Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DMCLX3K van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Operating In structions Digital Camera Model No. DMC-LX3 Before connecti ng, oper ating or adjustin g this pr oduct, please read the inst ructions completely . VQT1 T27 For USA assistance, please call: 1-800-21 1-P ANA(7262) or, contact us via the web at: http://www .
VQT1 T27 2 Before Use Before Use Dear Customer , Thank y ou f or c hoosing P an a s oni c! Y ou have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable products on the market today . Used properly , we’re sure it wi ll bri ng you and your family years of enjoyment.
3 VQT1T 27 Befo re U se THE FOLLO WING APPLIES ONL Y IN CANADA . THE FOLLO WI N G APPL IES ONL Y IN THE U.S . A. CAUTION Danger of explosion if battery is incorrec tly replaced. Replace only with t he same or equivalent type recommended by the manuf acturer .
VQT1 T27 4 Before Use -If you see this symbo l- ∫ About the battery pack • Do not h eat or expose to fla me. • Do not leave th e bat tery(ies) in an automobil e exposed to dire ct su nlight for a long perio d of time with doors a nd windows c losed.
5 VQT1T 27 Befo re U se ∫ About the bat t ery char ge r ∫ Care of the camera • Do not strongly shake or bump the camera by dropping i t etc. This unit may malf un ction, re cordin g pict ures may no longe r be po ssible or t he le ns or th e LCD monitor may be d amaged.
VQT1 T27 6 Contents Before Use Infor mation for You r Safe ty .... .. .... .. .... ... .... 2 Quick Gui de ...... .... ...... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... 8 Standard Access ories ............................... 9 Names of the Components ........
7 VQT1T 27 • 7 [ AERIAL PHOTO] ......... ...... .... .... 68 • [PIN HOLE] ........ .... ....... ...... ...... .. 69 • [FILM GRAIN] ........ ....... .... ...... .... 69 Motion Pictur e Mode ...... ....... .... ...... ...... .. 70 Useful Functions at Travel Destinatio ns .
VQT1 T27 8 Before Use Before Use Quick Guid e This is an overview of how to record and play back pictures with the camera. For each step, be sure to refer to the pages i ndicated in brackets. Charge the ba ttery . (P15) • The battery is not charged when the camera is shi p p ed.
9 VQT1T 27 Befo re U se St anda rd Accessories Check that all the accessories are included before using the camera. 1B a t t e r y P a c k (Indicated as battery in th e tex t) Charge the battery before use.
VQT1 T27 10 Before Use Names of the Compon ent s 1 Lens (P5 , 127) 2 Self-timer indicator (P50) AF assist lam p ( P88) 3F l a s h (P46) 4 S trap eyelet (P13) • Be sur e to attac h the stra p when usi n g the camera to ensur e tha t you will not drop it.
11 VQT1T 27 Befo re U se 12 [DISPLA Y] but ton (P42) 13 Delete button (P42) / Single or burst mode button (P54) 14 Cursor buttons 2 /Self-timer button (P50) 4 Function button (P 24) Assign [R EC] Mode Menu to 4 button. It is convenient to register [REC] Mode Menu that is used often.
VQT1 T27 12 Before Use 31 T ripod receptacle • Whe n y o u us e a tripo d , m ake s ur e the tripod is st able when the camer a is attache d to it. 32 Card/Battery door (P17) 33 Release lever (P17) 32 31 33 P.
13 VQT1T 27 Befo re U se Att aching the Lens Cap/Strap ∫ Lens Cap • When you tu rn the camera of f, carry t he camera or play back the pict ur es, att ach the lens cap to prot ect the surface of th e lens. Pass the string through the hol e on the lens cap.
VQT1 T27 14 Before Use Pass the stra p throu gh the ring f irst, a nd then p ass throug h the stopper a nd fasten the strap. A Pull the str ap 2 cm (0.07 f eet) or more. • Atta ch the s trap t o the o ther s ide of t he came ra being caref ul not to twist it.
15 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n Preparatio n Charging the Bat tery • Use the dedicat ed charge r and ba ttery . • The battery is no t charged when the c amera is shipped. Ch arge the battery before use. • Charge the bat tery with the char ger indoor s.
VQT1 T27 16 Preparation • Do not leave any m et al item s (such as cli p s) ne ar the cont act areas of the p ower plug. Otherwise , a fi re and/ or elec tric s hocks ma y be ca used by s hort-ci rcuitin g or t he resulting heat ge nerated.
17 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n The chargi ng time will vary slightly depending on the stat us of the battery and the conditions in the charging environment. When the c harging has been com pleted successfully , the [CHARGE] indicator turns off.
VQT1 T27 18 Preparation 1 :Close the c ard/battery door . 2 :Slide the r elease le ver in the direction of the arrow . • If the ca rd/battery door cannot be completel y closed, re move the card, check its direction a nd then inser t it again. Not e • Remove the ba tt ery a ft er use.
19 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n ¢ The SDHC Memory Card is a memory ca rd sta ndar d decide d by the SD Associatio n in 2006 for high cap acity memory cards more th an 2 GB.
VQT1 T27 20 Preparation Press [MENU/SET]. Press 2 / 1 to selec t the i tems (y ear , month, day , hour , minute, displ ay seque nce or tim e display format), and press 3 / 4 to se t . A : T ime at the home area B : T ime at the travel destination (P73) ‚ : Cancel without setting t he clock.
21 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n ∫ Functions that cann ot be set or will no t work und er some condi tions Due to the c amera’s specifications, it may not be possible to set some of the f unctions or some functions may not work in some of t he conditions und er which the camera is used.
VQT1 T27 22 Preparation T urn the camera on. A [MEN U/SET ] bu tton B [REC]/[PLA YBACK] selector switch C Mode dial Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBACK] selector switch to [ ! ]. • When sel ecting the [PL A YBACK] mode menu settings, set the [REC]/[P LA YBACK] se lector sw itch to [ ( ], and proc eed to step 4 .
23 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n Pr es s [M E NU/S ET] to close the m enu . By using the quick menu, some of the menu settings can be easily f ound. • Some of the men u items cann ot be set by the modes. • Y ou can set t he fo llowing ite m s in de tail by pr essing [DISP LA Y].
VQT1 T27 24 Preparation • Refer to P1 9 for details. • Refer to P7 3 for details. • Refer to P7 1 for details. • When you conn ec t the camer a to a T V , the volume of the TV speak ers does not change. • Refer to P6 0 for details. • Refer to P40 fo r details abou t the revie w .
25 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n • The br ightness of the pictur es display ed on t he LCD mon itor i s incre ased so some subjec ts may appear dif ferent ly from actualit y on the LCD monitor .
VQT1 T27 26 Preparation • Refer to P5 8 for details. • Press the shutt er b utton h alfway o r turn the ca mera of f an d on t o cancel [POWE R SA VE]. • [POWER SA VE] is set to [5MIN.] in the Intelligent aut o mode. • [POWER SA VE] is fixed to [2MI N.
27 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n When the f old er number r eac hes 999, t he number can not be reset. W e recomme nd f ormatting the card (P28) af ter sav ing the dat a on a PC or elsewhere. • T o reset the fol der numb er to 100 , format the built -in memory or the c ard first and then use thi s functi o n to rese t th e fil e num b e r.
VQT1 T27 28 Preparation • Use a ba ttery wit h suf ficien t batt ery power or the AC adapt or (DMW -AC5PP; optional ) when formattin g. Do not turn the c amera off dur ing format t ing. • If a card has been inserted, only the card is for matted. T o format the built -in memo ry , remove the card.
29 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n A Jitter detection demonstra tion B Movement de tectio n demonstra tion • In playba ck mode, [JIT TER, SUBJ. MOV E DEMO.] cannot be display ed. • Press [DISPL A Y] to close [JIT TER, SU BJ. M OVE DEM O.]. Press [MENU/S ET] to close [A UTO DEM O].
VQT1 T27 30 Preparation Switch the mod e by rota ting the mode dial. Align a de s ir e d m ode wit h pa r t B . • Rotate the mode dial slowly and surely to adju st to each mode . ( The mode dial rotates 360 o ) The screen C is displayed on the LCD monitor when the mode dial is tu rned.
31 VQT1T 27 Preparatio n This allows you to select the as pect ratio of the pictures to suit printing or the pl ayback me thod. Switchin g the aspe ct ratio se lec tor swit ch. • The ends of t he recorded pi ctures may be cut at printing s o ch eck before prin ting.
VQT1 T27 32 Basic [REC] mode: ³ Basic T a king pictures with your fav orite settings ( : P r ogram AE mode) The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to the brightness of the subject. Y ou can take pictures with greater freedom by changing various settings in [REC] menu.
33 VQT1T 27 Basic ∫ Setting the color tone o f the picture by using the [REC] mo d e menu (P74) ∫ When taking pictures us ing the Built-in flash (P46) ∫ When taking pictures u sing the zoom (P38.
VQT1 T27 34 Basic • When it is dark or when jitte r occurs • When the camer a is too clos e to the sub j ect or when t aking a pic ture of bot h distan t and near subject s When the jitter alert [ ] appears, use [ST ABILIZE R] (P87) , a t ripod or the self-timer (P50) .
35 VQT1T 27 Basic • Program shift is canc eled if the c amera is t urned of f o r the j oystick i s moved up and down unt il the program shif t indic at ion disappea rs.
VQT1 T27 36 Basic ∫ T o adjust the exposure and take pictures at times when the image appears too dark (P51) When the camera identifies the optimum scene, the icon of t he scene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 seconds, af ter which its color changes to the usual red.
37 VQT1T 27 Basic It is possible to set the focus to the specifi ed subject. Focus will keep following the subject automatically even if it moves. Ref er to P8 3 for details. • Set the [ AF TRACKING] in the [ REC] mode menu to [O N]. ([ ] is display ed on the screen .
VQT1 T27 38 Basic • The fo llowing fun ctions c annot b e used. – Flash output ad justment / Auto br acket/ Multi aspect / White balan ce fine adjustment /[AF/ AE LOC K]/[M UL TI.
39 VQT1T 27 Basic ∫ T ypes of z ooms • When using the zoom function, an e stimate of the focus range will appear in conjunction with the zoom display bar . (Exa mple: 0.5 m (1.64 f t.) – ¶ ) ¢ 1 The magnificat ion leve l dif fers de pend ing on [PI CTURE SIZE] and [ASPE CT RA TIO] set ti ng.
VQT1 T27 40 Basic [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Playing back Pictu res ([NORMAL PLA Y]) Press 2 / 1 to selec t th e pict ure. A File number B Picture numb er • S peed of pic ture forward ing/rewindin g changes depe nding on th e play back st at us. ∫ Fast fo r wa r di ng/Fast rewinding Press and hold 2 / 1 during playback.
41 VQT1T 27 Basic Rot ate the zoom lever tow ards [ L ] (W). 1 screen > 12 screens > 30 screens > Calendar screen disp lay (P97) A Number of the s elected pi cture a nd the tota l number of recorded pictur es • Rot ate th e zoom le v er tow a r ds [ Z ] (T) to retur n to t he previous s creen.
VQT1 T27 42 Basic [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictu res cannot be recovered. • Pictures on the buil t-in memory or the ca rd, which is being pl ayed back will be deleted. Switching the [PLA YBACK] mode 1 Press [MENU/SET] during playback.
43 VQT1T 27 Basic ∫ When [D ELETE ALL] has been selected wi th the [F A VORITE] (P105) setting The selection s creen is displayed aga in. Select [DELETE ALL] or [ ALL DELETE EXCEPT Ü ] , press 3 to s elect [YES] and de lete the pictures. ([ALL D ELETE E XCEP T Ü ] cannot be selected if no pictures have been set as [F A VORITE] .
VQT1 T27 44 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Advanced (Reco rding pictures) About the LCD Monitor Press [DISPLA Y] to change. A LCD monitor B [DIS P LA Y] butt on • When the menu sc reen app ears, t he [DI SPLA Y] butt on is not activated .
45 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ∫ Recordi ng guide lin e When you align the subject on the horizont al and ve rtical guide lines or the cross point of these lines, you can take pictures with well-designed compos ition by viewing the size , the slope an d the balance of the s ubject.
VQT1 T27 46 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) [REC] mode: T a king Pictures using the Bu ilt-in Flash A T o open the f lash Press the flash open button. B T o clos e the flash Press the flash until it clicks. • Be sure to clos e the flash when not in use.
47 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ¢ The flash is activated twice. The subject should not move until the second flash is activated. Interval until the s econd flash depends on the brightness of the subject.
VQT1 T27 48 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) ∫ The available flash range to t ake pictures • The available f lash range is an appr oximation. ¢ When the [IS O LIMIT SET] (P7 8) is set to [AUTO] • In [ HIGH S ENS.
49 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ∫ Shutter speed for each flash setting ¢ 1 It may vary depe ndin g on the [MI N . SHTR SPEED] setting (P88) .
VQT1 T27 50 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Slide the foc us selector switch to [A F # ]. • In AF macro mo de, [ ] is displayed. T a ke th e p ictu res. ∫ Focus range ¢ The focus range changes in s teps. Not e • We recomme nd us ing a tripod and the s elf-timer .
51 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Note • When using a t r ipo d etc., set ting the se lf-timer to 2 seconds is a convenient way t o av oid the jitter caus ed by pressin g the shutter button. • When you press the shutter button onc e fully , the subject is aut oma tically foc used just bef ore recording.
VQT1 T27 52 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) ∫ Operate with th e joystick Tilt the joystick to ward 2 to select [ È ], and the n move 3 / 4 to compe nsate the ex posure. A Exposur e compensat ion val ue • Select [ È ] only to r etu rn to the origin al exposur e (0 EV).
53 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Pressing the s hutter button once automa tically takes three pictures with aspect ratios of [4:3], [3:2] and [16:9] (with a single shutter sound). Press [DISPLA Y] to display [MUL TI ASPECT] from the auto br acket.
VQT1 T27 54 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) • The exposur e may not be compens ated with auto bra cket dependi ng on the bri ghtness of t he subject. • Wh en au to bra c ke t i s se t , th e fl a sh is [ Œ ]. • When auto brack et/multi asp ect i s set, burst mode and [MUL TI FILM] (P76) setti ngs will be cancel ed.
55 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • The burst s peed values giv en above apply when th e shutter speed is 1/60 or fa ster and when the flas h is not activ ated. Note • When the burst mode setting is set t o Unlimited – The burst speed becomes slower halfway .
VQT1 T27 56 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Set the [REC]/[PLA YBACK] selector switch to [ ! ], and then set the mode d ial to [ ]. Tilt th e joystick to wards 3 / 4 to set the shutter s peed. T ake a pictu re. Not e • Refer to P57 fo r the availab l e aper ture value s and the shutt er speed.
57 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • The manual expo sure assis tance i s an approximati on. W e rec ommend checki ng the pict ures aft er takin g them using the rev iew functi on. Note • Refer to P57 for the available ap erture values and t he shutte r sp eed.
VQT1 T27 58 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Manual expo sure Not e • The apertu re values given i n the table abov e ar e values when t he z oom lever is rot ated to Wide. • Depending o n the z oom magnif ication , some of the aperture values cannot be select ed.
59 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Pr es s [M E NU/S ET] to close the m enu . • Y ou can also pre ss the shutter button half way to finish. ∫ Changing th e zoom area The magnified area can be changed while the screen is expanded using MF Assist.
VQT1 T27 60 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) ∫ Pref ocus This allows the camera to be focused in advanc e on an arbitrary point. It is useful when it is difficult to achieve a sha rp focus usi ng autofocus or the subject is fast-moving. This function is suitable when the distance bet ween the camera and the subject is cer tain.
61 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) [REC ] m o de: T aking pictures in Custom mode Y ou can select one of your own custom s ettings saved with [CUST . SET MEM .] to suit the picture-taking conditions. Initial setting of the program AE mode is registered as the c ustom settings initially .
VQT1 T27 62 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) [REC] mode: ¿ T a king pictures that match the scene being recorded ( : Scene mode) When you s elect a scene mod e to match t he subject and recording situation, the camera sets the optimal exposure and hue to obtain the desired p icture.
63 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) 2 Move close t o the subject t o make this m ode more effective. Note • The initial setting for [AF MODE] is [ š ]. When taking pictures of people outdoors during the daytime, this mode enables the texture of their skin to appear even softer than with [PORTRAIT].
VQT1 T27 64 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Set here wh en you want to take pictures of sports scenes or other fast-moving events. Not e • This mode is sui t able for t aking pi c tures of subj ects at di stances of 5 m (16.4 feet) or more. • [INTE LLIGE NT ISO] is act ivated, and m axi mum ISO sensitivity level becomes [ISO800].
65 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Select this wh en you want t o take pictures at a w edding reception, an indoor party etc. This allows you to take pictures of people and the background with near real-life brightness. ∫ T echnique f or Part y mode • Use the flas h.
VQT1 T27 66 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) • The focus ra nge becomes the same as AF macro mod e. [ 1 cm (0.0 4 feet) (Wide)/30 cm (0.99 feet ) (T ele) to ¶ ] • [INTE LLIGE NT ISO] is act ivated, and m axi mum ISO sensitivity level becomes [ISO400].
67 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • The burst s peed change s according to th e recording cond itions. • The number of burst rec ording pictures are limit ed by the pict ure-tak ing condit ions and the type and/or st atus of the c ard used.
VQT1 T27 68 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) 2 T ake p ictures. • Press the shutte r button f ully to displa y the count down screen. Do not move th e ca mera afte r this screen is display ed. When count down fini shes, [PLE ASE W AIT ...] is di s played for t he same length of t ime as the set shut ter speed f or signal proc es sing.
69 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ∫ T echnique for Aeri al photo mode • We reco mmend using th is technique if it is dif ficult to foc us when tak ing pictur es of cloud s et c .
VQT1 T27 70 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) [REC] mode: n Advanced (Reco rding pictures) Motion Picture Mode • When you set the pict ure qual ity to [ ], [ ] or [ ], we recomme nd using a high-speed card with “10MB /s ” or gre ater displa ye d on t he package .
71 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • fp s “frames per sec ond”; This refer s to the number of frames us ed in 1 second . • Y ou can record smoo ther motion pic t ures with “30 fps” and “24 fps”. • Y ou can recor d longer motion pictures wi th “10 fps” altho ugh the pictu re quality is lower .
VQT1 T27 72 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) • The number of day s that have p as sed since t he depar t ure date can be printed out us in g the “PHOTOf unSTUDIO-viewer-” bundled so ftware on the CD-ROM (s upplied). • Select [CL OCK SET] to set the curre nt date and tim e in advan ce.
73 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) T ake a picture. • The n umber of days th at hav e pas sed si nce th e depar ture dat e is d isplayed f or ab out 5 secon ds if th is unit is turned on e tc. af te r setting t he travel date or when the travel da te is set.
VQT1 T27 74 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Not e • Return the se tting to [H OME] when the vac at ion is finis hed by perfor ming step s 1 , 2 and 3 .
75 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ¢ Y ou can also use in mot i on pic ture mode. Note • Y ou cannot adjust [SA TURA TION] in the black a nd white settings in film mode. • Film mode adjustment s can not be made in s cene mo de. 1 Press 2 / 1 to select a film.
VQT1 T27 76 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) ∫ Select the fi lm you wo uld like to u se with [ MUL T I FILM] 1 Press 2 / 1 to select [M UL TI FILM], and then press 4 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to select multifilms 1 to 3 and press 2 / 1 to pick out the films you wish to use as the multifilms.
77 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) ∫ When the aspect ratio is [ 3:2]. ∫ When the aspect ratio is [ 16:9]. Note • “EZ” is an abbrevia tion of “Exte nded opt i ca l Zoom”. • A digit al p ictur e is made of numer ous do ts calle d pixel s.
VQT1 T27 78 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Not e • If a RAW pict ure is recorded with the built-in memo ry , it will take time to write the pictu re dat a. • If you delete a RA W file from t he camera, the corre sponding J PEG image will also be deleted .
79 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) • ISO sensit ivity will ad just auto matically depe nding on brightness wi thin the ma ximum sett ing of [ISO40 0] ([ISO1000] when the flash is us ed) when [AUT O ] is select ed fo r [ISO LIMI T SET]. • The setti ng is not availabl e when [INTEL LIGENT ISO] is being used.
VQT1 T27 80 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) Not e • The optimal white ba lance will dif f er dep ending on the t yp e of halogen lightin g being recorded under so use [ A WB], [ ] or [ ] . • The white balanc e might not be adjusted for t he subject where the flash do es not reach when the fla sh is used.
81 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) 1 Auto white balance will work within t his range. 2 Blue sky 3 Cloudy sky (Rain) 4 Shade 5 TV sc reen 6 Sunlight 7 White fluoresc ent light 8 Incandescent l.
VQT1 T27 82 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) For det ails on [REC] mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . This allows the focusing method that suits t h e positions and number of the subjects to be selected. Applicable modes: Not e • The camera is fo cu sing on all the AF are as when multiple AF ar eas (max.
83 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) – When the f acial feat ures are hidden behin d sunglas ses, etc. – When the f ace appears sma ll on the screen – When there is rapid movemen t – Whe.
VQT1 T27 84 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) When selecting [ ] 1 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select AF area as shown in th e figure t o the right. 2 Press [MENU/SE T] to set. Not e • The spot meter ing t arge t can also be move d to match th e AF ar ea when using [ Ù ] in [MET ERIN G MODE ].
85 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Applicable modes: ∫ Setting th e AF/AE lock 1 Aim the AF area at the su bject. 2 Press [AF/AE LOCK] to fix the focus and exposure. 3 Move the camera to compos e the picture and t hen press the s hutter button fully .
VQT1 T27 86 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) 1 Select [ST ART] and then press [MENU/SET]. 2 Decide on the composition, and t ake the first pictu re. • Afte r tak ing the pictur e, pres s the s hutter button halfway down to take the n ext picture. • Press 3 / 4 to select the item and then press [MENU/SET ] f or one of the following op erations .
87 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) Note • The record ing informat ion displaye d for picture s taken with multiple ex posures is th e recording inform at ion for the last pic t ure taken.
VQT1 T27 88 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) For det ails on [REC] mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Y ou can take a picture brightly in dark places by setting [MIN. SHTR SPEED] slower . Also, you can set it faster to r educe the blur of the subject.
89 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Recor ding pictures) For det ails on [REC] mode menu settings, refer to P21 . [2ND] (2nd sy nchro) activates t he flash just before the shutter closes when taking pictures of moving objects such as cars using a slow shutter speed.
VQT1 T27 90 Advanced (Reco rding picture s) • Set to [OFF ] whe n not usi ng th e external viewfind er . • The defaul t setting for AF mode is [ Ø ]. For det ails on [REC] mode m enu settings, refer to P21 . Y ou can widen the field of view when taking pict ures of landscapes or the like by using a wide conversion lens (optional).
91 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) [PLA Y BACK] mode: ¸ Advanced (Playback) Playing Back Pictures on the Dual Display (Dual Play) Y ou can dis play two recorded pictures on the screen to compare them. Slide the [REC]/[PLA YBACK] selector switch to [ ( ], and then press [M ENU/SET].
VQT1 T27 92 Advanced (Pl ayback) [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Playing Back Pictu res in Sequence (Slide Sh ow) Y ou can play back the pictures y ou have taken in synchronisation with music, and you can do this in sequence while leaving a fixed interval between each of the pictures.
93 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) ∫ Operations performed during slide sh ow The curs or displayed during playbac k is the same as 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . • The menu screen is restored when [ ‚ ] is pressed.
VQT1 T27 94 Advanced (Pl ayback) [PLA YBACK] mode: ¸ Selecting Pictures and Playing them Back ([CA TEGOR Y PLA Y]/[F A VORITE PLA Y]) This mode allows you to search images by sce ne mode or other c ategories (such as [PORTRAIT], [SCENERY] or [NIGHT SC ENE RY]) and sort the pictures into each of the categories.
95 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Y ou can play back the pictures y ou have set as [F A VORITE] (P105) (Only w hen [F A VOR ITE] is set to [ON] and there are pictures which have been set to [F A VORITE]). Perform step s 1 an d 2 on p age 92. Pr ess 3 / 4 to select [F A VORITE PLA Y], and then p ress [MENU/S ET].
VQT1 T27 96 Advanced (Pl ayback) Not e • Sound can be heard th roug h the spea ker . Ref er to [VOLUME ] (P24) f or informat i on a bout how to ad just t he volu me i n the [ SETUP] menu. • The file for mat that can be playe d bac k with this camera is Quic k T ime Motion JPEG .
97 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Pr ess 3 to select [YES] and then press [MENU/SET]. The picture s ize are as following. • [QUA LI T Y] is fixe d to [ › ]. Note • Y ou may not be able to save still pictures from a motion picture t aken on other equip ment.
VQT1 T27 98 Advanced (Pl ayback) Not e • The recording da te of the pic ture select ed in the playbac k screen becomes the date selec ted when the calen dar s creen is firs t dis played. • If the re ar e mult iple pict ures with t he same recor ding date, the f irs t pic ture re corded on t hat day is display ed.
99 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Pr ess 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select text an d then pre ss [MENU/SET] to register . • Press [D ISPLA Y] to swi tch text be tween [A ] (cap itals), [a] (s mall case) and [&/1] (s pecial ch aracters and numbers) .
VQT1 T27 100 Advanced (Pl ayback) Press 3 / 4 to se lect [SINGLE] or [MUL TI] and then press [MENU /SET]. Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select [S HOOTING DA TE], [AGE], [T RA VEL DA TE] or [TITLE] and then press [M ENU/SET] to set eac h item. [SHOOTING DA TE] [AGE] (P 65) If this is set to [ ON], [AGE] is stamped on the pictures.
101 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Pr es s [ ‚ ] to return to the menu screen. ¢ ¢ The menu screen is automa tically restor ed when [MUL TI] is selected.
VQT1 T27 102 Advanced (Pl ayback) Press 3 t o select [YES] a nd then press [MENU/ SET]. Press [ ‚ ] to re turn to the menu sc reen. ¢ ¢ The menu screen is automatically res tored when [MUL TI] is selected. • Press [ME NU/S ET] to clos e the menu.
103 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Note • Dependi ng on t he cut size, the pictur e si ze of the tr immed picture may become smaller th an that of the ori ginal pic ture. • The pi cture quali ty of the trimmed pictur e will det eriorate. • It may not be poss ible to trim pictu res recorded wit h oth er equipment.
VQT1 T27 104 Advanced (Pl ayback) Press [ ‚ ] to re turn to the menu sc reen. • Press [ME NU/S ET] to clos e the menu. Not e • After convert ing the aspect r atio, the pi cture siz e may bec ome larger than t hat of the o riginal picture. • Y ou may not be able to conv ert pict ures taken on ot her equipme nt .
105 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Select [ROT A TE DISP .] on the [PLA YBACK] mode menu. (P2 1) Note • When you p lay back pict ures on a PC, t hey canno t b e display ed in the rot ated di rection u nles s the OS or software is comp atible with Exif.
VQT1 T27 106 Advanced (Pl ayback) Not e • Y ou can set up to 99 9 pictures as fav orites. • When printi ng pic tures at a phot o printing s tore, [ALL DELETE EXCEP T Ü ] (P43) is us ef ul so only the pictu res you want to be printed remain on t he card.
107 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) • Y ou cannot select [CANCEL] if not even o ne picture has be en set for DPO F printing . ∫ T o print th e date After setting the number of pri nts, set/cancel printing with the recording date by pressing [DISPLA Y].
VQT1 T27 108 Advanced (Pl ayback) • If you press [MENU/SET] while canceling protectio n, the cance ling will stop halfway . Not e • The protect set t ing may not be ef fective on other equipmen t. • Even if you protect picture s in the built-in memor y or a card, they will be delete d if the bu ilt-in memory or the card is for matte d.
109 VQT1T 27 Advanced (Playback) Pr ess 2 / 1 to select the picture and then pres s [MENU/SET]. Pr ess 3 to select [YES], and the n press [MENU/ SET]. • If you press [M E N U/S ET] whi le cop yi n g pict ures fr om th e built-in memory to the card, the copying will stop halfway .
VQT1 T27 110 Connecting to other equi pment Connecting to othe r equipment Connecting t o a PC Y ou can acquire recorded pictures to a PC by connecting the camera and the PC.
111 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment Using a drag-an d-drop operation, move the pic tures you w ant to acquire o r the folder storing those p ictures to any different fo lder on the PC. ∫ Disconnecting the USB connection cable safely • Proceed with the hardware re moval using “Saf ely Remove Hardware” on the t ask tray of t he PC.
VQT1 T27 112 Connecting to other equi pment ∫ Vie wi ng the cont ent s of the buil t-in memor y or card usin g the PC (folder compos ition) A new folder is created when pictures are t aken in the following situati ons.
113 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment Connect the camera to a printer via the USB con nection cabl e A (supplied) . Note • Do not use any other USB connection cables exc ept the supp lied one. Use of cabl es other than the s upplied USB connecti on cabl e may cau se malfunc tion.
VQT1 T27 114 Connecting to other equi pment ¢ Only when [F A VORIT E] is at [ON] and when the re are pictur es set as favor ites. (P1 05) Selecting a single p icture and printi ng it Press 2 / 1 to sel ect th e pict ure and t hen pre ss [MENU/SET]. • The message disappears in about 2 seconds.
115 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment Select and set the items b oth on the sc reen in step 2 of th e “ Selecting a single picture and printing it ” and in step 3 of the “ Select ing mul tiple p ictures and pri nting t hem ” proc edures.
VQT1 T27 116 Connecting to other equi pment • An item cannot be s elected if the printer does not support the p age layout . ∫ Layout printi ng When printing a picture several times on 1 sheet of paper For example, if you want to pr int the same picture 4 times on 1 sheet of paper , set [P AGE LA Y OUT] to [ ä ] and then set [NUM.
117 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment 1 Y ellow: to the video input socket 2 White: to the audio input soc ket A Align the mark s, and insert. B A V cable (supplied) • Check the dire ctions of th e connectors , and plug th em st raig ht in or unpl ug them straight out.
VQT1 T27 118 Connecting to other equi pment Y ou can enjoy high quality pictures and moti on pictures on the TV by connecting the camera with the TV using component c able (DMW-HDC2: optional). Component output is output as 1080i. Connect with a TV compat ible with the 1080i.
119 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment • When pictu r es are displayed, they may no t be dis played pro per ly depending on the type of TV . • Read th e op e rat ing instr u ct ion s f or th e TV .
VQT1 T27 120 Connecting to other equi pment Select [CONVERSION] o n the [REC] menu. • Refer to P90 for [CONV ERS IO N]. Press 3 / 4 to select [ ], and then pre ss [MENU/SET] to set. Not e • When there is dir t (water , oil, an d fingerprint s , etc.
121 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment • Ensure that the screw par ts of the len s adaptor and the filter are prop erly tightened . Note • Do not atta ch multiple filters at the same time . • If the filte r is tighten ed too much, you may not be able to r emov e it.
VQT1 T27 122 Connecting to other equi pment Press 3 / 4 to s elect a mode . • What screen will be displayed here dep end s on the flash mode setti ng of the exter nal flash unit Press [MENU/SET]. • While the extern al flash is conn ec ted, the follo wing icons are displayed.
123 VQT1T 27 Connecting t o other equi pment Using External Viewfinder (optional) When using the external viewfinder (DMW-VF1; optional), the screen for t aking the wide-angle pictures can be displayed on the viewfinder . Preparations: Turn off the cam era and close the b uilt-in flash.
VQT1 T27 124 Others Othe rs Screen Display ∫ In re c or d in g Recording in program AE mode [ ] (Initial setting) 1 Recording mode 2 Flash mode (P46) 3 AF area (P33) 4 Focus (P33) 5 Film mode ( P74).
125 VQT1T 27 Others 32 Minimum shu tter speed (P88) 33 Self-timer mo de (P50) 34 Age ¢ 1 (P65) Location ¢ 2 (P71) 35 Program shift (P34) 36 Exposure compens ation (P51) 37 Power LCD (P25) / „ : Au.
VQT1 T27 126 Others Cautions for Use T ake care not to drop or knock the unit or put a lot of pressure on it. • T ake car e not to knock or drop the bag/c ase that you ins e rted th e camera in as th e sh ock may cause damage to the camera, lens or LCD monitor .
127 VQT1T 27 Others • If the camera is cold when you turn it on, the pict ure on the LCD monitor will be slightly darker than u sual at first . However , the picture wi ll return to normal b rightness whe n the internal temperat ure of the ca mera inc reases.
VQT1 T27 128 Others Do not leave the card where the temperature is high, where electromag netic waves or stati c electricity are easily generated or exposed to direct sunlight. Do not bend or dr op the card. • The card may be dama ged or the recorded content may be da maged or delete d.
129 VQT1T 27 Others [THIS PI CTUR E IS PROTE C TE D ] > Delete the picture af ter cancel ing the protec t setting . (P1 07) [THIS PICTURE CANNOT BE DELETED]/[SOME PICTURES CANNOT BE DELETED] • Pictu res not based on the DCF stand ard cann ot be d eleted.
VQT1 T27 130 Others Functions that cannot be set or will not work under some conditio ns Due to the camera’s specifications, i t may not be possible to set some of the functions or some functions may not work in some of t he conditions under which the camera is used.
131 VQT1T 27 Others • For the funct i ons which cannot be set or will not work in the Intelligent aut o mode, refer to “ Settings in Intellige nt auto mode ” (P37 ) .
VQT1 T27 132 Others [MUL T I AS PEC T] (P53) • 9 , ô , , 5 , and in [SCENE MODE] • $ mode • When [QUA L IT Y ] is set to [ ], [ ] or [ ] • [MUL TI. EXP O. ] [BURST] (P54) • ô , , 5 , and in [ SCENE MO DE] • [MUL TI. EXP O. ] • $ mode • [AUDIO REC.
133 VQT1T 27 Others [MIN . SHTR SPEED] (P88) • ¹ mode • ¼ mode • º mode • Û mode • $ mode • When Intellig ent ISO is set [AUDIO REC.] (P88) • [AUTO B RACKET] • [MUL TI ASPEC T] • [BURST] • ô , and 5 in [SCENE MODE] • $ mode • [MUL TI FILM] in [FILM MODE] is set • [MUL TI.
VQT1 T27 134 Others ∫ Functions that cannot be used when the componen t cable is connected [LCD MODE]/[HI STOGRAM]/ [TITLE E DIT]/[TE XT ST AMP]/[RES IZE]/[TRIM MING]/ [LEVELI NG][ASPECT CONV .
135 VQT1T 27 Others • Is the [REC] /[PLA YBAC K] selec tor switc h at the [ ! ] setti ng? (P2 9) • Is the mode dial co rrectly set ? • Is ther e any memory remaining on the b uilt-in memo ry or the card? > Delete the pict ures which are not nec essary to increas e the available memory .
VQT1 T27 136 Others > Set [NOISE REDUCTION] in [FI LM MODE] towards [ _ ] or set ev ery item except [NOISE REDUCTION] towards [ ` ]. (P74) > T a ke picture s in bright places .
137 VQT1T 27 Others • The LCD monito r turns off and the sta tus indicato r lights when [A UTO LCD OFF] (P2 6) is selec ted for the [EC ONOMY ] mo de.
VQT1 T27 138 Others • [ROT A TE DISP .] (P104 ) is set to [ON ]. • Y ou can rotat e pictures wit h the [ROT A TE] function. (P104) • Is t he [RE C]/[PLA YBAC K] sele ctor s witch se t to [ ( ]? (P40) • Is th ere a pic ture on the b uilt-in memory or the card? > The pictu res on the built -in memory ap pear when a card is not ins erted.
139 VQT1T 27 Others • This unit aut oma tically ad jus ts the ape rture dur ing motion pict ur e recording. At such times, a clicking s oun d is heard, and this sound may be rec orded on the mot i on pic tures. This is not a malfunctio n. • Is t he camer a connect ed to the TV correc tly? > Set the TV i nput to extern al input mod e.
VQT1 T27 140 Others > Press [MENU/ SET], sel ect the [SET UP] menu icon [ ] and then s elec t the [ ~ ] icon to set the desi red language. (P 28) • In dark places , the AF assi st lamp (P88) light s red to make it easier to fo cus on a subjec t. • This is a highligh t f unc tion showin g the white saturate d area.
141 VQT1T 27 Others • If the batte ry was inserte d or remove d wit hout f irst t urning the ca mera’s p ower off, the folder and file numbers for t he pict ures taken will not be stor ed in the memory .
VQT1 T27 142 Others Othe rs Number of Recordabl e Pictures and Available Recording Time • The number of reco rda ble picture s an d the available rec ord ing time are an appro ximation. (These vary depe nding on the rec ording con dit ions and the t y pe of card.
143 VQT1T 27 Others Aspect rat io 4:3 Pictur e si ze (3M ): (2048 k 15 36) (2M ): (1600 k 1200) (0 .3M ): (640 k 480) Quali ty A › A › A › Built- in Memory (Appr ox.
VQT1 T27 144 Others Aspect ratio 3:2 Picture si ze (4.5M ): (2656 k 17 68) (3M ): (21 12 k 1408) (2. 5M ): (2048 k 13 60) Quali ty A › A › A › Built- in Me mor y (Appro x.
145 VQT1T 27 Others ∫ Avail able recording time (when record ing motion pictures) Aspect rat io 16:9 Pictur e si ze (4.5M ): (2784 k 156 8) (2.5M ): (2208 k 1248) (2M ): (1920 k 1080 ) Quali ty A › A › A › Built- in Memory (Appr ox.
VQT1 T27 146 Others Not e • The number of reco rda ble picture s an d the available rec ord ing time displa ye d on the screen may not decr eas e in order . • This unit does not sup port recor ding motion pictu res on MultiMediaCard s. • The extende d optical zo om does not work in [HIGH SENS.
147 VQT1T 27 Others Burst recording Burst speed: 2.5 pictu res/second ( Nor mal ), Appr ox. 2 pictures/s econd (Unlimited) Number of recordable pictur es: Max.
VQT1 T27 148 Others Meteri ng mode: Multiple/Center weighted/S pot LCD monito r: 3.0 q low-temperature polycrystalline TFT LCD (Approx. 460,000 dots) (field of view rat io about 100%) Flash: Built-in pop up flash Flash range: [ISO AUTO] Approx. 80 c m (2.
149 VQT1T 27 Others Quality: Fine/S tandard/RA W/RAW i Fi ne/RA W i S tandard Recording file format Still Pic tu re: JPEG (based on “Design rule for Camera F ile system”, based on “Exif 2.21” standard)/RAW , DPOF corresponding Pictures with audio: JP EG (based on “Design rule for Camera F ile system”, based on “Exif 2.
VQT1 T27 150 Others Othe rs Digital Camera Accessory System ¢ 1 The battery cannot be char ged with the AC adap tor . Use t he s upplied char ger . ¢ 2 The lens ada pto r (DMW - LA4; op tio nal) is neces sary t o att ach a wide c onver sio n lens or filt er .
151 VQT1T 27 Others Digit al Camera Accesso ry Order Form (For USA Customers) In CANADA, please contact your local Dealer for more information about accessories.
VQT1 T27 152 Others Request for Service Notice (For USA Only) Mail this completed form and your Proof of Purchase along with your unit to: Panasonic Camera and Digital Service Center 1590 T ouhy A ve. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Request for Service Notice: (USA Only) Please photocopy this form when making a request for service notice.
153 VQT1T 27 Others Limited W arranty (For USA Only) P ANASONIC CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMP ANY , DIVISION OF P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One P a nasonic W a y , Secaucus , New Jerse y 070 94 P ANASONIC PUER T O RICO , INC . A v e. 65 de Inf ante ría, Km.
VQT1 T27 154 Others Carry-In or Mail-In Service F or Carry-In or Mail-In Service in the Unit ed States c all 1-800-211 -P ANA (7262). F or assist ance in Pu er to Rico c all P a nasonic Puer to Rico , Inc.
155 VQT1T 27 Others Customer Services Dire ctory (Fo r US A On ly) As of December 2007 Product Repairs MAIL TO : Centralized Factory Service Center Panasonic Camera and Digital Service Center 1590 Touhy Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Please carefully pack and ship, prepaid and insured, to the Elk Grove Village Centralized Factory Service Center.
VQT1 T27 156 Others Othe rs Précautions à prend re (pou r le Ca na da ) • Assurez-vou s d’ utilis er un adapt ateur sect eur de marqu e Pan asonic (DMW- AC5PP ; en opt ion) . • Assurez-vou s d’utiliser une batterie de marq ue Panasoni c (CGA-S005A).
157 VQT1T 27 Others • Le puissant champ magnéti que de haut-p arleur s ou de moteurs peut endommager les données enregistré es et distordre les image s. • Les ond es élec tromagné tiques émises p ar un microproc esseur peu vent nu ire à l’ appa reil phot o numérique et perturber l’image et le son.
VQT1 T27 158 Index A AC Adaptor .......... ................... ..... 110, 113 Access I ndication ..... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... 18 Aerial Photo Mode ..... ....... .... ...... ...... ..... 68 AF Area Selection ........... .... ...... ...... .
159 VQT1T 27 M Manual Exposure ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... 58 Manual Exposure Assistance ...... ...... .... 56 Manual Focus ... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... .... .... 58 MC Protect or ....... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ...... 120 Metering Mode .
VQT1T27 F0708JT0 ( 4000 ) P Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company , Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, NJ 07094 Panasonic Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985 Panasonic Canada Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic DMCLX3K (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic DMCLX3K heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic DMCLX3K vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic DMCLX3K leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic DMCLX3K krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic DMCLX3K bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic DMCLX3K kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic DMCLX3K . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.