Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TM 2X4 van de fabrikant Polaris
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The engine exhaust from this product contains chemical s known to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm. W ARNING.
1 WELC OME Thank you for purcha sing a Polar is vehicle , and welc ome to our world-w ide family of Polar is owners. W e proudly produce a n exciting line of utility a nd re cr ea tional produc ts.
2 Copyri ght 2005 Pola r is Sa l es I nc . A ll inf or ma t ion c ont a ine d wi t hin t hi s publ i ca tion i s bas e d on the l a te st produc t inf or ma t ion at t he t ime of publ i c at i on.
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS VEHICLE IDENT IF ICA TIO N NUMBERS 4 ........ SAFET Y 5 ................................... FEA TURES AND CONTROLS 23 ............... OPER A TION 32 .............................. EMISSI ON CONT ROL SYSTEM S 51 ............ MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICA TION 53 .
4 VEHICLE IDE NTIFICATION NUMBERS Recor d your vehic le’ s identification numbe rs a nd key number in the spaces p rovi ded . Rem ove t he s pare k ey and s tor e it i n a s afe place.
5 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING Failur e to f ollow the war nings cont ained in t his manual c an result in severe injur y or deat h. A Polaris RA NGER is not a t oy and c an be hazardous t o operat e. This vehic le handles differ ently t han other v ehicles, s uch as motorcycles and cars.
6 SAFE TY Operator S afety The following signa l words and symbols a ppea r throughout this manual a nd on your RANGER . Y our sa fety is involve d when the se words a nd symbols are used. Beco me familia r with their mea nings befor e re ading the manual.
7 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING Serious injury or deat h can res ult if y ou do not f ollow t hese instr uct ions and proc edures, which are out lined in f urt her det ail within your owner ’s manual. S Rea d this manual a nd all labe ls car ef ully .
8 SAFE TY Operator S afety S Always follow pr oper pr ocedur es for turning as desc ribed in this manual. Pra ctice t urning at slow spe eds be for e atte mpting to turn at faste r spee ds. Never turn a t excessive spe eds. S Always h ave th is v ehi cle checked b y an aut hor ized P ol aris d ealer i f it has been i nvolved i n an accident.
9 SAFE TY Operator S afety S Never modify this vehic le through imprope r installa tion or use of accesso ries . S Never exceed the stated load capaci ty for thi s vehicl e. C argo should be prop erly d is tri bu ted an d secu rely at tach ed. R educe sp eed and follow the instr uctions in this ma nual for hauling ca r go or pulling a trai ler .
10 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING Make sure yo ur RANG ER is in ex cellent oper ating c ondition at all tim es. We str ongly rec ommend t hat t he operat or chec k all saf et y component s bef ore eac h ride. Pola ris RANGE R s are des igned to pr ovide saf e operat ion when used as dir ect ed.
11 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Stalling, rolling backw ards while climbing a hill WHA T CA N HAPPEN V ehicle overt urn HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Maint ain a steady s peed when climbing a hill. I fy o ul o s ea l lf o r w a r d s peed: Apply t he brakes .
12 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Oper ating t his vehic le on paved sur fac es WHA T CA N HAPPEN Loss of c ontrol HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD This vehic le’s tires ar e designed f or off- road use only , not f or us e on pavement .
13 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Oper ating t his vehic le on public st reet s, roads or highways WHA T CA N HAPPEN Collision with anot her v ehicle HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never oper ate t his vehic le on any public st reet , road or highway , including dirt or gr avel.
14 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Oper ating t his vehic le at ex cess ive speeds WHA T CA N HAPPEN Loss of cont rol, acc ident HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always t rav el at a s peed proper f or t he t errain, visibilit y and operat ing conditi ons, and y our exper ience.
15 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Failur e to inspec t t he vehic le befor e operat ing Failure t o proper ly maint ain t he vehicle WHA T CA N HAPPEN Acc ident, equipm ent damage HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always inspec t your RA NGE R befor e each use t o mak e sure it ’s in safe oper ating c ondition.
16 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZA RD Failur e to f ollow the m inimum age r ecomm endations f or t his vehi cle WHA T CA N HAPPEN Serious injury or deat h (t he child or ot hers ) HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Only per sons wit h a valid dr iver ’s license should operat e a Polar is RANGE R .
17 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING Leaving the k eys in t he ignit ion can lead t o unauthor ized use of the vehic le result ing in ser ious injury or deat h.
18 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations W arni ng d ecals h ave been p laced o n th e RANGER for your pr otection. Read an d fol lo w the in st ruct io ns o f the decal s on t he RANGER carefull y .
19 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Fuel / Passenger W arning Decal T ext Remove fla mmable conta iner s from box before r efue ling. S Passenger s ca n be thrown of f. This can cause serious injury or death. S Never carr y passenge rs in ca r go box.
21 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Discretionar y W arning Decal Improper ve hicle use c an result in SEVERE INJUR Y or DEA TH. NEVE R: S Oper ate on public ro ads. A collision c an oc cur with anothe r ve hicle . S Carry mor e than two pa ssenge rs, or passe ngers unde r age five.
22 SAFE TY Fuel Safety W ARNING Gasoline is highly f lammable and is ex plosive under cer tain conditi ons. Always ex ercis e ext reme c aution whenev er handling gasoline. Always s top t he engine when ref ueling. Always ref uel out doors or in a well v entilat ed area.
23 FEATURES AND CONTROLS So me P olari s veh icl es are equi pped wi t h speci al feat ures s uch as th e cab frame. Not all models c ome with all featur es. Ref er t o the specif ications se ction beg inning on page 102. Com ponent Locations 1. Cab Frame (if equippe d) 2.
24 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Com ponent Locations 10. Headlights 1 1. Radia tor (if equippe d) 12. Front Bumper/Brush Guard 13. Hood Hold Down S trap 12 11 10 13.
25 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Com ponent Locations 14. T aillights 15. T ailga te 16. T ail gat e Lat ch R eleas e 17. Muf fler ( Spark Ar re ster) 18. CV Boot/Rear Ca liper 19.
26 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Indicator Lights The indicator lights on the console display: 1. High Gear 2. Low Gear ( if equipped) 3. Neutral G ear 4. Reverse Ge ar 5. High T empe rature 6. B rakes T railer Hitch Br acket Thi s v ehi cle i s eq ui pped wi th a recei ver h it ch b racket fo r a trai l er hi tch.
27 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Seat Rem oval Pull up on the front of the seat and slide it t oward the front of the vehic le. Install the se at by sliding the tabs into the rea r of the seat base. Push down firmly on the front of the sea t until the p ins are fully seate d into the grommets.
28 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Console 1. Cup Holder 2. Indica tor Lights 3. S h ift L ever 4. Light Switch 5. A WD/Dif fe re ntial Switch (if equippe d) 6. Hour Meter 7. Glove Box with Lid 8. 12V Acce ssory Plug 9. Storage T ray 10. Choke Knob 1 1. Ignition Switc h 12.
H L N R H N R 29 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Gear Selector (1) RANGER 2X4, 4X4 H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Rev er se RANGER TM H: High Gear N: Neutral R: Rev er se NOT E: Low is t he prim ary dr iving range f or t he RANGE R 2X4 and 4X4. High is int ended for us e on hard-pac ked sur fac es wit h light loads.
1 2 AW D D E F 2WD A B C 4 3 30 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Ignition S witch (1) The ignition switch is a three- position, key-oper ate d switch. The key can be remove d from the switc h when it is in the OFF position. OFF The engine is off. Elect ric al circ uits are off, ex cept Acc.
1 2 3 4 31 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Br ake Pedal (1) Depre ss the brake ped al to slow or stop the vehicle . Throttle P edal (2) Pu sh t he pedal down t o i ncrease engine spee d. Spring pressure retur ns the pedal to t he rest position when r ele ased .
32 OPERATION V ehicle Br eak -In Period The bre ak- in period for your new Pola ris RANGER is the first twenty hours of opera tion, or the time it takes to use the first two tanks full of gasoline. No single action on your pa rt is as impor tant as a pr oper brea k-in pe riod.
33 OPERATION Pr e -Ride Inspection W ARNING If a pr oper inspec tion is not done bef ore eac h use, sev ere injury or deat h could res ult. Always ins pect t he vehicle bef ore eac h use to ens ure it ’s in proper operat ing condit ion.
1 2 3 4 34 OPERATION Star ting the E ngine W ARNING Engine exhaus t cont ains pois onous car bon monoxide and c an cause los s of cons ciousnes s res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Never r un an engine in an enclosed ar ea. CAUTION Oper ating t he vehicle im mediat ely af ter s tar ting c ould cause engine damage.
35 OPERATION Star ting the E ngine Sta rti ng a W ar m E ngine W arm engine s do not normally requir e the use of the choke. Over use of the choke ca n cause the spa rk plug to become wet fouled . 1. Place the tra nsmission in neutra l and move the vehicle to a leve l surface.
36 OPERATION Br aking 1. Rele ase the throttle pe dal comple tely . 2. P res s on t he brak e pedal ev enl y and fi rml y . NOT E: Pr act ice st art ing and st opping (us ing the br akes) unt il you’r e familiar wit h t he cont rols.
37 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Pr ocedures 1. S i t i n th e driv er ’ s s eat an d fast en th e seat bel t . 2. Afte r star ting the e ngine and a llowing it to wa rm up, shift the tran smission into gea r . 3. Check your surroundings and de termine your path of trave l.
38 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving On S lippery Surfaces When dri vi ng o n sl ipp ery su rfaces such as wet t rai ls , l oos e gravel , o r ice, be a lert f or the possibility of skidding and sliding. Under the se cond it i ons , fo ll ow t hes e precau ti on s: 1.
39 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Uphill Whe neve r tra veling uphill, follow these pr ecauti ons : 1. Alwa ys trav el stra ight uphill. 2. A void ste ep hills (15 _ ma ximum). 3. Keep both f eet on the floor . 4. P ro ceed at a st eady rat e of speed an d th ro ttle opening.
40 OPERATION Driving Safely Sidehilling W ARNING Cross ing hillsides or t urning on hills c an result in los s of c ontrol or vehicle ov ert urn, res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Avoid cros sing t he side of a hill when poss ible. W hen unavoidable, exerc ise ext rem e caut ion.
1 41 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr ivi ng Through W ater W ARNING The lar ge tir es on your RANG ER m ay caus e the v ehicle t o float in deep or f ast- flowing wat er, which could res ult in los s of cont rol and lead to ser ious injur y or deat h. Never cr oss deep or fast -f lowing wat er wit h your RA NGE R .
42 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Over Obstacles Be alert ! Lo ok ah ead and learn t o read t he terrai n yo u’re trav eli ng on . W at ch for hazard s such as l og s, rocks an d lo w hang in g bran ches. W ARNING Sever e injury or deat h can res ult if y our vehic le suddenly c omes in contac t wit h a hidden obst acle.
43 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving in Rever se Follow these guide lines when ope ra ting in reve rse: 1. Back slowly . 2. Apply the bra kes lightly for stopping. 3. A void turning at sha rp angle s. 4. Always a void bac king downhill. 5. Neve r open the throttle suddenly while ba cking.
44 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void par king on an inc line if possible . If it’ s unavoidable, follow thes e precau ti on s: 1. Place the tra nsmission in gear . 2. Set the parking brake. 3. Block the rear whee ls on t he downhill side.
45 OPERATION Hauling Cargo W ARNING Hauling cargo im properly can alt er v ehicle handling and may cause los s of c ontr ol or brak e inst ability , which can r esult in serious injur y or death. Always f ollow thes e precaut ions when hauling cargo: Always load t he car go box wit h the load as f ar f orwar d as possible.
46 OPERATION Hauling Cargo Dumpin g the Cargo Bo x W ARNING Operat ing t he vehicle while t he car go box is r aised could r esult in sever e injury . T he box c ould close unex pect edly and caus e injury to t he driver or pas senger .
47 OPERATION Hauling Cargo T owing Loads W ARNING T owing improper ly can alt er v ehicle handling and may c ause loss of cont rol or br ake inst abilit y , whic h can res ult in s erious injur y or death. Always f ollow t hese prec autions when t owing: Never load m ore t han 150 lbs.
48 OPERATION Driving Safely Park in g t h e RANGER W ARNING A rolling v ehicle can c ause proper ty damage and s erious injur y . Always apply t he park ing brake af t er st opping t he engine. 1. S t op t he v ehi cle o n a l evel s urface. 2. When the engine ha s stopped, apply the parking brake.
AW D 2WD AW D 2WD 49 OPERATION Differ ential Operati on Modes The re ar a xle is equipped with a locka ble dif fe re ntial. On A WD models, engaging A WD locks the front dif fe ren tial and the rea r dif fe re ntia l.
50 OPERATION All Wheel Drive ( A WD) Whe n in A WD, the front gearc ase w ill automatic ally enga ge anytime the r ear wheel s l ose t ract ion . When t he rear wh eels reg ain t racti on , t he front ge ar ca se will a utomatic ally disengage . The re is no limit to the length of time the vehic le may r ema in in A WD .
51 EMISSION C ONT RO L SYST EMS Cr ankcase Em ission Contr ol S ystem This engine is equipped with a closed c rankc ase syste m. Blow-by gases a re forc ed ba ck to the c ombustion cha mber by the intake system. All exhaust g ases e xit through the exhaust system.
52 EMISSION C ONT RO L SYST EMS Noise Em ission C ontrol System Do not modify the engine, intake o r exhaust compone nts, as doing so may af fect complianc e with U.S. A. EP A noise control re quireme nts (40 CFR 205) and loca l noise le vel r equire ments.
53 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Char t Care ful periodic ma intenanc e will help keep your vehic le in the safest, most relia ble c ondition. Inspection, ad justment and lubr ica tion of important compone nts are e xplained in the periodic mainte nanc e char t.
54 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Char t Maintenanc e Char t Ke y " Perfo rm t hese p roced ures m ore freq uent ly fo r vehi cles s ubj ect ed to sever e use. E Emission-re late d servic e (Failur e to conduct this maintenan ce will not void the emissions warra nt y but may af fect emissions.
55 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Char t Perfo rm all s ervices at wh ich ever main ten ance int erval i s reached firs t. Item Maintenance I nt erval (whic hev er c omes fir s t) R.
56 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Char t Item Maintenance I nt erval (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Remarks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) " E Engine breather filter (if equipped) 25 .
57 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Char t Item Maintenance I nt erval (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Remarks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) J E Fu e l syste m 100 H 12 M -- C hec k for leak.
58 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recom m endations Chec k and lubric ate all compone nts at the inte rva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53. Items not listed i n the char t should be lubricated at the Ge nera l Lubrication inter val.
59 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recom m endations (1) (2) TM 4X4 TM.
60 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Always che ck an d change the engine oil at the interv als outlined in the Peri od ic M ain ten ance C hart beg i nning on page 53.
1 61 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Alwa ys chec k and c hange the oil at the inte rva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53. W e recomme nd the use of Polaris Premium 4 All S eason Synthetic e ngine oil. Oil Check (2x4, 4X4) The oil tank is loc ated unde r the seat .
62 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil and Filter Change (2x4, 4X4) CAUTION Hot oil c an cause s erious bur ns. Do not allow hot oil t o com e into contac t wit h sk in. 1. Run the engine two to three minutes until warm. Stop the engine. 2. Clean the ar ea ar ound the drain plug (1) at the bottom of the oil tank.
5 63 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil and Filter Change (2x4, 4X4) 8. Rea ttac h the oil line. 9. Place shop towe ls benea th the oil filter (5). Using an oil filter wre nch, turn the filter counter clockwise to remove . 10. Usin g a clean dry cl ot h, cl ean the filter se aling surf ac e on the crankcas e.
64 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Pump Pr im ing (2x4, 4X4) This priming proce dure must be perform ed when ever t he oi l ho se conne ction be twee n the oil tank and pump inlet ha s been disconnec ted.
65 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Check (TM) 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surface. 2. Start the engine and let it idle for 20-30 sec onds. 3. Stop the engine and remove the seat as d escri bed on p age 27. Remove the servic e pane l (1) by pulling upwar d.
66 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil and Filter Change (TM) 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surf ace. 2. Run the engine two to three minutes until warm, then stop the engine . 3. Clean the are a ar ound the drain plug (6) at the bottom of t he engine.
67 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil and Filter Change (TM) 7. Place shop towels benea th the oil filter (1). Using an oil filte r wre nc h (2) , turn the filte r counter clockwise to remove . 8. Using a c lean dr y cloth, cle an the filter sea ling surfa ce on the crankcas e.
68 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Gearcases Gearcase S pecification Chart Gear case Lubricant Capacit y Fill Plug T or que Drain Pl ug T or que Ma i n Ge a rca se (Transmis s ion) (4X4) Premi um AGL Sy nthetic G earc as e Lube 15.2 oz. (450 ml) 14 ft. lbs .
69 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Gearcases T ransmission (Main Gear case) Always che ck an d change the tra nsmission oil at the interva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53. Maintain the oil level e ven with the bottom of the fill plug hole.
70 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Gearcases Front Gearcase (4X4) Always ch eck and ch ange t he fro nt gearcas e oi l at t he i nt erval s outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53. Mainta in the oil leve l even w ith the bottom thre ad of the fill plug hole.
1 2 1 2 TM 2X4 4X4 71 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Gearcases Rear Gearcase Always che ck an d change the re ar ge arc ase oil at the interva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53. Maintain the oil level e ven with the bottom thre ad of the fill plug hole .
72 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cooling System (2X 4, 4X 4) Operation The engine coola nt level is controlled or mainta ined by the recove ry system. The rec overy syste m components are the ove rflow bottle, radia tor fille r nec k, radiator pr essur e ca p and conne cting hose.
73 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cooling System (2X 4, 4X 4) Radi ator and Cool ing Fan Always ch eck and cl ean th e screen and radi at or fin s at th e int erval s outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 53.
1 74 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cooling System (2X 4, 4X 4) Radiator Coolant L evel Always c hec k and c hange the coola nt at the inte rvals outline d in the Periodic Maintena nce Cha rt beginning on page 53. W ARNING Esc aping steam c an cause s evere bur ns.
75 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Pl ugs CAUTION Using non-r ecomm ended spark plugs c an result in serious engine damage. Always us e Polaris -rec ommended s park plugs . Refer to t he specif icat ions s ect ion beginning on page 102. Spark P lug Ga p/T orque Model Elect r ode Gap New Pl ug T or que Used Plug T orque RANGER 2X4, 4X4 .
76 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Polar is V ar iable T ransm ission (PV T) System W ARNING Failure t o com ply wit h the ins tr uct ions in t his warning can r esult in sever e injury or deat h. Do not modify any component of th e PVT syst em. Doing so may reduce it s s tr ength so t hat a f ailure m ay occ ur at a high speed.
77 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION V eh i cl e Imme rsi o n CAUTION If y our vehic le becomes im mers ed, m ajor engine damage c an result if t he vehic le is not t horoughly inspec ted.
1 78 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter S ystems (2X 4, 4X4) Air Filter Alwa ys change the a ir filter a t the interva ls outlined in the P eriodic Maintena nce Char t beginning on page 53. 1. L ift t he cargo box t o access t he air box. 2. Remove the air box cove r and inspect the gasket.
79 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter S ystems (2X 4, 4X4) Breather Filter and Hoses 1. Lift the ca r go box and loc ate the air box. 2. Follow the right-hand brea ther line (1) out the side of the air box and locate the filte r (2). 3. Remove a nd inspect the filter for deb ris.
80 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter S ystems (TM) Air Filter Always ch eck and ch ange t he ai r filter at the interva ls outlined in the Peri od ic M ain ten ance C hart beginning on page 53. 1. R em ove t he s eat t o access t he ai r clean er . 2.
81 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Car bur etor/ Engi ne Idle R PM A djustm ent The idle spe ed a djustment should be pe rf ormed a s outlined in the Peri od ic M ain tenan ce C hart, or wh enever t he i dl e sp eed i s chan ged . Recomme nded engine idle RPM for the RANGER 2X4 and 4X4 is 1200 +/- 200.
82 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Ar restor W ARNING Failur e to heed t he following war nings while ser vicing t he spar k arres tor could r esult in ser ious injury or deat h. Do no t perform service on the sp ark arrestor whi le the system is hot.
83 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Ar restor Use th e fol lo wing p rocedu re to peri od ical ly pu rge accumul ated carbo n from the exhaust pipe . 1. Remove the ar restor clean-o ut p lu gs (1 ) lo cated on the bottom of the muf fle r . 2. Place the tra nsmission in neutra l and sta rt the e ngine.
1 2 84 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Throttle S ystem W ARNING Failur e to chec k or m aintain pr oper oper ation of t he t hrot tle system can r esult in an accident and lead t o serious injury or death if t he t hrot tle pedal s tic ks dur ing operat ion.
85 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Throttle S ystem Throttl e Fre eplay I nspection 1. Apply the par king bra ke (2) and shift the tr ansmission to ne utral. 2. Start the e ngine and warm it up thoroughly . 3. Measur e the distance the thr ottle pedal moves befor e the engine begins to pick up spe ed.
1 86 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes The front and rea r brak es are hydra ulic disc type bra kes. Press down on the brake pe dal to engage the brake s. See page 31. Br ake Fl uid Routine inspections ar e rec ommende d to keep the brake syste m in good operating condition.
87 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes Brake Inspection 1. Chec k the brake syste m for fluid leak s. 2. Check the bra ke pedal for exc essive trave l or a spongy feel. 3. C heck t he frict i on pad s for wear , damage a nd looseness. 4. Inspec t the brake disc spline a nd pad wear s urface for ex cess iv e wear .
88 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Steer ing Wheel Inspection Ch eck the s teeri ng wh eel for sp ecifi ed freepl ay and sm oo th o perat io n at the interva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainten anc e Chart beg inning on page 53. 1. Position the vehicle on level ground.
89 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Seat Belts Insp ect al l t hree s eat bel ts fo r pro per op erati on befo re each u se of t he vehicle . 1. Push the latch plate into the buckle until it clicks. The latch pla te must slide smoothly into the buckle . A clic k indicate s that it’ s sec ure ly latche d.
90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Ti r e s W ARNING Operat ing your v ehicle wit h worn t ires will inc rease t he poss ibility of skidding, los s of contr ol and an accident , which could result in serious injur y or death. Always r eplace tir es when the tr ead depth m easures 1/ 8 ″ (.
91 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Ti r e s W ARNING Im properly inst alled wheels c an advers ely affec t t ire wear and vehicle handling, whic h can res ult in s erious injur y or deat h. Always ens ure t hat all nut s ar e tor qued to s pecif icat ion.
1 92 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Whe n servic ing a ha logen lamp, don’ t touch the la mp with bar e finger s. Oil from your skin leave s a r esidue, c ausing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the la mp. W ARNING Poor light ing while driv ing can result in sever e injury or deat h.
1 93 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Headlight Beam A djustment 1. P l ace th e vehi cle o n a l evel s urface wi th t he head li gh t approxima tely 25 f t. (7.6 m) from a w all. 2. Measur e the distanc e from the floor to the cente r of the headlight and m ake a m ark o n t he wall at t he s ame hei gh t.
94 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Indicator Lamp Replacement 1. Lift the hood. 2. R each i n behi nd t he con so le panel and lift the rele ase ( 1) to unplug the light f rom the harne ss. 3. Us ing a fl athead s crewdri ver , press on the ta b (2) on the top of the light to remove the indicator light asse mbly from the console pa nel.
95 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning Y our RANGER Keep ing your vehicle cle an will not only improve its appear anc e but it ca n also exte nd the lif e of va rious c omponents. W ith a fe w precautions , your vehicle can be cleaned mu ch lik e an automobile.
96 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Sto rag e If your vehicle is to b e placed in ext ended or of f season st orage, th e following ste ps should be tak en to pre ser ve its condition. 1. Perfo rm all nec essa ry re pair s and thoroughly c lea n the ve hicle .
97 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Rem oval from S torage 1. Chec k the batter y elec trolyte le vel and cha r ge the ba ttery if nec essar y . Install it in the vehic le. Make sur e the batter y vent hose is routed pr operly a nd that it’ s not pinched or re stricte d in any wa y .
98 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Kee p the ba ttery te rmina ls and conne ctions f ree of c orrosion. If clea ning is nece ssary , remove the c orrosion with a stif f wire br ush. W ash with a solution of one table spoon baking soda and one c up wate r .
99 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Repl enishing B atter y Fl uid (Conv entional Batter y) A poorly ma intaine d batter y will dete riora te rapidly . C hec k the batte ry f luid leve l often. The fluid le vel should be ke pt betwe en the upper and lower le vel marks (1).
100 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Battery Installation 1. Set the batte ry in its holde r . 2. Install the batter y vent tube . It must be fr ee from obstruc tions and securel y i nst al led. If no t, batt ery gas es cou ld accu mu lat e and cause an explosion.
101 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descri pt ion Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging Oi l ( 12 oz. Aerosol) 2871281 Premi um 4 Synt heti c 0W - 40 (4- Cycl e) Engi ne Oil (qt. ) 2871844 Premi um 4 Synt heti c 0W - 40 (4- Cycl e) Engi ne Oil (gal. ) Gearcase / T ransmi ssion Lubri cant s 2873602 Premi um AGL Synt het ic Gear case Lube ( qt.
102 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER TM Gro ss V ehicle W eight 2400 lbs. (1089 kg) Fu el Capacity 8.5 gal . (32. 2 l) T owing Capac ity 1000 lbs. (454 kg) Max. Cargo Box Load 750 lbs. (340 kg) Over all Length 1 13 i n. (282 cm ) Overall Width (box) 60 in. (152.
103 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER TM Lubricatio n Sy stem Full Pr e ssure Engine Oil 0W/40 Driv ing S ys tem T ype PVT Shift T ype Single Le ver (console ) Gear Reduc tion - L ow NA Gear Reduc tion - Re verse 6.84:1 Gear Reduc tion - High 4.71:1 Driv e Ratio - Fr ont NA Driv e Ratio - Fin al 3.
104 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER 2x4 Gro ss V ehicle W eight 2500 lbs. (1 135 kg) Fu el Capacity 8.5 gal . (32. 2 l) T owing Capac ity 1400 lbs. (636 kg) Max. Cargo Box Load 850 lbs. (386 kg) Over all Length 1 13 i n. (282 cm ) Overall Width (box) 60 in. (152.
105 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER 2x4 Lubricatio n Sy stem Dry Sump Engine Oil 0W/40 Driv ing S ys tem T ype PVT Shift T ype Single Le ver (console ) Gear Reduc tion - L ow 8.71:1 Gear Reduc tion - Re verse 5.9:1 Gear Reduc tion - High 3.83:1 Driv e Ratio - Fr ont NA Driv e Ratio - Fin al 3.
106 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER 4X4 Gro ss V ehicle W eight 2700 lbs. (1226 kg) Fu el Capacity 8.5 gal . (32. 2 l) T owing Capac ity 1500 lbs. (681 kg) Max. Cargo Box Load 1000 lbs. (454 kg) Over all Length 1 13 i n. (282 cm ) Overall Width (box) 60 in. (152.
107 SPECIFICA TIO NS RANGER 4X4 Lubricatio n Sy stem Dry Sump Engine Oil 0W/40 Driv ing S ys tem T ype PVT Shift T ype Single Le ver (console ) Gear Reduc tion - L ow 8.71:1 Gear Reduc tion - Re verse 5.9:1 Gear Reduc tion - High 3.83:1 Driv e Ratio - Fr ont: 3.
108 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Contact your Polaris dea ler for se rvice if you’ re unable to identif y solutions using the following c har ts. Engine Doesn’t T urn Over Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Tripp ed circuit b reak er Reset th e b reak er Lo w b attery v o ltage Rec ha r ge ba tt e ry t o 12.
109 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Engine Backfires Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n W e a k spa rk fr om s pa rk pl ugs In sp ect, clean and /o r replace spark p lug s Inco rrect spark p lu g g ap o r heat rang e Set.
11 0 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Engi ne Stops or Loses P owe r Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Out of fuel Ref uel Kinke d or plugge d fue l vent l i ne Inspect an d replace W ater p resent in fu el Repl a c e wi.
111 WARRANTY LIM ITED W ARRANT Y Pola r is Sal es Inc ., 2100 Highw ay 55, Me di na, M N 55340, give s a SI X MONTH LIM - ITED W ARRAN TY on al l c ompone nt s of the Pol ar i s RANGER against d efects in mate- ri a l or wor kma nshi p.
11 4 WARRANTY Cal ifor nia E mi ssion C ontrol W ar r anty S tatem ent Y our W a rranty Rights a nd Obligati ons The C al i for ni a Air Resour c e s Boa rd and Pol a ri s Indus t r ie s Inc .
11 5 WARRANTY Cal ifor nia E mi ssion C ontrol W ar r anty S tatem ent W arra nty Period This war ra nt y pe ri od be gins on the da te, which t he LSI engi ne is del ive r ed, to the origi - nal retail pur chaser and en d s two y ears after th at date.
11 6 WARRANTY Cal ifor nia E mi ssion C ontrol W ar r anty S tatem ent What is Not Cove red Unde r Thi s W arranty This war ra nt y doe s not cove r a ny e mi s si on- re lat e d par t , whic h ma l f unct i ons , f a il s , or is dam age d due to al te r a ti ons a nd/or m odif i ca tions s uc h as cha nging, addi ng, or re movi ng par t s .
11 7 WARRANTY Cal ifor nia E mi ssion C ontrol W ar r anty S tatem ent Main tena nce S che dule Item Maintenance I nt erval (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Remarks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) " E Engine oil lev el -- Pre- Ride -- Mak e adjustments as need- ed.
11 8 WARRANTY Cal ifor nia E mi ssion C ontrol W ar r anty S tatem ent Repair and R eplacemen t of Em ission- R elated Part s It is reco mm en ded t hat on ly L S I eng in e replacemen t parts, wh ich.
11 9 WARRANTY U.S. A. EP A Emiss i on s L i mit e d W arra n ty Th is Al l T errain V eh icle (A TV) o r O ff Road U tility V eh icle (OR UV ) emissio n s limited warran ty is in add ition to th e Po laris standard lim ited warran ty fo r this veh icle.
120 MAINTENANCE LOG Per iodic Mainten ance Record Use th e fol lo wing ch art t o reco rd peri odi c m aint enan ce. DA TE MIL ES ( KM) TECHNICIAN SER VICE PERFOR MED / COMMENTS.
122 INDEX A Ag e R estriction s 5 ................. Air F ilter ( 2x4, 4X4) 78 ............. Air F ilter (TM ) 8 0 ................. All Whe el Dr ive ( A WD) 49-50 ........ Au x iliary Ou tlet 26 ................ A WD Swi t c h (4X4) 30 .............
123 INDEX N Nois e Emi s s ion Contr ol Sys te m 52 .... O Oil an d F ilter C han g e ( 2x4, 4X4) 62- 63 . Oil an d F ilter C han g e (T M) 66 -6 7 ..... Oil C hec k (2x4, 4X4) 61 ............ Oil C h eck (T M ) 6 5 ................ Oil Pump Pri mi ng (2x4, 4X4) 64 .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Polaris TM 2X4 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Polaris TM 2X4 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Polaris TM 2X4 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Polaris TM 2X4 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Polaris TM 2X4 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Polaris TM 2X4 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Polaris TM 2X4 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Polaris TM 2X4 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.