Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 5200n van de fabrikant Oki
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C5200n us er's guide.
PREF ACE > 2 PR EF AC E E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t i s c o m p l e t e , accurate, an d up-to-date. The manufacture r assumes no responsibi lity for the r esults of error s beyond its control.
CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Prefa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Intr oduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Printe r ove rview .
CONTENTS > 4 Menu f uncti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Info rmati on menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Print menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOTES, CAU TIONS AND WARNI NGS > 5 NOT ES, C AUTIONS AND W ARNINGS NOTE A note appears in this manual like this. A note provides additio nal informatio n to supplemen t the main text which may he lp you to use an d understand the product. CAU TI ON ! A caution ap pears in t his manua l like this.
INTRODUCTION > 6 INTR ODUC TION Congratulations o n buying an Oki colour printer. Your new pr inter is designed w ith advanc ed features to give you clear, vibra nt colour prints and crisp b lack and white pages at high speed o n a range of print media for the office.
INTRODUCTION > 7 PRINT ER OVERVIEW FRON T V IEW The LCD dis play language can be changed to show any o f 14 differen t languages. (See “Changing the display language” on page 9.) 1. Output stac ker , fac e down. Standard printed cop y delive ry point.
INTRODUCTION > 8 REAR VIEW This view s hows the co nnection pane l, the rear out put stacker and the location of t he option al duple x (two- sided pri nting) unit. * Th e Ne twork Inte rface has a prote ctive “plu g” wh ich m ust b e removed b efo re connection can be made.
INTRODUCTION > 9 CHANGING THE DISPLAY LANGUAGE The language used by your printer for display messages and for rep ort printing can be changed quickly and easily as follows: 1. Press the + k ey repeatedly to acces s the System Configuration Menu. 2.
PAPER RECO MMENDATIONS > 10 PA PER REC OMMENDATION S Your printer will handle a variet y of print media, includ ing a range of paper weights and sizes, transparenci es and envelopes. This section provides general advice on choice of media, and explains how to use each ty pe.
PAPER RECO MMENDATIONS > 11 CASS E T TE T R AY S I f y o u h a v e i d e n t i c a l p a p e r s t o c k l o a d e d i n a n o t h e r t r a y ( 2 n d t r a y i f y o u have one, or multi purpose tray) you can have the printer automatically switch to the other tray when the current tray runs out of paper.
PAPER RECO MMENDATIONS > 12 FACE D OW N ST A CKER The f ace down stacker o n the top of t he pri nter can h old up t o 250 sheet s of 8 0g/m ² standard paper, and can handle paper st ocks up to 176g/m ² . Pages pr inted in reading ord er (page 1 first) will be sort ed in reading order (last page on top, facing down) .
LOADI NG P APER > 13 LOA DING PAPER CASS E T TE T R AY S 1. Remove the paper tr ay from the printer. 2. Fan the pa per to be load ed at the edge s (1) and in th e midd le (2) to en sure th at all sheets are properly sepa rated, then tap the edges of the st ac k on a flat sur fac e to mak e it flush again (3).
LOADI NG P APER > 14 3. Load letter headed paper face down and top edge towards t he fr ont of t he print er , as show n. 4. Adjust the rear stopper (1) and paper guides (2) to the siz e of paper being used. To prevent paper jam s: > Do not leave space be tween t he paper and t he guides and rear stopper .
LOADI NG P APER > 15 6. For f a ce d o w n p r i nt i ng , ma ke s ur e t he fa ce u p ( rea r ) st a cker (3) is closed (the paper exits from the top o f the printer). Stacking capac ity is appro ximately 250 sheets, depending on paper weight . 7.
LOADI NG P APER > 16 MULTI PURPO SE TRAY 1. Open the multi purpose tray and press gently down on the pap er plat for m (1 ) to ensu re i t is la tched dow n.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 17 PRINT ER SETTINGS IN WI NDOWS Your pr inter ’ s operator panel menus provide access to many optio ns. The Windo ws printer driver also co ntains setting s for many of thes e items.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 18 SE TUP TA B When you click th e Properties button from your application ’ s Pri nt dialogue , the driver windo w opens to allow you to specify your printing preferenc es for the cu rrent docume nt.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 19 JOB OPTIONS T AB 1. The output resolution of the printed page can be set as follo ws. > The h ighes t qua lity set ting pr ints at 1200 x 600d pi. This opt ion requ ires the most p rinter memo ry and takes the longest to print.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 20 C OLOUR TAB 1. C ontrol over the colour output of your p rinter may be performed auto matically , or for advanced control, b y manual adjustment. Th e automatic sett ing wil l be appropriate i n most c ase s. The ot her option s in this win dow on ly bec ome vis ible when y ou select a c hoice oth er than Auto .
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 21 SETTING FROM WINDO WS CONTR OL PANEL When you ope n the driver pro perties win dow directly fro m Windows, rather than from with in an application program, a somewhat mo re extensive range of settings is provided.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 22 ADVANC ED TAB 1. Y ou can specify which times of day y our prin ter wil l be availa ble. 2. Indicates cur rent pr iori ty, fro m 1 (lowest ) to 99 (h ighest) . Highe st pri ority do cumen ts wi ll pr int fir st. 3. Specifies that documents should be spooled (stored in a special print file) before being printed.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 23 document restarted from the print queue. M ismat ched documents in th e queue will not prevent correctly matc he d documents fro m prin ting.
PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 24 DEV IC E OP TION S T AB In this windo w you can select wh ich optional upgrades are installed on your printer. This is cove red in more detail in the section in this guide abo ut installing upgrades.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 25 CO L O U R P R I N T I N G The prin ter drivers s upplied with yo ur printer pr ovide several contro ls for chan ging th e colou r output. For ge neral u se the au tomatic s etting s will suffice, providing reasonable default settings that will produce good res ults for most documents.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 26 Viewing co nditions A print ca n look very diffe rent under d ifferent lighting c onditions. F or exam ple, the c olou rs in a pri nt ma y loo k dif fere nt when viewe d standing next to a sunlit windo w, compared to how they look under standard office fluorescent lighting.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 27 TIPS FOR PRINTING IN COLOUR The following guidelines may help you to achieve good colour output from your printer. PRINTING P HOTOGR APHIC I MAG ES Use the Monito r (6500k ) Perc eptual s etting . If th e colo urs lo ok too du ll, try the Monit or (650 0k) Viv id or D igita l Camera s ettings.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 28 ACC ESSI NG TH E COLOUR MATCHING OP TIONS The colour matching o ptions in the printer d river can be used to he lp match your print ed colours to the ones displayed on your monito r or from some o ther source, s uch as a di gital camera.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 29 SETTING THE COLOUR M ATC HING OPTIONS 1. On the Co l o u r tab se lect Advan ced C olour for colour m atc hing. 2. Choose th e Manual co lour se tting and sel ect fr om the fo ll owin g options : (a) Monitor (650 0k) Percept ual Optimised for prin ting photographs.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 30 (c) Monitor (930 0k) Optimised for pr inting graph ics from application s such as Mi crosoft Office. C olours ar e print ed with emphasis on Li ghtn ess. (d) Digital Ca mera Optimised for print ing photogr aphs taken with a digital camera.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 31 An example of using the c olour swatc h function: You wish to print a logo in a particular sh ade of red. The steps you would follow are: 1. Prin t a co lour sw atch, then s elect the sha de of red t hat b est sui ts y our n eed s.
COLOUR PRINTI NG > 32 4. Cl i ck Advan ce d C olour . 5. Cl i ck User Defined . Select th e colour adjustme nt you made wit h the Colour Co rrect Utility.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 33 MENU FU NCTIONS This secti on lists the men us accessed via the controls on the printer ’ s operato r panel and displayed in th e LCD window. It shou ld be noted th at many of these setting s can be, and often are, overridde n by settings in the Windows printer drivers.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 34 INF ORMATION ME NU This menu provides a quick meth od of listing vario us items store d within the p rinter. PRINT MENU This menu provides adjustm ent of various print job related function s. INFORM ATION MENU Item Action Expl anatio n PRINT MENU MAP EXECUTE Prints complete menu listing with cur rent setti ngs sho wn.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 35 MONO-PRINT SPEED A UT O S P E E D AUTO SPEE D AUTO SPEE D AUTO SPEE D MONO 24P PM CO LO UR S PE E D MIXED SP EED If the first pa ge of a print job is only blac k and white, the prin ter run s at 20ppm (p ages per minute). When a colour page is detected the printer slows down to 16 ppm for the rest of tha t job .
MENU FUNCT IONS > 36 MEDIA MENU This menu provides adjustment to suit a wide range of print media. MEDIA MENU Item Sett ings E xplan ation TRAY1 P AP ERSIZE A4 / A5 / A6 / B5 LE GAL1 4 LE GAL1 3.5 LE GAL1 3 LET TER EXE CUTIVE CUSTO M S e l e c ts t h e s i z e o f p ap e r l o a d ed i n Tr a y 1 (upper tray if both trays i nstalled).
MENU FUNCT IONS > 37 MPT P APERSIZE A4 / A5 / A6 / B5 LE GAL1 4 LE GAL1 3.5 LE GAL1 3 LET TER EXE CUTIVE CUSTO M CO M- 9 E N VE LOP E CO M- 1 0 E N V ELO P E MON ARCH E NV DL E NVEL OPE C5 ENVEL OPE Selects the s ize of paper to be fed from the multi purpo se tray .
MENU FUNCT IONS > 38 CO L O U R M E N U The printer automat ically adjusts colour balance and dens ity at appropriate inter vals, optimising the pr inted output for bright white paper viewed in natural daylight conditions. T he items on this menu provide a means of changing t he default settings for special or particularly difficult print jobs.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 39 SYSTEM CONF IG URA TION M ENU This menu adjust s general printer settings to suit the way you prefer to work . SY ST EM C ONFIGURATION MENU Items Set ting s Expl anation POW S AVE TIME 5 15 30 60 240 Adjusts the idling time before the pri nter automatically switches into power saving mode.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 40 USB MENU This menu controls the ope ration of the pr inter ’ s USB da ta inte rface. NETWORK MENU This menu controls the operation of t he printer ’ s 10Base-T/100Ba se-T network interfac e. USB MENU Item Set ting s Expl anation VERSI ON 2.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 41 MEMOR Y ME NU This menu determines h ow printer memory is us ed. SYSTEM AD JUST ME NT MEN U This menu provides fi ne adjust ment of image position on the printed pag e in steps of 0.25 mm. Memory Menu Item Set ting s Expl anation REC EIVE BUF SIZE AUTO , 0.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 42 MAINTENANC E MEN U This menu provides access to various print er mainten ance functions . MAINTEN ANCE MENU Item Set ting s Expl anation MENU RE SET EXE CUTE Rese t s men us to def ault settin gs. SAVE M E NU EXECUTE Saves c urren t men u sett ings as d efault values.
MENU FUNCT IONS > 43 USAGE ME N U This menu is for info rmation only, and provide s an indication of total usage of the print er and the expe cted life left in its consuma ble items. This is particularly useful if you do not ha ve a full set of replacement consumables to hand and you need t o know how soo n you will need them.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 44 REPLAC ING CON SUMABLE IT EMS This sect ion explains how to replace co nsumable items when du e. As a guide, th e life expectancy of these items is: > To n e.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 45 C ONSUMAB LE ORDER DETAILS * Average life (22,0 00 pages at cont inuous pr int, 15, 000 pages a t 3 pages/jo b and 7,50 0 pages at 1 pag e/job).
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 46 T ONER C AR TRIDGE R EPLAC EMENT The toner us ed in this printe r is a very fine dry powder. It is contained in four cartr idges: one ea ch for cyan, magen ta, yellow and bla ck. Have a sh eet of p aper handy so that you h ave somewh ere to pla ce the used cart ridge while you in stall the new one.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 47 1. Press the cov er release an d open the printer ’ s top c ove r ful ly . 2. Note the p ositions of th e four cartri dges. WAR N I N G ! If the printer h as been powered on, the fuser m ay be hot. This ar ea is clearly l abelled.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 48 3. Carry out one of th e following: (a) If you are replacing a toner cartridge that has been supplied with your print er (lever has 3 positions), pull the colou.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 49 4. Lift the right-hand en d of the cartri dge and then draw the cartridge to the right to release the left-hand end as shown, and withdraw the toner cart ridge out of the pri nter.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 50 7. Gently shake the new cartridge from end to end several times to loosen and distribute t he toner evenly inside th e cartrid ge. 8. Remove the wr apping material and peel off the adhesive tape from the underside of the cartridge.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 51 then lowe r the righ t end of th e cartr idge down onto the image drum unit. 11. P r e ss i n g g en t l y d o w n o n t h e ca r t r i d ge t o e n s u r e t h a t i t is f ir m l y seated, pus h the coloured lever ( 1) towards th e rear of the printer.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 52 IMAG E DRUM REPL AC EMENT Switch off th e printe r and al low the fuser t o cool for abo ut 10 minutes befo re op ening th e cover. The printer contains four image drums: cyan, magenta, yellow and bla ck. 1. Press the cov er release an d open the printer ’ s top c ove r ful ly .
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 53 2. Note the p ositions of th e four cartri dges. 3. Holding it by its top centre, lift the image drum, c omplete with its toner cartrid ge, up and out of the printer. 1. Cyan ca r tr id ge 2. Mag en ta ca r tr id ge 3.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 54 4. Put the cartridge down gently onto a piece of paper to prevent toner from marking your furniture and to avoid damaging the green drum surface. 5. With the colour ed toner release lev er (1) to t he right , pull the lever towards you.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 55 7. T ake the new image drum ca r tridge out of its packaging and plac e it on t he p iece of paper where the old cart ridge was plac e d. Keep it the same way round as the old unit. Pack the old cartridge inside the pac kaging material for di sposal.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 56 10. Holding the complete as sembly by its top centre, lower it into plac e in the printe r, locating the pegs at eac h end into their slots in the sides o f the printe r cavity . 11. Finally , close the top cover and press down firmly at both sides so that th e cover latc hes cl osed.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 57 REPLACING THE BELT UNIT The belt unit is located under t he four image drums . This unit requi res replacemen t approxim ately every 50,000 pages. Switch off th e printe r and al low the fuser t o cool for abo ut 10 minutes befo re op ening th e cover.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 58 3. Lift each of the image drum units out of th e printer and place them in a s afe pl ace away f rom direct so urc es of heat and light. 4. Lo cate the t wo fa ste ners ( 5) at e ac h side o f the belt and the lifting bar (6) at the front end.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 59 7. Lower t he n ew be lt uni t in to place, wi th th e li fting ba r at the front and the drive gea r towards the rear of the prin ter. Locate the drive gear into the ge ar inside the printer by the rear left corner of the unit, and lower the belt unit flat inside the printer.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 60 FUSER R E PLAC EMENT The fuser is located ins ide the p rinter just b ehind the four im age drum units. Switch off th e printe r and al low the fuser t o cool for abo ut 10 minutes befo re op ening th e cover. 1.
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 61 2. Identif y th e fuser han dle (1) o n the top of the fuse r unit. 3. Pull the two fuser reta ining leve rs (2) towards t he front o f the printer so that they are fully upright. 4. Holding the fuser by its hand le (1), lift the fuser straight up and out of the p rinter .
REPLA CIN G CON SUM ABLE ITEM S > 62 7. Lo wer th e fuser into the pri nter , locat ing the two lugs (3) into their slots in the metal partit ion which separates the fuser area from the image drums. 8. Push the two retaini ng levers (2 ) towards the rear o f the p rinter to loc k the fu ser i n pla ce.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 63 INST AL LING UPGRADE S This sect ion explains how to install optional equipment into your printer. T his includes: > duplex (two - sided p rinting) unit; > additional RAM m emory. DUPLEX UNIT The duplex unit adds the functio n of two-sided printing, using less paper and making large do cuments easier t o handle.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 64 4. Print a menu map as follows: (a) Pr ess the + button to access th e Informa tio n Menu. (b) Press ENTER once for the menu map. (c) Press ENTER again to print the menu map. (d) When the menu map is printed, press ON LINE to exit the menu system .
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 65 MEMOR Y UPGRADE The basic print er model comes equipp ed with 32MB of main memory. This can be upgrade d with an additional memory board cont aining 64MB or 2 56MB, giv ing a max imum to tal mem ory capac ity of 2 88MB.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 66 6. C arefully remove the new memor y board from its wrapping. T r y to handle the board only by its short edges, avoiding contac t wit h a ny meta l pa rt s as far as po ssible. In par ti cular, avoid touching the edge connector.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 67 10. Hol d the ne w memory boa rd by it s short edge s, so tha t the edge connector fac es in towards the RAM expansion slot, and the small cutou t is close r to the bo ttom of the prin ter. 11. Gently push the board into th e RAM expansion slot until it latches in an d will no t go any fur t he r.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 68 SECOND PAPER TRA Y An additional paper tray can be installed and, when combin ed with the standard paper tray, increase s the paper capacity to 830 sheets (approximately). Instal lation 1. Switc h off the prin ter and disconnect the power cable and printer interface c able.
INSTALLING UPGRADES > 69 ADJUSTING WINDOWS PRINT ER DRIVERS Once your new upgrade has been installed, you may ne ed to update the Windows printer driver so that the additional features are available to your Windows applicat ions.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 70 CLE AR IN G PA P E R JA M S Provided t hat you follow the reco mmendations in this guid e on use of print media, and you k eep the media in good c ondition prior to use, your printer sh ould give years of reliable serv ice.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 71 3. Note the p ositions of th e four cartri dges. It will be necess ary to remove the fo ur image drums to gain access to the paper path. 4. Holding it by its top centre, lift the image drum, c omplete with its toner cartrid ge, up and out of the printer.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 72 5. Put the cartridge down gently onto a piece of paper to prevent toner from marking your furniture and to avoid damaging the green drum surface. 6. Repeat thi s removal procedure for eac h o f the four image drum unit s. 7.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 73 > T o remove a sheet from the central area of the belt (2 ), carefully separate t he she et from th e belt sur face and wit hdraw the sh eet.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 74 8. Starti ng w ith th e cyan ima ge dru m unit near est the fu ser, replac e the four image drums back into the dru m cav ity, making sure to locate th em in the correct orde r.
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 75 9. Lo wer the to p co ver do wn bu t do n ot pre ss d own t o lat ch i t closed ye t. This will protect the dru ms from excessive exposure to room ligh ting while you chec k the remaining areas for jammed sheet s. 10. Open the rear exit tray ( 5) and check for a sheet o f paper in the rear path ar ea ( 6).
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 76 12. If your printer ha s a duplex unit instal led, press the cov er release at the centre of the unit, open th e cover and remove any sheets in this area, then close the cover. 13. Lift the front co ver release and pull open the front cover .
CLEARING PAP ER JAMS > 77 14. Check inside the c over for sheets in this area and remove any that you find, then close t he cover . 15. Pull out the pape r tray in use w hen the jam occurred and ensure that all paper is stac ked properly , is undam aged, and that the paper guid es are properly p ositioned against the edges of the paper stac k.
SPE CIFICA TIO NS > 78 SPEC IFICATION S Item Spec ification Dimensions 425 x 561 x 345mm (W x D x H) Wei g h t 25Kg Print speeds 16 pages per minute col our / 24 pages per minute mono c hrome Reso .
INDE X > 7 9 INDEX A Additional paper trays ........ ......... 68 Advanced features enabling or disabling ...... ......... 23 B Belt how to replace ......................... 57 life expectancy ........................ 44 Black print ing glossy or matte .
INDE X > 8 0 O Opti ons Additional paper tra ys .... ......... 68 P Page orientat ion setting in Windows . ................. 19 Paper jam clearing ............................ 70 loading cassette trays .............. 13 loading letterhead .........
OKI CONTACT DETAILS > 81 OKI CONTACT DETAILS Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough Tradin g Estate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel:44 (0) 1753 819819 Fax:44 (0) 1753 819899 Oki Systems Ireland Limited The Square Indu stri al Co mple x Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland Tel:+353 1 4049590 Fax:+353 1 4049591 http://www.
central house balf ou r road, h ounsl ow tw3 1hy united kin gdom tel +44 (0) 20 8219 2190 Fa x +44 (0) 20 8219 2199 C5200 n 07048801 Iss.01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Oki 5200n (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Oki 5200n heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Oki 5200n vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Oki 5200n leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Oki 5200n krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Oki 5200n bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Oki 5200n kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Oki 5200n . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.