Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product UHD[X][S][R] 125 van de fabrikant Roberts Gorden
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Installation, Operation & Ser vice Manual Models UH D[X][S][R] 75, 100 , 125 P/N 1 1 3000NA 1 1/ 08 Ori g . UHD-Series T ubular Duct Furnace (Low Profile Range) W ARNING Installation must be done b y a contract or qualified in the installation and service of gas-fir ed heating equipment or your gas supplier .
© 200 8 Ro b er ts-Gor don LLC All rights r eser v ed. N o par t of this w ork co v ered b y the cop yrights herein may b e r eprod u ced or copied in any f orm or b y any means - graphic , electroni.
TABLE OF FIGURES Fi gure 1: Clearan ces t o Com bustib les ............... ................. ...... 3 Fi gure 2: A ir Flow Dir ection ..................... ................. ................. 7 Fi gure 3: Suspens ion Methods ..................... ....
SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 1 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our Saf ety is Important t o Us! This s ymbol is used thr oughout the manua l to notify y ou of possib le f ir e, elect rical or b urn hazar ds. Please p ay special at tention when r eading and f ollo wi ng the warnings in these sections .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 2 SECTION 2: INSTALLER R ESPONSIBILITY The inst aller is res ponsible f or the fol low ing: • T o instal l the heat er , as w ell as t he gas and electrical suppli es, in acco rdance w ith appli cable specif ications and codes .
SECTION 3: C RITICAL C ONS IDERATION S 3 SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSI DERATIONS 3.1 Basic Inf ormation UHD[X][S][ R] heater s hav e automatic igni tion burner s f or ON/OFF operation only . 3.2 Manufact ured Units Gas-f ired, powe r -v ente d duct fur nace with tubul ar heat e x changer .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 4 3.6 V entilation It is impor t ant to ensur e that there is adequat e air space ar ound the heater t o supply air f or comb ustion, v entilation and di stribut ion in accor dance wi th local an d national c odes.
SECTION 4: N ATI ONAL S TANDARDS AND A PPLICABLE C ODES 5 SECTION 4: NATIONAL STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE CODES 4.1 Gas Codes The type of g as appearing on the name plat e must be the type of gas used. Inst allation mus t comply with nat ional and local codes and requi rements of the l ocal gas compan y .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 6 4.6 High Al tit ude These heat ers ar e CS A -appr ov ed (w ithout modifi cations) f or instal lations up t o 2000' (6 1 0 m) in US and Ca nada. CSA appr ov ed heat er s instal led abov e 2000' (61 0 m) must be de -rat ed.
SECTION 5: D UC T H EATER I N STALLAT ION 7 SECTION 5: DUCT HEATER INSTALLATION 5.1 Gener al To connect the inlet and outlet ducts to the heater, Duct-Mate or si milar flanges may be slid over the duct connec tor fla nges supplied on the unit and secured with screws.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 8 5.2 Shelf Mounti ng and Suspension F our suspension points (3/8" nuts ) are loc ated on the t op of t he heater . Dr op r ods mus t be 3/8" diamet er mild st eel.
SECTION 5: D UC T H EATER I N STALLAT ION 9 F igure 4: Shelf-Mounti ng Methods F igure 5: W all Shelf Mounting and Suspension Shelf Mo u nting Brac kets Description P art Numb er Qty .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 10 SECTION 6: V ENTING 6.1 Changing V ent and Air In take Or ientati on The heater is sold with r ear horizont al v ent and air intak e connecti ons as standar d. (Only separat ed combusti on models ha v e air i ntak e connect ion).
SECTION 6: V ENTING 11 V ents and air i ntak es must be adequat ely supported so t hat the heat er does not bear the w eight of the pipes. F or v ent te r minati on See P age 1 3, F igure 6 thro ugh P age 16, F igur e 1 1 .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 12 and additi onal sealing measures (high t emperat ure silicone at all seams) a re requi red. The entir e v ent should be insul ated w ith f oil f aced fiber glass insulation (1/ 2" thic k, 1 -1/2# density min imu m).
SECTION 6: V ENTING 13 F igure 6: V ent and Ro of Detail F igure 7: Standar d V ented Heat er - V er tical and Horiz ontal V ent T er mination Model V ent Diameter Part Number UHD[X][R] 75 - 1 25 4&qu.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 14 Fig ure 8 : Standar d V ented Heat er - Common V ertical V ent T erminat ion.
SECTION 6: V ENTING 15 F igure 9: Separ ated Comb ustion Heater - V er tical and Horiz ontal V ent T erm ination F igure 1 0: Concentr ic V ent Bo x Mode l Air In take & V ent Diameter Pa r t N um.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 16 Fig ure 1 1: Concentr ic V er tica l and Hor izontal V ent T ermination - Separ ated Comb usti on Heater Description P ar t Number Q ty .
SECTION 7: A IR S UPPLY 17 SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7 .1 Separat ed Combus tion Installati on W hen installed as a separated comb ustion heat er (UHD[X]S[R]) , the ai r f or comb ustion is dra wn in fr om outside the b uilding .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 18 SECTION 8: GAS PIPING A gas met er is connect ed to the service pipe by th e gas s upply compan y . An e xisting meter should be check ed, pref erab ly by the compan y , t o ensur e that the meter is adequate f or the rat e of gas supply requi red.
SECTION 9: W IRIN G 19 SECTION 9: W IRING All heat er models r equire consta nt 1 20 V/1Ø/ 60 Hz pow er supply . Check heat er rati ng plate f or electrical rati ng f or pr oper ci rcuit sizing . F or servicing , a disconnect sw itch of pr oper electrical r ating should be insta lled in the vicinity of the heater .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 20 9.3 Inter nal Wi ring Diagr am IMPORT AN T : F or fiel d wiring int o ser vic e junction bo x, or if an y of the .
SECTION 9: W IRIN G 21 9.4 Ladder W iri ng Diagr am IMPORT ANT: F or fie ld wiring int o service junct ion bo x, or if any of the original wir e supplied w ith the heat er must be replac ed, it m ust be r eplaced with w iring mat erial ha ving a t emperatur e rating of at least 1 05 °C (221 °F) and 600 V .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 22 9.5 Electr ical Connecti on to the Heat er IMPORT ANT : Junc tion bo x is not pro vided w ith heat er . Conduit can al so be at tached dir ectly t o heate r wit h wir e junction made w ithin the heat er cabinet.
SECTION 1 0: O PERATION AND M AINTENANCE 23 SECTION 1 0: OPERATION AND MAI NTENANCE R ead this manual car efully bef ore inst allation, operat ion, or ser vice of thi s equipment. All components are accessed via the door secured b y f our sheet metal scre ws.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 24 Fig ure 1 3: A utomatic Bur ner Contr ol Sequence F igur e 1 4: G as V alve B u rner Se qu ence for Ignition Cont.
SECTION 1 0: O PERATION AND M AINTENANCE 25 1 0.2.2 Start-Up the Gas V alve ( All Gases) 1 Chec k Burner Gas P ressur e 1 . Re mov e the pl ug in the outl et (b ur ner) pre ssure test point a nd connect a pr essur e t ap and a man omet er . 2.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 26 SECTION 1 1: USER INSTR UCTIONS 1 1 .1 User Instr uctions The UHD[X][S][R] Series heat er s are fully aut omatic and operat e from the e xternal control s fit ted on sit e.
SECTION 1 1: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 27 1 1 .4.2 T o T urn Heat er Of f Set the therm os tat t o the "OFF" position . The bu r ner w ill turn of f immediat ely . T o res tar t, tur n t he ther most at abo ve room t emperatur e. 1 1 .5 Simple T roub leshooting Some possib le reasons f or the heater not oper ating ar e: 1 .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 28 SECTION 1 2: SERVICING 1 2.1 Servicing Inst ructions Af t er start-up , th e heater wi ll r equir e maint enance t o be carried out annually . If the heater i s used in a dir ty or dusty area, mor e frequent maint enance ma y be r equired.
SECTION 1 2: S ERVICING 29 1 2.7 Maintenance Checkl ist Installat ion Code and Ann ual Inspecti ons: All install ations and serv ice of R O BER TS GORDON ® equipment must be perf or med b y a contrac.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 30 Gas Line and Shu t-of f Va l ve s Check f or g as leaks . See P age 18, Sectio n 8 . Burner Observ ation W indow Make sure it is clean and free of cr ack s or holes.
SECTION 1 3: T ROU BLESH OOTING 31 SECTION 1 3: T ROUBLESHOOTING 1 3.1 General Ens u re air f lo w thro u gh the heat ex changer is appropriate per the r ating plate . If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon, LLC at www Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 32 1 3.2 T roub leshooting F or A ut omatic Ignition Burn er S yst ems If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS.
SECTION 1 3: T ROU BLESH OOTING 33 1 3.3 T rou bleshootin g fo r Flame Supervision S y stem NO TE: Minimum f lame pr obe curr ent 1 μ A DC . T ypical f lame probe curr ent 3-5 μ A DC. Repair or r eplace as re qu ired. If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www .
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 34 1 3.4 T r oubleshooting f or Gas V alv es 1 3.5 T r oubleshooti ng for Flu e Blow er V al v e f a u lty . Replace w ith one of correct type. Fa u lt else w her e. Corr ect press u re pr o b lem.
SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 35 SECTION 1 4: REPLACEMENT P ARTS Burner Components All serviceable burner par ts are acc essed by the door on the side of the heat er . Remo v e the sheetmetal scre ws. 1 4.1 Gas V alve Remo v e the gas supply pipe at the heat er inlet.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 36 1 4.2 Bur ner Compar tment 1 4.2.1 Bur ner Injector s Remo v e f lexi b le air d u ct from spigot V ie w ing por .
SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 37 1 4.3 Ignition Electrode and Flame P r obe 1 4.4 Heat Exc hanger The heat e x changer consists of a six -pass design w ith 1 .5" out er di ameter [a luminized steel ] [409 st ainless st eel] tub e. The tube plat es ar e made of [aluminiz ed st eel] [409 stai nless st eel].
SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 39 1 4.6 Pr essure S w itch P ull of f 3 w a y connect or . Spr ing ope n plastic c lips of mounting cradle . R eplace w ith corr ect type of pr essur e s w itch f or model. The pr essur e s w itches ar e color coded f or each pr essure set ting.
UHD L OW P ROFI LE D UCT F URNACE I NSTA LLATION O PER ATION AND S ER VICE M AN UAL 40 SECTION 1 5: SPECIF ICATIONS 1 5.1 Dimension Data Model UHD [X][S][R] 75 UHD [X][S][R] 1 0 0 UHD [X][S][R] 1 25 A Height in (cm) 17 . 79 (45.09) 23 (58.42) 23 (58.42) B Duct Connector Flange in (cm) 1.
SECTION 1 5: S PECIF ICATIONS 41 1 5.2 General T echnical Data T able *D o not e xceed the maxi mum length o f flue stated or heater may not operate properly .
® O WNER W ARR ANTY REGIS TRA TION C ARD Abou t t he Owner: Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Add r ess:_________________________.
W ARNING © 200 8 Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC www Printed in U.S .A. P/ N 91 039 8 31 At tach this infor mation to the w all near the ROBER TS GORDON ® heater Read the Installation, Operation and Service Manual thor ou g hly bef ore installation, operation or service.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Roberts Gorden UHD[X][S][R] 125 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.