Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CX-2600 van de fabrikant Atari
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Contents Getting Started ……………………….. 3 Main Menu Explanation ……………………….. 5 Game Listing ……………………….. 6 Credits ……………………….. 106 Technical Support ……………………….. 107 Terms And Conditions ……………………….
Getting Started Health Warnings and Precautions • Video gam es may cause a sm all percentage of individua ls to experienc e seizures or have mome ntary loss of consciousness whe n viewing certain kin ds of flashing lights or pat terns on a television scree n.
• ATARI ® Flashback 2 (TM) Classic Gam e Console unit with Instruction Manual • Two Plug -in Joystic k Controll ers • Power Supply The ATARI ® Flashback 2 (TM) Classic Game Console comes with 40 built-in classic games. No game cartridges are required.
Troubleshooting PROBLEM SOLUTION No picture on the screen Connect the AC adapter Connect the A/V cable Turn the console unit On Turn the TV On Set the TV to A/V input Screen flickers or no color Adjus.
Arcade Favorites ARCADE ASTEROIDS(TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Now for the first tim e, play a brand new spin on the ol d Atari 26 00® classic! This version of Asteroids(TM) has been changed to look closer to th e original arcade version.
If the game variation you're playing includes sate llites and UFOs, use your Joystick to aim and press the fire button to shoot torp edoes at them ju st as you would for the aster oid boulders . When hit, small asteroids disintegrate, medium asteroids split into two asteroids, an d large asteroids break into t wo medium asteroids.
Flip Flip enables you to instantly ro tate your spac ecraft around 180-d egrees and aim in the opposite direction. Young Children’s Versions Games 33 through 66 are easy v ersions for young childr en. These games feature slow asteroid s, hyperspace, and a n extra ship each 5000 poi nts.
Scoring Points are dete rmined by the size of the a steroid boulde rs. Obvio usly, the sm aller boulders a re harder to hit and therefore worth m ore po ints. With each game or turn you have four spaceships. You can earn extra spaceships by scori ng high.
ARCADE PONG® (1 OR 2 PL AYERS) The original 1972 arcade ver sion of Pong® from Atari, t he video gam e that started it all! Controls Press Select to select 1 player or 2 player version, and pr ess your Joystick’s fir e button to start the game. Move your Joystick up/dow n to control your bat.
ASTEROIDS DELUXE(TM) ( 1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Now for the first time, play the sm ash follow-up to ATARI’s hit Asteroids(TM), Asteroids Deluxe(TM)! Space Just Got A Bit Deadlier You’re on patrol with the Cosm ic Space Patrol again, in the midst of a war against the deadly Zylors.
A reserve fleet of the ships stands ready in hyperspace. Eac h time an asteroid hits you, destroying y our ship, a reserve ship appears in the starting position in the center of the screen.
Battlezone(TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) The original ATARI 2600 version of th is 1980 arcade classic! Th e whole world is in trouble. From your combat tank, you must find and destroy the enemy tanks, aerial fighters, and flying sau cers before they find you. Get rea dy for the fut uristic fight to the fi nish.
Flying saucers do not fire at you, bu t are hard to hit and can distract you when a tank , a fighter, or a super tank is firing at you. Your Radar Screen Your radar is located at the top center of the scr een. Enem y automatons appear on the screen as white "blips" of light, your tank is located in the middle of the radar circle.
Scoring TARGET POINTS Tank 1000 POINTS Fighter 2000 POINTS Super Tank 3000 POINTS Saucer 5000 POINTS A bonus tank is awared A t 50,000 and 100,000 points.
CENTIPEDE® (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) You’re trappe d in the pe rilous Enc hanted Fore st. Dark, dang erous mushroo ms push up th rough the forest floor, snaring you on every side. Threaten ing thumps and evil buzzings fill the air. Something slippery flashe s through t he mushroom s, moving in on you.
Centipede: head............... .................. ...100 points body segment...... ............. 10 points Spider: close range.......... .............. 900 points medium range. ................ ... 600 points distant range........... .......... 300 points Flea: 200 points Scorpion: 1000 Points Mushroom: shot 1 to 3 times.
LUNAR LANDER® (1 PLAYER) Lunar Lander (TM) provides the thrills and realistic "feel " of controlled space fligh t! Players are challenged to control thrust and rotation of a lunar la nding craft to counteract simulated gravitational pull, momentum and friction.
MILLIPEDE(TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Now for the first time, play this previously unrel eased alternate version of the ATARI 2600’s original 1984 release of MillipedeTM! An army of menacing Millipedes have invaded your garden p atch, and you must shoot arrows at them to rid your plot of these pesky pests.
Scoring Mushroom ....... ............... ............... .... 1 point Millipede Head ................ ............... .......... 100 p oints Millipede Segment ................ ............... .......... 10 points Spider ................ ..............
MISSILE COMMAND® (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Aliens from the planet of Krytol have begu n an attack on the planet Zardon. The Rytolians a re warriors out to destroy and seize the planet of Zard on. Zardon is the last of the peaceful planets. The Zardonians are skillful and hardworking people.
With each wave you have 30 ABMs for defense (see Figur e 1). Your launching missile base, (bottom, centre of playfield) contains only 10 ABMs at a time. As each set of 10 ABMs is fired, you automatically receive 10 more from you underground missile dum p (b ottom, left corner).
You score points when you destroy interplanetary ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. You also score points for unused antiballistic missiles and saved citie s. Because each wave of interplanetary ballistic missiles moves faster, the points for the higher num bered waves are multiplied.
SPACE DUEL(TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Space Duel (tm) is the ATAR I classic that pits players in char ge of fighters or space stations, locked in a duel to see how ma ny asteroids and other sp ace objects t.
Adventure Territory ADVENTURE(TM) (1 PLAYER) An evil magician has st olen the Enchanted Cha li ce and has hidde n it somewhe re in the Kingdom. Now you must rescue the Enchanted Chalice and pl ace it inside the Golden Castle where it belongs.
• In all games, Yorgle, the Yellow Dragon, is afraid of the gold key and will run from it. He will also stay away from wh atever room or area of the Kingdom it is in. • To remove objects that are stu ck in a wall and out of reach, there is a magnet that affects all objects, including the bridge.
SKILL LEVELS Level 2 This Kingdom is much larg er than Level 1. Th ere are Catacombs (in which you ca n see only part way). The Key to the Golden Castle is hidden here . You must pass through the Catacombs t o reach the White Castle. The Key to the White Castle is hidden in the Blue Labyrinth.
Keys to the Kingdoms There are four kingdom s, each with their own castles: Water, He dge, Fire, and Ice . Luckily, you’ve been provided with a map to help you through your journ ey through the kingd oms. Your first task is to open the Gold Castle of the Water Kingdom.
• You cannot pick up and ca rry a slain dra gon. • The Evil Magician has crea ted a black bat that f lies around and carries objects around throughout the Kingdom , often swit ching them wit h objects that you may be carryi ng.
HAUNTED HOUSE (1 PLAYER) Many years ago in the small town of Spirit Bay, there lived a m ean old man named Za chary Graves. Old man Gra ves was not a very well li ked person. He rarely left the old ma nsion and spe nt most of hi s life brooding about the decayin g, four story house.
The urn is broken into three pi eces. A match m ust be lighted to see all ob jects including the urn pieces. To pick up a piece of the ur n, you (the eyes) m ust touch the piece. Whe n you touch it, the piece appears at the bottom , right side of the screen as show n in Figure 2.
You will hear yourself slamming into walls or lo cked d oors. You will he ar and see flashes of lightning. Wh en you hear th e wind blow, don't be su rprised if it blow s out your match. As yo u pass through doorways, you'll h ear the doors open and shut.
Game 1 is the beginning l evel. It incl udes lighted walls to help y ou see the room s. There are no doors, so no key is required, but you do need to light ma tches to see objects. Thr ee creatures; one bat, one tarantula, and one ghost try t o scare you to death.
RETRUN TO HAUNTED HOUSE(TM) (1 PLAYE R) In 1981, the stories of a m agical urn hidde n away w ithin the century old Graves' Manor in the town of Spirit Bay ent iced foolha rdy explore rs to ente r.
The closer you get to the mansion, the more yo u feel the powerfu l curse. As you enter the fir st floor of the house, you stumble throug h a previously unknown secti on and becom e trapped behin d a hidden pane l. Now the haunt ed advent ure begins .
Old Man Grav es' Eye (Transmolecular Micro Dot) - This eye can help you see the way into a previously inac cessible passageway. T he use of several objects with the ey e may assist in gaining entry... Creatures Ghosts - These restless, angry spirits will attempt to drain your life force.
TV-Type Switch The tv-type switch acts as a PAUSE GAME feature. Positioning the tv-type switch to b/w will pause the creature and player movements. Changing the switch to color will resume game play.
The Storage Area The storage ar ea is dark insi de and bats can be heard flutt ering about. An object vit al to your quest may be store d here. The Sub Basem ent Below the basement is a series of room s with an unea rthly hue that can be reached by traveling northwards and down while in the basement.
The Return To Haunted House Homebrew Team: Anthony “Tony a.k.a. atwwon g” W. Wong, Kurt "Nukey Shay" How e, Brian "Whipcrack" Wong , James "Out_of_Gas" Francis, Philip R. "Rhindle The Red" Frey. Thanks to the foll owing for additional assistance - Simon Cornwell, Joel D.
SECRET QUEST(TM) (1 PLAYE R) First there was one alien space station, then there we re three. Now there are eight. If left unchec ked, laser gates, dragons, and o ther evil creatures will wipe out the human race. To destroy each station, you' ll have to confront t he aliens in face-to-face com bat and discover t he secret destruct code .
Press the fire button to use the activ e weapon. You may have to zap an alien a number of times to destroy it. Each weapon h as a strength and ene rgy value. St ronger we apons do more dam age to the aliens. When you use a weap on, you lose en ergy units.
1. On each lev el of a statio n, look for a c ode symbol . (Station 1 ha s only 1 l evel; all other s have multiple l evels.) To move t o differe nt levels withi n a station, use the stairs and s onic doors. You might want to writ e down the c ode(s).
WIZARD(TM) (1 PLAYER) You’re the m ost powerful wizard in ancien t Irata, but an important source of you r power has been stolen! The m agical Eternal Fl ame Of Streng th has been tak en by the evil wizard Rassakr and horded de ep in his catacombs.
Skill And Action Zone 3D TIC-TAC-TOE ® (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) You have to think in 3-D for this one. Exam ine the board . Plan your st rategy. The n move you r move. Place four X’s or four O’s in one horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, or through all the planes.
can probably win . Continue to force the opp onent to block until you have two three-in-a ro ws which cannot both be bl ocked in o ne move. When planning your move s during a game, don't lose sight of the fact that your opponen t is doing the same.
AQUAVENTURE (TM) (1 PLAYER) Enjoy this unreleased Pro totyp e game from the Atari’s Vault! You’re a world famous treasure hunter on the trail of Calico Blue’s sunken pirate ship. Recently your salvage crew has discov ered the location of what it thinks is Calico Blue’s treasur e based on his last known coordinates.
ATARI CLIMBER (TM) (1 PLAYER) A sunny wee kend afternoon of baseball be hind Atari’s c orporate headqua rters becom es an adventure through the halls of the g reat video gam e company. A home-run ball lands on t op of the roof of the buil ding and you’ll need to sn eak in and get it back .
COMBAT ® (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Arm yourself against the enemy with tanks, planes or jet fighters. Blast your opponent as many times as you can for the highest score. Heavy artillery includes missiles, rapid fire machine guns or single shots. Just keep in mind that the other guy has the same weapons you do.
Tank-Pong Games TANK-PONG is a unique series of games from AT ARI. The Missile will bounce off the walls and barriers of the playfield. In the “Direct Hit” games, you score by h itting you r opponent eith er head on, or by bouncing your missile. In “Billiard Hit,” your missile must bounce at least once before hitting your opponent to score.
Jet-Fighter Games Just how good a Jet Jockey a re yo u? Here’s a chance to find out. Game No. Sky Type Missile Type 21. Clouds Gui ded Missiles 22. Clouds Straight Missiles 23. Open Skies Guided Missiles 24. Open Skies Straight Missiles If you are super-good, here are some variations to try.
COMBAT II (TM) (2 PLAYER S) Take it up a notch with this previously unreleas ed sequel to Atari's or iginal sm ash hit Combat (TM) ! Compete again st your partner for control of an expansi ve terrain, w here strategy pl ays as big a pa rt as pure guts.
DODGE ‘EM (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) It’s you against the com puter crash car. Accelerate. Cha nge lanes. Each driver gets three heats. A crash ends the heat . If your score looks too good, anothe r crash car com es on course. Di fferent level s of difficulty keep the g ame a constant challenge.
Handicap Difficulty Sw itch Left difficulty switch In the A position, the computer car or cars travel at twice their norm al speed after the first and third sets of bonus points are awarded . In the B position, the car or cars travel at a slower or normal speed.
FATAL RUN ® (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) The year is 2089. A collision with a comet has left the earth reeling from radiation poisoning. There's little hope for humanity's survival.
You can also receive 20 bonus poin ts for permanently passing an enem y car. To do this, you m ust stay ahead of him until he disappears off the bottom of th e radar. If he comes up from behind and passes you again, you receive no bonu s points. Look for yellow diamonds al ongside the road.
FROG POND (TM) (2 PLAYERS) Enjoy this p reviously unreleased pr ototype ATAR I game. It’s a Frog’s life for you, hanging out at the pond and using your sup er frog tongue to catch dinn er. Play with 2 players for a more manic pace an d see who’s the true king of the Frog Pond (T M) .
HANGMAN (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) H_NGM_N. You have just one guess left. And two bl ank spaces. Could it be the same letter? Could it be “A”? Gue ss right and win. Guess wrong, and it ’s curtains for y ou. Nine gam e variations m ake it challenging f or all.
Controls Use the Controller to select the alphabet letter you wish to enter into the computer. Letters of the alphabet appea r one at a tim e on the right of the screen. Push the Joystick forwar d to cycle through t he alphabet letters from A to Z. Pull the Joystick to wards you to cycle through th e letters in reverse order fro m Z to A.
Game 8 Two players c ompete using words from a first through high school vocabulary Hangman 2-Player Opponent Games Game 9 Now it's your turn to choo se the Hangman Word.
HUMAN CANNONBALL (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Shoot your man out of the cannon and into th e water tower. Calculate the position of the cannon. The speed (in m iles per ho ur) and t he degree of the a ngle are indi cated on our screen. It’s all part of Huma n CannonballTM with 8 different games to cho ose from.
Games 5, 6, 7, and 8 ha ve a moving "window" whic h is posi tioned in fro nt of the wat er tower on t he screen. Time your shot s o that the man travel s throug h the window en route to the water tower. The water tower cann ot be m oved in Games 5, 6, 7, and 8.
MAZE CRAZE (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) You’re a cop on a tough beat. Your job is to get through your beat safely, in the least possible ti me. But danger and obstacles su rround you! Th ere are robbers who can wound you and your opponent can place blockades in y our path.
1 – Straight forward action wi th all the m aze visible throughout the game. 2 – A small portion of the maze is invisible. 3 – Danger increases with a larg e portion of the m aze invisible. 4 – The ultim ate in suspense with all of the maze invisible .
OFF THE WALL (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Far away in th e Mysterious E ast on the ot her side of the world, there lived an adve nturous l ad named Kung Fu Lu. L u's grand l onging was to crush the ancie nt, evil wall t hat plagued his frien dly neighbors.
This token ca n have any o ne of four effect s. Three help L u while one i s a disadvantage. The token may grant Lu an add itional life, add 50, 75, or 100 bonus points depending on the curren t skill level, or stop the Blackbird. Or, this toke n may hinde r Lu by speedi ng up the ball , making the ball harder to hit.
OUTLAW (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Squeeze the trigger a nd your gunfighter draws, kneels, a nd aims. Release the trigger and the lead starts flying. Blow away walls, st age coaches and cact i. If your oppo nent won’t give y ou a clean shot , nail hi m with a clever ricochet.
There are 16 gunslinger a nd target shoot ing game s in this Game Program. Each one resents diffe rent variations. Fo r a description of each variati on, refer t o the following code: Blowawa y : Your bullets are more powerfu l during gunfights w ith Blowaway.
Game 7 This gunfight features a Stage Coach a nd Blowaway. Game 8 A series of Stage C oaches MOVE between the two gu nslinge rs as they u se Blowaway in t heir playing strategy. Game 9 Two gunslin gers play wit h Six Shooters, B lowaway and a series of MOV ING Stage Coac hes between them.
Scoring • In one-player games, you scor e one point eac h time a bulle t from your gunslinger's gu n hits the moving tar get. You ha ve 99 seconds t o score a m aximum of ten points. The t iming cloc k appears in the upper right corner o f the playfield; t he gunslinger' s score is in t he upper left co rner.
PITFALL! (TM) (1 PLAYER) Picture this! You are deep i n the recesses of a fo rbidden jungle—an unforgiving place few expl orers ever survive. But you've go t courage, becaus e you're with Pitfall Harry, the world famous jungle explorer and fortune hun ter extraord inaire.
--To grab a swinging t he red butt on while ru nning to t he right or t o the left. --To let go of the vine. ..pull down on Joystick at the end of a swing.
RADAR LOCK (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERs) You're loc ked in fig ht-to-the-d eath air combat with the ene my! You m ay be outnum bered -- s omehow you've been separate d from your bud dies -- but this is far from your first mi ssion. You've been fl ying your trusty little delta-wing fighter for more months than you care to remember.
The Instrument Panel The instrument panel is located at th e bottom of the screen. The missile-lock radar is located in the center of the instrument panel, and the long-range radar is to th e right. Use the long-range radar to l ocate enemy jets and the refueling tanker when they are not visible on the screen.
Machine Guns In addition to the guided missiles, your jet is equipped with rapid-fire machine guns. You begin your missions with this weapon ready to fire.
Mission 2: Interceptors and Patrollers Wave 1: Interceptors are the primar y enemy attack jet. They can shoot only what is in front of them. Wave 2: Patr oller jets foll ow assigned r outes. Use your long-range ra dar to locate the Pat roller squadron.
At the end of each mission, y ou score bon us points as foll ows: Each gallon of fuel remaining ............................ ............. 1 poi nt Each bullet remainin g ................... ............... ....... 1 point Each missile remaining .....
RIVER RAID © (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Your mi ssion is to destroy enemy bri dges, ships, ai rcraft and fuel depots along a heavily fort ified inland waterway. And it won’t be pretty because you’ ll be coming in lo w, through a narrowin g valley an d the enemy will everything they have at you.
Game Select and Difficulty With difficulty switches in the a position, missiles streak straight ahead. With switches in the b position, you can con trol the direction of your missiles after they have been fired by "steering" them with your Joystick Con troller.
SAVE MARY (TM) (1 PLAYER) The dastardly Barnaby the Bl ack has taken your beloved Mary and put her at the bottom of a steep canyon. Distraug ht over her affecti on for you instead of him , he’s decided no one shall be wit h her if can’t.
VIDEO CHECKERS (TM) (1 PLAYER) Learn winning checke rs. ATARI Video Checkers (TM) offers you nine levels of diffic ulty in a game that has challe nged youn g and old f or centuries. At level 1, t he computer pl ays beginnin g checkers. At level 9, you’re playing a master of the game! The Sport Of Kings 1.
The 40-move count is restarted any ti me when: 1. The player claiming t he draw concedes that there has bee n some strengt hening of t he attacker's position. 2. Any uncrowned piece of either side m akes any advance towa rds the king row, or -- 3.
Computer Metho d - When com puting its n ext move, the c omputer does what is called a "tree search" using "alpha -beta" pruning. What this means i s that the c omputer picks a m ove, then pi cks a counterm ove by its op ponent. Depen ding on the difficulty level, the c omputer c ontinues m aking moves and countermoves.
To make a jum p, pick up the piece to be moved, as described. The n move the piece over the piece being jumped to the n ext empty square and push the contro ller button. For a multiple jump, contin ue jumping by moving to the approp riate square and pushing the button ag ain.
VIDEO CHESS (TM) (1 PLAYER) It’s your 22 nd move of the game. Yo ur defense is s et with a ti ght King po sitioning. Y ou move in yo ur Queen and ca pture the opp onent’s Rook – his only de fense – “checkm ate.” Sharpen y our wits and get ready to becom e a “master” wi th Video C hess (TM) .
left difficulty switch in the "a" po sition and pressing the red controller button, you can exchang e your new queen for any other piece except a king. Capturing Pieces : Pieces (except pawns) capture in the s ame manner as t hey move. If any squa re that a piece can move to is occupi ed by an enemy unit, that unit can be capt ured.
Difficulty Sw itches Right Difficulty Switch : In the " A" position the computer plays the white pieces, and moves first. In the"B" position you play the white pieces and m ove first. The color of the num ber at the top of the playfield (also denoting skill level) will tell you which color you're playing.
As a closing note it should be pointed out that there are various boo ks which give more detailed descriptions of the game of chess. Su ch books may give you more insight into th e game's wide range of strategies. We suggest going to your local libr ary or book store if you wish to study the game further.
Space Station CAVERNS OF MARS (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) MARS HAS DECLARED WAR ON TER RA IV! Martian galactic fleets surround the planet and are demanding i ts surrende r! Luckily, one s pace fighter has escaped to chall enge Mars.
Space Mines Groups of dea dly mines that crisscross the narr ow cavern pa ssageways. Their m ovements are unpredictable and you must destroy or dodge them. Any contact with a space min e destroys your fighter. Fusion Bomb The ultimate Martian weapon hidden d eep within the caverns.
There are from two to five caverns t o invade be fore reaching the Martian Headquarters. The num ber of caverns depends upon the skill le vel at which you are playing. Once you reach headquarters (also called the Base), you must activate the fusi on bomb and retrace your path to t he surface.
POINTS FOR DISTANCE TRAVELED You also score points for t he distance you travel th rough each cavern. T he deep er the cavern, the more points you sc ore.
QUADRUN (TM) (1 PLAYER) An ATARI o riginal! Atari ’s first 2600 video game to have Voice Sy nthesis. Long ago, the peaceful land of Quad was i nvaded by cruel Captors who rounded up all t he helpless inhabitants a nd impriso ned them in cages . The Captors cal led their pris oners "Runts".
Scoring Goons 10 points Snags 50 points Yo-Yos 200 points Nods 500 points Brats 1000 points Each completed wave 1000 points Each saved Runt 100 points 1 Phaser ball at beginning 2500 points 2 Phaser b.
SABOTEUR (TM) (1 PLAYER) Saboteur (TM) was developed as a prototype by ATARI an d never released to the pub lic until now! You are Hotot, a cybernetic life form from a serene pl anet in a distant gala xy.
Hotot only has a lim ited amount of time before th e warhead is assem bled. If all the pieces are successfully eliminated the warhead will self-destruct and Cytonia will be saved. Howe ver if Hotot fails to destroy all the warhead pieces before the timer runs ou t, he be forced to destroy the warhead in a one on one battle.
SPACE WAR (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Take the contr ols of a sleek s tarship. Trek for light years with a flick of the joystick. Penetrate the boundaries of strange gala xies.
May the force be with you! You and your opponent blast off in to space. Each player controls one Star Ship w ith the Joystick Controller. The obj ect is to score points by shoo ting your opponent's Star Ship with missiles fired by the red button on your Jo ystick Controller.
points. During two-player games each player maneuvers his Star Ship to score. In two-player gam es with two Space Modules, the targe t Space Module will be t he sa me color as your Star Ship . First player to sc ore ten points o r the most point s in ten m inutes wins.
SPACE WAR STRATEGY TIPS After you master controlling your Star Ship , you're ready to develop game strategy. The following tips should help you begin your competitive strate gy for Space Shuttle and Space War games. SPACE WAR • Change your Star Ship's positio n as soon as the ga me is in the Start position.
YARS' REVENGE (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) Journey to the RAZAK solar system , where the Yars – mut ant house flies – are gett ing swatted by an evil Qotile. Th is relentless enemy, hidden beh ind a protective shield, fires deadly Drones and Swirls at the Yars.
Hints When you destroy the Qotile, or a Swirl, there will be an explosion, during which the Yar stays on the screen. Use this op portunity to make up your own victory dance. And watch out for the Ghost of Y ars! You'll see his mean st reak, so stay off it! The Qotile continually chan ges colors.
First, you must bounce the Yar against the left side of the screen to make th e Zorlon Cannon appear. Also, to make the cannon appear, y ou need five TRON S. TRONS are units of energy which you ca n collect at the following rate: 1. Eat a cell from the shield: 1 TRON 2.
YARS' RETURN (TM) (1 OR 2 PLAYERS) The brand new groundbrea king sequel to the original Yar’s R evenge (TM )! After enduring countless centuries of tyranny under the ru le of the Qotile Empire, the Yarians plan an assault deep within the hive of the Qotile Homeworld.
Controls The Yar will move in whatever direction th e Jo ystick is push ed. Unlike Yars' Rev enge (TM) , the screen does not wrap. This means that if you try to fly the Yar off the top of the screen, it will be stopped at the top edge of your sc reen.
This game features a Zorlon Cannon that bounces off t he shield. ( Watch out! It ca n destroy y ou on its return flight.) There are two alternating Shield c onfigurations , plus a Des troyer Missile and a Swirl travelling at normal speeds. GAME 5 This is the two-player version of Game 4.
Credits ATARI Wim Stocks Executive VP Sales & Mark eting - North America Marc Metis Sr. VP Marketing Patricia Steele Sr. VP Corp orate Comm unications Ryan Masters on Sr.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT (U.S.& CANADA) Help Via the Internet Up-to-the-m inute technical in formation a bout ATARI products is gene rally availabl e 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet at: www.
Terms And Conditions IMPORTANT — READ CAREFULLY: Please be sure to carefu lly read and understand all of the terms and conditions described in this agr eement between you and ATARI, Inc.
The Company warrants to the original purchase r that the hardware for the ATARI®Flashback 2TMClassic Gam e Console shal l be free fro m defects in mat erial and wor kmanship for a period of ni nety (90) days f rom the date o f purchase (the “ Warranty Pe riod”).
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Atari CX-2600 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Atari CX-2600 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Atari CX-2600 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Atari CX-2600 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Atari CX-2600 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Atari CX-2600 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Atari CX-2600 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Atari CX-2600 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.