Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 70 Series van de fabrikant Nortel Networks
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Part No. 2063 75- A June 199 9 4401 Great Ameri ca Parkway Santa Cl ara, CA 95054 Installat ion a nd Refe rence fo r the BayS tack 70 Seri es 10/100 Etherne t Swit ches.
ii 2063 75- A Copy right © 1999 Nor tel Netw orks. All ri ghts re se rv ed . Pr int ed in th e USA . J une 19 99. The inf orma ti on i n thi s do cumen t is sub je ct to cha nge wi th out n ot ice .
2063 75 - A iii V olunt ary Contr ol Council f or Inte rfere nce (VCCI) Statement This is a Cl ass A pro duct based on the s tanda rd of t he V olunt ar y Cont rol Counc il for Int erfe rence b y I nform ati on T echnol og y Equi pmen t (VCCI ). If thi s eq ui pment is used in a domes tic en vir onm e nt, ra di o d is turba nce ma y arise .
iv 2063 75- A 12. W ird d as Gera t u ber einen la ngere n Zei t rau m nic ht ben utzt, s o ll te n Si e e s v o m Str o m ne tzt r enn en. Som i t wi rd im F al le eine r Uber spann ung ei ne Besc hadigu ng v er mied en. 13. Dur ch die Luf tun gsof f nun gen dur fe n ni ema ls Ge gen st and e oder Flu ssi gk eit en i n das Gera t gel angen.
2063 75 - A v Nortel Netw orks NA Inc . Software Lic ense Agreement NO TICE: Pleas e ca reful ly rea d thi s l icens e agr ee ment before cop ying or usi ng th e acc om pany in g sof tw are or in st alli ng t h e har dw are uni t wit h pre- ena bl ed s oftwa re (each of whic h i s r e f er red to as “Sof tw are” in t hi s Ag ree m ent).
2063 75 - A vi i Contents Prefac e Purpose ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ... .... . xi A ud ience .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .
viii 2063 75-A Chapter 2 Ne tw or k C onf i gur at ion Benefits of Using Switching T echnology .................... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... .. .......... ....... . 2-1 T ypes o f Eth ernet Switche s .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..
2063 75 - A ix Figures Figure 1 -1. F ront P anel of the Ba yS tack 70-8T 10 /100 Ether net Switch .................... 1-3 Figure 1 -2. F ront P anel of the Ba yS tack 70-16T 1 0/100 Ether net Swi tch .................. 1-3 Figure 1 -3. F ront P anel of the Ba yS tack 70-24T 1 0/100 Ether net Swi tch .
x 2063 75- A.
2063 75 - A xi T a ble s T abl e 1-1. Descripti on o f Swi tch and P or t St atus L EDs ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... . 1-6 T a ble 1-2. MAC Address Quantities ....................... .. ............... ..................... ..
xii 20 63 75-A.
2063 75 - A xiii Preface Congrat ulation s on your pur chase of a B ayStack 70 -8T 10/1 00 Etherne t Swi tch, BayStac k 70-16 T 10/100 E thernet Switc h, or B ayStack 7 0-24T 10/ 100 Ethernet Switch. These swi tches pr o vide eigh t, 16, or 24 por ts, r espe cti v ely .
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches xiv 20 63 75-A A u dience This g uide i s i ntended f or Et hernet local ar ea net work (LAN) admini strat ors with .
Prefac e 2063 75 -A xv Ho w to Get Hel p If you pu rch ase d a serv i ce con tract fo r your Nortel Net wor ks product from a distr ibut or or aut horized resell e r , contac t the technic al s upport staf f for that distr ibut or or rese ller f or ass istanc e.
2063 75 - A 1-1 Chapter 1 Intr oduc tion This c hapter gi v es you an o ve rvie w of the three BayStack 70 Se ries 10/ 100 Etherne t Switches. The chapt er describes the front and rear panels of e ach switch and expl ains in detail the components on each of the panels.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 1-2 2063 75- A The BayStack 70 Seri es 10/ 100 Ethe rnet S w itches can be use d to se gment a 10 Mb/ s or 100 Mb/s netw ork t o enha nce the capa city of the n etwork t o s upport adv ance d appli cations.
Introduc tion 2063 75 -A 1-3 Figure 1-1. Fr ont P anel of the BayStac k 70-8T 10 /100 E thernet Switch Figure 1-2. Fr ont P an el of the Ba yStack 70-16T 1 0/100 Ethernet S witch Figure 1-3.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 1-4 2063 75- A RJ- 45 1 0BASE -T / 100 BASE- T X Et h er n et P or t s The RJ-45 10B ASE-T/100 BASE-TX Ethe rnet ports conn ect the switch to netwo rk de vices using standard unshie lde d twisted -pair ( UTP) c able.
Introduc tion 2063 75 -A 1-5 LEDs The LEDs on th e BayS tack 70 Serie s 10/100 Ether net Switc hes all ow y ou t o ident ify inf ormation about the performanc e and status of the switch inclu ding link acti v ity , da ta tra nsmi ssion speed, a nd duple x m o de.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 1-6 2063 75- A T able 1-1. Descr iption of Sw itch and P or t Status LEDs Rear P anel This sectio n provid es rear p.
Introduc tion 2063 75 -A 1-7 Figure 1-5. Rear P anel of the Ba yStack 70-8T 10/100 Ethernet Swi tch and BayStac k 70-16T 1 0/100 Ethe rnet S witch Rear P a nel of t he Ba yStac k 70-24T 10/1 00 Ethernet Switch The rear pane l of the BaySt ack 70-24T 10/100 Ether net Switch cont ains a stand a rd A C powe r conne ctor , as sho wn in Figure 1-6 .
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 1-8 2063 75- A DC P ower Adapter The BayStack 70- 8T 10/100 Ethe rnet Switch and BaySta ck 70-16T 10/1 00 Etherne t Switch are shipp ed with a po wer adapt er and cor d, as sho wn in Figure 1- 7 .
Introduc tion 2063 75 -A 1-9 Cooling Fans V ariable-spee d cool ing fans in the BaySta ck 70-16T 10/100 Etherne t Swit ch and BayStac k 70-24 T 10/100 E thernet Switc h pro vide co oling f or th e inter nal componen ts.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 1-10 2063 75- A • F ilt ering and forw arding incoming an d outgoing tr af f ic to the appropriate route withou t .
Introduc tion 2063 75 -A 1-11 • Ext ernal uni ve rsal p owe r adapt er , a s sho wn in T able 1-4 T able 1-4. Externa l P ower Adapters Model Exter nal P o wer Adapter Bay Stack 70 -8T 10/ 100 Et he.
2063 75 - A 2-1 Chapter 2 Netw ork Configura tion The BayStack 70 Seri es 10/ 100 Ethe rnet S w itch i s desi gned to pro vide flexib ilit y in con fi guring you r n etwork c onnections.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 2-2 2063 75- A T ypes of E thernet Switches Etherne t switches can be cla ssif ied as desktop switches or as se gment switche s. A desktop s witc h is designed to suppor t one or a fe w PCs per port.
Network Con figuration 2063 75 -A 2-3 De sk t o p Sw it ch i n g Figure 2- 1 illus trat es a BaySta ck 70-8T 10/ 100 Et herne t Swit ch used as a deskt op switc h to r eb uild a small networ k tha t enable s user s to ha ve 100 Mb/s access to a f ile serve r or networ k cente r .
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 2-4 2063 75- A Seg m e nt Sw it ch ing The BayStack 70 Seri es 10/ 100 Ethe rnet S w itch c an s egment a netw ork i nto multi ple conne cted pi eces, increasin g o ve rall ba ndwidth and through put.
Network Con figuration 2063 75 -A 2-5 Figure 2-2. Using a BayStac k 70 Series 10/10 0 Ethernet S witch as a Segment Switch 70-24T Switch 60-24T Hub 60-24T Hub 60-24T Hub 60-24T Hub 60-24T Hub 60-24T H.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 2-6 2063 75- A Extending a N etw ork Etherne t specif icati ons limit the lengt h of cable bet ween hubs and PCs to 100 meters (m) for a total dia meter of 200 m.
Network Con figuration 2063 75 -A 2-7 Bridg i ng fr o m 10B ASE-T to 100B AS E-T X Netw o rks The Ba yStack 7 0 Series 10/100 Ethe rnet S witc h can f unctio n as a t wo-por t bridge connec ting tr aditi onal 10B AS E-T Ethernet network s to 100 B ASE-TX Fast Etherne t netw orks.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 2-8 2063 75- A P ow er W ork gr oup s The BayStack 70 Seri es 10/100 Ethernet S witc h inc rease s ba ndwidth f or power , or high-de nsity , workgr oups and st rengthens netw ork throughput.
2063 75 - A 3-1 Chapter 3 Installa tion This c hapter prov ide s inform ation about and pr oc edures for c hecking t he pa ckage contents , prepar ing the site, and perfor ming and verif ying the install ation of the BayStac k 70 S eries 10/100 Eth ernet Switch.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 3-2 2063 75- A • Opt ional, country- specif ic po wer cord, whi ch can be p ur chase d with your switc h • W arr.
Ins t al l ati o n 2063 75 -A 3-3 Ins t a lli n g th e Sw it ch Before insta lling t he swit ch: 1. Unp a ck th e swi tch . 2. Choose a location near the de vices to be connecte d and close to an elect rica l o utle t.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 3-4 2063 75- A 3. Attac h a n y add i tion al dev ices to th e ports in your swi tch . F or instruct ions to connect to additi onal switc he s or other de vices, refer to “ Connecti ng De vices to the Switch ” on pa ge 3-5 .
Ins t al l ati o n 2063 75 -A 3-5 3. Using a #1 Philli ps scr ewdri ve r , tighten t he scr ews to s e cure eac h br a cket. 4. Hold the switch wit h t he mounting holes in the bra cket s align ed w i th the holes in th e rack .
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 3-6 2063 75- A Y ou c an connect to an othe r devic e thro ugh an y of the ports on the switc h. The MDI/MDI-X b utton eliminate s the need to use a crosso ver twist e d pair cable when connec ting sim ilarly wired de vices.
Ins t al l ati o n 2063 75 -A 3-7 T o connect po wer to the switc h: 1. Connect the po wer adapter or power cord to the swit ch using one of the f ollo wing me thods: — F or the BayStack 70-8T 10/10.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches 3-8 2063 75- A Chec king the Diagnostic Displa ys Figure 3- 2 illust rates th e LED indic at ors on theBayS ta ck 70-24T 10/100 Et hernet Switch.
Ins t al l ati o n 2063 75 -A 3-9 T able 3-1 descr ibe s the LEDs that moni tor the BayStack 70 Serie s 10/100 Etherne t Switch. T able 3-1. Descr iption of Sw itch and P or t Status LEDs T ype Label Color Activity De scri ption P ort Statu s 10/1 00 Li nk / Act i vi ty Y ell ow On P or t is connec ted at 10 M b/s .
2063 75 - A 4-1 Chapter 4 T r oubleshoo ting This c hapter pro vides methods f or d iagnosing problem s with t he BaySta ck 70 Series 10/1 00 Ethernet Swi tch . Using the LED Di spla y Use the LED display to help you identif y the type of proble m you hav e; the n check the fo llowi ng: • V erify that the switc h is powe red on.
2063 75 - A A-1 Appendix A T echnic al Sp ecificatio ns T able A-1 in this appendix pro vides techn ical specif ic at ions for the B aySt ack 70 Series 10/100 Ethernet S witch. Dat a applie s t o all t hree swi tches unle ss othe r wise specif ied. Pr oduc t Specificatio ns T able A-1.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches A- 2 2063 75-A Physi cal Spe cific ations W eight : 70-8T a nd 70-16T : 3. 99 lb (1.8 1 kg) 70-24T : 5. 3 lb ( 2.5 kg ) Dimensi ons: 70- 8T and 70-16T : (D) 8.3 x (W) 12.
Technical S pecificati ons 2063 75 -A A-3 Electr omagnet ic Sus ceptibi lity Meets r equir ements o f: EN 50 082-1 Electrost ati c dis charge (ESD): EC 801-2, Le v el 2/3 Radiat ed elec tromagne tic f.
2063 75 - A B-1 Appendix B Cab les a nd Con necto r s This appendix provide s specif i cati ons for cables and connec tor s use d for the BayStac k 70 S eries 10/100 Eth ernet Switch. 10 B ASE- T/100 B ASE- TX U TP Cab le F or 10B AS E-T a nd 100B AS E-TX conne ction s, use Cate gory 5, 8-wir e uns hielde d twiste d pair cable.
Installation a nd R eference for the B ayStack 70 Series 10/100 Etherne t Sw itches B- 2 2063 75-A Straight-Thr ough and Cr osso ve r Cable s F or two de vic es to communicate, the tr ansmi tter of each de vi ce must be connected to the re cei ver of t he ot her de vice.
2063 75 - A Index-1 Numbers 10 B ASE -T to 100B ASE-T X netw orks, bridgi ng 2-7 10B ASE -T/ 100 B ASE- TX por ts 1-4 A appl ic atio ns bri dging fr om 10B ASE-T to 100 B ASE- TX n etwor ks 2-7 d eskt.
Ind e x -2 20 6375- A L LEDs d esc ri pt io n 3- 9 overv iew 1-5 M MDI/MDI-X but to n 1- 4 cab le s B- 2 pin as signm e nts B-1 mo un ti n g br a cke t s 3 -4 N net wo rk , ex te nd in g 2-6 No rm al/.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Nortel Networks 70 Series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Nortel Networks 70 Series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Nortel Networks 70 Series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Nortel Networks 70 Series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Nortel Networks 70 Series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Nortel Networks 70 Series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Nortel Networks 70 Series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Nortel Networks 70 Series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.