Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FWR-714N van de fabrikant Phicomm
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300 Mbps Wireless N R outer FWR - 7 14N User Ma nual User Man ual / V2 .0.
2 Copyright Stateme n t PHICOMM is t he r egister ed trademark of Shangh ai F eixun Communication Co ., Ltd. Oth er trademark or trade name men tioned herein are the trademark or registered trad emark of the company .
i Tabl e of Cont ents 30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................. 1 Product O verview ....................................................................................
ii Tabl e of Cont ents 30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com WPS Settin gs .......................................................................................................................... 22 WDS S ettings .............................
iii Tabl e of Cont ents 30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com Static R outing Table ............................................................................................................ 33 Dynamic R outing Settings ......................
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 1 Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Introducti on Product O verv iew Thank you f or ch oosing FWR -7 14N W ireless N Router . FWR -7 14N 30 0Mbps W ireless N Rout er is an all - in - one router , ideal for home and SOHO users to share broadband Internet connec tion over the wired and wireless net work.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 2 Chapter 1: Introduction complete, the LED is continuously lit. WLAN LED : The Wire less LED li ghts up whe n th e wireless feature is enabled. It fl ashes when th e Router sends or receives data over the wireles s networ k.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 3 Chapter 1: Introduction WPS: Press th e button and the WPS LED in front panel flashing, WPS function is en abl ed. Reset: Lo ng press and hold the butto n for 8 secon ds, the Router w ill reboot to its factory default settings.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 4 Chapter 1: Introduction Main F eatu res • 4 LAN ports and 1 WAN p ort • Wireless N speed up to 30 0Mbps, ideal for internet sur fing an d on - lin e .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 5 Chapte r 2: Instal lation Chap ter 2 : Insta llation Physical Con nec tion No te: • Actual product m ay be diff erent as the pic ture, but the installation will be th e same. • Please use the included power adapt er .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 6 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 1) Click Start > Co ntrol Panel . F or Windows XP/20 00 2) Select and double click Network Connections .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 7 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 3) Right cli ck Local Area Connection and then select Properti es . 4) Select Internet Proto c ol (T CP/IP) and clic k Properties .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 8 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 5) Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS ser ver addr ess automaticall y .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 9 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 2) Click Network a nd Internet . 3) Click Net work and Sharing Center ..
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 10 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 4) Go to Change Ada pter Settings (win7)/ Manage Netw ork Connection s ( Vi s ta ) .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 11 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 6) Select I ntern et P rot ocol V ersi on 4 ( T CP/IPv4) and clic k Pr oper ties . 7) Select Obt ain an IP add ress automatically and Obtain DN S ser ver address automat ically .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 12 Chapte r 2: Instal lation 1) Open your web browser , in the address bar , type in 192. 168.0.1 2) Y ou are prompt to enter the Username/Password ( preset as admin/admin) wh ich you can found on the label at the bottom of your router , and then c lick Logi n .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 13 Chapte r 2: Instal lation a. Select Static IP if your ISP g i ve s you the S tatic IP A ddress , S ubnet M a sk , Default Gate way and DNS S erver A ddress , type in th ose infor mation and th en cl ick Next .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 14 Chapte r 2: Instal lation e. S elect PP TP if your ISP p rovides PP TP con nection , and the n click N ext . 5) In this page, the SSI D is the n ame of your wireless net work, you can give it a different name .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 15 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Chap ter 3 : Route r Configur ation You can see th ere are twelve main menus o n the left side of the r outer’s web manag ement page. On the righ t side, you can see a small HELP button, ther e are the corresponding explanati ons and instruction s.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 16 Chapter 3: Router Configuration W AN W A N Conne ctio n T ype: To make sure th e connection type your ISP provides, pl ease refer to the ISP for more informa tion. Dynamic I P (DHCP): Conne ctio ns us e dynamic IP address a ssignmen t, it mea ns your ISP is runnin g a DHCP ser ver .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 17 Chapter 3: Router Configuration LAN MAC Add ress : The physical address of the router . IP Address : Th e LAN IP Address of the router . Subnet Mask : The Subnet Mask asso ciated with the LAN IP Address.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 18 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Wireless Setting s There are s even submenus under the w ireless menu: Wirele ss Basic Se ttings , Wireless Securi ty Settings , Wireless MAC Addre ss Filter , Advanced Wireless Settings , Wireless Client s List , WPS Settings and WDS Settings .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 19 Chapter 3: Router Configuration change th e wireless channel if you notice interferenc e problems with another n earby access point, or th e wireless performance is n ot as good as you expected. SSID Broadcast : If yo u choose Enabl ed, the wireless router w i ll bro adca st it s name (S SID) .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 20 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Shared Key : Selec t 802.11 Shared Key authen tications. W E PA U T O : Selec t Shared Key or Open System authen tication type automatically based on the wireless station's capability and request.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 21 Chapter 3: Router Configuration You can allow/deny the computers connect in g to the router wirelessly by entering the MAC address with this feature .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 22 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Enable WMM : If you select it, th e router will process the packets with the priority first. You are re commended to select th is option. APSD Capable: It is used for auto power - saved service.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 23 Chapter 3: Router Configuration network client an d the router thr ough encrypted contents . The users only enter th e PIN code to configure with out selecting encryption method and entering s ecret keys by manual.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 24 Chapter 3: Router Configuration MAC address table o r select one from the s canning table. At th e same time, the con necting device should be in Lazy , Repeater or Br idge mode. Repeater Mode: You can selec t the mode to extend the distan ce between the tw o WLAN devices.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 25 Chapter 3: Router Configuration End IP Address: The last address in th e IP Address pool. Lease T ime: I t is the time inter val that s er ver will change to use another DHCP address. Default Gatew ay: (Optional) Suggest to input th e IP Addr ess of the LAN por t of the Router .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 26 Chapter 3: Router Configuration NAT There are f ive submenus under th e NAT menu: Po rt Forwardi ng , Port Trigg ering , DMZ Host , UPnP an d Multicast Forwarding . Click any of them, an d you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 27 Chapter 3: Router Configuration P ort T riggering Click Add button . Application N ame: Describe the n ame of the appl ication that being set. Pleas e select one of the applic ations : There a re few comm on applicatio ns available such as Dailpad, MSN gaming, PC Phone etc.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 28 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Open P ort Pr otoc ol: T he protocol used for Incoming P or ts Range, it can be TC P , UDP or TC P /U D P . I f you are not clear about wh ich protoc ol was being us ed, TC P / U DP is recommen ded.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 29 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Multic ast F orwarding Settin gs Multicast Forw arding enables the router to issue IGMP host message on behalf of hosts that the router disco vered through standard IGMP inter faces.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 30 Chapter 3: Router Configuration SPI (State ful Packe t Inspection ): When the SPI firewall is en abled, the system r efuses all requests from the Internet.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 31 Chapter 3: Router Configuration the PING pack ets to the W AN. L ocal Web Manage ment By default, the r outer allows all computers in the LAN to log in to the router for Web management.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 32 Chapter 3: Router Configuration MAC/IP/P ort Filter This page is used to enabl e the firewall filtering func tion, selec t the filtering ser vice or manually set the parameters that n eed to be filtered , s uch as MAC address, IP addr ess and Port.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 33 Chapter 3: Router Configuration W eb URL Filter W eb URL F ilter: Check to enabl e URL filter . URL: Put in the UR L you want to filter . Routing Settings There are two submenus under the Routing Setting s menu: Static Routing T able and D ynamic Routing Settings .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 34 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Gateway : T his is the IP address of the default gateway device that allows for the contact between the R outer and the netw ork or host.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 35 Chapter 3: Router Configuration System T ools There are t en submenus under th e System T oo ls : Net work T ime settin gs , Diagnostics , WOL , F actory Defaults , Backup and Restore , P assword , System Lo g , T raffic Statistics , Fir m w a re Up gra de and Reboot .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 36 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Diagnostic s Select : S elect Ping or T racer t. IP Address/Domain Name : The destin ation IP address or domain n ame. P ing P acket T otal : The number of transmitted data packet wh en Ping operation is carried out.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 37 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Wa k e O n LAN WOL broadcasts so called M agic P ac ket Fram es ac ross a network to wake up hardware that understands s uch packets. These are normally NICs w ith Wa ke On LAN func tion.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 38 Chapter 3: Router Configuration Backup an d Restore In th e Expor t Settings column, click Backup button to sa ve all configuration settings to your local computer as a file.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 39 Chapter 3: Router Configuration System Lo g The system l og is a detailed record of th e websites that us ers on your netwo rk have access ed or attempted to access . You can enabl e remote System Log function to vi ew the l og in remote place .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 40 Chapter 3: Router Configuration This page used to display the current s ystem memor y usage, W LAN, LAN and W AN networks to send and receive data packets to the number .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 41 Chapt er 4: Specification Chap ter 4 : Specific ation Wir e less Standards IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g , IEEE 802.11b , CSMA/ CA with ACK Data R a te 11n: 300 Mbps 11g: 54Mbp s 11b: 11Mbps F requenc y Range 2.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 42 Appen dix A: T roublesh ooting Appendix A: Troublesh ooting 1. PHICOMM S etup cannot find m y Router . If PHICOMM Setup is n ot able to communicate w ith your Router during instal lation, please check the fo llowing items: 1) En sure that the r outer and modem are both on .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 43 Appen dix A: T roublesh ooting 5. The co mputer cannot c onnect to the internet wirel essly. P lease make sure you ca n access the Internet when plug in th e Ethernet cable from th e router to the c omputer, otherw ise, please refer to Question 4.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 44 Appendix B: Cer tification Appendix B : Certif icatio n FCC Sta tem ent This equ ipment h as been tested and foun d to comp ly with the l imits for a Cl ass B digital dev ice, pursuant to par t 15 of the F CC Rules.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 45 Appendix B: Cer tification • This equ ipment s houl d be ins talle d and operate d with a minimum dista nce of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body .
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 46 Appendix C: Glossar y App endix C: Glossar y 802.11b: T he 802 .11b sta ndard specif ies a wireless netwo rking at 11 Mbps using direct - sequence spread - s pectrum (DSSS) techn ology and operating in the un licensed radio spectrum at 2.
30 0Mbps Wireless N Router icomm .com 47 Appendix C: Glossar y Wi - Fi: A trad e name for th e 802.11b wireless netw orking stan dard, given by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA, s ee http://www.wi - fi . net), an industry s tandards group promoting interoperabil ity among 802.
Shanghai F eixun Commu nicat ion Co ., Ltd . E- mail: s u pport@ phico mm .c om W ebsite: www .phicom Cop yright © 201 1 Shanghai F eixun C ommunicat ion Co .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Phicomm FWR-714N (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Phicomm FWR-714N heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Phicomm FWR-714N vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Phicomm FWR-714N leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Phicomm FWR-714N krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Phicomm FWR-714N bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Phicomm FWR-714N kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Phicomm FWR-714N . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.