Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HR2180 van de fabrikant Newland
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NLS - HR2180/ HR 2280 High Performanc e Wir eless Hand -he ld 1D/2D Barcode Scanner User Guide HR2180 _ 22 80_UM_EN _V1.1. 1 4.
i Notice Make sure you carefu lly read the following inform ation to ensure that your barcode scanner is able to perform at the level for which it is des i gned. 1. All softwar e, including firm ware, furnished t o the user is on a licensed b asis.
ii Safety precautions – Danger! Be sure to read the f ol lowing safet y precautions c arefully before tryin g to use the barcode scann er for the fir st time.
iii Safety precautions – Warning ! Warning ! This symbo l indicate s i nformat i on that , if i gnored or appli ed i ncorr ectly, can create the possibility of death or ser ious personal injury. Disassem bly and m odifi cation Never try to disassembl e or modify the unit in any way.
iv Safety precautions – Warning! Lithium - ion b attery Do not put a batter y in microwave ovens or pressure cooker s. Doing so may cause t he battery to overheat , explode or burst into f lames. Do not use a bat tery that smells strang e, is overheating, is a st range color, or is a st range shape.
v Safety precautions – Caution! Caution ! This symbo l indicat es i nfor mation that, if ignored or appli ed i ncorr ectly, can create the possi bility of personal i njury or m aterial damage. Foreign o bj ects T ak e care to ensure that metal or combustible obje cts are not inserted into the openings of the unit.
vi Safety precautions – Caution (Continued) ! Cradle with RS - 232 cable an d a dapt or K eep the p ower cord aw ay from stoves an d other source s of extreme he at. H ea t ca n mel t the insulation of the power cor d and create the danger o f fire and electrica l shock.
vii Contents Notice ...................................................................................................................................................... i Safety prec autions – Danger ! ..................................
viii Contents UCC/ EA N 12 8 .................................................................................................................................... 38 China Post ................................................................
1 Technical speci ficatio ns – h andheld unit Model HR2180 HR2280 Dimensio ns Length × W idth × Depth: 17.0 × 7.0 × 8. 3cm Weigh t 201 g Color Gray Battery 1300 mAh Lithiu m - ion batt ery Charge ti m e Fully charge d (>80%) in 3.
2 Technical specifications – cradle and adaptor Cradle Input v ol tage 5 VDC ± 0.25 V Cable S traight 2. 0m (PS2) / S traight 1.5m ( USB ) / S traight 2.
3 Default setting for each barcode Code ty pe Re ad enable Ch eck di gi t veri f icat ion Ch eck di gi t transmissi on Min. code length Propriet ary code ID AIM code ID UPC -A √ - √ (12.
4 Dimensions.
5 Parts of the s canner Handheld unit ① Exi t wi ndow ② Trigger ③ Red LED (Charging in dicator) ④ Communi cation / Charge socket ⑤ Pow er button ⑥ Sound ho l e ⑦ Red L ED ( No.
6 Power on, power off handheld unit and c harge battery Power on han dheld unit : Press the power button (se e Parts of the sca nner ) for tw o seconds. Power o ff han dheld unit : Press the power button (se e Parts of the sca nner ) for t wo seconds.
7 I nstallation of cradle Note: If any of the bel ow operation i s incorr ect, turn off the pow er immediat ely and chec k the sc anner for any improper c onnections . Go thro ugh all ste ps again. W ith PS2 ca ble 1. Plug one end of the PS2 cabl e to the cradle , one end to PS2 port on PC, and one end to the keyboard.
8 RF communication as c lusters The s canner u t ili ze 430 .5 ~ 43 2.0 MHz , 43 3 .05 ~ 434.79MHz RF wireles s communi cation with LR - 433 - W PAN wir eless c ommunication prot ocol . LR - 433 - WPAN prot ocol first ti me i ntrodu ces adaptive frequency ho pping tech ni que.
9 Scanning When the sca nner is scanning pro gramming code s in this manual, en sure the scan line cros ses the symbol as ill ustrated belo w to preve nt scanning oth er (nearby) codes in its area .
10 Programming instruction Refer to the next page, the steps of progr amming ar e: 1. Scan the SETUP bar code on the par ameter setting part. 2. Enter the opti on mode by scann i ng the Op tion ba r code . 3. To the right of the option barcode, the necessary alph anumeric inputs are liste d.
11 Keyboard wedge for Cradle Keyboard typ e : As a keyboard interface , the scanner suppor ts most of the popular PCs an d IBM terminals. Keyboard l ayout: The sca nner support s diff erent national ke yboard layout s. Clock period : Accordin g to the PS2 p rotoc ol, the clock is prov i ded by t he device, e.
12 Keyboard wedge for Cradle (Con t inued) Keyboard l ayout USA Turkish F Turkish Q French Italian Spanish Slo vak 00* 01 02 03 04 05 06 Clock per iod 60us 70us 80us 90us 100us 200us 00 01 .
13 RS - 232 interface for Cradle Flow co ntrol: No ne - The commun i catio n only uses TxD and RxD signa ls w ithout any hardware o r software handshak i ng pr otocol .
14 RS - 232 interface for Cradle (Continued) SETUP Option bar c ode Option Alpha. entry Flow contro l None RTS/CTS (Hos t idle: Low RTS) RTS/CTS (Hos t idle: High RTS) XON/XOFF ACK/NAK 00* .
15 USB interface for Cradle USB device type : When the cr adl e is connected t o a PC with a USB cable , it will be identified as a HID keyboard. Keyboard l ayout: Refer to Keyboard layout of Keyboard we dge for Cradle . Host comm. port speed : R efer to Host comm.
16 Handheld s ca n & some global settings Scanning mode: Good - read off - The tri gger button mu st be presse d once to act iva te sca nni ng . The light sourc e of scanner st ops scanning when t here is a successful read ing or no code is decoded after t he Stand - by duration elaps ed.
17 Handheld s ca n & some global settings (Continued) Decoder optim ization : If it is enabled, th e scanner will optim ize the decoder wi th error c orrection. This function is not effective for all type s of barcodes. SETUP Option bar c ode Option A lpha.
18 Visual and aud io i ndication for Handheld unit Power on alert: After power - on the scanner w ill gen erate an alert si gnal to indicate a succe ssful self - test. LED indicat ion: After each successf ul reading, t he LED above the scanner will lig ht up to indicate a good barcode r ead ing.
19 RF 433MHz communication setting for Handheld unit Handheld u nit RF c hannel No. : The scanner offers eight di ffer ent radio fre quency channe ls for the data transmis sion between han dheld unit and crad le . Handheld un it ID : Th e scanner offers 16 d ifferent handhe ld unit IDs.
20 RF 433MHz communication setting for Handhel d unit (Continued) Enter sleepi ng mode in t erva l : If it is enabled, the handheld unit will enter sleeping m ode whil e no operation beyond the ti me in terva l define d; the handheld u nit will return to nor mal mode by pull i ng the scanner t rigger.
21 RF 433MHz communicatio n setting for Cradle Crad le RF c hannel No. : The scanner offers ei ght diff erent radio frequen cy channels for the dat a transmis sion between han dheld unit and crad le . Bind the first handheld unit ID : Th is setting is used to bind the first ha ndheld unit I D .
22 RF 433MHz communication setting for Cradl e (Continued) SETUP Option barc ode Option Alpha. entry Cradle RF c hannel No. ¡ 01 - 08 01 - 08 06* Bind the first h and held unit ID ¡ 01 - .
23 UPC -A Read: Format Leading zero Data digit s (11 digits) Check digit Check digit verif i catio n: The check digit i s op tion al. Check digit tr ans .: By setting En able, check digit will be transmitted. Code ID set ting: Code ID is a one - or - two - chara cter string used to represent the symbol upon a succeed i ng readin g.
24 UPC -E Read: Format Leading zero Data digit s (6 digits) Check digits Check digit verification: The check digit is optiona l and made as t he sum of the numerical val ue of the data digits. Check digit tr ans .: By setting En able, check digit will be transmitted.
25 EAN- 13 Read: Format Data digit s (12 digits) Check digit Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as t he sum of the numerical value of the data digits. Check digit tr ansmission: By sett ing Enable, chec k di git will be transmitted.
26 EAN-8 Read: Format Data digit s (7 digits) Check digit Check digit verification: The ch e ck d igi t is optional and mad e as the sum of the numerica l value of the data digits. Check digit tr ans .: By setting En able, check digit will be transmitted.
27 Code 39 Read: Format ⋆ Data digit s (variable) Check dig it (optional) ⋆ Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum m odule 43 of the numerica l value of the dat a digits. Check digit tr ansmission: By sett ing Enable, chec k di git will be transmitted.
28 Code 39 (Continued) SETUP Option bar c ode Option Alpha. entry Read Disable Enable 00 01* Check digit verif ication Disable Enable 00 * 01 Check digit t ransmission Disable Enable 00* 01 Max.
29 Interleaved 2 of 5 Read: Format Data digit s (Variable) Check dig it (optional) Check digit verificati on: The chec k digit is made as the sum module 10 of the nume ri cal val ues o f al l dat a digit s .
30 Industrial 2 of 5 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) Check dig it (optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Ma x./Min. code length of Code 39 . Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refer to Inser tion group s election of UPC -A.
31 Matri x 2 of 5 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) Check digit (o ptional) Ch eck digit v er ification: T he chec k digit i s made as the sum module 10 of the nu merical valu es of all data digit s. Ch eck digit t r ansmission: By sett ing Enable, chec k di git w ill be transmitted.
32 Codabar Read: Format Start Data digit s (variable) Check digit (opt ional) End Check digit v er ification: T he chec k digit i s made as the sum module 16 of the numerical valu es of all data digit s. Check digit t ransm ission: By settin g Enable, check dig it will be transmit ted.
33 Code 128 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) Check dig it (optional) Check digit v erific ation: The check di gi t is made as the sum module 1 03 of all data digits. Check digit t ransm ission: By settin g Enable, check dig it will be transmit ted.
34 Code 93 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) 2 check di gits (optional) Check digit v er ification: T he chec k digit i s made as the sum module 47 of the num eri cal val ues of al l da ta digit s. Check digit t ransm ission: By settin g Enable, check dig it will be transmit ted.
35 Code 11 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) Check digit 1 (op tional ) Check dig it 2 (option al) Check digit v erific ation: The check di gi t is prese nted as the sum m odule 11 of all data d i gits.
36 MSI/Pl essey R ead: Format Data digit s (variable) Check digit 1 (optional) Check digit 2 (optional) Check digit v erif ication: The MSI/Pl essey has one or t wo optional check d igits. There are three methods of ver i fying chec k digi t s, i.
37 UK/Plessey Read: Format Data digit s (variable) 2 check di gits (optional) Check digit v erifica tio n: The UK/Plessey has one or two optional check digit s. The check digit 1 and check digit 2 w i ll be calc ulated as the sum modu le 10 or 11 of the data di gi ts.
38 UCC/E AN 128 Read: Format Data digit s (variable) Check dig it (optional) Check digit v erific ation: The check di gi t is made as the sum module 1 03 of all data digits. Check digit t ransm ission: By settin g Enable, check dig it will b e transmitt ed.
39 China Post Read: Format 11 Data digits Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refer to Inserti on group s election of UPC -A.
40 GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated) GS1 Data Bar Truncated is structured an d encoded the sam e as the standard G S1 DataBar form at, except its heig ht is reduced to a 13 modules minimum; while GS1 DataBar should have a he ight greater than or equal t o 33 modules.
41 GS1 DataBar Limited Read: Format 16 Data digit s Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refe r to Inserti on group selection of UPC -A. Conversion : Refer to Conversion of GS1 Data Bar (GS1 DataBar Truncated) .
42 GS1 DataBar Expanded Read: Format Data charact ers (variable) Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refer to Inser tion group s election of UPC -A. Conversion : UCC/ EAN 128 - Refer to Code ID tra nsm iss ion of String transmis sion , ]C m will be id entified as AIM ID.
43 PDF417 (HR2280 model only ) This decoder i s only applied w ith a specified firm ware. The symbol si ze in the standard of PDF417 says, number of rows: 3 to 90, and number of columns: 1 to 30. This scanner can onl y decode PDF417 at rows from 3 to 40 and col umns from 1 to 20.
44 China Finance (HR2280 model only) Note: This ty pe of barcod e i s not Omni - d i rect i onal ly deco dable. The enc odable chara cter set include s numeric 0 t o 9. Among the symb ol of 0 to 9, 0 and 2, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7, have t he symmetric al pattern; the pattern of 1 and 3 is sym metrical.
45 China Finance (Continued) SETUP Option bar c ode Option Alpha. ent ry Read Disable Enable 00 01* Max. code l ength 00 - 99 00 - 99 10* Min.
46 QR Code (HR2280 model only) Read: Format Data charact ers (variable) Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. SETUP Option bar c ode O ption Alpha.
47 Aztec (HR2280 model only ) Read: Format Data charact ers (variable) Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Re fe r to In sertion group select ion of UPC -A. SETUP Option bar c ode O ption Alpha.
48 DataMatrix (HR2280 model only) Read: Format Data charact ers (variable) Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refer to Inserti on group s election of UPC -A. SETUP Option bar c ode O ption Alpha.
49 HanXin Code (HR2280 model only) Read: Format Data charact ers (variable) Code ID setting: Refer to C ode ID setting of UPC -A. Insertion grou p selection: Refer to Inserti on group s election of UPC -A. SETUP Option bar c ode O ption Alpha.
50 G1- G6 & FN1 subs t itution s tring setting Format of barco de data transmissi on P refi x Code n ame Preambl e Code ID Code l ength Code data Code ID Postamble S u ffi x Suffix string s etting: Th e < enter > key is repres ented in dif ferent ASCII when it is applied by different OS.
51 G1- G6 & FN1 subs t itution s tring setting (Continued) Testing barc ode : FN1 s u bstitution string setting: The FN1 char acter (0x1D) in an UCC/EAN12 8 barcode, or a Code 12 8 barcode, or a GS1 DataB ar barcode can be subst ituted with a defi ned string.
52 G1- G6 & FN1 subs t itution s tring setting (Continued) SETUP Option bar c ode Option Alpha. entry Prefix string sett ing 0- 22 characters None 00 - FF 16 00* Suffix string sett ing .
53 G1- G4 string position & Code ID po s ition Format of barco de data transmissi o n P refi x Code n ame Preambl e Code ID Code l ength Code data Code ID Postamble S u ffi x Insert G1/G2 /G3/G4 st ring position: The scan ner offers 4 pos itions to insert strings among the s ymbol.
54 String transmission Note: The informatio n in this chapter is c losely related t o the chapter of Str ing setting. Format of barco de data transmissi on P refi x Code n ame Preambl e Cod.
55 String transmission (Cont inued) SETUP Option bar c ode Option Alpha. entry Prefix transmissio n Disable Enable 00* 01 Suffix transmissio n Disable Enable 00 01* Code name transm is sion.
56 Test Chart UPC -A UPC -E EAN -8 EAN - 13 Code 39 Code 32 A908765439 Code 128 Interleave d 2 of 5 Industria l 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of 5 Code 93 UC C/EAN 128 Code 11.
57 Test Chart (Continued) MSI/Pl essey UK/Plessey ISBN/ISSN China Post GS1 DataBar ( GS1 DataBar Tr uncated) GS1 DataBar L imited GS1 DataBar E xpanded PDF 417 01Az+ -= MicroPDF417 23+ - md.
58 Test Chart (Continued) QR Co de 01234567 89 Aztec 01AZ[+ - * / ]za98 DataMatri x 01234567 89 Hanxin Code 百度百科.
59 Troubleshooting Problem Possible cau ses Po ssi ble so lu ti ons Nothing happ ens when you follow the o perating instruct i ons, or t he scanner displays er ratic behavior. No power t o the scanner. Check the syst em power. Ensur e the power supply is conn ected.
60 Maintenance Cleaning the exit window is the only mainte nance required. A dirty window ma y affect scanning accuracy. 1. Do not allow a ny abrasive mat erial to touch the wind ow . 2. Remove a ny di rt part icles with a damp cloth . 3. Wipe the wind ow using a tissue moi stened with wate r .
61 ASCII t able for key board wedge for RS -232 H L 0 1 0 1 0 Null NU L D LE 1 Up F1 SOH DC1 2 Down F2 S TX D C2 3 Le f t F3 ETX DC3 4 Right F4 EOT D C4 5 PgUp F5 ENQ NAK 6 PgDn F6 ACK SYN .
62 Return default parameters & version WARNI NG : Handhe ld unit default value initia l izatio n If you wish to ret urn the handhe l d unit to the entire factory def ault settings, scan t he barcode above.
63 Configuration alphanumeric e ntr y barcode.
Headquarters Fuji an N ew land A uto - ID Tech. Co ., Lt d. Newland Science & Techno logy Park No.1 Rujia ng Wes t Rd., Mawe i , Fuzhou, Fujian 3500 01, China TEL: 86 - 591 - 83979219 WEB: www m AsiaPac Office New la nd Tai w an Co., Ltd.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Newland HR2180 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Newland HR2180 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Newland HR2180 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Newland HR2180 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Newland HR2180 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Newland HR2180 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Newland HR2180 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Newland HR2180 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.