in g ch art.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 15 of 62 16 Label Iden tifi ers Identifier T ype Unique Pr efix Common Byte 1 5D Common Byte 2 42 Bar Code Typ e No De.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 16 of 62 Programmi ng for USB Connection The NCR RealScan 7882 must be properly programmed when usin g the USB Dongle co nnec t io n t o t he ho s t t er mi nal. T hi s pr o gr am m ing d e pend s o n t he t ype o f ho s t ter minal being us ed .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 17 of 62 M aking Other Program Changes If you st ill need t o ma ke pr ogr am c hanges aft er set t ing t he co mmunica t ion par amet e r s, you can en ter inf orma tion directly from the Prog ramm in g W orks he ets.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 18 of 62 Sca n Sample T ags Now you sh ould scan some sample tags to verify that the RealScan 7882 i s comm un ica tin g wi th th e host te rmi nal . Foll owi ng are f our g ood tags th at you can use .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 19 of 62 De termining La bel Qua lity Many labels in a t ypic al r e t ail envir onment a r e unr ead a ble. T he follo wing illust r at io n shows som e of the com mon p roblem s.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 20 of 62 Step 3 - Sett ing RealScan 7882 Sca n Zone The scan zone on a NCR RealScan 7882 Scanner can be set to horizontal or vertical. Chang ing the scan zon e chang es the angl e of the scan lines comin g from the scanner.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 21 of 62 Horiz ontal - P ass-by Scanni ng This inst alla t ion pr ov id es t he mos t eff ic ient wa y t o s c an it ems . It is t ypic ally us ed in checkouts where s peed is ex t r emely impor t ant.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 22 of 62 Vertical - P r esentati on S canni ng from Top This inst a llat io n is used on s mall c hec ko ut c o unte r s t hat d o not hav e enough ro o m fo r pass-by sc anning.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 23 of 62 Step 4 - M ounting the RealScan 7882 Rubber Feet The NCR RealScan 7882 Scanner is suppl ied with rubber feet that can be attac hed to the sides o f the cabi ne t.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 24 of 62 3. Inst all t w o L a t c h Clips – h orizontal installation only . T hese c lips s ec ur e t he RealScan 7882 to the Plastic Top Plate in case somethin g falls on th e assembled unit.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 25 of 62 Vertical M ounting Bracket Laser Scan Direction Laser Scan Direction Laser Scan Direction Vertical Mount Brac.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 26 of 62 Checkstand Cutout 1. Put the RealScan 7882 into the hole in the checkstand. D iagrams in NCR RealSc an 7882 Sp e cification s sh ow the various dimension s of the hole.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 27 of 62 Op erating th e Scann er The NCR RealScan 7882 is a fixed position device that is not han dled or moved by the operat o r d ur ing opera t ion. It is mainta ined a nd s er v ic ed by t r a ined s er v ic e per s o nnel only .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 28 of 62 Cleaning th e Scanner Keeping the scan windows clean helps keep the read r at e ex c ept ionally high.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 29 of 62 Corre cting Sc anner P roblems When the Real Scan 7882 is first tur ned on, sever al diagnostic tests ar e run to check the status of various components. If a failu re occurs , a series of beeps and flashes of th e Green Stat us Indic at o r id entify it.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 30 of 62 There are ot her c ondit ions t hat ar e not id entified by the diagnost ic s when you turn on the RealScan 7882. The following chart identifies some of the more common problems.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 31 of 62 Interf ace Inf ormat ion Interface Connector . Complies with FDA radiation Performance standards 21 CFR Subchapter J.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 32 of 62 Communications Protocol The Commun ications Protocol function identifies the commun ications protocol the RealScan 7882 is using . Sc an the Diagnostics Mode and Hex 3 pr ogramming tags (mu st be first ta gs scan ned afte r ap ply in g p owe r).
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 33 of 62 NCR RealScan 7882 Specifi catio ns Checkstand Hole – RealScan 7882 Hori z ontal M ount 11981 E SIDE VIEW C Item Flow D C D E A B C D E 8 5/8 in. 21.91 cm 8 5/8 in.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 34 of 62 Checkstand Hole – RealScan 7882 Fl at M ount 11993 SIDE VIEW A B C D Features 8 3/4 in.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 35 of 62 Ventilation Re quirements The RealScan 7882 Scanner/Scale is design ed to oper ate without an exhaust fan in the checksta nd; however , ther e must be ad eq uat e c onvec t ion air flow.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 36 of 62 Programmin g Wo rksheets 19020A 1 0 COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL OCIA NCR Long OCIA Single Cable Keyboard Wedge IB.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 37 of 62 19022A 1 2 TIMERS Lockout Time (Milliseconds) 450 0 A Restart Lockout Timer B Active Time (Minutes) C 600 1 7.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 38 of 62 19024A 1 4 BAR CODES - 2 Code 39 Disable 0 A Minimum Characters Allowed B Full ASCII C Enable 1 Check Digit P.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 39 of 62 19026A 1 7 BAR CODES - 4 Code 128 Disable 0 A Minimum Data Characters Allowed B UCC 128 C Enable 1 Disable 0 .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 40 of 62 19028A 2 0 RS-232 PARAMETERS - 1 Baud Rate 300 0 A Parity B Stop Bits and Character Length C 600 1 1200 2 240.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 41 of 62 19031A 2 3 RS-232 TERMINATOR BYTE Terminator Byte A ASCII Code B Disable 0 Enable 1 0 - 7 0 Default Hex Chara.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 42 of 62 A SCII Code Chart 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F p q r s t u v w x y z { | } DEL 60 61 62 63.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 43 of 62 Regulatory Information Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference S tatem ent Note:.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 44 of 62 Identification Labels The Iden tificati on Labe ls a re mo lded i nto the bottom of th e cab in et. They provi de ne cessa ry i nf ormat ion about th e un it: p owe r requ irem en ts, radi o in terferen ce informa t ion, a nd a pplic able N CR pa t ents .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 45 of 62 Declaration of C onformity We, NCR Corp orat i on , Ret ail Solutions D ivis ion Atlanta, 2651 Sat ellit e B oulevar d , Duluth, Georgia, 30096-5810, U.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 46 of 62 Laser Safe ty The NCR RealScan 7882 is not intended for long-term viewing of the direct laser light. However , t he unit is sa fe if used a s it was intend ed .
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 47 of 62 Laser M odul e Label This laser module does not comply with 21CFR1040. USE ONLY AS A COMPONENT. 18547 Laser Pow er The NCR RealScan 7882 meets the following laser power r eq uirements.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 48 of 62 Pr ogramming T ags Volume A dj ust men t Reset.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 49 of 62 Default Programmi ng M ode.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 50 of 62 End Save and Reset.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 51 of 62 A bort Diagnostic M ode.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 52 of 62 RS-232 Temporary Service M ode M ode 1.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 53 of 62 M ode 2 Reset T allies.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 54 of 62 Hex 0 Hex 1.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 55 of 62 Hex 2 Hex 3.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 56 of 62 Hex 4 Hex 5.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 57 of 62 Hex 6 Hex 7.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 58 of 62 Hex 8 Hex 9.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 59 of 62 Hex A Hex B.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 60 of 62 Hex C Hex D.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 09/02 61 of 62 Hex E Hex F.
NCR Re a lScan 7882 Installatio n and Owne r Guide 09/02 497-0419630 Rele a s e F 62 of 62 Co p y rig h t © 2001, 2002 b y NCR C o rpo ratio n.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat NCR 7882 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen NCR 7882 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens NCR 7882 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding NCR 7882 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over NCR 7882 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van NCR 7882 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de NCR 7882 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met NCR 7882 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.