Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DMCFH3P van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Operating In structions for advanced fe atures Digital Camera Model N o. DMC-FH20 DMC-FH3 DMC-FH1 VQT2N9 5 Bef ore conn ecting, operating or a djusting this p roduct, please read th e instructions co mpletely .
- 2 - Content s Before Use Quick Gui de ...... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... . 4 Standard Access ories ............................... 6 Names of the Components ....................... 7 Prepar ation Chargin g the Batte ry ..... ....
- 3 - • [P ICTURE SIZE] .......... ..... .... .... ...... . 78 • [S ENSITIV ITY] ....... ...... ..... .... .... .... ... 80 • [WHI TE BALA NCE] ........... .... .... .... ... 81 • [A F MODE] ..... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... . 83 • [B URST] .
Before Use - 4 - Before Use Quick Guide This is an overview of how to record and play back pictures with the camera. For each step, be sure t o refer to the pag es indicated in brackets. Charge the b a ttery . (P 9) • The battery is not ch arged when the camera is sh ipped.
- 5 - Before Use Play b ack the pict ures. 1 Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBACK ] selector switch to [ ( ]. 2 Select the picture you want to view . (P40).
Before Use - 6 - St andard Accessorie s Check that all the accessories are included before using the ca mera. • The access ori es and their s hape will dif fer depending o n the cou nt ry or ar ea wh ere the camera was purcha sed. For details on the acces s ories, refer t o Basic Operat ing Instr uc tions.
- 7 - Before Use Names of the Compone nt s 1F l a s h (P47) 2 Lens (P124) 3 Self-timer indicator (P54) AF assist lamp (P 88) 4 LCD monitor (P 45 , 124) 5 [MENU/SET] button (P18) 6 [DISPLA Y] button (P45) 7 [Q.
Before Use - 8 - 1 1 Camera ON/OFF switch (P18) 12 Zoom lever (P38) 13 S peaker (P95) 14 Microphone (P 70) 15 Shutter button (P31 , 70) 16 Intelligent auto button (P31) 17 Hand strap eyelet • Be sur e to att ach the hand strap when using the camera to ensure that you will not dro p it.
- 9 - Preparation Preparation Charging the Battery ∫ About batteries that you can use with this unit Suppli ed batter y or dedi cated op ti onal batt e ries can be use d with this uni t . Refer to Basic Operating Instructions about t he accessory number of the available optional batteries in your ar ea.
Preparation - 10 - ∫ Charging time • T ime require d for chargin g when using the cha rger supplie d with this unit . • The indic ated char g ing time is fo r when the bat tery has been dischar ged comple tely . The charging ti me may vary dependin g on how the battery has been used.
- 11 - Preparation ∫ When the [CHARGE] indicator flashes • The batt ery tempera ture is too hi gh or too low . Please ch arge the batt er y again in a temper atu re between 10 o C to 35 o C (50 o F to 95 o F). • The termina ls of the charg er or the batt ery are dir ty .
Preparation - 12 - Recording conditions by C IP A standard • CIP A i s an abbrevia tion of [Camer a & Imaging Produ cts Associa tion]. • Normal P icture Mode • T emperature: 23 o C (73.4 o F)/Humidity: 50% when LCD monitor is on. • Using a Pan asonic SD Memor y Card (32 MB).
- 13 - Preparation Note • The operating times and number of recordable pic tures will differ according to the environme nt and the operating conditions. For example , in t he following cases, t he oper ating t imes sh orten and the number of re cordable pictures is redu c ed.
Preparation - 14 - Inserting and Removin g the Card (optiona l)/the Battery • Check tha t this unit is turn ed of f. • We recommend using a Panasonic ca rd. Slide t he releas e lever in the dire ction of the arrow and open the ca rd/bat tery door .
- 15 - Preparation Note • Remove the bat tery af t er use. S tore the remov ed battery in th e battery case (supplie d). • Do not remove t he battery unt il the LCD monit or t urns of f as the se ttings on the camera may not be stored pr operly . • The supp lied ba ttery is designed only fo r the camera.
Preparation - 16 - About the Built-in Memory /the Card • Y ou can copy the r eco rded pict u res to a ca rd. (P10 7) • Memory size: Ap p rox. 40 MB • Record ab le motion pic tures: QV GA (320 k 240 pixel s) on ly • The bui lt- in memory can be used as a tempor ary storage de v ice when th e card bein g us ed becomes f ull.
- 17 - Preparation The following cards which conform to t he SD video s tandard can be used with this unit. (These cards are indicated as card in the te x t.) • Only cards be aring the SDHC logo (ind icating that the card confo rms to SD video st andards) may be used as 4GB to 32GB card s.
Preparation - 18 - Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The clock is not s et when the c amera is shipped. T u rn the camera on. A [MENU /S ET] bu tt on B Cursor butt on s • If the l angu age selec t scree n is not dis pl ayed, pro ceed to ste p 4 . Press [MENU/SET] .
- 19 - Preparation Press 2 / 1 to select the items (year , month, day , hour , minute, disp lay sequ ence or tim e display fo rmat), and press 3 / 4 to set. A : T ime at the home area B : T ime at the t ravel destination (P76) ‚ : Cancel without setting the clock.
Preparation - 20 - Setting the Menu The camera comes with menus that allow you to choose the settings for taking pictures and playing them back just as you like and menus that enable you to have more fun with the camera and use it more easil y .
- 21 - Preparation This section descr ibes how to select the Normal Picture M ode settings, and the sam e setting can be used for the [PLA YBACK] menu and [SETUP] menu as well. Example: Setting [AF M ODE] from [ Ø ] to [ š ] in the Norm al Picture Mode Setting m enu items T u rn the camera on.
Preparation - 22 - Pres s [ME NU/ S ET] t o clo se th e me nu. Switchi ng to oth er menu s e.g.: Switching to t he [SETUP] menu 1 Press [MENU/SET] to displa y the menu. 2 Press 2 . 3 Press 4 to select the [SETUP] menu ic on [ ]. 4 Press 1 . • Select a menu it em next and set it.
- 23 - Preparation By using the quick menu, some of the menu settings can be easily found. • Some of the menu items canno t be set by the mod es. • When [DI SPLA Y] is pressed wh ile [ST ABILIZER] (P87) is selected, [ST AB ILIZER DEMO.] can be displayed.
Preparation - 24 - About the Setup Menu [CLOCK S ET], [SL EEP MODE] and [AUTO REV IE W] are important items. Check their settings before using t hem. • In the Intelligent Auto Mode, on ly [CLOCK SET], [WORLD TIME], [BE EP], [ LANGUAGE] and [ST ABILIZER DEMO.
- 25 - Preparation • When y ou con nect t he came ra to a TV , the volume of t he TV speake rs does not c hange . • High An gle Mod e is al so can celed if yo u turn the camera of f or [SLEEP MODE] is act ivated.
Preparation - 26 - • Press t he s hutter but ton half way or turn th e c amera of f and on to cancel [SLE EP MODE]. • [ SLEE P MODE] is set to [5MIN .
- 27 - Preparation • When [PC] is sele cted, the c amera is conne c ted via the “USB Mas s S torage” communication system. • When [Pi ctBridge (PTP) ] is selecte d, the camer a is connecte d v ia the “PTP (Pi c ture T ransfer Prot ocol )” co mmu nic ation syst em.
Preparation - 28 - • Use a batte ry with suf ficient battery po wer or the AC adap tor (opt ion a l) and DC coupl er (optional) when format ting. Do not t urn the camer a of f dur ing formatting. • If a card has bee n inserted , onl y the card is format ted.
- 29 - Preparation Selecting the [REC] Mod e When the [REC ] Mode is selected, the camera can be set to the Intelligent Auto Mode in which the optimal settings are est ablished in line with the subject to be recorded and t he recording conditions, or to the Scene Mode w hic h enables you to take pictures that match the scene being recorded.
Preparation - 30 - ∫ List of [REC] Mode s Note • When t he mode h as been s witch ed f rom [PLA YBACK] Mode t o [REC] Mode, the prev ious ly se t [REC ] Mod e will be set. ! Normal Picture Mode (P35) The subjects are recorded using your own settings.
- 31 - Basic [REC] Mode: ñ Basic T aking pictures using the automatic function (Intelligent Auto Mode) The camera will set the most appropriate settings to match the subject and the recording conditions so we recom mend this mode f or beginners or those who want to leave the settings to the camera and take pictures easily .
Basic - 32 - Note • Be carefu l not to move th e camera when yo u press the shu tter butt on. • Do not cove r the flash or the AF assist lamp with y our fingers or ot her object s.
- 33 - Basic When the camera identifies the optimum scene, the i con of the scene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 seconds, after which it s color changes to the usual red. •[ ¦ ] is set if non e of the scenes are applicable, and the st andard set t ings are set.
Basic - 34 - • Only the f ollowing fu ncti ons can be set in this mode. [REC] Mode menu – [PICTURE SIZE] ¢ (P78) /[BURST] (P85) /[COLO R MOD E] ¢ (P86) ¢ The setti ngs which ca n be s elected are dif fer ent fro m when other [REC] Modes are used .
- 35 - Basic [REC] Mode: · T aking pictures with y our favorite settings (Normal Picture M ode) The camera automatically sets the shutt er speed and the aperture value according to the brightness of the subject. Y ou can take pictures with greater freedom by changing various settings in [REC] m enu.
Basic - 36 - Aim the AF area at the subject, and t hen press the shutter button halfway . A Focus indicatio n B AF area (norma l) C AF area (when using t he Digit al Zoo m or wh en it is dar k) D Focus r ange E Aper ture va lue ¢ 1 F Shutter spee d ¢ 1 G ISO sensitivity ¢ 1 If correct exposure ca nnot be achiev ed, it will be disp lay ed in red.
- 37 - Basic ∫ Subject and recording conditions which are difficult to focus in • Fast- moving subjec ts, ex treme ly bright subjec t s or s ubject s wit hout contrast • When the recorda b le ra.
Basic - 38 - [REC] Mode: ñ· ¿n T aking Pictures with th e Zoom Y ou can zoom -in to make people and objects appear closer or zoom-out to record landscapes in wide angle. T o make subjec ts appear even closer [maximum of 16.9 k (DMC-FH20)/10.5 k (DMC-FH3)/ 9.
- 39 - Basic ∫ Exte nde d Opt ica l Zoom mech anism When you set the Picture Size to [ ] (3 million pixels), the 14M (14.1 million pixels) (DMC-FH20/DMC-FH3)/ 12M (12. 1 million pixe ls) (DMC-FH1) CCD area is cropped to the center 3M (3 million pixels) area, allo wing a picture wit h a higher zoom ef fect.
Basic - 40 - [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Playing back Picture s ([NORM A L PLA Y ]) • S peed of picture forwar ding /re winding changes d epending on th e playback st atus. ∫ Fast forwarding/Fast rewi nding Press and hold 2 / 1 during playback. • The file numb er A and t he p icture number B only change one by one.
- 41 - Basic Rot ate the zoom le ver towa rds [ L ] ( W). 1 screen > 12 scr eens > 30 screens > Calendar screen display (P96) A Number of the s elec ted pict ure and the to tal nu mber of recorded pict ures • Rota t e th e z o om l ev er tow ar d s [ Z ] (T) to return to th e previous scre en.
Basic - 42 - Switching the [PLA YBACK] Mode 1 Press [MODE] during playback. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select the item an d then press [MENU /SE T]. [NORMAL PLA Y] (P40) All the pictures are played back. [SLI DE SHOW] (P90) The pictures are played back in sequence.
- 43 - Basic [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. • Pictures on the bu ilt -in memory or the card , which is being played ba c k will be deleted. T o delete a single p icture Select the picture to be delet ed, and then press [ ‚ ].
Basic - 44 - ∫ When [DELETE ALL] has been selected with the [F A VORITE] ( P103) setting The selection screen is displayed again. Select [DELETE ALL] or [ ALL DELET E EXCEPT Ü ], press 3 to select [YES] and delete the pictures. ([ALL D ELET E EXCEPT Ü ] cannot be selected if no pictures have been set as [F A VORITE] .
- 45 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Advanced (Rec ording pictures) About the LCD Monitor Press [DISPLA Y] to c hange. A LCD monitor B [DIS PLA Y ] butt on • When the menu screen ap pears, th e [DISPLA Y] butto n is not activa ted.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 46 - ∫ Recording guideline When you align the su bject on the horizontal and vertical guidelines or the cros s point of these li nes, you can take pictures with well-designed composition by viewing the size, t he slope and the balance of the subject.
- 47 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) [REC] Mode: ñ· ¿ T aking Pictures using the Built-in Flash Set the flash to match the recording. Press 1 [ ‰ ].
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 48 - ¢ The flash is activated twice. The subject should not mov e until the second flash is activated. Interval until the second flash de pends on the brightne ss of the subject. [RED-EYE REMOV AL] (P88) o n the [REC] Mode menu is set to [ON], [ ] appears on the flash ico n.
- 49 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) ∫ A vai lable flash settings by Recording Mode The available flash settings depend on the Recording Mode. ( ± : Available, —: Not available, ¥ : Scene Mode initial setting) ¢ [ ] is dis play ed. [ ], [ ], [ ] or [ ] is set depending on the type of subjec t and br i g htne s s .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 50 - ∫ The available flash range to t ak e pictures • The avail able flash ran ge is an approx imation . DMC-FH20 DMC-FH3/DMC-FH1 ¢ Recording with z oom magnific ation of up to 3 k is poss i ble . Pictur es rec orded with T ele may be darker than no rmal.
- 51 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) ∫ Shutter speed f or each flash sett ing ¢ 1 The shutter speed changes depending on the [ST ABILIZER ] (P87) s etting. ¢ 2 When [ ] in [SENSI TIVITY] is se t. (P80) • ¢ 1, 2: The shut t er speed bec omes a maximum of 1 second in th e following cases.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 52 - [REC] Mode: ·n T aking Close-up Pictur es Press 4 [ # ]. Press 3 / 4 to sele ct a mo de. Press [MENU/SET] . • Y ou can also press the shut ter butto n halfw ay to finish. • The menu scre en disappear s af t er about 5 seconds.
- 53 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Y ou can take a picture with the Digit al Zoom up to 3 k while maintaining the distance to the subject for the extreme Wide position [5 cm (0.17 feet)]. A Focus range • Focus range will be 5 cm ( 0.17 feet) to ¶ during Macro Z oom Mode regar dles s of the zoom pos ition.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 54 - [REC] Mode: ñ· ¿ T aking Pictures with th e Self-timer Note • When usi ng a tr ipod etc., settin g the self-t imer to 2 seconds is a convenie nt way to avo id the jitter ca us ed by pressing the shutt er button.
- 55 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) [REC] Mode: ·¿ n Compensating the Exposure Use this function when you c annot achieve appropriate expos ure due to the difference in brightness between the subject and the background. Look at t he following examples.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 56 - [REC] Mode: ¿ T aking pictures that m atch the scene being recorded (Scene Mode) When you select a Scene Mode t o match the su bject and recording situation, the camera sets the optimal exposure and hue to obtai n the desired picture.
- 57 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) ∫ Changi ng M y Scene Mo de 1 Press [MODE], select the second item from the top and press [MENU/SET]. 2 Press [MENU/SET] to display the menu screen. 3 Press 3 to select [ ¿ ], switch menus and press 1 . • For de tai ls on swit ching me nus, re fer to P22 .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 58 - When taking pictures o f people outdoors during the dayti me, this mode allows you to improve the appe arance and make their skin tones look healt hier . ∫ T echnique for Port r a it Mode T o make this mode m ore effective: 1 Rotate the zoom lever as far as possible to T ele.
- 59 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Subject can be recorded either slim or stretched, and at the same time, skin can be recorded smoothly . 1 Press 3 / 4 to select the setting, and then press [MEN U/ SET]. • It can be set from the quick menu (P23) .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 60 - This allows you to take pictures of a wide lands cape. Note • The flash setting is fixed to [ Œ ]. • The f ocus r ange is 5 m (16.4 feet) to ¶ . Set here when you want to take pictur es of sports scenes or other fast-m oving events.
- 61 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) This allows you to t a k e vivid pictures of the nightscape. Note • The flash setting is fixed to [ Œ ]. • The f ocus r ange is 5 m (16.4 feet) to ¶ . • We recommend using a trip od and the self -timer for t aking pictures .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 62 - Select this when y ou want to take pictures at a wedding recept ion, an indoor party etc. This allows you to take pictures of people and the background with near real-life brightness. ∫ T echnique for Part y Mode • Use the flash .
- 63 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) This takes pictures of a baby with a healthy complexion. When you us e the flash, the light from it is weaker t han usual.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 64 - Select this when you want to t ak e pictures of a pet such as a dog or a cat. Y ou can set your pet’s birthday and name. Y ou can select to have these appear at the ti me of playback, or have them stamped on t he recorded image using [TEXT ST AM P] (P97) .
- 65 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) This is a c onvenient mode for shooting rapid move ment or a decisive moment. ∫ Picture Size 1 Press 3 / 4 to select the Picture Size and then press [MENU/ SE T ] to set. • 3M (4:3) , 2. 5M (3:2) or 2M (16: 9) is selected as the Pic ture Siz e.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 66 - S t ill pictures are taken continuously w ith flash. It is convenient t o take continuous still pictures in dark places. ∫ Picture Size 1 Press 3 / 4 to select the Picture Size and then press [MENU/ SE T ] to set.
- 67 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) This allows you to t a k e vivid pictur es of a starry sky or a dark subject. ∫ Setting the shutter speed Select a shutte r speed of [15 SEC.], [30 SEC.] or [60 SEC. ]. 1 Press 3 / 4 to se lect the numb er of seconds a nd then press [M ENU/SET].
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 68 - This mode allows you to take b eautiful pictures of fireworks exploding in t he night sky . ∫ T echnique for Fire wor ks M ode • Since the shu tter speed bec omes slower , we recommend usin g a tripod. Note • The flash setting is fixed to [ Œ ].
- 69 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) This mode allows you to take pictures through an airplane window . ∫ T echnique for Aeri al Pho to Mode • We reco mmend using this t echnique if it is diffi c ult to focus when t aking pictures of cl ouds etc.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 70 - [REC] Mode: n Advanced (Rec ording pictures) Motion Picture Mode Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBA CK] selector switch to [ ! ], and t hen press [MODE]. Press 3 / 4 to sele ct [MOTION PICTURE], and then pres s [MENU/ SET].
- 71 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Press [MENU/SET] . Press 3 / 4 to sele ct [REC QUALITY] an d then press 1 . Press 3 / 4 to sele ct the ite m and then p ress [MENU/SET]. ¢ Cannot be recor ded in the built-in memory . Pres s [ME NU/ S ET] t o clo se th e me nu.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 72 - Note • The flash setting is fixed to [ Œ ]. • Use a card with SD S peed Class ¢ with “Class 6” or higher when recording mot ion pict ure s. ¢ SD speed cl as s is the speed standa rd regarding continuous writing.
- 73 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) [REC] Mode: ñ· ¿n Useful Functio ns at T ra vel Destinations For details on the [SETUP] men u settings , refer to P21 .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 74 - Press 4 to selec t [SET] and then press [M ENU/ SET]. Enter the loc ation. • For de tai ls on h o w to ente r charac ters, re fer t o “Ent ering T ext” on P89 . Press [MEN U/SET] twice to close the menu. T ake a p ictu re.
- 75 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) ∫ Canceling the Travel Date The Tr avel Dat e is automatically canceled if the current date is af ter the return dat e. If you want to cancel the Travel Date before t he end of the v acation, select [OFF] on the screen shown in step 3 or 7 and t hen press [MENU/SET] twice.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 76 - For details on the [SETUP] men u settings , refer to P21 . Y ou can display the local times at the travel destinations and record them on the pictures you take. • Select [CL OCK SET] to set the current date an d t im e in ad va n ce.
- 77 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Note • Return t he s etting to [HOME] when the v acation is finished by perfo rming steps 1 , 2 and 3 . • If [HOME] is already s et, chang e only the tr avel destination, an d use.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 78 - Using the [REC] Mode Me nu For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Set the number of pixels. The higher the nu mbers of pixels, the finer the detail of the pictures will appear even when they are printed ont o large sheets.
- 79 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Note • “EZ” is an abb rev iation of “E xtended optical Zoom”. • A digit al pict ure is made o f numero us dot s called pixels. The higher the numb ers of pixels, the finer t he picture will be when it is pr int ed on a lar ge piec e of p aper o r di sp layed on a PC monitor .
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 80 - For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensit ivity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure enables pictures to be taken even in dark plac es without the resulting pictures coming out dark.
- 81 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . In sunlight, under incandescent lights or in ot her such conditions where the color of white takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, thi s item adjust s t o the color of white which is closest to what is seen by the eye i n ac cordance with the light source.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 82 - ∫ Auto White Balance Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictures are taken, the pictures may take on a reddish or bluish tinge. Furthermore, when a multiple number of light sources are being used or there is nothing with a co lor close to white, Aut o White Balance m ay not function properly .
- 83 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . This allows the appropriate focusing method to be selected. Applicable modes: ·¿ Note • The camera i s f oc using on all the AF areas when mul tip le AF areas (max.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 84 - ∫ About [ š ] (Face Detection) The following AF area fram es are displayed when the cam era detects the face s. Y ellow: When the shutter button is pressed halfway , the frame turns gre en when the camera is focused.
- 85 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Pictures are taken continuously wh ile t he shutter button is pressed.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 86 - For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . This can enlarge subjects even more than t he Optical Zoom or Extended Optica l Zoom.
- 87 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Using one of these modes, jitt er during picture taking is detected, and the camera automatically compensates the jitter , enabling jitter-free images to be taken.
Advanced ( Recording pictur es) - 88 - For details on [REC] Mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Illuminating the subject makes it easier for the camera to foc us when recording in low light conditions that make f ocusing difficult. Applicable modes: ·¿ Note • The ef fective range of th e AF assist l amp is 1.
- 89 - Advanced ( Recording pictur es) Entering T ext It is possible to enter babies' and pets' names and the nam es of travel destinations when recording. (Only alphabet ical characters and symbols can be entered.) Displa y the ent ry scr een and pr ess 4 to mo ve to the characte r selection section .
Advanced (Playb ack) - 90 - [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Advanced (Playb ack) Playing Back Picture s in Sequence (Sli de Show ) Y ou can play back the pictures you have taken in syn chronisation with music, and you can do this in sequence while l eaving a fixed interval between each of the pictures.
- 91 - Advanced (Playb ack) ∫ Oper a ti ons p e r f or m ed d ur i ng Slide Show The cursor displayed during playback is the same as 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . • The menu scree n is restor ed when [ ‚ ] is press ed.
Advanced (Playb ack) - 92 - ∫ Changi ng th e Sli de Sho w sett ings Y ou can change the settings for Slide Show Playback by selecting [EFFECT] or [SETUP] on the Slide Show menu screen. [EFFE CT] This allows you to select the screen ef fects or music effects when switching from one picture to the next.
- 93 - Advanced (Playb ack) [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Selecting Pictures an d Playing them B ack ([C A TEGOR Y PLA Y]/[F A VORIT E PLA Y]) This mode allows you to search images by Scene Mode or other categories (such as [PORTRAIT], [SCENERY] or [ NIGHT S CENE RY]) and sort t he pictures into each of the categories.
Advanced (Playb ack) - 94 - Y ou can play back the pictures you have set as [F A VOR ITE ] (P103) (On ly when [F A VORI TE] is set to [ ON] and there are p ictures which have been set to [F A VOR ITE]). Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBA CK] selector switch to [ ( ], a nd then pr ess [MODE].
- 95 - Advanced (Playb ack) [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Playing Back Motion P ictures Press 2 / 1 to select a picture with a motion pic ture icon (such as [ ]), and then p ress 3 to play back.
Advanced (Playb ack) - 96 - [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Using the [PLA YBACK] Mode menu Y ou c an use various functions in Play back Mode to rotate pictures, set Protection for t hem etc. • With [TEXT ST AMP], [R ES IZE ] or [CR OP PIN G] , a new edi te d pict ure is c r ea te d.
- 97 - Advanced (Playb ack) Y ou can stamp the recording date/time, name, location or travel date onto the recorded pictures. It is suitable for regular size printing. (Pic tures with a Picture Size larger than [ ] will be resized when stamping the date etc.
Advanced (Playb ack) - 98 - Press [MENU/SET] . • If you s et [TEXT ST AMP] for a pictu re with a Pic ture Siz e larger than [ ], the Picture Size will b ecome smaller as shown below .
- 99 - Advanced (Playb ack) T o allow easy posting to web pages, attachment to email etc., picture size (number of pixels) is reduced. Select [RESIZE] on the [PLA YBACK] Mode menu. (P21) Press 3 to selec t [YES] and t hen press [M ENU/ SET]. Press [ ‚ ] to return to the menu screen .
Advanced (Playb ack) - 100 - Note • Y ou can set up to 5 0 pictu res at on e time in [MUL TI]. • The pict ure qu ality o f the resized pi c ture will d eteriorate. • It may not be pos s ible to resiz e pic tures recor ded with other equipment. • Motion pi ctures and pic tures st amped with [TEXT ST AMP] cannot be res i z ed.
- 101 - Advanced (Playb ack) Y ou can enlarge and then clip the important part of the recorded picture. Select [CROPPING] on the [PLA YBACK] Mode menu. (P 21) Press [MENU/SET] . Press 3 to selec t [YES] and t hen press [M ENU/ SET]. Press [ ‚ ] to return to the menu screen .
Advanced (Playb ack) - 102 - This mode allows you to automatically display pictures vertically if they were recorded holding the camera vertically . Select [ROT A TE DISP .
- 103 - Advanced (Playb ack) Y ou can do the following if a mark has been added to pictures and they have been set as Favo ri te s. • Play back onl y the pict ures set as Favorit es. ([F A VORITE PLA Y]) • Play back th e pictures s et as Favorit es only as a Slide Show .
Advanced (Playb ack) - 104 - DPOF “Digital Print Order Format” is a system t hat al lows the user to select which pi ctures to print, how many copies of each picture to print and whether or not to print the recording date on the pictures when using a DPOF compatibl e photo printer or photo printing store.
- 105 - Advanced (Playb ack) ∫ Canceling all the [PRINT S ET] setti ngs 1 Select [CANCEL] on the scree n shown in step 2 and then press [MENU/SET]. 2 Press 3 to select [YES] and then press [MENU/SET ]. 3 Press [MENU/SET] to close the menu. • Y ou cannot selec t [ CANCEL] if no t ev en one pict ure has been se t for prin ti ng.
Advanced (Playb ack) - 106 - Y ou can set Protection for pictures you do not want to be deleted by mistake. Select [PROTECT] on the [PLA YBACK] Mode menu.
- 107 - Advanced (Playb ack) Y ou c an copy the data of the pictures you have taken from the built-in memory to a card or from a card t o the built-in memory . Select [COPY] on t he [PLA YBACK] Mode menu. (P21) Press 3 / 4 to select the copy destin ation and then press [MENU/SET].
Connecting to other equ ipment - 108 - Connecting to ot her equipment Connecting to a PC Y ou can transfer recorded pictures to a PC by connecting the camera and the PC. • Some PCs can re ad dire c tly fr om the card removed from the camera . For det ails, ref er to the operating instruction s of your PC.
- 109 - Connecting to other equ ipment Connec t the camer a to a PC via the USB connect ion cable A (supplied). • Do not use any other USB con nec tion cabl es excep t the suppl ied one. Use of cables other than t he supplied USB connect i on c able may cause a malf unction .
Connecting to other equ ipment - 110 - ∫ Vi ewing t he c ontent s of the built -in m emory o r card using the P C (fold er compos ition) A new folder is created when pict ures are taken in the following situations.
- 111 - Connecting to other equ ipment Printing the Pictures If you connect the camera to a printer supporting PictBridge, you can select the pictures t o be printed out and instruct that printing be st arted on the camera’s LCD m onitor . • So me pri nters ca n pr int di rectly fr om t he card remov ed f rom th e cam era.
Connecting to other equ ipment - 112 - Note • This unit ca nnot st and uprig ht when the AC adap to r is conn ected. When operat i ng it on a flat surface, we rec ommend placing it on a soft clo th. • Do not use any other USB con necti on c ables except the su ppli ed one.
- 113 - Connecting to other equ ipment ¢ Only when [F A VORITE] is at [ON] and when there ar e pictu res set as Fa vorites . (P103) Selecting m ultiple p ictures and pri nting them Press 3 . Press 3 / 4 to select an item and then p ress [M ENU/ SET].
Connecting to other equ ipment - 114 - Select and set the items both on the screen in step 2 of the “Selecting a si ngle picture an d printing it” and in step 3 of th e “Selecting multiple pictures and printing them ” procedures.
- 115 - Connecting to other equ ipment • Paper sizes n ot support ed by the printer wil l not be dis played. [P APER SI ZE] Item Description of settings { Settings on t he printe r are prioritized. [L/3 .5 qk 5 q ] 89 mm k 127 mm [2L/5 qk 7 q ] 127 mm k 178 mm [POSTCARD] 100 mm k 148 mm [16:9] 101 .
Connecting to other equ ipment - 116 - • An item canno t be selec ted if th e prin ter does not suppor t t he page layout. ∫ Layout prin ting When printing a picture several times on 1 sheet of pap er For example, if you want to print the s ame picture 4 times on 1 sheet of paper , set [P AGE L A YOUT ] to [ ä ] and then set [NUM .
- 117 - Connecting to other equ ipment [PLA YBACK] Mode: ¸ Playing Back Picture s on a TV Scree n Preparations: Set the [TV ASPECT]. (P27) T urn this unit and t he TV off. 1 Y ellow: to the video input socket 2 White: to the audio input socket A Align the mark s , and insert.
Connecting to other equ ipment - 118 - The recorded still pictures can be played back on a TV with an S D Memory C ard slot. Note • Dependin g on the TV model, pictures may not be display ed on th e full sc ree n. • Motion picture s can not b e played back.
- 119 - Others Others Screen Display ∫ In re cord ing Recording in Normal Picture Mode [ ! ] (Initial setting) 1 Recording Mode 2 Flash Mode (P 47) 3 AF area (P 36) 4 Focus (P36) 5 Picture Size (P78.
Others - 120 - ∫ In recording (after settings) 14 AF Macro Mode (P 52) : Macro Zoom Mode (P53) 15 White Balance (P81) 16 ISO sensitivity (P80) 17 Color Mode (P86) 18 Recording Quality (P71) 19 Avail.
- 121 - Others ∫ In playback 1 Playback Mode (P40) 2 Protected picture (P106) 3 Favorites (P103) 4 S tamped with text indication (P97) 5 Picture Size (P78) Motion pic tu re icon (P95) 6 Battery indi.
Others - 122 - Cautions for Use Keep the camera as far away as p ossible from electromagnetic equipme nt (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.). • If you use th e c amera on top of or near a TV , the pictures and sound on t he camera may be disrupte d by e lectromag netic wave radiat ion.
- 123 - Others Care of the cam era • Do not touch the l ens o r the socket s with dirty h ands. Also, be car eful no t to allow liquids, sand and othe r foreign matter to get into the space around the lens, buttons etc. • Do not strongl y shake or bump the c amera by droppi ng or hitting it.
Others - 124 - Before cleaning the camera, remove the battery or the DC coupler (optional), or disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then wipe the camera with a dry soft clot h. • When the c ame ra i s soiled bad ly , it c an be cle ane d by wip ing the dir t of f wi th a wru ng we t clo th , and then with a dr y clot h.
- 125 - Others The battery is a rech argeable lithium ion battery . It s ability to generate power co mes from the chemical reaction that t akes place inside it.
Others - 126 - Do not leave the card where the temperature is high, w here electromagnetic waves or st atic electricity are easily generated or exposed to direct sunlight. Do not bend or dro p the card. • The card may be da maged or the recorded co ntent may be damaged or del eted.
- 127 - Others • S tore the battery in a c ool an d dry place wit h a relatively stab le tempera tu re: [Recomme nded temper ature: 15 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 77 o F ), Rec ommen ded humidity: 40% t o 60%] • Always remove t he ba ttery and the card f rom t he camer a.
Others - 128 - Message Display Confirmation or error messages will be displayed on the screen in some cases. The major m essages are des cribed below as exam ples. [THIS MEMORY CARD IS WRITE-PROTECTED] > The W rite-Prot ect s wit ch on t he card is moved to [LO C K] .
- 129 - Others [SOME PICTURES CANNOT BE COPIED]/ [COPY COULD NOT BE COMPLETED] • The following picture s cann ot be c opied. – When a picture with the s ame name as the picture t o be copied ex is ts in th e copy destination . (Only when copy ing from a card to th e built-in memory .
Others - 130 - [MOTION RECORDING W AS CANCELLED DUE TO THE LIMIT A TION OF THE WRITING SPEED OF THE CARD] • Use a card with SD S peed Class ¢ with “Class 6” or higher when recording motio n pictu res. ¢ SD speed class is the s peed st and ard regarding continu ous writing.
- 131 - Others T roub leshooting First, try out the following procedures ( P131 – 139 ). • The battery is not inserted correct ly . (P14) • The battery power is too low . • I s [ SLEEP MODE ] (P26) Mode activ e? > Press the sh utter button half way to cancel these modes.
Others - 132 - • Is the [RE C]/[PLA YBACK] select or switch at th e [ ! ] setting? (P29) • Is there any memory remaining on the bu ilt-in memor y or t he c ard? > Delete the pic tures whic h are no t necessary to increa se the availabl e memory .
- 133 - Others • Is the IS O s ensitiv ity high or th e sh utter spe ed slow? (ISO sensit iv ity is set to [ ] when the camer a is shipped. T here fore, when t aking pic tures indoors etc. noise will appea r .) > Decrease the I SO sensitiv it y .
Others - 134 - • LCD monitor will turn of f when [SLEEP MODE] (P26) i s ac tivated. [This does n ot happe n when using the A C adapt or (o ptional). ] • This p henomeno n a ppe ars whe n yo u p res s t he s hutte r b ut ton h alf way t o se t the a pert ur e valu e and d oes not af fect the r ecorded pictures.
- 135 - Others • I s the fl ash setting set to [ Œ ]? > Change the fl ash s etting. (P47) • Flash Mode is not av ailable when [BURS T] (P85) in [REC] Mode menu has been se t. • The flash is activated t wice when Red-eye Re duc tion (P48) has be en set.
Others - 136 - • Is this a non-st andard picture, a pict ure whic h has been edi ted using a PC or a picture which was taken by another maker of digit al c ameras? • Did you remove the battery imm.
- 137 - Others • Is the camera connect ed to the TV corr ectly? > Set the TV in put to Extern al Input Mode. • Dependin g on the TV model, the pictu res may be elon gated ho riz ontally or vertically or th ey may be displaye d with their edge s cut off.
Others - 138 - > Press [MENU/S E T], s el ect the [SETUP] menu i c on [ ] and t he n select the [ ~ ] ico n to s et the des ired la nguage. (P28) • In dark places, the A F assis t lamp (P88) light s red to ma ke it easier t o foc us on a subject .
- 139 - Others • When using t he Extended Op tical Zoom, t he zoom ing action will st op temporarily . This is not a malfunction . • Is the camera set to Ma cro Zo om Mode ? (P53) Maximum zoom dur ing Mac ro Zoom Mode is 3 k d igit al zoom.
Others - 140 - Number of Recordable Pictures and A vailable Recording Time • The number of recordable pictures and the availab le recor ding time are an appr oximation.
- 141 - Others Pictur e Size Y ¢ 1 Y ¢ 2 W ¢ 1 W ¢ 2 Built- in Me mo ry (Appro x. 40 M B) 91 1 1 1 1 3 Card 256 MB 54 63 65 75 512 MB 105 125 125 150 1G B 210 250 250 300 2G B 440 520 520 610 4G B.
Others - 142 - ∫ A vai lable recording time (when recording motion pictures) (DMC-FH20P/DMC-FH3P/D MC-FH1P/DMC-FH20PC/DMC-F H3PC/DMC-FH1PC/ DMC-FH20PU/DMC-FH3P U/DMC-FH1PU) ¢ Motion pictur es can be r ecord ed cont inuously up to 2 GB. The maximu m avai lable rec ordi ng time for up to 2 GB only is di splayed on the s c reen.
• SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC. • QuickT ime and the Qu ickT ime logo ar e trademar ks or register ed tradema rks of Apple In c ., used und er license therefrom. • Microsoft pr od uct screen s hot(s) rep rinted with per mission fr om Microsof t Corporatio n.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic DMCFH3P (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic DMCFH3P heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic DMCFH3P vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic DMCFH3P leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic DMCFH3P krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic DMCFH3P bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic DMCFH3P kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic DMCFH3P . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.